صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


Bocconcino, a little bit.

Boccone, adv. lying upon one's
face.-Cader boccone, to fall on
one's face-Boccone, s. m. a
mouthful-Buon bocconi, dain-
ty bits-Tagliare a bocconi, to
cut in pieces-Dare il boccone,
to bribe.
Boccúccia, a little pretty
Boccúzza, S mouth.
Boce, . Voce.
Bociáre, to divulge, to blab
out-Bociáre, to yelp, as a
hunting dog after a wild
-beast-Bociare in fallo, to
speak at random.
Bofonchiare, to grumble.
Bogia, s. f. the first appearance
of the itch-Non ha bogia, e
sempre ghigna, he is always
complaining, though nothing
ails him.
Bogliente, adj. boiling-Bog-
liente, too hot.
Boja, s. m. hangman, execu-


Bojéssa, a ludicrous word for a eruel woman, the hangman's wife.

Bolarméncio, s. m. bole armoniac.

Bolcionáre, u. Bolzonare.

Bolcióne, v. Bolzone.

Boldróne, s. m. a blanket.

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Bolso, adj. pursy, short-wind-

Bolzonáre, v. Bolcionare.
Bolzonáta, s. f. a shoot or hit

with a bolt.
Bolzóne, s. m. a battering ram.
-Bolzéne, a bolt or dart.
Bomba, s. m. the place where
he must stand that plays at
bomba.-Tornare a bomba, to
come to one's purpose-Es-
sere a borba, to be at one's ease.
Giocare a bomba, to play at
hide and scek.-Toccar bomba,
to come to one's journey's
end.-Mi spicco mal volontieri
da bomba, I am loth to go out.

Bomba, a mark.-Bomba, a
bomb, a sort of a great fire-
ball used in war.
Bombánza, s. f. excessive mirth
or joy.

Bombarda, s. f. a mortar-piece.



Bombardiére, s. m. bombar-

Bolgia, s. f. budget, bagment.
Bolgia, portmanteau.Bolgia, Bombardáre, to bombard, to
a hole in the ground.-Bolgia, bomb.
a dark and horrible place. Bombardiera, s. f. the place
Bolla, s. f. bubble-Bolla, blis- where the bombard is mount-
ter,blain,wale, pimple.-Bolla
acquajuola, blister full of wa-
ter-Fare d'una bolla acqua-
juola un canchero, to make a Bomberáca, s. f. a kind of gum
disease more dangerous than so called.
before by mismanagement, Bombere,
and metaphorically, to exag- Bomber; v. Vomero.
gerate an evil. Bolla, a stamp,
a seal, the pope's bull.
Bolláre, to seal, to stamp, to

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Borbogliáre, to mutter, to

Borboglio, s. m. a rumbling or
grumbling noise, uproar,
Borbottaménto, grumbling,
muttering noise.
Borbottáre, to grumble, to


Borbottatóre, s. m. mutterer,

Borchia, s. f. a boss, or stud.
Bordáglia, s. f. mob, or rabble.
Bordáto, s. m. a kind of linen

Bordeggiáre, to tack.
Bordellare, to frequent bawdy-
houses. Andar bordellando, to
go a whoring.
Bordelliére, s. m. a haunter of
bawdy-houses, a whore-mas-


Bordello, s. m. bawdy-house. -Andate in bordello, go and be hanged.-Fare il bord llo, to be tumultuously merry-Avere un pie' in bordello e l'altro allo spedale, to be infamous and poor.

Bórdo, s. m. the sides of a ship. -Andare a bordo, to get aboard.-Bordo, a kind of linen cloth.-Bordo, border, hem, brim.

Bordóne, s. m. pilgrim's staff.

Bollénte, adj. boiling. Bollimento, s. m. boiling, seething, bubbling of water.-Bolliménto, the swelling of the


Bollire, to boil, to bubble up.
-Pollire, to work.-Mille cose
mi bóllon nell' animo, I have a
thousand things in my head.
-Tutta la città bolle, every
body grumbles-Bollire a ri-
corsojo, to boil fast.
Bollitúra, s. f. decoction.--
Questa carne richede una bollitura
di due this meat must boil


Bombettáre, to bib, to sip as

children do.

Bombo, s. m. a word of child-
ren asking for drink.
Bombola, s. f. a pitcher, a pot

for water.

Bombolétta, s. f. a little water-

Bómero, s. m. the coulter or
ploughshare, v. Vomero.

-Bordóne, a kind of grave
music.--Bordóne, the first
stumps of feathers that ap-
pear in young birds.-Bor-
dóne, a prop.
Bórea, s. f. the north wind.
Boreale, adj. northern.
Bóreo, v. Boreśle.
Borgáta, s. f. a village, a bo-

Bonaccia, s. f. a calm at sea.-Borghese, s. m. }

Bonaccia, prosperity, happi-
ness. -Bonaccia, tranquillity,


Bonaccioso, adj. still, calm.
Boncinello, s. m. the staples of
a lock.
Bonificaménto, s. m. improve-


a burgess. Borghesia, s. f. the state of a citizen.

Borghetto, s. m. a little bo-

Borghigiáno, adj. an inhabit-
ant of a borough.
Borgo, s. m. a suburb, a bo-
rough, or market-town.

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Borgognone, s. m. head-piece. sólo, dicc-box.

Bovino, adj. of or belonging to Boria, s. f. haughtiness, pre- Bossoletto,

a small box.

an ox or a cow. sumption, pride, arrogance, Bossolino, s. m.;

Dezza, s. f. a bunch or swell. self-conceit, vain glory. -Aver Botánica, adj. botanical. ing-Buxa, the first dricht. boria, to boast of.

Botánico. s. m. botanist. Bozzácchio, s. m. a withered Boriáre, to be proud of. Botáre, to bind or engage by Bozzaccióne,


prune. Boriosità, s. f. vanity, self-con

Bozzace zóni, the Nably pai's ceit, vain glory; Boto, s. m. a vow, v. Voto.

of a woma. Borioso, adj. ' lofty, proud, Bótola, s. f. cave or dark place Bozze chilto, adj. deformed haughty. in the ground.

Il-shaped. Buriosúzzo, s. m. a self-con- Bótolo, a cur, a mongrel dog. Bozz90, s. m. a buzzard. ceited fellow.

- Eali i di ruan di can botol, Rozzétto, s. m. the bud of a Bórnio, adj. one-eyed, short-l' he is revengeful.

Hower not fully blown. sighted.

Bótta, s. f. a toad.----Batta, a Bózzima, s. m. a kind of paste Borniola, s. f. mistake, blunder. blow, a stroke-irmadura di or gum, that weavers use to Burra, s. f. ass or cow-hair, L'itla boti, an armour musket- soften their linen cloch.

shearing of cloth.-Borra, su- proof -- Bottarisposta, a repar. Buzzo, s. m. cuckold.-Bozzo, perfluity, stuff. tee, a quick or witty reply:

a block. Borraccia, s. f. bad stuff.- Bor- Bolto, a pass, or thrust in Bozzolare, to bave a smack of.

Táccia, borachio, wherein they fencing-Una bella botta, a Bozzoletto, 5. In, a pimple or carry wine. fine stroke.

wale. Borrace, s. mn borax. Bottáccio, s. m. cask, or barrel, Bózzolo, s. m. swelling, tumour. Borragine,

jug, or bottle.---Bottriccio, a borage. Borrana, s. f.}

-Búzzolo, the cod of a silkkind of thrush.

worm.- Bozzolo, that measure Borratello, s. m, a little ditch.

Bottáglie, s. f. boots. Obs. which the miller takes as his Borro, 5. m. a natural ditch. Bottajo, a cooper.

fee for grinding.--bizcolo, a Borsa, s. f. a purse, a bag:-- Bottána, s. f. linen cloth so stone cut or wrought like a Borsa, purse, money.- iver called.

diamond.--06:zclo di gente, a dutie borse, to have a deal of Botte, s. f. cask, vessel, tub.- thick number of people. sconey.- Tener torsa stretta, to Una botte di vino, a pipe of Bozzoloso, adj. fuli of tumours. be stingy.-Fr borsa, wine.

Bozzolúto, o. 'Bozzoláso. hoard, to lay up money. Bottéga, s. f. shop. Stare a bot- Braccetto, s. m. a small arm. Bursa, a cloak bag, a portman- trga, to mind one's business. Braccheggiáre, to hunt, to find teau.- ivere una cosa in borsa, Bottegajo, shop-keeper: to have something in one's Botteghetta, s. f. dim. of Boto Bracchetto, b. m. a young scisleeve, to be sure or it.- Horia, Botteghino, s. m. i tega. ting-dog. exchange, where merchants, Bottegóne, s. f. a great shop. Bracchiere, 6. m. a dag-keeper.

Botteguccia, s. f. v. Botteg- Bracciajuć'a, s. f. 1a bracelet, a Borsijo, a purse-maker or sell- hetta.

Bracciale, s. m. j wrist-band. Botticella, s. f. a small toad. - - Brucciile, a bracer to put on Borajuólo, a cutpurse, a pick- Botticelle, a small barrel. one's arın when one plays at pocket, Botticello, s. m.

the great bull. Rorsellino, s. m. dim.of Corsa, Botticina, s. f. dim.of Botte. Braccialetto, s. m. bracelet. Firsétta, s. f. Š a fob. Botticino, s. m.

Bracciat:, s. f an arn-full. Bor.ig'in, w. Borsellino. Bottigliere, s. m. a butler. Bracciatit, adj. fat, lust Borsoito, s. m. a purse, a pouch, Bottiglieria, s. f. a butler's Briliarella, Win. ot Ericciuta. 2 bag to put money in. place or office.

Bracciatélio, s. 11. 2 sort of cake Barzacchino, s. m. buskin. Dotting, s. m. booty, plunder so hard as to crackle under Liscaglia, s. f. wood, forest. Hlettere a botline), to plun- the teeth. bakmuolo,s. m. one that dwells der, to sack.

Bracciére, s. m. a lady's usher. in woods.

Lotto, s. m. stroke, blow. Bráccio, s. m. an arm; plur.ie Bussáto, adj. woody, full of Hotto di cimpano, the toll of a braccia, s. fimbricio, an arm woods.

bell. Di hotło, adv. presently of the sea.-biriccio, a sort ci Best bereccio, adj. rural, per-Bottonatúra, s. f. the buttons measure of length.-Spendere taining to woods. of a suit.

a braccia graelre, to spend high. Borchettino, dim. of Boschéito. Bortoncello, s. m. small button. Stare culle braccia in crore, to Buschiguo, adj. woody, rural. Boituntino, t. Bottoncillo. be idle... Hanc alle braccio, to Bosco, s. m. a wood, a forest. Bocróne, s. m. a button.-Bol- wrestle. Braccio, arm,power.

Esser de bosco e da riviera, to be lóni, bud of plants. Dar an _l braccio secolare, the temfit for any thing: buttone, to give a hint.

poral powers Bescoso, adj. woody,

Bottoniére, 8. f. button-hole. Eracciolino, s. m. a little arima Low, s. m. box-trée.

Bottume, s. mn. all manner of Braccióne, a great arm. B solájo, s. m, box-inaker.

wine ca ks.

Bracciuolo, s. m. something to Bizsolo, a box wherein they Bove, s. 4. fetters, shackles.lean upon with one's arms. gather the votes at the elec- Houth an ox; better Brue. Bracco, s. m. a setting-dog:tion of any magistrate.rbús- Bovintä, s, f. cow's tung: Bracco di manigoido, a bailiff VOL. I.






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or bum-bailiff. Brace, s. f. live coal, burnin coal.-Brace, small coals. Brache, s. f. breeches.-P le brache, breeches, to wear breeches.

a brano, he was torn to pieces. --Levar i brani, to speak against.

Braváccio, a bully, a hector. Bravamente, adv. bravely. Braváre, to vaunt and vapour. Braváta, s. f. a bravado. Bravázzo, v. Bravaccio. Braveggiáre, to carry it high. Bravería, s. f. bravery. Bravo, adj. brave, valiant, courageous. Bravo, s m. a bully, a hector,a swaggerer.-Braco, bravo, very well, very well, bravo!

Bravúra, s. f. bravery, spirit. Breccia, s. f. a breach.—Questo non mi fa breccia, this does not affect me.

Brenna,a jade, a bad horse. Obs. Bréttine, s. f. the reins of a horse.

Bretto, adj. steril, barren. Breve, s. f. a brief, or pope's letter. Brece, s. f. short, brief.

Breve, adv. in a short time, shortly. In breve, shortly.Breve, a spell supposed good against witchcraft. Brevemente, adv. briefly, in short.

Dare briga, to be troublesome. -Briga, controversy, debate, quarrel-Mettere in briga, to set at odds.briga, business,


Brigante, adj. intriguing, cun ning, Jaborious, diligent, active, industrious.rigante a quarrelsome fellow.-Brigante, a robber, a rogue, a raggamuffin.

Brigantíno, s. m. a brigantine. Brigáre, to trouble one's self about a thing, to be busy about-Brigare une carica, to make interest for a place. Brigáta, s. f. company, crew.— Trovarsi in brigata, to meet together.--Brigata, progeny, offspring-Brigata di starne, a brood of partridges.-Brigáta, a brigade. Brigatella, s. f. an endearing diminutive of Brigata.-Bigatella, s. f. a small family. Briglia, s. f. a bridle.-Correre a tulla briglia, to run full speed.. — briglia sciolta, rashly.. Lasciar la briglia in sul colo ad uno, to leave one to take his own course.Tener la briglia, to bridle, to keep in. Brigliajo, a maker or seller of bridles.

Brachetta, s. f. a cod-piece.
Brachierájo, truss-maker.
Brachiére, s. m. a truss, a band-

Brácia, v. Brace.
Braciajuólo, s. m. a coal-mer-


Braciére, s. m. a fire-pan, a brasicr.

Braciuóla, s. f. a steak.-Braciuola di castrato, a mutton chop, -Braciuola di vitella, a veal cutlet.

Bracóne, s. m. great breeches.
-Bracóne, a vile rascal, a cow-

Brado, adj. a general name for
neat cattle that is not above
three years old.
Bradúme, s. m. a herd of great

Brage, v. Brace.
Braghiére, v. Brachiere.
Brágia, s. f. v. Brace.
Brago, s. m. slime, mire, dirt.
Brama, s. f. desire, eagerness.
Bramáre, to covet, to desire.
Brámito, s. m. the cry of seve-

ral beasts.

Bramosamente, adj. greedily.
Bramóso, adj. desirous, greedy,

Branca, s. f. the fang, claw,
paw, clutch of any beast.
Branca, a branch.
Brancáre, to gripe, to seize.
Brancáta, s. f. a handful.
Brancicáre, to handle, to feel.
Brancicóne, crawling.
Andar brancicone, to go grop-
Branco, s. m. a herd of swine,
a drove of cattle, a shole of
fish, a flight of birds, a flock
of gecse, a bevy of quails, a
pack of knaves, a brood of
Brancolare, to grope along.
brancoláre, to feel, to fumble.
v. Branciconi.
Brancuccia, dim. di branca.
Brandello, s. m. a bit or small

Brandíre, to brandish.
Brandisticco, a kind of dagger.
Brando, s. m. a sword.
Brandóne, s. m. a bit, a piece.
Brano, 6. m. a small part or bit
of a thing-Fu lacerato brano


a breviary.

Brevicéllo, s. m. a little amu-
let, good against infection or
witchcraft, when worn about
one's neck.

Brevilóquio, s. m. a short dis


Brevità, s. f. shortness, brevity,

Brezza, s. t. a cold and windy
Brezzolina, mist.
Brezzolóne, s. m. a sharp cold

Bríachézza, drunkenness.
Briáco, adj. drunk.
Bríacóne,s.m.a great drunkard.
Bricca, s. f. a wild and steep

Briccola, s. f. a warlike engine
to shoot stones.
Briccóne, a knave, a rogue.
Bricconeggiáre, to lead the life
of a rogue.
Bricconería, s. f. cheat, roguery,
knavish trick.

Briglione, s. m. a great bridle.
Brigoso, adj. litigious, quarrel-


Brillaménto, s. m. brightness. .
Brillante,adj. sparkling, bright.

brillante, s. m. a brilliant. Brillare, to shine, to sparkle.

Brillare, to shew joy.-11 cuor mi brilla e par ch' egli esca fure, my heart is ready to leap for joyBrillare, to sparkle.

Brillatojo, s. m. a sieve.
Brilio, s. m. joy, gladness.→→→
Brillo, adj. tipsy.

white frost, hoar Brináta, s. f.) frost. Brindisévole, adj. fit for a toast. Brindisi, s. m. to you, your health, a word used in drinking.

Brinóso, adj. frosty.

Brío, s. m. mettle, fire, life.
Brioso, adj. mettlesome.
Brisciamento, s. m. sudden,
quivering with cold.
Brivido, s. m. piercing or freez-
ing cold.

Bricia, s. f. a crum, a small part
of any thing that breaks off.
Briciolétta, s. f. a little crum.
Briciolino, s. m. a little crum.
Briciolo, s. m. O Briciola, s. f.
a small part of bread that
breaks off.
Eriéve, v. Breve.
Briga, s. f. trouble, disquiet. Obs..

adj. speckled,
freckled, flea-bitten.
Bróbbio, S. m.reproach.

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Bronzo, s. m, cast copper or Brustoláre, u. Abbrustolare.
Brutále, adj. brutish.
Brucáre, to strip off leaves.- Brutalità, s. m. brutality.
Brucáre, to take off-Brucare, Brutalmente, adv. brutally.
to go away.-Brucare, to Bruto, s. m. a brute, a beast.
scamper away. A ludicrous Bruttaménte, adv. filthily,
dirtily, villainously, shameful-
ly, in an ugly manner.
Bruttamento, s. m. filthiness,

Bruciáre, to burn.-Bruciare,
to itch, to smart.
Bruciáta, s. f. roasted chesnut.
Bruciatájo, he that sells roasted

Brúcio, s. m. the same as Bruco.
Brucioláto, adj. spoiled by the


Brúciolo, s. m. a little worm.
Brúciolo, shavings of wood.
Brucióre, smarting, sore itch-

Bruco, s. m. grub, caterpillar.
Bruíre, to rumble, as the guts
do in one's belly.
Brulicáme, s. m. v. Bulicame.
Brulicáre, to stir up.
Brulichío, s. m. motion, stir-

Bruttare, to foul, to soil.
Bruttería, s. f. nastiness, filthi


Bruttezza, s. f. ugliness, de-
formity.-Bruttezza, nastiness,

Brutto, adj. ugly, unsightly.-
Brutto, foul, filthy.-Brutto,
villainous, unworthy, base,
sordid, shameful.
Bruttóre, s. m. nastiness,filthi-
Bruttúra, s. f. ness,
Bruzzáglia, s. f. the rabble.
Bruzzo, s. m. the twilight in
the evening.-In sul fur bruzzo,
at the dusk of the evening.
Búa, s. f. a word that children
use when something ails

Broccoso, full of pegs
Broccúto, stumps.Setu broc-
cosa, knotty silk.
Broda, s. f. swill, hog wash.
Broda, mire, mud.-Versur la
broda adosso altrui, to cast the
blame upon another.
Brodétto, s. m. thin broth with
eggs in it. Andare in brodetto,
so feel a long and vehement

Brúllo, naked, bare, poor.
Brullétto, s. m. fire-ship.
Bruma, s. f. mid-winter.
Brumále, adj. winterly.
Brumásto, s. m. a kind of vine.
Brunázzo, adj. swarthy and
Brunézza, s. f. blackness, swar-

that loves broth.

Brodo, broth.-Andare in brodo, to melt with joy.-Lamentarsi del brodo grasso, to complain

of ease.

Brodolóso, adj. slovenly, nasty.
Brogiotto, s. m. a kind of fig.
Brogliare, to embroil, to en-

Bréglio, s. m. tumult, noise.
Brollo, v. Brullo.
Brelo, a garland, a chaplet of

Broncio, s. m. anger, passion.
-Pigliare il broncio, to fall in
2 passion.-Tener broncio, to
fly into a passion.
Bronco, s. . stub or stump of
a tree. Bronco, conger, a sort
of fish.
Broncone, s. m. a branch or
bough of a tree hewed down.
-Broncone, wine prop.-
Broncone, a kind of pear.
Brontoláre, to grumble or mut-


Bronzíno, adj. of the colour of copper or brass.


Bruníre, to burnish.
Brunitójo, s. m. burnishing-


Buáccio, a large clumsy ox.
Buaccio, a dolt, a blockhead.
Buassággine, s. f. dulness, auk

Búbbola, s. f. a whoop or hoop,
a bird so called.
Bubboláre, to bubble, to de-

Búbbole, s. f. idle stories.
Bubbolóne, a babbler.
Bubbóne, s. m. a sore about the
groin, a Winchester goose.

Brunitóre, s. m. a burnisher.
Brunitúra, s. f. the act of bur-Bubblca, s. f.

Bruno, s. m. mourning-Por-
tare il bruno, to be in mourning.

an acre of

Buca, s. f. a hole.-Buca sepolerale, the grave.-Fare una buca in terra, to die-Dov'è la buca è il granchio, no fire with out smoke.

me-Bucacchiare, to make holes.

Bruno, adj. brown, dark.-
Una bruna, a brown maid or
--Rruno, over-cast,
gloomy.--Vista bruna, a
lancholy look.
Brunótto, adj. brownish.
Brusca, s. f. a brush.
Bruscamente, adv. bluntly,
sourly, snappishly.
Bruschetto, adj. sourish.
Bruschézza, sourness, sharp-



Bucáta, s. f. v. Bucato. Bucáto, adj. bored, pierced.. Bucáto, s. m. lye to wash with. -Grembial di bucato, a clean apron-Bucato, as much linen as can be washed at one time-Risciacquare il bucato, to Brusco, adj. sour, tart, sharp. chide or reprimand. -Vin brusco, rough wine-Bucatino, a small washing. Brusco, grim, crabbed, rough, Búcchero, s. m. a vessel made harsh.-Tempo brusco, sharp with an odoriferous kind of weather.-krusco, s.m. fescue, clay. straw, moat.-Brusco, adv. Búccia, s. f. rind, bark.-Buccia, sourly, roughly. skin. Tutti d'una buccia, all of Bruscolino, the least fescue. Bucciére, a m. a butcher. Oba the same cask. Brúscolo, s. m.

Buccina, s. f. a trumpet. Buccinare, to sound a trumpet. -Si báccina, they say, it is

Buffe, s. m. whiff; the act of Bulicáme, s. m. a source. blowing out a candle at once. Bulicáre, to bubble. Buffonáre, to play the buffoon. Búlima, s. f. a great crowd. Buffoncéllo, s. m. diminutive Búlimo, s. m. canine hunger. Buffoncino, of buffone, a Bulíno, s. m. a burin. scoffer. Bulla, v. Bolla.

Bullétta, s. f. a billet or ticket." -Bullétia della sanità, a certificate of health.-Tirar le bol

Buffone, s. m. a buffoon, a jester.—Far dosso di bufone, to put up an affront. Buffoneggiare, to play the buf-lette, to draw lots.-Bulletta,

Búccio, s. m. bark, rind, shell.
Bucciolina, s. f. a thin rind.
Bucciéso, adj. barky.
Bucciuolo, s. m. the space be-
tween the two joints or knots
of a reed.
Buccólica, s. f. pastoral songs
or verses.-Pensare alla bucco-Buffonería, s. f. scurrility,
lica, to think about having
something to cat. A vulgar

Buccólico, adj pasteral.
Bucello, a young ox, a bullock,
Bucentóro, s. m the name of a
stately ship or galley, in
which the doge of Venice
goes to marry the Adriatic
on Ascension-day. Bucentaur.
Bucheráme, s. m. buckram. 1
Bucheráre, to make holes.-
Bucheráre, to seek for prefer-


Becherúttola, s. f. a very little


Bucherattolo, s. m. hole.


a stud.-Bulletta, warrant. buf-Bullettína, s. f. dim. of BulBullettino, s. m. S létta. Bulsína, s. f.

toonry, drollery.
Bufolário, a clumsy buffalo.
Befolaccio, a clumsy rascal.
Bufolata, a race anciently run
with buffaloes.
Búfolo, s. m. a buffalo.-Pelle
di bufolo, buff-skin.
Bufolóne, s. m. augm. of Búfo-

Bufonchiáre, to grumble.
Bugiano, an unmannerly man.

Bugía, s. f. a lie, a fib.-Bugia,
a hand-candlestick.
Bugiardáccio, augment. of Bu-

a small Bugiardamente, falsely.

Bucicáre, to move, to stir. Bucinamento, s. m. whispering. --Bucinamento, a tingling in

one's ears.

Bucináre, to whisper. Si buci na per la città, they whisper about the town-Che se ne bi cina? what do they say of it? Búcine, s. m. a bow-net, a net to catch fish. Bucinétto, s. m. a small bow


Buco, s. m. a hole.
Bucolino, . m. a little hole.
Budelláme, the bowels.
Budello, s. m. gut; plural, Eu-
della, s. f.

Bugjárda, s. f. a liar.-Bugi-
Bugiardo, s. m. ardo, adj.false,||


Bugiardóne, s. m. a great liar.
Bugiarduólo, s. m. a little liar.
Bugiáre, to tell fibs.-Bugiare,
to pierce a hole.
Bugiétta, s. f. a little lie.


Búgio, adj. bored, that has a hole.

[blocks in formation]

straitness of Bulsíno, s. m. breath, pursi


Buonaccórdo, s. m. a musical
stringed instrument.
Buonaguráto, adj. lucky.
Buonaménte, adv. truly, real-
Buonavóglia, s. m. a man that
takes money to be a galley-

Buondato, adj. abundance.—
Buondátó, adv. much.
Buono, adj. good.--Buono,
simple, innocent.- -Buono,
wholesome, fit, commodious.

Budriére, s. m. a belt.
Búe, s. m. an ox.Bue salvatico,
a wild bull-Bue, a block-in.
head, a dull fellow.
Buéssa, s. f. an ignorant wo-


Búfalo, . Bufolo.
Bufèra, s. f. a whirlwind.
Buffa, s. f. idle story, trick,
cheat.-Fare unn bula, to play
a trick-Prendere a huffa, to
takein jest.-Buff,the breath
ing-hole of a head-piece-
Tirar giù la buffa, to lay aside
all modesty.
Buffare, to trifle, to joke,to jest.
Buffetto, s. m. a fillip.-Pun buf-
fetto, a French roll.-Bufetto,
cupboard, sideboard.

Bujáccio, s. m. friginful dark


Bujetto, adj. a little darkish.
Buino, adj. of or belonging to

an ox or cow.

Bujo, s. m darkness.-Stare al
bujo, to be in darkness.---Fare
le cose al bujo, to act inconsi-
derately-Bujo, adj. dark,
gloomy Notte buja, a dark
night.-Bjo, hard to under-
stand, obscure.
Bujóre, s. m. darkness.
Bujése, a cant word for prisons.
Bulbo, s. m. bulb.
Buldriána, s. f. harlot, whore,

-Buone parole, fair words.-
Buono, favourable, propitious.
-Gli diede una buona somma di
danari, he gave him a great
sum of money.-Di buona fede,
sincerely, candidly.-Di buon
colere, unanimously.-Buon di,
good day. Di buona voglia,
willingly-Buono, s. m. good,
advantage, benefit.Colle
buone, with fair and good
words. Trattare colle buone,
to use one kindly.-Far buono,
to give one credit for.-Far
buono, to grant.
Buranése, s. f. a kind of sweet

Burattéllo, a bolting-cloth for
Burattino, s. m. a puppet.-
Gruco di burattini, a puppet-

Burátto, s. m. a bolter.
Burbánza, s. f. ostentation, pa-
rade, pomp.
Burbanzáre, to brag, to
Burbanzésco, adj. proud,
Burbanziére, S haughty.
Burbanzóso, adj. vain-glorious,

hurt era, s. f. a crane to raise
Búrbero, adj. crabbed, sullen,
surly.-Viso burbero, a proud
and angry face.
Burchiello, s. f, a boat,

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