صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Celera,etcetera,and so forth. Ceterare, to play upon the cittern.

Ceteratojo, s. m. a song upon a cittern.


Ceteratore, the cittern. a player upon Ceterista, Ceterizzáre, to sing or play upon the cittern Céto, s. m. a whale. Cetra, s. f. a cittern. Cetrácca, s. f. a kind of herb. Cetrángolo, s. 1. a kind of lemon.

Cetráre, v. Ceteràre. Cetrina, s. f. balm, balm genție.

Ce riuolo,s. m. cucumber. The Komans and other Italians call it cocomero, but the right Tuscan name is cetriuólo; the cocomero being properly a water melon, and not a cucumber.

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Cerréto, s. m. a wood of green

Cerro, s. m. a green oak-Cer-
ro di cappelli, a bush of hair.
Cerrúto, adj. full of green oaks.
Certáme, s. m. fight, combat.
Certamente, adv certainly.
Certaménto, v. Certezza. Obs.
Certanamente, adv. certainly

Certáno, adj. certain. Obs.
Certúno, adv. certainly. Obs.
Certánza, Obs. s. f certain-
Certificaménto, s. m. confirma-
Certificáre, to certify, to as-
certain. Certificato, s. m. a

Certitúdine, s. f. certainty.
Certo, pron. certain, some.
In un certo tempo, at a certain
time. Certo, adj. certain,sure,
true. Certa cosa è,'tis certain.
-Certo, certain, fixed.-Far
certo, to certify, to ascertain.
-Certo, s. m. certainty, cer-
tain —Lasciar il certo per in-
certo, to part with the certain
for the uncertain-Certo,adv.
Di certo,
Fer certo,


Certósa, s. f. a charter-house.
Cerva, s. f, the female of a

Cervelláccio, s. m. augment. of

Cervellággine, s. f. whim,
whimsy, maggot.

Cervelláta, s. f. cervelat, a kind

of sausage. Cervellétto, s. m. dimin, of


Cervelliera, s. f. helmet, a light covering for the head. Cervellinaggine,s. f. imprudent


Cervellino, adj. hair-brained.

Un cervelling, a young fellow who will listen to no advice. Cervélo, s. m. the brain. Stare in cervello, to take care. -Stilarsi il cervello,to puzzle about a thing-Metter il cervello a partito ad uno, to make one think whether he will or no. Como di cervello, a man of sense or judgment, a wise


Cestire, to sprout forth, to
grow big or bushy.
Cesto, s. m. a plant which upon
one stalk produces many
stalks.-Cesto, a gauntlet.-
Il cesto di Venere, Venus' girdle.
lyn-Un bel cesto, a brave fellow.
Céstone, s. m. a wide basket.
Cestúto, adj. thick, bushy.
Cesúra, s. f, a syllable out of
the foot in the Latin verses.
Cétera, s. f. a cittern, a guitar.

Cerviattéllo, s. m. a fawn.
Cerviátto, s. m. a fawn.
Cervice, s. f. the hinder part of
the neck.-Uomo di dura cer-
vice, a stubborn man.
Cérviére, s. m. lynx.
Cerviéro, adj. of the lynx,
ceous, quick-sighted.
Cerviétio, v. Cervetto.
Cérvio, s. m, stag, hart.
Cerúleo, adj. azure, sky-colour-

Cervo, s. m. stag, hart.
Cervógia, s. f. ale.
Cerúsico, s. m. a surgeon.
Cerússa, s. f. white lead.
Cerzioráre, to inform, to ac-
quaint one. A law word.
Cesáreo, adj. imperial.
Ceselláre, to make chizzel-

Ceséllo, s. m. a chizzel.
Cesoje, s. f. plur. scissars, sheers.
Céspite, s. m.)
Cespo, s. m
turf, sod, bush.

Cespugliáto, adj. bushy, thick
with branches.
Cespúglio, s. m. a bush.
Cespuglióso, adj. bushy, full of

Cessagióne, s. f. ceasing, inter-
mission.-Per cessugione, for


Cessáme,s.m.scum ofthe people.
Cessamento, s. m. cessation, in-

Cessante, adj. ceasing, negli-
gent.--Lucro cessante, a gain
which one loses by lending
or accommodating another,
with money before employed
in a lawful trade.

Cessáre, to cease, to be at an
end, to leave off, to give over,
to forbear, to discontinue.
Cessare, to avoid, to shun, to
escape, to dispel, to divert, to
avert.-Cessure to allay, to
asswage.--Cesursi, to forbear,
to refrain.
Cessazione, s. f. cessation, in-


Cessione, s. f. cession, resigua-

Cesso, s. m. ceasing, cessation.

esso, a privy, a necessary-
house. Ogni casa ha cesso,
every body has his troubles.
A low phrase-Cesso, adj.
yielded, given over.
Cesta, s. f. basket.

Cervellóne, s. m. an extrava-Cestàccia, s. f. an old basket.
gant or silly man, and also a Cestella, s. f.
man who has a great power-Cestello. s. m.

ful mind.

Cervétto, s. m, a young stag,

Cesterélla, s. f.

Cestino, s. m.

dim, of Cesta.

Che, that, which, whom, what. -Che? what?---Che volete? what do you want?-Che nomo è costui? what man is this? Il che, which.-Cke, that,

to. Si lamenta che non vo a vê, derio, he complains that I don't go to see him.-Che, but.Non ha che un cavallo, he has but one horse.-Che, some, both. Che piccoli che grandi, both small and great.-Che Inglesi che Italiani, some English, some Italians.Che, what, that, how.--Che bella donna è questo? what fine wo man is this?--Oh! che potessi, vederla, oh! that I could see her-Che, that, to the end that-Datemi tempo che possa

spondergli, give me time that I may answer him.-Che, because. Che se non venite oggi anderò via, because, if you don't come to day I'll go away-Che? why?-Che non parli why don't you speak? -Che, till, until-Aspettate ch'io venga, stay until I come. --Che, after, when, as soon as,

-Fmita che avrò questa lettera Chetánza, s. f. acquittance, re- Chiantáre, to impose upon. endero, as soon as I have writ ceipt.----Chetánza, quietness, Chiappa, s. f. a hold.--Chiuppa, this letter, I'll go.he che, quict. Obs.

buttock-Chrappa di cannone, whatsoever. Sia che che sixi, Chetáre, to quiet.

a piece of lead to cover the whatsoever it may be; let it Chetezza, s 'f. stiliness. touch-hole of a canuon. be what it will---Cheche, Cheticheli, adv. silently. Chiappáre, to snatch, to pull. every moment.-Che, thing, Cheto, adv. quiet, still.--State huppare, to catch or overmatter, subject.-Un bei che chet, be quiet.-Cheto! hush! take. per andare in collera, a fine sub- i cheto, adv. quietly. Chiappola, s. f. a toy, a thing ject indeed to be angry.---Cha, Cheto cheto, adv. quietly, soft- of litde or no value. else..i quesio mi rispondi a iy.

Cbiappoleria, s. f. s. Chiappoche mi parto answer to this, or Cheúnque, what, whatsoever. la. else I go away.-Che, thai. Obs.

Chiappolino, s. m. a waggash, E per ricco che dotto, be is Chi, pron. relat, who, whom. wanton, silly inan. rather rich than learned. -So chi è, I know who he is. Chiára, s. f. the white of an Che c'é? what is the matter? chi avete perlelo. whom

egg Chébuli, s. m. a sort of plums, did you speak to?--Chi, he Chiaramente, clearly. Cheiidro, s. m.a kind of water- that, whoever, whosoever.--Chiarare, to clear, to explain. / snake.

Chi fa bene, bene avrà, do well, Chiaráta, s. f. a medicine made Chelonite, s. f. a precious stone and have well.-Di chi è questo with the white of ap egg. so called.

libro? whose book is this?- Chiaréa, s. f. a kind of waterChente, relat. which, such as. Chi, some. Chi diceva una cosa gruel. Obs.Chente, how much, e chi un altra, some said one Chiarello, $. f, water. A cant how, Obs.O amore chenti e thing and sone another. word. quali sono le tue forze! O love, Chi, any man, any one, any Chiarentána, s. f. a kind of how great is thy power! -body.

dance. Ctente che bella si sia, let her Chiacchiera, s. f. babble, chat, Chiarezza, s. f. light, brightbe ever so handsome. prattle.

ness-Chiarez:u, satisfaction, Cheatúnque, adj. whosoever. Chiacchieramento, s. m. chit-security.Chiarezza, vlearness, Obs. chat.

perspicuity--Chiuréza, noChéppia, s. f. a sea fish so call-Chiacchieráre, s. f. to chat, to bleness of birth. ed.


Chiarificáre, to clarify.-ChiaCherca, o Chierca, . Chérica. Chiacchieráta, s. f. 0. Chiac- rificáre, to clear, to unravel, Cherc, v. Chérica.


to explain. Chercú'o, v. Cherieuto. Chiacchierino, s. m: a prattler. Chiarificazione, illustration, the Chérere, to ask, to beg. Ohs. Chiocchieróne, s. m. å fellow act of inaking plain and eviChérica, 3. f. a priest's shaven who teizes with long and ce- dent.

dious talking

Chiarizione, s. f. 7 demonChericale, adj. clerical. Chiama, s. v. Chiamata.. Chiarimento, s. m.) stration, Chericáio, s. m. clerkship-Chamaménto, s. m. vocation, clear proof. Chercato, the clergy.

calling.-Chiamamento, invoca- Chiarina, s. f. a clarion. Cherichería, Chericato. tion.

Chiarire, to clear up.-Chiarire, Obs.

Chiamante, adj. that calls. to make plain, to explain. Cherichetto, s. m. a young Chiamante, that invocates. Chiari à, s. f. light, brightness, clergyman.

Chiamare, to call, to call for, splendor, serenity, clearness. Chericia, s. f. clerkship. Obs. to call to, to give a call.- Chiaro, adj. clear, fair, pare. Chericíle, adj. clerical Obs. Mandare a chiamare, to send Chiaro, clear, luminous.Chérico, clerk, clergyman. for.-Chiamire, to cail, to Charo, agreeable, graceful, Chericóne, s. m. argmen. of name.- omevichiamate? what pleasant.--chiaro, renowned, Cherico.

is your name?Mi chiamo famous.-l'hiaro, hearty, corChericúzzo, s. m, a poor clergy- Pietro, my name is Peter. dial, sincere.Chiaro, mani. man.

Come chiamate questa rosu? how fest, evident.-Chiaro, certain, Chérmes, s. m. cochineal. do you call this thing?.-Chia sure, undoubted.---Civard, Chermesi o Chermisí, s. m. mare, to call at dice.--Chin. clear, transparenta Chiuro di crimson, grain colour.-furbo mare il punto, to tell the point. luna, moon-shine---('omincia in chermesi, an arrant knave. -Chiamare a cena, to call to a far chiaro, the day begins to Chermesino, adj. crimson. supper.----Chiamare, to call appear.-Chiaro, adv. clearly, Cherminale, criminal. Obs. one before the judge, to cite, plainly. Cheróbico, adj. belonging to a

-Chiamarsi vinto, Chiarore, s. in. splendor, brightcherubin.

to yield.-Chiamare fuori, to ness, clearness. Cherubino, $. m. cherubin, chalienge.

Chiaroscuro, s. m. the lights cherub.

Chiamáta, s. f. vocation, call and shadows of a picture. Cherubi, chcrubins. Poetical. ing, cail.-Chiamuita, parley, Chiaroso, adj. Obs. 1. Chiaro. Chesta, &. f. a deinand. Obs. chamade.-Chramáto, s. m. a Chiassa juvia, s. f. å trench, Chestaménie, by stealth, pri- guest.

ditch, or furrow, to convey yately, softly, gently. Chiána, s. f. a standing pool. rain water oui of the fields,


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to suminon.

Chiazza, s. f. scab, the dried
seurf of a pimple, wheale, or


Chiazzáto, adj.pitted, speckled,

Chicchera, s. f. a dish to drink
chocolate, coffee, or the like
in, a cup.
Chicchi bichiacchi, s. m. words
that mean nothing.-Un chic-
chi bichiacchi, a great prater.
Chicchirilláre, to chuck like a
hen.-Chicchirilláre, to prattle,
to chatter.

Chiassáta, s. f. noise, rumour.
Chiassatello, s. m. a narrow
Chiassetto, street, a narrow
Chiasso, s. m. a narrow street, spotted.
a lane. Chiasso, a bawdy-Chicca, s. f. cake.
house. Andare in chiasso, to
go to the devil-E' darebbe
d'un chiasso ogni donajo, he doth
not know where to hide him-
dim. of Chiasso.
Chiátta, s. f. a flat-bottom boat.
Chiaváccia, s. f. a large key.
Chiaváccio, s. m. a bolt to fast-Chicchirillo, s. m. idle story,
en a door.
Chiavacuore, s. m. ornaments
of gold or silver the women
wore formerly on their
Chiavajo, a key-keep-
Chiavajuólo, s. m. er, a turn-
key, a locksmith.
Chiavárda, s. f. a tenter-hook.
Chiaváre, to drive or thrust
in, to nail.-Chiavare, to run
through,to wound.-Chiavare,
to lock.

Chiaváre, v. Chiavajo.


Chicchessia, whosoever, what
man soever, what body so-
ever, any body.
Chiedere, to ask, to beg, to de-
sire, to require, to crave, to
request, to sue for.
Chiediménto, s. m. request, pe-
tition, entreaty.
Chieditóre, s. i. a demander,
a petitioner, a dun.
Chiérica, s. f. a priest's shaven


Chiericále, adj. clerical.


novice of a

Chiérico, s. m. clerk, cler-

Chímo, s. m. chymus, any kind
of juice, that especially of
meat, after the second diges
tion.-Chimo, a kind of sea
fish that foresees a storm.
China, s. f. a descent, the steep
side of a hill, declivity.
Chinachína, s. f. jesuit's bark.
Chinaménto, s. m. declination.
Chináře, to bow.—Chináre iļ
viso, to look down.-Chináre
gli occhi, to cast down the
eyes.--Chinare la testa, to con
sent, to submit.-Chinare, to
bow. Chinar le spalle, to bear
with patience.-Chináre, to
decline.China il giorno, it
begins to grow late.-Chinarsi,
to stoop, to bend downwards.
Chináta, s. f. a descent.
Chinataménte, adv. secretly,

Chinatézza, s. f. bent, curvity.
Chináto, s. m. declivity.
Chinatúra, s. f. the bending or
shelving of a descent.
Chinea, s. f. an ambling nag, a

Chino, s. m. declivity, slope.→→→→
Chino, adj. inclined, bended,
crooked, downward.-Chino,
low, deep.
Chintána, v. Quintana.
Chioccáre, to box, to beat, to
Chioccia, a brood hen.
Chiocciáre, to cluck.-Chioc-

Chiesa, s. f. a church-Chiesa,
church or congregation of ciare, to begin to be faint, or

Chiavatúra, fastening.-Chia- Chiericáto, s. m. clerkship.
catura, the nails fastened to Chierichétto, s. m. a young
any thing-Chiavatúra, the Chiericúzzo,
pricking of a horse in the
shoeing of him.
Chiave, s. f. a key to open and
shut a lock-Chiave, autho-
rity, power, influence.-Le
chiavi, the keys, or the pope's the faithful.
authority.-Chiave, a strong Chiesetta,
frontier-town-Chiave, a key Chiesicciúola,
or cliff in music.-Chiave della Chiesina,
rolla, the key-stone of a vault. Chiesolástico, s. m. he that
-Chince di vite, a screw-key. goes often to church.
-Chiave, a key that explains Chiesta, s. f. a request.-Chiesto,
the remote meaning of any adj. requested, required, ask-
written thing.-Chiave, an
iron bar used to strengthen a
wall.-Chiace maestra, a master
Chiavelláre, to nail, to drive,
to thrust in.
Chiavelláta, s. f. a wound into chyle.
caused by a nail.
Chiavello, s. m. a nail.
Chiaverina, s. f. javelin, a short

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Chiesúccia, s. f. a little church.
Chiesuola, s. f. dim. of Chiesa.
Chilificaménto, s. f. chylifica-


dimin. of Chi-Chioccio, adj. hoarse.--l'oce
esa, a little chioccia, a hoarse voice.-Star
chioccio, to be faintish or sick.
Chiocciola, s. f. a snail.-Chioc-
ciola, a screw-Chiocciola, the
shell of any kind of snail.-
Soldato di chiocciole, a fresh-
water soldier.-A chiocciola,
adj. screw-like.-Scala a chi-
occiola, a winding stair-case.
Chiocciolétta, dimin. of Chi-
Chiocciolina, Socciola.
Chiodagióne, s. f. all manner
of iron nails.
Chiadajuólo, s. m. a nail-maker.
Chiodáre, v. Inchiodare.
Chiodétto, dim. of Chiodo.
Chiodo, s. m. a nail-Aver fissa
il chiodo, to be resolved.
Chióma, s. f. head of hair.—
Trarre la chioma alla rocca, to
spin-Chioma, rays, beam.—
Frondose chiome, the leaves of

Chilificáre, to change the food

Chilificazione, s. f. chylifica


Chilindro, s. m. a water-snake.
Chilo, s. m. chyle.
Chiloso, of the nature of chyle.
Chimera, chimera.-Chimera,
an idle fancy.
Chimérico, adj. chimerical.
Chimerizzare, to fancy idle

Chimica, s. f. chymistry.
Chimico, s. m. a chymist.
Chimico, adj. chymical,


Chiosa, s. f. gloss, comment.
Chiosa, a spot upon the skin.
Chiosáre, to gloss, to comment,

Chiosatóre, s. m. a glosser, a Ci, there, here.-Ci verrò quan

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า ม dance

where ma

do vi piacerà, I'll come here
when you please.-Ci, to us.
-Ci disse, he told us.-Ci, our-
selves.-Ci ricordiamo, we re-

Ciabatta, s. f. old shoe.-Cia-
batte, old rags, things of no
Ciabattájo, s. m. a dealer in old |
Ciacciamelláre, to talk idly.
Ciácco, s. m. a hog.
Ciálda, s. f. a wafer.
Cialdonajo, s. m. a wafer-
maker or seller.

a cobler..

Cialdoncíno, s.m. asmall wafer.
Cialdóne, s. m. a wafer rolled
up in the form of a cornet.
Cialtróne, a rogue, a rascal.
Ciambella, s. f. a kind of cake.
Ciambellájo, a cake-maker.
Ciambellétta, Į dim. of Ciam-
Ciambellina, bella.
Ciambellótto, s. m.camlet, cam-
biet. Fare come il ciambellotto,
to contract an ill habit, to per-
severe in evil.
Ciambelláno, s. m. a chamber-

Chiotto, adj. quiet, still.
Chiováre, to prick or nail a
horse in shoeing.-Chiovare, to
nail up.-Chiocare l'artiglierie,
to nail up cannon.
Chiovatúra, s. f. a prick in a
horse's foot.
Chiovo, s. m. a nail.
Chirágra, s. f. the gout in the
fingers or hands.
Chirágrico, adj. that has the
gout in the hands.
Chirinzána, s. f.
ny dance together.
Chirógrafo, s. m. a bill or bond
under one's own hand.
Chiromante, s. m. one skilled
in the art of palmistry.
Chiromanzia, s. f. palmistry.
Chirurgia, s. f. surgery.
a surgeon.
Chisciare, to weed up with a
Chitáre,to quit,to leave off.Obs.
Chitarra, s. f. a guitar.
Chittarrína, s. f. }
Chittarríno, s. m.) Chitárra.
Chiucchiurlája, s. f. a buzzing,
a humming noise.
Chiudenda, s. f. an inclosure.
-Chiudendi, a hedge.
Chiadere, to shut.Chillere,
to inclose, to fence about.
Chiudere, to wring, to oppress.
-Chiudere il pugno, to clinch
the fist.-Chiudere, to include,
to contain, to comprehend.-
Chiudere, to bar, to stop up a Cianciatóre, a prattler.
Way-Chiudere, to hide, to Cianciatrice, a chattering wo-
Chiudiménto, s. m. inclosure.
-Chiudimento, s. m.a stoppage.
Chiunque, whosoever.
Chiurlare, the singing of a
Chiúrlo, s. m. a kind of bird-
catching used in Italy.
Chiúsa, s. f. inclosure, hedge.
-Tenere in chiusa, to shut up.
Chiusaménte, adv. secretly, pri-

Ciárla, s. f. chat, chatting.
Ciarláre, to talk, to prate.
Ciarlatanería, s. f. quackery
Ciarlataneria, loquacity.
Ciarlatáno, s. m. a quack.
Ciarlatóre, s. m. prattler.
Ciarlatrice, s. f. a prattler.
Ciarlería, s. f. chat.
Ciarliéro, s. m. a prattler.
Ciarlóne, s. m. a blab.
Ciárpa, s. f. a bandoleer-Ci-
arpe, rags, tattered clothes.
Ciarpáme, s. m. old garments,


Ciarpáre, to cobble or bungle.
-Ciurpare, to babble.
Ciarpiéra, s. f. a quean, a drab,
a nasty slut.
Ciarpiére, a rascal, a paltry


Ciarpóne,s.m.acareless idle man.
Ciaschedáno, 2 every man,

every one, every body, each, every thing. Cibáccio,s. m. bad food, coarse food.

Cibáre, to nourish, to feed.-
Cibarsi, to feed upon.- ́ ́ibársi,
to please one's self.-ibarsi di
frutti, to live upon fruits.
Cibo, food, victuals.
Cibório, s. m. pix, a vessel in
which the host is kept.
Cibóso, adj. fruitful, copious.
Cibréo, s. m. a dish made with
herbs and other things, a gal-
Cica, adv. not a bit, not a jot,

dim. of

Chiusiao, s. m. a cover, a lid.
Chiuso, s.m.inclosure.-Chiuso,
adj. close, inclosed, locked in.
Chiusura, s. f. inclosure.-Chi-
were, a lock.

Ciamméngola, s. f. a trifle.
Ciampanella, s. f. ex. dare in
ciampanella, to go about a
business foolishly.
Ciampáre, ✨. Inciampare. Obs.

dimin. of Cian


Ciancia, s. f. foolery, idle story,
jest, chat, chit-chat.
Cianciafrúscole, s. f. pl. trifles.
Ciancianfera, s. f. trifle, non-


Cianciáre, to prate, to chat, to


Cianciéro, adj. talking idly.
Cianciolína, s. f. chat.
Ciancióne, s. m. a great prater.
Ciancioso, adj. full of chat.
Cianfárda, s. f. a kind of dress
anciently used.
Cianfruságlia, s. f. things eaten
for pastime.-Cianfruságlia, old
tattered clothes.
Cianchellíno, adj. naught, bad.

Ciantellíno, s. m. a sip, a small
draught. Bere a ciantellini,a sip.
Ciaramella, s. f. a bag-pipe.
Ciaramella, a prating fellow.
Ciaramelláre, to babble.

not at all.

Cicáia, s. f. a kind of chirping insect not much known in England. It is black, lives on trees, and chirps much during


Cicalaménto, s. m. prating, chattering.

talk, little
talk, chit

Cicaláre, to babble, to chat, to
talk sillily.
Cicaláta, s. f.
Cicaléccio, s. m.
Cicalío, s. m.
Cicalonáccio, s. m. a great

Cical one, s. m. a prating or
talkative man.
Cicatrice, cicatrice, scar.'
Cicatrizzáre, to cicatrize, to

Ciccantóne, s. m. a quack.
Cicchera, s. f. v. Chicchera.
Cíccia, s. f. a word that chil-
dren call meat by.
Cicciolo, s. m. bits of meat
which remain after the fat of
the hog is squeezed out.

Ciccióne, s.
s. m. felon, a painful

Cicérbita, s.f. an herb so called.
Cicerchia, s. f. chick-peas.-
Tu hai mangiato cicerchie, you
see double.
Cichino,s.m. a little, very little.
Cicigna, s. f. slow-worm, blind


Cicisbeare, to keep company
with the sex.
Cicisbeatúra, dangling about
women, civility to women.
Cicisbéo, s. m a dangler about
women, a civil attendant on
women It is sometimes taken
in a good sometimes in a bad
'sense. In general it means the
constant attendant on a lady.
Ciclo, s m. cycle, a term used
in astronomy.
Cicloide, s. f. cycloid.
Cicogna, stork, a bird so called
-Cirúpna, that piece of tim-


Ciglióne, s. m. the ridge or Cimicióne, s. m. a large bug.
edge of a ditch or hill.
Cigna, s. f. a girth.
Cignaláccio, s. m. a large wild

Cignále, s. m. a wild boar.
Cignáre, to gird
Cignere, to gird.-Cignere, to
embrace, to hug -Cignere, to
surround, to environ.
Cigno, s. m. a swan.
Cignone, s. m. a great girth.
Cigolamento, s. m. the creak-
ing of a door or any thing else.
Cigoláre, to crash, to creek-
Cigolare, to hiz; to whiz, as
green wood when it burns.
Cigolio, s. m a crackling noise,
a hiz, a whizzing
Cilecca, s. f. disappointment
Cilestrino, adj. sky-coloured.
Ciléstro, adj v. Cilestrino.
Ciliccíno, adj. dim of Ciliccio.

s. m. the crest of Cimiéro, an helmet. Cimino, s. m. the herb and seed cummin. Cimitério, s. m. a churchCimitero, yard.-Piatir co cim teri, to be of a sickly constitution.

Cimúrro, s. m. glanders, a disease in horses.

Cina, s. f. a medicinal root.
Cinabrése, s. f. a kind of soft
red stone.

Cinabro, s. m. cinnabar.
Cinciallégra, s. f. a kind of bird
So called.

Cinciglio, s m. a belt.
Cinciglione, s m. a large belt.
Cincischiáre, to cut, to hack.-
Cincischiare ne'te parole, to hesi
tate, to stammer, to be at a

Cineischio, s. m. a cut made
with a tool that cuts ill.
Cincistiáre, v. Cincischiare.
Cine izio, adj ash-coloured.
Cingallegra, s. f. a little bird
so called.

Cingere, r. Cignere.
Cinghia, s. f. a cingle, or girth,
for a horse.

ber that, poises the bell-C-Cilício, s. m. hair-cloth. cogna, an engine to draw up Ciliégia, s. f. cherry. water with. Cilíndrico, adj. cylindrical. Cicognino, s. m. a young stork. Cilindro, s. m. cylinder. Cicorea, succory, wild endive. Cilizio, v. Ciliccio. Cicúta s. f. hemlock. Ciléma, s. f. talk, prattling. Cima, s. f. top, ridge, height, summit.-Cima, excellence, eminence. Cina d' uomo, an eminent man --Cimadi ribaldo, an arch rogue. -Ander su per le cime degli alberi, to cavil. Cimáre, to shear the cloth. Corno bagnato e cimoto, a cunning man, a sharper. Cimása, s. f. v. Cimazio. Cimatóre, s. m. a shearer. Cimatúra, s. f. shearings.—Ci- | Cinghio, s. m. circle, circumfematera, the art of shearing. rence, inclosure.

Cicutrénna, s. f. a musical pipe.
Ciecamente, adv. blindly.
Ciechità, v. Cecità.
Cieco, adj. blind-Ceco, in-
considerate, foolish.---Circu,
hidden, concealed, latent.-
Cieco, dark,gloomy.-Il mondo
circo, hell. Giuocure al gineco
dello ciera, to play at blind
man's bus-Lanterna civca, a
dark lantern-Bastonate du
cieco, hard blows.—Un cieco, a
blind man.-Una cicca, a blind


Ciecolína, s. f. agrig, a kind of
'small cel.

Cielo, s. m. heaven.Cielo,
heaven, paradise.—Cielo, the
air, the sky-Cido, country,
climate. Ciclo, the top, the
Ciéra, s. f. look, countenance.
Voi non avete buona ciera, you
don't look well
Cífera, s. f. cypher.
Ciferista, 8.m. a man whose em-
ployment is to write in cy-
Cifra, v. Cifera.
Cigliare, s. m. the ridge or edge
of a small eminence.
Ciglio, s. m. brow, eye-brow.
Ciglio, eyes, ight,view look.
guzar le ciglia, to fix one's
eyes upon a thing.Ciglio,
the ridge or edge of a ditch.

Cinghiaja, s. f. a vein in a
horse near the girting place.
Cinghiale, s. m. a wild boar.
Cinghialino, adj. of or belong-
ing to a wild boar.
Cinghiare, to gird.—Cinghiáre,
to environ, to surround.
Cinghiatúra, s. f. the girting
place of a horse.

Cimázio, s. m. a member of a Cingolo, s. m. a girdle, a sash.
moulding consisting of a Cingottáre, v. Cinguettare.
round and a hollow,
Cimba, a bark. Poetical.
Cimbérli, adv. v. ex —-Esser in
cinberli, to be in great con-

Cimbótto, s. m. a fall, a tumble.
Cimbottolare, to knock one's
head against the ground in

Cimbóttolo, v. Cimbotto.
Cimentáre, to attempt, to
Cimentarsi, make trial, to
prove, to expose, to bring
into danger, to hazard, to
venture.—CLientarsi, to come
to a battle, to engage.
Ciménto, ș. m. experiment,
essay, trial, proof Mettere a
commento, to expose, to endanger.
Cimice, s. m. bug.
Ciniciáttola,s.f.a kind of grape.

Cinguettamento, s.m. chit-chat. Cinguettáre, to talk as children do--Cingulláre, to prate, to pratile.

Cinguettatore, a silly prater.
Cinguettatrice, fem. of Cin.

Cinguettería, s. f. chit-chat.
Cinguettiera, a prattling wo-


Cinicaménte, adv. in a cynical manner.

Cinico, adj. cynical-Cinico s. m. a cynic, a philosopher of the cynic sect Cinnamono, s m. cinnamon. Cino, s. m a kind of plump.. Cinoglóssa, s. f. dog s torgue. Cinquadéa, s. f. a sword.

ludicrous word,

Cinquanta, fifty.

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