صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Costelláto, adj. born under the same constellation. Costellazione, s. f. constella



Jallo, such like.-Non ho detto | Costassù, adv. there above.
Cosi falte cose, I did not say Costáto, s. m. the side or ribs.
such things. Così e così, so Costeggiare, to coast along.
and so, thus. Ditegli così e Costéi, fem. she or this.-Cos-
cost, tell him so and so.- tei udendo ciò, she hearing
Così bene, as well, so well. that.
Cosicome, adv. as, as well.
Cosimo, s. m. a kind of pear
so called.

Cosmografía, cosmography.
Cosmógrafo, s. m. a cosmogra- Costeréccio, s. m. pork-gris-


Cosmográfico, adj. cosmogra- Costernáre, v. p. to lose cou


Coso, s. m. a strange ridicul-
ous thing.-Ecco un bel coso!
there is a fine what do you
call him!
Cosone, s. m. augment. of Coso.
Cospárto, adj. strewed, scatter-
ed, dispersed.
Cospergere, to strew.
Cospetto, s. m. presence-A
cospetto, adv. in spite.-Al cos
petto vostro, in spite of you.
Cospicuo, conspicuous, clear,
easy to be seen.
Cospiráre, to conspire.
Cospiratóre, s. m. conspirator,
Cospiratrice, feminine of Cos-
Cospirazione, s. f. plot, con-
Cosso, 5. m. push, blister,

Costa, s. f. a rib.-Costa di vas-
cello, rib or side timber of a
ship-Costa, coast or. sea-
coast.-Costa, a hill, a hillock.
-Costa, side.—Costa, an herb
commonly called costmary.-
Andar costa costa, to
Costa, adv. there, thither.-
Fatti in costà, go that way.
Via di costù, get you gone


Costággiù, there below.
Costante, adj. constant, sted-
fast, firm. Per costante, for
Costantemente, constantly.
Costanza, s. f. constancy, firm-


Costáre, to cost, to stand in.Quanto vi costa questo libro? how much does this book cost you?-Caro mi costa l'avervi conosciuta, I pay dear for your acquaintance. Le lagrime poco le costano, she can cry when she pleases.-Costare, to appear, to be plain, clear or manifest.-Costa a tutti, every body knows.


Costernazióne, s. f. consternation.

Costétto, v. Codésto. Obs. Costí, adv. there, in that place. Costiera, s. f. shore, coast. Costinci, adv. from thence. Uscite costinci, go out from thence.

Costipamento, constipation. Costipáre, to constipate, to thicken or make more compact.

Costipativo, adj. apt to constipate, restringent.--Costipáto, adj. bound, costive. Costipazióne, s. f. constipa


Costituíre, to constitute, appoint, establish.-Costituire, to raise, to prefer to honours. Costituíto, adj. constituted. Costituito in miseria, m povertà, reduced to misery, to want. Costitúto, s. m. examination before a judge. Costitutóre, that constitutes.Costituzióne, constitution, ordinance, decree, law, statute. --Costituzione, constitution, temper, state, or complexion of body.

Costo, s. m. cost, charge, expence.-A mio costo, at my cost-Costo, the herb called


Cóstola, s. f. a rib.-Cóstola, the heart of a leaf-Cóstola di coltello, the back of a knife. Costoliére, s. m. a sword. Obs. Costolína, s. f. a small rib. Costóro, these, those. Costrettívo, adj. astringent. Costrétto, adj. constrained, forced. Sono costretto a partire, I must go.-Costrétto,close, shut up.


Costringiménto, v. Costrigni


Costrizione, s. f. constriction condensation.

Costruire, to build or make.

Costruire, to construe. Costrútto, s. m. profit, advantage, gain.--Cavare costrutto d'un ajare, to have justice done in a businessdtr tto, the contents, the bottom. Costrutto, adj built, made. Costruttúra, s. f. construction. Costruzione, s. f. construction. Costúi, this man.-lo conosco costui, I know this man. Costúma, s. f. custom, usage,

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Costume, s. m. custom, usage, use, way.-Avere in costume, to be used.-E' fuor di mio costume, it is not my way. Costume, manner, way, carriage, behaviour.

Costúra, s. f. a seam.-Ragguag-
liar le costure, to bang, to beat.
Cosúccia, s. f. a small thing,
Cosúzza, a trifle.
Cota, v. Cote.

Cotále, such.-In cotal modo, in such a manner.-Cotále, adv. so, thus. Perchè fatta cotale? why do you do so?-Egli un cotal disdegnoso, he being a little angry.

Cotale, a blockhead, a dunce. Cotalmente, adv. v. Talmente. Cotanto, adj. so much, thus much, as much.-Due cotanti, tre cotanli, twice, thrice as much-Cotánto, adv. so much, so long-Un cotanto poco, a little.-Perchè siete stato cotanto a venire? why have you Costrignere, to constrain, to been so long a coming? force. Cote, s. f. a whet-stone. Costrigniménto, s. m. con- Coténna, s. f. the sward of J. straint.-Costrigniménto, bind- bacon, the skin of a man's ing. head.

Costringere, s. m. v. Costrig-Cotennóne, s. m. a blockhead,

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a clown. Coristi, this, this man.


Cotesto, this, that.--Datemi coLesto lor, give that book. Partiti da cotes'i che sun morti, go away from those, because they are dead. Cotestái, this, this man. Cotestóro, these or those. Cótica, s. f. the sward bacon, the skin of a man's head. Coticóne, adj. of a thick skin or hide.Coticone, coarse, clownish, rustical, unpolished, rude, not polite. Cotidianamente, adv. daily. Cotidiano, adj. quotidian, daily.

Coto, s. m. thought, cogitation. Obs.

Cotogna, s. f. a quince. Cotognato, a marmalade of quinces.

Cotognino, adj. that has the smell, taste, and the colour of a quince.

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Covertína, s. f. horse-cloth. Covidígia, s. f. covetousness. [Obs.

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raise, to cause.-Creare, to create, constitute, appoint, design. Creativo, ad or power to duce. Creato, adj. created.--- Wal ere to, uncivil, clownish, illmannered, rude, il-b⋅ed. Pon are to, well-bred, civil. treatúre, s. m. creator, maker, inventor.

that has virtue create or рго

Creatrice, she which makes or createth.

Creatúra, s. f. creature, created being.-Creatura, creature, person, man or woman.rentúra, child.

Creaturélla, s. f. dim. of Crea-
Creaturína, túra.
Creazione, s. f. creation.
Crebro, adj. thick.

Covigliarsi, to shelter one's self, to go for refuge or shelter. Coviglio, s. m. a bee-hive. Covíle, s. m. a den, a cave for wild beasts in woods. Cóvolo o Covo, s. m. v. Covile. Credente, adj. believing ➡Ī Covoncello, s. m. dim. of Co-credente, the faithful, or Chrisvone. tians. Credenza, faith, belief.-Cre

Covóne, s. m. a sheaf.

Cov iménto, s. m. the act of denza, opinion, mind, senti

covering of hiding. Covrire, to cover. Cozićne, s. f. coction. Cozzáre, to butt, as rams do, -Wessáre, to beat, hit, dash, shock, run against-Corrère, to contend, contest, dispute, or strive against. Coz záta, s. f. Į a shock, a buttCozzo, s. m.

ing.- ́e gova

nele fata dar di cozzo, what signifies to strive against desEny.-Pur de cezzo in una cosa, to hit or meet with a thing by chance.


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esteem.-Perder credenza, to lose one's credit.-For credina, to trust.-Comprare a credenza, to buy upon trust.Credenz", secret, mystery. Tare crecenza, to believe.Credia, taste, experiment, trial.-For la credenza, to taste.

redenza, buttery, pantry. Credenziale, adj. of credit. Lettere credenziali, credentials, letters of credit. Credenziéra, s. f. cupboard,


Credenziére, s. m. butler. Credere, to believe, to trust Credere, to believe, think, suppose, or imagine.

Cotogno, s. m. quince-tree-
Mela cologna, quince.
Cotóne, s. m cotton.
Cotornice, s. f. a partridge.
Cotta, s. f. upper garment. —
Cotta, a surplice.
Cottardita, s. f. a garment an-
ciently used.
Corticcio, adj. half baled.
Cóttimo, s. in. an agreement
to do a thing by the whole.
Cotto, adj. boiled, baked, roast-
ed.--Non ho man tieto di cotto¦
oggi, I have eaten nothing
hot to day.-Cotto, fuddled.
Crito, s. m. as much as is!
boiled, baked, or roasted at


Cottejo, adj. that may be boil-,
ed, baked, or ronsted.
Cotta, s. f. boiling, baking,
roasting, dressing.
Coturnice, v. Coternice.
Cotúrao, s. f. a buskin.-Cotár-
no, a tragedy.
Cova, s. f. a tortoise-d ell.
Cováccio, 1avefor
Covácciolo, s. m. f wild beasts'
in the woods
Covante adi, that hatcheth.
Cováre to hatch, to brood.-

Cozzóne, a broker of horses.
Crai, to-morrow.
Cranio, s. m. scull.
Crápula, s. f. debauch.
Crapuláre to commit excess in
euing and drinking.
Crapalone, s. m. a gully-gut or
I gluttea.

Crapulosità, s f. gluttony.
Crassezza, or Crassizie, s. f.
fith, nastiness, grense, fat-


Crasso, adj thick, fat, greasy.
Crestino, s. m, the next day.
Crovátta, s. f. cravat, stock.
Crizia, a piece of money,
Corále, to spant - we ili worth about three farthings.
fero, to sit close by the fire.
-Crear bal, to ples, or
conspire.-Core, to be low


Cováta, s. f. a course of eggs,


Covaticcio, adj. apt or ready

Cránea, s f. urbanity, civil-
ity, good manners or breed-
ing renza, a creature.


Cicáre, to create.-Creare, to
cagender; to get or pro-
create.-Creare, to create, to

Cred vole, adj. credible.--
Credible, Credevole, credu-
Crédito, s. m. credit, not debt.
-Credito, credit, trust.-Per-
dere il cred to, to lose one's
credit-tradita, credit, name,
esteem, reputation, interest,


Creditojo, adj. credible. Obs.
Creditcre, s. m. believer.
Creddore, creditor.
Creditrice, s. f. believer.-Cre-
dire, a she creditor.
Credo, s. m. the creed.
Credulità, s. f. credulity.
Crédulo, adj. credulous.
Credúto,adj. believed, thought,
supposed-hò creduto In-
glse, I took him for an En-


Crema, s. f. cream.

Crémisi, s. m, crimson.

frizzled.Capellatura crespa, plain fellow.

curled hair.iso crespo, a Christianamente, adv. chris

wrinkled face.


Cremising, adj. crimson-co-Crespóne, s. m. silken stuff Cristianella, s. f. a poor silly

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Crepáre, to burst."

Crepáto, adj. burst.

worn on mournings.
Crespóso, adj. c. Crespo.
Creta, s. f. comb.
crest, the top of an helmet.
Creta, head-Cresta, top,

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Cresta, Cristianesimo,
Cristianità, s. f.S dom.

Crestija, s. f. a milliner.
Crestoso, adj. that has
Crestuto, comb.
Creta, s. f. chalk, clay.
Creteso, adj. chalky.


Criáre, v. Creure, and all its'

Crepatúra, s. f. crevice, gap, Cribráre, to sift, to bolt.


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Crepúscolo, s. m. twilight, crepuscle.

Cribro, s. m. sieve.-Portar
D'acqua col cribro, to lose one's

Cricca, s. f. a game at cards.
-Cricca, a reat, a pack, a
company of merry lads.
Crime, s. m. criae.

Crescente, adj. growing, in-Chimelése, s. m. crime against creasing. It crescente della lana,

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Crinc, or Crino, s. m. hair Biondi crini,light hair-feroni del sole, the rays of the cun. Criniéra, s. f. de maac. Creatione, s. m. water-cresses. Crinito, hry, long hairCresciture, increaser,improver, Crinuto, adj. ed. rinita enlarger. stella, comet. Cresciuto, adj. grown.-Cres- Criocca, s. m. conventicle, nito, brought up.-Presciuto, private mceding. increased, swelled. Crisalide, s. m. a worm or grub, Crescentina, s. f. a toasted slice of which comes the butterof bread, with oil, salt, and pepper thrown upon it.

Crisi, s. f. crisis.
Crisma, v. Cresima.

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Crocchine, a prattler.
Croccia, s. f. a crutch.
Crocciare, to cluck.
Croce, s. f. a cross.-Tagliere
una cesa in croce, to cut a thing
cross way - Crore, torment,
punishment.-Fur, de le trat
cit, croce, to stretch one's
arms.➡ roce, cross, addiction.

1 occhio, e er, at random. Crocellina, s f. dim. of Croce. Crocco, adj. saffron coloured. Crocería, s. f. a band of the crusadoed.

Croce.ta, s. i. dim. of Croce.
Crociamento, s. f. affiction,

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Crésima, s. f. chrism.
Cresimáre, to confirm.
Cresimatore, s. m. that confers
the chrism.
Cresma, v. Cresima.
Crespa, s. f. wrinkle.
Crespaménto, s. f. wrinkling.
Crespello, s. m. a fritter.
Crespézza, s. f. wrinkle.
Crespo, adj. wrinkled, curled,

Criscólia, s. f. gold-colder, a cd, alli.ted.

kind of mineral.
Crisólito, s. m. a crysolite.
Cristallino, adj. crystalline,
Cristallo, s. m. crystal-ris
tulo. clear water.
Cristéo, Cristere, e Cristero,
s. in. a glister.
Cristianáccio, s. m. a bad chris-
tian.Cristianaccio, a good

Crozicchio, s. m. a cross-way.
Crocidáre, e Crocitáre, to

to crucify.
Crocifiggere, (
Crocitigguménto, s. m. crucis.
Crocifissione, s. f. Sfixion.
Crocifisso, s. in. a crucifix.
Crocifissore, he that crucifies



or torments.
distress, affliction.

name of an ideal country af: Crocióne, s. m. a great cross. Cruccióso, adj. provoked, pas- fording all sorts of pleasures. Crocitáre, u. Crocidare. sionate, in a passion. Cucchiaja,s.f.an engineto draw Croco, s, m. saffron.

Cructaménto, s. m. continued the water of a river. Crogioláre, to bake neither too pain.

Cucchiajáta, s. f. a spoonful. much nor too little.

Cruciáre, to afflict, to pain. Cucchiajéra, s. f. a case conCrogiólo, s. m. a crucible. Cruciáto, s. m. pain, affliction, taining a knife, a spoon, and Crojo, adj. bard. Obs.-Crnjo,

a fork. rude, ill-bred, unmannerly. Crucicchio, s. m. o. Crocicchio. Cucchiájo, š. m. a spoon. Obs-Crojo, provoked, angry. Crucifiggere, v. Crocifiggere. Cucchiajóne,s.m. a soup-spoon. Obs.

Crudamente, bitterly, sourly, Cuccia, s. f. a couch. Crollamento, s. m. the state of sorrowfully,grievously,cruel. Cuccio, c. Cucciolo. shaking ly, harshly.

Cucciolino, dim. of Cúcciolo. Crollánte, adj. shaking. Crudelácció, augm. of Crudele. Cúcciolo, s. m. a puppy, a Crolláre, to'shake, to jog.-- Crudéle, adj. cruel.-Un cru- whelp, a lap-dog: Cucciolo, Crollársi, to move, to shake. dele, a cruel man.

a ninny, one without expeCrollo, s. m. a shake, toss, Crudelétto, dim. of Crudele. rience. jult.

Crudelézza, s. f. cruelty. Cucco, s. m. a cuckoo.Cucco, Croma, s. f. crotchet or quaver Crudelmente, adv. cruelly. darling, favourite. in music.

Crudelità, s. f. o. Crudelta. Cúccuma, s. f. grudge, animoCromático, adj. cromatic. Crudeltà, s. f. cruelty. sity, spleen, inveterate hatred. Cronaca,

Crudétto, adj. almost raw. Cucina, s. f. a kitchen.- Arte f. chronicle. Cronica,

Crudezza, s. f. crudity.-Cru- di cucina, cookery.-Di brona Cronicáccia, s. f. a bad chro- dezza, cruelty.

cucina, good for dressing:nicle. Crudità. s. f. crudity, rawness.

Donna di buona cucina, a woCronichista, a chronicler. -'ruditá, indigestion. man that will easily condeCrónico, adj. long and trou-Crudo, adj. raw.-Crudo, un- scend. blesome; it is an epithet to ripe, green.--Crudo, cruel. Cucinajo, s. m. Obs. Cuciniére. some distempers.

Cruentáre, to make bloody.- Cucináre, to dress meat, to cook. Cronísta, v. Cronichista. Cruénto, adj. bloody.

Cuciniéra, a woman cook. Crono, 8. m. a 'sirname of Cruna, s. f. the eye of the nee.Cuciniére, cook, a man cook. Saturn.

dle.-Cruna, a hollow stone. Cucino, s. m. a pillow. Cronológia, s. f. chronology: -Cruna, point.

Cucíre, to sew or stitch. Cronológico, adj. chronologic. Crusca, s. f. bran.-Crusca, the Cucito, s. m. scam. Cronologista, chronologer. name of the academy in Flo- Cucitóre, s. mn. he that sews. Crosciáre, to pour down, rence, that took care of the Cucitrice, s. f. sempstress. (speaking of the rain.)- language, lately destroyed by Cucitúra, s. f. a sewing or seam. Crosciáre, to fling, hurl, throw. the late great duke Leopold. Cuculiare, to ridicule, to jeer, Crosciáre, to slap or strike. I Cruscante, s. m. he that affects to banter. Crosciare, to crackle.-Cros extreme exactness, in speak- Cucúlio, s. m. v. Cúculo. ciáre, to seeth or boil. ing or writing the Tuscan. Cuculla, s. m. 2 cowl, a hood. Cróscio, s. m. a crashing - Cruschello, s. m. fine bran. Cucullato, adj. hooded,cowled. Croscio d'acqua, sudden Cruscherélla, s. f. a kind of Cuculo, s. m. a cuckoo. shower. boyish play.

Cucurbita, a gourd, a distilling Crosta, s. f. crust, scurf, or Cruschévole, adj. somewhat af- vessel. scab.--.('rosta Francese, the fected in writing or speaking Cucurbitíno, s. m. a worm French

pox.-Crosta, outside, the Tuscan language. that engenders in one's belly. superficies.

Cruscóne, s. m. gross bran., Cucúzzolo, s. m. the vertex or Crostáta, s. f. a kind of pie.- Cruscoso, adj. full of bran. the top of the head; as also ('rostata d'anguille, an eel pie. Cubáre, to lie down.

of any thing else. Crostino, s. m. a slice of bread. Cubátto, s. m. a gin or Cúffia, s. f. a coif-Ogni cuffia Crostóso,

Cubáttola, s. f. spring adj, crusty.

è buona per la notte, Joan is as Crostúto, )

('ulattólo, s. m. catch birds. good as my lady in the dark. Crosteliíno, s. m. a little crust. Cubébe, s. f. aromatic fruits Uscirsene pel rotto della cuffia, Crótalo, s. m. a musical instru- brought from the West Indies. to come off, to save one's ment so called. Cúbico, adj. cubic.

bacon. Crucc-vole, adj. choleric. Cubiculário, s. m. a groom of Cufliáre, to eat immoderately, Cruccia, s. 'f. a rustic instru-l the chamber.

Cuffióne, s. m. a double coif. ment used in planting vines. Cúbito, s. m. the elbow.-C1-Cufliótto, s. m. a bonnet or Crucciáre, to anger, to pro. bito, cubit.

сар. voke.

Cubitóso, adj. covetous. Obs. Cugina, s. f. Crucciársi, to be angry. Cubo, s. m. cube, a solid body Cugino, s. m.

} cousin. Crucciáto, adj. angry, provok- determined by six equal Cuginomo,s.m.my cousin.Obs. ed. squares.

Cui, relative, which is used Cruccio, s. m. anger, wrath, Cuccagna, s. f. a popular di- through all the cases, except passion, -Cruccio, anguish, version, and may also be the the first-hi cui, whose, of




which, of whom-A c, tó whom, to which.-Cui,whom, which.-Da cui, from whom, from which.

Cujússo, s. m. affected Latin

Culája, s. f. the paunch of a
crammed fowl.
Culáta, s. f. a blow given with
the breech to any one, or on
the stones by falling back-
wards with some violence.
Culátta, s. f. the breech.
Culiséo, s. m. the vulgar name
of an amphitheatre at Rome.
Culla, s. f. a cradle.
Culláre, to rock the cradle.
Culo, s. m. the part on which
we sit.

Cultiváre, v. Coltiváre.
Cúmino, s. m. the herb or seed

Curnuláre, to heap, to hoard. Cumulazione, s. f. heaping or hoarding.

Cúmulo, s. m. heap, store.
Cuna, s. f. a cradle.-Cuna,
lodging, dwelling-place.
Cúneo, s. m. a wedge.
Cuniculo, s. m. a mine in the
earth.-Far cuniculi, to un-
dermine.-Cuniculo, a coney,
a rabbit.

Cunta, s. f. delay, demur. Obs.
-Senza cunta, without delay.
Cinzia, s. f. a kind of odori-
ferous herb, flea-bane.

Far del cuor rocca, to take cou- | Curiosétto, adj. over busy or
rage.-Stà di buon cuore, take curious.-Curiosità, s. f. curi-
courage.-Far cuore, to cheerosity.
up.-Far cuor duro, to be ob- Curióso, adj. curious, inquisi-
stinate.-Esser di povero cuore, tive.-Curioso, curious, rare,
to be faint-hearted.-Prender neat,fine.-Curioso,a virtuoso.
cuore, to grow bold.-Fare a Curra, s. f. a word by which
mal cuore, to do against one's we call hens.
will.-Cuori, hearts in cards. Curro, s. m. a roller.—Curro,
Di buon cuore, willingly.-Di a wheel-barrow. - Poi proce-
tutto cuore, with all my heart. dendo di mio guardo il curro,
Cuoricino, s. m. a little heart.
and I still looking farther.
Cúpere, to covet. Obs. Cursore, s. m. a kind of mes-
Cupézza,s.f.depth, profundity. senger, cursitor.
Cupidaménte, adv. desirously.
Cupidézza, s. f. covetousness,
Cupidigia, S desire.
Cupidità, s. f. desire, covetous-


Cupido, adj.desirous, covetous.
Cúpo, adj. deep.-Cupa fame,
great hunger. Cupo, s. m.
depth, profundity.
Cúpola, s. f. a cupola.
Cupresso, v. Cipresso.
Cura, s. f. care, application,
diligence.-Por cura, to mind.
-Cura, parish.-Cura, guar-
dianship-Cura, a bleach.-
Cura, a cure of any distemper.
Curábile, adj. that may be

Curandájo, s. m. a bleacher. Curáre, to value, to esteem, to care, to have a respect for. —Curáre, to cure, to dress, to take care, to look after.-CuCunziéra, a vessel to put flea-ráre, to look after, to tend or bane in.

Cuocere, to do, to boil, bake,
dress.-Far cuocere allo spiedo,
to roast.-Cuocere, to scald,
burn, parch.---Cuocere, to
grieve, vex, trouble.-Cuocer
bue, to waste one's time in a
thing that one has no know-
ledge of. Cuocere, to concoct,
todigest. Cuocersi,to get drunk.
Cuocióre, s. m. a burning or
Cuocitúra, s. f. boiling, baking,
roasting, dressing.
Cuoco, s. m. a man cook.
Cuójo, s. m. leather.-Cuojo,
skin.-Distender le cuoja, to
stretch one's self.-Ognun c'
é pel cuojo, e per la pelle, to be
equally in the scrape.-Tirar
le cuoja, to die.
Cuore, s. m. heart.Cuore, life.

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attend.-Curáre, to protect,
to defend.-Curáre, to bleach
or whiten in the sun.--Curáre
pollastri o pesce, to draw fowls
or fish.

Curasnétta, s. f. a buttress or

Curáta, s. f. pluck.-Curata di
porco, a hog's haslet.
Curatella, s. f. the liver.
Curativo, adj. that hath the
quality of curing.
Curáto, s. m. a curate, a parson.
Curatóre, s. m. he that takes
the care. Curátore, a guard-
ian or trustee.
Curatrice, s. f. a woman guard-
Curattiére, s. m. a broker. Obs.
Curazione, s. f. cure, remedy.
Cúrcuma, s. f. a kind of reed
that they dye with.
Cúria, s. f. the bar, a court or

-Cuore, mind, soul.-
Cuore, heart, courage, spirit,
mettle-Cuore, heart, midst. Curiále, adj. of the court or
-Nel cuor della state, in the council-house.-Curiale, s. m.
midst of summer.-Dar il cu- a lawyer, a barrister.
ore, to have the courage. Curiándolo, s. m. coriander.
Vol. I.

Curváre, to curve, to bend.
Curváto, adj. curbed, bent.
Curvatúra, s. f. crookedness,
Curvézza, bent.
Curvilíneo, adj. curvilineal.
Curvità, s. f. curvity, crook-

Curúle, s. f. curule chair.
Curvo, adj. arched, crooked,
Cusáre, to pretend, to insist.
Obs.-Cusársi, to hold, think,
or account one's self. Obs.
Cuscinetto, s. m. a little pillow.
Cuscíno, s. m. a cushion, a pi -

Cuscire, v. Cucire.

Cúscuta, s. f. a plant that hath
no firm rooting in the ground.
Cúspide, s. f. point, the sharp
end. Poetical.
Custóde, s. m.keeper, guardian.
Custódia, s. f. custody.-Aver
in custodia, to have under one's

Custódio, s. m. keeper, guardi-
an. Obs.
Custodire, to keep, guard, or
preserve, to have in custody.
Custoditaménte, adv. safely.
Custoditóre, that keeps in his

Custoditrice, femin. of Custo-

Cute, skin, pill, bark.
Cutérzola, & f. a kind of great

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