صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

resolve, to decide.

ing to another what he is to Diabolicamente, adv. diabolic

Determinatamente, determi- write.--Dettatúru, dictator

nately, resolutely, precisely,
Determinativo, adj: determina-
tive, definitive-Determinato,
adj. determined, resolved.
Alto determinato, wilful action.
Determinazione, s. f. determi-
nation, resolution.
Detersivo, adj. cleansing, de-

Detestábile, adj. detestable.
Detestando, adj. detestable.
Detestáre, to detest, to abomi-
nate, to abhor.

Detestazione, s. f. detestation,
Detrággere,) to detract, to
Detrárre, speak ill,
slander, to traduce.
Detratto, adj. detracted, slan-


ship, dictature.

Dettazione, s. f. o. Dettatúra.
Detto, s. m. word, saying, any
thing said or spoken. Dal
detto al futto c'è un gran tratto,
to say and to do are two
things.Detto, adj. said,
spoken, called.
Dettofatto, no sooner said but
done, presently, directly.
Deturpare, to foul, to dirty, to
stain. Deturpáre, to defile, to


Diabólico, adj. diabolical, de-
vilish, wicked.
Diacalaménto, s. m. a warming
electuary so called.
Diacáno, v. Diacono. Obs.
Diacciája, s. f. a place to keep
ice for the summer.
Diacciáre, to freeze, to cool
with ice.-Diacciáto, adj. froz-


Diáccio, s. m. ice.
Diacciuólo, s. m. icicle.
Diacére, to lay upon or down.
Diacímino, s. m. an electuary
to expel wind in one's sto-

Diácin! diacíne! deuce! devil!

Devastáre, to waste, to destroy. Devastazióne, s. 'f. devastation. Devére, v. Dovere. Obs. Deviáre, to deviate, to go from, to swerve.-Senza deviare dal nostro discorso, without losing the thread of our discourse. Devolúto, adj. devolved. Devorare, v. Divorare. Devotaménte, adv. devoutly. Devoto, u. Divoto. Devozióne, v. Divozione. Di (a sign of the genitive case) of.-Di, with.-Egli fu ferito di spada, he was wounded with a sword.-Di,-in.-Cosi è di verità, it is so indeed.-Dimmi | Diadragánte, di che t'ho to offeso, tell me in what did I offend you.-Di, for.-Di certo, for certainDi, an adv. of quantity, but in this sense is not expressed in English.-Jer vi fu di molta gente nel parco, there was yes terday a vast many people in the park. Ven è ancora di molto, there is a great deal left.-Di, than.-Più ricco di me, richer than I-Maggiore di suo fratello, greater than his brother.-Di (prep. which signifies) from.-Di giorno in giorno, from day to day-Mi fù tolto il cappello di testu, they took away my hat from my head.-Ii, is sometimes used rather for gracefulness of speech, than necessity. ex. Sotto di me, under me.-Di, Ittáto, s. m. elocution, style, (before the infinitive of a anner of speech.--Dettáto, verb) to.-Godo di vederla, I composition.--Comporre con am glad to see you. beldettato, to write a fine style. Di, s. m. day.Benedetto sia'l -Deltato, proverb, adage, old di che pria vi vidi, blessed he saying. the day that I first saw you. Bertatore, s. m. he that dictates Di di, in day time. to another. Dia, s. f. day. Obs. Dettatrice, fem. of Dettatore. Diabéte, diabetes, a disease! Dettatúra, s. f. the dictamen Diabética, so called.

Detrattore, s. m. detractor,
slanderer, traducer.
Detrazione, s. f. detraction,

Detrimento, s. m. detriment,
loss, damage.
Detrúdere, to thrust down.

Not used.
Detta, s. f. debt, money owing.
-Buona o cattiva detta, good
or bad paymaster-Tagliar
in detta, to make it up, to
come to an agreement-Star
della detta, to be bail or sure-
ty-Esser in detta con uno, to
go halves with one in play-
ing-Starsene a detta, to rely
on another man's affirmation.
-Detta, good luck in play-

Diaditúra, s. f. the act of lay-
ing down.

Diacódion, s. m. diacodium, a
syrup made of the juice of
Diaconato, s. m. deaconship,

Diaconéssa, s. f. deaconess.
Diácono, s. m. a deacon.
Diadema, s. m. diadem, royal
or imperial crown.

s. m. a kind of
medicine so called.
Diatanità, s. f. diaplaneity,
the property of a diaphanous

Diáfano, adj. diaphanous, trans-
parent like glass.
Diaframma, s. m. diaphragm,
the midriff.


Dettáme, s. m. dictates, pre-
cepts, instructions, rules.
Operare secondo il dettame della
ragione, to act according to
the dictates of reason.
Dettáre, to dictate, to tell an-
other what he is to write, one
word or period after another.

-Dettare, to prompt, to ggest.-Delfare, to dictate, to teach.

of a master to his scholars.-Diabético, adj. diabetical,
Dettatura, s. f. the act of tell- troubled with a diabetes.

Diagonále, adj. diagonal.
Diagrante, s. f. a kind of gum,
Dialettica, s. f. dialectic, the
art of logic.

Dialéttico, dialectical, belong
ing to logic.--Dialettico, s. n.
z logician.

Dialetto, s. m. dialect, a manner of specch peculiar to some part of a country, yet all using the sane radical lan guage.

Dialoghétto, s. m. short dia logue.

Dialogista, s. m. a composer of dialogues.

Diálogo, s. m. a dialogue. Dialtea, s. f. an ointment made of marshmallows. Diamantáccio, s. m. a bad diamond, full of flaws. Diamante, s. m. diamond, ada

mant stone.

Diamantino, adj. as hard as a diamond, adamantine.-Carediamantino, bard, cruel hear.

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Diamarináta, s. f. a conserve of Di balzo, at a bound, at once.

Kentish cherries.
Diametrále, adj. diametral.
Diametralmente, adv. diame-

Diametro, s. m. diameter.-Per
diametro, diametrically.
Diámoron, s. m. syrup of mul-

Di bando, gratis, for nothing.
Dibarbáre, to root up, to
Dibarbicáre, pluck up by

the root.
Di bassa lega,
Di bassa mano,
tion.-Uomo di

mean man.

of a base,low,
mean condi-
bassa lega, a

Diamúsco, s. m. a kind of cor- Dibassamento, s. m.

dial powder.


ing or peeling a tree.
Di buon' aria, adv. blithly,
cheerfully. Di buon' arid,adj.
pleasant, jovial, jocund.-Di
buon mattino, adj. early, be

Di butto, adv. immediately.

Dicadénza, s. f. decay.

Dibassánza, s. f. Obs. a- Dicadere, to decay, to decline.
base-Dicadimento, s. m. decay.
Dicadúta, s. f. decay.
Dicadúto, adj. decayed, wast-
ed, fallen away, declined.
Dicapitaménto, s. m. the act
of beheading.
Dicapitáre, to behead.
Dicco, s. m. dyke, bank, cause-

Diána, the reveille, the beat of ment, debasement.
a drum at break of day.
Dianu, the morning stay.
Diánzi, adv. before.
Diapapavero, s. m. an electuary
of poppy.
Diapason, s. m. diapason, a
term in music, signifying an


Diapenídio, s. m. a kind of me-
dicine for a cough.
Diaprúno, s. m. electuary of
dry plums.

Dibassáre, to debase, to bring
low, to diminish, to fail in
strength or esteem.-Dibas-
sársi, to be discouraged, to
despond, to lose courage.
Dibastáre, to unsaddle, to take
off the pack-saddle.
Dibáttere, to shake or toss up
and down, to beat.-Dibullere,
to debate, to discuss, to plead
pro and con.-Dibattere, to
beat, knock, or bruise to-

Diário, s. m. a journal or day-gether.-Dibattersi, to strug-
book, a diary.
gle, to strive.-Dibattersi, to
Diarréa, Diarría, s. f. diarrhea, be angry, to fret.
lask, looseness.
Dibattimento,s. m. collision.
Diascáne, s. m. deuce, devil. Dibattito,
Diaséna, s. f. an electuary made discussion.
Dibattitore, s. m. searcher, en-
quirer, examiner.
Di bel nuovo, again.

of senna.

Diáspro, s. m. jasper.
Diastole, s. f. in anatomy, the
dilatation of the heart; op-Di bisogno, needful, necessary.
posed to Sistole.
Diatéssaron, s. m. a word used
in music.

Diávola, s. f. a she devil, a

-Avete di bisogno di qualche
cosa? do you want any thing?
-M'è di bisogno, I must.-E
di bisogno che, it is need that.


Dicembre, s. m. December.
Dicénte, adj. saying, that says.
Dicere, v. Dire. Obs.
Dicería, s. f. discourse, speech.
-Tener diceria d'una cosa, to
talk much of a thing.
Diceriúzza, s. f. short discourse,
short and empty speech.
Di certo, adv. certainly.
Dicervellársi, to distil one's
brains out, to think too much.
Dicervelláto, adj. hare-brained,
cock-brained, rash fool.
Dicévole, adj. decent, hand-
some, seemly, becoming.
Di che, adv. therefore, so that.
-Di che, of which.
Dichiaragióne. s. f. declara-
Dichiaraménto, s. m.) tion.

termagant, a shrew, a turbu-Dibonariamente, adv.gracious-Dichiaráre, to declare, to mani

lent or wicked woman.

ly, kindly. Obs.

kindness, gentleness, meek-
ness. Obs.
Diboscaménto, s. m. the act of
pulling down the trees in a
woody place.

Diavoláccia, s. f. a devilish wo-Dibonariétá, s. f. goodness,
man, a wicked woman.
Diavoláccio, s. m. a great devil,
a bad devil-Diavoláccio, a
devilish man, a wicked man.
--Un buon diavoluccio, a good-
natured fellow.
Diavolería, s. f. a devilish
troublesome thing.
Diavoléssa, s. f. a devilish
woman, a she devil, a shrew,
a termagant.
Diavoletto, s. m. a young devil.
Diavolo, s. m. devil, evil
spirit. E' un dicolo, he is a
devil, he is a wicked man,he is
a desperate fellow-Ha il dia-
zolo in corpo, the devil is in
him. Fareil diavolo,to be very
turbulent.-Sapere dove il dia-
solo tien la coda, to be sharp and
cunning. Diavolo di mare,

the sea-cormorant.

Diavolóne, s. m. a great devil.
-Diavoláne, devoloon, a kind
of confit.

Diboscáre, to disforest, to pull
down the trees.
Diboscáto, adj. cleared of trees.
Dibottaménto, s. m. toss, shake,
commotion. Obs.
Dibottáre, to agitate, to stir,
to shake, to move. Obs.
Di botto, adv. immediately,
suddenly, at once.
Dibrancáre,todilate, to spread.
Di brigáta, adv. all together,
in company.

Di brocco, adj. suddenly, at


Dibrucáre, v. Dibruscáre.
Dibruscáre, to prune, to lop.
Dibucciáre, to bark a tree, to
peel it.—Dibucciáre,to peel off
the skin.

fest, to publish, to make plain
or known,to signify-Dichia-
ráre la guerra, to declare, de-
nounce, or to proclaim war.

Dichiarare, to give sentence.
-Dichiararsi, to declare, to
tell, to open one's mind.
Dichiaratóre, s. m. a declarer,
an interpreter.
Dichiaratrice, she that de-

Dichiarazione, s. f. declaration,
interpretation, explanation.
Dichiarire, t. Dichiarare. Obs..
Di chiaro, adv. clearly, mani-
Dichinaménto, s. m. declina-
tion, descent.


Dichináre, to decline, to decay, to go downward.-Questo colore dichina più al nero che non al bruno, this colour comes nearer to the black than the brown.

Dibúccio, s. m. the act of bark-Dichíno, s. m. decline, decay.

-Le mie forze cominciano andare in dichino, I am in a declining state of health. giorno è nel suo dichino, it draws towards night, it grows late. Diciannove, nineteen. Diciannovésimo, the nineteenth.

Diciassette, seventeen.

Didiacciáre, to thaw, to melt | Difettivamente, defectively.

[blocks in formation]

Una Decína, ten in number.
Diecinóve, nineteen.
Diecinovésimo, the nineteenth.

Diciassettésimo, the seven- Diecisétte, seventeen.

Diecissettésimo, the

Dicibile, adj. that can be teenth.


Di entro, adv. within.


of a tone in music.
Diéta, s. f. diet.-Tenere a dieta,
to diet, to keep one to strict
diet.-Dieta, diet, assembly.
Dietamente, adv. quickly,
nimbly. Obs.

Diciferáre, to decypher, to un-Diesis, s. m. diesis, the quarter
ravel, to disentangle, to clear,
to discover, to unfold.
Diciferatore, s. m. decypherer.
Dicimáre, to strike off the top,
to lop, to clip.
Dicimáto, adj. having the top
cut off, lopped.
Dicinénto, s. m. v. Dicitura.
Diciménza, s. f.



Dietáre, to diet, to keep one to a strict diet. Not in use. Both obso-Dietreggiáre, to go back, to draw back.

Dicioccáre, to break off the
cluster or tufts of fruits or

Diciottesimo, the eighteenth.
Diciotto, eighteen.
Dicitóre, s. m. sayer, speaker,
teller, talker.-Diciture, ora-
tor, speaker.
Dicitúra,s. f. delivery in speak-

Difettivo, adj. defective, im-
perfect.Difettivo, faulty.-
Verbo difettivo, a defective

Difétto, s. m. defect, flaw, vice,
imperfection.---Difetto, vice,
fault.--Difetto, want, lack.
Difitto, want, need, neces-

Difettoso, adj. defective, im-
perfect. Difettoso, faulty.-
Difettoso, weak, feeble, infirm.
Difettúccio, s. m. dim. of Di-

Difettuoso, v. Difettoso.
Difettúzzo, s. m. a small fault.
Diffalcáre, to defalk, to cut off,
to abate, to deduct.
Diffalco, s. m. defalcation, de-
duction, abatement.
Diffilta, s. f. default, defect,
misdeed, trespass, fault.-Dif-
falta, breach of promise.--
Dijalla, dearth, scarcity, pe-

Diffaltáre, to want, to lack, to
Diffamaménto, s. m. defama-
tion, slander.
Diffamáre, to defame, to slan- ̧

Diétro, prep. behind, after.-
Di dietro, at the end, at last.-nury.
Di dietro via, backwards.
Tirar in dietro, to put off, to
delay, to retard.-Farsi in
dietro, to fall, to draw back.-
Dietro porta, back-door.
Dietro camera, back-room.-
Dietro pasto, after-meal.
Dietroguardia, s. f. rear.

Dicolláre, to behead.-Dicol-Difalcáre, v. Defalcare.
hire, to break off, to lop off.
Dicollazione, s. f. beheading.
Di colpo, suddenly, instantly,

[blocks in formation]

Di corto, shortly, in short
time-Esser gestito di corto, to
be dressed in short clothes.
Di corso, adv. in running,

Di costa, adv. on one side,
close by.-Di costa al fiume,
close by the river.
Dicotto, adj. withered, dried.
Dicozióne, s. f. v. Decozione.
Dicréscere, to decrease, to

Dicreto, s. m. Obs. v. Decreto.
Dicrollamento, v. Crollamento.
Dicrolláre, v. Crollare.
Di cuore, heartily.
Didascálico, adj. instructive,

Di dentro, within.


Difalcazione, v. Defalco.
Di fatto, adv. immediately,
ipso facto.-Di fatto, effect-
ively, really.
Difendere, to defend, to pro-
tect.-Difendere, to keep from.
-Difendere, to forbid, to pro-
Difendévole, adj. defensible.
Difendimento, s. m. defence,

Difenditore, defender.
Difenditrice, defendress.
Difensáre, Obs. v. Difendere.
Difensióne, s. f. defence-Met-
tersi atlifensione, to stand upon
one's defence or guard.
Difensivo, adj. defensive.-Star
su la difensiva, to act defen-

Difensóre, s. m. defender.
Di fermo,adv.certainly,for cer-

Difesa, s. f. defence, protection,
countenance, prop, support.
Far difesa, to resist, to with-
stand.-Difesa, fence, fortifi-
cation.-Lifesa, reply in law.
Diféso, adj. defended.
Difettáre, to want, to be de-
fective. Not in use.

Diffamatório, adj. defamatory,
slanderous, abusive.
Diffamazione, s. f. defamation.
Differente, adj. different, un-
like, various.
Differenza, s. f. difference,
Differenzia, variety, diver-
sity, distinction.Differenza,
difference, dispute, contro-
versy, quarrel.
Differenziare, to distinguish,
to make different from.
Differíre, to differ, to be differ-
ent or unlike, to vary.-Dif-
ferire, to defer, to delay, to
put off-Dierire, to differ,
to disagree.
Differmaménto, s. m. confuta-
tion of that which was spok-


Differmare, to confute, to dis-

Difficile, adj. hard, difficult.
Difficoltà, s. f. difficulty-Sen-
za difficoltà, with ease.-Diffi
colta, difficulty, obstacle, im-
pediment.-Difficoltà, doubt,
question.. -Difficolta d'orina,

Difficoltáre, to make difficult,
to start difficulties,to question.
Difficoltoso, adj. diflicult.-Far
il difficoltoso, to start difficul-



Digerire, to digest, to concoct put out of degree or dignity. what one eats.Digerire, to Digradatamente, adv. gradualdigest, to discuss, to examine. ly. -Digerire, to digest, to bear, to suffer, to brook-Digerire, to distil, in chemistry. Digestibile, adj. easily digest


Digradazióne, s. f. degradation.

Di grado, adv. willingly, with pleasure.-Di grado in grado, adv. by degrees. Digranáre, v. Sgranare. concoc-Di gran lunga, adv. by far, very much.-Di gran lunga, rather, more willingly, better. Digrassáre, to take off the fat.

Digestíre, to digest, to concoct. Digestivo, adj. digestive. Digesto, s. m. Digests, a part of the civil law, digested by command of the emperor Justinian.Digésto, adj. contrived, ordered, disposed, fit, ready, prepared. Dighiacciare, v. Didiacciare.

Difficultà, v. Difficoltà. Diffidáre, to mistrust, to distrust, to suspect. Diffidare, to despair, to have no hopes. Diffidénte, adj. mistrustful, diffident, suspicious. Diffidenza, s. f. mistrust, difDiffidenzia,j fidence, despair. Digestiménto, s. m. digestion, Diffinire, to define, to deter-Digestióne, s. f. mine, to decide.-Diffinire, to tion. finish, to complete, to perfect. Diffinire, to define, to -give the definition of. Diffinitivo, adj. definitive, peremptory-Riposta diffinitiva, positive answer. Diffinitóre, the counsellor or assistant of a general, or provincial of a religious order. Dithinizióne, s. f. definition-Dighiacciato, v. Didiacciato. Diffinizione, definitión, deci- Di giá, adv. already. ⚫sion. Digiogáre, to unyoke. Diffondere, to pour out.-Dif Di giorno in giorno, from day •fondere in lagrime, to melt in to day. Di giorno, by day, tears.-Diffondersi, to dwell in day-time. upon a subject. Di giú, adv. below, beneath, Difformáre, to deform, to dis- down. figure. Difformataménte, adv. deform-edly. Difforme, adj. deformedly,ugly, yoke. disfigured, mishapen. Difforinita, s. f deformity, liness. Diffusamente, adv. diffusively, largely, amply, fully. Diffusione, s. f. diffusion. Diffusivo, adj. diffusive. Diffuso, adj. diffuse, large, ample, extended, long, prolix, tedious.

Di sù di giù, up and down.
Digiungere, to disjoin,to part,
Digiúgnere,) to loosen, to un-

Digiunáre, to fast. ug-Digiunatóre, he that fasts, that keeps fast. Digiunatrice, fem. of Digiuna

Dificaménto, s. m. the act of
building. Obs.
Dificare, to build. Obs.-Difi-
care, to edify. Obs.
Dificiáto, adj. contrived, dis-
posed. Obs.
Difício, s. m. a building. Obs.
--Dificio, machine, device,
engine. Obs.
Difilare, to file off, to march.-
Difilato, adv. straight on, di-
rectly forward.
Di filo, adv. without disconti-
nuing, one after another.
Difinimento; s. in. definition.
--Difinimento, conclusion,end.
Difinire, e. Diffinire.
Diformità, s. f. v. Difformità.
Di forza, adv. by main force.
Di fresco, adv. lately, newly,

Di fuori, adv. without.
Di furto, adv. by stealth.
Digeneráre, v. Degenerare.


Digiúne, s. f. plur. the four
ember weeks.
Digiúno, s. m. fast, fasting
Giorno di digiuno, fasting day.

-A digiuno, adv. fasting Digiúno, desirous, covetous, 'fond.-Già di veder costui non son digiuno, I am not desirous to see him.-Si fece la mia sete men digiuna, my thirst was almost quenched. Digiúnto, adj. disjoined, separated, unyoked. Dignità, s. f. dignity, worth, greatness, merit.Dignità, dignity, office, degree. Dignitose, adj. worthy, noble. Digoccioláre, to drop, to fail by drops.

Digozzáre, to cut the throat. —Digozzáre, to take away any thing that is about the throat or neck. Digradaménto, s. m. degrada tion.

Di grázia, adv. pray, prithee Digredíre, to digress, to go from the subject in hand. Digressióne, s. f. digression. Digressivo, adj. digressive. Digrignáre, to grin like a dog, to snarl.

Digrignante, adj. grinning.— Viso digrignato, grinning face. Digrossamento, forming, fashioning, sketching. Digrossare, to form, to fashion,

-Digrossáre, to refine, to polish, to teach, to instruct. Digrumáre. to chew the cud, to ruminate.-Digrumdre, to ruminate a thing, to ponder it, to consider it. Diguastáre, to spoil, to waste. Diguazzaménto, s. m. shaking, waddling.—Diguazzamento di budella, a rumbling of the guts.

Diguazzáre, to shake, to stir, to waddle.

Digusciare, to shell peas or


Di là, prep. beyond.-Pi là, a local adv. the other side, that way-Passate di là, go on that side.-Di là, from thence.I vengo di la, I come from thence-Di li, of that country.-Secondo il costume di là, according to the custom of that country-Di là, the other world.—Nessuno sa le cose di là, nobody knows how things go in the other world. -Di quà, di li, here and there.

Dilaccare, to quarter, to cut in quarters, to cut to pieces. Obs.-Dilaccare, to tear in pieces, to rend. Obs. Dilacciare, to unlace, to untie.

Digradare, to come down by Dilaceráre, to rend, to tear, to degrees. Digradare, to short-pull to pieces. en, or grow short by degrees. Di là entro, from there with-Digrudáre, to degrade, to in.

Dilagáre, to overflow.

Di là giù, adv. from thence

Di láncio, adv. directly, strait
ly, immediately, at once.
Dilaniáre, to rend, to tear in
Dilapidáre, to consume, to
waste, to spend wastefully,
to squander away.
Di largo, adv. liberally, abun-
dantly, plentifully.
Di là sù, adv., from thence

Dilataménto, s. m. dilatation.
Dilatánte, adj. that dilates.
Dilatánza, s. f. dilatation.
Dilatare, to dilate, to widen, to
spread.-Dilatáre, to display,
to set forth, to master, to
show.-Dilatáre, to dilate.
Dilatúre, to disperse, to scat-


Dilatativo, adj. whose power
can dilate.
Dilatazione, s. f. dilatation, ex-

Dilettabile, adj. delightful, Diliberazione, s. f. resolution,
pleasant, delectable.
Dilettabilita, s. f. delectation, deliverance, delivery, release.
delight, pleasure. Obs. Dilibrare, to bear down the
Dilettabilimente, adv. delight-weight, to go out of the equi-
Dilettaménto, s. m.
Dilettánza, sef.
light, pleasure.
Dilettante, s. m. a dilettante, a
lover of music or painting.
Though the Crusca has not
this word, yet it is most com-
-mon in Italy."

delecta-Dilicaménto, s. m. delicacy,
tion, de- delicateness. Obs.

Dilettáre, to delight, to re-
create, to please.-Dilettarsi,
to be pleased with, to delight
in it-Dilettarsi di musica, to
love music.
Dilettatóre, he that delights or

Dilettatrice, feminine of Di-
Dilettazióne, s. f. delight, de-

Dilicánza, niceness. Obs. Dilicatamente, adv. delicately, deliciously.

Dilicatezza, s. f. delicateness, niceness, effeminacy, softness. ➡Vilicatezza, exquisiteness.

Dilicatezza, ˆcuriousness,

neatness. Dilicáta, adj. soft.-Dilicáto, delicate, dainty, delicious.Vivande dilicate, dainty bits. Dilicáto, nice. Dilicáto, pleasant, agreeable.-Dilicato, delicate, fine.—Dilicáto, thin, small, slender.-Dilicáto, delicate, nice, weak, tender.Dilicato, nice, ticklish, dangerous.

Dilavaménto, washing.

Dilettevole, adj. delectable, de-
Dilettevolmente, adv. delight-

Dilaváre, to wash away.Co-fully.

Dilicatúra.v. Delicatura. Diligénte, adj. diligent, laborious, careful, watchful.

lure dilavato, a decayed hue, Dilétto, s. m. delectation, de- Diligentemente, diligently. pale colour.

Dilazioncélla, diminutive of

A diletto,

Diligenza, s.f.diligence,care.

7 purpose-Diligénzia, -Diligénza, dili

A bel dilétto, adv. ly.on pur

Dilazione, s. f. delay, stay, stop, pose.-Prendere a diletto, to


Dilegáre, v. Slegare.
Dileggiamento, s. m. raillery,
jest, banter.
Dileggiare, to mock," to laugh
at, to ridicule, to deride, to
scoff, to banter.

Dileggiatezza, s. f. impudence,

Dileggiatore, a jester, a banter


Dileggiatrice, fem. of Dileggiatore.

Di leggiére, Di leggieri, Di leggiero, adv. easily, very probably.

Dileguáre, to disappear, to vanish, to get out of sight. Dileguo, s. m. disappearance, -dare in dileguo, to come to nothing.

Dilemma, s. m. dilemma, an
argument consisting of two
propositions so disposed that
neither of them can be de-

Dileticáre,to tickle.-Dileticáre,
to divert, to make merry, to
recreate. Dilelicáre, to flatter,
to please.
Dilético, s. m. a tickling.
Dileticóso, adj. ticklish.

laugh at, to ridicule. Ma
prendi a diletto i dolor miei, but
you laugh at my grief.-
letto, adj. beloved.--Mio dilet-
to, my beloved, my dear.
Dilettoso, adj. delightful, de-

Dilczióne, s. f. benevolence,

gence, haste.

Diligióne, s. f. banter, derision.

Dilimáre, to descend, to go
down. Obs.

Diliquidáre, to liquefy, to dis-
solve-Diliquidáre, to explain,
to demonstrate. *
Diliveránza, v. Deliberanza.
Diliveráre, v. Diliberare. Obs.
Dilizia, s. f. delight, pleasure

Diliberamento, s. m. deliver- Obs.
ance, delivery, release, rid-Diliziáno, Obs. adj. delight-
dance.--Deliberaménto, reso-Dilisioso, Jful, delicious,
lution, determination.
Diliberánza, s. f. deliverance, Diloggiare, to march off, to
delivery, release,
remove, to go from.-Dilog-
Diliberáre, to deliver, to set giare, to go away.
free, to rid of, to release.-Dilombársi, to break one's own
Diliberare di prigione, to get


from afar.

one out of prison.Dilibe- Dilombáto, adj. broken-back-
rare, to purpose, to resolve, to
determine liberare, to dis-Di lontano, adv. at a distance,
patch, to make haste.-Dili-
berare un negozio, to dispatch
or make an end of a business.
Diliberare, to lie in, to be
delivered. Obs.
Diliberatamente, adv. dilibe.
rately, advisedly, consider-

Dilucidare, to clear, to make
out, to explain.
Dilucidazione, s. f. explana-

Dilúcido, adj. plain, clear, evi-
dent, bright. Obs.
Dilungamento. 5. m. distance,
Diliberativo, adj. deliberative. remoteness, absence.-in-
-Diliberato, adj determined.gamento, delay, adjournment.
Dilengáre, to stretch, to ex-

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