صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Esperienza, s. f. experience, knowledge or skill gotten by use or practice.-Esperienza, experiment, trial, proof. Esperimentale,adj. experimental, grounded upon experience. Esperimentáre, to experience, to try or find by experience, to make an experiment. Esperimentatore,hethat makes experiment or trial. Esperimento, s. m. experiment, trial, proof.

E'spero, s. m. the evening star.
Espertaménte, adv. skilfully,

Esperto, adj. expert, skilful,
dexterous in his art, expe-
rienced.-Espérto, experienc-
ed, experimented, tried.-
Gli esperti, the most skilful
men in any art or science,
appointed to examine a thing.
Espettatíva, s. f. ? expecta-
Espettazione, s. f.
Espiare, to expiate, to atone or
make satisfaction.
Espiazióne, s. f. expiation, sa-
tisfaction, atonement.
Espiláre, to steal fraudulently.


Espilazione, s. f. fraudulent
theft. Obs.
Esplicábile, adj. explicable,
that may be explained.
Esplicáre, to explain. Obs.
Esplicatóre, commentator, ex-

Esplicazione, s. f. explanation.

Esplicito, adj. explicit, plain,
express, formal.

open, represent, make known | E'ssere, to be, exist, or sub-
or signify, to set forth.
sist.-E'ssere, to come, to
Espositivo, adj. expositive. follow, to become.- Von sô
Espositore, s. m. expositor, ex-, quel che ne sarà, I don't know
pounder, interpreter.
what will follow or become
Espositrice, fem. of Esposi- of it-Essere, to go, to be.
-Sarò da voi domani, I'll come
to your house to-morrow.
Essere, to think.-E'ssere per
andrsene, to be ready to go.
-Fui per morire, I thought to
die-Esser bene con qualcheduno,
to be well with one -Esser
male con alcuno, to be out with
one.-Come che si sia, in what-
soever manner. One che si sia,
whatsoever thing, any thing.

Esposizióne, s. f. exposition.
Espósto, adj. expounded, ex-

Espressaménte, adv. expressly,
plainly, in plain terms, clear-
ly, evidently, positively, ex-

Espressióne, s. f. expression,
representation.-— Espressione,
expression,pressing, or squeez-
ing out the juices or oils of
plants or fruits.
Espressiva, v. Espressióne.
Espressivo, adj. expressive, sig-

Espresso, adj. express, plain,
clear, manifest.-Espresso, po-
sitive, assured, determined.
Espresso, adv. expressly,
plainly, positively, explicit-
Espriménte, adj. that express-

-Può essere, perhaps, it may be. Come sarebbe a dre, as one would say.-Essere, s. m. condition, state.--Di grand essere, of great quality-Le cose sono in luon essere, things are in a good way.- Non sono in essere d'andare, 1 am not ready to go. Non conviene at esser mo, it is not suitable to my condition-Essere, s. m. thing. Essi, they. Essiccante, adj. Essiccativo, up. Esso, pron. he, it.-Con esso voi, with, or along with you. -Ci levarono i quattrini, e con esso ci bastona on, they took away our money, and beat us into the bargain. Espugnáre, to conquer, to over-Essúto, been. Obs. come, to vanquish, to gain E'stasi, s. f. extacy, trance, rapby storm, assault, or force. ture.


Esprimere, to express, or de-
clare by word or writing, to
pronounce or utter.-Espri-
mere, to press out, to express,
to squeeze.

Esprobazióne, s. f. exproba-
tion, reproach.
Espugnabíle, adj. that may be

overcome or won.

desiccative, apt to dry

Espugnatóre, s. m. conquerer, Estático, adj. extatic.

Estáte, s. f. summer season.

Espagnatrice, she that over-Estemporáneo, adj. extempo


conquering by force.

Esplorare, to explorate, to Espugnazione, expugnation,
Esploratóre, explorator, scout, Espulsióne, s. f. expulsion,

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Esténdere, to extend, to stretch
out, to open, to spread.
Estendere, to reach, to go.-
La mia vista non s estende tanto,
my eyes don't reach so far.
Estendere, to extend, to in-
large or dwell.-Non m'estendo
a dir più sopra questo soggetto, I
don't dwell or talk any longer
upon this subject.
Estensióne, s. f. extension,
stretching.-Estensióne, ex-
tension, extent.
Estensivo, adj. extensive, that
reaches far.

Esténso, adj. extended, stretch

ed. Obs. Estenuare, to extenuate, to make thin or lean. Estenuatívo, adj. lessening, that

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Etéreo, adj. ethereal, belongstrange, fo-Eternále, adj. eternal. ing to the air. reign, of an- Eternalmente, adv. eternally, Eternamente,

Esterminazione, s. f. ruin, de- Estráneo, adj.
struc- Estránio,
Estráno, Sother country.

Estermínio, s. m.

tion, extermination.

Estérno, adj. external, outward. Estersivo, adj. abstergent, cleansing.

Estéso, adj. extended, stretch

Fsternamente, outwardly, ex- Estraordinário, adj. extraordi- Eternáre, to eternize, to make ternally. Estrárre, to extract, to draw Eternitá, s. f. eternity, ever nary, unusual, uncommon. eternal. or pull out. Estratto, s. m. extract, chemi- Etérno, adj. eternal, everlastlastingness, infinite duration. cal extract.-Estratto,abstracting.db eterno, from the be or abridgement of a book.-ginning.-Etérno, s. m. what draught of a writing.-Es- costui l'eterno, you carry away Estratto, an extract, copy or is eternal.-Tu te ne porti di tratto, adj. extracted, drawn, along with you this man's or taken out. continually. soul.-Eterno, adv. eternal,


Estesamente, extensively. Estimare, to estimate, to value, to rate. Estimare, to believe, to look upon, to reckon.Estimare, to ponder, to consider, to examine. Estimativa, s. f. discerning faculty or judgment. Estimatore, esteemer, prizer, valuer, appraiser or rater. Estimatrice, feminine of Estimatóre. Estimazione, s. f. estimation, rating, opinion, esteem, judg


Estimo, s. m. tribute, custom, tollage, tax, gabel, a subsidy to be levied according to men's estates.

Estinguere, to extinguish, or
root out, to abolish, destroy,
or exterminate, to quench, to
put out.

Estinguibile, adj. quenchable.
Estinguiménto,s. m. extinction.
Estinguitóre, a destroyer.
Estintivo, adj. that is apt to
Estinto, adj. extinguished,
quenched. Estinto, dead.
Estinzióne, s. f. extinction.
Estirpaménto, s. m. extirpa-


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Estravagante, adj. extrava-
Estravagánza, s. f. extrava-


Eteróclito, adj. extravagant, unsuitable. Eterogéneo, adj. heterogenial, heterogeneous, of a different nature, kind or quality. nouns are such as have one Nomi eterogénei, heterogenial ber, and another in the plugender in the singular num


Etésie, s.f. pl. north-winds that blow constantly every year for forty days together, in the dog-days.

Estrazione, s. f. extraction. ly, very much. Estremamente, adv. extremeedge, brink or border of a Estremità, s. f. extremity, end, thing.-Estremità, extremity, estremità, to be a dying-Esmisery, distress.--Essere all tremità, extreme, excess.-Passure d'una estremità ad un' altra, to pass from one extreme to Estrémo, adj. extreme, last, or another. utmost.-Estrémo, extremity, extreme.Essere all' estremo of death.-Tutti gli estremi son della vita, to be at the point Estrémo, extremity, necessity, viziosi, all extremes are vicious. distress. Estrínseco, adj. extrinsical, that is on the outside, exterior. Estro, s. m. poetic rage, inspir-Etnico, adj. ethnic, pagan. Evacurmento, s. m. v. Evacua, Etra, c. Etera. Poetical. zióne.

ed fury.
Estuazione, s. f. burning heat.


E'sula, s. f. an herb so called.
Esulceraménto, s. m. v. Esul-


Esulceráre, to make or cause
Esulcerazione, s. f. exulcera-

E'tica, s. f. moral philosophy, Eticamente, adv. morally. ethics.Etica, a hectic fever. E'tico, adj. hectic, consump Etimologia, s. f. etymology. tive. cal. Etimológica, adj. etymologietymologies. Etimologizzáre, to seek for Etimologista, etymologist.

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Facidánno, adj. mischievous,

Fácile, adj. easy, facile.
Facilità, s. f. easiness, facility,

Fabbricazióne, s. f. the act of
making or building.
Fabbricúccia, s. f. dimin. of
Fabbrile, adj. belonging to
smiths, or to any manual art. Facilitáre, to facilitate, to make
Fábbro, s. m. a smith.-Il fab- easy or facile.
bro adusto, Vulcan.-Fabbri di Facilmente, adv. with ease, ea-
Vulcano, the Cyclops.Fabbro, sily.
forger,contriver.-Fabbri siam| Facìmále, s. f. a mischievous
noi delle miserie nostre, we are boy.
the cause of our own misfor-


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Eucaristía, s. f. eucharist.
Eucarístico, adj. eucharistical.
Evenimento, Obs. 2 event, suc-
Evénto, s. m.
Euforbio, s. m. a kind of poi-
son extracted from a tree
called euforbius.
Fabulóso, adj. fabulous, feign-
Eufrasia, s. f. an herb so called, chimerical. Obs.


Evvía, prithee! come, come!
Evidénte, adj. evident, clear,
manifest, plainly made out:
Evidenza, s. f. evidence, de-
monstration, plainness, proof.
Evisceráre, to eviscerate, to
Evisceratóre, he that evisce-


Evitábile, adj. evitable, avoid-

Evitáre, to evite, to avoid, to
shun, to escape.
Evitatóre, he that avoids.
Evizióne, s. f. eviction, a con-
vincing either by argument
or law.
Funúco, s. m. an eunuch.
Evoé, an acclamation to Bac-

Euro, s. m. the east-wind.
Európa, s. f. Europe, one of the
four parts of the world.
Eziandío, adv. also, even.-
Eziandio che, adv. even that,

Fábula, s. f. fable, tale, story.


Faccénda, s. f. business, thing,


Faccendiére, s. m. a man of
business, a busy-body.
Faccenduóla, s. f. ) a small bu-
Faccendúzza, Ssiness, an
affair of no great conse-


Faccénte, adj. active, busy.
Faccétta, s. f. a little face, a
small side. Lavorare un dia-
mante a faccette, to cut a dia-

Facchináccio, s. m. a mean
sordid fellow.
Facchinería, work for a por-
ter, a mean thing fit for a

Facchino, a porter-Facchino, a pitiful or base fellow. Fáccia, s. f. face, visage.-Faccia, appearance, outside, likelihood, probability, show. Faccia, side, front, fore-front. -Faccia, a page of a sheet. Far faccia, to grow bold and impudent, to dare.-Non aver faccia, to be ashamed.-Dire in faccia, to tell or maintain to one's face, before his face. -In faccia, to one's face. In faccia, over against.-Faccia a faccia, man to man, face to face.-Voltar faccia, to turn the head, to face. Facciata, s. f. front, fore-front. Fabbrica, s.f.building, edifice, Faccidánno, v. Facidanno. structure, fabric.-Fabbrica, a Facciuóla, the eighth part of shoper workhouse.--Fábbrica, a sheet of paper.


Facimento, s. m. the act of doing or making. Obs. Facimento del mondo, the crea

tion of the world.


Facímola, s. f.
Facímola, s. in. Obs. both.
Facínoroso, facinorous, villan-
ous, wicked.
Facitojo, adj. feasible.
Facit'ore, s. m.2 a maker, or
Facitrice, s. f. $ doer.
Fácola, s. f. link. Obs.
Facoltá, s. f. power, faculty,
virtue,talent. Fucoltà, riches,

Facoltoso, adj. rich, wealthy.
Facondaménte, adv. eloquent-

Facóndia, s. f. eloquence, facundity.


in speech.

Facondità, s. f. eloquence, facundity.

Facóndo, adj. eloquent, fluent, facundious.

Facultà, s. f. power, faculty,
possibility, talent.---Faculta,
riches, wealth.-Facultà, pri-
vilege, concession, grant,

Facultóso, adj. rich, wealthy.
Fádo, adj. sot, foolish, silly.

Faggétto, s. m. a place full of

Faggio, s. m. beech tree.
Fagiano, s. m. a pheasant.-
Guastar la coda al fagiano, to
leave out the best of a thing.
Fagiuoláta, s. f. foolishness,
silly thing.

Fagiuólo, s. m. kidney bean,
or French bean.
Fagotto, s. m. a bundle of

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Falcare, to bend or make crook-Faldellina, ed.

Falcáre, to deceive, to beguile, to cheat.-Falcare, to defalk, to deduct.


f. dim. of


Faldíglia, s. f. hoop-petticoat.
Faldistóro, s. m. à great chair
bishops make use of when at

Falimbello, a fellow that is
Falegnáme, carpenter.
waggish, apish, wanton, full
of play.

Falcastro, s. m. a hook, bill, a
great scythe or sickle.
Falcato, adj. hooked, crooked
like hooks or scythes.-Carr
facati, chariots armed with
hooks and scythes.
Falcatóre, s. m'a man ancient-
ly armed with a scythe in Fálla, s. f. fault.
Fálce, s. f. a scythe or sickle.-Falláce, adj. fallacious, deceit-
Fallábile, adj. fallacious. Obs.
Metter la falce nelia biuda al- ful.

waggish, or silly boy. Falimbellúzzo, a little wanton,

tri, to meddle with other Fallaceménte, fallaciously. people's business.-Falce, har-Fallácia, s. f. fallacy, deceit, vest time.-Falce,the bowing guile or fraud. part of a horse's leg. Falcétto, s. m. a small scythe Fallaggio, s. m. fallacy, guile. or sickle. Falchetto, s. m. a young falcon. Falciáre, to mow. Falciáta, a blow with a scythe. Falciatore, a mower. Falciatrice, fem. of Falciatore. Falcinello, s. m. a bird so called

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cious. Obs.
Fallánte, adj. deceitful, falla-
crime. Obs.
Fallánza, s. f. fault, error,
do amiss, to err.-Falláre, to
Falláre, to fail, to offend, to
miss, to fail-Di poco fallò ch'
io non cadessi, I was very near
to fall.-Fulláre, to omit, to
leave off.

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Falsáre, to falsify, to forge or counterfeit, to adulterate. forger, false dealer, false witFalsário, falsifier, impostor, ness, false coiner. Falsatóre, corrupter, spoiler, Falsatrice, fem. of Falsatore. falsifier. terfeit, to adulterate. Falseggiare, to falsify, to counFalsetto, s. m. a false treble in

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music. Falsezza, s. f. falsity, falsehood, untruth. falsifying, adulterating, counFalsificaménto, s. m. the act of terfeiting.

Falcióne, s. m. a scythe or bill
to cut bushes.
Falciuóla, s. f. a little scythe.
Fálco, v. Falcóne.
Fálcola, a candle. Obs.
Falcolótto, s. m. a taper. Obs.
Falconáre, to hawk.
Folconcello, s. m. dim. of Fal-Fallibile, adj. fallible, that may


Fallatóre, transgressor, offen-
Fallénte, der. Obs.Fal-
Fallenza, s. f. fault, error,
lente, adj. failing, frail. Obs.
crime. Obs.


Falsificáre, to falsify, to coun-
terfeit, to forge, to adulterate.
Falsificatrice, she that falsifies.
Falsificatóre, e falsifier.
Falsificazióne, falsification.
untruth, lie, tale, imposture.
Falsità, s. f. falsity, falsehood,
forged, counterfeited, falsi-
Fálso, adj. false, not true,
fied.-Falco,false, treacherous,
feigned, unfaithful.-Falso,
il falso, to tell a lie.-Mettere
s. m. falsehood, falsity.-Dire
false step.-Falso, adv. false,
il piede in falso, to make a

Falsúra, s. f. falsity, falsehood.

Fálta, s. f. fault, defect, want,
of money.
lack.-Falta di moneta, want

Falcóne, s. m. hawk, falcon.- Falligióne, s. f, error, fault. Falcone gentile, a kind of hawk. Fallimento, fault, error, failFalconeria, s. f. falconry, the ing.—Fallimento, bankruptcy. art of man ging hawks. Falconetto, s. m. a young fal-offend or transgress.-Fallire, Fallire, to fail, to sin, do amiss, con or hawk.-Falconetto, a piece of artillery so called. to fail, mistake, or be out Falconiére, s. m. falconer, one fail, to baulk one, to disapFallire, to miss.-Fallire, to who manages and looks after point him.-Fallire nelle sue the hawks. Fálda, s. m. any kind of fold designs.-Fallire, to become intraprese, to miscarry in one's or plait of a garment, also a flake of snow, a lock of wool, break, to turn bankrupt.-tare di cuore, to be disheartenextinct, to fail.-Fallire, to Faltáre, to want, to lack-Fala bush of hair, a handful of Fallire, s. m. error, offence, ed.-Faltare nel suo disegno, to flax.--Falda, skirt, border, crime, misdeed, trespass. hem-Falda di cappello, the Fallitóre, s. m. transgressor, nulla, I want nothing. miss one's aim.-Non mi falta brim of a hat.-Fulda del tarsetto, the skirt of a doublet. Fáma, s. f. fame; report, re--Folda del monte, the side of nown, bruit, rumour, coma hill. Faldáta, s. f. a great many folds fama, there was a report. is a report, they talk.-Fu mon talk.-Corre fama, there or plaits. Famáre, to celebrate, to di


Fállo, s. m. fault, error, tres-
pass, misdeed, crime, sin,
sion.-Verrà senza fallo, he will
oversight, mistake, transgres-
come without fail.--Togliere

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Fáme, s. f. hunger, appetite. Aver fame, to be hungry.Fame, dearth, scarcity-Feder la fame in aria, to be very hungry.

a boy.--Fanciullo, young,

new, green.

a foot-soldier-Il fante, knave at cards.

Fanciullúzzo, s. m. a little boy. Fanteggiáre, to serve like a Fandónia, s. f. a lie, an untruth. servant, to wait or attend Fanello, s. m. a linnet. upon as a maid. Obs. Fanfalúca, s. f. spark.-Fanfa-Fantéllo, s. m. dim. of Fante. luca, a whim, whimsey, a Fantería, s. f. infantry, foot. Famélico, adj. hungry. maggoty fancy. Fantésca, maid-servant, wait. ' Famiglia, s. f. family-Fami-Fanfano, adj. vain, silly. ing-woman, hand-maid. glia, house, kindred.-FamiFanticélla,) glia, serjeants, bailiffs, catchpoles.-Famiglia, a troop or company.

Fanferína, s. f. jest, raillery, bantering, jeering, jesting Fur la fanferina, to play the fool, to banter. Tornare in fanferina, to make a jest of a thing.

Fantaccíno, a foot soldier. Fantajo, a fellow that follows

Famigliaccio, a degrading aug. mentative of Famiglio. Famigliare, s. m. a domestic Fangáccio,s.m. augm.of Fango. servant. -Famigliare, a fol-Fanghiglia, s. f. slough, puddle. lower.-Famigliare, a bailiff, Fángo, dirt, clay, mire.-Uscir a catchpole-Famigliáre, adj. | del jungo, to get out of trouble, familiar, intimate. to get off-Far delle parole Famigliaresco, adj. familiar. fango, to break one's word. Famigliarità, s. f. familiarity, Fangóso, adj. dirty, muddy, Intimacy. miry. Famigliarménte, adv. familiar- Fangótto, s. m. Obs. v. Fagotto. ly, freely. Fantáccia, an idle kitchenFamiglio, s. m. servant.-Fa- wench. miglio, a catchpole, a bailiff. Famigliuola, s. f. a small family. Familiáre, v. Famigliare. Famosamente, adv. publicly, openly. Famosità, s. f. fame, renown. Famoso, adj. famous, renowned. Famúccia, s. f. little stomach, or appetite. Fanále, s. f. the lanthorn or light of a ship; also a moon, a kind of lanthorn. Fanático, adj. fanatic. Fancellezza, s. f. youth, young age. Obs. Fancello, s. m. a youth, a boy.


Fanciulláccio, s. m. a boy, a young man. Fanciullággine, s. f. youth, young age, youthful days. Fanciullája, s. f. a great many boys together, a company of boys and girls. Fanciulla, s. f. a girl, a lass;


Fantasía, s. f. fancy, imagination. Fantasia, fancy, opinion, sentiment. Fantasia, fancy, maggot, frolick, caprice, whim, whimsey.-Fantasia, fancy, mind, humour, desire. Ho altra fantasia, 1 have something else in my head.

Fantasiaccia, s. f. great fancy, strong imagination. Fantasiáre, v. Fantasticare. Fantásima, s. f. phantom, viFantásma, s. m.sion, spirit, ghost, spright, phantasm. Fantasticaggine, whim, caFantastichería, price, freak, frolic, maggot, foolish fancy. Fantasticamente, adv. fantastically.

also a whore.

Fanciullería, s. f. puerility,

childishness. Fanciullescaménte, adv. child

ishly. Fanciullésco, adj. childish. Fanciullétta, s. f. a young girl. Fanciullétto, s. m. a youth, a young boy. Fanciullezza, s. f. youth, young age, youthful days.-Fanciul lézza, childish action or deed. Fanciullina, s. f. a young girl. Fanciullino, s. m. a young boy. Fanciullo, 5. f, a child, a youth,


Fantasticáre, to devise, to imagine, to fancy, to rove in

one's mind.

Fantasticatóre, a man that is
always thinking deep.
Fantasticatrice, fem. of Fan-
Fantástico, adj. imaginary, fan-
tastical.-Fantástico, fantasti-
cal, humoursome, capricious,
whimish, whimsical, odd.-
Un fantástico, a fantastical


Fánte, man servant. -Fante, s. f. woman-servant, servantmaid.-Fante, man, person.

Fante, child, boy-Fante,

a, young servant-naid. Fanticino, s. m. dim. of Fante. Fantilità, s. f. infancy, childhood. Obs. Fantinería, s. f, malice, knavery, roguery, roguish trick. Fantinézza, s. f. infancy, childhood. Obs.

Fantino, an infant, a boy, a lad.-Funtíno, adj. malicious, crafty, cunning. Fantoccería,s.f.childish action. Fantoccino, dim. of Fantoccio. Fantóccio, s. m. a simpleton, a booby, a blockhead-Fantóccio, a puppet. Fantoccióne, augmentative of Fantóccio.

Fantolíno, a child, a boy, a lad. Farchétola, s. f. a teal, a waterfowl so called. Farciglióne, s. m. a water-fowl, so called.

Fárda, s. f. spittle, catarrh, Farda, filthiness. Fardággio, s. m. carriage, baggage, luggage, goods. Fardáta, s. f. a blow given with a filthy rag or some other such thing. Fardellétto, dim. of Fardello. Fardellino, S Fardello, s. m. a truss, a bundle.

Far fardello, to pack away. -Far Fardello, to make up into a bundle.

Fáre, to do, to make, to act. Fare, to cause, to bid, to command, or order.-Gli fece tagliar la testa, he caused his head to be cut off-Fate che vengu da me, bid him come to me.-Fare, to concern, to import, to matter, to signify. Che vi fa egli che venga o non venga? what is it to you if he comes or not?-Fare, to play, to personate, or act like, to set up for.-Fare le carte, to deal at cards.-Fare, to suit with, to become, to be proper, to fit-Questo non fœ per

me, this won't do for me. Aver molto a fare, to be very busy.-Far sapere, to let one know.-Far esercizio, to use exercise. Non ne ho a fure, I


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