صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني




racy, league, alliance. Conficcatúra, s. f. the act of Conformévole, adj. conform Coniederarsi, to confederate. nailing, fastening, drivinginto. able, suitable. Confederáto, s. m. confederate, Contidánza, s. f. trust, confi- Conformità, s. f. conformity aliy. dence.

conformableness.-Conformità, Confederazione, s. f. confede-Confidáre, to trust, to confide, submission, compliance to... racy, alliance, league. to rely or depend upon. In conformità, according, purr Cooferénz., s. f. conference. Confulare, to commit to one's suant, in conformity. Conferire, to confer; to dis- hand or charge.-Confidare un Confortainento, s. m. comfort, course, to communicate, to seyretio, to impart a secret. consolation. impart.- Oferire, to help, to Confidente, s. f. a trusty friend. Confortáre, to comfort, to redo good.-Conferire, to collate Confidentemente, confidently. create, to delighi, to divert. give or bestow.

Confidenza, s. f. confidence, confortáre, to advise, to Conféria, s. f.

trust, hope.-Confidenza, inti-counsel.-onforture il cane all' Confermazione, s. f. firma

macy.--Confidenza, confidence, erta, io advise one to do a Coafermamento, s. 21). tion, boldness.

thing, which one is
Coafermare, to confirm, to es. Confírgere, s

, } v. Confiecare.

willing to do himselflun

fortáre, to comfort, to strengthtablish, to testify.-i'urjermure, Confina, s. f. Obs. 3. Confine. en, to corroborate. !onfur. to coniirm, to ratify. Confin‘ante, adj. bordering társi, to promise one's selt, to Confermativo, adj. confirma- upon.

hope. tory.

Contináre, to border upon.-Confortatiro, adj. strengthenConferma:rice, she that con- Corfináre, to limit, to set ing. firms.

limits, to stint.--confináre, to Confortatore, a comforter. Confermazione, confirmation, confine, to tie to a certain, Confortatório, adj.consolatory, evidence, approbation.-lon- place.--Confinare, to trans- comfortable. fericire, contirmation, a port.

Confortatrice, she that encouchurch ceremony Confine o Confíno, s. m. con

rages or comforts. Coalessáre, to liear one's con- fines, limits, borders.--' online, Confortazlóne, s. f. comfort, fession.-Confessare, to confess, adj.bordering upon.- 'onfine, refreshment, recreation. own or allow.--''onfessársi, to confinement.-- vinnare a con- Confortevole, adj. comfortconfess to a priest.

fine, to confine.- Pigliure ilable. Confessatore, he that owns or confino, to go to the place Confortinajo, a biscuit or ginacknowledges, aszertor, con- where one is to be conlined. ger-bread maker or seller. fessor.

-Ronere il confino, to run : Confortino, s. m. cakes, ginConfessionale,

confes - away froin one's confine gor-bread. Confessionário, s. m.) sion

Conforto, s, m, comfort, conchair.

Confirmáre, v. Confermare, solation...l'onfórto, persuaConfessione, s. f. confession, and its derivatives.

sion, advice. acknowledgment.

Contiscáre, to confiscate. Confratérnita, s. f. fraternity, Confésso, adj. confessed. Confiscazione, s. f. confisca- society, brotherhood.

tion, forfeiture..

Confrontáre, to confront, to ,

Confitto, adj. thrust or shot bring face to face, to compare, Confettáre, to preserve, to through, stuck.

to confer. .confit.--Confeltare, to season, Conflitto, s. in.conflict,combat.' Confronto, s. m. the act of con

to dress.-Confetture una per- Contindere, to confound, to fronting, -2011, to cherish, to love, to mix, to jumble, to blend.- Confusamente, adv. confusedmake inuch of.

Confondere, to confound, to ly. Confettiéra, s. f. a confit-box. destrov,to waste.-Confondere, Confusério, adj. somewhat con-Confelliéru, a seller of sweet- to confound, to confute.- fused or ashamed, bashful.

Confondere, to confound, per- Confusióne, s. f. contusion, disa Confetturiére, a confectioner. plex, puzzle.

order, mixture-l'onfusione, Confétto, adj. preserved, sea- | Confondimento, s. m. confu- confusion, trouble.--.l'onfim

soned, pickled.-lonfetto, s. m. sion, disorder, mixiure, u. sione, confusion, shame.-Consugar-plum, sweet-meat. Confusione.

fusióne, crowd. Contertúra, s. f. preserves, Conformáre, to conform, to Confú-o, adj.confounded, conConfezione,) comfits, sweet-suit, to'frame, to square, to fused.--Confúso, confounded, meats.--Confezione confection, fashion, to make like. nshamed. medical composition. Conforınársi, to conform onc's Confutábile, adj. confutable. Conficcaméoto, s. m. the act self, to cuinply with. Confutaménto, 3. m. confuta. of fixing, thrusting, or driv. Conformaziune, s. f. conform- tion. ing in. ation, disposition.

Confutáre, to confute. Connccáre, to nail, to fasten Confórme, adi. conform, con- Confutazione, 6. f. confutato thrust into, to drive into formable, like, suitable.- tion, Conficcáre alcuna cosa nellu Consórme, adv. accordings as. Congedáre, to give leave, to memoria, to fix any thing in onforme m' acele dello, as dismiss. you told me,

Congedo, s. m. leavę--Prender


Confessóre; } a confessor.



one's memory.

congedo, to take one's leave. Dar congedo, to dismiss. Congegnare, to connect, to knit, to fasten together. Congelamento, s. m. congelation.

Conglutinatívo, adj. viscous. Conglutinazione, s. f. conglutination, fastening with glue. Congratulársi, to congratulate.

Congratulazione, s. f. eongratulation. Congréga, s. f. congregation, assem


Congregáre, to congregate, to assemble.

Congregazione, s. f. congregation.

Congelársi, to congeal, to freeze. Congelagióne, s. f. congelation. Congreganza, Congérie, s. f. congeries, heap, hoard. Congetturáre, v. Conghietturare, and its derivatives. Conghiettúra, s. f. conjecture, guess. Conghietturáre, to conjecture, to guess. Conghietturatore, s. m. conjecturer, guesser. Congío, v. Congedo. Obs. Congiungere, to conjoin, to Congiúgnere, S join-Congiún gersi, to approach, to come


Congiugniménto, s. m. con

Congresso, s. m. congress, meeting.

Congruente, adj. congruent,
Congruenza, s. f. congruence,
conformity, suitableness,
Congruo, adj. congruous, meet,

Coniáre, to coin, to mint.
Coniatóre, coiner.


Conigliéra, s. f. warren, coney


Coniatrice, fem. of Coniatore. junction, the act of joining Conicamente, adv. conically. together, the state of being Cónico, adj. conical. joined together.Congiugni- Conjettúra, v. Conghiettura. ménto, joint, seam. Conjetturáre, v. ConghiettuCongiugnitóre, he that joins. Congiugnitrice, she that joins. Congiugnitúra, s. f. joint, seam. Congiuntamente, adv. jointly. Congiuntivo, adj. that may be joined together.-Congiuntivo, s. m. the conjunctive mood. Congiúnto, adj. joined, conjoint-Congiunto, near relat- Conjugale, adj. conjugal. ed, allied.Congiunto, s. m. relation, kindred-Congiunto, conjunction.

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Couíglio, s. m. rabbit, coney. Cónio, s. m. wedge.-Conio, a coin to stamp money.-Conio, money.-Femmina da conio, a prostitute.

Conjugare, to conjugate. Conjugato, adj. married. Conjugio, s. r. marriage.

Congiuntúra, s. f. joint, seam. Conjuntivo, s. m. conjunction,

-Congiuntura, conjuncture, opportunity.

a term of grammar. Connaturále, adj. connatural. Congiunzione, s. f. conjunction, Connaturáre, to sympathize. union.Congiunzióne, con- Connessióne, s. f. connection. junction (in grammar.) Connésso, adj. connex, joined. Congiúra, s. f. conju- Connestábile, s. m. a constable. Congiuraménto, s. m. ration, Connettére, to connect. conspiracy.Congiura, al-Connivénza, s. f. connivance. Connúbio, s. m. matrimony, marriage. Connumeráre,to reckon among


Congiurante, conspirator, plot


Congiuráre, to conjure, to con-
spire, to plot together.-Con-
giuráre, to conjure, to exorcise,
to raise or lay spirits.-Un
congiurato, a conspirator
Congiuratore, conspirator.
Congiurazione, s. f. plot, con-

Conglobato, adj. conglobated.
Conglomeráto, adj. conglome-


Couglutináre, to conglutinate, to glue.


Cono, s. m. cone.
Conócchia, s. f. distaff.
Conóide, conoid, in geometry.
Conoscénte, adj. knowing.
Conoscente, grateful, thankful.
-Conoscente, s. m. or f. friend,
Conoscenza, s. f. acquaintance,
knowledge, intelligence.
Conoscenza, knowledge, learn-
ing-Far conoscenza, to get ac-

Conoscere, to know.-Parsi a
conoscere, to make one's self
known.Condiscere, to ac-
knowledge.Coniscere, to
taste, to relish.--Con sere, to
take cognisance.-Far conós-
cere, to make appear-Co-
noscere una donna, to lie with
a woman.-
-Conoscersi, to have
skill in.

Conoscibile, adj. that may be known.

Conoscimento, s. m. sense, wit, judgment, knowledge.--Conoscimento, experience. Conoscitóre, s. m. connoisseur. Conosciuto, adj. known, noted, notable, famous. Conquassaménto, v. Conquasso. Conquassáre, to destroy. Conquásso, s. m. havock, waste, spoil, destruction.-Mandere o mettere in conquasso, to destroy, to ruin, to waste. Conquídere, to conquer. Poëtical.


Conquíso, adj. conquered, sub-
dued, afflicted. Poetical.
Conquista, s. f.
Conquistaménto, s. m. f quest.
Conquistare, to conquer, to
Conquistatore, s. m. conquer-


Conquistatríce,ashe conqueror.
Conquisto, s. m. conquest, ac-
Consacráre, to consecrate.

Consagrazione, s. f. consecra-

Consanguíneo, adj. relation," kinsman, kin.

Consanguinità, s. f. consangui-

Consapevóle, adj. conscious.
Far consopecole, to impart, to
let one know.

Conscio, adj. conscious.
Consecráre, to consecrate.
Consecrazióne, s. f. consecra-

Consegnare, to consign, to in-
trust.--Consegnave, to deliver
goods to.

Conseguente, adj. consequent. onseguinte, adv.afterwards. -Per conseguente, adv. consequently.

Conseguentemente, adv. consequently.

Conseguenza, s. f. consequence inference, conclusion, sequel -l'onseguenza, consequence importance, moment, weight -Conseguenza, consequent c


logic) opposed to antecedent. Consideráre, to consider, to comfortable. Conseguite, to obtain, to get, mind, to think of, to moditate Consolatore, comforter. to gain. Conseguire, to suc- upon. Consideráre, to view, Consolatóric, adj. consolatory. ceed, to follow.

to behold, to look on, to gaze Consolatrice, s. f. comforter. Consenso, t. Consentimento. upon.

Consolazione, s. f. consolation, Consentáneo, agreeable, con- Considerataménte, adv. advis comfort. sonaat, meet.

edly. Consideráto, circum- Cónsole, . Cónsolo. Consentimento, s. m. consent, spect, wary:

Consolida, s. f. an herb so call. approbation.

Considerazione, s. f. considera- ed. Consentire, to consené, to yield, tion, circumspection, consi- Consolidamento,s.m.consolidato be willing, to approve, to derateness, prudence, discretion. agree, to allow of..- 'unseniire, tion--lunsiderazione, note, Consolidáre, to make firm, s. m. consent.-Chi luce con- merit, worth, account, value, hard, and solid, to consolidsente, silence gives consent. esteem, respect. Considero- ate.--l'on olidárc, to strength. Consequenza, v. Conseguenza. zióne, consideration, account, en, to fasten, to confirm, to Conserto, adj. interlaced... sake, reason, motive.

corroboratc. Conserto, a concert, u. Con- Consigliáre, to advise, to coun- Consolidazione, s. f. consolida

sel.-l'onsigliársi, to consult tion. Consérva, s. f. storehouse, with.lasciatevi consigliar de Cónsolo, s. m.consul. pantry, buttery, any place me, take my advice. Consonante, adj. consonant. where things are kept for Consigliatainénte, adv. advis- Consonante, s. f. a consonant. store.-Consérva, conserve, edly, deliberately. Consonáuza, s. f. consonance, fowers, fruits, roots preserv- Consigliatore, s. m. adviser, harmony.--Consonuinza, cored by any pickle.---Conserva, counsellor -- Consigliatrice, s. f. respondence, familiarity, conoumber of ships that go to- she that gives advice.

cord. gether. - Andar conserva, to go Consigliéte, s. m. counsellor, Consonáre, to tune one's voice together.-Far, conserva, to


with another.--Consonáre, to day in store.

Consiglio, S. m. resolution, agree, to suit. Conservadore, conservator. course.--Prender consiglio, to Consono, adj. suitable, agreeConservadrice, fem. of Con- resolve.--Consiglio, counsel,! able, convenient. servadore.

advice.Stare a consiglio con Consórte, s. m. f. partner, conConservággio, s. m. fellowship) qualcheduno, to talk secretly sort, partaker, sharer, mate, in slavery:

with one ---Consiglio, council- l'onsórte, spouse, husband, Conservagióne, s. f. 7 conser- board.alonsiglio pronto, the wife.---.imbo consorti, both Conservaménto, s. m. / vation, privy-council.---Consiglio di husband and wife.

maintenance, support. guerra, council of war, court. Consortería, s. f. race, family, Conserváre, to conserve, to martial.

stock, generation.---Consortepreserye, to defend, to main-Consimigliáre, to resemble, to ria, partnership, company. tain.

be alike, to make alike. Conorieria, affinity, relation. Conservársi, to keep, to last Consímile, adj. resembling, Consórzio, s. m. partnership, long. linervarsi, to take like.

company, society. care of one's self, to mind consistente, adj.consistent, not Consuetaménte, adv. customone's health.

fluid.-Consisiénte, consistent, arily. Conservativo, that which is agreeable.

Consuéto, adj. usual, common. good to keep.

Consistéaza, consistence. Consuetudin irio, adj. usual, or. Conservatore, s. m. protector, Consisténza, s. f. consistence, dinary. defender, preserver.

relation, agreement.

Consuetúdine, s. f. custom, Conservatrice, s. f. $that consistere, io consist.

usaye, use. delends, that preserves. Consistorio, 7.

Consúlta, s. f. consultation, deConservazione, s. f. conserva- Consistoro,

s. m. consistory.

liberationfar consult!', to tion, preservation.

Consobrino, adj. cousin. consult. Conservévole, adj. that will Consolamento, s. m. comfort, Consultáre, to consult, to adkeep. consolation,

vise with, to take advice of. Consérvo, fellow-servant. Consoláre, to comfort, to give Consultazione, s. f. consulta. Consésso, s. m. assembly, meet- comfort, to console.

tion. ing, company.

Consolare, adj. consular. Consultivo, adj. advising: Consettajubio, adj. of the same Consolarminte, adv. consul- Consúlto, s. m. counsel, advice, like.

consultation. Considerábile, adj. consider- Consolatamente, adv. quietly, Consultóre, s. m. counsellor, able.

comfortabiy, cheerfully. adviser. Consideraménto,s.m considera- Consolatico, s. m. consulship. Consumabile, adj. consumable. tion, reflection, thoughts, me- Consolativo, adj. comfortable. Consuinamento, s. m.consumpditation. Consideramento,con- Consolito, s. m. consulship.- tion, wasting --Consumuamento, sideration,sake,reason,motive. Consoláto, adj. comfortable, amfiction, sorrow, grief. Consideránza, s. f. considera- sweet, pleasant.--Questa piosConsumáre, to waste, to con. tion.

gia vien consolata, this rain is sume, to destroy, to prine


Contenénza, v. Continenza. to tell, to number.-Conture, Contenére, to contain, to hold, to set a price upon.-Conáre, to comprehend, to comprize. to tell, to recount.--Contare, -Conténere, to contain, to 10 count, to compute, to keep in, to refrain, to bridle. reckon. -Contur male la bisog- Lantenersi, to forbear, to na, to be mistaken in one's restrain. reckoning, Contar senza l'oste,

away, to spend, to squander Contáre, to count, to reckon, away.Consumáre,to consumInate, to finish, to accomplish, to complete, to make an end Consumersi,to fret,to vex. Consumativo, adj. apt to con


Consumato, s. m. jelly-broth. - -Un uomo consumato, a man versed in business.

Consumatore, waster, consum


Consumatrice, woman waster, female spender. Consumázióne, s. f. consump. tion, wasting.Consumazione,

to count the chickens before they are hatched. Contatore, a teller, an account


Contatto, s. m. touch, contact. Conte, s. m. earl, count. Contéa, s. f. earldom, county. Conteggiare, to reckon, to

Contenimento, s.

m. continence, temperauce, chastity. -----ontenamento, moderation, soberness, discretion, caution, circumspection, reservedness, modesty, gravity. Contentamento, s. m. content, contentment, joy, delight. Contentáre, to please, to satisfy, to humour. -Contentarsi, to be contented, well pleased, satisfied.— Contentarsi, to consent, to approve.



end.Constrainzióne, consummation, perfection. Consumo, v. Consumazione. Consuntivo, adj. consuming,

that consumes.

Consunto, adj. consumed, wast-
ed. Consanto, in a consump-.
Consunzióne, s. f. consumption.
Consuonáre, v. Consonare.
Consustanziale, adj. consub-

Consustanziazióne, s. f. con-
Contadinélio, a country boy,
a country lad.

Contadinésco, adj. rustical,

compute, to cast accounts.

Contegno, s. m. appearance,
Contegno, action, motion, ges-
ture, behaviour.Contégno,
gravity, seriousness, reserved-


Contegnoso, adj. staid, grave,
Contemperanza, s. f. suitable-
ness, conformity.
Contemperare, to temper, to
compose, to mitigate, to pro-

Contemplamento, s. m. con-
templation, study.
Contemplare, to contemplate,
to behold, to view, to muse,
to meditate.

Contadino, s. m. a countryman,
a clown, a peasant.--Contad- Contemplativo, adj. contem-
no, adj. rustical, rural, clown-| plative.
ish, uncivil, rude.
Contadinotto, a lusty young
Contado, s. m. country, fields.
Contudo, shire, county.


Contemplatore, contemplator.
Contempiatrice, she that con-
Contemplazione, contempla-
tion, meditation, speculation,
Contemporáneo, adj. contem-


Contágio, s. m.
Contagióne, s. f.
Contagioso, adj. contagious.
Contamente, adv. properly,
well, cleverly.--Contuménte, in
god language or dress.
Contamento, s. m. numbering,
counting, reckoning,
Contaminabile, adj. that may
be contaminated.
Contaminamento, s. m. con-
tamination, defilement, pol- Contendiménto, s. m. conten-

Contamináre, to contaminate,
to defile, to pollute.-Conta-
minare, to infect, to commu-
nicate corruption, to spread

Contendénza, s. f. c. Contesa.
Contendere, to contend, to
strive, to quarrel, to debate,
to fight, to dispute, to scold.
-Contendere, to binder, to
stop, to forbid, to prohibit,
to bar, to keep from.
Contendevolmente, adv. litigi-

tion, strife.
Contenditore, a litigious, quar-
relsome, riotous man.
Contenditrice, a litigious or
quarrelsome woman.
Contenente, adj. that contains.
Contaminazione, s. f. contami-Contenente, continent, sober,
nation, infection.
temperate, chaste, virtuous.
Contante, adj. that counts, that Continente is a word more
reckons.Denaro contante, in use-ontenente, s. m. con-
ready money.
tinent, firm or main land.

Contentatúra, v. Contentézza. Contentezza, s. f. content, contentment.

Contentibile,adj. contemptible. Contentávo, adj. that contains. Contento, adj. contented, pleas ed, satisfied.-Son contento, I will, I am contented-Contento, sam. contentment, pleasure, delight, gladness. Contenuto, adj. contained.Contenuto, sm. the contents. Contenzione, s. f. contention, debate, strife, dispute. Contenziosamente, adv. contentiously.

Contenzioso, adj. contentious,

Contésa, s. f. contention, strife,
debate, quarrel-Essere incon
tesa con qualcheduno, to be at
odds with one.
Contessa, countess.
Contéssere, v. Intessere.
Contessina, dim. of Contessa.
Contestabile, constable.
Contestare, to put in the
plaintifl's declaration and
the defendant's answer into
the court.
Contestazione, s. f. debate,


Contesto, adj. woven, interlaced.


Contezza, s. f. information,
relation, account, advice,
Conticíno, s. m. a small bill, a
short account.
Contigia, s. f. any ornament.
Contigiato, adj. adorned, trim-

Contiguità, s. f.nearness, neigh-
bourhood, contiguousness,

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Continénte, adj. containing. Continente, continent, sober, chaste.-Continente, s. m. con

tinent, main land. Continenza, s. f. circumference. -'ontinenza,continence.temperance.---Continenza, event,

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success.—-Continenza, firmness, constancy, solidity. Continenza, courtesy, reverence in dancing. Contingente, adj. contingent, casual, accidental. Contingenza, contingence, casualty, accident.- ·Continpena, a frail fading thing. Contingere, to happer,chance. Contino, dim. of Conte, the

son of a count. Continovo, adj. v. Continuo, with all its derivatives. Continua, s. f. coatinuation, continuance. Obs. Continuamente, adv. continnally, incessantly. Continuamento, continuation,

continuance. Continuánza, s. f. continuation. Contimare, to continue, to go en, to pursue.Continuare, to continue, to last, to hold on, to hold out. Continuatamente, adv. continually. Continuazióne, s. f. continuation, continuance. Continuità, continuation, continuance.

Contínuo, adj.continual-Conting, adv. continually, incessantly.

-Conto, instructed, taught. tradict.

Conto, comely, elegant, Contrádio, s. m. adversary, op. pleasing to the sight. poser. Contrádio, offence, Contorcére, to twist, wrest, spite---Contrádio, adj. con

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Contrabbasso, s. m. the double
bass in musick.
Contraccambiáre,to return like
for like.-Contraccumbidre, to
recompense, to reward, to

Contraccambio, s. m. counter-
change, matual exchange.
Rewer il contraccambio, to give

like for like.
Contraccáva, s. f. countermine.
Contraccifera, s. f. a key, the
Con racetra, explication of

Contraccuúre, s m. pain, grief,
sorrow. -A contruccuóre, adv.

Contrida, s. f. country, fields,
province, shire.--Contr. de.


trary, opposite, repugnant
Contrádio, bad, prejudicial.
Contradiéso, adj. prejudicial, /
Contradire, v. Contraddire.
Contraére, v. Contrarre,
Contraffacimento, s. m. coun

Contraflare, to counterfeit, to
imitate, to mimic, to ape-
Contraffare, to counterfeit, to
adulterate.-Contraffare, to in-
fringe, to act contrary.-Con-
traffarsi, to disguise one's self,
to dissemble.
Contraffatto, adj. counterfeit
ed, imitated, falsified.-Con
traffatto, disguised, conceal
ed--Contratto, deformed,

Contrafforte, s. m. any thing
put to make another stronger,
Contragginio, s. m. antipathy,


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Contraddánza, s. f. country-Contrammináre, to counter
Contraddito, s. m. contradic-Contraoperazione, s. f. a cor.
tion. Senza contraddetto, with- trary effect.
out dispute.
Contraddic;ménto, s.m.centra-
diction, dispute.
Contraddicitére, v. Contraddit-


Contrappásso, 8. m. the talion laws, limb for linib.-Contrap passo, a counter-step, a coun ter pace in dancing. Contrappélo, s. m. against the hair.

Del Continuo, adv. continually, without ceasing. Conto, s. m. account, reckon ing, computation-Voi me ne renderete conto, you shall be accountable to me for it-Contraddire, to contradict, to Non mi torna a conto, I don't gainsay, to speak against. find my account in it.-Vento, Contraud re, to oppo.c,to with account, esteem, value-Con- stand, to thwart. to, account, resolution.-Fe Contradiritto, s.m fine, penalconto d'ander doman, I intend ty paid for an offence. to go to-morrow Far conto, Contraditóre, s. m. one that to ray apun Un nam di loves to contradict. conto, a considerable man — Contraditório, adj. contradic-Contrapporre, to oppose, to Conto, bill-Porta i eN, bring the billonto, story,


Contraditúra, s f contradic

Contrapressáre, to counter. poise, to counterbalance. Contrappeso, s. m, counter. poise. Contrappéso, the poy or pole of a rope-dançer. Contrapponimento, s. m. op position, hindrance, obstacle.

thwart. Contrappor...., 19 op pose, to hinder.

relation. Obs. In conto de Contradizióne, ĺtion, gainsay- Contrapposizióne, s. f. oppo

cunu, by no means. Per che conto for what reason? Canto, adj. known, manifest, apparent evident,clear, plain.


sition, hindrance, obstacle,

Contradiaménto, s. m. opposi-Contrapposto, adj. opposite,
tion, contrast, contradiction.
Contradiáre, to oppose,to can-

contrary, opposed.-Contrap posto, s. m. the opposite or

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