صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


Disregolataménte, adv. immo-Dissipatrice, a female waster,

Disrómpere, to break.
Dissagráre, to profane, to turn
sacred things to common use.
Dissapito, adj. tasteless, insi-
pit Obs.

Dispregevole, adj. contempt- derately.
ible, despicable.
Dispregevolmente, scornfully,
contemptuously, disdainfully.
Dispregiamento, s. m.
Dispregiánza, s. f. Obs. Dis-
Dispregiare, to despise, to con-
temn, to undervalue.
Dispregiatore, contemner, des-
piser, that fears not.
Dispregiatrice, she that scorns,

that fears not.

Dispregio, s. m. contempt, dis-
dain, scorn-! Averein dispregio,
to value not.
Disprezzabile, adj. despicable,
Disprezzamento, s. m. con-
tempt, disdain.
Disprezzantemente,adv. scorn-


m. contempt,

Disprezzáre, to contemn, to despise, to disdain, to slight. Disprezzatore, contemner, despiser, neglecter. Disprezzatrice, fem. of Disprezzatore. Disprezzévole, adj. despicable, contemptible. Disprezzo, s slight, disdain. Disprigionáre, to free from prison, to set at liberty. Disproporzionáre, to disproportion, to make unequal. Disproporzione, s. f. disproportion, inequality. Disprovvedutamente, adv. unawares, rashly, unadvisedly, at random. Disprovveduto, adj. unprovided, unprepared. Disputzellare, to deflower. Dispumáto, adj. frothy. Dispúro, adj. impure. Obs. Disputa, s. f. disputation, dispute, debate. Disputabile, adj. disputable. Disputaménto, s. m. dispute. Disputánte, disputant. Disputare, to dispute, to debate, to treat of. Disputativo, disputable. Disputatóre, a disputer, a dis

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Dissavcróso, adj. unsavoury, in-
sipid. Obs.

Disseccáre, to dry, or dry up.
Disseccativo, desiccative, apt
to dry.

Dissemináre, to sow up and
down, to spread abroad, to
publish, to disperse.
Dissennáto, adj. witless, mad.
Disscnzióne, s. f. dissention,

a profuse woman. Dissipazione, v. Dissipamento. Dissipito, adj. insipid, unsa vory. Obs. Dissodáre, to grub up an untilled piece of ground. Dissollecitúdine, s. f. slowness, laziness. Obs. Dissolúbile, adj. apt to dissolve. Dissolvente, adj. dissolvent. Dissolyére, to dissolve, to melt, to liquefy.

Dissolutamente, adv. dissolutely, licentiously, riotously. Dissolutézza, s. f. dissolution, licentiousness, excess. Dissolutivo, adj. apt to dis


Dissentería, s. f. bloody flux.
Dissentérico, adj. that is trou-Dissolúto, adj. abolished, de-
bled with the bloody flux. stroved.-Dissoluto, dissolute,
Dissentíre, to dissent, to dis- licentious, debauched, riot-

Disseparáre, v. Separare. Obs.
Disserráre, to open, to unlock.
Dissertazione, s. f. dissertation
Disservígio, s. m. disservice,
ill turn.
Dissertáre, to quench the

Dissigilláre, to break the seal.
Dissimigliánte, adj. unlike, dif-


Dissimiglianza, s. f. unlikeness,


Dissoluzióne, s. f. dissolution, separation, liquefaction. Dissoluzione, dissolution, licentiousness, excess, depra


Dissomigliante, adj. unlike, different, unresembling. Dissomiglianza, s. f. unlikeness, difference.

Dissomigliáre, to differ, to be unlike.

Dissonante, adj. dissonant, out of tune, jarring. Dissonanza, s. f. dissonance. un-Dissuadére, to dissuade. Dissuasióne, s. f. dissuasion, counselling the contrary. Dissuaso, adj. dissuaded. Dissuasório, adj. dissuasive. Dissuetudine, s. f. disuse, lack

Dissimigliare, to differ, to vary,
to be unlike, to be different.
Dissimigliévole, different,
Dissimile, adj. S like.
Dissimilitúdine, s. f. unlikeness,
Dissimuláre, to dissemble, to
conceal, to disguise, to coun-
terfeit, to make semblance.
Dissimulare,to falsify, to forge,

to counterfeit.

Dissimulataménte, adv. covert-
ly, dissemblingly, disguisedly.
Dissimulatore, a dissembler.
Dissimulatrice, fem. of Dissi-

of custom.

Dissuggelláre, to break or take away the seal. Dissúria, s. f. difficulty or pain in making water. Distaccamento, s. m. a plucking or pulling away.-Dismulatore. taccamento, detachment. Dissimulazione, s. f. dissimu-Distaccánza, v. Distaccamenlation, disguise, hypocrisy. to, in the first signification. Dissipamento, s. m. dissipa- Obs. tion, squandering. Distaccáre, to pull or draw Dissipáre, to scatter, to dissi- away by force.-Distaccarsi, pate, to consume, to waste, to part, to leave, to come to squander, to destroy, to away.-L'uomo invecchiato nel spend Dissipare, to dissipate,vizio difficilmente se ne distacca, to remove, to disperse, to a man hardened in vice will dispel. hardly get rid of it. Dissipativo, adj. apt to dissolve, Distaccatúra, v. Distaccamento, or dissipate. Dissipativo, in the first signification. wasteful, squandering. Distagliare, to cut in pieces. Dissipatore, a profuse or pro-Distagliatúra, s. f. division, sedigal man. paration,-Distagliatúra, cleft,

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Distáre, to be distant.
Di státe, adv. in summer-time.
Distemperamento, s. m.
Distemperánza, s. f.
per, indisposition-Distempe-
ramento di riso, immoderate
laughter-Distemperanza, in-
temperance, immoderate de-


Distino, v. Destino. Obs.
Distintamente, distinctly.
Distintiva, s. f. mark, sign,
Distintivo, s. m. token
Distinto, adj. distinguished,dis-
cerned, divided.
Distinzióne, s. f. distinction,
separation.-Distinzióne, dis-
tinction, difference, diversity,
Distirpáre, Obs. v. Estirpare.
Distogliere, v. Distorre.
Distórcere, to twist, to wrest,
to writhe, to wreath.
Distornáre, to divert, to hin-
der, to turn, to avert, to de-
ter, to hinder.
Distórno, s. m. contrariety,
hindrance. Obs.


Distribuzioncélla, dim. of Distribuzione.

Distribuzione, s. f. distribution, portion.

Distrigáre, to clear, to unravel, to disintricate, to disentangle, to unfold. Distrignere, to tie, to bind, to wring hard or close, to press, to squeeze.Distrignere, to surround, to environ, to enKompass.

Distrigniménto, s. m. the act of tying, or the state of being tied.

Distringere, v. Distrignere. Distruggere, to destroy, to overthrow, to spoil. Distruggiménto, s. m. ruin, de struction, overthrow. Distruggitivo, adj. destructive. Distruggitore, a destroyer, an overthrower, a squanderer. Distruggitrice, s. f. she that destroys, a female squander


Distruttivo, adj. destructive.-Distrutto, adj. destroyed, spoiled, ruined.Distrutto, melted, diluted.

Distruttore, a destroyer. Distruzione, s. f., destruction, ruin.

Distemperare, to dissolve, to
melt, to liquefy.
Distemperatamente, adv. ex-
cessively, immoderately.-
Distemperálo, adj. intempe- Distórre, to divert, to dissuade.
rate, immoderate, excessive. Distorto, adj. crooked, bent,
-Distemperáto, dissolved,melt- oblique, awry.-Distorio, un-
ed, liquefied.
just, wrongful, unreasonable.
Disténdere, to stretch, to Distráere, v. Distrarre.
spread,to extend,to lay down. Distrafóro, adv. by stealth, pri-
Disténdere, to explain or vately, secretly.
lay open. Distendersi, to en- Distrággere, v. Distrarre.
large, to dwell upon a sub-Distraiménto, v. Distrazione.
ject-Distendere, to slacken, Distráno, v. Strano. Obs.
to unbend.Distendere il desi- Distrárre, to take off, to divert
derio, to aim at.-1
-Distendere, from, to hinder, to distract,
to kill.
to avert.-Distrarre,to except,
to draw out of the number.
Distrátto, adj. taken off, wan-
dering, distracted.
Distrazione, s. f. distraction,
Distrétta, s. f. distress, neces-
sity, want.
Distrettaménte, adv. rigorous-
ly, severely, positively.
Distrettézza, s. f. rigor, seve-
rity, strictness, rigidity. Disturbatóre, a disturber.
Distretto, adj. pressed, squeez- Disturbatrice, she that dis-
ed, crowded.Distretto, ri- turbs.
gorous.Distretto, reduced, Distúrbo, s. m. trouble, dis-
necessitous, in want--Disturbance, disorder, confu-
trétto, s. m. district, precinct, sion.
liberties, or extent of any ju-

Distendiménto, s. m. exten-
sion, stretching.
Distenére, to hinder, to detain.

Disteniménto, s. m. detention.
Distensióne, stretching, exten-


Distermináre, to exterminate.
Distésa, s. f. v. Distensione or

A distésa, adv. in a continued
manner. Alla distesa, adv. at
large. Alla distesa, without
intermission or discontinu-


Distesamente, at large, exten-
Distéso, Ssively.-Dis-
teso, adj. spread, stretched,
unbent, spacious.- -Disteso,
large, long, prolix, tedious.
Tutto disteso, sprawling.
Dístico, s. m. a distich.
Distillaménto, s. m. distillation.
Distillante, adj. distilling.
Distillare, to distil.--Distilláre,
to drop, to run by little and
little-Distillarsi il cervello, to
puzzle one's brains.
Distillatóre, a distiller.
Distillazione, s. f. distillation.
Distinguere, to distinguish, to
discern.-Distinguere, to dis-
tinguish, to divide, to put a

Distrettuale, adj. of the same
district or jurisdiction.
Distribuimento, s. m. distri-
bution, division.
Distribuire, to distribute, to
divide, to share among.
Distribuitóre, divider, distri-
Distributivamente, adv. dis-
tinctly, in parts or portions.
Distributivo, adj. distributive.
Distribúto, adj. distributed, di-
vided among.
Distributóre, divider, distribut-


Distributríce, fem. of Distri

Disturáre, to unstop.
Disturbamento, s. m. trou-
Disturbánza, s. f. Sble,dis-
turbance, disorder, confu-
sion, perturbation.
Disturbáre, to trouble, to dis-
turb, to disorder, to con-

Di sù, adv. above, upon, from,
Disvalénte, adj. of little worth,
worthless. Obs.
Disvalere, to be sick, to be not
well. Obs.

Disvalóre, s. m. weakness,
feebleness, infirmity.
Disvantaggio, disadvantage,
prejudice, loss, damage.
Disvariaménto, c. Disvario.
Disvariáre, to difer, to vary,
to be different or unlike.
Disvário, s. m. difference, di-
versity, debate, controversy.
-Esser in disvario con qualcuno,
to be at odds with one.~~
Discário, a mistake.
Disubbidiénte, adj. disobe


barous, brutish.-Un disuma- Dítono, adj. of two parts in music.

Disubbidienza, s. f. disobe- náto, a cruel man. dience.

Disubbidíre, to disobey.

Di súbito, adv. immediately,
at once, in a moment.
Disvegliere, v. Disverre.
Disveláre, to unveil, to disco-
ver, to make known, to take
the veil off.
Disvelatóre, a discoverer.
Disvellére, v. Disverre.
Disvenire, to faint, to swoon
away.-Discenire, to fall a-
way-Distenire, to fall away,
to waste, to decay.
Disrentúra, s. f. misfortune.
Disventuráto, adj. unhappy,
Disverginaménto, s. m. the de-
flowering of a virgin.
Disverginare, to deflower, to

Disvérre, to pluck, to grub,
to pull up, to draw, to get


Disvestíre, to undress.-Disvestire, to explain, to unfold. Disvezzáre, to disuse, to break the use of.-Lisvezzáre, to


Disuggelláre, to unseal.
Disugguaglianza, s. f. inequa-
lity, unevenness.

Disunióne, s. f. disunion, divi-Ditrappáre, to catch, to get, to
sion, discord, odds.
steal. Obs.
Disunire, to disunite, to divide, Ditrárre, to take away, to
to set at variance, to sepa- steal, to carry off.
rate, to disjoin.—Disunirsi, to Di tratto, adv. suddenly, im-
come asunder, to be at va- mediately.

Disvolére, to refuse, to will


Disvolgere, v. Svolgere.
Disúria, v. Dissuria.
Disusánza, s. f. disuse, lack of


Disusáre, to disuse, to break
off, to wean of a custom or.
habit.-Disusársi, to leave off,
to break one's self of a cus-
tom, to disuse.
Disusataménte, adv. unusual-

Disusáto, adj. unusual.
Disúso, s. m. disuse, lack of

Di súso, adv. the same as Di
sù, above, upon, from.
Disutiláccio, s. m. a great
booby, a blockhead, an awk-
ward fellow, a good for
nothing rascal.

Di tratto in tratto, now and then.

Ditrinciare, to carve or mince small, to cut in pieces. Dittamo, s. m. a medical herb so called.

Dittáre, to dictate, to suggest,
to tell.

Dittáto, s. m. dictate, instruc-
tion, precept, rule.
Dittatore, s. m. dictator, a
ruler from whom no appeal
was granted.
Dittatório, adj. dictatory, be
longing to a dictator.
Dittatúra, s. f. dictature, the
office and dignity of a dicta-
tor-Dittatura, the dictating
of any thing to be written.
Dittongare, to bring letters
into a diphthong.
Dittongo, s. m. a diphthong.
Diturpare, v. Deturpare.

Disútile, adj. unprofitable, un- Díva, s. f. a goddess. Poetiserviceable, useless.

1 cal.

Disutilità, s. f. unprofitable-Divagaménto, s. f. wandering
ness, uselessness.
t or roving abroad.

Disugualità, s. f. inequality, Disutilmente, adv. unprofit- Divagare, to wander, to rove.


Disviaménto, s. m. straying, wandering, going out of the


Disútole, v Disutile. Obs. Di táglio, adv. with the edge. way. Ditále, s m. a thimble. Disviáre, to draw or carry out Di tanto in tanto, adv. now of the way.Disciare, to and then, ever and anon. degenerate. Ditéllo, s. m. the arm-pit. Disviatamente, adv. in a wan- Di tempo in tempo, adv. now dering manner. and then, sometimes. Disviársi, to stray, to go out Ditenére, to detain, to withof one's way, to wander, to hold, to hinder, to stop. straggle, to go from.-Divi- Ditenitrice, she that detains. arsi, to forsake. Ditermináre, r. Determinare. Disviáto, adj. loose, lewd, de- Ditirambico, adj. dithyrambic. bauched. Ditirámbo, s. m. dithyrambus, Disviatore, s. m. he or she, a kind of poem made in Disviatrice, s f. that strays, or debauches. Disviluppáre, to disentangle, to unfold, to unravel, to ex-, plain, to expound. Disviticchiáre,to disembarrass, to disentangle, to unloose. Disviziare, to correct, to reclaim, to reform, to purify, to mend.

Disumanársi, to become inhu


Disumanáto, inhuman,
Disumáno, adj. cruel, bar-

Divallamento, s, m. descenision, going down. Divalláre, to descend, to go down hill, to decline. Divampire, to flash or burn out in flames.

Di vantaggio, adv. more.
Divariare, to vary, to diversify,
to change or alter, to differ.
Divário, s. m. variance, differ-
ence, change, alteration.
Divastamento, s. m. destruc-
tion, ruin, overthrow.
Divastazione, s. f. devasta-

Divecchiare, to grow young,
to come back from old age to
Divecchiamento, s. m. the act
of growing young.
Divedere, to see, to be sen-
sible of.-Dare a divedere, to
make one believe.
Di vedúta, adv. by sight.
Divégliere, to pluck up, to
Divéllere, pull out, to root

honour of Bacchus.
Dito, s. m. a finger of one's
hand, the toe of one's foot-
I dito grosso, the thumb
Mios'rare a dito, to point at
one-Non sapere quante dita
s'ha nelle mani, to be a perfect
fool —Legarsela al dito, to re-
solve not to forget.-Sapere a
mena dito, to have one at one's
finger's end.Dito, an inch,|_out.
a finger's breadth.
Divellimento, s. m. the act of
Dítola, s. f. a kind of mush- plucking, pulling, or drawing


Divélto, adj. pulled or plucked ed, broken off.


out, drawn out.-Divélto, D' ivi, adv. from thence. s. m. a bed of earth that is Diviáre, v. Deviáre. new dug, made fit for plant-Diviataménte, readily, quickly, ing. Diveníre, to grow, to be-Diviáto, adj. ready, quick, Diventáre, come, to be nimble, active.-Dividto, adv. made.Che diverrò? what immediately, without hesitashall become of me?-Dice- tion.-Dividto, adv. straight nire, to happen, to befall, to on, in a direct line. come to pass, to fall out. Dividére, to part, to share, to Divenire, to arrive at. Obs. divide, to separate, to sunder. Di véro, adv. truly, in truth. -Dividere, to distribute. Divérte, to pull out, to root Dividere, to distinguish, to out, to pluck up.-Diverre, divide, to make parties. to go irom, to part, to leave, Dividévole, adj. divisible. to get out.-Divérre, to dig, Obs. to plough. Dividitóre, a divider, a sharer. Diversamente, adv. diversely, Divietaménto, s. m. prohibidifferently. Diversamente, exceedingly, excessively, immo-Divietáre, to forbid, to prohiderately.--Piove divers mente, it rains very fast. Diversáre, to differ, to be different, to vary. Diversificáre, to diversify, to

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Divisamento, device, mark. Divisáre, to think, to devise, to imagine, to invent, to fancy, to design, to propose. -Divisáre, to describe, to represent.Divisare, to divide, to part, to share. Divisáre, to determine, to conclude, to resolve.-Divisare, to divide, to part, to separate. Divisare, to diversify, to vary. Divisataménte, adv. distinctIy, orderly.-Divisutaménte, at random, by guess.

Divisato, adj. changed, altered, transformed.Divisato, of sundry colours, party-coloured.




Divietazióne, s. f. prohibition.
Diviéto, s. m. prohibition.-
Far diviéto, to forbid.
Divinále, adj. divine, heavenly.

Divisibile, adj. that may be
divided, divisible.

Divisióne, s. f. division, separation.Divisióne, division, disunion, discord, variance, odds.

Divisívo, adj. separable, divi-

Divíso, s. m. order, disposi-
tion, method.-Diviso, opi-
nion, sentiment.-Diviso, adj.
divided, separated.
Divisóre, he that divides, divi-


Divinalmente, divinely. Obs.
Divinamente, adv. divinely.
Divinaménto, s. m. divina-
tion, guessing.
Divináre, to divine, to guess
at, to conjecture.
Divisório, adj. that has a die
Divinatóre, s. m.diviner, sooth-_viding quality.
sayer, conjurer.-Arte divina-Di vista, by sight.
toria, the art of divination or Divízia, s. f. plenty, store,
abundance, affluence, riches.
Divizióso, adj. plentiful, weal-
thy, rich.

Diversificazione, s. f. varia-
tion, alteration, change.
Diversióne, s. f. diversion.
Diversità, s. f. diversity, dif-
ference, variety. Diversità,
cruelty, barbarity, inhumani-
Dívérso, adj. diverse, different,
unlike, various.--Diverso,
strange, surprising, cruel,
fierce, hard, horrible, fright-
ful, hideous.
Di vérso, prep. towards.Di Divinazióne, s. f. divination,
vérso tramontana, towards the

Divinatrice, s. f. a female con-


Divino, heavenly, divine, excellent, admirable.

north.-Diverso,from.-Vengo Divincolaménto, s. m. wrest-Divo, adj. divine, belonging

di verso casa, I came from
Diversório, s. m. an inn or
tavern. Obs.
Divertere, v. Divertire.
Divertimento, the act of di-
verting or taking off-Di-
vertimento, diversion, pastime,
recreation, pleasure.
Divertire, to divert, to take off.
-Divertire, to divert, to re-
create.-Divertirsi, to divert
one's self, to take pleasure.
Divestíre, to undress, to strip

Divettáre, to beat the wool, to
take the dust off it.
Divettino, he that beats the
dust out of the wool.
Divezzáre, to wean.-Divezzáre,
to break or wean from a cus-
tom or habit.
Divézzo, adj. unaccustomed,
unusual, strange, unacquaint-

ing, writhing, bending.
Divincolare, to twist, to wrest,
to wring, to bend.
Divincolazione, s. f. wresting,
writhing, bending.
Divinità, s. f. divinity, god-
head.--Divinità, a deity, a
god, a goddess.-Per divinità,
divinely, excellently, admira-
bly well.

to God.

Divóglia, adv. willingly. Divolgaménto, s. m. the act of divulging, divulgation. Divolgare, to divulge, or publish, to spread abroad. Divolgarizzáre, to translate into a vulgar tongue. Divolgazióne, s. f. divulgation. Divinizzáre, to make divine. Divólgére, to wrap or wind Divíno, adj. divine-Divino, about, to roll together. heavenly, admirable, excel- Divoracità, lent. Divorággine, Divísa, s. f. division, partition, Divoragióne, share.--Divisa, manner, fa- Divoramento, shion, way, rate.---Divisa, Divoránza, livery, device or coat of arms. Divoráre, to devour, to eat up, Divisamente, adv. sundry, seto swallow down, to eat verally, differently. greedily. Divisaménto, s. m. partition, Divoratore, a devourer. separation, division, order.- Divoratrice, a female devourer. Divisamento, devising, think- Divoratúra, 2 the act of deing, imagination, thought. Divorazione, _vouring or conR

all Obs. υ. Voracità.


Divorzio, s. m. divorce.
Divorzio, departure, the act of
going away-Far divorzio, to
depart, to go away.
Divotaménte, adv. devoutly,
Divóto, adj. devout, godly,
pious, religious.
Divozioncélla, dimin. of Di-


'Divozióne, s. f. devotion, piety,
Diurético, adj. diuretical, that
provokes urine.

Diúrno, adj. daily, diurnal. Diúrno, a book of daily prayers used in the Roman

perate.Tempo do co, mild weather-Dolco, soft, pliable, indulgent.

Dogare, to gird, to gird about. | Dolco, adj. mild, gentle, tern
-Bogáre, to put one or more
ribs to any vessel, tub, pipe,
and the like.
Doge, s. m. a doge, a captain-

D'oggi in domani, adv. every

Dóglia, s. f. grief, pain, afflic-
tion, anguish, vexation.--
glie del parto, labour, travail.
Dogliente, adj. grieving, that
grieves or pains-La parte
dogliente, the part affected.
Doglienza, s. f. grief, torment,
anguish, pain- -Doglienza,
Doglierella, s. f. a small pain.
Doglierétta, S
Doglio, s. m. a jar, a pitcher,
or any pot to keep wine, oil,
or any other liquor in.
Dogliosamente, grievously, sor-

Dolente, adj. sorrowful, dole-
ful, woeful, grieved.--Dolente,
miserable, unhappy, wretch-
ed, poor.-Dolente, silly, sim-
ple, foolish, dull.—Dolinte,
wicked, bad, profligate.
Dolénza, s. f. grief, pain, an-
guish, complaint. Obs.
Dolere, to grieve, to be in
pain, to suffer, to ache-Mi
duole la testa, my head aches.
Dolère, to be vexed or sorry.
-Dolere, to pity, to take pity
him, to be sorry for him.
on one, to have mercy on
Dolere, to complain, to make
moan, to lament, to be vexed
or fretted.
Dólo, s. m. deceit.
Doloráre, to grieve, to be in
pain, to ache, to complain,
to be sorry or displeased.
Dolorazione, grief, pain.
Dolóre, s. m. pain, ake or ache,
soreness or ditch.-I dolori
del parto, the throws or pangs
in child-birth.--Dolore, pain,
grief, sorrow, affliction, tor-
ment, anguish.
Dolorifico, adj. painful, dole-
ful, sad.

churches. Diuturnaménte, adv. diuturnally, a long while. Diuturnità, s. f. diuturnity, lastingness, long continuance. Diutúrno, adj. lasting, of a long continuance.


Dogliúzza, a small grief or

Doglioso, adj. grieved, sorrow-
Divulgare, to divulge, to pub-ful, doleful, woeful, moanful,
lish, to give out.
Dizionario, s. m. a dictionary.
Dizióne, a diction.-Dizióne, affliction.
command, dominion, power,
- authority, empire.
Do', adv. where. Obs.
Doána, v. Dogana.
Dobbla, s. f. a pistole, a sort
Dobla, of gold foreign coin.
Dobblóne, s.

Dogma, s. m. a dogm, a dog-
ma, a tenet or doctrine.
Dogmático, adj. dogmatic.
D'ogni intorno, adv. on every
side, from all places round

m. a SpanishDoh, ho, alas!

Doblóne, pistole.
Dobra, v. Dobbla.
Dobláre, to double. Obs.
Doblo, adj. double. Obs.
Doccia, s. f. an earthen conduit

Dolce, s. m. swine's blood.-
Dolce, adj. sweet. -Acqua
dolce, fresh water.-Minestra
troppo dolce, a pottage that
had not salt enough.-Dolce,
sweet, pleasant, agreeable,
charming, comfortable.-

Dolorosamente, adj. lament-
ably, sorrowfully, grievous-

Dolorosétto, adj. a little pain-
ful or grievous.
Doloroso, adj. sad, painful,
smarting, sorrowful, woeful.
-Doloroso, tender, sensible,
not to be touched.--Doloroso,
wicked, sad, lewd, naughty.
Doloróso, unhappy, unfor-
tunate, unlucky.

Docciáre, to pour by drops.
Docciatúra, s. f. the act of fall- Dolce, dear, beloved.-Uomo
ing or pouring in drops. dolce, a sweet-natured or
Dóccio, an earthen con- sweet-tempered man.-Dolce,
Doccióne, duit-pipe.
gentle, mild, meek, good-
Dócile, adj. docile, tractable, natured, tractable, affable.-Dolosamente, adv. craftily, de-
teachable, sweet-natured. Uomo dolce di sule, a shallow- ceitfully, treacherously.
Docilità, s. f. docility, tractable-witted man.--Dolce, soft. Dolóso, adj. crafty, deceitful,
wily, guileful, treacherous.
Dolúto, adj. complained.
Dolzóre, s. m. Į


Partirsi a bocca dolce, to go
away satisfied,-Dolce, s. in.
sweetness.- -Dolci, sweet
things in general.Dolce,
adv. softly, sweetly, gently.
Dolcemente, sweetly, softly,
gently, agreeably, prettily,
with fair words.
Dolcezza, s. f. sweetness.
cezza, charm, pleasure, de-
light.Dolcezza, softness,

Documento, s. m. document,
instruction, precept.
Dodecaedro, s. m. dodecahe-
dron, a geometrical figure.
Didici, twelve.
Dodicína, s. f. a dozen.
Dodránte, s. m. nine parts of
twelve, or three parts of four.
Doga, s. f. one of the ribs of
any wooden vessel.
Dogále, adj. ducal.
Dogána, s. f. custom-house.-Dolciáto, adj. sweet.

Dogana, custom, toll.


Dolcióne,adj.silly, dull, simple.

Doganiére, s. m. a custom- Dolcióre, s. m. bouse officer.


Dolcitúdine, s. f. 5. Obs.

Domanda, v. Dimanda.
Domandagióne, . Dimanda➡
Domandamento, u. Dimanda-
Domandáre, to demand, to
ask.-Domandategli chi è, ask
him his name.-Il vostro pa-
drone ti domanda, your master
wants you.-Domandáre, to
ask, to beg, to desire, to re-
quire, to crave, to request.

Dolzúra, s. f. S

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