صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]

Di lungo, adv. straight on, Dimenticaménto,) canza. Both continually.

Dilusióne, s. 1. delusion.
Diluviáre, to rain very fast.
Diluviáre, to overflow, to
drown.-Dilviare, to devour,
to eat greedily.
Diluviatóre, a great eater.
Diluviatrice, feminine of Dilu-

Dimenticánza, s. f. forgetful-
ness, oblivion.-Mettere in di-
menticanza, to forget.
Dimenticare, to forget.
Dimenticatojo, s. m. the seat
of forgetfulness.-Metter ne'
dimenticatojo, to forget.
Dimentichévole, adj. forgetful,
apt to forget.
Diméntico, adj., (contracted
from Dimenticato) forgot-


Dilúvio, s. m. deluge, inunda-
tion, great rain.-Dilúvio, im-
moderate eating.
Diluvione, a greedy-gut, a
great eater.
Dimagráre, to make lean.
Dimagrire, to grow lean.-dict one's self.
Dimagráre, to diminish, to

Dimagrazione, s. f. the grow-
ing lean.
Dimanda, s. f. demand, suit,
request, asking, petition,
question.-Soddisfare alla di-
manda, to answer to one's
demand or question.
Dimandagióne, v. Domanda-
gione. Obs.
Dimandamento, v. Domanda-
mento. Obs.
Dimandante, he that asks.
Dimandáre, v. Domandare, and
all its derivatives.
Diman da sera,) to-morrow
Dimandasséra, night.
Dimandátore, he that asks.
Dimandatrice, s. f. she that


Dimentíre, to give the lie.
Dimentive se stesso, to contra-


Dimésso, adj. pardoned. Obs.
in this sense-Dimesso, left,
laid aside, remiss, careless,
neglected.- -Dimesso,
down, dispirited, low, abject,
Dimesticaménte, adv. domes-
tically, familiarly.
Dimesticaménto, s. m. familia-
rity, intimacy.
Dimesticáre, to tame, to make
gentle and tractable.
Dimesticarsi, to grow familiar,
to familiarize one's self with.
Dimesticazióne, s. f. familiari-
ty, tameness.

Diminuiménto, s. m. diminution, decrease, abatement. Diminuíre, to diminish, to lessen, to impair, to abate.→→ Diminuire di credito, to fall in point of credit.

Diminuíto, adj.diminished,less


Diminutivo, adj. diminutive-
Diminutivo, s. m. a diminutive.
-Diminuto, v. Diminuito.
Diminuzióne, s. f. diminution,

Dimissória, s. f. a dimissory
letter from one bishop to an-

Di modo che, adv. so that, in
such a manner that.
Dimojáre, to soften after hav-
ing been frozen, as the earth
does after a thaw. Obs.
Li molto, adv. very much, a
great deal.
Dimónio v. Demonio.
Dimóra, s. f. delay, stay.-Di-
mora, abode,habítation, house.
-Far dimora, to live in a
Dimoragióne, s. f. v. Dimo-
Dimoramento, s. m. ra.
Dimoránte, adj. that dwells.
Dimoránza, s. f. delay, stop,
hindrance, stay. Obs.-Di-
moránza, abode, dwelling-

Dimoráre, to live, to dwell, to
reside.-Dimoráre, to stay, to
stand, to stop.—Dimoráre, to
remain, to continue, to abide,
Címestichezza, s. f. familiarity, to persist, to tarry.
friendship.-Dimestichezza, ci- Dimorazione, s. f.) v. Dimora.
vility, kindness.-Pigliar di- Dimóro, s. m.
mestichezza con uno, to contract Dimostragióne, v. Dimostra-
a friendship with one.-Di-zione.

Both obs.

Dimane, s. f. to-morrow-Di-mestichezza, carnal commerce. Dimostraménto, s. m. sign,

mine, morning-Innanzi la dimane, before the morning. Di maniera che, so that. Di mano in mano, adv.successively, one after another. Diman l'altro, the day after


Dimembráre, to dismember,
to pull to pieces, to tear limb
by limb-Dimembrare, to
alter, to change, to spoil.
Dimenamento, s. m. agitation,
motion, jolting.
Dinénare, to agitate, to shake.

Diméstico, adj. familiar, inti-
mate.-Febbre dimestica, a con-
tinual fever.-Dimestico,tame.
-Alari dimestici, private af-
fairs.-Diméstico, tilled, culti-
vated, inhabited.
Diméttere, to forgive, to par-
don. Obs. in this sense.-
Dimettere, to discontinue, to
give over, to leave off, to


Dimezzáre, to part by the

Di mezzo giorno, at noon, at

mark, token.

Dimostránza, s. f. demonstra-
tion, sign, token, mark, show.
Dimostrare, to shew, to de-
monstrate-Dimostráre, to let
see, to discover.
Dimostrativa, s. f. the power
of demonstrating.
Dimostrativamente, adv. de-
Dimostrativo, adj. demonstra-
Dimostratore, a demonstrator,
he that shows.

Dimostratrice, fem. of Dimos


Dimostrazione, s. f. demonstration.

Dimóstro, adj.

(contracted from Dimostrato) demonstrated, showed.

ten years.-D'intorno intor Di piáno, adv. freely, plainly.
o, round about.-Dintórno, Di piátto, adv. in a concealed
s. m. outline, outlines.
Dinudáre, to strip naked.-Di-
nudare, to display, to unfold,
to declare, to explain at

count. Obs.

Dimunto, adj. lean, meagre, Dinumeráre, to number, to poor in flesh, thin. Dinanti, prep. before.--Di- Dinumerazione, numeration. Dinánzi, nanzi che, before that.-Il di dinanzi, the day before.

Dinasáto, adj. noseless. Di pascoso, o Di nascosto, adv. secretly. Dindério, s. m. a kind of long belt.

Dindo, s. m. a word which children use to call money when they begin to talk. Dinegare, to deny, to refuse. Dinerváre, to enervate, to weaken.

Di netto, adv. neatly, cleverly.



Dinúnzia, s. f. denunciation. Dinunziare, to denounce, to proclaim.-Dinunziare, to impeach, to accuse, to inform against. Dinúnziativo, adj. denouncing. Dinunziatore, an informer, an accuser.

Dinunziatrice, s. f she that gives information. Dinunziazione, s. f. denunciation, declaration.-Dinunzia

zione, accusation.

Di nuovo, adv. again, once


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Dio, s. m. God.-Dio, adj. divine. Obs.-Dio grazia, by the grace of God.-Dio lo fuccia, God grant it-Dio me ne guardi, God forbid.-Dio voglia, God grant.-Dio volesse, would to God. Diocesano, adj. one that is of a bishop's diocese.

Diniego, s. m. negation, denial. Dinigráre, to blacken.-Dinigráre, to defame. Dinoccare, to bruise or break the knuckles. Dinoccolare, to break the knuckles.-Fare il dinoccolato, to feign want or poverty The Academicians della Crusca explain the passive verbs Diócese, dinoccare and dinoccolure, rom- Diócesi, pere la nuca, cervicem frangere; 'Diottrica, s. f. part of the but I think they are mistaken, science of perspective, diopand that the two words are trics. to be explained, rompersi le nocche, that is, rompersi le cogiunture della dita. Dinodáre, to undo a knot, to untie.

s. f. diocese.


Dinomináre, to name.

Dipanáre, to reel, to wind yarn. Diparére, s. m. opinion, sentiment. Obs. Di pari, adv. alike, equally. Combattere di pari, to fight hand and hand, without odds. Dipartenza, s f. departure. Dipartimento, s. m. depart, departure.-Dipartimento, department, partition, division. Di notte, adv. by night, night- Dipartire, to part, to divide, to

⚫ Dinominazione,



Di non pensáto, adv. unawares, suddenly.

Dinotáre, v. Denotare.


D'insin a tanto, until.
D' in su, adv. from above the,
from the top.

D' in sul tetto, from the top of
the house.
Dintornamento, s. m. the act
of setting or marking the
Dintornáre, to delineate.
D' intorno, adv. round about,
Dintorno, from every side,
about.--D'intorno, about.
D'intorno a dieci anni, about

separate, to sever.—,
s. m. depart, departure.
Dipartita, s. f. departure, going


Dipeláre, to make bald, to
scald.——Dipeluto, adj. bald,


Dipelláre, to flea, to skin.
Dipendente, adj. dependant.
Dipendenza, s. f. dependance.
Dipendere, to depend.
Di per se, adv. by himself, or
by itself,

Di peso, adv. at once.

Di piglio, it is always joined with the verb dare, ex-Dar di piglio, to take hold quickly. -Dar di piglio ad un bastone, to take hold of a stick. Dipignere, to paint, to draw Dipingere, in colours.-Dipignere, to describe, to set forth, to shew.

Dipignitóre, painter.pictureDipingitore, drawer. Dipinto, s. m. picture.-Dipinto, adj. painted, drawn.-Dipinto, enamelled, chequered. Gente di pietá dipinta, people with a disconsolate countenance.


Dipintore, s. m. a painter.
Dipintoressa, a female paint-
Dipintrice, e
Dipintúra, s. f. picture.-Dipin-
tura, the art of painting.
Di più, adv. moreover.
Diplóma, s. m. diploma, royal
charter, a prince's letters pa-

Di poco, adv. of late, not long
since, a little while ago.
Di poi, adv. after, afterwards,
since.-i poi, prep, after.
Dipopolare, to depopulate, to

Diporre, v. Deporre.
Diportare, to divert one's
Diportársi, self, to take
one's pleasure.
Dipórto, s. m. solace, recrea-.
tion, comfort,delight, refresh-
ment, sport, diversion.
Dipositare, to deposit.
Dipositário, depositary.
Depósito, depositum, trust,
charge, a thing deposited or
committed to one's keeping.
Di posta, adv. at once.
Di presénte, adv. presently.
Di presso, adv. near by.
Di pría,

Di prima, adv. first, before.
Dipsa, a kind of adder.
Dipúnto, adj. stung, pricked.

Di punto in bianco, adv. slap-
dash, at once.
Diputáre, to depute, to appoint.
Di quá, adv. this way, this side.
Di quaentro, adv. from hence,

Di quà giù, adv. from hence,

Di quando in quando, now and then, ever and anon.

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Di quà sù, adv. from hence above.

Di quieto, adv. quietly.
Di qui,

adv. from hence, Di quinci, ( Di quindi, adv. from thence. Di qui a poco, in short, in a little time.

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Direttivo, adj. that directs.
Dirétto, direct, straight, right.
Diretto, directed, addressed.
Diretto, right, just, good, con-
venient. Pereirettoo indiretto,
directly or indirectly.
Direttore, s. m. director.
Direttrice, fem, of Direttore.
Direzione, s. f. direction, con-
duct, management.
Diricciáre, to draw the chesnuts
out of their thorny husk.

Di quivi, adv. from hence.
Diradáre, to rarefy, to make
thin, to widen.-Diradarsi, to
grow thin.
Diradicáre, to root up, to pluckDirídere, v. Deridere.
up by the root.-Diradicáre, Diriéto, adv. behind.
to root out, to extirpate.
Di rado, adv. seldom.
Di ragione, adv. by right.
Diramáre, to prune, to lop, to
cut the branches.-Dirandre,
to spring out, as a tree does
with its branches-Diranare,
to separate in various branch-
es, to divide into branches.
Diramazione, s. f. branching,

Dirigenza, s. f. direction. Obs.
Dirigere, to direct, to rule, to
steer, to govern, to guide, to
manage, to frame.-Dirigere,
to direct, to address to.
Di rilancio, adv. foreright, di-

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Di rimándo, adv. again-Cavallo di rimando, an empty horse, when he comes back. Di rimbalzo, adv. accidentDirancare, to wrest aside. Obs. ally, by accident. Dire, to tell, to say, to speak, Dirimere, to divide." to talk, to relate.-Dire, to Di rimpetto, over-against. own, to confess.-Dire, to tell, Di rincóntro, Di rincontro, to speak of, to mention.adv. by chance. Dire, to answer-Dire, to bid. Di rintóppo, adv. with main Digli di venire domani, bid opposition. him come to-morrow.-Dire, to call, to name--Cioè a dire, that is to say-Voler dire, to mean, to signify-the wol dire che voi non venite più? whence comes it, or what can be the reason you come no more?--Dire addio, to bid adicu, to take leave of, to bid farewell to Dir villania, to abuse, to revile, to call names. Dir male; dir bene, to slander, to speak ill; to speak well, to praise.-Andur dicendo, to give out, to divulge, to spread abroad-Di pur se sai, say what you will.-Trovar a dire, to find fault.-Dir di sì, to say yes.-Dir di no, to say


Dire, s. m. a saying.
Diretáre, Obs. S
to disinherit.
Diretanamente, adv. lately, of
late. Obs.
Diretáno, adj. hind, hinder.
Obs. La parte diretana della
testa, the hind part of the
head.-Diretáno, last. Obs.
Dirétro, adv. behind, back-
ward.Dirétro, s. m. the hind
part, the back part.
Direttamente, adv. directly,

Diripáta, s. f. a precipice.
Dirisióne, v. Derisione.
Dirisóre, v. Derisore.
La diritta, the best road, the
straight road.La diritta è di
restore dove siamo, the best is
to stay where we are. di-
ritta, on the right hand.
Dirittamente, adv. directly,
justly, deservedly, exactly,
Dirittanza, r. Dirittezza. Obs.
Dirittézza, straightness, direct-
ness.- -Dirittezza, uprightness,
honesty, integrity.
Diritto, adj. straight, direct.
Diritto, straight up, upright.
-Diritto,true, lawful, just, up-
right, righteous.—Nato di di-
ritto matrimonio, born of a
lawful marriage-Diritto,evi-
dent, clear, certain, unquesti-
onable. Gurder non ecchi di
ritto, to favour.-Nel diritto
mezan, exactly in the middle.
-Diritto, right, opposite to
left.-Diritto, s. m. due, rea-
son, law, right, justice, equity.
E ben diritto, it is reasonable.
-Diritto, duty, tax, custom.
-Diritto, tribute. Diritto,
right, prerogative, privilege.
-Diritto, right, claim, title.
Diritto, fee. Diritto, adv.
straight, straight on, straight

along, straightway, directly.
Io co dirittou cusu, I go straight
home.Andar diritto, to go
straight on.-Andar diritto, to
deal honestly
Dirittúra, s. f. uprightness,
honesty, integrity.-Dirittura,
impost, imposition, tax, duty,.
tributettura, right,
claim, prerogative, privilege.
Dirittura line.-Adirittúra,
adv. directly, straight.
Diriváre, . Deriváre.
Dirivo, s.m. derivation, origin.
Dirizzacrine, v. Dirizzatojo.
Dirizzaménto, s. m. direction,
straightness.--- Dirizzaménto,
amendment, reformation.
Dirizzáre, to make straight
Dirizzare, to direct one's steps,
to go towards.-Dirizzar la
proda verso qualche luogo, to
steer one's course towards
some place.-Diriszar gli oc-
chi a qualche cosa, to fix one's
eyes upon something-Di-
rizare, to erect, to establish.
Dirizzire, to correct, to re-
dress.—Dirizzare il becco agli
sparvieri,o le gambe q' cani, to'
attempt impossibilities.--Di-
rezzarsi, to raise, to get up.
Dirizzatójo, s. m. bodkin, used
by women to dress their
heads with.
Dirizzatore, s. m. director,
manager, overseer.
Dirizzatúra, s. f. a line which
women make upon their heads.
by parting their hair in two.
Diro, adj. dire, impious, cruel.

Diroccáre, to destroy, to ruin,
to demolish.-Diroccar giù, to
tumble down from.
Dirocciáre, to fall down from
a rock or steep place, to flow
down a rock, as water does.
Dirogáre, to derogate.
Dirogatório, adj. derogatory.
Dirómpere, to break.➡Diróm-
pere, to break, to stop the im-
petuosity of water.-Diróm-
pere, to mollify, to soften.-
Dirompere, to rout, to put to
the rout.-Dirúmpersi, to fall
into a passion.
Dirompimento, s. m. derout,
rout--Dirompimento, inter-
ruption, hindrance, stop.
Dirottamente, out of all mea-
sure, excessively,immoderate-

Dirótto, adj. slack, loose, soft,
unbent.-Dirétio, unmeasur
able, excessive, immoderate.

1 Dirovináre, to ruin, to destroy, Disagguagliársi, to be unlike, Disapparáre, to unlearn,to for
to bring to decay.
Virozzamento, s. m. polish, in-


to vary.


Disagguaglio, s. m. difference, Disappassionato, adj. free,
inequality, disparity, various-averse, not given to, generous,
not greedy.


Disagiare, to trouble, to hinder,
to disturb.
Disagiatamente, adv. inconve-

Disagiato, adj. inconvenient,
troublesome, improper, un-
easy.-Disagiato, feeble,weak,
sickly, infirmisagiato,
needy, poor, indigent, neces-

Diságio, s. m. inconveniency,
trouble, mage, pain, fa-
tigue Disagio, poverty,
pinch, want.-Store a disa-
gio, to be uneasy, or not at
one's case.

Dirozzáre, to polish, to smooth.
Divozzáre, to make polite, to
civilize, to instruct.
Dirubáre, to rob, to steal.
Diruffa in rafla,adv.by stealth,
Dirugginóre, to get out the
rust, to polish. Dirugginare
i denti, to rub one's teeth in
anger, as monkies do when
fretting-Dirugginare i denti,
to clean the teeth with any
Dirupamento, 5. m. tumble
from some rock.--Dirupamento,
precipice, steepy place.
Dirupare, to fall down from a
precipice, to run down from Disagiosamente, adv. inconve-
a cliff, or other such place.-_niently, uneasily.
Dirupare, to precipitate, to Disagioso, adj.troublesome,
cast down headlong.
easy, grievous. -1
Dirupáto, s. m. precipice, steep Disagrare, to profane.
Disajutáre, to hinder, to dis-
Dirupinamento, v. Dirupo. Obs. turb.
Dirupináre, v. Dirupare. Obs.
Dirúpo, s. m. high and steep
rock, precipice.
Disabellire, to make ugly.
Disabellire, to grow unhand-
some, to lose beauty.
Disabitáre, to depopulate, to
Diacconciaménte, adv. un- Disallogiare, to dislodge.
handsome, rudely, unman-Di salto, adv. immediately.-
Di salto in salto, adv. leaping.
Disaccóncio, adj. disordinate, Disamáre, to hate, to love no
disorderly,undressed,obscene. more.

Disappensáto, adj. careless,neg-
ligent, thoughtless.
Disapplicáre, to live a lazy life.
Disapprendere, to unlearn, to

Disapprováre, to disapprove,
to dislike, to blame, to find
fault with.

Disarboráre, to unmast.
Disargináre, to take away, or
demolish the banks that keep
a river from overflowing.
Disarmamento, s. m. disarming.
Disarmáre, to disarm-Disur-
mare, to appease, to allay.
Disasprire, to mitigate, to soft-
en, to allay, to ease, to alle

un-Disastráre, to trouble, to hurt.

Disajúto, s. m. hindrance, dis-
turbance, opposition, obsta-
cle, impediment.
Disalbergare, to leave one's
abode, to be gone.
Disalbergaco, adj. that has no
harbour, no shelter, house-


Disaccordare, to be out of Disamatrice, s. f. fem. of Disa


Disacerbáre, to assuage, to mi-
tigate, to allay, to appease, to
grow mild.
Disadattággine, s. f. unfit-





Disástro, s. m. disaster, mis-
change, misfortune, damage,
prejudice, detriment.
Disastróso, adj. disastrous, un-
fortunate, unlucky.
Disattento, adj. inattentive.
Disattenzione, disattention.
Disavárizo, s. m. detriment, da-
mage, loss.
Disavvantaggiare, to injure, to
hurt, to do harm.,
Disavvantaggio, s. m. disadvan-
tage, prejudice, loss, damage.
Disavvantaggioso, adj. disad
Disavvediménto, s. m. inadver-
tence, want of heed.
Disavvedutamente, adv. incon-

Disamicizia, s. f. enmity, ha- siderately.
tred, grudge.
Disamina, s. f.
Disaminaménto,s. m. nation.
—Disami ruménto, trial-Disa-|

Disadattamente,adv.awkward- minamento,discussion, inquiry,


scrutiny, search.

Disadatto, adj. unapt, incon-Disamináre, to examine.
venient, unfit, unmeet, silly, Disaminazióne, s. f. examina-
childish, simple, awkward. tion.
Disadórno, adj. careless, un- Disamistáde, s. f. hatred, en-

Disavveduto, adj. inconsiderate,
unadvised, careless, heedless.
Disavvenente, adj. unpleasant,
disagreeable, ill-mannered.
Disavventézza, s. f. deformity.
Disavvenévole, adj. disagreea
ble, offensive, unacceptable,
ill-mannered. Disavienevole,
unbecoming, indecent, un-

Disagévole, adj. difficult,


mity, grudge.
crab-Disamorare, to leave off loving,

Disagevolezza, s. f. difficulty,
Disagevolmente, adv.noteasily.
Disaggradare, to displease, not
to please, to dislike.
Disaggradévole, adj. unplea-
sant, disagreeable.

to love no more.

Disamoráto, adj. loveless, freed
from love. Disamorato, ill-
natured, hard-hearted,


Disavvenire, to mishappen, to mischance.

Disavventúra, s. f. mishap, mischance, misfortune. Disavventurato, adj. unhaplove-Disavventuróso, py, unfortunate, unlucky, wretched, pitiful, miserable. Disavvezzáre, to disaccustom. Disbandeggiáto, adj. banished, exiled.

Disamóre, s. m. hate, grudge. Disamorevole, adj. unkind. Disanimare, to deprive of life. Disagguaglianza, s. f. inequa--Disanimère, to discourage, to dishearten, to dispirit.

lity, disparity.

Disbarattáre, to rout, to dis.

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a descendant.
Discendenza, extraction, race,

perse, to put to flight.-Dis- Discendente,s.m. that descends, barattato, adj. routed, dispersed. Disbarbáre, to shave the beard. -Disbarbáre, to root out, to destroy, to consume. Disbarbato, adj. beardless. Disboscáre, v. Diboscare. Disbramáre, to satisfy or please one's fancy, to satiate, to content, to quench. Disbrancáre, to sever, to separate, to part.

Discendere, to descend, to go
down-Discendere, to draw
one's origin from, to come
from.-Discendere a parlare di
qualche cosa in particolare, to
descend to particulars.-Di-
|_scindere, to let down, to lower.
Discendimento, s. m. the act
of descending or coming

Disbrigáre, to dispatch, to down.--Discendimento, de-
hasten-Disbrigare,toresolve, scent.
to determine.-Dishrigarsi, to
get rid.
Discacciamento, s. m. expul-


Discacciare, to expel.
Discacciatore, s. m. expeller,
Discacciatrice, s. f. driver

Discadere, to fall away, to de-
cay, to waste.-Discadere di
forze, to lose one's strength.
Discadiménto, waste, decay,
diminution, abatement, loss.
Discadúto, adj. decayed, fallen

Discensióne, s. f. descent.
Discensivo, adj. t'rit descends.
Discensore, that descends, de-

Discénte, adj. that learns. Obs.
—Discénte, s. m. learner.
Discepolato, s. m. the while
one is a scholar, scholarship.
Discepolo, s. m. scholar, pupil,

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to take off the hair.

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Dischiudere, to open, to disco-
"ver, to disclose, to declare, to
Dischiumáre, to skim.
Dischiúso, adj. open.
Discinto adj. ungirt, negligent,
slovenly, undressed.
Disciogliere, to untie, to loose,
to undo.

Disciogliersi, to escape, to get

Discioglimento, loosening.
Discioglitore, s. m. he that un-
ties or undoes.-Discioglitore,
explainer,expositor, expound-
er, interpreter.
Discioglitrice, fem. of Disciog

Disciolto, adj. untied, loose,
freed. Discióito, dexterous,
skilful.-Disciółto, free, loose,
licentious, rash.
Disciórre, c. Disciogliere.
Discipáre, to disperse.
Discipatore, a waster, a spend-


Discepola, s. f. a female disci-

Discipatrice, fem, of Discipa


Discernénte, adj. discerning.
Discernénza, v. Discernimento.
Discernere, to discern, to dis-
tinguish, to perceive, to see.
-Discernere, to comprehend,
to understand.
Discernévole, adj. quick-sight-
ed, quick-witted. Occhio dis-
cernevole, a discerning eye.
Discerniménto, s. m. the act or
power of discerning, judg-_rection.


Discernitóre, s. m. one that
has skill in any thing, a good
Discernitrice, fem. of Discerni-


Discérre, to pick, to choose.
Discesa, s. f. descent, the steep
side ot_a_hill.—Disceso, adj.

Discipidézza, s. f. insipidity.
Disciplína, s. £. education, dis-
cipline, instruction.--Disci-
plina, discipline, a sort of
scourge.-Farsi la disciplina, to
discipline, to scourge one's
scif.--- -Disciplina, penance,

Disciplinábile, adj. disciplina-
ble, capable of discipline, do
Disciplináre, to discipline, to
instruct.-Disciplinare, to dis-
cipline, to scourge.
Disciplinévole, adj. disciplina-
ble, docile.

Discolamente, adj. licentiously,

Discaĺzáre, to pull off shoes and stockings-Discalzare un albero o una vile, to open a tree or vine at the root. Discalzo, adj. barefooted. Discanso, s.m. escape, evasion. Discapezzáre, to cut off, to chop off, to prune, to lop. Discapezzáre, to behead. Discapitáre, to lose, to be the worse for, to be loser. Discápito, s. m. loss.-Ho fatto gran discapito in questo, I lost a great deal by this. Discaricamento, s. m. the act of unloading. Discaricare, to unload, to discharge. Discárico, s. m. unloading. Discarnáre, to pick the flesh, off-Disc rnare, to make or grow lean, thin, or lank. Discáro, adj. disagreeable, un-Discettazione, s. t. dispute, pleasant, unacceptable.- We bate, contention. discara la vita, my life is bur- Disceveránza, separation.. densome to rac. E' un luogo "Disceveràre, to sever, to sepacosì ameno, che non vi sarà dis- rate, to divide, to distinguish. caro averlo veduto, it is such an 'Dischiaráre, r. Dichiarare. agreeable place,that you won't, Dischi ttáre, to degenerate. repent to have seen it.-Non Dischiavare, to unlock. vi sia discnro d'ascoltarlo, be so, Dischierare, to disorder, to good as to hear hin. put into confusion.-Dischi Discatenáre, to unchain. rarsi, to range.--Si dischierónno, Discavalcáre, to alight from instead of Dischierarono, they | Díscompagnáto, adj. without a ranged themselves. Dante. fellow.

one's horse.
Discedere, so depart. Obs.

Discettáre, to debate, to dis-
pute, to contend, to altercate.
-Discellare, to separate, to
disjoin, to disunite.

Discoletto, adj. dim. of Discolo.
Discolo, adj. wicked, saucy,
impertinent, shrewd, confi-
dent, riotous, wild.
de-Discoloráre, to discolour, to
tarnish, to stain, to spoil.
Discolorársi, to grow pale.
Discolorazióne, s. f. paleness,
the state of being discoloured.
colorito, adj. discoloured, pale.
Discólpa, s. f. excuse, justifica-

Discolpáre, to excuse, to justi fy.

Dischiomare, to cut the hair, Discompórre, v. Scomporre

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