صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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vên dinanzi, ed io soletto, they
went before, and I by myself.
Ellisse, s. f. ellipsis.
Ellittico, adj. eliptical.
Ello, pron. he, it. Obs.
Elmétto, s. m. helmet, casque,
Elmo, head-piece.
Elocuzióne, s. f. elocution.
Elógia, 9. m. eulogy, praise,
encomium, panegyrick.
Eloquénte, adj. eloquent.
Eloquentemente, eloquently.
Eloquenza, s. f. eloquence.
Elóquio, s. m. discourse. Obs.
Elsa, s. f. the hilt of a

Elettro, . m. amber, amber-Else,


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Elúdere, to elude, frustrate,

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exalt, to lift up.-Elevársi, to Emancepare, Obs.cipate,

to set at liberty.


Emátita, s. f. hematités.
Embléma, s. m. an emblem.
Emblici, s. m. plur. a kind of

grow proud. Elevatezza, s. f. elevation, height, eminence.-Elevatezza Emancipazióne, s. f. emancidi stile, sublimity of stile. Eleváto, adj. high, lofty.Eleváto, haughty, proud. Elevazione, s. f. elevation, exaltation Elevazióne, loftiness, sublimity of style.-Elevazione, the elevation or height of the pole above the horizon, the degree of latitude. Elezionato, adj.elected, chosen. Obs.

Elezione, s. f. election, choice. Elezióne, poll or right to vote in choosing a public magistrate.

Elica, s. f. a kind of crooked line.

Elicére, to draw, to extract.
Eligénte, adj. that choosesz or

Eligibile, adj. eligible.
Eliotrópia, s. f. v. Elitrópia.
Elisio, adj. elysium.--Campi
elisi, the elysian fields.
s. m. elixir.
Elisirvite, S
Elitrópia, s. f. precious stone
so called.
Elitrópio, the herb turnsol.
Elittico, adj. v. Ellítico.
Elia, s. f. the herb called ele-
campane.-Ella, she, it.-El-
la is used in Italian instead of
you, but then it is a relative
to vossignoria, ex.Vuot ella
venir meco? will you go along
with me?



part of the head. Eminénte, adj. eminent, high, lofty.Eminente, eminent, excellent, famous, topping.Eminente, imminent, hanging over one's head, approaching. Eminenteménte, adv. nently. Eminentissimo, the epithet given to a cardinal. Eminenza, s. f. an eminence, a hill, a rising ground.--Eminénza, a title given to a cardinal. Emisfério, s. m. hemisphere. Emisféro, S Emissário, emissary, spy, scout. -Emissario, a stallion, a stonehorse.

Emissióne, s. f. emission, vent, the act of sending out. Emme, the name of the let

ter m.

Enolúmento, s. m. emolument,

profit, advantage. Emorroidále, of or belonging to hemorrhoids. Emorroide, hemorrhoids, a disease in the fundament, commonly called the piles. Empiamente, adv. impiously. Empiastráre, to plaister of parget. Empiastro, s. m. a plaister. Empiéma, s. m. corrupted spittle. Empiemático, adj. that spits


Empiere, to fill up, to cram, to stuff.-Empiere, to satisfy, to content.-Empiere, to load, to charge, to fill.

Embolismo, s. m. embolism,
the adding of a day to a year,
which makes leap-year.
Embrice, s. f. a tile.-
guardar in un filar d'embrici,
don't stand upon a trifle.
Embrióne, s. m. embrio, the
fœtus or child in the womb.
Embrócca, s. f. embrocation,
a kind of fomentation.
Embroccáre, to foment, to use
Empietà, s. f. impiety, ungod
Eménda, s. f. 2 emend-liness, wickedness, fierceness,
Emendaménto, s. m. ation, barbarity.
amendment, redress.
Emendáre, to correct, amend,
or mend.--Emendarsi, to



Emendazione, s. f. Eméndo, s. m. Obs. amendment.-Far l'emenda, to make reparation. Emergénte, adj. emergent, appearing on a sudden.-Necessità emergente, a pressing necessity.-Danno emergente, loss which one sustains by not being pnnctually paid. Emergere, to emerge, issue or come out from under water. -Emerso, adj.risen, come out. Emético, adj. emetical, that provokes vomiting. Emicránia, s. f. megrim, great Elli, they. Obs.--Elli gi- pain in the temples and fore

Empiezza, impiety, cruelty.
Empiménto, s. m. filling, stuf-
fing, or cramming.
Empio, adj. impious, cruel,

Empireo, adj. empyrean, cm-

Empireumático, empyreumatic, that has the smell of fire. Empírico, adj.empirical -Medicina empirica, empirical physic, skill in physic gotten by mere practice.--Medico empirico, an empyric, a quack. Empitiggine, ring-worm, running with a dry scab, a


Elléboro, s. m. hellebore.
Ellera, s. f. ivy.


Empito, s. m. impetuosity, violence, an effort, a shock, a push. Empitúra, s. f. filling, stuffing cramming.


Empiúto, adj. full.
Emúgnere, to diminish, to

Emuláre, to emulate, to vie
with, to strive.
Emulatóre, emulator, rival.
Emulatrice, feminine of Emu-

Emulazione, s. f. emulation,
envy, imitation with a desire

to excel.


Enfiatúra, s. f. a swelling or
Enfitéusi, s. m. the renting of
land upon condition to plant

Enfióre, v. Enfiatura. Obs.
Enfitéutico, adj. let out to farm,
hire or rent, or that for
which rent is paid.
Enigma, s. m. a riddle, a dark
saying, an enigma.
Enigmático, obscure, dark,
enigmatical, mystical, hard to
be understood.
Enímma, v. Enigma.
Enímmatico, v. Enigmatico.
Enne, s. m. the name of the
letter n.

Enorme, immoderate, vast,
enormous, great, heinous,


Emulo, rival, concurrent, com-
.petitor, an antagonist.
Emulsióne, s. f. emulsion, a
physical drink made of the
kernels of some seeds.
Emúngere, to diminish, to
Enchimosi, an efflux of
Encomiare, to praise, to be- grievous.
stow encomiums. Encomiato, Enormezza, s. f. enormity.
Encómio, s. m. encomiam, E'nte, s. m. a being that has
commendation of a person. any kind of existence.
Endecasillabo, adj. consisting Ente reale, a real or positive
of eleven syllables.-Endeca- existence or being-Ente di
sillabo, s. m. a short lyric ragione, an imaginary being.
poem, made of verses con-Entiméma, s. m. enthymem.
sisting of eleven syllables Entità, s. f. entity, a being.
Entómato, s. m. insect.
Entraménto, s. m. entry, en-


Endica, s. f. abbroachment,
Endice, s. f. a mark or token,
remembrance, sign.-E'ndice,
s. m. the nest egg.
Endívia, s. f. endive.
Energía, s. f. energy, efficacy,
force, emphasis.
Energúmeno, adj. a man pos-
sessed with the devil.
Enfasi, s. f. emphasis, ener-


Enfático, emphatical, spoken with earnestness. Enfiagioncélla, s. f. a little swelling or tumour. Enfiagione, s. f. a swelling Enfiaménto, s. m. 5 or tumour. Enfiamento, increasing, grow ing.

Enfiare, to swell, to blow. Enfiare, to puff up, to grow proud. Enfiare, to swell, to be blown or puffed up. Enfiatéllo, s. m. a little swelling

or tumour.

Enfiaticcio, adj. half swelled,
swoln a little.
Enfiarivo, that makes swell.
Enfiáto, s. m. a swelling or
tumour. Enfidlo, adj. swell-
ed, blown, puffed up or lifted
up.-Enfiato, gonfio, superho,
altiero, proud, high-minded,
conceited, puffed up.

adj. both.

Entrante, adj. that penetrates.

Entratúra, s. f. entrance, entry.

-Entratúra, access, admittance.-Non c'è entratura per nessuno, no body is admitted.

E'ntro, adv. in, within-2ud
entro, here within.-Cola en-
tro, there within.--Entro,
prep. between.
Entusiásimo, s. m. enthusiasm.
E'nula, o Enula campána, s. f.
scabwort, horseheel.
Enumerare, to enumerate, to
number or reckon up.
Enumerazione, s. f. enumera-

Enunciáre, to enunciate, to de-
clare, to proclaim.
Eo, I. Obsolete, much used by
our first poets.---Eóo, adj.
eastern. Dagli Esperi a lidi
Eoi, from west to east.


E'pa, s. f. the belly.
Epáccia, s. f. a great nasty

Epática, s. f. liverwort, good
against the obstructions of
the liver.

Epático, s. m. a passage of the bile to the liver, otherwise called the porus bilarius.→→→→ Epático, hepatical or hepatic, belonging to the liver. Vena epatica, the liver vein. Epátta, s. f. epact, a number whereby the age of the moon may be found out every year.. en-Epicédio, s. m. epicedium, a funeral song. Epiciclo, s. m. epicycle or little circle. Epico, adj. epic, heroic. Epicuréo, adj. Epicurean, a follower of the sect of Epi

Il mese entrante, the next
month.-Entrante, forward,
bold, that puts himself for-
ward.-Entrante, s. m.
trance, beginning.-ll' en
trante della settimana, at the
beginning of the week.
Entrare, to go, come, step, get
in, to enter.-Entrare in pa-
role, to begin a discourse, to
speak-Entrare in pensiero, to
begin to think.-Entrate in
cammino, to set out.--Entrare
in ballo, to dance-Entrar in
altro, to change discourse.--
Entrare in cullera, to fall into
a passion.-Entrare in posses-
sione, to take possession.
Entráre, to reach or under-
stand the true meaning of.
Questa cosa non m'entra, I do
not comprehend this.
Entráta, s. f. entrance, entry.-
Nella prima entratu, at the first
sight.—Entráta, income, re-
venue, coming in, rent.-
Entráta, entrance, beginning.
Entratóre, an intruder.
Entratrice, she that intrudes

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Epidemía, s. f. epidemical

Epifanía, s. f. Epiphany, or
Epifonéma, 3. f. epiphonema,
a figure in rhetoric.
Epigramma, s. m. an epigram.
Epilensía, v. Epilepsía.
Epiléntico, v. Epilettico.
Epilessia, s. f. epilepsy, the
falling sickness.

adj. epileptic, troubled with the epilepsy. Epilogaménto, s. m. v. Epilo gazione.

Epilogáre, to epilogize, to
make a conclusion or end.
Epilogazióne, s. f. conclusion,
end, recapitulation.

Epílogo, s. m. an epilogue, a conclusion of a speech. Epímone, s. m. epimone, a rhetorical figure. Epinício, s. m. epinicion, a triumphal song. Episcopále, adj. episcopal. Episcopáto, s. m. bishopric. Episódico, adj. episodic, digressive.

Episódio, s. m. episode, digres


Epistola, s. f. a letter or epistle. Epistolétta, s. f. a little letter or epistle. Epitaffio, epitaph, an inscripLpitafio, tion on a tomb. Epiteto, s. m. epithet, a word expressing the nature and quality of another word, to which it is joined. Epitímbra, s. f. a weed so called. Epitimo, s. m. the flower of thyme.

Epitomáre, to make an epitome, to abridge. Epitome, s. m. epitome, abridgement, abstract. Epittima, s. f. epithema, a medicine applied to the body, or any other outward application.

Epittimare, to make or apply epithemas. Epittimazione, s. f. fomenta


E ́poca, s. f. epoch or epocha, period of time. Epúlide, s. m. a tumour or swelling. Epulonáccio, augment. of Epu

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Equilátere, adj. equilateral, Erbággio, s. m. all sorts of equal sided. kitchen-herbs. Equilibrare, to weigh equally. Erbajo,s. m. grass-field, pastureEquilibrio, equilibrium, equa- ground. lity of weight.--Mettere in Erbajuólo, s. m. an herbalist or equilibrio, to poise.-Tenere simpler. equilibrio, to keep the balance. Equinoziále. adj. equinoctial. Giorni equinoziali, equinoctial days.

Equinózio, s. m. equinox. Equipaggio, s. m. equipage, attire, retinue. Equiparáre, to compare, to parallel. Equiponderánza, s. f. equiponderancy, equal weighing. Equiponderáre, to equiponderate, to weigh equally. Equità, s.f. equity, justice,right. Equivalente, adj. equivalent. Equivalente, s. m. an equiva


Equivalenza, s. f. equivalence. Equivalére, to be of the same worth.

Equivocále, adj. equivocal, not geometrically plain. Equivocamente, adv. ambiguously, equivocally. Equivocaménto, s. m. v. Equivocazione. Equivocáre, to equivocate, to speak ambiguously. Equivocazione, s. f. equivocation, double meaning. Equivochésco, adj. dubious, ambiguous, equivocal. Equívoco, adj. equivocal,whose sense and meaning may be taken several ways.-Equivoco, s. m. an equivocation, or equivoque, a double meaning-Equivoco, adv. equivo


Epulóne, s. m. a glutton.

Equábile, equal, alike, uniform, E, ambiguously.



adj. just,


Equabilità,s.f.equality, even-Eradicáre, to eradicate.
ness, unifor- Eradicatóre, he that eradi-

mity, likeness.
Equanimità, s. f. equanimity,
Equanime, adj. moderate, un-
alterable in mind or soul.
Equánte, s. m. the equator.
Equatore, s. m. equator, the
equinoctial line.
Equazione, equation, equal di-


Erbále, adj. of grass, that has
the quality of grass.
Erbalúccia, s. m. an herb that
grows with one leaf.
Erbétta, s. f.
Erbolájo, an herbalist or

fine grass.

Erboláto, s. m. a kind of pastry work with herbs. Erbóso, adj. covered with grass, grassy. Erbucce, s. f. plur. kitchenherbs. Eréda, heir, heiress. Eréde, S Eredáre, to inherit. Eredità, s. f. inheritance. Ereditaggio, v. Eredità. Obs. Ereditáno, v. Ereditário. Obs. Ereditáre, to inherit. Ereditário, adj. hereditary.Ereditúrio, adj. heir. Ereditevole, adj. hereditary. Erémita, an hermit. Eremitaggio, s. m. hermitage, the place where an hermit lives. Eremítico, adj. belonging to an hermit, solitary. Eremitório, v. Eremitaggio. E'remo, s. m. hermitage, the place where an hermit lives; also a desert place. Erésia, s. f. heresy. Eresiárca, s. m. heresiarch. Eretággio, s. m. inheritance. Ereticále, adj. heretical. Ereticamente, adv. heretically. Eretico, s. m. an heretic. Erética, s. f. Erético, heretical, belonging to heresy. Erétto, adj. erected, raised, high, haughty.

Erezione, s. f. erection, raising.

Ergastolo, s. m. a prison, a Ergástulo, S house of correction, as Bridewell, where people are compelled

Erário, s. m. the exchequer, the treasury. Erba, s. f. grass.-Ogni mal] erba cresce, ill weeds grow apace. Non è erba del vostro | orto, this is not of your own making. Mangiarsi Perba sotto, to spend what one has, without applying one's self Equéstre, adj. equestrian. to any thing.Far fascio Equiangolo, adj. equiangular. d'ogni erba, to put all in a Equicrúre, adj. equicrural, bundle, to make no distincthat has equal sides. tion.-Mai erba, nettle. Equidistante, adj. equidistant.Erbáccia, s. f. weed. Equidistánza, s. f. equal dis- Erbacolombína, s. f. the herb dite.

to work. E'rgere, to erect, to raise, to set up, to build. Erigénza, s. f. erection. Obs. Erigere, v. Ergere. Erisamo, s. m. a plant so called.

Ermafrodito, s. m. hermaphro



Ermellíno, s. m. ermine, an


animal so called.-Ermellino, | Erudíto, adj. learned, skilful._mínatore.
the fur of an ermine.
Ermesino, v. Ermisino.
Ermeticamente, hermetically.
Ermisíno, a kind of silk.
Ermo, s. m. c. Eremo.-Ermo,
adj. solitary, eremitical.
Ernia, s. f. rupture, hernia.
Ernioso, adj. broken-bellied.
Eróe, hero.

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-Erudito, taught, instructed. Esaminazióne, s. m. examinaErudizione, s. f. learning, scholarship, erudition. Ervo, s. m. a kind of pulse like vetches or tares. Eruttáre, to belch or break wind out of the stomach. Eruttazioncélla, dim. of Eruttazione


Esángue, adj. without blood, dead, pale and wan, heartless. Esanimáre, to exanimate, to deprive of life, to dispirit. Esasperaménto, s. m. the act of vexing, the state of being exasperated, irritation, exasperation.

Eruttatóre, a belcher.
Eruttatrice, feminine of Erut-


Eruttazióne, s. f. belching or
breaking of wind off the


Esacerbáre, to irritate, to ex-

Eroicamente, adv. heroically.
Eróico, adj. heroical or heroic.
Eroína, a heroine.
Erpicáre, to harrow, to break
the clods in a plowed field
with the harrow.
Erpicatójo, s. m. a dragging
net to catch quails, partridges,
and pheasants with.
Erpice, s. f. a harrow.
Erraménto, s. m. error.
Erránte, adj that errs, or Esagerazione, s. f. exaggera-
makes a mistake.-Errante, tion.
errant, wandering, vagabond.
-Cavaliere errante, knight-



Esasperáre, to irritate, to in-
cense, to provoke, exaspe
rate, or anger.
Esasperazione, s. f. exaspera-
tion, irritation.
Esattaménte, adv. exactly.
Esattézza, s. f. exactness, punce

Esageránte, adj. that exagge-_tuality, accuracy, diligence.
Esátto, adj. exact, punctual,
strict, careful, diligent.-Esút
to, exacted.

Obs. Esageráre, to exaggerate.

Erránza, s. f. error. Obs.
Erráre, to err, to mistake, to
be out.

Erráta, s. f. portion, share.

Errático, adj. errant, wander-

Erre, the name of the letter


Erro, s. m. a mistake. Obs.
Erroneamente, adv. erroneous-
Erróneo, adj.
Erroráccio, s. m, a degrading
augmentative of Erróre.
Errore, s. m. error or mistake.
-Errore, error, fault.-Er-
Tóre, trespass, sin, offence.
Errorúccio, s. m.


a small
fault or

Erta, s. f. the steep ascent of
a hill.--Stare all' erta, to
stand upon one's guard, to
take care.
Ertézza, s. f. steepness.
Erto, s. m. steep ascent.-Erto,
adj. steep, up hill. -Erto,
straight, lifted up, reared.
Star erto, to stand upon one's
legs.-Erto, adv. directly up
Erubescénza, s. f. bashfulness,
modesty, shame.

Erúca, s. f. the herb rocket.
Erudiménto, s. m. teaching.
Erudire, to instruct, to in-
Eruditamente, learnedly.

Eságio, s. m. the sixth part
of an ounce.

Esagitáre, to vex, to fret, to
disquiet, to trouble. Not

Esattóre, s. m. a gatherer of
money, a collector.
Esattrice, fem. of Esattore.
Esaudévole, adj. exorable.
Esaudiménto, the being heard.
Esaudíre, to grant.

Esagitazióne, s. f. vexation, Esauditóre, s. m. he that
trouble, disquiet. Not used. grants.
Eságono, s. m. hexagon, a geo-Esauditrice, fem. of Esaudi-
metrical figure which has six tore.
equal sides, and as many Esaudizióne, s. f. granting.
Esaústo, adj. empty, drained,

Esaláre, to exhale, to breathe
or steam out, to send forth a
fume or vapour.-Esalare, to
recreate one's self.
Esalazióne, s. f. exhalation.
Esaltaménto, s. m. exaltation.
--Esaltamento, advancement,
preferment, improvement,

Esaltáre, to exalt, to raise or
lift up.-Esultare, to exalt, to
praise, to extol or cry up.
Esaltatóre, he that exalteth or
praiseth.――Esultatrice, she
that exalts.
Esaltazióne, s. f. exaltation,
advancement, preferment,


Esazióne, s. f. exaction.
Esca, s. f. bait.-Esca, bait, al-
lurement, enticemeat. Ase
conder l'amo nell' esca, to de-
ceive one under the colour of
friendship. Esca, tinder,
touchwood.Avvicinar l' esca
al fuoco, to expose to an im-
minent danger.
Escandescenza, s.
sudden wrath.
E'scara, s. f. a scar remaining
after the healing of a sore.
Escarótico, s. m. escharotic,
which brings a sore to a

f. anger,

Escáto, s. m. a place where
they put the bait for birds.
Eschetta, s. f. a little bait.
E'schio, s. m. a tree so called.


Esámetro, s. m. hexameter.
Esáme, s. m.
Esámina, s. f.
Esaminaménto, s. m. ation. Esciáme, s. m. a swarm of bees.
Esaminánza, s. f.
Esamináre, to examine, to
question.-Esamináre, to ex-
amine, to weigh, to consider,
to discuss or sift.-Esaminare,
to try, to make trial or expe-
riment of.
Esaminatóre, examiner, he that
examines and considers.
Esaminatrice, feminine of Esa-Esclusiva,

Escire, to go out.
Escíta, s. f. a way out,
Esclamáre, to cry out, to ex-
Esclamazióne, s. f. exclama


Escludere, to exclude.
Esclusióne,.. f. exclusion.

Escluso, adj. excluded. Escogitáre, to devise, to think, to consider earnestly, to in


Escoriazióne, s. f.

Esénte, adj. exempt, free from, privileged. Esenzionáre, to exempt, to free from, to privilege. 2 exco-Esenzióne, s. f. exemption.

Escorticaménto, s. m. S ria-Esequiále, adj. exequial, of or

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belonging to obsequies. Esequiáre, to perform the obsequies.

Eséquie, s. f. obsequies, funeral rites or practices, funeral. Esequíre, v. Eseguire. Esercére, Obs. v. Esercitare. Esercitamento, s. m. exercise, practice, labour. Esercitante, adj. that exercises or takes pains. Esercitare, to exercise, to train up, to use, to employ.-Esercitáre, to exercise one's body, to use exercise.-Esercitare, to exercise or practice.-Esercitáre, to make trial or experiment of. Esercitarsi, to exercise one's self, to apply or addict one's self to a thing. Esercitatívo, adj. that exercises himself.


Esecuzione, s. f. execution, performance-Esecuzione, execution, the beheading, burn-Esercitatóre, exerciser. ing or hanging a malefactor. Esercitatrice, she that exerEseguiménto, s. m. execution.. Eseguire, to execute, to perform, to do, to effect. Eseguitóre, v. Esecutore. Eseguitrice, v. Esecutrice. Esempigrázia, adv. for example.

Esempio, s. m. example, pat-
tern, model, copy, instance.-
Per esempio, as, for example.
Esempláre, to draw. Obs.
Esempláre, s. m. example,
model, pattern.--Esempláre,
adj. exemplary, worthy of

Esemplarità, s. f. righteous-
ness, justice, equity, inno-
cence, integrity.
Esemplarmente, adv. exem-
plarily, righteously.
Esemplativamente, adv. by
way of example. Obs.
Esemplativo, adj. exemplary.
Not in use.
Esemplificáre, to exemplify, to
allege examples.
Esemplificatamente, adv. by
way of example.
Esemplificazione, s. f. exem-
plification, a giving an ex-

Esemplo, s. m. example, model,
pattern, copy,instance. Poeti-

Esentáre, to exempt, free, or discharge from.

Esercitazione, s. f. exercise, practice.

Esército, s. m. an army. Esercizio, s. m. exercise, practice, pains, labour, motion of the body in order to health. —Fare esercizio, to use exercise-Far l'esercizio, to exercise. A military word. Esereditáre, to disinherit. Esibíre, to exhibit, to offer or tender, to present.-Esibirsi, to offer or tender. Esibitóre, he that tenders, that offers. Esibitrice, fem. of Esibitóre. Esibizióne, s. f. offer, proffer, tender, exhibition. Esigénza, s. f. exigency, need, necessity.

Esigére, to exact, demand, or
Esiglio, v. Esilio.
Esilaráre, to exhilarate, to

Esile, adj. slender, thin, weak.
Esiliáre, to banish.
Esílio, s. m. banishment, exile.

–Mandáre in esilio, to banish. Esimere, to exempt, to free or discharge from, to privilege. Esimio, adj. choice, singular, extraordinary, notable, excellent, passing good, eximious. Esistente, adj. existent, that is

[blocks in formation]

Esitazióne, s. f. hesitation. E'sito, s. m. issue, end, success, event.-E'sito, issue, passage, outlet.-Esito, utterance or sale.-E'sito, expence, cost, charge.--Accommodare l'esito all introito, to spend proportionably to one's revenue. Metter qualche cosa nel libro dell'esito, to give any thing for lost.

Esiziále, mischievous, destructive, pernicious, mortal. Esizio, s. m. destruction, mischief, an ill end, death. E'sodo, s. m. Exodus, the title of the second book of Moses. Esófago, s. m. the throat. Esorbitante, adj. exorbitant,


Esorbitánza, exorbítancy, extravagancy.

Esorcísmo, s. m. exorcism. Esorcísta, s. m. an exorcist, a conjurer.

Esorcizzáre, to exorcise, to conjure.

Esórdio, s. m. exordium, a preface or preamble, the beginning of a discourse. Esordire, to begin, to use a preamble before one comes to the matter. Esortáre, to exhort, encourage, admonish, persuade. Esortativo, adj. exhortative, Esortatório, Sexhortatory, efficacious, persuasive. Esortazioncella, s. f. a little admonition. Esortazione, exhortation, incitement.

Esóso, adj. odious, hateful, heinous.

Espandere, to spread, to display. Obs.

Espansióne, s. f. a display. Obs.

Espediente, adj. expedient, fit, convenient, necessary.--Espediénte, s. m. an expedient, a means, way, or device. Espedire, to dispatch, to quicken.

Espedíto, adj. expedite, ready,
in readiness.
Espedizióne, s. f. expedition.
Espillere, to expel, to drive

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