صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Discompostézza, s. f. unbecomingness,unsightliness, dis


Discomodità, s.f.inconvenience, incommodity.

Discómodo, adj. inconvenient, uneasy, incommodious. Discomposto, adj. discomposed, disordered. Disconciaménte, unhandsomely, without grace. Disconciáre, to disorder.-Disconciare, to corrupt, to spoil. -Disconciársi, to miscarry. Discóncio, adj. unhandsome, uncivil, improper, unfit.Parlare disconcio, to talk obscenely.


Discordánte, adj. discordant.
Discordánza, s. f. discord, dis-

to inquire, to inform one's

i self.

Discordáre, to dissent, to dis-
agree.—Discordáre, to be out
of tune, to be dissonant.
Discordatore,that is discordant.
Discórde, adj. discordant, re-
pugnant, contrary.
Discordevole, adj. contentious,|_
quarrelsome, discordant, con-
tradictory.-Discordevole, of
sundry colours, unlike.
Discórdia, s. f. discord, dis-
agreement, variance, debate,

Discordióso, adj. contentions.
Disconfessáre, to deny, to un-Discorrente, adj. running up

say, to disown. Disconfidénza, s. f. distrust, mistrust, diffidence. Disconfiggere, to defeat. Disconfitta, s. f. rout, defeat. Disconfitto, adj. routed, defeated.

Disconfortáre, to discomfort, to afflict, to persuade to the contrary.

Disconforto, s. m. discomfort,

Disconoscente, adj. ungrateful,
Disconoscenza, s. f. ingratitude,
Disconoscere, not to know.
Disconsentiménto, s. m. dis-

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and down.

Discórrere, to discourse, to
speak, to talk, to make a dis-
course.-E cosi va discorrendo,
and so forth.-Discórrere, to
run about, to ramble about.
Discórrere, to reason, to dis-


Discreditáre, to discredit. Discrédito, s. m. discredit, disgrace.

Discrepánte, adj. disagreeing,

Discrepánza, s. f. variance, dis-
2greeing, difference.
Discrepáre, to differ, to vary, to
dissent, to disagree.
Discréscere, to decrease, to de--
cay, to grow less, to fade.→→→
Discrescere, to wane
as the
moon does.---Discréscere, to
decrease, to ebb.-I giorni dis-
crescono, the days grow shorter.
-Discrecere,s m. diminution.
Discretamente, discreetly.
Discretezza, s. f. prudence, dis-
cretion, wariness.

Discreto, adj. discreet, wise,
prudent, sober, considerate,


Discrezione,discretion, wisdom, prudence.--fondi crezione, moderately.-Senza discrezione, at random, inconsiderately.--V'icere a discrezione, to live at discretion. -Discorri-Discriminatúra, s. f discrimination. Discucire, to unsew. Discuojáre, to take the skin or hide off. Discuoprire, v. Discoprire. Discusáre, to excuse. Discussáre, v. Discutere. Discussióne, s f. discussion. Discutere, to discuss. Disdegnaménto, s. m. indignation, passion, wrath, anger. Disdegnare, to disdain, to despise, to scorn. Disdegnánza, s. f. disdain. Disdegno, s. m. anger, passion, wrath.


Discorrevole, adj. fleeting, mu-
table, inconstant, fickle.
Discorrimento, s. m. discourse,
reasoning, talk.-
minto, running about.
Discorsivo, adj. discoursive.
Discorso, s. m. discourse, rea-
soning.Discorso, discourse,
conversation.--Discáray, the
act of running to and fro,
wandering course.
Discortése, adj. not courteous,
uncivil, unkind, ill-bred.
Discortesia, s. f. discourtesy,
Discosceso, v. Scoscéso.
Discosciare, v. Scosciare.
Discostamento, s.m.remoteness.
Discostáre, to remove, to put
away, to part from.-Discos-
tarsi, to remove, or go away, Disdégno,disdain,despite,scorn.
to go from, to leave, to for- Disdegnosamente, adv. disdain-
fully, scornfully.

Iiscontinúare, to discontinue,
to leave off, to give over.
Discontinuazione, s. f. discon-
tinuance, intermission.
Disconvenévole, adj. indecent,

Disesto, adj. remote, far-Disdegnéso, adj. angry, in a
Star discosto, to stand at a dis-¦ passion.—Disdegníso, disdain-
tance-Metter discosto, to set ful, haughty.
a distance.
Discoverto, adj. discovered.

Disconveniente, adj. unhand-
some, misbecoming.
Disconvénienza, s.1.indecency.
Disconvenire, to misbecome. to
be unbecoming.
Discoperto, adj. discovered, dis-
Discopriménto, s. m. detection, Discovrimente, s. m. disco-


Di détta, s. f. contradiction, denial, negation --Disdelta,misfortune, ill-luck.-Avere disdetta, to have ill-luck at

Discoprire, to discover, to dis- | Discovrire, to discover, to lay gaming.

close, to open, to declare, to reveal.

Discopritóre, discoverer, discloser.


Discovritóre, a discoverer.
Discredente, miscreant, un-
believing, incredulon-Far
Discoraggiare, to discourage, iser de ite, to undeceive.
to dishearten, to dispirit. Diseredénza, s. f. incredulity.
Discoráre, . Discoraggiare. Diseridere, to disbelieve, to
Discordamento, s. m. disagree-believe no more.--Distrider,

Didctro, adj torbidden, pro-
hibited-Pistletto, s.
m. ill-
luck, denial, negation.
Disdicevole, adj. unbecoming.
Disdire, to refuse to deny.-
Disdive i depés ti, to give no-
tice; and it is said of a depo-
sitary, who will meddie no


Disereditáre, v. Diseredare.

dence. Obs. Disfidáre, to challenge, to defy.

more with what he had in Diseréde, one that is disinhe-|Disfidánza, s. f. mistrust, diffi-
hand. A law phrase-Di-
diri i depositi, to deny the de-
posit.-Disdire, to retract, to
unsay, to recant.---Disdirsi
dalla promessa, to go from one's
word. Disdire, to misbecome, Disertaménto,s. m.
not to become.

Diserráre, to open, to unlock. Disfidáre, to mistrust, to
Diserrure, to gush out.
Disertagióne, s. f. Obs. deso-Disfigurare, to disfigure, to de-
Slation, form, to spoil.

spoil, ruin, pillage, ransack-Disfingere, to dissemble, to

Disertare, to ravage, to spoil, Distinire, to give the defini-
to pillage, to desolate, to lay tion; also to cease.
waste. Disertáre, to desert Disfinitóre, s. m. interpreter,
or run away from one's co-expounder.
lours. Disertársi, to miscarry. Disfioraménto, s. m. deflora,

Disebriáre, to become sobering, waste.
Diseccaménto,s. m.exsiccation.
Diseccáre, to dry, to dry up.
Diseccarsi, to grow dry, to
wither, to be dried up.
Diseccatívo,adj. that has a dry-Discrto, adj. wasted, desolated,
ing quality.Diseccáto, dried abandoned, forlorn.-lo son
up, withered.
deserto, I am ruined Diserto,
Diseccazione, s. f. exsiccation. solitary, retired, lonely, lone-
Di secco in secco, adv. in cold some. Diserto, wretched, un-
Disegnamento, s. m. a design. a blockhead, a dunce.--
Disegnare, to design, to draw serio, s. m. a desert, a desert
the first draught, to delineate, place, a wilderness, a solitude,
to sketch, to mark.-Disez- a solitary place.
mare, to design, to intend, to Disertóre, a deserter, a run-
have a mind to.
away soldier.
Disegnatore, s. m. designer, Diservigio,
drawer Disegnatrice, s. f. she Diservimento,
that designs.---Disegnatrice, shrewd ill turn.
model, pattern.-La palla è Diservíre, to serve ill-Diser-
disegnatrice dell' universo, the vire, to do an ill office to, to
ball is the model of the uni- hurt, to do harm.
Disfaciménto, s. m. ruin, de-
struction, devastation, deso-


Disegnatúra, s. f. design, sketch
of a picture.
Diségno, s. m. design, sketch,
delineation, the first draught.
-Disegno, design, mind, in-
tention, intent, purpose, re-
solution, project.Disegno,
design, enterprise, attempt.-
Far disegno sopra una cosa, to
set one's heart upon a thing.
-Aver disegno, to be skilful or
handy.-Con disegno, adv. in
order to Disegno d'un edifi-
cio, the plan or draught of a

Diseguale, adj. unequal, un


Disegualmente, adv. unequally.
Di seguente, adv. subsequently,
Diselláre, to unsaddle.
Disenfáre, to take the swelling


s. m. ill office,
unkindness, a

Disfacitóre, a destroyer.
Disfamare, to fill one, to give
him his belly-full, to satiate
him-Disamáre, to defame, to
traduce, to slander.
Disfáre, to undo, to ruin, to
demolish. Disfirsi, to con-
sume, to waste away.
Disfátta, s. f. a defeat, a rout.
Disfavillante, sparkling.
Disfavvilláre, to sparkle, to
cast sparks.-Disfavilláre, to
proceed, to come from, to
spring from.
Disfavore, s. m. displeasure,

Disfioráre, to deflower.
Disfogáre, to evaporate, to
breathe out.-Disfogare bira
o la maninconia, to vent one's
anger or chagrin.
Disfogliare, to strip off the

Disformaménto, s. m. the act
of deforming, or the state of
being deformed.
Disformare, to disfigure, to de-

mishapen, disfigured, ill-ta-
Disformazione, s. f. deformity,

Disfórme, adj, unlike, irregu
lar, different.
Disformita, s. f. deformity.
Disfornire, to unfurnish.
Disfrancáre, to enervate, to en-
Disfrenaménto, s. m. immode-
rate desire, unruly passion.
Disfrenáre, to unbridle, to get


Disfrenataménte, adv. rashly, immoderately, fiercely. Disfrenato, adj. unbridled, unruly,loose,immoderate, fierce, rash.---Disfrenata scetta, a swift arrow. Dante. Disfrodáre, to deceive, to cheat. Obs.

Di sfuggiasco, adv. by stealth. Disfavorevole, adj. unkind, ad-Disgannáre, v. Disingannare. Disgiungere, to disjoint, to

verse, contrary.

Disfavorire, to be against one, Disgiugnere, separate, to seto oppose, to thwart.

ver, to disunite.

away--Disenfiarsi, to cease Disfazione, s. f. ruin, destruc-Disgingnimento, s.m disjunc


Disennáto, adj. senseless, void

of reason.

Disensáto, adj unwise, stupid,
dull-Un disensato, a block-
head, a dunce.
Disentería, v. Dissenteria.
Disentérico, v. Dissenterico.
Diseppellíre, to unbury.
Diseredare, to disinherit.


Disgiungimento,ƒtion, sepa


Drefermaménto, s. m. confuta-
tion. A rhetorical term.
Disfermare, to confute.--Dis-rated, parted, divided.
fermare, to abhor, to detest.
Disferráre, to draw out the
iron-Disfervare un cavallo, to
unshoe a horse.
Disfida, s. f. challenge, defi-

Disgiúnto, adj. disjointed, sepa


Disgiunzione, s. f. disjunction. Disgoccioláre, to drop, to trickle, or drop down.-Disgocciolare, to fall away, to decay. Disgombraménto, s. m. the act

of parting, leaving, or running away. Disgombrare, to clear, to free, to disengage, to get off-Disgombrare il paese, to leave the country. Disgomará si,to dis

Disgústo, s. m. displeasure, af- Disistíma, s. f. contempt.
front, discourtesy-Disgusto, Dislacciáre, to extricate, to
discontent, vexation, trouble, disentangle, to deliver, to
grief, sorrow, affliction, dis- dislace.
Dislagáre, to dilate, to enlarge,
to overflow like a lake.

Disgustóso, adj. disgustful.

embogucitself—Disgombrare, | Disía, s. f. desire, wish, long-Disleále, adj. disloyal, unfaith

to empty.

ing. Obs.

Disgradare,todesple, to slight, Disiúnte,adj. desirous, covetous,

to undervalue.--Disgradare, todivide into degrees or steps. --Disgrado il mondo a farne altuttunto, I defy any body to do as much. Disgraticolare, to take away or break the bars.

Disgráto, adj. unacceptable.


Disgraváre, to unload, to dis-
burden, to ease.
Disgravidaménto, s. m. deli-
very, the act of being brought
to bed.
Disgravidáre, to bring forth,
to be delivered, to be brought
to bed.
Disgrázia, s. f. misfortune.-
Venire in disgrazia altrui, to
lose one's favour.
Disgraziare, to dislike, con-
temn, undervalue, despise,


Disiánza, s. f. desire, wish.
Disiáre, to desire, to wish, to
long for.

Disiderábile, adj. desirable, to
be wished for.

Disideránte, adj. desirous, long-
ing, covetous.
Disideránza, s. f. wish, longing,

Disideráre, v. Desiderúre.
Disidério, v. Desiderio.
Disiderévole, adj. desirable.
Disideróso, adj. desirous, desir-

Disigeláre, to melt away, to
consume. Obs.
Disigilláre, to unseal.
Disiguale, . Diseguale.
Disimparare, to unlearn,


ful, perfidious, treacherous, deceitful, faise.

Dislealmente, adv.perfidiously,
unfaithfully, treacherously.
Dislealtà, s. f. disloyalty, un-
faithfulness, treachery, perfi-
diousness, false dealing, vil-

Dislegáre, to loose, to undo.-
Dislegare, to disengage, to
disentangle.Disleráre, to
declare, to explain, to unra-
vel, to open.
Dislechévole, adj. dissoluble.
Dislocáre, to put out of joint,
Dislogáre, or of its place.
D'smagáre, to mislead. Obs.
Dismagliáre, to undo the mails.

Dismugliare, to tear the flesh
with one's nails.
Dismaláre, to cure, to make
well again. Obs.
Dismantársi, to take off one's
cleak or mantle.
Disinarriménto, s. m. conster
nation, dejection of mind.
Dismembrare, to dismember,
to pull in pieces.

Disimpedire, to give a passage,
not to hinder, to let go.
Disimpegnáre, to disengage.

Disgraziatamente, adv. unhap-
pily, unluckily, unfortunate-
ly, unpleasantly, disagreeably. Disimprimere, to take the im-
-Disgrazi itamente, by chance. pression away.
Disgraziato, adj. unfortunate, Disinénza, s. f. termination,
unlucky.-Disgraziato, unac-ending of a word.
ceptable, unpleasant.--Dis- Disinfingere, to dissemble, to
graziato, awkward, graceless. feign, to disguise, to cloak.
Disgrazioso, adj. ungrateful, Disinfinto, adj. dissembled,
ungenteel, unmannerly, rude, feigned.

Disgregamento, s. m. separa-
tion, disgregation.
Disgregare, to separate, to se-
ver, to part, to divide, to put

Disgregazione, s. f. separation.
Disgrignáre, to grin, to show
the teeth, to laugh contemp-
Disgroppáre, to undo, to untie

a knot.

Dismentáre, to forget, Obs. Dismenticamento, s. in. forget fulness, oblivion. Obs. Dismenticanza, s. f. forgetfulness, oblivion. Obs. Dismenticare, to forget. Obs. Dismentire, to lie, to tell a lie.

Dismcritáre, v. Demeritare.

Dismisúra, 23. f excess, im-
Dismisuránza, moderateness,

Disingannáre, to undeceive, to_Obs.
Disingánno, s. m. the act of Dismésso, adj.dismissed, left off.
undeceiving, or the state of Dismettere, to dismiss, to leave
being undeceived.
Disinnamoráre, to forsake love,
to be free from love.
Disinteressato, adj. impartial,
not influenced by interest.
Disinvólto, adj. free, dexterous,
of an easy behaviour, well-
mannered---Disinvólto, not
wrapped up.
Disinvoltúra, s. f. dexterity,
cleverness, freedom, easy man-


Dísio, s. m. desire, wish, long

Disgrossáre, v. Digrossare.
Disguaglianza, s. f. inequality,
unevenness. Obs.
Disguagliare, to be different,
to be unlike. Obs.
Disguáglio, s.m. inequality, un-ing.
evenness, disparity. Obs.
Disguisato, adj. disguised. Obs.
Disgustáre, to displease, to vex,
to auger, to grieve.Disgus
túre, to take away one's sto-
mach, to make to loath.

Disiosamente, adv. desirously.
Disióso, adj desirous, covetous,
Disiráre, to desire, to wish.
v. Disio.

A dismisúra, adv. exceedingly,
excessively, extravagantly.
Dismisurare, to exceed or go

Dismisuratamente, adv.exceed-
ingly, excessively, immode-
Dismodáto, adj. immoderate,
unreasonable, intemperate,
Dismontáre, to alight from
one's horse-Dismontáre, to
come down, to descend, to go
down.--Dismontúre, to land.
Dismuóvere, to move, to stir
up, to raise, to excite.-Dis

muovere, to remove, to send

away, to turn out.
Disnamoráre, to forsake love,
to love no more.
Disnaturáre, to change or alter
one's nature.

Disnaturáto, adj. cruel, inhu-
man, barbarous.
Disnebbiare, to grow fair, to
clear up.
Disnerváre, to enervate, to


[blocks in formation]

Disonorévole, adj. dishonour-

Disonráre, v. Disonorare. Obs.
Di sopérebio, adv. superfluous-
ly.—Bere de soperchio, to drink
too much.

Disopellire, to unbury. Obs.
Di soppiátto, adv. secretly,
Disoppilare, to open the belly,
to loosen the belly.
Di sopra, or Disopra, adv.
above, over.

sotto, adv. from under.-Di
sotto la tavola, under the

Di soverchio, too much, super-
Disovoláto, adj. unframed, put
out of joint.
Di sovra, v. Di sopra.
Di sovrappiù, v. Di soprappiù.
Dispaccare, to cut asunder.
Dispacciáre, to dispatch, to
hasten, to speed, to expe-
dite.Dispacciare, to dis-
patch, to send.

Disnervazione, s. f. the act

Disnétto, adj. unclean, dirty.
Not in use.

Di soprappiù, adv. over and

Disordinamento, s. m. disor-
der, confusion.
Disordinanza, s. f. disorder.
Disordinare, to disorder, to
confound.--Disordinare, to be
extravagant.-Disordinare nel
mangiare, to eat immoderate-
ly-Disordinarsi, to fall into

Disnodáre, to undo or untie a
knot-Disnodare, to unfold, Disorbitánte, adj. exorbitant.
to discover, to unravel, to re-, Disorbitánza, exorbitance, ex-
1 travagance.
Disnodévole, easy to be untied. Disordináccio, s. m. a great
Disnóre, Obs. v. Disonore.
Disnudáre, to bereave, to strip.
Disobbligante, adj disobliging.
Disobbligáre, to acquit, to dis-
charge an obligation.-Dis-
obbligare, to disoblige, to dis-
Disoccupáre, to free from care
or business.
Disoccupato, adj. at leisure,
free, retired from business.
Disoccupazione, s. f. leisure.
Disolamento, s m. desolation.
-Disolamento, the act of un-
doing a floor.

Disolare, to desolate, to lay
waste.--Disolare, to cut the
sole of the shoe.-Disolare, to
undo or take away a floor.
Disolatúra, s. f. the cutting off
the sole of the shoe.
Disolazione, s. f. desolation, de-

Disonestà, s. f. dishonesty.
Disonestamente, adv. disho-

Disordinataménte, adv. disor-
derly, without any order.--
Disordinatamente, excessively,
intemperately, immoderately.
Disordinato, adj. disordinate,
inordinate, disorderly.-Dis-
ordinato, insolent, licentious,

Dispáccio, s. m. dispatch,
letter.-Con grandispaccio, with
great haste.

Dispajáre, to unmatch.
Disparare, to unlearn, to for-


Disparenza, s. f. disappear-
ance. Obs.
Disparére, s. m. variance, dis-
cord, disagreement, contrary
opinion or sentiment.
Disparévole, adj. uneven, odd,
unlike. Obs.
Dispárgere, to spread abroad,
to scatter, to disperse.
Dispargiménto, s. m. the act
of scattering, or the state of
being scattered.
Dispári, adj. unlike, uneven,
not to be compared.—Dispá-
ri, different, unlike-Numero
dispari, an odd number.
Disparire, to disappear.
Dispariscente, adj. unsightly,
that appears not to advan-

Disparità, s. f. inequality, un-
likeness, unevenness, dispro-
portion-Disparità d'opinioni,
contrariety of opinions.
Disparito, adj. discoloured,
that has lost its colour. Not

Disordinazione, s. f. disorder,
Disordine, s. m. disorder, con-
fusion.---- sordine, disorder,
excess, debauchery.-Far dis-
ordine, to live a disorderly
life.-Essere m disordine, to be
in bad circumstances.-Dis-in use.
dine, damage, prejudice, de

Disonestáre, to dishonour, to
disgrace, to debase, to dispa-triment.
rage-Disonestarsi, to grow Disorganizzato, adj. that has
dishonest or impudent. the organs broken, spoiled,
Disonésto, adj. dishonest.-Di-' out of order.
sonesto, great, immoderate, ex-
cessive, huge.-Spendere diso
nesto, great or excessive ex-
pence.. --Disonesto, unjust,
wrong, unreasonable.—Diso- Di sorta che, adv. in a manner,
nesto, ignominious, shameful. that, so that.
Disonnársi, to awake from Dissossáre, to take out the

Dissorráre, to dishonour, to
disgrace. Obs.
Disorrevole, adj. dishonour-
able. Obs.


Disonoramento, s. m. disho-. Disottáno, inferior, lower. nour, discredit, infamy.


Disonoráre, to dishonour, to Disottérra, adv. from under
disgrace, to discredit.Diso- ground.
norare, to despise, to slight.

Disotterráre, to unbury.

Disonore, s. m. dishonour, Di sotto, prep. under-Di

Dispartaménte, adv. here and
there, up and down.
Dispárte, aside, apart, asun-
der.-Farlúre in dispurte, to
talk secretly.
Disparture, to part, to share,.
to divide, to separate.-is-
partire l'amicizia, to break

Dispartitaménte, adv. asunder,

Dispartitóre, he that separates,
or causes separation or mis-
understanding. Obs.
s. m. division.
Disparutézza, s. f. slenderness,
smallness, leanness.- Dispuru-
lezza, s. f. ill-look.

Dispaventáre, e. Spaventare.

[blocks in formation]

Dispensábile, adj. that may be
Dispensagióne, s. f.
Dispensamento, s. m.



Disperditrice, s. f. she that
Dispérgere, to scatter, to dis-
perse-Dispergere, to squan-
der, to waste, to consume.
Dispergere, to rout, to defeat,

to overthrow.

Dispergiménto, s. m. disper-
Dispergitúre, s. m. a waster, a
Disperse, by one's self, alone.
Dispersióne, s. f. the act of dis-
persing, dispersion.
Disperso, adj. dispersed, scat-

v. Dis- Dispettáre, to contemn.-Dispensa-pettare la morte, to brave death. Dispettarsi, to fret, to be Dispensáre, to distribute, to angry or fretted at. divide, to share, to bestow, to Dispettévele, adj. despicable. part.-Dispensáre, to dispense | Dispettivamente, adv. scornwith, to excuse, to exempt. fully, wish contempt. Dispensatóre, dispenser, dis-Dispetto, adj. despised.-O ĉartributer Dispensatóre, a ciati dal ciel gente dispetta, O you vile rabble, banished from Heaven.-Dispetto di persona, of a mean presence Dispetto, s. m. contempt, affront, abuse, taunt, spite.In dispetto, in spite.-Dispetto, contempt, scorn.dvere in dispetto, to despise, to contemn. -Per dispetto, out of contempt. Dispettosamente, adv. scornfully, disdainfully, spitefully. Dispettoso, adj. spiteful, abusive.-Dispettoso, scornful, disdainful.

Dispensatrice, s. f. she that
dispenses, shares, or bestows.
Dispensazione, s. f. dispensa-
tion, licence, permission.
Dispensiére, a butler, a yeo-
man of the larder, a steward.
Dispénto, adj. extinct. Obs.
Disperagióne, s. f.
Disperamento, s. m.
Disperanza, s. f.
Disperare, to despair, to have
no hopes, to give over for
lost-Disperare, to put out
of hope, to give no hopes.-
Disperarsi, to grow angry, to


v. Dispe-


pound, to make plain-Di piegare, to display, to forth, to muster, to spread, to open. Dispietanza, s. f. cruelty, inhumanity. Obs. Dispietataménte, adv. cruelly, inhumanly.

Dispietato, adj. unmerciful, pi-
tiless, cruel, barbarous.
Dispiguere, to blot out, to

Dispittáre, v. Dispettare. Obs.
Dispitto, v Dispetto.
Dispod stáre, to take away the
power.-Dispodestársi, to re-
sign, to surrender, to abdi
cate one's authority.
Dispogliare, to strip naked, to
pull off, to undress.
Disponiménto, s. m. disposi-
tion, order.

Dispopolatore, he that carries
away or destroys the people,
a destroyer.
Dispopolatrice, fem. of Dispo-

Disporre, to dispose, to fit, to
prepare, to make ready-
Disporre, to order, to set in
order.-Disporre, to persuade,
to engage one to do.-Dis
porre, to depose. Obs.-Dis-
púrre, to dispose of.-Disporre,
to transplant.-Dispórsi, to
prepare one's self.
Disposaménto, s. m. marrying,
Disposare, to betroth, to es

Dispositore, a disposer. Dispettosúzzo, adj. somewhat Disposizione, s. f. deliberation, froward, peevish, crabbed. resolution, mind.--DisposaDisperatamente, adv. despe- Dispiacente, adj. displeasing. zióne, disposition, temper, hurately. Precipitarsi disperata Dispiacenza, s. f. displeasure. mour-Disposizione, disposimente, to cast one's self head-Dispiacere, to displease.-Non tion, condition, state, situaloug into. vi dispiaccia, don't be angry, tion, quality--Disposizione, Disperáto, adj. despaired of, be pleased-Dispiacere, s. m. disposition, inclination, aptpast hope, given over, for- displeasure, vexation, trouble, ness.-Essere in cattiva disposiiorn.-Esser disperato da' me- grief, sorrow, athliction.zióne, not to have a mind, not dici, to be given over by the Dispiacere, displeasure, affront, to be disposed to. physicians. Alle disperata, discourtesy. Dispósta, s. f. v. Disposizione. adv. desperately, rashly.- Dispiacevole, adj. unpleasant, Dispostamente, adv. in good Disperato, immoderate, great, disagreeable. order, orderly. excessive, violent.-Un dis- Dispiacevolmente, adv. griev- Dispostézza, s. f. disposition, perato, a desperate fellow. ously, discontentedly, dis- readiness.-Disposto, adj. disDisperazione, s. f. despair, agreeably. posed. Disposto, exposed, in desperation.- Disperatióne, Dispiacimento, s. m. discontent, danger. Obs.Bin disposto trouble, grief, vexation. vexation, sorrow, grief. di corpo, strong, robust, lusty. Dispérdere, to consume, to Dispiaciuta, adj. displeased. -Esser disposto del corpo, to waste, to squander, to throw Dispianáre, to explain, to ex- have the body well disposed. away, to disperse, to scatter. pound, to make plain or Dispoticamente, adv. despoti-Disperdere, to miscarry- smooth. cally, in an arbitrary manner. Disperdersi, to mistake the Dispotico, adj. despotical, absoway.Disperditore, a squanlute, arbitrary. Díspoto, a despot, an absolute


Dispiccáre, to pluck up or out,
to pull away.
Dispiegare, to explain, to ex-

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