صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


five years.




Cinquantésimo, adj. fiftieth. Ciompería, s. f. gross and rude Circolato, adj. of a round or Cinquantina, s. f. fifty.

circular form. Cinque, adj. numeral, five. Ciómpo, s. m. a carder.-Ci-Circolazione, s. f. circulation. Cinquecentésimo, adj. the five ombo, a clown, a churl.

Circoictto, s. in. a small cirhundredth.

Cioncáre, to quaff, to tope.- cle. Cinquecento, five hundred. Cioncáre, to cut, to cut off, to Círcolo, circle. Cinquefóglic, s. f. cinq-foil or mangle.

Circoncidere, to circumcise. five-leaf grass.

Cioncatorc, aquaffer, a tosspot. Circoncidiménto, circumcision. Cinquemila, adj. five thou- Ciónco, adj. drunken, cup-shot. Circonciato, adj. surrounded. sand.

-Cinco, broken, cut, main- Circoncisione, s. f. circumciCinquénnio, s. m. the space of ed.-kimuse cronco d'un braccio, sion. In circoncisione, s. f.the

he had an arm cut off - Una feast of the Circumcision, ceCinquina, s. f. five.

spadı che ha la puntu ciorca, a lebrated on the first day of Cinquino, s. m. cinks or cin- blunted sword.

the year. Dalla circoncisione ques at dice.

Ciondolamento, s. m. the dan- a Sin Silvestro, from beginning Ciata,s. f. compass, circumfer- gling of any thing hanged. to end, as St. Silvester's day is ence, inclosure. ---Cinta, a gir-Ciondoiáre, to dangle to and

the last day in the year. dle, a sush.


Circonciso, adj. circumcised. Cinto, s. m. a girdle, a sash.-Ciondolo, s. m. any thing that Cireondamento, s. m. che act of Cinta, inclosure, circumfer- dangles by being hanged. compassing ence, compass.--Cinto, adj. Ciondolino, s. m. dim. of Cion- Circondáre, to environ, to surgirded, surrounded, environ- dolo. In the plural number round, to stand about. ed.-Cinte di ferro, the iron

it is taken for car-rings, Cion-Circondazione, environing. bars that bind a wheel.


Circonferenza, s. f. circumfere Cintola, s. m. girdle, a sash. Ciondolóne, adv. dangling. -Cintola, the waist.-Tener- Cionno, adj. silly, simple, fool- Circonflessione, s. f. the act of si le mani alla cintola, to be ish.-Un cionno, a sot, a fool.

bowing or turning round. idle-Stretto in cintolu, close, Cioppa, a large upper robe Circonfiésso, circumflex. covetous.-Lurgo di cintola, worn by women. Obs. Circonfléttere, to bend, to bow. free, generous.

Ciotola, s. f. a cup, a bowl. Circonfúlgere, to shine round. Cintolino, s. m. dim.of Cintola. Ciotolétta, dim. of Ciotola.

Circonfúso, circumluent. -dver il cintolino rosso, to havc Ciotolóne, s. m. a large cup. Circonlocuzione, s. f. circumlo. the preference.- Questo

Ciottáre, to whip, to lash. Obs. cution, stringe i cintolinu, this concerns Ciotto, s. m. a flint.--Ciotto, adj. Circonscritto, adj.circumscribme. lame.

ed. Cintolo, s. m. garter.-Cin- Ciottoláre, to lapidate, to Circoscrivere, to circumscribe, tolo, list of cloth. stone.

to bound, to limit.-CircoscriCintonchio, s. m. chaff-weed. Ciottoláta, s, f. a hit with a

vere, to encompass, to surCintúra, s. f. a girdle, a sash.

round.-Circoscrivere, to de-Cintura, a circle.-Cintura, Ciottolo, s. m. flint-stone.

fine, to determine by circumthe waisi.

Laver il capo co' ciottoli, to de- locution. Cinturétta, 5.f. 7 dimin. of Cin-tract, to slander.

Circoscriviménto, s. m.

} cir. Cinturino.s.m. Š tura.

Ciortolóne, s. m. large flint- Circoscrizione, s. f. Co, pronome, that, this, that

cumscription. which, what.-Ciò mi piace, Cipiglio, s. m. frown, sullen- Circospetto, adj. circumspect, that or this pleases me.--Con

ness.-Guardure con cipiglio, to considerate, wary, wise, cautuito ciò, nevertheless. frown at.

tious. Ciaca, s. f. a bunch.-Ciocca Cipólla, ș. f. onion.Cipolla, a Circospezione, circumspection, di fori, a nosegay.--Ciucca di man's head. A ludicrous

wariness, cautiousness. capelin, a tuft of hair.-Cioccu' word.:gli è più doppio d'una Circostánte, s. f. by-stander, aua ciocca, one lock after an

cipolla, he is a double-dealer. ditor. other.

Cipolláta, s.f.onionsand gourds Circonvallazione, s. f. circumCiocchetta, s. f. a little bunch, boiled together.---Cipollata, vallation. or tuft. story, silly thing

Circonvenzióne, s.f.circumvenCioccia, s. f. bubby, suck. A Cipolletta, s. f. cibol, cibou- tion, over-reaching, deceit, childish word.

Cipollina, s. f. let, a young fraud. Ciocciáre, to suck. A childish Cipollino, s. m.

S cibol.

Circonvicíno, adj. neighbourword. Cipórro, s. m. blunder.

ing, adjacent Ciocco, s. m. stump.

Ciprésso, s. m. cypress, a tree. Circostanza, Circostanzia, cir. Cioccolata, s. f. Ciprigna, s. t. Venus.

cumstance. C'ircostanza, neighCioccoláte, s. m. chocolate.

Circa, adv. about.---Circa, bourhood, adjacent place. Cioccolato, s. m.

touching, concerning, relat- Circuiménto, s. m. circuition. Cioccolatićra, s. f. chocolate- ing.

Circuíre, to environ, to go pot. Círco, s. m. Circus.

'round.-Circuire cozliocchi, to Cie., adv. to wit, that is to Circolare, to circulate Circo-examine.

láre, adj. circular.

Circuíto, adj.surrounded - Cite VOL. I.




Cittadinanza, s. f. the whole community of a city-Cittadiánza, rights of a citizen. Cittadinático, s. m. the state of a livery-man. Cittadinello, a poor citizen. Cittadinescamente, adv. civilly, courteously. Cittadinésco, adj. citizen-like. Cittadino, s. m. a citizen, a city-dweller, a freeman of a city.Cittadino,adj.civil, courteous, well-bred.-Vita cittadina, a private life.-Cittadino, s. m. a patriot.--Bron cittadino, faithful to his country. Cittadinúzzo, a degrading dim. of Cittadino. Citto, a lad or boy. Civája, s. f. all manner of pulse.

Civánza, s. f. gain, profit. Civanzáre, to provide, to gain, to profit.-Cicantársi, to take care of one's self. Ciúco, s. m. an ass. Civétta, s. f. an owl.-Far la civeita, to play the wanton.Toccare a civetta, to cudgel. Civettáre, to play the wag, to coquet.


Civettería, s. f. coquetry. Civettino, s. m. spark, beau. Civettóne, s m. a fellow who courts women that he may be thought their favourite. Civettúzza, dim. of Civetta. Ciuffagno, adj. apt to catch. Ciuflare, to gripe, to catch. Ciuffetto, s. m. little tuft of hair, a toupee. Ciuffo, s. m. a tuft or lock of

¿ito, s. m. circuit, circumfer


Ciregéto, s. m. an orchard of,
cherry trees.
Ciriégia, cherry.
Ciriégio, s. m. cherry tree.
Ciriegiuolo,adj.that has the taste
of a cherry, of the colour of a

Cirimónia, v. Cerimónia.
Cirindóne, s. m. Obs. a gift, a

Ciriuóla, s. f. a small eel, a grig.
Cirro, s. m. a lock of hair curl-
ed. Obs.

Cirugía, s. f. surgery.
Cirugiano, s. m. surgeon. Obs.
Cirurgia, the same as Cirugía.
Ciscránna, s. f. folding chair.
Ciscránno, s. m. shelf for books.
Cispa, blearedness.
Cispità, s. f. a disease that makes
the eyes run.
Cispo, adj. whose eyes run
Cispóso, with water, blear-
Cissóide, s. f. cissoid, the name
of a curve line.
Cistérna, s. f. cistern.
Cístico, adj. cystic, cystepa-
tic-Canale cistico, cystepa-
tic duct [in anatomy] is that
duct whichis employed in the
hepatic duct and the gall-
bladder-Vena cistica, cystic
vein, a branch of the vena

Cistio, s. m. a kind of ivy.
Citagióne, v. Citazione.
Citára, cittern, guitar.
Citáre, to cite, to summon.-
Citáre, to quote, to allege.
Citarista, s. m. a minstrel, a
player on the cittern.
Citarizzáre, to play upon the


Ciúffola, s. f. trifle, idle

Civico, adj. civic.

cittern. Civile, adj. civil.-Civile, s.m. a Citazione, s. f. summons.-Ci-civil court of judicature.--Civitazione, a writ. Citérna, s. f. a cistern. Citerióre, adj. nigher to us. Cítiso, s. m. a kind of shrub or


Citrácca, s. f. finger-fern, milt


Citrággine, s. f. balm-gentle.
Citrinézza,s.f.citron colour;
Citrinità, also jaundice or
Citríno, adj. of a citron colour.
Citriuólo, s. m. v. Cetriuolo.
Citrúllo, s. m. blockhead.
Citta, s. f. town, a city.
Cittadella, s. f. dim. of Città.-
Cittadella, citadel.
Cittadinamente, adv. civilly.

le, s.m. the book wherein the
hotaries register their acts.
Civilmente, adv. civilly.
Civiltà, civility, good-breed-
ing Civiltà, the franchise

Ciarmáre, to cheat, as mount-
tebanks do.-Ciurmare, to al-
lure with deceit.—Ciurmarsi,
to make one's self drunk.
Ciurmáto, accustomed.--Sono
ciurmato a tutti i vostri inganni,
I know all your tricks.
Ciurmería, s. f. quack's tricks.
Ciúschero, adj. tipsy, drunk-

Cizze, s. f. pl. a woman's
breasts. Obs.
Clade, s. f. slaughter. Poeti-

Clamáre, to speak loud.
Clámide, S. f. the upper
vest of the ancient sol-

Clamóre, s. m. clamour, out-

Clandestino, adj. clandestine.
Clangóre, s. m. clangor.
Claretto, s. m. claret wine.
Clarino, s. m. clarion.
Clarità, v. Chiarezza.
Classe, s. f. a form in a school.
-Classe, class, rank, order.-
Classe, a navy, a fleet of ships.

Clássico, adj. classic, classical.
Clava, a club.-La clava d'Er-
cole, Hercules' club.
Clavo, s. m. poetical for Chio-
do; an iron nail.
Claustrále, adj. claustral.
Claustro, s. m. a cloyster, the
monastery itself. Poetical.
Claúsula, s. f. clause, proviso,

Clausúra, s. f. part of a
nunnery, the nunnery itself.
—Clausúra, a close, an inclo-


Clemátide, s. f. an herb so called.

Clemente, adj. clement, merci-

Cleménza, s. f. clemency.
Clero, s. m. the clergy.-Clero,
adj. learned. Obs.
Clessidra, s. f. clepsydra, a
vessel measuring hours by
running of water.
s. m. a client.
Clientela, patronage, protec-
tion, defence.

Clima, s. m. climate, or clime.
Climatérico, climacteric.

or freedom of a citizen.
Civire, to find, to procure, to
shift for one's self.
Ciúlla, s. f. a girl.
Ciúrma, s. f. crew of slaves in
a galley.-Ciurma, s. f. crowd,
throng, press, multitude.
Ciurmadore, a practiser of Clistéro, s. m. a glister.
witchcraft.- -Ciurmadóre, a Clivo, steep ascent or descent.
cheat, a sharper.-Ciurmadóre, | Clízia, s. f turnsol, a flower.
a quack.
Cloáca, s. f a sewer a sink.
Ciurmáglia, s. f. mob, rab-Coabitáre, to cohabit.


Coabitatóre, s. m. cohabitant,









Coabitazione, s. f. cohabita-1 - Coritira, boiling, baking.-- Coetérno, adj. co-eternal. tion.

Cocitira, burning, scalding, Cofacétta, s. f. dim. of Cofáce Coadjutóre, s. m. a coadjutor.

cia. Coadjutória, s. f. coadjutor- Cocleária, s. f. scurvy-grass. Cofáccia, s. f. a cake, a bun. ship.-Coadjutrice, coadjutrix. Cocólla, s. f. a monk's hood. Cofaccína, dim. of Cofaccia. Coadjuváre, to assist together. Cocomerájo, s. a place Cofanajo,

trunk Coaguláre, to coagulate. where water-melons grow.-maker. Coagulamento, s. m. coagula- Cocomerújo, a seller of water- Cofanetto, dim. of Cófano. tion.


Cófano, s. m. a basket, a chest, Coagulatívo, that has the Cocomeréllo,dim.of Cocomero. a trunk. power of coagulation. Cocomero, s. water- Cogitabóndo, adj. pensive. Coagulazione, i. Coagulamén- melon. Some Italians who Cogitáre, to think. Obs.

are not natives of Tuscany Cogitativo, adj. thoughtful. Coágulo, s. m. coagulum, a give the name of cocomero to Cogitazióne, cogitation. curdled substance growing in the cucumber, whose proper Cógliere, to gather, to reapthe hollow of a disjointed name is cetriuólo.Mettere un Cógliere, to take-l'oglier in isbone.--Coágulo, curd, rennet cocomero in corpo, to put a flea cambio, to mistake.-- Cogliere, which turns milk. in one's ear.

to catch, to overtake.-lógie Coartáre, to be astringent. Cocúzzo, s. m. pate,noddle, liere, to befal, to come to pass. Cobbola, s. f. a country ballad. Cocúzzolo, S head.-Cocizzolo, -Cógliere, to hit, to strike. Cocca, s. f. the notch of a top, summit.

-Cogliere, to make alike.cross-bow.Cocca, arrow, Coda, s. f. the tail. Coda, the Cógliere, to draw to a head, to shaft.-Cocca, a cock.boat.-- corner of the eye.-Coda, the suppurate.--Cógliere to gather Corca, the tip of a spindle.- rear of an army-Coda, train, or bring together, to assemCocca del capo, the crown of a retinue.-Far coda, to attend, ble.- Cogliere cagione, to find man's head.

to follow.Coda, the train.- a pretence.- Tu non la corrai, Coccare, to laugh at, to deride. Coda, the end, the latter end. it shall not be so.—Cogliersela, - Coccerla ad uno, to put a

-Lisciar la coda, to flatter, to to run away. trick upon one.

soothe.-Guastar la coda al fa- Coclitóre, s. m. a gatherer. Cocchétia, dim. of Cocca. giano, to leave the best of any Cognáta, sister-in-law. Cocchiáta, s. f. a serenade in story in telling.-Codul di pol- Cognáto, s. m. brother-ina coach.

vere, a train of powder. Coda law.
Cocchiere, s. m. a coachman. cacallinn, an herb so called.-Cognazione, s. f. kindred.
Cocchiglia, s. f. a fish-shell. Coda di lione, a sort of herb. Cógnito, adj. known.
Cócchio, s. m. a coach. Codardía, s. f. cowardice.

Cognizioncélla, diminut. of Cocchione, augmen. of Cóc- Codárdo,, adj. cowardly.-Un Cognizione. chio.

codurdo, à coward.

Cognizione, s. f. knowledge, Cocchiúme, s. m. a bung, Codázza, s. f. large long tail. skill. Cóccia, $. f. a pimple, or blis- Codázzo, s. m. retinue, train. Cogno, s. m. a wine-measure ter.-Coccia d'aocd, the shell Codetta, a little tail.

of ten barrels. Codeare, to watch or dog one Cognome, s. m. the family Cóccio, s. m. potsherd. and his doings. Cocciuola, s. f. a pimple or Coderino, adj. having a tail. Cognomináre, to sirname. blister.

Coderóne, s. m. a kind of play Cognoscere, v. Conoscere. Cocco, s. m. cochineal. -Cocco, among children.

Cognoscibile, adj. that can be scarlet cloth.--Cocco, an egg. Codétta, s. f. dim. of Coda. known. A word of children.-Cocco, Codiáre, v. Codcare.

Cognoscibilità, v. Conoscimen2 darling

Codiatore, a prier into other Coccodrillo, s. m. a crocodile. people's affairs.

Cognoscimento, o Conosci Coccola, s. f. berry,

Códice, s. m. code. Coccolina, dim. of Cóccola. Codicillo, s. m. codicil.

Cogolária, s. f. à net with a Cocco óne, adv.ex.-Star coc- Codico, s. m. Obs. v. Códice.

large mouth. Coccolóni, 5 coloni, to lie or Codilúnga, adj. having a long Cojáccio, s.f. a degrading aug. sit squat. tail.

mentative of Cuojo, that deCoccovéggia, s. f. an owl. Codimózzo, adj. without a notes its hardness or bad quaCoccoveggiáre, to move as owls tail.

lity: do.

Codióne, s. m. the rump. Cojajo, s. m. a tanner, a leam Cocénte, adj. burning. Codirósse, s. m. a kind of fig- ther-seller, a cordwainer. Cochiglia, s. f. cockle-fish. pecker.

Cojáme, s. m. all manner of Cocimento, s. m. heat, smart.-- Coduto, adj. that has a tail. leather or hides.

Cocimento, a decoction. Coeguále, adj. co-equal. Cojétto, s. m. a leather jerkin. Cocióre, s. m. heat, inilamma- Coeréde, adj. joint-heir. Cóito, s, m. coition. tion.

Coerénte, adj. coherent. Colà, adv. local, yonder, there, Cocitójo, adj. easily boiled. Coerénza, s. f. coherence. in that place.--['bla, cullender, Cocitúra, s. f. the water in Coetáneo, adj. equal in age, straining bag.-Cola, a ruddle which any thing has boiled. coeval

to sift lime with.


of an egg





Colaggiù, adv. there below, down there. Colaménto, s. m. 2 straining. Coláre, to strain or strain through-Colare, to drop, to fall by drops.Colare, to melt, to liquefy. Colagione, s. f. the act of running through. Colascióne, s. m. a musical instrument like a guitar, with two strings only. Colassú, adv. there above, yonder above. Colatívu, adj. fluid.

Colatújo, s. m. a strainer, a cullender.-Colato, crucible.Colalejo, an earthen vessel to make lye. Colatúra, s. f. the remainder of what has been strained. Colazione, s m. a breakfast. Colcársi, to lay down. Coléi, pron. rel. she, that woman there.

Colere, to worship, to reve


Colezióne, s. f. breakfast.-Far
colezione, to breakfast.
Cólica, s. f. colic.
Cólico, adj. colic.

Colla, s. f. a rope with which they rack malefactors.-Colla, glue.

Collána, s. f. a necklace. Collanúzza, dim. of Collana.

league. Collegialmente, adv. after the manner of the college. Collegiare, to consult, to con

fer. Obs.

Collegiata, s. f. a collegiate

Collegiato, adj. collegiate.
Collégio, s. m. a college.-Far
collegio, to consult, to confer.
Colleppoláre, to rejoice, to be
merry. Obs. Colleppolare, to
rob, to steal, to carry away.
Collera, s. f. anger, choler.-
Andare in collera, to fall into a
passion.-Essere in collera, to
be angry.
adj. choleric.
Collário, s. m. v. Collirio.
Collétta, s. f. a gathering, col-
lection.-Collétia, a collect.
Collettivamente, adv. collec-

Collettivo, adj. collective.
Collettízio, ad. gathered up of
all sorts, collected.-Colletto,
s. m. a little hill-Colletto,

Collettore, s. m. collector, gatherer.

Collettoría, s. f. the office of
the collector.

Collezione, s. f. collection.
Collicéllo, s. m. a little hill.
Collína, s. f. a hill.-Colline,

Collaráccio, s. m. a degradings. f. plur. a row of hills.

augmentative of Collare. Colláre, to torture, to rack. Colláre, to glue. Colláre, s. m. a collar. Collarett'ajo, a collar-maker. Collarétto, s. m. collar.-ColCollaríno, larino di camicia, the neck of a shirt. Colláta, s. f. a blow on the neck.

Collaterále, collateral.

Collinétta, s. f. a little hill. Collirio, s. m. eye-salve. Collisione, s. f. collision. Collo, s. m. the neck-Portare un bambino in collo, to carry a child upon one's back.-fader di collo, to be out of favour. -Collo, the neck of a bottle or of a flask.-Far allungare il collo a uno, to make one wait.-Colio, a hill. Obs.

Collazionáre, to confront, to Collocaménto, s. m. the act of


Collazione, s. f. conference, parley. Collazione, the act of confronting Collazione, collation, the bestowing of church livings. Colle, s. m. a hill. Colléga, s. m. a colleague. Collega, s. f. alliance, league. Collegamento, s. m. v. ColleCollegánza, s. f. gazióne. Collegáre, to make or enter into an alliance or confederacy with Collegáre, to connect, to knit.-Collegáto, s. m. ally, confederate. Collegazióne, s. f. alliance,

[blocks in formation]

Collocáre, to set in a place, to place, to settle, to put, to lay, to lodge, to bestow. Collocazione, s. f. collocation. Collocuzióne, s. f. conference. Colloquíntida, s. f. colloquintida, the fruit of a wild gourd of a very bitter taste. Collóquio, s. m. conference, colloquy. Cóllora, t. Collera. Colloróso, adj. choleric. Collóttola, s. f. nape of the neck. Collusióne, s. f. collusion.

Colmare, to fill up to the top. Colmáta, s. f. fulness to the


Colmatóre, he that fills the measure to the brim. Colmatrice, fem. of Colma


Colmatúra, s. f. the over ful

ness of a measure.

Colmigno, s. m. the ridge of a house.

Colmo, s. m. top, summit, height.-Colmo, height, loftiness, haughtiness.-olmo, adj. filled up, over full.-Al colmo, adv. full measure. Celo, s. m. a strainer. Colocásia, s. f. a plant so call


Colofónia, s. f. a kind of gum.
Colomba, a hen dove.
Colombáccio, s. m. a wild pi-
Colombája, s.f.

Colombajo,s.m. Pigeon-house.
Colombáno, s. m. a kind of
white wine.

Colombella, s. f. wild-pigeon.
Colombína, s. f. pigeon's dung.,
Colombíno, adj. of or belong-
ing to pigeons, of a pigeon co-
lour, as mild as a pigeon.-
Columbino, s. m. a sort of stone
to make lime with.-Colombi-
no, a small pigeon.
Colombo, a pigeon.-Colombo
torrajuolo, a pigeon breeding
in towers or steeples.-Colom-
bo torquato, a ring-dove, a
wood-pigeon.-Colombo salva-
tico, a wood-pigeon.
Cólon, s. m. colon, the first of
the great guts.

Colónia, s. f. a colony.
Colónna, s. f. a column, a round
pillar-Colinna, a stay, a prop,
a support.-le Colonne d'Er-
cole,Hercules's pillars.--Le co-
lonne d'un libro, the columns
in a book.-Colonna, column,
a long file of troops.-Le co-
lonne d'un letto, the bed-posts.
Colonnáta, s. f. a colonade.
Colonnáto, s. m.)

Colonnello, s. m. a little pillar. -Colonnello, colonel, the chief commander of a regiment.--La compagnia colonella, the colonel's company, the first company in his regiment. -Colonella d'un libro, column in a book. Colonnétta, s. f. a little pillar. Colonnétto, dimin. of Colonníno, s. m.3 Colonna. Colóno, s, m. an inhabitant of

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a cclony.
Coltella, a knife.

order, precept. Coloráccio, s. m. bad colour. Coltellaccio, s. m. chopping- Comandire. to commard, to Coloraménto, s. m. colour. knife.

order, to charge, to bid. Colorare, to colour, to dye, to Coltellata, s. f.'a cut or stab Comandatóre, s. m. a commanstain, to paint.--'olorúrr, to with a knife. Fare a coltellate, der. embellish, to adorn.-Coloráre, to fight with knives.

Comandatrice, s. f. she that to colour, to cloak, to dis- Coltellésea, I the sheath of a commands. guise. Coltelliéra, } knife.

Comandigia, s. f. recommendColoratamente, adv. feignedly, Coltellinajo, a cutler.

ation. falsely.

Coliellino, s. m. a little knife. Comando, commandment, goColorato, adj. likely, probable, Coltello, s. m. a knife.-'oitelo, vernment, command, order, false, counterfeit. Scise colo- a short sword. oliello, the Comáre, s. f. a god-mother, a Tete, pretended excuses.-Un longest feathers of any bird's gossip. for colorato, a false discourse. wings.

Comáio, adj.hairy,long-haired. Colére, s. m. colour-Colóre, Coltellóne, s. m. a large knife. Combaciare, to set together, to

colour, pretence, show, ap- Coltivamento, s. m. culture.-fit. pearance.

Coltivamento, worship, adora- Combaciársi, to kiss one anColoretto, s. m. dim. of Colore. tion.

other. -Coloritto, s. m. a blush. Coltivare, to cultivate.-Collie Combaciainénto,the state of beColorire, to colour, to dye, to váre, to worship

ing glued or well fitted tostain, to paint.-Colorire, to Coltivatore, a ploughman, a gether. colour, to cloak, to disguise. husbandman, à tiller.--Colti- Combatténte, a combatant. Colorito, s. m. the manner of vatóre, instigator, encourager, Combattere, to fight, to com, colouring in a picture.-Beli setter on.

bat.ombailere, to batter, colorito, mal colorito, fine co- Coltivatúra, s. f. husbandry, attack,tobesiege.-- ombait louring, bad colouring. tillage, culture.

to oppose, to resist. Coloro, pron. rel. those, or Coltivatrice, feminine of Colti- Combattimento, s. m. combat, they. vatóre.

fight, battle, conflict. Colossale, adj. colossal. Coltivazione, s.f.z. Coltiratùra. Combattitore, s. m. a combatColósso, s. m. coloss, colossus. Colió, s. m. ploughed land. -Un colosso, a very tall and Collo, worship, respect.- olto, Combattitrice, a warlike wobig man.

adj. tilled, cultivate.!.-loto, man. Colpa, s. f. sin, offence, trans- gathered, collected. ---Collo, Coinbattúto, adj. combated, gression.Darla la colpu, to catched, caught. Se mi vien fought. Jay the fault on.-Chiamarsi in colto, if I have an opportunity. Combiatáre, v. Accommiatare. colpa, to own one's fault. die l’hu colta, he has cheated Combiato, o. Commiáto. Oba. Colpa, cause, reason, account. me.olto, surprized, taken Combibbia, s. f. many persons Colpabile, adj. guilty, fauicy. upon the fact.

drinking together. Colpáre, lo sin. obs.- opire, Cultóre, husbandman. Combináre, to combine. to own one's sins. Obs.--10! Coltráre, to plough.

Combinazione,s.f.combination. páre, to blame, to find fault Coltre, quilt, counterpoint, co- Combríccola, s. f. conventicle, with. verlet.

private mischievous meeting. Colpeggiáre, strike, tu Coltrice, s. f. a feather-bed.- Combustibile, adj

. combustible. smite.

Colrice, s. f. the husbandman's Combustióne, s. f. combustion. Colpettino, dim. of Colpetto. wife.

Combusto, auj.consumed with Colpetto, s. m. a small blow. Coltricetta,


dim. of Coltrice. Combútta, community. VulColpevole, adj. faulty, culpa- Coltricina, ble.

Coltro, s. m. a coulter, the gar.-Wettere in combutlu, ID Colpire, to strike, to hit.-Col- knife of a plough. pire, to succeed.

Coltroncino, dimin.of Coltróne. Come, adv.as,like.Come,how? Colpo,s.m.blow, stroke, stripe. Coltrone, s. m, counterpane,

Come fate ciò? how do you Colpo, act, action, deed, at- coveriet for a bed.

this ? (ome, what come! tempi.--Avete fatto un bel colpo, Coltúra, s. f. culture, husban. non volete venire? what! won't you have done a fine thing.- dry.

you come? Come, 26.-'ie Un crdpo da muestro, a masterly Colubrina, s. f. a culverin. come se avesse mille lire all' amo, stroke. D'un coipo, at once, Colubrineita, a small culverin. he lives as if he had a thou. all at once..A un colpo, at Colúbro, s. m. a poetical word sand pounds a year.-lone, as once-olpo di taglio, a cut- for any serpent.

soon as.-Come pice tosto potci, ting blow

Colúi, pron he or that. as soon as I could. Come l'UTO Colta, s. f. the gathering of Columbaria, s. f. pigeon's he:b. ricevrilo vc lo mandero, as sook taxes.-Coltu, collection.Colo Colú.0, s. m. colure, the colure as I have it, I'll send it you. ta, the dam of a mill.-Dar of the equinoxes, and the co- Come, as, becaósem one toi alla cala di colta, to hit the lure of the solstices.

sicte mio amico ve kusurá, as you ball.Far colta, to come to a Coma, 5. f. head of hair. Poe- are my friend, I'li give it you. head, to draw to a head.-Far tical.

Come, means, course, way, excofte, to hit, to strike. Comandamento,s.f. command, pedient.--So ben io come met Colcáre. Obs. « Coltivare. government, commandinent, fun she ci veng-1,I kned the way




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