صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

to make him come.-Ditemi il in commendam.

ci verrò, provided he is not there, I'll come.-Come, when. -Come vedrollo gli parlerò di voi, when I see him, I'll speak to him of you. Come prima, as



come, tell me how, in what Commendatízio,adj.commend- Commisário, v. Commessário. manner.-Come,provided,proCommissióne, v. Commessióne. vided that.-Come non vi sia, io Commendatóre, he that com- Commistióne, v. Commestióne. mends or praises.-Commenda- Commísto, adj. mixed, mingled. tore, a commendatory, one Commisuráre, to take measure that enjoys a benefice in com- of, to proportion. mendam. Commodézza, v. Comodezza. Commendazióne,s.f. commend- Commosso, adj. moved, stirred, ation.--Commendazione, ho- troubled, vexed. Commotivo, adj. apt to move. Commóto, adj. moved, stirred, troubled, chafed. Commovimento, s. m. commotion.

soon as.

Comecchè, adv. although-nour, praise.
Commeche, because, as.

Comédia, v. Commedia.

Commendévole, adj.commend-

Comentáre, to comment, to ex- Commensále, a guest.

Comentário,s. m. commentary.
Comentatore, commentator.
Coménto, s. m. commentary.
Cométa, s. f. a comet.
Cometário, adj. cometary.
Cometaccia, s. f. a large ugly

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Commovitóre, a mover, a stir


Commovitríce, feminine of
Commovitúra, commotion.
Commozióne, s. f. trouble, dis-
quiet, commotion.
Commozioncélla, dimin. of
Commuovere, to move, to stir,
to trouble, to vex, to disquiet,
to provoke.
Commutaménto, s. m. commu-

Commensurábile, adj. that
which can be measured at the
same time with another.
Commensuráre, to compare, to
set together, to confer, to
make comparison.
Commentáre, v. Comentáre.
Commentário, v. Comentário.
Commentatore, v. Comentatore.
s. m. commerce.
Comméssa, s. f. commission,
charge, order.
Commessaría, s. f. commission-
er's office.
Commessário, s. m. commis- Commutáre, to change, to ex-
sioner.--Commessário,executor. change.
Commessióne, s. f. commission.
Commésso, adj. committed.-
Commesso,s.m. a seam, a suture.
Commessúra, s. f. seam, suture,
chink, cleft.

Commestibile, s. m. victuals.-
Commestibile, adj. eatable.
Commestióne, s. f. a mixture.
Commetténte,s.m. correspond-


Comméttere, to enjoin, to com-
mand,to impose, to lay charge
upon-Commettere, to intrust,
to recommend.--Commettere, to
commit, to do, to perpetrate.

Commettere, to inchase,to set.
Commettimále, a mischievous
fellow, a make-bate.
Commettitore, he that commits.
Commettitrice, she that com-

Commettitúra, s. f. placing,
joining, or putting together.
Commiáto, s. m. leave, warn-
ing.-Pren ter commiato,to take
one's leave. Chieder commi-
ato, to ask leave to go.--Dar
commiato, to send away, to

Commilitóne, fellow-soldier.
Commischiare, to mix together.
Commiseráre, to take pity.
Commiserazióne, s. f. commi-


Commiserevóle, adj. piteous,
miserable, lamentable, deplor-

Commutazióne, s. f. change,
Como, adv. (poetical for come)


Comodaménte, adv. conveni-
ently, easily, with ease.
Comodáre, to fit, to make fit.
Comodataménte, conveniently.
Comodézza, s.f.conveniency,
Comodità, ease.—Comodità,
opportunity--Le comodità
d'una casa, the accommoda-
tions of a house.-Comodità,
riches. Far le sue comodità, to

Cómodo, s. m. advantage, con-
venience. A vostro comodo, at
your leisure. Comodo, adj.
convenient, easyComodo,
wealthy, that lives well.
Compadróne, s. m. a partner in
the command.
Compáge, s. f. close joining or
setting together.-Campage,
part, share, portion.
Compagna, feminine of Com-
pagno.-Compagna, company.
Obs.-Compagna, a company
of foot. Obs.
Compagnáccip, s. m. bad com-

Compagnésco, adj. sociable.
Compagnéssa, a she companion,
a female partner.
Compagnétto, a little compa-

Compagnévole, adj. sociable. Compendiáre, to abridge, to lect Compilare, to order, to Compagnia, s. f. company.- epitomize.

dispoşe.-Compiláre, to do with Compagnia, corporation, soci-Compéndio, s. m. abridgment. too much diligence, to overdo. ety, club.Compagnía, con- Compendioso, adj. compendi- Compilatóre, s. m. a compiler. gregation, confraternity.-- ous, concise.

Compilatúra, 2 compilation, Andar in compagnia, to go to- Compensacióne, s. f. come Compilazione, $ collection. gether.

Compensáme, s, m. pens- Compimento, s. m. finishing, Compágno,adj. companion, fel. Compensamento, s.m. ation perfecting, accomplishing

low. --Campagno,fellow, equal. Compensáre, to compensate, to Dar compimento, to finish. Compagnone, s. m. companion, recompence.

Compíre, to finish, to end, to fellow, partner. --Compagnone, Compensazióne, s.f. compensa- close, to conclude, to perfect. a good companion, a merry tion.

--Compire con uno, to perform fellow.-Compagnóne, a tail Compéaso, s. m. compensation. one's duty with one.-Com

Cómpera, s. f. purchase, erp- pire alla promessa, to make good Compagnúzzo, dim. of Com- tion.

one's promise. -Compire ab pagno.

Comperamento, s. m. emption, dovere, to do one's duty. Companática, s. f. meat, any purchase.

Compiraménte, adv. perfectly. Companático,s.m.) thing that Comperáre, to buy, to pur- Compitáre, to compute. Not is eaten with bread. chase.

used in this sense.Compitáre, Camparagióne, s. f. the act of Comperatóre, s. m. buyer. to spell. appearing before a court. Cómpero, adj. bought. Compitezza, s. f. good-breed. Comparáre, to compare. Competente, adj. competent.-- ing, comeliness. Comparático, s. m. spiritual al- Un pezzo competente, a reason- Cómpito, s. m. task.-Dare il liance contracted by being able portion.

Cumvito, to find fault with, gossips to each other. Competenza, s.f. debate, strife, Compitore, finisher, ender. Comparativo, s. m. compara- quarrel. Compelenza, compe- Compiutamente, adv. wholly: tive.

tency, conveniency. Compiuto, adj. perfect, finishComparazione, s. f. compari- Compétere, to be competent. ed, ended. - Compiuto, come son.

- Compétere, to strive, to quar- plete, accomplished. Compáre, s. m. a man gossip, rel.

Complessionále, adj. complexa god-father.-Compare, friend. Competitóre, s. m. rival. ional. Ben complessionato, Comparigióne, s. f. appearance. Competitríce, fem. of Compe- strong, lusty.--- Val complessioComparire, to appear. Compa- titore.

neto, weak, sickly. Tíre, to make a shew. Compiacenza, s. f. complacen- Complessióne, s. f. habit, conCompariscenza, s.f. appear- cy-Compiacenza, compliance, stitution of body.—ComplessiCompárita, ance, out- condescension.

one,quality, nature, condition. Compársa, side show. Compiacére, to please, to hu- Complesso, c. Complicazione.Compárso, part. pass. of Com- mour, to comply with.-Com- Complesso, adj. "burly, fat, parire.

piacére, to delight, to take strongly formed. Compartecipare, to partake pleasure in.

Complicazione, s. f. complicawith.

Compiacimento, s. m. pleasure, tion. Compartecipe, adj. sharer. delight.

Cúmplice, s. m. accomplice, Compartimento, s. m. compart. Compiaciuto, adj. delighted, partner. ment. pleased.

Complimentare,to compliment. Compartire, to divide, to share. Compiágnere,lto bewail, to Compliménto, s. m. compli

- Compartire, to give part to Compiángere,) lament,to make ments, civility, good behavianother.

complaints, to condole. Compáscuo, s. m. a common. Compiangnitore, bewailer, Complíre, to do what is fit.Compassáre, to measure with

Ciò mi comple, this is convenicompasses.-Compcssáre, to Compiánta, s. f. o. Compiánto. weigh in the mind.

Obs.--'ompiuinto, s. m.lament. Compónere, v. Comporre. Compassionáre, to pity. ation, complaint, woe, condo- Componicchiáre, to compose Compassione, s. f. compassion. lence.

little, and with difficulty. - Per compassione, through Compiánto, adj. bewailed, re- Componimenio, s. m. compopity. gretted.

sition, mixture of several Compassionévole, adj. pitiful, Cómpiere, to finish, to end, to things ---Componimento, compo

pitcous, touching, moving. close, to complete, to accom- sitio, writing.--Componimento, Compassívo, adj. pitying plish..compiere un votu, to & pod behaviour, deportment, Compásso, s. m. compartment. perform a vow.

-Compásso, a pair of com- Compiéta, s. f. complines, the Componitóre, a compositor. passes

evening prayers.--In su la Conipórre, to compound, to Compatimento, s. m. pity. Completa, towards the evening. / mix, to make up.-compórre, Compatibile, adj compatible. Compigliársi, to thicken, to to compose, to write, to be Compatíre, to pity, to commi- coagulate.

the author of.--Compórre, to serate.

Compiglio, s. m. a bee-hive. concert, to contrive.-ComCompatriota, Obs.

pórre, to bargain, to agree.-Compatriótto,

} coun

Compiláre,to complete, to col-l Compórre, to fit, to adjust, to


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ent to me.


dispose.Comporsi, to com-
pound with.
Comportábile, adj. tolerable.
Comportare, to suffer, to al-
low of, to let pass.-0 cielo
come il comporti? heavens! how
can you bear it?-Il mio stato
non comporta queste spese, these
expences are not proportion-
able to my circumstances.-
Comportarsi, to carry, to de-
mean, to behave, to comport
one's self, to act, to do.
Compórto, s. m. delay granted
by the creditor.
Compósito, s m. the fifth or-
der of architecture, Compo-

Compositore, compositor, au-
thor, composer.
Compositúra, t. Composizione.
Composizioncélla, din. of Com-

Comprensibile, adj.intelligible. múne,common,ordinary,indif-
Comprensióne, s. f. compre- ferent, vulgar.-In comune, in
common. La madre comune,
the earth.-Comúne, cominon-

Comprésa, s. f. circumference,
compass, circuit.
Compréso, adj. comprehended.
Compressionato, adj. robust, of
a strong constitution, stout.
Compressióne, s. f. compres-


Comprovare, to approve, to
allow, to admit.
Compúgnere, to vex, to grieve,
to put to pain.
Compugniménto, s. m. grief,
sorrow, pain, compunction,


Compulsare, to compel, to con-

Compúngere, v. Compúgnere.
Compúnto, adj. touched with

Compresso, adj. pressed close. -Nebbia compressa, thick fog. -Compresso, thick and short, stout, strong-limbed. Comprimere, to press, squeeze. Comprimere, to repress, to keep under. Comprobáre, v. Comprovare. Compromesso, s. m. compromise-Mettere in compromesse, to expose, to hazard. Compromettere, to compromise.-Compromettere, to exComposizione, s. f. composi- pose or hazard.--Compromettion, putting or setting toge-lérsi, to engage, to promise. ther.Composizione, composi- Comprovamento, s. m. approtion, writing.Composizióne, bation. composition, agreement. Compósta, s. f. mixture, composition Composta di pere, preserved pears.-Composta di fich, preserved figs. Compostamente, handsomely, neatly, finely, prettily, modestly. Compostézza, s. f. modesty, decency of behaviour. Composto, s. m. composition, mixture, compound.--Compósto, adj. composed, made, set together, ordered, set in array. -Parola composta, compound word. Kinedio composto, a tation. composition-Compostu, tranquil, sedate, composed. Compra, s. f. Compraménto, s. m. chase, emption. Compráre, to buy, to purchase. Compratúre, buyer, chapman, purchaser. Comprendere, to comprehend, to conceive, to perceive. Comúna, s.f. corporation, comComprendere, to take up, to, pany, society. take in.--Comprendere, to com- Comunále, adj. common, usual. prise, to contain. -Commále, s. m.corporation, Comprendiménto, s. m. com- company, society. prehension.-Comprendimento, Comunalmente, commonly,usudistrict, precinct. ally. Comunalmente, in comComprenditore, he that understands or comprehends. Comprenditrice, fem. of Comprenditore. Comprendénico, adj. apt to comprehend. Comprendónio, s. m. compreheusion, brains, wit.


Compunzióne, s. f. compunc


Computaménto, s. m. compu

Computáre, to compute, to
reckon.-Computáre, to enu-
merate, to put into the num-

Computista, computant, ac-
countant, book-keeper.
Cómputo, s. m. account, com-
Computrire, to rot together.

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Comunicazióne, communica

tion.-Comunicazione, commu-
nion.-Conanicazione, thestate
of being or making common.
Comunichino, s. m. a conse-
crated wafer.
Comunióne, s. f. communion.
Comunità, community, corpo-
ration, company, society-In
comunità, adv. in common.
adv. how-
Comunqueménte, soever,
however, how.-Comunque si
sia, howsoever it may be.-Co-
munque, as soon as.
Con, prep. with.-Con che, so

Conáto, s. m. effort.
Conca, s. f. a vessel to wash in.

Conca, a pan, any large ves sel.Conca, shell.-Essere una conca fessa, to be sickly. Concatenáre, to link together. Concatenazióne, s. f. concatenation.


Concaváto, adj. concave, hol-

Comunánza, communication.
Comunáre, to make common.
Comúnche, v. Comunque.
Comúne, adj. common, that Concavità, s. f. concavity, hol-
belongs to all.-('omúne, com- lowness.

mon, public, general.-Co- Cóncavo, adj. concave, holmine, common, usual-Co- low.

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Concepto, adj. conceived.
Concernénte,prep. concerning.
-Concernente,adj. concerning,

clude, to resolve upon, to de- Concíso, adj. concise, suc-
termine.--Conchiudere, to in- cinct, brief.
close, to shut in.
Concistoriale, adj. consistorial.
Conchiusióne, conclusion, end, Concistório,
close.-Conchiusione, conclu- Concistoro,
s. m. consistory.
sion, consequence, inference.
Conchiúso, adj. concluded.
Cóncia, s. f. tan, bark of oak;
a tan-vat or tan-pit.
Conciáre, to mend, to repair,
to fit, to make fit, to dress, to disturber.
trim, to furnish.-Conciar uno, Concitatrice, fem. of Concita-
to abuse one, to thrash him. tóre.
-Conciáre,totame.-Conciare, Concitazióne, s. f. incitation,

to geld, to castrate.-Conciáre uno pel dì delle feste, to use one as ill as possible.-Conciáre le pelli, to dress leather-Conciare, to adjust.-Conciar vini, to sophisticate wine. Conciatóre, mender.-Conciatore di pelli, tanner. Conciatrice, fem. of Conciatore. Conciatúra,s. f.meading, dressing.Conciatura di testa, head


Conciéro, s. m. v. Conciatura.
Conciliabolo, s. m. an assembly
of schismatic prelates, a con-


Conciliare, to reconcile.-Con-
ciliare il sonno, to cause sleep.
Conciliatóre, a reconciler.
Conciliatrice, fem. of Concilia-


Conciliazióne, s. f. reconcilia-

Concílio, s. m. council.-Conci-
lio, a general assembly of bi-

Coacernere, to concern, to re-
gard, to belong to.
Concertáre, to concert, to con-
trive, to bring to pass.
Concertatore, contriver.
Concertatrice, she that con-
Concerto, s. m. concert, har-
moay.-Esser di concerto, to do
a thing unanimously, to go
hand in hand in a business.
Concessione, s. f. concession,
grant. permission.
Concesso, adj. granted.
Concestora, s. m. v. Concistoro.
Concettino, s. m. an acute, but Concinnità,s.f.neatness,spruce-
boyish and false thought. ness, compactness,
Concetto, s. m. conceit, fancy, ness.
opinion.conception, thought.
-Concetto, esteem, repute,
fame, credit, name. Ha per-
duto il concetto, he has lost his


Concettúzzo, dim. of Concet


Concezione, s. f. conception, breeding. Concezione,concepfion,comprehension, thought. Conchetta, dim. of Conca. Conchiglia, s. f. shell, sea-shell. Conchillo. Obs. v. Conchiglia. Conchiúdere, to conclude, to infer, to draw a consequence. -Conchiudere, to conclude, to finish, to end-tonchiudere, to convince.--Conshiúdere,to con


Conciliúzzo,s.m.a little council.
Concimáre, to muck, to dung
Concíme, muck, dung.

Concitamento, s. m. incentive, motive, emotion, provocation. Concitáre, to stir up, to provoke, to incite, to spur on. Concitatóre,s.m.stirrer, causer,

Concittadino, fellow citizen. Conclave, s. m. conclave, the room where the cardinals meet to choose a pope. Concludente, adj. concluding. Concludenteménte, adv. to the purpose, suitably, pertinentÎy.

Concludere, to conclude, to finish, to end-Concludere, to contain, to inclose, to comprize--Concludere, to conclude, to infer, to draw a con

sequence. Conclusióne, conclusion, consequence, inference. In conclusione, in short. Conclúso, adj. concluded. Concoide, s. f. a conchoid. Cóncola, s. f. a little shell, bow!, bason. Concomitante, adj. concomi


Concomitánza, concomitance. Concordagióne, s. f. v. Concordánza.

Concordánte, adj. agreeable, unanimous.

Concordánza,s. f.concordance,

agreement.--Concordanza,concordance, a term of grammar. quaint-Concordáre, to concord, to agree together, to hold together.-Concordáre,to reconcile,

Concio, adj. fitted, dressed,
mended, used.--Mul concio,
abused, mangled.--Concio,
fine, trim, quaint, spruce.
In concio, adv. ready.Concio,
s. m. a polished stone-Con-
cio, dung, marl, muck.-Con-
cio, agreement, peace.
Concionáre, to harangue.
Concióne, s. f. sermon, oration,
Conciofossecósa che, cause,
Conciossia che,
Conciossiacósa che, dering
Conciossiecósa che, that.
None of these adverbs in use
any longer.


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Condannazione, s. f condemn-Condoglienza, s. f. condo-
ation, sentence, doom. Condolénza,lence.
Condannevóle, adj. to be con-Condolérsi, to complain, to
demned, to be blamed.
Condégno, adj. worthy, suit-

Condennáre, v. Condannare,

Concorrenza, s. f. concurrence,
competition, rivalship.
Concórrere, to run with others.
-Concorrere in una opinione, to
be of the same opinion or
mind-Concorrere alla spesa,
to pay one's club.-Concórrere,
to concur, to pretend to the
same thing as another.
Concorrimento, s. m. concur-
rence, concourse.-oncorri-
ménto, increment of flesh so as
to stop the orifice of the
Concórso, S. m. concourse, Condensársi, to grow thick.
crowd.Concurso, concur- Condensazione, s. f. condensa-


and all its derivatives.
Condensamiento, s. m. thick-
ness, closeness, condensity,

Condensáre, to condensate, to
condense, to thicken.


Concótto, adj. digested, con- Condénso,adj.thick, hard, con


Concozióne, s. f. concoction,
Concrçáre, to create together.
Concréto, s. m. concrete; any
quality considered with its
subject, Concreto, adj. grown
Concrezione, s, f. concretion.
Concubina, a concubine, a kept


Concubinário, one that keeps
Concubinato,s.m. concubinage.
Concubinésco, adj. of or be-
longing to a concubine.
Concubino, s. m. concubine,
Concúbito, s. m. the act of ly-
ing together.
Conculcaménto, s. m. concul-
cation, the act of treading
under foot.
Conculcare, to conculcate, to
Conculcatore, oppressor.
Conculcatrice, fein. of Concul-

dense. Condescendénte, adj. scending, complaisant. Condescendenza, s. f. conde


bewail, to hemoan.--Condo-
lersi, to condole.

Condolúto, adj. condoled.
Condonábile, adj. pardonable.
Condonáre, to pardon, to for-

Condonazićne, s. f. pardon,

Condotta, s. f. conduct, management. Conditta,conduct,


behaviour, way.----Condólta, conduct, forecast, prudence, wisdom, discretion.Condótta, carriage. conde-Condottiére, s. m. captain.Condottiere, a carrier. Condotto, adj. conducted, guided.-Conditto, s. m. conduct, command.Condétto, conduit, passage, pipe. Conducente, adj. conducting." Conducere, v. Condurre. Conducévole, adj. conducting, leading.


Condescendere, to go down
condescend, to yield to.
Condescéso, adj. condescended,
Condimento, s. m. sauce, sea-

Condire, to season, to sauce.-
Condire, to season, to sweeten,
to embellish one's words or
actions.-Condure, to pickle,
to preserve.
Condiscéndere, v. Condescen-

Condiscendiménto, s. m. con-


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Conduciménto, s. m. manage, management. Conducimento, conduct, behaviour, way. Conducitóre, s. in. leader.guide. Conducitrice, a she leader. Condúrre, to conduct, to lead, to guide, to bring, to carry. Condurre, to induce, to persuade, to bring to.Condurre a casa qualcuno, to see one home Condurre, to reduce, to bring-Condursi in qualche luogo, to arrive at, to come to.


Concuócere, to concoct, to digest.


Condiscepolo, s. m.condisciple.
Conditore, maker, founder.
Conditore, s. m. he that makes
or builds.
Conditrice, fem. of Conditore.
Conditúra, s. f. seasoning,
Condizionále, adj. conditional. | Confabuláre, to confabulate,
to talk together.

Conduttore, leader or guide.
Conestabile, constable, high

Concupire, to covet, to desire.
Concupiscenza, s. f. concupis- Condizionalmente,conditional-


Concupiscevole, concu-
Concupiscibile, adj. piscible.
Concussáre, to shake.
Concussatore, he that shakes.
Concussione, s. f. concussion,
Condánna, v. Condannagione.
Condannábile, . Condanné-


Condannagióne, s. f. condemnation, sentence, doom. Condannáre, to condemn. Condannatore, he that condemns.

Condannatrice, fem. of Con

Condizionáre, to prepare, to
dispose, to fit, to adapt, to
condition, to bargain.
Condizionato, adj. conditional,

Condizioncella, dimin. of Con-

Condizióne, s. f. condition,
state, nature, circumstances,
disposition, quality Condi
zióne, condition, article, clause,
proviso, terms.Condizione,
offer, proffer.—Condizióne,
mind, opinion, meaning,
thoughts.- condizione, upon¡

Conestaboléria, s. f. the high
constable's jurisdiction.

Confabulazione, s. f. confabu

Contacénte, adj. suitable, like.
Confacenza, s. f. suitableness.
Confacévole, adj. meet, conve
nient, suitable.
Confacimento, v. Confacenza.
Confáre, to become, to b
proper, to be suitable, to fit
to suit with, to agree.-livin
non mi confà, wine is not gon
for me.-2uesto discorso non
confà ad un par costro, this wa
of talking does not becom
such a man as you.
Confederaméntó, s. m. confed.

« السابقةمتابعة »