صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


The largest Pyramid 480 ft. 9 in. high, and 764 ft. square at its base. The Sphynx 56 ft. high.

[blocks in formation]

1. When does Ancient History commence ?

2. In what part of the world did the events of ancient history occur? 3. What nations are chiefly referred to in ancient history?


4. What country is first mentioned by Moses, in connection with the Hebrew history?

5. Whose descendants settled in Egypt?

6. Which was the most powerful monarchy existing in the time of Abraham?

7. What three things establish the great antiquity of Egypt?

8. To what single physical feature may we attribute the greatness and wealth of Egypt?

9. What were the productions?

10. What was the government?

11. Mention two Egyptian laws which show the rigor of that age. 12. In what did the Egyptians very early attain great proficiency? 13. What are among the great wonders of Egypt?

14. What led to the universal practice of embalming dead bodies? 15. What curious custom prevailed as to the interment of the dead? 16. How may the ancient political history of Egypt be divided?

17. When were the pyramids and great temples built?

18. What was the religion of the ancient Egyptians?

19. What conclusion must we reach concerning Egyptian civilization? ASSYRIA, BABYLONIA, AND CANAAN.

20. What countries beside Egypt are mentioned in the book of Genesis ? 21. Where were these countries located?

22. By whom was Assyria first peopled?

23. By whom was Chaldea or Babylonia first settled?

24. How is the term Chaldean used in history?

25. What city was the capital of Babylonia?

26. At what period was the Assyrian Empire most flourishing?

27. What was the fate of Nineveh, the proud capital of the Assyrian


28. Who were the ancient Canaanites?


29. Where was Phoenicia ?

30. For what were the Phoenicians noted?

31. What befell Tyre?

32. Who were the Medes ?

33. Where was Persia?

34. What gave rise to the saying, "The laws of the Medes and Persians

altereth not?"

35. Who was Sardanapalus?

36. Who was Belshazzar?

37. What was the extent of the Persian empire in the reign of Darius?

38. What was the fate of the countries in Asia conquered by Alexander

the Great?

39. What was the "Pharos of Alexandria?"

40. What was the "Macedonian Phalanx?"

41. Who were the Ptolemies?

42. What fate befell all these ancient peoples of Asia in common with the nations of Europe and Africa?


43. Who was the founder of the Hebrew nation?

44. From what is the word Hebrew derived? also Israel?

45. Of whom did the Hebrews trace their descent?

46. Under what circumstances did Abraham leave Chaldea?

47. What country is most intimately associated with the Hebrew history?

48. How did Abraham acquire title to the land of Canaan?

49. What constrained the Hebrews to dwell in Egypt?

50. How long did they remain in Egypt, and why?

51. Under what circumstances did the Israelites escape from Egypt ? 52. What very great man was their leader?

53. What took place at Mt. Sinai, fifty days after leaving Egypt?

54. Upon leaving Mt. Sinai, what befell them?

55. Who was the first High Priest of the Hebrew or Jewish Church?

56. Who succeeded Moses as the leader of the Children of Israel?

57. How long did the Hebrews continue under a Theocracy?

58. Who was the first Jewish king?

59. In whose reign was the kingdom divided?

60. When did the kingdoms of Israel and Judah terminate, respectively? 61. How long did the Babylonish captivity last?

62. What was their subsequent history until subjugated by the Romans? 63. When did the Jews submit to the Romans?

64. What was, without question, the greatest event in Jewish history?

65. What was the principal cause of their extinction, as a nation?

66. When were the Jews forcibly dispersed among the nations?

67. For what is the civilized world indebted to the Jews?


68. When does the authentic History of Greece begin?

69. What was the most ancient literature of the Greeks?

70. What celebrated temples were built at Athens, 535 B. C.? 71. Who were the Helots?

72. When, and by whom, was Greece first settled?

73. What countries did it embrace?

74. For what were the ancient Greeks noted?

75. In early days, how was Greece politically divided?

76. Which were the principal States of Greece?

77. In time of general danger, how did the States seek protection?

78. What were the Messenian Wars ?

79. Give a sketch of the Persian War.

80. What marked the history of Greece after the Persian War?

81. What was the Olympic Festival?

82. How do we recognize the true Greek?

83. Of what did the education of the Greeks mostly consist? 84. For what was Athens famous ?

85. What was the Areopagus?

86. What was Ostracism?

87. Who was Miltiades?

88. Who was Leonidas?

89. Who was Themistocles? 90. Who was Lycurgus?

91. What was the Parthenon?

92. Who was Alcibiades?

93. What was the Peloponnesian War?

94. What was the Colossus of Rhodes?

95. Who was Phidias?

96. Who was Hippocrates?

97. Who was Pericles?

98. What can be said of Athens during Pericles' rule? ROME.

99. What is the myth concerning Romulus and Remus?

100. What was the religion of the Romans?

101. When and how was Cæsar killed?

102. In whose reign, at Rome, was Christ crucified?

103. What was the character of Nero?

104. What were the chief spectacles in the Roman amphitheatres ?

105. Who were the gladiators?

106. When did the Roman Empire begin to decline?

107. Who were some of the noted Roman writers?

108. Who was Lucius Junius Brutus?

109. Who were the Pontiffs?

110. Who was Concordia?

111. Where was Gaul?

112. What were the Punic Wars?

113. Who was Hannibal ?

114. Who was Marcus Junius Brutus ?

115. Who was Cleopatra?

116. What were the seven Hills of Rome?

117. What was the Pantheon?

118. What is the Campus Martius?

119. What was the Capitol?

120. What was the Tarpeian Rock? 121. What was the Roman Forum? 122. What was the Colosseum?

123. Who was Cincinnatus?

124. What was the Tribune?

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