صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Domáre, to tame, to break
Domáre, to humble, to sub-
due, to conquer, to overcome,
to vanquish.
Domatóre, s. m. tamer, van-
quisher, subduer, conqueror.
Domatriáre, to dogmatize.
Domatrice, s. f. she that tames,
or subdues.
Domattina, to-morrow morn-

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gift, pre

Donagióne, s. f.
Donamento, s. m.
Donàre, to give, to present
with, to make a present.
Donáre, s. m. gift, present.
Donativo, s. m. a gift or pre-

Donnésco, adj. of or belonging
to women, womanish, wo,
manlike, effeminate, wanton.
s. f. a little
Donnicciuóla, woman, 2

Domeneddío, God.
Doménica, s. f. Sunday.
Domenicale, adj.dominical, be-
longing to the Lord.-La let-
tera domenicale, the dominical
letter. L'orazione Domeni-
cale, the Lord's prayer.--
Domenicale, s. m. Sunday's

Domesticáre, v. Dimesticare.
Domévole, adj. tameable, go-
vernable, docile.
Domicílio, s. m. habitation,
dwelling-place, abode.
Dominánte, adj. predominant.
Domináre, to domineer, to rule,
to govern, to be iord and
master.-Un monte che dómina
la città, a hill that commands
the town.
Dominatóre, ruler or lord.
Dominatrice, s. f. she that rules
or manages.

Dominazione, s. f. domination,
lordship, sovereignty, govern-
ment, rule, power, authority,
empire-Dominaziúni, domi-
nations, one of the nine orders
of angels.
Dómine, s. m. a lord.-Dómine,
a curate or priest.-Dómine,
a word of imprecation. Che
dómine fá tu? what the devil
are e you doing?-Domine, fallo
Aristo, Jove confound him.-



Donáto, adj. given.
Donatóre, s. m. a giver.
Donatrice, s. f. she that gives.
Donatúra, s. f. a gift, or free
Donazione, gift, a donation,

a grant.

Donde? adv. from whence?

poor sorry

woman, a woman of mean condition, a wench. Donno, s. m. a lord, a commander.Donno, adj. gentle, good, happy.Donno, sir,


Dónnola, s. f. weazle. Donnolétta, diminutive of Dón nola.

-Donde, relat. whereof, Donnóne, s. m. a big woman.
which, of whom, with which. Donnúccia, s. f. little woman,
Dondoláre, to swing, to toss a poor silly woman.
or shake to and fro.-Dondo-Dono, s. m. a gift, present.-
láre, to dally, to loiter, to In dono, as a gift.
idle, to pass and spend the Donúzzo, dim. of Dono.
time idly.
Donúzzolo, dim. of Donúzzo.
Dondolàrsela, to spend one's Donzélla, maid, virgin, damsel.
time in vain.
-Donzella, doxy,trull,strum
a thing that pet.-Donzella, waiting gen-
Dondolóne, s. m. is swim- tlewoman-Donzella, a wo-
ming and dangling. Dondolóne, man. Obs.
an idler, an idle fellow. Don-Donzelláre, to toy, to spend
doline, play, sport, toying.- one's time idly.
Voler il dondolo, to play the Donzellésco, adj. maiden or
fool. Io ho paura che tu non damsel like.
vogli il dondolo de' fatti nostri, Donzellétta, dim. of Donzella.
I am afraid you play the fool | Donzellína, v. Donzelletta.
with us. A dondolóni, adv. Donzéllo, s. m. a batchelor.
Donzello, a knight or esquire.
Dodun'que, adv. from whence. -Donzéllo, a domestic, a
servant Donzello, tip-staff,
summoner, serjeant, bailiff.
Donzellóne, s. m. an idler.
Dopa, prep. after, since, be
hind. Dopo che, after that,

Donna, s. f. woman.-Donna,
wife.-Donna, mistress, lady,
dame-Donna, nun.-)
Donna, the Virgin Mary.-
Donna novella, a new-married
woman.-Donna di partito, a
woman that may be had for
money.-Donna dubbene, ho-
nest woman.-Donna di purto,

Doppia, s. f. a pistole.
Doppiaménte, adv. doubly.
Doppiare, to double-Dop
pare, to double, to multiply

to increase.


blanket, coverlet.

Dosso, s. m. the back.-Rassettare a dosso, to make fit.

Doppiatúra, s. f.the stateofbe- Dossiére, ing joined, the act of doubling. Dossiero, Doppiére, s.m. torch, taper. Doppiéro, Doppierúzzo, dim. of Dop-Dota, v. Dote. piére. Doppiezza, s. f. duplicity, double dealing, craftiness, cunning, deceitfulness. Doppio, s. m. double, as much again, as much more.-le ne dara il doppio, I'll give you twice the value. E il doppio più ricco di voi, he is as rich again as you. Doppio, chime or music of bells.--Doppio, adj. double.-Doppio, double, deceitful.

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Doraménto, s, m. the act of gilding,

Dotare, to jointure, to give a portion.-Dotáre, to endow, to bestow upon. Dotatóre, he that grants, leaves, or bestows a portion. Dotazione, s. f. dotation. Dote, s. f. dowry, portion.Dole, a gift, an advantage or privilege.

Dotta, s. f. part of an hour. Giugnere a dotta, to come in time-Pigliarsi, le sue dotte, to take one's pleasures.-Rimetter le dotte, to make up the time lost.Dolta, fear, apprehension, doubt.--Tenere in detta, to keep in suspense. Dottaggio, fear, apprehension. Dottaménte, adv. learnedly. Dottánte, adj. fearful. Obs. Dottánza, s. f. fear. Obs. Dottáre, to be afraid of, to doubt, to suspect, to mistrust. Dotto, adj. learned, skilful,

versed in. Dottoráccio, a sorry doctor. Dottorale, adj, belonging to a doctor, doctoral. Dottoráre, to take or give the degree of doctor. Dottoráto, adj. that has received the degree of doctor. Dottorato, s. m. doctorate, doctorship. Dottore, s. m. a doctor, one who has taken the highest degree in any art or science at an university.Dottore, a physician-Dottore, an ignorant fellow that pretends to knowledge.-Dottore, a kind of bird.

Doráre, to gild, to gild over. Doratóre, a gilder. Doratúra, s. f. gilding, the state of being gilt over. Dore, adj. of gold colour. Doréria, s. f. gold things. Dorico, adj. Doric, one of the five orders in architecture. Dormentoro, s. m. a dormitory. Dormicchiare, to sleep oft, to slumber, to take a nap. Dormiente, adj. that sleeps, sleeper. Dormigliáre, to sleep too much. Dormiglione, a great sleeper. Dormiglioso, adj. sleepy, drowsy. Dormire, to sleep.-Dormire con gli occhi altrui, to trust to another man's diligence. Dormire con la fante, to neglect one's business.--Dormire al fuoco, to be negligent.-Chi] dorme non piglia pesci, idleness Dottorello, a poor sorry doctor. begets poverty. Dottoressa, fem. of Dottore. Dormitóre, s. m. a slumberer, Dottoretto, dim. of Dota sluggard.-Dormitóre, adj. Dottoricchio, tore, that imnegligent, careless, supine. Dottorúzzo, ply contempt. Dormitório, s. m. a dormi-Dottóso, adj. doubtful. Obs. Dormitóro, tory.

Dove, adv. where, whither.iting Dove andate? where are you going?-Dove, if, in caseDove, whereas, when-Dove, s.m. a place. Sapete il dove? do you know the place? Love che, any where, Dope che sia, wherever. Da dove, whilst, whereas.Là dove, there, where. Dovénte, adj. that owes. Dovére, must.-Deve essere così, it must be so.-Che dobbiamo fare? what must we do?—Davere, to be obliged, forced, or necessitated.-Dotere, to owe, to be in debt.Quando dovesse costarmi la ví, though I were to lose my life for it.-Ognuno deve fare quel che quò, every body ought to do what he can.-Deve venire oggi, he is to come to-day.-Dovere, s. m. duty, devoir, part.Farò il mio dovere, I'll do my best.-Pudel dovere,more than is reasonable. Dadovero, in earnest,seriously. Dovídere, v. Dividere. Obs. Dovízia, s. f. plentifulness, plenty, store, riches. Doviziosamente, adv. plenteously, abundantly. Dovizioso, adj. plentiful, plenteous, copious, rich. Dovunque, adv. wherever, wheresoever. Dovutaménte, adv. deservedly. Doúto, s. m. duty, part, due.Dovito, adj. deserved, due, owing.-Dare ad ognuno il suo dovuto, to give every one his


Dozzi, v. Dodici. Obs. Dozzina, s. f. a dozen-Mettersi in dozzina, to intrude one's self.-Poeta da dozzina, a poetaster, a paltry poet. Dozzinále, adj. vulgar, common, vile, base.-Dozzinale, mean, middle. Dozzinalmente, adv. commonly, vulgarly, after the com

mon way.

Dottrina, s. f. doctrine, know-Draba, s. f. an herb so called.
Draco, v. Drago.

Dormitrice, feminine of Dor-ledge, erudition.--Dottrina,

Dorsale, adj. belonging to the back.

Dorso, s. m. the back of a man or beast. Piegar il dorso, to submit.

Dosa, s. f. a dose or quantity Dose, of physic to be given at one time.

Dossi, s. m, skins of grey squir

Dragánte, s. f. gum dragon. Draghinassa, s. f. a rapier, a sword.

doctrine, tenets, maxim.
Dottrinále, adj. instructive.
Dottrinaménto, s. m. instruc-
tion, education, precept, do-Drago, s. m. dragon, a sort of

Dotrináre, to instruct, to teach. Dragománno, dragoman, an
Dottrinatóre, instructor, teach-interpreter made use of in
eastern countries.
Dottrinézza, s. f. teaching. Dragóne, s. m. a dragon.
Dragontéa, s. f. grass-plantain.


Dramma, s. f. dram, weight of

Dugento, two hundred.
Duino, s. m. two aces.

Dubbietà, s. f. doubt, scruple. Dugencinquanta, two hundred sixty grains.-Dramma, pit, Dubbiévole, adj. dubious, and fifty. piece-Dramma, an ancient coin of little value.-Dramma, drama, a play, either tragedy or comedy. Drammático, adj. dramatic. Drapella, spear-head.

Drappelláre, to display the colours.

doubtful, irresolute. Dubbiézza, s. f. doubt. Dúbbio, s. m. doubt, scruple, Dumila, irresolution, suspence. Stare Dumilia, two thousand. in dubbio, to doubt.-Dubbio, Dumo, s. m. a bush, all kinds of thorns, briars or brambles. adj. doubtful, dubious, unDuna, s. m. downs.-Dung, bleak pains. Dunghe, Obs.

certain. Dubbiosamente, adv. doubt

Drappellétto, dim. of Drap-fully,

Dubbiosità, s. f. doubt, ques-Dunqua, Obs.
Drappéllo, s. m. colours, the tion, uncertainty.
sign that distinguishes a cer- Dubbioso, adj. doubtful, du-
tain number or company of bious, uncertain, ambiguous.
soldiers. Drappéllo, a band, Dubbioso, dangerous, diffi-


a company.
Drapellóne, s. m. the down-Dúbio, v. Dubbio. Obs.
hanging sides of a canopy Dubitabile, adj. uncertain, am-
made of silk, church tapes-
try work.
Drappería, s. f. all sorts of
drapery or silk manufacture.
Drappiére, a silk-weaver.
Drappiére, a mercer or silk-

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adv. then, what. Andate

dunque, go then.-Dunque, non son io capace difarlo? what, am I not capable to do it? Duo, two.

Duodécimo, the twelfth.
Duodéno, s m. duodenum.
Duólo, s. m. grief, pain, sor-
row, mourning.

biguous, dubious.
Dubitaménto, s. m. doubt,
Dubitánza, s. f.
Dubitáre, to doubt, to ques-
tion, to fear-Dubitáre, to
suspect, mistrust, or fear.
Dubitativamente, adv. doubt-Duplicáre, to double.

two thousand.
Duomo, the cathedral church
of a city-Duomo, a high
cupola, dome.

Duplicatamente, adv. doubly.
Duplicità, s. f. duplication.—
Duplicità, dissembling, dissi-
mulation, disguise, hypocrisy,

Dubítatívo, adj. doubtful.
Dubitazióne s. f. doubt.
Dubitévole, adj. dubious.
Dubitosamente, adv. doubt-counterfeit.

Dubítóso, adj. dubious, doubt-
ful, uncertain, ambiguous.
Duca, s. m. a duke.
Ducále, adj. ducal.·
Ducalménie, adv. after the
manner of a duke.

Dringolatúra, Obs. v. Dringo-Ducato, s. m. dukedom.-Du


Drittaménte, v. Dirittamente.
Drítto, v. Diritto.

Drizzáre, v. Dirizzare.

Droga, s. f. a drug.
Drogheria, s. f. drugs.

Droghiéro, S
Dromedário, s. m.adromedary.
Drudería, amorous dalliance,
wanton sporting.

Druda, s. f. a mistress, a

Drudo, a gallant, a lover, a
courter of women.-Drudo,
amorous, given to love.
Drudo, servant. Obs..
Dua, v. Due.
Panno di Duagio, a superfine
cloth made at Dowy.
Duále, adj. in Latin, dualis, of


Dubbiamente, adv. doubtfully, uncertainly, ambiguously. Dubbiáre, to doubt, to ques


cáto, ducat, a coin of gold or
silver so called.

Duplo, adj. double.
Dura, s. f. delay, stay, stop.
Una cosa di lunga dura, a thing
of a long standing-Far gran
dura, to be a long while.-
Stare alla dura, to be obstinate.
Durábile, adj. durable, lasting.
Durabilità, s. f. duration, con-


Durabilmente, adv. continual

Dúce, s. m. a general, or cap-ly, always, for ever.
tain-general.--Duce, guide,
director, conductor.
Dúcere, to lead, to conduct.

Durácine, adj. f. pl. hardish, speaking of certain fruits.Ciriege duracine, hard cherries. Duraménte,adv.cruelly, roughly, hardly, harshly, severely, grievously. Duraménte, with great pain, with much ado. Duchessina, s. f. dim. of Duraménto, s. m. duration. Duchéssa.

Ducéa, v. Duchéa.
Duchéa, s. f. dukedom.
Duchéssa, s. f. duchess.

Duchino, s. m. a duke's son, a
young duke.
Due, two.-Stare intra due, to
be in suspense, or irresolute.
-Tener fra due, to keep in

Durante, adj. lasting, continuing-Durantevita, during life. Duránza, s. f. v. Duramento. Duráre, to last, to continue.La prédica ha durato un'ora, the sermon lasted one hour.Duráre, to hold out, to keep or continue. Duráre,to bear, to endure, to undergo.-Durare, to stretch, extend, reach, to go. Il suo dominio dura fin li, his dominions extend or reach to that place. Duetánti, adv. as many Durárla, to hold it out.

Duellánte, duellist, a person
who fights a duel.
Duelláre, to fight a duel.
Duéllo, s. m. duel.


two thousand.

Duráta, s. f. duration, conti

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Ebréo, adj. Hebrew, Jew. Durezza, s. f. hardness.-Du- Ebrezza, v. Ebbrezza. rezza di carne, toughness of Ebriaco, adj. drunk, fuddled. meat.-—-urizza hardness, Ebriársi, to fucdle one's self. arshness, hard heartedness, Ebriatóre, s. m. a drunkard. ruggedness, cruelty, rigour, Ebrietà, s. f. drunkenness. obstinateness, stubbornness.

Durità, s. f. v. Durézza.

Durízia, v. Durćzza.

Ebriézza, v. Ebbrezza.

Ebrio, Ebrioso,

adj. drunken.

Duro, adj. hard, firm.-Pane Ebro, . Ebbro. hero, stale brend.----Duro, Ebulo, v. Ebbio. strong, lusty, robust.-Duro, Eburneo, adj. of ivory, white hard, hard-hearted, cruel-Ebúrno, like ivory Duro, obstinate, firm, stub-Ecatómbe, s. f. hetacomb. born, inexorable, implacable, Eccedente, adj. exceeding. cruel, barbarous, inhuman. Eccedentemente, adv. excecdDuro, hard, troublesome, rug-ingly.

ged, laborious, harsh, diffi- Eccedenza, s. f. excess, that cult.-Capo Ruo, a blockhead. which is exceeding. -Duro di bocca, hard-mouthed, speaking of a horse. Durótto, adj. somewhat tough. Duto, Obs. contracted from Dio t'ajuti, God be with thee.

Duttóre, s. m. leader or guide.


Eccettare, to except. Eccétto, adv. except, but, save. --Eccetto, s. m. exception, difference. Eccettuare, to except. Eccettuazione, s. f. excepEccezione, tion. Eccídio, s. m. ruin, destruction, havock, slaughter. Eccitamento, incitation, excitation, instigation, encouragement, inticement.

Eccitáre, to excite, to insti

Eccédere, to exceed, to surpass. -Eccedere, to sin. Eccellente,adj.excellent, extraordinary, rare, good.--Ex-| cellente, excellent, a title of honour given to physicians and lawyers. Eccellentemente, adv. excel-rivita, here we are arrived.→→ lently. Eccolo li, there he is.-Eccola

Eccellenza, s. f. excellence,, there she is.-E'ccovene, excellency. Eccellenza, excellency, a title of honour. Eccelsaménte, adv. loftily, highly, mightily. Eccelsitúdine, s. f. loftiness, highness.

gate, to egg or set on, to incite.

Eccitatóre, instigator, encou
rager, abettor.

Eccitatrice, fem. of Eccitatóre.
Eccitazione, excitation, encou-
ragement, instigation.
Ecclésia, s. f. a church. Obs.
Ecclesiáste, v. Ecclesiástico.
Ecclesiástico, adj. ecclesiastical
-Ecclesiástico, an ecclesias-
tic, a clergyman, a church-
man.-Ecclesiástico, o ecclesi-
aste, s. m. Ecclesiasticus.
Ecclissáre, to be eclipsed, or
darkened, to be in an eclipse.

Ecclissáre, to eclipse, to darken.

Ecco, adv. here is, there is, behold, here are, there are, -Fcco'l vostro libro, here is your book.-Eccomi pronto, here I am ready.-Eccoci ar

here is some for you.-Ecco, then-Ecco, s. m. an echo, the rebounding of a sound. Echeggiáre, to resound as the echo does.

E. Is generally pronounced
in Italian as at the beginning
of the words, Eminence, Ele-Eccelso, adj. high, lofty, noble,
gance, Element.
E, and.-2testo e quello, this
and that.-Eposta fata, he,
it, or they.-E'si credeva, he
thought.-Emi pare, it seems
to me.-Gli domandò chi e',
fossero, he asked them who
they were.
Ebanista, he that works in
ebony wood, cabinet-maker.
E'bano, s. m. ebony.
Ebbio, s. m. dwarf elder.
Ebbrezza, s. f. drunken-
Ebriachézza, ness.
Ebbriaco, adj. drunk.
Ebbricso, adj.drunk, fuddled.
Ebbro, -Ebrio, foolish,
Fbrio, sillybro, ine-
briated, intoxicated, infatu-
ated, conceited.

Eccentricaménte, eccentrically.
Eccentricità, s. f. eccentricity,
deviation from a center.
The state of having a dif-
ferent center from another
circle.-Excursion from the
proper orb.
Eccéntrico, adj. eccentric.
Eccessi o, adj. excessive.
Eccesso, s. m. excess, superi-
ority, pre-eminence.-Ecces-
so, excess, immoderation, su-
perfluity--Eccesso, exaggera-
tion, aggravation or amplify-
ing.-Eccesse, extacy, trance,
rapture.-Eccesso, crime, sin,
ofience, trespass, wrong.-
Eccesso, adj. cxccssively.

E'chite, s. f. a stone spotted
like a viper's skin.
Ecclissare, to eclipse.
Eclissi, S
s. f. an eclipse.
Eclittica, s. f. ecliptic.
Eco, s. m. or f. echo, rebound-
ing of sound.
Económia, s. f. economy,
Económica, stewardship,
husbandry, housewifery.
Economico, adj. economical.
Ecónomo, economical man.
Ecónoma, a good saving house

Ecúlco, s. m. an instrument of
torture, made like an horse.
Ecuménico, adj. ecumenical.
Ed, and.-vi ed io, you and I.

Pietro ed Antonio, Peter and

Edáce, adj. devouring, raven

[ocr errors]

bus, consuming.--Cure educi, wasting cares.Tempo edace, consuming time.-Il Veglio edace, a poetical appellation

of Time.

E'dera, s. f. ivy.
Ederóso, adj. full of ivy.
Edificaménto, s. m. edification,

Edificáre, to build.-Edificáre,
to edify, to please.
Edificáta, s. f. edifice, building,
Edificatóre, a builder.
Edifidatório, adj. edifying.
Edificatrice, s.f.she that builds.
Edificazione, s. f. edification,
building. Edificazione, edifi-
cation, good example.
s. m. edifice.
Edile, edife, a surveyor of
works amongst the ancient


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Efferáto, adj. cruel, furious. Effervescenza, s. f. heat, force, earnestness, passion, fervour, effervescence. Effettivamente, adj. effectively, effectually. Effettivo, adj. effective, real. Effetto, s. m. effect.-Effetto, effect, or success. Il vestro consiglio ha fatto effetto, your advice has had its effect. Effetto, performance, deed, execution,success.Recare effello nu cosa, to accomplish a thing.Effetto, benefit, favour, kindness, Ffetto, effect, intent, purpose, design. -Son venuto per questo effetto,

I come on purpose for that. Egualità, s. f. equality, like -L'ho fatto a quest' efetto, I ness conformity, impartiality. did it with this intent.-Gli Egualmente, adv. equally. ejetti d'un mercante, the effects, Eh, alas! goods, or moveables of a merchant. In effetto, in effect, really. Per questo effetto, adv. to that end, to that purpose. -In effetto, in short, in conclusion.

Effettrice, s. f. she that makes
or procures.
Effettualmente, effectually.
Effettuare, to effectuate.
Effezióne, s. f. effect, any thing

Efficace, adj. efficacious, ef-
fectual, powerful, forcible.
Efficacemente, efficaciously.
Efficácia, s. f. efficacy.
Efficiénte, adj. efficient.
Eligiáre, to limn, to draw, to

2 effluxion, ef-
flux, a run-

Effigie, s. f. effigies, image,
likeness, shape.
Effimera, v. Eimera.
Efflúvio, s. m. elluvia, efflu-
ning or flowing out.
Efformáto, adj. formless, de-
Effrenáto,adj. unbridled, fierce,
unruly. Not in use.
Effusioncella, diminutive of

Effusióne, s. m. effusion.
Efi'mera, s. f. ephemera, which
lasts but one day.
Egénte, adj. necessitous, poor,
indigent. Obs.
Egestióne, s. f. egestion. Not
adj. Egyptian.
Egiziano, 5
Egli, he, it, they-Egli ma l'ha
detto, he told it me.-Egli è
cost, it is so. Se cosa appare
ond'egli abbian paura, if they
look any ways concerned.
Eglino, they.
Egli stesso, himself.
Egloga, s. f. an eclogue.
Egregiamente, adv.egregiously.
Egregio, adj. egregious, choice,
excellent, singular, rare, re-
markable, famous.
Egro, sick, ill, sickly.-Egro,
afflicted, grieved, sorrowful.
Egróto, adj. sick. Obs.
Eguaglianza, s. f. equality.
Eguagliare, v. Uguagliare.
Eguale, adj. equal, even, alike,

Egualezza, v. Uguaglianza.

Eh, pr'ythee.-Eh vattene via, pr'ythee go about your business. Eh, so so, indifferent.

Cone vi piace questo vino?
eh, eh, how do you like this
wine? so, so, pretty well.
Ehi, v. Eh.
Ei, he.

Eja, come, come.
Eimé, ah, alas!
Elaboráre, to elaborate, to do
or work with application.
Elástica, adj. elastical.
Elasticitá, s. f. elasticity.
Elatério, s. m. elaterium, the
juice of wild cucumbers made,
up in a thick and hard con-


Eláto, adj. raised, lifted up.
Elazióne, s. f. elation, haughti


Elice, s. f. an holm-tree or
scarlet oak.
Elefánte, an elephant.
Elefantessa, s. f. a she elephant,
Elefantino, adj. belonging to
an elephant-

Lepra elefantina, the leproElefanzia, s. f. Ssy which maketh the skin rough and of colour like an elephant. Elegánte, adj. elegant, fine, neat, polite. Elegante, comely, handsome, beautiful, graceful.

Eleganteménte, elegantly.
Eleganza, s. f. elegance.
Eleggere, to elect, to choose.
Eleggiménto, s. m. election,

Elegia, s. f. an elegy.
Elegiaco, adj. belonging to

Elembicco, v. Limbícco. Obs.
Elementále, adj. elementary.
Elementáre, Elementáre,to

compose elements.
Elemento, s. m. the elements,
as fire, air, water, earth; and
metaphorically, the grounds
of any art, or the beginning
of all things.
Elemósina, s. f. alms, charity.
Flemosinário, s. m. alms-giv-
Elemosiniére, er.Elemosi-
nário, an almoner.
Elemosinúzza, s. f. small alms.
Elénco, s. m. a catalogue or
index in a book.
Elénio, s. m. dogs-grass, used
to poison arrows heads.
Elátta, s. f. election,

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