صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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use of his limbs.
Contrattúra, v. Contrazione.
Contravvallazione, s. f. coun-Convalescente, adj. in a fair
tervallation. A fortification way of recovery.
Convalescenza, s. f. convales-
cence, recovery of health.
Convalidáre, to corroborate,
to confirm, to strengthen.
Conválle, s. f. valley.
Convégua, s. f.

| Contuttociò, adv. however, ne-
vertheless, yet.

Contravveléno, s. m. counter-
poison, antidote.
Contravveníre, to contravene,
to infringe, to break a law,
custom, or privilege.
bargain, a-
Contravvenzione, s. f. counter-Convegno, s. m.Sgreement,

Contrariáre, to contradict or
Contrarietà, s. f. contrariety,
opposition, disagreement.-
Contrarietà, contradiction, ma-
lice, spite.-Contrarietà, ad-
versity, misfortune, calamity,
Contrário, adj. contrary, op- Contribuíre, to contribute.


Contrazióne, s. f. contraction. Convenénte, s. m. covenant, articles agreed on.-Convenin

posite,repugnant-Contrario, Contribuzione, s. f. contribute, deed, action, particularity. bad,unwholesome.--Contrário, tion.

cross,adverse.—Contrário, s.m. Contristamento, s.m. affliction,

contrary. Al contrário, adv. on the contrary. Contrarioso, adj. v. Contrário. Contráro, adj. v. Contrário.

trouble, sorrow, grief.
Contristare, to afflict, to grieve,
to trouble.
Contristársi, to grieve.

Contrárre, to contract, to bar-Contristatóre, s. m. he that af-
gain.-Contrarre matrimonie, to flicts.

contract marriage. Contrarre Contristatrice, fem. of Contris-
amicizia, to knit a friendship. tatore.
Contrascárpa, s. f. a counter-Contritamente, adv. with con-
scarp, in fortification.

Contrascrivere, to write contrary.

Contrascritta, s. f. a counter-Contritáre, to mince, to cut
or break into small pieces.
Contrito, adj. minced to pieces.
-Contrito, contrite, sorrow-
ful, very penitent.
Contrizione, s. f. contrition,
counter-sorrow for sin.

Contrascritto, adj. counter


Contrassegnare, to
Contrassegno,s. m.token, sign,
or mark.

Contrastamento, s. m. contrast,
debate, dispute.
Contrastánza, s. f. contrast,
bate, dispute.
Contrastare, to withstand, to
resist, to contend, to contest,
to wrangle.
Contrastatore, s. m. adversary,
opposer, adverse party.
Contrastatrice, fem. of Con-

Contro, prep. against, contrary


Contro, over against-Fontro,
opposite to pro.-Proe contro,
for and against, pro and con.
de-Controvare, to invent, to feign.
Controvérsia, s. f. controversy.
Contumáce, adj. contunacious.
Contumaceménte, adv. stub-
bornly, frowardly.
Contumácia, s. f. contumacy,
contempt of the court.-on-
tumúcia, contumacy,stubborn-
ness, wilfulness.
Contumélia, s. f. contumely,
abuse, affront, scurrilous lan-
Contumelioso, adj. contumeli-
ous, abusive.

Contrasto, s. m. debate, strife, contention, quarrel, contest, dispute, altercation, controversy.

Contráta, . Contrada. Obs. Contrattamento,s.m. bargain. Contrattáre, to contract, to bargain, to article.-Contrattar debiti, to contract debts. Contrattazione, v. Contrattamín.co.

Conturbaménto, s. m. disturb-
ance, quarrel, dispute, wran-

Conturbaménto, s. m. agita-
Conturbanza, s. f.
trouble of mind.
Conturbáre, to disturb, to dis-
quiet, to trouble.

Contrattempo, adv. unseason-
ably, preposterously.
Contratto, s. m. a contract, Contusióne, s. f. contusion.
deed, or instrument, articles, Contúso, adj. that has a contu-

-Contralto, adj. contracted. Contútto,

bargain,agreement, covenant.


-Contratto, that his lost the Contuttochè,

adv. although,

-Conveninte, reason, cause, subject.-.Convenénte, condition, state, nature, circumstances.-Convenente, means, way, course, expedient. Convenénza, s. f. covenant, bargain, agreement. Conve nénza, proportion, agreement. Convenévole, adj. convenient, proper, suitable, fit, agreeable.

-Convenezole, convenient,

meet, equitable,decent.-Can-
venevole, capable, able, apt, fit.
sary, requisite.-Convenévole,
s. m. decency, convenience.
-Fare i convenevoli, to make
compliments. Stare su i con-
venecoli, to stand upon cere-

Convenevolezza, s. f. suitable-
ness.-Convenevolézza, equity,
decency, seemliness.
Convenevolmente, decently,
conveniently, comediously,
Conveniente, adj. agreeable,
suitable.--Conveniínte, conve
nient, meet, decent.Conveni-
ente, s. m. necessaries, conve-


Convenienza, s. f. decency,
comeliness, seemliness.
Conveniménto, s. m. duty, de-
voir, part.

Convenire, to agree, to bar-
gain.-Convenire,to become,to
be proper, to suit with.-on-
venire, to agree, to be agree
able-Convenire, to be neces-
sary, convenient, expedient,
fit, requisite, meet.—Ci convi-
ere partire, we must go.---Cen-
venire, to meet, to convene, to
come together, to assemble, to
call together.-Convenire, to
cite, to summon.
Conventícola, s. f. conven-
Conventícolo, s m. ticle,
private meeting.
Convento, s. m, an assembly,

congregation, society, or com- Convitáre, to invite, to bid to
pany. Convento, convent, come.
monastery.--Convento,bargain, Convitáto,s.m. a guest at table.
agreement, contract.
Convitatore,s.m.he that invites.

Conventuále, adj. conventual, Convitatrice, fem. of Convita

of a convent.

Convenuto, adj. agreed on. Convenuto, s. m. accord, agree


Convenzióne, covenant, articles, agreement, contract. Conversamente, adv. on the contrary.


Convitígia, s. f. covetousness,
desire, appetite.
Convito, s. m. banquet, feast.
Convitto, s. m. the state of
living together.-Convitto,s.m.
place where persons live to-
gether, college.
Convivénte, adj. that lives
with others.

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of Coperta.

Copérto, adj. covered.-Strada coperta, a covered way-Copérto, clad or cloathed.-Coperto di piaghe, full of wounds. --Coperto, dark, obscure, ambiguous.-Parlar coperto, ambiguous words. Coperto, close, reserved.-Copérto, s. m. covert, shelter, roof, lodging.Stare a coperto, to be under shelter.-Coperto, adv. secretly, privately. detrac-Copertojo, s. m. cover, coverlet, roof of a house.Copertújo, a double net.

Convivere, to live together.
Convívio,s.m.a feast or banquet.
Conviziáre, to detract, to slan-
der. Obs.

Conversamento, s. m. conversation, the act of conversing. Conversante, adj. conversant. Conversáre, to converse, to frequent, to keep company, be familiar with. Conversazione, s. f. conversa- Conviziatore, s. m. backbiter, tion, discourse.--Conversazione, slanderer. Obs. conversation, assembly, meeting. Conversévole, adj. conversable, sociable, easy or free of ac


Convízio, s. m. slander,

tion. Obs.

Convocaménto, s. m. v. Convocazione.

Convocáre, to convoke, assemConversióne, s. f. conversion, ble, or call together. change, transmutation. Convocazione,s.f.convocation, Converso, adj. converted, assembly.

tend, or guard.

Convojo, Convoglio di provisioni, a convoy of provisions. Convoitóso,adj.covetous. Obs. Convolgere, to wallow, to welter. Convolgersi su la neve, to roll upon the snow. Convólto, adj. fouled, dirty.Convólto, tumbled, rolled, wallowed.

changed, turned.--Converso, Convogliare, to convoy, ats. m. a lay-brother in a reli- Convojáre, gious order. Conversa, a lay- Convoglio, s. m. a convoy.sister in a nunnery. Convértere, v. Convertíre. Convertibile, adj. convertible, transformable, changeable. Convertiménto, s. m. conversion, change, transmutation. Convertíre, to convert, turn or change.-Convertire, to convert or make a convert.Convertire a se, to appropriate Convulsioncélla, s. f. a little to one's use.-Convertire, to fit of convulsion. turn-Convertire gli occhi, to Convulsióne, s. f. convulsion. turn one's eyes.-Convertire, Convulsivo, adj. convulsive. to retreat, or go back.-Con- Convúlso, adj. convulsive. vertirsi, to turn, to change. Cooperaménto, s. m. co-operaConvertirsi, to mend, to grow tion.


better in morals.-Convertirsi, Cooperánte, adj. co-operatto be converted.-Un conver- ing-Cooperante, s. m. a cotito, a convert. Convertivóle, adj. that may be changed.

Convésso, s. m. convexity. Concesso, adj. convex.

Cooperáre, to co-operate. Cooperatóre, s.m.co-operator. Cooperazione, s. f. a co-operation.

of a legion.

Conviáre, to convoy, accom-Coórte, cohort, the tenth part pany or guard. Convicíno, adj. neighbouring, Coperchiáre, to cover. adjacent. Un convicino, a Coperchiella,s.f. sly trick, knaneighbour. very. Convincénte, adj. convincing, Coperchio, s. m. cover, lid. clear, evident, plain. Il soperchio rompe il coperchio, Convincere, to convict or con- too much of any thing is good vince. for nothing.

Convinto, adj. convicted, con- Coperta, s. f. a cover.-Coperta da letto, coverlet.Coperta di


VOL. 1.

Copertúra, s. f. cover -Copertúra, appearance, shew, outside, likelihood. Copia, s. f. abundance, plenty, copiousness. In gran copia, in abundance-Far copia di se, to prostitute one's self-lo di me gli concedo intera copia, I give myself entirely to him.

Copia, copy, transcript, extract, duplicate of a writing. Copiáre, to copy or write out, to transcribe.---Copiare un quadro, to copy an original. Copiatore, v. Copista. Copiosamente, adv. copiously. Copiosità, s. f. abundance. Copióso, adj. copious. Copísta, s. m. a copyist. Copistáccio, s. m. a bad copyist. Coppa, s. f. the hind part of the head-Coppa, a cup.Servir di coppa, to help one to drink. Servir uno di coppa e di coltello, to be one's drudge, to serve in every thing.-Essere una coppa d'oro, to be quite charming, quite perfect; said both of men and women. Coppélla, s. f. coppel.-Argento di coppella, fine silver.Mettere a coppella, to put to a trial.-Coppélla, an earthen pot. Coppe, s. f. plur. a suit at cards, as we say hearts. Coppétta, s. f. a cupping-glass. Cóppia, s. f. couple. Coppiére, s. m. a cup-bearer. Coppo, s. m. a pitcher.-oppo, the hollow of one's eyes. Coppo, cup, drinking vessel. Copriménto, s. m. a cover. N

I of Corbello.

Coreggiuólo, s. m. a small strap.
Corte, s. m. a bird so called.
Coriándolo, s. m. coriander-

Coriándro, s. m. coriander, an

Cofriment, copulation.
Coprire, to cover oprire, to Corbézzola, a fruit so called.
cloak, colour, palliate,dissem- Corbézzolo, s. m. a kind of
blc-Coprire una giîmesta, to; arbut-tree,or strawberry-tree. seed.
leap a mare- Coprire una c g- Corbicíno, s. m. a young crow.
na, to cover a bitch.oprirsi, Corbo, s. m. a crow-Aspet-
to put one's hat on.-S copra, tare il corbo, to wait in vain.
put on your hat.-Il cielo si Corbóna, s. f. a large purse.
cupredi nebbia, it grows cloudy. Corca, s. f. a basket.
Copritóre, s. m. coverer.-Co- Corcáre, v. Coricare.
priorea tetti, a tiler, a thatcher. Corda, 8. f. cord, rope.—Corda
d'arco, a string -Corda per bal-
lare, a dancing rope.-Corda,
the strappado-Acordu, adv.
directly, straitly-Forda mag-
na, the tendon of the leg.--
Pallacard, tennis.--Ginocare
alla paltacorda, to play at ten-

opritére, a stallion. Copritúra, s f. a cover. Cópula, s f. copulation. Copuláre,tocouple.—Copulársi,| to couple or lie together. Corágio, s. m. courage.CoTaggio, desire, will.-Coraggioso, adj. courageous. Corále,adj.hearty, sincere. Obs. -Nemico corale, a professed or mortal enemy.-Cordle, that wounds the heart. Coraleménte, cordially. Corallina, s. f. coralline. Corallino, adj. coral-coloured. Corállo, s. m. coral.



Cordeggiáre, to be in a straight
Cordé la, s. f. tape, riband,
Cordella, small rope or
Cordeitina, Scord.
Cordi.co, adj. belonging to
the heart. Passione cordiaca,
pain at the heart.
Cordiale, adj. cordial.-Cordi-
ale, s. m. a cordial.
Cordialità, s. f. cordiality.
Cerdialmente, adj. cordially.
dim. of Corda.
Cordicína, s. f. §
Cordigliéro, s. m. cordelier, a
grey friar.

Corallúme, s. m. of corals..
Coralmente, adv. cordially.
Coráme, s. m. all manner of
dressed leather.
Corampopólo, adv. in public,
open, before all.
Coramvóbis, a word vulgarly
used to express the fat and
rominent belly of a man.-
Egli è un bel coramecbis, he is
a very fat fellow.
Coráta, s. f. pluck, milt.-Co-Cordsgifre, to grieve.
rata de porco, a hog's haslet.
Coratella, s. f. the liver.
Corázza, s. f. a cuirass.-Co-
razza, a cuirasier.
Corazzájo, a cuirass-maker.
Corazzina,s.f. dim. of Corázza.
Corazzóne, s. m. augment. of
Corbacchino, s. m. dim. of Cor-

Cordiglio, s. m. a cord full of
knots, which the cordeliers
wear about their middle.


Cordoglienza.s f. heart-sore,
Cordéglio, s. m. grief of
heart, sorrow, grief.
Cordogico, adj. sorrowful,
doleful, woeful, mournful,
Cordoncillo, s. m. Į a
Cordoncino, s. m. string.
Cordone, s. m. a string.-for-
done di cappello, a hat-band
Cordone, cordon, so called in
architecture, and in fortifica-

Coricáre, to lay the vine or
other plants along.
Coricársi, to lay down.-Cori-
carsi, to set as the sun doth.
Corimbo, s. m. is y berries.
Coríntio, s. m. Corinthian, one
of the tive orders in architec-


Cório, s. m. v. Cuojo.
Corista, s. m. a chorister.
Corizza,s.f.a kind of distemper.
Cornacchia, s. f. a rook.
Cornacchiare, to prate, prattle,
chat, chatter.
Cornacchimento, s. m. prating,
prattling, chat.
Cornacchione, s. m. a prattler.
Cernamúsa, s. f. a bag-pipe.
Far cornamusa, to make one

Cornáre, to sound or wind a
horn.-Cornare gli orecchi, to
have a tingling in the ears.
Cornáta, s. f. a blow with a
horn.-Dare un cornata, to hit
with the horns.
Cornatóre, s. m. he who blow-
eth a horn.
Cornatúra, s. f. the quality or
shape of a horn.
Córnea, s. f. the third panicle
of the eye which is bright
and shining.
Corneggiare, to toss the horns
to and again.-Corneggiare, to
show the horns.-Corneggiare,
to break wind as an ox dues.
Cornetta, s. f. acornet or small
shaume.---Cornetta, the stan
dard of a troop of hor.e.--Cor-
netta, the cornet of a troop of

Corbácchio, a kindofraven.
Corbacchione,} --E corbuc-
'chion di campanile, he is a cun-
ning blade.
Corbáre, to swell with pride.
Corbe d'una nave, the ribs of
a ship.

Corbelláre, to make a jest of.
Corbellatóre, s. m. a man that
makes a jest of a person or
Corbellatrice, feminine of Cor-
Corbellatúra, s. f. scoffing jest.
Corbellería,s f.trifle,idle thing.
Corbello, s. m. a hamper.
Curbelóne, s. m. augmentative


Cordovanière, s. m. a tanner, a
Cordováno, s. m. Spanish lea-
therar il cordovano, to
use shifts.

Core, v. Cuore.
Coréggia, s. f. strap, leather
string. Coreggia, a fart.--
rare una coregga, to let a fart.
Coreggiajo, s.m. a strap-maker.
Coreggiato, s. m. a flail.
Coreggina, s. f. dim. of

Cornétto, s. m. a small horn.
Cornice,s. f. a daw, or raven.—
Cornice, cornice in architec-
ture.-Corn.ce, a frame for
a picture.
Cornicella, s. f.
a little horn.
Cornicello, s. m.
Cornicióne, s. m. a large franie
for a picture.
Corticolare, adj. horned like
the moon.
Córnio, s. m. the cornil-tree.
Cornióla, s. f.

Corniolo, s. m. cornil-tree.
Co-Corno, s. m. a horn.-Recarsi
tno in su le corna, to hate one.
-Far le corna ad uno, to cuck-

Coregióne, s. m. a large strap.

ly.-Furza corporale, strength stream.-Corrente, rafter, [a
of body.-Bott pha corrale, piece of timber.]
a single fight.-- oporale,
s. m. a corporal, a fine linen
used at mass.

old one.-Portar le corna, to
be a cucko.d.-Corne, a cor-
ner.—forn, d'un esercito, wing
of an arno. -' r), an arm,
of a river Toro, pride,
haughtiness, arrogance.-- Corporalmente, adv. corpo-
accar le corneal to abate rally, bodi y.
one's pride.- ANI, a sote Corporatúra, s. f. the bulk,
on a horse's backs orno d size or plight of a body.
cale a sort of a crown wen. Corpórco, adj. bcdily,corporal.
by the doge of Venicc.--5, Corbulinto, adj. corpulent.
vals un colle, it is not worth a Corpulenza, corpulency, bulki-
Corecópia, s. f. plenty, abun-Cor Cscolo, s. m. a little small




Conto, adj. horned.-Comú-, Corpusdómini, s m. a festival
fɔ, a cuckold.
appointed in honour of the
sacrament of the Lord.
Corpúto, adj. corpulent, big-i
bodied.ere corputo, thick

Coro, s...chorus- Coro choir.
curo, the north-west wind.
Coolário, s. m. corollary.-
Conclusione corollaria, a true
Coruna, s. f. crown, diadem.
Cardan, crown, sovereignty
--Corona, cirdle Corma, a
garland, a wreath. -Corona, a
horse's coronet. --Tuglare a
cerand, to lop a tree round.-
forong chaplet, a pair of beads.
Corona,s.m.a chaplet-maker,
Coronále, adj. of crown.
Coronamento, c. Coronazione.
Coronare.to crown-foronáre,
to environ, or surround.-Co-¦
rondre, to crown or reward.
Coronazione, s. f. coronation.

Corpúzzo, a little small body.
Corre, [con lo largo] v. Cog-|

Corredáre,to equip, to furnish,
to provide with necessaries.
--Correduze m vascell,to equip
a ship.orredare una ca a, to
furnish a house.

Corrido, s. £. ail necessaries of
household or husbandry, the
whole furniture.Credo di
nave, the riggings or tacklings
of a ship.- orredo, all the
woman brings her husband
besides her dowry.
Correggente, adj. that corrects.

Ceronélia, s.f.a little crown. Correggere, to correct, to re


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Corpo, s. m. budy-Corpo, the shape.


prove, to chide. Corrigere,
temper.-torreggere. to
govern or rule, to command.

Correte, to run?--Correr la pos◄ ta, to ride port.--Corvere alla fine, to be a dying-Correre, to run, flow or sticam.-Correre l'acqua, to sail-orrer cogli occi da una parte, to look to one side.-gli occhi mi corse un crocifisso, I perceived a crucifix.-Correr nella memori, to think of.-Correr un cavallo, to gallop a horse.Correr Perrin o,to run the lists. -Correr provincia, terra, o simile, to spoil, waste, and ravage a countrytempo che I corre, as times go.-}} Moneta che corre, current money.Correr la berretin ad uno, to get the better of one.-ferrer la medesi ca fortuna, to be in the sanie case. For correr voce, to spread a report.-Correr voce, they say.

Correria, s. f. incursion, inroad. Correttamente, adv. correctly. Correttivo, adj. corrective. Corretto, adj. corrected, ameaded.---Currétio, correct, neat, without fault. Correttore, s. m. corrector, reformer.


Correttúra, s. f. correction,
ment.Correzione, correction,
tearcof.—Correzione, correc-
tion, punishment.
Corribo, v. Corsivo.
Corridejo, s. m. a long gallery.
Corridore, covered way in for-
tification.-Corridor, a run-
ner.-Corradori, scouts.
Corriére, s. m.
a courier.

-Corre gerst, to mend.-Correggersi del bere, to leave off hard drinking, Correggevole, adj. corrigible. Correggimento, s. m. correc-, Corrimento, s.m. running race. tion. Corrispondente, adj. agreeable, Correggitore, s. m. corrector, suitable.—Corrispondente,s. M. reformer. a correspondent.

Correggitúra, s. f. v. Correggi

ello di corpo, well, ménto. shaped ---Gradrzaa' del suo Correggiuélo, s. m. a crucible, corpo, to prostitute one's self. a melting-pot.


Corrispondenza, s. f. correspondence.



Corrispondere, to correspond, to answer, to agree with, to suit, to match. Corritójo, v. Corridćjo. Cocritére, v. Cor.idére. Corritrice, s. f. a gadding or Corrente, adj. running -de- gossiping woman. qua corrente, running water. Cor ivo, s. m. a gully or ninny. Monetu crvene, cutest Corroborante, adj corrobora coin-I mese ecrient, the present month-Peacevente, current price-Comténte, ready, incuned prone -forene, geuer a common, Corporale, adj. corporal, bodi- universal Corrente, current,

Combattere corpo a corpo, to | Corrugnare, to reign together, fight hand to hud. orpo, Corre ictivo, adj. correlative. belly-Nescere ad un corpo, to Correiazione, s. i. a mutual rebe born at the same timeCorte, mixture --dedurre, ad anese topix ali together.--| Capa de mucilio, the hulk of a shin-Corpo di guard a, corpsde-guard--Torpo, body, society, company-Corp, all the works of an author.Andar te' carpo, to void.


Cor.oboráre, to corroborate, to srengthen, to e num Corroborativo, adj that corroborates that strengthens.. Corroborazione, s. f. corrobo

ration, strengthening. Corrodiménto, s. m. corrosion. Corródere, to corrode, to eat up.-forródere, to fret, vex, grieve, or torment. Corrompere, to corrupt, taint, deprave, debauch, spoil, adulterate, or mar. Porrompere, to corrupt, bribe, or pervert. Corrúmpersi, to rot. Corrompévole, adj. corrupt


Corrompiménto, s. m. corruption, rottenness.

baucher.-Corrompitúre, falsifier, forger. Corrosióne, s. f. corrosion. Corrosivo, adj. corrosive.-Un corrosivo, s. m. a corrosive, a corroding medicine. Corroso, adj. corroded. Corrottamente, adv. corruptly.

with the corsesca.
Corsía, s. f. current, stream.
Corsia, the coursey.
Corsiére, or Corsiéro, s. m. a
courser, a steed.
Corsivo, adj. that runs.
Corso, s. m. course, running
stream, current. Il corso deg-
li astri, the course of the stars.
-Corso, course, progress.
Andare in corso, to pirate, to
cruise, Corso della vila, the
course of life.-Corso d'un af-
fare, the course of a business.

Cortigiano, s. m. a courtier.-
Cortigiano, adj. of or belong-
ing to a court.
Cortigianúzzo, s. m. a degrad-
ing diminutive of Cortigiano,
Cortile, s. m. court-yard.
Cortilétto, s. m. a little court
Cortiluzzo, or yard.
Cortina, s. f. a bed-curtain.
Tirar la cortina, to draw the
curtain-Cortina, a curtain
in fortification.
Cortinaggio, s. m. bed-cur-

Corrompitóre, corrupter, de--Corso, career, list.-Corso, Cortinato, adj. with curtains. adj. run, passed.-L'anno cor- Corto, adj. short-Corto, brief, so, last year.-Corso, adj. [col--Corto di vista, short-sighted. l'o largo, di Corsica] of Corsica, native of Corsica. Corsójo, adj. running.-Cappio corsojo, a running knot. Cortaménte, adv. shortly, briefly. Corte, s. f. a prince's court.Corte, a banquet, a feast. Corte, court wherein judges sit.-Corte, court-yard. Corteáre, v. Corteggiare. Cortéccia, s. f. bark, crust.Corteccia di pane, a crust of bread.-Corteccia, plaister. Corteccia, appearance, outside show.

Corrottibile, adj. corruptible.
Corrotto, adj. corrupted, taint-
ed, bribed.- -Corrotta fede,
broken faith.-Curótto, s. m.
mourning for the dead.
Corrucciarsi, to be angry.-
Perchè mi ti corrucci? why are
you angry with me?
Corrúccio, s. m. anger, wrath,

Corruccióso, adj. choleric.
Corrugáre, to corrugate.

-Viver corto,short life.-Strada corta, short way.-Corto, small, Corto, adv. shortly.—Di corto, shortly. Cortúra, s. f. shortness. Corucciáre, v. Corrucciare. Corvétta, s. f. curvet. Corvettare, to prance as a ma, naged horse does. Corvettatore, s. m. a horse that curvets. Corvo, s. m. a crow. Cosa, s. f. a thing.-Questo víno non è da cosa alcuna, this wine is good for nothing.Io entro senza ambasciata, perchè siamo tutta una cosa, I go in without message, because we are very intimate. Cose, things.Dove sono le vostre cose? where are your things? Cor-Cosa, thing, business, affair, matter.-Che cosa pretendete? what would you have? Cosáccia, s. f. a bad thing. Coscia, s. f. thigh.-Coscia di castrato, o di coppone, a leg of mutton or capon. Cosciále, s. m. armour of the thigh.

Cortecciuóla, s. f. crust.
Corteggiaménto, s. m. train,

Corruscáre, to lighten.-Cor- Corteggiáre, to court.

risca, it lightens.

Corteggiatore, one that courts.
Corruscagione, s. f. a flash of Corteggiatrice, fem. of
Corrúsco, adj. shining, spark- Corteggio, s. m. a train or




Corruttéla, s. f. corruption, de- Cortése, adj. courteous, civil,
Corruttévole, adj.corruptible, Corteseggiáre, to show or do
Corruttibile, apt to corrupt.
Corruttibilità, s. f. corruptibi- Corteseménte, adv. courteous-
lity, aptness to be corrupted.
Corruttóre, s. m. corrupter.
Corruttrice, fem. of Corrut-





Cortesía, s. f. courtesy, kind


Cortézza, s. f. shortness. corruption, Corticélla, s. f. a little court.

Coscien'zia, s. f. conscience.
Coscienza, In coscienza,
upon my conscience, indeed,
Coscienza, knowledge.
s. f.

Corruzione, s. f. Corretiva: Corticíno, s. m. a small court- Cosellino, s. m.


Corsa, s. f. running, or race.
Corsa di cavalli, a horse-race.-
In corsa, adv. running.
Corsále, s. m. corsair, pirate.
Corsalétto, s. m. corslet, or
corset, armour for a pike-


Corsáre, v. Corsale. Obs.
Corseggiáre, to pirate.
Corsisca, s. f. javelin, a pike.

Corsescáta, s. f. a wound made


Coserélla, s. f.
Cosetta, s. f.

dim. of Cosa.

Cortigiana, s. f. a courtesan.
Cortigianaménte, adv. cour-Cosettína, s. m. dim. of Co-

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