صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Daddovéro, adv. in earnest.
Dado, s. m. a die,Dado, a
cube.-Scambiare i stadi, to
contradict one's self.Pagare
i lumie i dadi, to pay dear for
a thing. Dado, the boots, a
kind of rack to make malefac-
tors confess their crimes.
Daga, s. f. a dagger.
Daino, s. m. a deer.-Daino
maschio, a buck.
Dalfi'no, v. Delfino. Obs.
Dalláto, by, by one's side.
D'allora, thence.-D'allora, in-
nami, from that time.D'
allora in poi, since that time.
-D' allora in quà, from that

at a distance.

Da lunga,
Da lunge,
Da lungi,
Dama, s.f. dame, mistress, lady.
-Dama, a doe or hind deer.
Nostre Dama, our Lady, the
Virgin Mary.-Dama, a mis-

Da, about.-Erano da venti, they were about twentyDais sometimes a proposition of the genitive case.--Dameno, of less worth; da più, of more worth.Da is used for a proposition before any infinitive mood, namely, if it answers or has any relation to any thing mentioned before, to, for to. ex.-Questo è buono da mangiare, this is good to eat. Da, with the pronouns, me, te, se, loro, signifies as much as alone, without aid or counsel.-Lo faro da me, I'll do it myself.-Da, joined with a verb of motion, and the particles, me, te, lui, noi, voi, loro, signifies, at the house. Da me, at my house; da te,at thy house.-Da'[with an apostrophe, is a contraction of the article and preposition] from the, by the Forzato da comandi del padre, forced by the commands of his father. Da, like, as.-M tratto da principe, he treated me like a prince.-Vi parlo da amico, I speak to you as a friend.Da soldato, like a soldier.Vestito da marinojo, dressed in a sailor's dress. Da, sometimes expresses the place of one's birth-Da Londra, native of London. Da, signifies sometimes, fit. Donna da marrio, a woman fit to be married.--Scatola da tobacco, a box for snuff.-Da, joined with the infinitive of a verb implying necessity or convenience, signifies to be. Queste non son cose da fare, these are not things to be done. Da, fit for, or becom- Dammággio, s. m. v.. Damaggio. ing. Un cavallo da re, a horse Dammaschino, v. Damaschino. fit for a king.Questo discorso Dammásco, v. Dommasco. non è da gentiluomo, this dis-Damo, s. m. a spark, a beau, a course is not becoming a gen- lover. tleman. Da, with an accent, Damúzza, s. f. a petty lady. is a person of the verb Dare. Damuzzáccia, s. f. a pretended -Da che, since.--Da che voi lady, one that sets up for a volete così, since you will have lady. it so. Da banda, aside.-Da Dámolto, of worth, of merit. bele, in jest, in mockery.-Ea Uomo da molto, a man of indi innanzi, hence forward. -Da indi addietro, thence backward.-Da indi in poi, since that time.-Da indi in qua, hitherto. Dabbéne, good, honest.-Uomo dabbene, a good, honest man. Dabbudà, s. f. a psaltery or sautry.

tress that one makes love to. —Dama di qualità, a lady of quality.-Fa la dama, she sets up for a lady.-Dama, the queen at chess, draughts, or cards.-Dame,s.f.pl.draughts, a play so called. Damaggio, s. m. damage, hurt. Obs. Damaschíno, adj. any damask work, damasquined. Damasco, v. Dommasco. Damerino, s.m. a spark, a beau. Damigella, s. f. a young gentlewoman, a miss.-Damigella, a waiting gentlewoman, a lady of honour to a princess. Damigello, s. m. a spark, a young boy, a page. Damina, s. f. a doe or a hind deer.


Danúro, v. Danajo.

Danaróso, adj. pecunious, monied, full of money. Danarúzzo, s. m. a little piece of money.

Danda, an arithmetical term.
Dangiéro, s. m. Obs. danger.
Da niénte, adv. of no worth,
good for nothing.
Dannábile, adj. damnable.
Dannaggio, s. m. damage, loss.

Dannaggioso,damageable, per-
nicious. Obs.
Dannagióne, s. f. ) damna-
Dannaménto, s. m. ( tion.
Dannáre, to damn, to condemn,
blame, find fault with-Dan-
nare, to cross, strike out, can-

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Danájo, s. m. penny, farthings. Non darei un danajo, I would not give a farthing.-Danújo,|_the dance. money. Danajóso, adj. rich in money. Danajuólo, s. m. a farthing. Danaresco, adj. ready.-Pecunia danaresca, ready money.

Dannatóre, a condemner, a damner.

Dannazióne,s. f. condemnation, damnation, perdition. Danneggiamento,s.m.damage, hurt, detriment. Danneggiare, to damage, hurt. Danneggiátóre, he that causes hurt or loss.

Dannévole, adj. shameful, disgraceful, ignominious, infamous. Dannévole, damnable, hurtful, prejudicial. Dannevolmente, adv. damna


Dannificáre, to damage, hurt, damnify.

Dannío, s. m. v. Danneggia


Danno, s. m. cost, hurt, loss, damage, detriment. Dannóso, adj. harmful, hurt


Dante, adj. that gives.Tral dante e'l ricevente, between the giver and receiver.--Dante, s. m. v. Adante.-Dante, a kind of leather. Dantésco, adj. according to the manner and style of Dante the poet.

Dantescaménte, adv. after the manner of the poet Dante. Dantísta, an imitator of Dante the poet.

Da nulla, good for nothing. Danza, s. f. dance.-Essere in danza, to be talked of.-Entrare in danza, to do as others do.-Menar la danza, to lead

Danzánte, a dancer.
Danzare, to dance.
Danzatóre, a dancer.
Danzatrice, fem. of Danzatore,
Danzatrice, s. f. a short dance.

Da oggi innanzi, for the future.
Da ora innanzi,} —Da parte,
aside, secretly.-Da parte a-
parte, through.-Da per se, by
himself.-Da per tutto, every

Dape, s. f. meat, food.
Dappié, from the foot
Dappiéde, adv. § or foundation.

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Da qui innanzi, adv. } here,

Da quinci innanzi,

henceforward, for the future. --Da quindi innanzi, since that time.

dare and presume.Dare il
motto, to give the word.-Dare
il passo, to give free passage.
Dare in prestanza, to lend.
Dare in carta, to deliver in
writing.-Dare in luce, to pub-
lish. Dare in terra, to fall to
the ground; to run a-ground.

bles, the first long, and the other two short. Dattórno, about, round about, by, all around. Davantaggio, adv. more, further.

Davánte, o divánti, adv. before. Davante, prep, before, in -Dare in uno, to meet with presence of. by chance.-Dar la baja, to Davanzále, s. m. the stone that jest or laugh at.-Dare lu bu- supports the frames of winona notte, to wish good night, dows, and jets out. Dar la corda, to give the strap-Davánzo, adv. overplus. pado.-Dar la mano, to consent. Dare a credere, to make one believe.-Avere a dare, to be in debt.-Darsi ad una cosa, to addict one's self to a thing. —Darsi attorno, to look about.

Dappochezza, idleness,sloth-
fulness, laziness, dullness.
Dappóco, adj. silly, that knows
nothing, idle, slothful, spirit-
less, not able to help himself.
Dappói, adv. since, after, after-
wards-Dappoichè, since that.
Dappresso, near by, just by.
Da prima, at first, from
Da principio, the beginning.-Darst impacup, to trouble
one's self about.-Darsi pace,
to quiet one's self.-Darsi ad
uno, to prostitute herself.
Darsi buon tempo, to live a
merry life.Darsi maraviglia,
to wonder-Dur de' çalci a ro-
vajo, to be hanged.-Darsi
l'acqua ai piedi, to praise one's
self.-Darsi a gambe, to run
away.-Darsi pensiere, to care
for. Dar che dire, to give oc-
casion to talk.-Dar le carte,
to deal at cards.-Dar le carte
alla scoperta, to speak one's
mind freely.-Dar nel matto,
to play the fool.-Dar giù, to
lose one's credit.-Dare il pepe,
to banter or laugh at.-Dare,
to incline to. Questo panno
da nel rosso, this cloth inclines
to red.-Dar l'erba cassia, to
cashier or turn one out of his

Dardeggiáre, to dart, or hit
with a dart.
Dardetto, s. m. a little dart.
Dardo, s. m. a dart.
Dare, to give. Dore, to permit,
grant, give leave.-Dare, to
strike, to beat.-Dure, to shew
or demonstrate.-H color della
the camiscia dù che tusei carbo-
jo, one may see by your
shirt that you are a coalman.
Dare a cambio, to put out mo-
ney upon exchange.--Dare
eddosso, ad uno, to fall upon
one, to strike home.-Dare il
batlesing, to baptize, Dare
compimento, to finish.-Dar
beardo, to banish,-Dur crollo,
to shake.-Dar da dormire, to
lodge.-Dar da ridere, to give
cause for laughter.-Dure de
esici, to kick.-Dare de remi
in acqua, to row.-Dare indu-
go, to delay.-Dar testimoni-
anza, to testify-Dar fede, to
believe.-Dare del le, to thee,
and thou-Dar fondo, to cast
anchor.-Dar luogo, to give
an opportunity.--Dar baldanza,
to make bold-Dar in nulla,
to miscarry.-Dar fastidio, to
molest.-Dar le vele a' venti, to
set sail-Dar di colta, to hit a
ball at a volley.Dar di cozzo,
to butt.Dar di piglio, to
catch-Dur il buon anno, to
wish a merry new year.-Dar
il buon viaggio, to wish one a
good voyage, or journey.
Der il ben venuto, to bid one
welcome.-Dare il cuare, to

Darsena, s. f. a wet-dock.
Da scherzo, adv. in jest.
Da senno, in earnest.
Dassái, sufficient, very able.-
Tenersi dassai, to think one's
sel very capable.
Dassajczza, s. f. ability, ad-
dress, art, skill, ingenuity.
Dassézzo, adv. at last.
Data,s. f. date, the time marked.
Datário, an officer in modern

Dauco, s. f. a kind of wild car-

Davvantaggio, adv. more.
Da vero, in truth, in earnest.
Da último, at last.
Dázio, s. m. custom, toll, im-

Dazióne, s. f. dedition.
Dea, s, f. goddess.
Debaccáre, to run about madly.
Debelláre, to overcome, to sub-

Débile, adj. feeble, weak, faint.

Debilitamento, s.m. diminution
of strength.

Debilitáre, to weaken, to debilitate, to enervate, to enfeeble. --Debilitársi, to grow weak. Debilmente, adv. weakly, feebly.

Debitaménte, adv. deservedly.
-Debitamente, adv. suitably,

Débito, s. m. a debt. For de-
biti, to contract debts.-Debito,
duty, obligation.-Débito, adj.
due, owing-Debito, conveni-
ent, proper,suitable, fic,agree-
able Pena debita, condign
punishment.-Débito, obliged,
indebted, beholden, bound.-
Debito, right, lawful.
Debitóre, s. m. a debtor.
Debitrice, s. f. a woman that

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a small debt.
Debitúrzo, s. m.
Débole, adj. feeble, weak, faint..
Debolétto, adj. wesk, faintish.
Debolezza, s. f. } weakness.

Dativo, s. m. the dative case.
Dato,adj, given, v. Dare.--Dato,
8. in. a gift, a present.-Dato, o
dato che, suppose, put the case

Datóre, s. m. a giver.
Datrice, s. f. a giver.
Dattéro, s. m. date, the fruit of
the palm-tree.
Dáttilo, s. m. dactyl, a foot in
a Latin verse, of three sylla-

Debolménte, weakly, feebly.
Débolúzzo, adj. weakish.
Deca, s. f. decade, the number

a psaltery

of ten. Decacórdo, s. m. with ten strings. Decadenza, s. f. decline, decay. Decadere, to decay, to decline. Decágono, adj. decagon. Decalogo, s. m. decalogue.

Decanato, s. m.deanship, dean- | Declive, adj. bending down-Deferénza, s. f. deference.



to decorate.

decorous, de

Decorazióne, s. f. decoration. Decóro, s. m. decorum, good fashion or carriage. Decóro, adj. Decoróso, adj. cent. Decórso, s. m. a .course.-Decorso, adj. passed, last, past. Decótto, s. m. decoction.Decótto, adj. boiled.-Decótto, s. m. a bankrupt. Decozionáccia, s. f. a degrading augmen. of Decozione. Decozióne, decoction. Decrepità, s. f. decrepitude. Decrepitézza, the same as Decrepita.

Décáno, s. m. a captain over Declività, s. f. declivity. ten horses. Decano,the senior Declivo, adj. v. Declive. in any order. Decano, a dean. Decolláre, to behead. Decantáre, to sing out, to pub-Decoráre, to set forth, to trim, lish, to make famous, to cry up.-Decantare, to decant, to pour off from the dregs. Decapitare, to behead. Decennále, adj. decennial, of ten years continuance, ten years old. Decennário, adj. of ten. Decénne, adj, decennial. Decénnio, s. m. the space of ten years. Decénte, adj.decent, becoming. Decentemente, adv. decently. Decénza, s. f. decency, becomingness. Decévole, adj. decent, becoming. Obs. Dechináre, v. Dichinare. Decidere, to cut, to cut off. Decidere, to decide, determine. Decifferáre, to decipher. Décima, s. f. tythe. Decimále, adj. decimal. Decimáre, to tithe, to decimate.-Decimáre, to shear, to cut off.

Décimo, s. m. tithe.-Décimo, adj. the tenth.-Décimo, foolish, silly, simple.-Un decimo, a simpleton, a blockhead. Decimonóno, the nineteenth, Decimosésto, the sixteenth. Decína, s. f. ten, half a score. Decisióne, s. f. decision, determination.

Decrépito, adj. decrepid. Decréscere, to grow less. Decretále, s. m. decretals, the whole body of the pope's decretals or letters.-Decretále, a degree or order. Decretalista, s. m. a canonist, a professor or doctor of the decretals.

Decretáre, to decree, to enact. Decréto, s. m. decree, ordinance, statute.-Decreto,a volume of the canon law.-Decréto, adj. decreed, ordained, enacted.--Decreto,determined, resolved, fixed.


Decisivo, adj. decisive, peremp


Decíso, adj. decided, determin


Décuplo, adj. ten times


Deferire, to defer, delay; or put off-Deferire, to value, to


Défesso, adj. wearied, tired.
Deficiente, adj. deficient.
Deficienza, s. f. deficiency.-
Per deficienza, for want.
Definire, to define.
Definizione, v. Diffinizione.
Defloráre, to deflower.
Deformáre, to disfigure, to

Deformazióne, s. f. deformity.
Deforme, adj. deformed, ugly,
disfigured, mishapen, out of

Deformeménte, adv. deformedly.

Deformità, s. f. deformity. Defraudáre, to defraud. Defúnto, adj. deceased.—Il defunto re, the late king.-Definto, s. m. a dead man.. Degágna, s. m. a kind of fishing-net.

Degeneránte, adj. degenerat-

Degeneráre, to degenerate.
Degenerazione, s.f. degeneracy,
Degnamente, adv. worthily.
Degnáre, to deign, vouchsafe,

Degnazione, s. f. gentleness,
courtesy, mildness, kindness.
Degnévole, gentle, mild, graci-
ous, affable, courteous, debo-

Degnità, s. f. worthiness.
Degno, adj. worthy.-Dezno di
fede, credible.-Degno, conve
nient, fit, suitable, agreeable,
proper, meet.
Degradáre, to degrade.

Decurione, s. m. a captain over
ten, horse or foot.
Dedicaménto, s. m. dedication.
Dedicáre, to dedicate, to conse-Degradazióne,s.f. degradation.
Deh, interj. alas!
Deificaménto, s. m. deification.
Deificáre, to deify.
Deificazione, s. deification.
Deifico, adj. that has some-
thing divine.

Declamáre, to declaim.
Declamatóre, a declaimer. Dedicatória, dedication, epistle
Declamatório, adj.declamatory. dedicatory.
Declamazione, s.f. declamation.
Declaratório, adj. declaratory.
Declinaménto, s. m. declina-

Declináre, to decline, decay or
abate. Il giorna declino, it
begins to grow late. Al de
clinar del sole, at sun-setting.
-Declinare, to humble, to de-
press.-Declináre, to decline,
in grammar.
Declinazione, s. f. declination
in astronomy.--Declinazione,
declension in grammar.
Declino, s. m. decline, decay.
-I declino della luna, the wane
of the moon. It sole e in de-
clino, the sun is setting.

Dédito, adj. given, inclined,

Dedizióne, s. f. surrender.
Dedotto, adj. deducted.
Dedúrre, to deduce, to deduct.
-Dedurre, to infer.
Dedútto, adj. deducted, deduc-
ed, inferred.
Deduzióne, s. f. deduction.
Deessa, s. f. goddess. Obs.
Defalcaménto, s.m.defalcation.
Defalcáre, to abate or deduct.
Dafalco, v. Defalcamento.
Defatigare, to tire, weary or

Defensóre, v. Difensore.
Deterénte, s. m. in astronomy,
an imaginary circle or orb.

Deiférme, adj. as God.-Il reg
no deiforme, the eternal king-

Deità, s. f. divinity, deity, god or goddess.

Delatóre, s. m. a spy, an in


Delatrice, fem. of Delatore.
Del continuo, adv. continually.
Delegáre, to delegate.
Delegáto, s. m. a delegate.
Delegazione, s. f. delegation.
Delertaménto, s. m. delecta-
Delettazione, s. f. tion,de-

Delfi'no, s. m. the dolphin fish. Demoníaco, adj. possessed with
-Delfino, the dauphin, the a devil.

mon, genius.

eldest son of the king of Démone, s. m. a devil, de-
France.-Delfino, the bishop,
one of the chess-men. Obs.
Delibáre, to take an assay or


Deliberare, to deliberate.
Deliberativo, adj. in rhetorick,

Deliberazione, s.f. deliberation.

Denajo, v. Danajo.
Denegáre, to deny.
Denigráre, to darken, to black-


naked, to strip, to shew one
naked.-Denudare, to unfold,
to discover.

Denunziazione,} v. Dinunzia.
Denunziare, v. Dinunziare.
Deo, God. Obs.

Dependénte, adj. dependent.

Denomináre, to name, to de-Dependénza, s. f. dependence.

Denominatívo, adj. denomina-


Delicaménto, v. Delicatezza. Denominazióne, s. f. denomi

Delicataménte, adv. delicately._nation.

Delicatezza, s. f. delicacy.
Delicatúra, s. f. delicacy.

Delineare, to delineate.


Denonziáre, v. Denunziare.
Denotante, signifying.
Denotáre, to denote, to signify.
Dentáre, to remark, to take

Denotazione, s. f. signification,

Densáre, v. Condensare.

Delineamento, s. m.
Delineazione, s. f. tion.
Delinquente, s. m. delinquent.
Delíquio, s. m. a fainting fit.
Deliránte, adj. raving.
Deliráre, to rave, to be light-Densáto, adj. thick, compact,
headed.-Deliráre, to talk idly
or madly.
Delírio, s. m. delirium, raving,
the state of being light-headed.
Delíro, adj, delirious, mad.
Delira impresa, a rash enter-

Delitto, s. m. crime, trespass, fault, offence.-Delitto di lesa maesta, high treason. Delivráre, to deliver. Obs. Delizia, & f. delight, delicious


Deliziáno, Obs. v. Delizioso.
Deliziáre, to delight.
Delizioso, adj. delicious.-Deli-
zioso, voluptuous, sensual.
Del pari, adv. even, without

Del tutto, adv. entirely, quite.
Delubro, s. m. a temple. Po-

Delúdere, to delude, to mock.
Delusióne, s. f. delusion, deceit.
Deluso, adj. deluded.
Dementáre, to make one mad.
Deménte, adj. mad, out of his

Deménza, s. f. madness, lack
Deménzia, of wit.
Demeritáre, to demerit.
Demeritévole, adj. unworthy.
Demérito, s. m. demerit-e-
mérito, chastisement, punish-


Demerso, adj. drowned, plung-
ed, overwhelmed.
Demérto, v. Demerito.
Democrático, adj. democrati-

Democrazia, s. f. democracy.
Demolire, to demolish.
Demolizione, demolition.

Densezza, s. f. density, thick-
Densità, ness.
Denso, adj. thick, dense.
Dentáccio, a bad tooth.
Dentále, s. m. share, plough-
share.-Dentále, shark, fish.
Dentáme, s. m. great quantity
of teeth.-Dentame, a set or
range of teeth.

Dentato, adj. toothed, having

[blocks in formation]

Depositería, s. f. the depo-
sitary's abode, the place
where things deposited are
safe lodged.
Depósito, s. m. deposit.-De-
pósito, money-chest-Mettere
in deposito, to deposit.
Deposizione, s. f. deposition,
degradation-Deposizione, de-
posit.--Deposizione, deposi-

Depredatore, depredator, robber.

Depredatrice, fem. of Depredatore.

Dentatúra, s. f. a set of teeth.
Dente, s. m. tooth.-Cavalieri tion, evidence.
del dente, parasites, table-Deposto, adj. deposed, put out
friends.-Dente canino, s. m. of place.-Depisto, laid aside.
dog's grass. Mostrare i denti, Depravare, to depravate, to
to shew courage.-Toccar col corrupt, spoil, vitiate.
dente, to eat.-Darsene insino Depravazióne, s. f. deprava-
a' denti, to bang one another. tion, corruption.
-Tener l'anima co'denti, to be Depredáre, to ransack, to prey
almost dead.-Pigliar il morso upon.
co'denti, to persist obstinately
in opinion.-Denti cavallino,
tooth-wort.-Denti di latte,
young tooth.-Denti di pettine,
tooth of a comb.-Denti di
rastrello o di sega, the teeth of
a rake, of a saw.
Dentecchiare, v. Denticchiáre.
Dentelliére, tooth-pick.
Dentéllo, s. m. dentils, a mem-
ber of the Ionic cornice.-
such as women make with
their needles.
Denticchiare, to chaw, to
chew, to eat like one that
has no stomach, to nibble.
Dentice, m. shark, a sort
of fish.
Dentro, prep. within.
Denudare, to make bare or


Depredazióne, s. f. depreda-
tion, robbery.
Depremere,. Deprimére.
Depressione, depression.
Depremúto, adj. depressed.
Depresso, adj. depressed, vile,
abject, slight.—La mia depressa
condizione, my mean condi-
tion-Stato depresso, low cir.'


Deprimere, to depress, to con-
culcate, to oppress, to keep
under, to debase, to vilify,
to despise.
Depurare, to purge, to purify.
Deputáre, to depute, to send,
to appgint, to delegate.—De

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putare, to choose, to destinate. | Descrittibile, adj. that may be
- Deputáto, s. m. deputy, de-

legate. Deputazione, s. f. deputation. Derelinquere, to relinquish, to forsake, to leave. Obs. Derelitto, adj. derelict, forsak



Descritto, adj. described. Descrittivo, adj. descriptive. Descrittore, s. m. describer. Descrivere, to describe,to make a description of.-Descrivere, Derelizióne, s. f. dereliction. to register, to set down. Deretáno, adj. on the back-Desérere, to abandon. Obs. Descrizione, s. f. description. side or behind, backward. Desertáre, to waste, to desoDeretano (ultimo) last. de- late, to spoil, to destroy, to retuno, s. m. the part on which make havock-Desertáre, to Desertáre, to desert.-Deserruin, to undo, to impoverish. túre, to deprive, to rob one of any thing.-Desertarsi, to misDesérto, s. m. desert, wildercarry. ness.- -Deserto, adj. abandonDesertóre, s. m. deserter. ed, forsaken. Desiánza, s. f. wish, eager Deserzióne, s. f. desertion. wish.

we sit. Deridere, to deride, to laugh at, to scoff.

Deriditóre, a scoffer, a con


Deriditrice, fem. of Deriditore. Derisibile, adj. contemptible. Derisióne, s. f. derision. Derisivamente, adv. with derision.

Deriso, adj. derided.-Deriso, s. m. derision.-Prendere in deriso, to deride. Derisóre, s. m. derider. Derisório, adj. derisory. Derivánte, adj. deriving from. Deriváre, to derive, to proceed from-Deriváre, to stream, to gush, to spring out. Derivativo, adj. derivative. Derivazione, s. f. derivation. Déroga, s. f. derogation. Derogabile, adj. that may be derogated. Derogare,to derogate, to lessen, to take from the worth of a person or thing-Senza derogare al vostro merito, without wronging your merit. Derogatório, adj. derogatory, which tends to derogate. Derogazione, s. £. derogation. Derráta, s. f. ware, provision, commodity.-L'erráta, price. buona derrata, this

Desiáre, to desire, to wish for.
Desiderábile, adj. desirable.
Desideráre, to desire, to wish,
Desiderante, adj. that desires.
to long for.
Desiderativo, adj. desirable.
Desideratóre, s. m. a desirer, a

Desiderevole, adj. desirable.
Desiderio, s. m. desire, wish,

Desideroso, adj. desirous, covet-

Desidia, s. f. idleness, sloth.
Designazione, s. f. designation.
Desináre, to dine, to eat one's
dinner.-Desináre, s.



[blocks in formation]

Destársi, to awake, to wake. Destináre, to design, to destiDestatóre, s. m. awaker. Destatrice, she that awakes. Destináta, s. f. destiny, fatalinate, to appoint. ty.-Destináto, s. m. destiny,


Destinazione, s. f. destination,

Destitúto, adj. abandoned.-
Destino, s. m. destiny, fate.
Destituto, destitute, deprived.
Desto, adj. awaked.-Desto,
Destra, the right side.—Alla
brisk, sprightly.
Destra, s. f. the right hand-
Destrále, s. m. a bracelet to
destra, on the right side.
Destreggiare, to manage with
Destraménte, adv. dexterously.
wear on the arm or hand.
dexterity, to use dexterity.➡
Destreggiare, to be on one's
right hand.-Destreggiáre, to
use artifice.
lity, nimbleness of hand or
Destrézza, s. f. dexterity, agi-
sharpness of wit, quickness
body.---Destrezza, sagacity,
of apprehension, cunning,

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Destriéro, a poetical word for a horse. Déstro, s. m. opportunity, co venient time.-Destro, the necessary house, stool, closedustrious, cunning, skilful.stool, privy-Destro, adj. dexterous, handy, ingenious, inDestro, favourable,good, prosDestro, right, straight, direct. perous-Il mio fato destro ha Destrúggere, v. Distruggere. voluto così, it happened so by good luck for me. Destruzione, v. Distruzione. Detergente, adj. scouring, deDeviáre, v. Disviare. tergent.


Desinatóre, s. m. he that dines. Desináta, dinner. Desinéa, s. f. a dinner. Obs. Desinénza, s. f. ending, termiQuesto nation. is very cheap. Descaccio, s. m. a degrading Desióre, Obs. longing for. Desio, 7 s. m.desire, lust, augmentative of Desco. Descendénza, . Discendenza. Desiráre, v. Disirare. Desióso, adj. desirous. Descendere, v. Discendere, and Desire, s. m. desire. Poetical. all its derivatives. Deschetto, a small desk or, off, to forbear. Desistere, to desist, to leave table.-Deschétio, a footstool; Deoláre, to desolate, to lay a low settce. Desco, s. m. a table.-Chi non Desolazione, s. f. desolation, mangia a desco, ha mangiato di devastation.


fresco, he that does not eat at Despetto, s. m. spite, despite,
table must needs have eat Despíito, malice.
somewhere else.-ovarsi a Despótico, v. Dispotico.
desco molle, to eat at a table Despoto, v. Dispoto.

Detergere, to deterge, to wipe
Deterioraménto, s. m. depra-
off, to scour, to rub off.


Deterioráre, to grow or make worse or wicked, to impair.

without a table cloth-Desco, Dessa, she, the same, she her- Determinaménto, s. m. deterchair. Desco, a butcher's self.


Desso, he, the same.


Determináre, to determine, to

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