صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Socialism as Stated by Socialists-continued.

HOBSON, J. A. The social problem. 1904, Nisbet, 2/6 n. JAURES, JEAN. Studies in socialism (tr. by M. Minturn). (Socialist library, No. 3.) 1906, I. L. P., Is. and 1/6 n. KELLEY, FLORENCE. Some ethical gains through legislation. 1906, Macmillan, 5s. n.

MACDONALD, J. RAMSAY. Socialism and society. (The socialist library, No. 2.) 1905, I. L. P., 1/6 n.

SPARGO, J. Socialism: a summary and interpretation of socialist principles [American]. 1906, Macmillan, 5s. n.

Socialism as Stated by Non-Socialists.

CRINNELL, W. M. Social theories and social facts. 1906, Put

nam, 4s. n.

INGRAM, J. K. The final transition. A sociological study. 1905,
Black, 2/6 n.

LOCH, C. S. (ed.); various authors. Methods of social advance.
Short studies in social practices. 1904, Macmillan, 3/6 n.
SALEEBY, C. W. Individualism and collectivism. Four lectures.
1906, Williams and Norgate, 2s. n.

Socialism by Critics and Anti-Socialists.

MILLAR, F. (ed.). Socialism, its fallacies and dangers. (Liberty and property defence league.) 1906, Watts, 6d.

PENTY, A. J. The restoration of the gild system. 1906, Sonnenschein, 3/6 n.

Socialism, Christian.

HAW, GEO. (ed.). Christianity and the working classes. 1906,
Macmillan, 3/6 n.


1903, Sonnenschein, 2/6.

Christian socialism in England.

Socialist Criticism on Current Questions.

BLAND, HUBERT. With the eyes of a man. 1905, Werner
Laurie, 3/6.

DICKINSON, G. LOWES. A modern symposium. 1906, Johnson,
26 n.

TOLSTOI, LEO. Bethink yourselves! 1904, Laurie, is. n.

Statistics, General.

BOWLEY, A. L. Statistical studies: relating to national progress in wealth and trade since 1882. 1904, P. S. King, 2s. n. GENT, W. J. Mass and class [American]. 1904, Macmillan,

5s. n.

MONEY, L. G. CHIOZZA. Riches and poverty. 1905, Methuen,

5s. n.

Statistics, General-continued.

British and foreign trade and industrial conditions. Statistical tables and charts, etc. (The first fiscal blue-book.) Cd. 1761, 1903, 3/6.

Second series. Cd. 2337, 1905, 3 6.

Strikes and Lock-outs.

Trade Unions.

DRAGE, GEOFFREY. Trade unions. 1905, Methuen, 2/6 n. HOLLANDER, J. H., and G. E BARNETT. Studies in American trade unionism. 1906, Hodder and Stoughton, 12s. n. HOWELL, GEORGE. Labor legislation, labor movements, and labor leaders. 1902, Unwin, 10 6.

PRATT, Edwin A. (with introduction by). Trade unionism and British industry. Reprint of the Times articles on the crises in British industry. 1904, Murray, 5s. n.

WARNE, F. J. The coal mine workers. A study in labor organization [American]. 1906, Longmans, 3/6.

Trade disputes and trade combinations. Report of royal commission. Cd. 2825, 1906, 1/1.

Trusts and Combinations.

HIRST, F. W. Monopolies, trusts and kartells. 1905, Methuen, 26 n.

KIRKBRIDGE, F. B., and J. E. STERRETT. The modern trust company its functions and organization. 1906, Macmillan (N.Y.), 10 6 n.

PASSOS, J. R. Commercial trusts. The growths and rights of aggregated capital. 1906, Putnam, 5s. n.

RIPLEY, W. Z. Trusts, pools and corporations. 1905, Ginn, 8/6 n.


History of the Standard Oil Company. 2 vol. 1905, Heinemann, 24s. n.


ALDEN, PERCY. The unemployed: a national question. 1905,
King, Is. n.

CARLILE, WILSON and V. W. Continental outcast: land colonies
and poor relief. 1906, Unwin, Is. n.

HIGGS, MARY. How to deal with the unemployed.

S. C. Brown, 2s.


HUNTER, R. Poverty [in America]. 1905, Macmillan, 6/6 n.
REASON, WILL. Our industrial outcasts. By members of the
Christian Social Brotherhood.
SUTHERS, R. B. My right to work.

1905, Melrose, 2s.

1906, Clarion, 6d.


SWANN, ANNIE S. The outsiders. A sketch of the social work of the salvation army. 1906, S. A. Headquarters, Is. n.

London unemployed fund. Preliminary statement by the central executive committee, April 1905. Cd. 2561, 1905, 6d. London unemployed fund, 1904-5. Report of central executive committee to September 30th. 1905, King, Is. n. Agencies and methods of dealing with the unemployed in certain foreign countries. Board of trade. Cd. 2304, 1905,


Vagrancy. Report of the departmental committee on. Vol. i.
Cd. 2852, 1906, 1/1.

Labor bureaux. Report on, made to the president of the local
government board, with appendix. S.P. 86, 1906, 31 d.


RUSSELL, T. BARON. A hundred years hence. The expectations
of an optimist. 1906, Unwin, 76.

TARDE, GABRIEL. Underground man. 1905, Duckworth, 3/6 n.
WELLS, H. G. A modern utopia. 1905, Chapman, 7/6.

Anticipations of the reaction of mechanical and scientific progress upon human life and thought. 1902, Chapman, 3 6.


Mankind in the making. 1904, Chapman and Hall,

In the days of the comet. 1906, Macmillan, 6s.

Women's Questions.


Women's suffrage. A record of the women's suffrage movement in the British Isles. 1902, Williams and Norgate, 6s.

CADBURY, E., M. C. MATHESON, and G. SHANN. Women's work and wages [in Birmingham]. 1906, Unwin, 6s.

COLLET, CLARA E. Educated working women. Essays on the economic position of women workers in the middle classes. 1902, King, 2/6 n. and 2s. n.

HARRISON, A. Women's industries in Liverpool. 1904, Liverpool University Press, 3s.

MACDONALD, J. RAMSAY. Women in the printing trades. A sociological study. 1904, P. S. King, 10,6 n.

SMITH, W. SIDNEY. Outlines of the women's franchise movement in New Zealand. 1905, Whitcomb and Tombs. SOUTHWARK, The BISHOP OF. Women as barmaids. Published by the joint committee on the employment of barmaids. 1906, King, Is. n.

Secretary, at the Fabian Office, 3 Clement's Inn, London, W.C. FABIANISM AND THE EMPIRE: A Manifesto. 4d. post free. FABIAN ESSAYS IN SOCIALISM. (35th Thousand.) Paper cover, 1/-; plain cloth, 2/-, post free from the Secretary. FABIAN TRACTS and LEAFLETS.

Tracts, each 16 to 52 pp., price 1d., or 9d. per dos., unless otherwise stated. Leaflets, 4 pp. each, price 1d. for six copies, 1s. per 100, or 8/6 per 1000. The Set of 88, 3s.; post free 3/5. Bound in Buckram, 4/6; post free for 55. 1.-General Socialism in its various aspects.

TRACTS.-121. Public Service versus Private Expenditure. By Sir OLIVER LODGE. 113. Communism. By WM. MORRIS. 107. Socialism for Millionaires. By BERNARD SHAW. 78. Socialism and the Teaching of Christ. By Dr. JOHN CLIFFORD. 87. The same in Welsh. 42. Christian Socialism. By Rev. S. D. HEADLAM, 75. Labor in the Longest Reign. By SIDNEY WEBB. 72. The Moral Aspects of Socialism. By SIDNEY BALL 69. Difficulties of Individualism. By SIDNEY WEBB. 51. Socialism: True and False. By S. WEBB. 45. The Impossibilities of Anarchism. By BERNARD SHAW (price 2d.). 15. English Progress towards Social Democracy. By S. WEBB. 7. Capital and Land (6th edn. revised 1904). 5. Facts for Socialists (10th edn., revised 1906). LEAFLETS—13. What Socialism Is. 1. Why are the Many Poor? 38. The same in Welsh. II.-Applications of Socialism to Particular Problems. TRACTS.-128. The Case for a Legal Minimum Wage. 126. The Abolition of Poor Law Guardians. 122. Municipal Milk and Public Health. By Dr. F. LAWSON DODD. 120. "After Bread, Education." 125. Municipalization by Provinces. 119. Public Control of Electrical Power and Transit. 123. The Revival of Agriculture. 118. The Secret of Rural Depopulation. 115. State Aid to Agriculture: an Example. 112. Life in the Laundry. 110. Problems of Indian Poverty. 98. State Railways for Ireland. 124. State Control of Trusts. 86. Municipal Drink Traffic. 85. Liquor Licensing at Home and Abroad. 84. Economics of Direct Employment. 83. State Arbitration and the Living Wage. 73. Case for State Pensions in Old Age. 67. Women and the Factory Acts. 50. Sweating: its Cause and Remedy. 48. Eight Hours by Law. 23. Case for an Eight Hours Bill. 47. The Unemployed. By JoHN BURNS, M.P. LEAFLETS.-89. Old Age Pensions at Work. 19. What the Farm Laborer Wants. 104. How Trade Unions benefit Workmen. III.-Local Government Powers: How to use them. TRACTS.-117. The London Education Act, 1903: how to make the best of it. 114. The Education Act, 1902. III. Reform of Reformatories and Industrial Schools. By H. T. HOLMES. 109. Cottage Plans and Common Sense. By RAYMOND UNWIN. 103. Overcrowding in London and its Remedy. By W. C. STEADMAN, L.C.C. 76. Houses for the People. 100. Metropolitan Borough Councils. 99. Local Government in Ireland. 82. Workmen's Compensation Act. 62. Parish and District Councils. 61. The London County Council. 54. The Humanizing of the Poor Law. By J. F. OAKESHOTT. LEAFLETS.-68. The Tenant's Sanitary Catechism. 71. Same for London. 63. Parish Council Cottages and how to get them. 58. Allotments and how to get them. FABIAN MUNICIPAL PROGRAM, FIRST SERIES (Nos. 32, 36, 37). Municipalization of the Gas Supply. The Scandal of London's Markets. A Labor Policy for Public Authorities. SECOND SERIES (Nos. go to 97). Municipalization of Milk Supply. Municipal Pawnshops. Municipal Slaughterhouses. Women as Councillors. Municipal Bakeries. Municipal Hospitals. Municipal Fire Insurance. Municipal Steamboats.— Second Series in a red cover for 1d. (9d. per doz.); separate leaflets, 1/- per 100. IV.-Books. 29. What to Read on social and economic subjects. 6d. net. 129. More Books to Read. Supplement to October, 1906. V.-General Politics and Fabian Policy.

127. Socialism and Labor Policy. 116. Fabianism and the Fiscal Question: an alternative policy. 108. Twentieth Century Politics. By SIDNEY WEBB. 70. Report on Fabian Policy. 41. The Fabian Society: its Early History. By BERNARD SHAW.

VI. Question Leaflets. Questions for Candidates: 20, Poor Law Guard ians. 24, Parliament. 28, County Councils, Rural. 56, Parish Councils. 57, Rural District Councils. 102, Metropolitan Borough Councils.

BOOK BOXES lent to Societies, Clubs, Trade Unions, for 6s. a year, or 2/6 a quarter Printed by G. Standring, 7 Finsbury St., London, E.C., and published by the Fabian Society,

3 Clement's Inn, Strand, London W.C.


The Causes and the Remedies.








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