صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

have no need of it.-Farsi, to approach.-Fatevi a me, come near me.-Farsi alla finestra, to look out of the window. -Farsi alle scale, to come upon the stairs-Farsi alla porta, to go to the door.iver a fare con uno, to deal with one.Aver a far con una donna, to know a woman, to enjoy her. Tre mesi fa, three months ago. Una settimana fa, a week ago. Farsi a credere, to think, to believe.-Fare, to appear, to rise. Al far del giorno, at the break of day.Alfar del la notte, in the dusk of the evening-Fare, (joined to an adjective or to a substantive, it takes their signification.) ex.-Far onure, to honour.Far difesa, to defend one's self. -Far fede, to testify, to shew, to witness.-Far lontano, to remove, or send away, to drive away. Far bello, to set off, to adorn, embellish, beautify. Far forte, to fortify, to strengthen-Furgrazia, topardon, to forgive.-Far nido, to nestle.-Fare spendio, to spend, to consume.-Far a' pugni, to box-Far lamenti, to complain-Fur uno dottore, to give one the degrees of a doctor.--Farsi discorde, to disagree. Fur noja, to tire, to be troublesome.-Far ajuto, to help, to assist.-Far martine, to make one suffer martyrdom-Farsi beffe, to laugh at, to ridicule, to jeer or banter. Far foce, to disembogue itself. Far fine, to end, to finish. Far menzione, to mention.Far diritto, to do justice.-Far bene, to succeed, to thrive. Far male, to hurt, to do harm. -Far sua voglia d'uno, to dispose of one. Non fa forza, Stis no matter.-Far motto, to mention, to speak ofFur vista, to dissemble, Far sembiante, to pretend as if, to show.Fatti con dio, go about your business.-Fare a meti, to go halves. Far vela, to set sail, to sail-Far alu, to halt or make a halt.-Peny jatlo, to happen, to come t pass, to fall out.Se mi vien Jutto, if I have an opportunity.-Fur popolo, to assemble.

hur testa, to cope with, to oppose, or resist. Far faccia, to grow impudent, not to be

ashamed.Far bocca da ridere, to smile.-For chiaro, to clear up-Farla ad uno, to play one a trick, to cheat him.-Fur i pampani, to pull off the superfluous leaves or young shoots of a vine.-Far l'erba, to mow.-Fure, to be enough. Fare, to crack or flaw, as walls do.

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to set sail.-Fa vento, the wind blows.-Fare il paolo, to be a pimp.-Far vita, to live-Far vita stretta, to live niggardly-Far vita regoluta, to live regularly.-Far vista, to feign, to pretend as if.Far vivo, to revive, to bring to life again.-Far voglia, to induce, to entice.-Far la vog lia altrui, to comply with another's desire.-Far sua voglia, to do as one pleases. Faréa, s. f. a sort of serpent. Farétra, s. f. a quiver for ar


Faretráto, adj. wearing a qui


Farfalla, s.f. a butterfly.
Farfalletta, s. f.dim. of Far
Farfallina, s. f.
Farfallino, s. m. S

falla. Farfailóne, s. m. tale, story, fib, idle story.-Fare un farfallone, to make a great blunder or mistake.

Questo muro ha fatto, this wall is cracked.-Fare, to be. La luna fece jeri, o farà domani, it was new moon yesterday, or will be new moon to-morrow Fur le forche, to feign, to dissemble.-Fare una bravata, to chide, to threaten. -Far caldo, to be hot weather.-Far freddo, to be cold weather-Fur capo, to draw to a head.-Far capo ad uno, to have recourse to one. Far belle le piazze, to cause disturbances.-Far all' amore, to make love.—Far il giorgio, to give one's self airs, to strut, to walk proudly along.-Far del grande, to take state upon one's self.-Far calandrino, o 'i grosso legnojuolo, to make one believe that the moon is made of green cheese.-Fare il callo, to grow hard, to contract or get an ill habit.-Far le fusu torte, to cuckold.-Far fare uno, to cheat one.-Far_caso, to make account of-Fare a pennello, to do exactly.-Fare osteria, to keep an inn-Fare il conto senza l'oste, to count the chickens before they are hatched.-Fare la quaresima, to keep lent.-Fare le none, to Fariséo, s. m. Pharisee, and prevent one.-Fareuna predica, metaphorically, a sad dog, a to admonish-Fare schermo, to scoundrel. defendone's self.--Furescudo,to | Farlingótto, adj. barbarous, cover, to defend.-Far sera, to rude, churlish, clownish. pass away one's time.-Fri Farmácia, s. f. pharmacy. sera, to draw towards night. |

Far fette contro uno, to conspire against one.-Fare sfor20, to endeavour, to do one's best.-Fare sicurtà, to bail, to be bail for.-Fare siepe, to inclose, to shut up, to hedge in. -Ogni prun fa siepe, every little serves.-Fare silenzio, io he quiet.-Fire un sonno, to take a nap.-Far le spese ad uno, to keep one, to maintain him.Farsi lard, to grow late.-Fa torto, to wrong, to injure. Fur trappole, to lay snares. -Far vago, to charm, to make desirous.Farvedere, to show, to make one see-Far cela,

Fárfaro, s. m. foal-foot, horsefoot or ground pepper. Farina, s. f. meal of any grain. Fior di farina, flour.-Questo non fa farina, this is not profitable, this won't do.-Tu non sei farina da cialde, you are a cunning blade Farinaccio, s. m. a bone to play _with, like a dye. Farinácciolo, adj. that which easily breaks or crumbles. Farináceo, adj. farinaceous, mealy.

Farinata, s. f. a kind of hasty pudding.

Farmaco, s. m. drug, medicine, remedy, medicinal composition."

Farneticáre, to dote, to rave, to talk idly, be out of one's wits. Farnetichezza, s. f. dotage, Farnético, s. m. folly, madness, delirium, the fran tic or idle talk of people in a fever.-Farnetico, adj. delirious, light-headed, raving. Fárnia, s. f. a kind of oak. Fáro, s. m. phare, watch-towtower, or light-house. Farrágine, s. f. mixture of sundry grains sown in the same place, a medley of several

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Farricello, dim. of Farro.
Farro, s. m. a kind of bread
corn between wheat and bar-


Fastidio, s. m. fastidiousness,
weariness, molestation, dis-
taste, loathing, heaviness,
trouble, disquiet.-Aver in fas-
tidio, to loath, to disdain.-
Esser in fustidio, to be trou
blesome.-Fastidio, nastiness,
filthiness, nasty thing.
Fastidiosaggine, s. f. aptness to

Farsa, s. f. a farce, a droll.
Farsáta, s. f. the lower part of
a doublet.
Farsettáccio, s. m. an old rag-
ged doublet.
Farsettajo, s.m. doublet-maker. Fastidiosamente, adv. tedious-
Farsettíno, s. m. a little dou-ly, in a tedious manner.
Fastidiosétto, adj. somewhat
troublesome or importun-

Farsetto, s. m. a doublet, a kind

of waistcoat.

dim. of Fascio.

Farsettóne, s. m. a large dou-
Fáscia, s. f. a band, a swath-
band or fillet, a head-band.
-Fascia, the outside of the
bark of a tree. Obs.-Fascia,
infancy, or childhood. Obs.
Fasciare, to bind or tie with a
fillet.-Fusciare, to environ, to
surround, to encompass.--
Fasciare un bambino, to swad-


Fastidióso, adj. tedious, impor-
tunate, wearisome, tiresome,
troublesome.- -Fastidioso,
nice, dainty, hard to please,

ship, labour.-Con gran fatica,
with much ado.-Fatica,
work, labour.-Quest è mia
fatica, this is
tica, wages, reward.-lo vog-
lio le mie fatiche, I will have
my wages, I'll be paid for my
work.-Durarfitira nel cam-
minare, to walk with a deal
of difficulty.

Faticabile, adj. tiresome, toil-
some, troublesome, laboriou
Faticáccia, s. f. heavy labour.
Faticáre, to tire, weary, or
fatigue, to harass.--Fulicare
to work, to labour.
Fatichévole, adj. laborious, that
works hard, industrious.
Fatichevole, laborious, painful,
hard, toilsome.
Faticóso, adj. laborious, pain-
ful, hard, difficult, toilsome.
Fastidíre, to loath, to nauseate, Fatiga, v. Fatica. Obs.
to be disgusted at.-Fastidire, Fatigabile, v. Fatichevole. Obs.
to weary, to tire, to be te-Fatigáre, to weary, to tire, to
vex or trouble.
Fato, s. m. fate, destiny.-Che
giova nelle fata dar di cozzo?
what signifies to go against
destiny-Ma poichè era ne'
fati, but since it was destined.
-Chi muta lato, muta fato, who
changes place, changes con-

Fastidiúme, s. m. a world of
vexations or troubles.
Fastígio, s.m. the top or height.
Fastigióso, adj. proud, haugh-

Fasto, s. m. pride, vanity,
vain glory, ostentation, vain
show, pomp.
adv. vainly,
haughtily, with ostentation,
pompously, disdainfully.
Fastóso, adj. proud, stately,
vain-glorious, haughty, self-

dle a child. Fasciatello, dim. of Fascetto. Fasciatúra, the binding ligature.-Fasciatura, a truss. Fascina, s. f. a faggot, fascine or bavin. Fascinata, s. f. a fence of bavins. Fascinazione, s. f. fascination, bewitching. Fáscino, v. Fascinazione. Fáscio, s. m. bundle, packet. Fata, s. f. an ideal Goddess or Fascio di paglia, a truss of female being, not easily destraw. Fascio di chiavi, bunch fined in English. Common of keys.- -Fascio d' erba, a in our lyric romances. bunch of grass.-Far fascio d' Fatagióne, s. f. the being ogni erba, to confound or mix chanted or invulnerable. together, not to distinguish Fatále, adj. fatal, fated, orderthe good from the bad.-Fased, appointed by fate. cio, burden, load, weight- Fatalità, s. f. fatality, fate. Fascio, a mixture.-Andare in Fatalmente, adv. fatally, by fascio, to go to wreck, to be order of the destiny. Fatáppio, s. m. a kind of bird destroyed. so called.-Fatáppio, a stirring, unquiet, restless boy. Obs.

Fatta, s. m. sort, kind, manner,
fashion, make.-Ve ne sono di
tute le fatte, there are some of
all sorts-Essere in su la fätta,
to be after a thing, to be do-
ing it.

Fattaménte, adv. effectively, in
reality, in effect, really.-St
fattamente, in such a manner,


Fasciuóla, s. f. dim. of Fascia.
-Fasciuolo, s. m. a little hur-
dle or faggot.
Fastelláccio, s. m. a large fag-
got or fascine.

Fastellétto, dim. of Fastello.


Fastéllo, s. m. faggot, truss,
Fastellóne, augm. of Fastéllo.
-Fastellóne, à tall, ill-shaped


Fastidiáre, to molest, to trou-
bie, to disturb, vex, disquiet.

in-Fattevóle, adj. feasible, that
may be done. Obs.
Fattezza, s. f. feature, linea-
ment, shape, proportion of
-Fattezza, shape, fa-
shion, manner.
Fattía, s. f. Obs. v. Fattura.
Fattibéllo, s. m, paint.-Mel-
tersi il fattibello, to paint one's

Fatáre, to appoint by destiny,
also to charm.-Fatáre, to
render invulnerable.--Fata-
taménte, adv. by order of

Fatato, adj. destined, decreed
by destiny.--Fatato, charm-
ed, invulnerable.
Fatatúra, s. f. invulnerable-


Fatica, s. f. fatigue, toil, hard

Fattibile, adj. feasible, that
may be done.
Fatticcio, adj. lusty, robust,
strong, well-limbed-Fattic-
cio, factitious, artificial. Vino

fatticcio, adulterated wine.
Fatticcióne, adj. very well
limbed, very strong.
Fattivo, adj. efficient, acting,
Fattizio, adj. artificial, artful,
counterfeit, falsified.

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Fátuo, adj. stupid, insensible. Fava, s. f. a bean.-Fava, vote. Pigliare due colombi ad una fava, to kill two birds with one stone. -Fava, pride, haughtiness, presumption. Faváceo, adj. fabaceous. Favagéllo, s. m. celandine. Faváta, s. f. foolish pride, presumption.Facata, a mess made of broken beans, or of

Fatto,s.m. fact,act,deed,action. -Andare pe fatti suoi, to go about one's business.-Venire al fatto, to come to the fact.Fatto d'armi, feat, exploit, achievement, battle, fight, combat.-Futto, a great thing, a wonder. Fun gran fatto di vederci, 'tis a wonder to see you.-Fatto, behaviour, carriage, deportment, demeanour.-Futto, fact, case, mat-! beans-meal. ter, point, business.Fatto, the person of whom speaks.-Ho inteso parlare molto male de' fatti vostri, I heard speak very ill of you-Prendere in sul falta, to take in the fact.-Tanto fatto, so big, so large, showing the large ness with one's hand-Un pomo così fatto, an apple so large.- -Di fatto, in effect, really.-Dal detto al fatto v'è un gran tratto, to say, and to do, are two things.-Fatto, adj. done, made.-Uomo fatto, a full-aged man, a grown man.-Una donna ben fatta, a comely, handsome, wellshaped woman-Fatto, ripe in season. Fatto, with the addition of sì, or così, such, in such a manner or kind.Non ne troverete un altro si fatto, you won't find such another.

Fattojáno, he that works in an

Fattojo, s. m. a place to grind
olives, an oil-mill.
Fattore, s. m. doer, maker.-
L'alto fattore, God.-Fattore,
a boy, a servant, a lacquey.
-Fattore, an agent, a stew-
ard-Fattore, an apprentice.

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Fauci, s. f. pl. the throat, the gullet-pipe, Esser ale fauti della morte, to be at the point of death. Favélla, s. f. discourse, speech, speaking. Favella, language, idiom, tongue, or speech. Tener la favella ad uno, not to speak to one. Favellamento, s. m. reasoning, discourse, speech. Favelláre, to speak, to talk, to discourse. Favelláre in su! | quanquam, to talk gravely and eloquently.-Favellare con la bocca piccina, to speak civilly.


-Favellare con le muni, to. strike.--Favelláre senza barbazzale, to speak rashly, without respect.Favelture, per cerbottana, to speak by a third person. Favelláre come gli spiritati, to speak by another's mouth.-Favelláre, s. m. discourse, speech.

Favellatore, he that talks.
Favellatrice, she that talks.
Favellío, s. m. prating.
Faverélia, s. f. pottage made of
broken beans.
Favilla, s. f.a spark of fire.
Favilla,a bit, a small piece, the
least thing.
Favilláre, v. Sfavillare.
Favilétta, s. f. a little spark.
Favillo, s. m. splendor, bright-

Fattore, a top.

Fattoressa, a steward's wife.
Fattoria, s. f. factorship, stew-

Fattorino, a boy, a shop-boy.
Fattucchiéra, a witch, a charm-


ness. Obs.
Favillúzza, s. f. a little spark.
Fauméle, s. m. a honey-comb.


Faúno, s. m. Faun, or sylvan

Favo, s. m. honey-comb.
Fávola, s. f. a fable, a story, a
tale or fiction.-Esser favola
al popolo, to be the common

Fattucchieria, s. f. witchcraft.
Fattura, s. f. fashion, make.
Fattura, fashion, making.
Futtúra, advice, counsel, se-
duction, seducing-Fattura,
witchcraft, charm.-Fattára,
invoice, a particular of the
goods sent to or by a mer-
Fatturato, adj. bewitched, Favolatrice, fem. of Favola-

Favoláre, to tell tales.
Favolatore, v. Favoleggia-




Favoleggiare, to make or tell stories.-Favoleggiare, to ban ter, to jeer or laugh at. Favoleggiatore, a teller of tales and stories.

Favoleggiatrice, fem. of Favolegiatore.

Favolésca, 9. f. spark, any light burnt thing, or paper flying in the air. Favolésco, adj. fabulous, Favólico, Obs. fictitious. Favolóne, s. m. a maker or teller of tales and stories. Favoloso, adj. fabulous. Favolúzza, s. f. a little story or fable. Favoméle, Favóne, Favónio, s. m. zephyr, Favonius, west wind. Favoráre, to favour, counte nance, help, back, assist, or befriend. Obs. Favoratóre, a favourer, abettor. Obs.

s. m. honeycomb.

Favore, s. m. favour, kindness, benefit, good office, courtesy, benevolence.-Col favore, by the favour, means, help.Letlere di favore, recommendatory letters.

Favoreggiare, to favour, to as-.
sist, to protect, to befriend.
Favoreggiatore, favourer.
Favorétto, dim. of Favore,
Favorevole, adj. favourable,
propitious, gracious, kind.
Favorevolmente, adv. favour-

Favorire, to favour, help,
countenance, assist, back, be-
friend.—Mi favori ca, do mé
the favour.Favorito, adj.
favoured, countenanced,help-
ed, assisted.Favorito, fa-
vourite, darling, dearly be
loved.-Favorito, s. m. favour-
ite, minion.
Favoritóre, a favourer, an
Fausto, adj. fortunate, pros-
perous, propitious, lucky.
Fautóre, favourer, abettor.
Fautrice, fem. of Fautore.
Favúle, s. m. a field where
beans have been sown.-Fa-
vúle, the stalks of beans.
Fazionáto, adj. disposed,
placed, situated.
Fazióne, s. f. shape, mien, look,
countenance, feature, linea-
ment, presence.--Fazione,
fasion, manner, way.-le-

Fatuita, s. f. stupidity, insen-Tavoleggevolmente, fabulous-zione, oppression, imposition, sibility.

tax, burden.-Fasióne, duty.

Fégato, s. m. the liver.
Fegatóso, adj. that has the
liver over-heated.
Félce, fern.

Felcequercína, s. f. oakfern or
Felciáta, s. f. cream cheese
served in a frail of green
Féle, v. Fiele.

Felice, adj. happy, lucky, fortunate, blessed.- -Felice voi, happy you. Di felice memoria, of blessed memory. Felicemente, happily, luckily. Felicità, s. f. happiness, felicity, blessing, prosperity. Felicitáre, to felicitate, to make happy.

Féllo, adj. fell, cruel, wicked. Fellóne, adj. felonious, direful, cruel, wicked.-Un felione, a felon, a very wicked man. Fellonescamente, adv. cruelly,

¿Essere in fazione, to be upon | Fecóndo, adj. fertile, fruitful,
duty-Fazione, action, en-
gagement.Fazione, party,
faction. N. B. The word
fazione ought to be avoided
in writing, as it is but a poor

Fazioso, adj. factious, seditious,


Fazzoletto, s. m. handkerchief.
Fe', s. f. (contracted from fede)


copious, teeming.
Fede, s. f. (una delle virtù teolo-
gali) faith.-Fede doctrine,
religion, persuasion.-Fede,
(giuramento) faith.-
In fede, faith, upon my
Alla ferle, faith.-Fede, faith,
trust, assurance, word, pro-
mise, parole-Fede, affection,
love, friendship, cordiality.
Fede, sincerity, honesty, in-
Febbrájo, s. m. February. tegrity, ingenuity. Servar
Febbre, s. f. an ague or fever. fede, to be faithful or true to.
-Febbre continua, a continual-Fede, credit, faith, belief,
fever.-Febbre quartana, a
trustDar fede, to give
quartan ague,-Febbre terza credit, to believe.-Fede, as-
na, a tertian ague.
surance, proof, or testimony.
Febbrétta, s. f. a little fever. -Di buona fè, truly, sincere
ly, candidly.-Un uomo di
buona fede, an honest man.-
Vomo degno di fede, a credible
Febbricitante, adj. aguish, that
has an ague upon him.
Febbricitáre, to be troubled
with a fever or an ague.
Febbricóne, s. m. a great, vio-
lent fever.
Febbricoso, adj. aguish, that
has an ague upon him.
Febbrífugo, s. m. febrifuge,
an ague powder.
Febbrile, adj. of or belonging
to a fever or ague.
Febbróso, aguish, feverish.
Febrúzza, a little fever.
Febre, . Febbre, and all its

S. f. dim. of

Feccia, s. f. dregs.-Tirar il vino
dalla feccia, to rack wine.---
Facia, excrement, ordure.-
La feccia de! popolo, the dregs
of the people, the mob, the
scum of the people,
Fecciája, s. f. the hole of any
vessel where they put the
spigot or cock for the dregs
to come through.
Feccioso, adj. dreggy, fall of
dregs.feccioso, importun-
ate, troublesome, imperti-
Dent, loathsome, filthy, hasty.
Fecondamente, adv. fruitfully,
Fecondáre, to fructify, to make


Fedecommessário, o Fedecom-
missário, feoffee, he who is treacherously, rascally.
infeofled, or to whom a feoff-Fellonésco, adj. felonious,
ment is made.
wicked, bad, cruel.
Fedecommésso, o Fedecom- Fellonéssa, an ill, wicked, fe-
mísso, adj. committed to the lonious woman.
care of one to be disposed to Fellónia, s. f. felony, wicked-
a certain use.-Fedecommesso, ness, cruelty, barbarity, in-
s. m. feoffiment.
Fedecomméttere, to feoff, to Fellonosamente, adv. felonious-
ly, wickedly, rascally, cruel-


Fededigno, adj. worthy of
faith, trust or credit, credible.
Fedéle, adj. faithful, loyal,
trusty, true, honest.-Fedele,
faithful Christian.Fedele,
friend, beloved, dear.--Fede!
mio caro, my dear friend.
Fedelità, . Fedeltà. Obs.
Fedelmente, adv. faithfully,
loyally, honestly.-Fedelménie,
faithfully, truly, sincerely,

Fedeltá, s. f. fidelity, faithful-
ness, loyalty, honesty, inte-
grity, sincerity.
Federa, s. f. tent-cloth.-Federa,
a pillow-case.
Fedimento, s. m. a wound.

Fedíre, to wound, to hurt, to
strike. Obs.

fertile or fruitful.
Fecondatore, that makes fer-
tile or fruitful.
Fecondatrice, fem. of Fecon-
Fecundia, s. f. fertility, fruit-Fédo, adj. filthy, foul, nasty,
fulness, copiousness.Freon dirty, loath.ome, stinking.
dia, eloquence, v. Facondia. Obs.

Pedita, s. f. a wound. Obs.
Fedità, s. f. filthiness, nastiness,
dirtiness, stench.
Feditóre, he that wounds or

Fecondita, s. f. fertility, fruit- Fegatella,s. f. liverwort (herb.)
fulness, copiousness, teeming-Fegatello, s. m. a bit of liver



Fellonóso, v. Fellone. Obs.
Félpa, s. f. plush, shag.
Feltráre, to filtrate, to strain

Feltréllo, s. m. a small cloak
made of felt.
Féltro, s. m. felt.-Feltro, a
cloak or riding-cloak made
of felt.

Felica, s. f. felucca, a small
Felúcca, vessel used in the
Fémmina, the female. Some
Italians write etymologically,
Femina; but following the
Crusca as well as pronuncia
tion, I write it with two m's.
-Femmina, a woman.-Fem-
mina, wife, a married woman.
-Femmina, a whore.-indare
alle femmine, to go a whoring.

Femmina comine, a whore, a strumpet.--Femmina di partito, a mercenary woman.-Fem-. mina del mondo, a common whore.

Femminaccia, a large woman, a big nasty woman, a fat woman of the town.

Femminacciolo, he that loves a woman's company, a whore

monger-Femminacciólo, adj. effeminate, soft, womanish.

Ferétro, s. m. a bier, a coffin.
Féria, s. f. a festival, a holiday.
Femminále, adj. feminine, be--Far feria, to rest, to keep
longing to the women.
Femminella, s. f. a poor little

woman, a common woman.

⚫ Femmíneo, adj. feminine, be-
longing to the women.
Femminescaménte, adv. wo-
manishly, like women, weak-
ly, effeminate.
Femminésco, adj. womanish,
woman-like, wanton, effemi-


Femminetta, a poor silly woman, a miss, a wench. Femminézza, s. f. the female sex, or which is natural to


Femminiéra, s. f. a multitude
of women. -Femminiéra, a
place where many women
resort together.
Femminile, adj. feminine, be-
longing to women.
Femminilmente, adv. woman-
ishly, woman-like, weakly,

Femminino, adj. feminine, wo-
manish, belonging to women.
Femminóccia, a thick-set and
pleasing young woman.
Femminuccia, s. f. a despic-

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Fendere, to cleave, slit, split or
cut, to rive.-Fendere, to se-
parate, to sever, to part.-
Fendere, to grub up, to plow.
Fendersi, to cleave, to break
asunder, to split, to slit.-Fen-
dersi, to crack.-Fendersi, to
chop, to gape, to chink.-
Questo sorta di legno non si fende
mai, this sort of wood never

Fendimento, s. m. slit, chop,
cleft, crack, chink.
Fenditojo, s. m. a cleaver.
Fenditúra, s. f. slit, cleft, crack,
chink, rift.
Feneratóre, an usurer. Obs.
Fenéstra, v. Finestra.
Fenice, s. f. phoenix, a fabu-

lous bird.
Feniciótto, s. m. a young phœ-


Fenile, s. m. a hay-loft.
Fenómeno, s. m. phenomenon.
Féra, s. f. a wild beast.
Feráce, adj. fertile, fruitful.
Ferále, adj. mortal, deadly.
Feralmente, adv. cruelly, fierce-
ly, brutishly.


[Feriále, adj. common, ordina-
ry.-Vestimenti feriali, every
day's clothes.
Ferialmente, adv. plainly, or-
dinarily, commonly, honest-
ly, downright, ingenuously.
Feriáto, adj. vacant.-Giorno
feriato, a half-day or festival.
Feridóre, v. Feritóre. Obs.
Ferigno, v. Ferino.
Ferimento, s. m. the act of
striking and wounding.
Ferino, adj. wild, savage, mon-
strous, fierce, of the nature
or quality of a beast.-Ferino,
cruel, barbarous, rude, inhu-


Ferire, to wound.-Ferire, to
strike, to hit, to smite, to
give upon.-La barca feri
sopra lido, the boat struck
upon the shore.
Feristo, s. m. the middle post

to stay, to pause, to rest, to
stand still.

Fermáta, s. f. the act of stop-
ping, the act of pausing.
Fermentáre, to ferment, to
Fermentazione, s. f. Į ferment,
Fermento, s. m. leaven

or yeast, fermentation. Fermezza, s. f. firmness, steadiness, constancy, courage, resolution, stedfastness.--Fermézza, firmness, hardness. Férmo, adj. firm, fast, fixed, still.-Star fermo, to stand still. -Fermo, enclosed, shut up.Fermo, firm, steady, constant, stedfast, unshaken, resolute.

Fermo, stable, firm, constant, durable, lasting.-Fermo, resolved, determined.-— Con viso fermo, with a grave countenance..Fermo, firm, hard, compact.-Terra firma, the firm land or continent.Canto fermo, plain singing.Notte ferma, the dead time of the night. Fermo, contracted from fermato, stopped.-S'era fermo, he had stopped.-Fer Ferità, s. f, fierceness, beastli-mo, s. m. bargain. ness, wildness, savageness, cruelty, inhumanity.

of a tent.

Feríta, s. f. a wound, a hurt, a'


s. a loop-hole, a

Féro, adj. fierce, cruel, stern. Feróce, adj. fierce, terrible, courageous, stout, valiant, hole in a fortress's wall. brave, resolute, bold, daring. Feritóre, he that wounds. -Feróce, cruel, barbarous, inFérma, s. f. engagement, obli- human.-Feróce, dreadful, gation, promise, time. Fer- horrid, frightful, terrible, horma di soldati, a recruit.-Fer- rible.-Feróce, rough, rugged, mu, set.-Bracco da fermu, a hard, sharp. setting-dog-Ferma, confirm-Ferócia, s. f. fierceness, boldation.--Ferma, covenant, an ness, daringness, cruelty. agreement, a contract. Ferocità, s. f. fierceness, cruelFermaglio, s. m. clasp or ty, boldness, valour, courage, latch. fierce nature.

Fermaménte, adv. firmly, stea-
dily, stoutly, stedfastly.-Fer
mamente, certainly, truly, ve-
rily, indeed, for certain.
Fermaménto, s. m. the firma-
ment, the sky,
Fermamento, s. m. establish-
Fermánza, s. f. Sment,con-
firmation, settlement, settling.
-Fermánza, bail, security.
Fermáre, to stop, to stay, to
arrest, to hold fast.-Formare,
to conclude, to determine, to
confirm, to establish, to
strengthen, to fortify, to
make good.-Fermare il patto,
to conclude, to bind a bar-
gain.-Fermare, to resolve a
thing, or upon a thing, to
determine it, to come to a
resolution,Fermarsi, to stop,

Ferráccia, s. f. a sea fish with a poisonous sting in the tail.

Ferráccio, s. m. bad and useless

Ferragosto, s. m. the first day
of August.
Ferrajo, s. m. a farrier.
Ferrajuólo, s. m. a cloak.-Fer
rajuólo, an iron-smith.
Ferraménti, s. m. plur. tools or
instruments of iron.
Ferrána, s. f. a mixture of
sundry grains sown together.
Ferráre, to bind about with
iron-work-Ferrare un cavallo,

to shoe a horse.
Ferráta, s. f. a window with
iron bars.
Ferráto, adj. done with iron,
shod, tipped, wrought, cover-

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