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and in "More Books to Read" are supplied at a Discount of 3d. in the 1/- (except in the case of Net Books)







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OBJECTS: To collect, register, and disseminate information relating to all forms

of Social Service adaptable to the needs of the United Kingdom.

To minimize waste by codifying the results of experience, and to prevent the overlapping of ameliorative social movements. THE INSTITUTE IS SUPPORTED BY VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS.




Published on the Fifteenth of January, April, July, and October.

Each issue of PROGRESS contains, in addition to interesting articles, a Bibliography and List of Magazine References for the preceding three months, which are invaluable for Students of Social Questions.

For further information about the Institute or PROGRESS, write to



THE following list of books is a supplement to the fourth edition of "What to Read" (Tract No. 29; 6d. n.), published in October, 1901. The books are classified under almost the same headings, and in some cases headings are inserted without books in order to indicate that the editors have nothing to add to the earlier list. The books catalogued consist of publications since October, 1901, and only in one or two cases, for special reasons, are older books or new editions mentioned. A small number of the more important Blue-books are added at the end of the sections concerned.


The editors cannot pretend to have read or examined every in the list, and occasionally they may have placed books under wrong headings, owing to the practice, unfortunately common with authors, of using misleading or vague titles.

The books selected are those likely to be required by Socialists and Social Reformers, and for this reason the completeness of the lists greatly varies. For example, under Free Trade, only a dozen volumes are named out of the hundreds published, whilst under Socialism all books of any permanent importance are (or should be) included.

Finally, the editors desire to say that, although on the subjects named they have used every endeavor to mention all the books suitable in respect of price and contents for the class of reader contemplated—that is, for those who do not desire very recondite, or, unless absolutely indispensable, very expensive, books-they cannot hope that there are no omissions, and that every book named is rightly included.


A-Acton, II. Acworth, 16. Adams, 13. Addams, 6. Alden, 18. Alston, 10.
Amery, 15. Andrews, II. Armitage Smith, 9. Ashbee, 16. Ashley, P., 9, 10.
Ashley, W. J., 9, 11, 12. Ashley, R. L., 15. Atkins, 15. Atkinson, 10.
B-Bax, 16. Best, II. Binns, 5. Blackburn, 18, 19.
Blauvelt, 6. Boies, 7. Böhm-Bawerk, 8. Bonn, 13.
Bowles, 9.
Bowley, 17. Boyle, 9.
Bucher, 10. Burton, 12.

Brabrook, 9.

Bland, 17. Blatchford, 16. Bosanquet, 10. Boutmy, 15.

Bradshaw, 8. Brooks, 16.

C-Cadbury, 19. Cannan, 7.

man, 12. Chapple, 15.

Cantlie, 15.
Chesterton, 15.

Carlile, 18. Carpenter, 7. Chap-
Chomley, 9. Churchill, 5. Clare-

mont, 8. Clarke, 12. Collet, 19. Collings, 13. nell, 17. Cummings, 7. Cunningham, W., 9, 13. line), 16.

D-Darby, II.

Darwin, 14.

Cotton, II. Cox, 9, 13. Crin-
Cunningham, W. (Dunferm-

Dawson, 9, 10. Day, 10. De Montmorency, 8. Devine, 15. Dicey, 6. Dickinson, 17. Diosy, 10. Disraeli, 5. Dodd, 16. Drage, 18.

Dundee Social Union, 12. Dutt, 12.

E-Egerton, 12. Eighty Club, 15. Eltzbacher, 10. Ensor, 16.

F-Ferri, 16. Flux, 8. Fox, 13.

G-Geddes, 14. Gent, 17. Giffen, 8. Gilman, 5. Gladstone, 5. Gonner, 8. Gordon, 9. Gorst, 6. Goschen, 8. Gray, 10.

Haw, 11, 14,

Hillquit, 16. Hinds, 6.

Hollander, 18.

Holyoake, 7.

Hunter, 18.

Hutchins, 10.

H—Haggard, 13. Haldane, 6, 8. Hamilton, 5. Hand, 6. Harrison, 10, 19. Hart, 5.
17. Henderson, 8. Higgs, 15, 18.
Hirst, 9, 18. Hobhouse, 15. Hobson, 5, 9, 12, 17.
Horsfall, 11. Howell, 18. Hughes, 8. Hunt, 11.
I-Ingram, 17. Irvine, 12.
J-Jaurès, 17. Jeans, 12.
K-Keeble, 6. Kelley, 17.

potkin, 5, 10, 13.

Jebb, 13.

Jenks, 6.

Kellor, 7. Kidd, 10. Kirkbridge, 18. Knoop, 5. Kro

L-Lange, 14. Laughlin, 7. Law, 9. Lawson, 12. Lee, 10. Lilly, 12. Lloyd, 8. Loch, 14, 17. Low, 12, 15. Lushington, 8. Lydston, 7.

M-Macdonald, 8, 17, 19. McCleary, 16. Mackail, 5. Mackenzie, 16. McMillan 8.

[blocks in formation]

Moore, 13. Morley, 5. Morris, 5. Murray, 13.

N-Newman, 16. Nicholson, 8, 9, 13. Noel, 15.

●—Oliver, F. S., 5. Oliver, T., 12. Olivier, 12. Oman, 16. Ostrogorski, 15. Owen, 5. P-Parsons, II. Passos, 18. Paul, 11. Payne, 12. Peaker, 6. Pease, 7. Penty, 17. Podmore, 5. Pratt, 14, 16, 18.


Pigou, 5. Plunkett, 13. R-Reason, 18. Redlich, Rogers, A. G. L., 14. tree, J., 7. Ruskin, 5. S-Saleeby, 17. Samuel, 15. Sanders, 15. Seligmann, 8. Sellers, 15. Semett, 11. Shadwell, 7, 12. Shaw, 10. Shaw, G. B., 14. Sherard, 6. Sherwell, 7. Sichell, 5. Smart, 9, 14. Smith, 19. Smyth, 15. Southwark (Bp. of), 19. Spargo, 6, 17. Speaker, 15. Spelling, 16. Suthers, 14, 18. Swann, 19. T-Tarbell, 18. Tarde, 19. Thompson, 11.

Reeves, 12. Reid, 7. Reinsch, 12. Ripley, 18. Rogers, F., 14. Ross, 16. Rowntree, B. S., 12. RownRussell, 19. Ryan, 11.

[blocks in formation]

Westermarck, 15. Whelpley, 9. Wells, 10, 19. Whitehouse, 14. Whiteway, 7

Whitman, 5. Wilcox, 14. Woodworth, 17.

Y-Young, 13.

Z-Zueblin, 14.

Dore Books to Read.

The abbreviation n. means net.



Government publications, which can be obtained of the Government publishers, or of P. S. King and Son, Great Smith Street, Westminster, London, S.W., are placed at the end of the sections concerned, and follow a thin line.


HART, W. C. The confessions of an anarchist. 1906, Richards, 2/6 n.

KROPOTKIN, PETER. The conquest of bread. 1906, Chapman, 10/6 n.

Arbitration-Industrial, and Conciliation.

GILMAN, N. P. Methods of industrial peace. 1904, Macmillan, 76.

KNOOP, D. Industrial conciliation and arbitration.

King, 7/6 n.


PIGOU, A. C. Principles and methods of industrial peace. 1905, Macmillan, 3/6 n.

Biographies of Socialists and Reformers.

CHURCHILL, LORD RANDOLPH, Life of. By Winston Churchill.
2 vol. 1905, 36s. n.

DISRAELI, ISAAC. Disraeli a study in personality and ideas.
By Walter Sichel. 1904, Methuen, 12/6 n.

GLADSTONE, W. E., Life of. By John Morley. 2 vol. 1906,
Macmillan, 5s. n. each.

HAMILTON, ALEXANDER. By F. Scott Oliver. 1906, Constable,
12/6 n.

MORRIS, WILLIAM, Life of. By J. W. Mackail. 1902, Long

mans, IOS. n.

OWEN, ROBERT. A biography. By Frank Podmore. 1906,

Hutchinson, 24s. n.

RUSKIN, JOHN-social reformer. By J. A. Hobson.

bet, 2/6 n.

106 n.

1904, Nis

WHITMAN, WALT, Life of. By Henry B. Binns. 1905, Methuen,


GORST, Sir J. E. The children of the nation: how their health
and vigor should be promoted by the state. 1906, Methuen,
76 n.

SHERARD, R. H. The child-slaves of Britain.
1905, Hurst, 6s.
SPARGO, J. Bitter cry of the children [American]. American
academy vol. on child labor. 1906.
TREVELYAN, Rev. WILLIAM PITT. Some results of boarding-out
poor law children. 1903, King, 2s. n.

Report of the proceedings of the international congress for the welfare and protection of children, held in London, July 1902. King, 2/6 n.

Employment of school children. Report of interdepartmental committee. Cd. 849, 1902, 3d.

Street trading. Report of interdepartmental committee, with evidence. Cd. 1144, 1902, 1/8.

Medical inspection and feeding of (school) children. . . . Interdepartmental committee report. Cd. 2779, 1905, 1/3. Feeding of school children in Continental and American cities. Return relating to methods adopted in great Continental and American cities for dealing with underfed children. Cd. 2926, 1906, 4 d.

Board of education. Reports on children under five years of age in public elementary schools. . . . Cd. 2726, 1906, 83d.


ADDAMS, JANE. Democracy and social ethics [American]. 1902,
Macmillan, 5s. n.

HAND, J. E. (ed.). Science in public affairs. With a preface by
R. B. Haldane. 1906, Allen, 5s. n.

KEEBLE, S. E. (ed.).
social questions.

Citizen of to-morrow.
1906, C. H. Kelly, 2s. n.

A handbook on

PEAKER, J. British citizenship. 1906, Ralph Holland, 25.

Communist and Co-operative Experiments.
HINDS, WM. ALFRED. American communities.


Constitutional History, British.

1902, Ker

BLAUVELT, MARY T. Development of cabinet government in
England. 1902, Macmillan, 6s. n.

DICEY, A. V. Relation between law and public opinion in
England during the nineteenth century. 1905, Macmillan,
10/6 n.


Parliamentary England. evolution of the cabinet system. (Story of the nations.) 1903, Unwin, 5s.

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