صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

ed with iron-Ferrato, hardhearted,inexorable, inflexible. Lancia ferrata, a lancetipped with iron.-Mazza ferrata, a club covered with iron. Ferratóre, s. m. a farrier. Obs. -Ferratore, an iron-smith. Ferratúra, s. f. iron-work, ironing-Ferratúra, the shoeing of a horse.--Ferratúra, the footing of a horse. Ferravecchio, s. m. a seller of old stuff, a broker. Férreo, adj. of iron, of the nature and quality of iron. Ferrería, s. f. a heap or quantity of iron tools. Ferrétti, s. m. pl. all manner of little iron or tags, any small iron tools. Ferretto da stringhe, the tag of a lace. Ferriata, v. Ferrata. Ferriéra, s. f. a farrier's pouch. -Ferriéra, an iron mill or forge.Ferriéra, an iron


Ferrigno, adj. of the nature and quality of iron, hard, intractable, wrought with iron, of iron.-Color ferrigno, iron colour.


Festeggiare, to feast, to divert, to make merry, to solace, to banquet-Festeggiare, to solemnize, to celebrate. Festeggio, s. m. hilarity, jocun

dently, with zeal.
Férvido, adj. fervent, hot,
eager, vehement, full of zeal.
Férula, s. f. ferula, cane or reed.
Fervóre, s. m. heat.-Il fervore
del sole, the heat of the sun.-_dity, feasting.
In su'l fervore del giorno, in the Festerecciamente, adv. like a
middle of the day-Fervóre. holiday, as if it was a holi-
fervour, fervency, earnestness, day.
vehemency,great zeal,warmth Festeréccio, adj. holiday, of
of spirit.
the holidays.-Fanni festerecci,
Sunday's clothes.-Giorno fes
tereccio, a holiday.
Festevóle, adj. merry, gay.
joyful, pleasant.
Festicciuola, s. f. a little feast
or holiday.

Fervoróso, adj. fervid, hot, ve-
hement, eager, zealous.
Ferúta, s. f, wound,

2 Poeti


Ferúto, adj. wounded.
Férza, s. f. whip, scourge..
Ferza, heat.- -Alla ferza del
sole, exposed to the sun.
La ferza del di, the middle of
the day.

Ferzáto, adj. whipped.
Férzo, s. m. v. Ferza. Obs.
Féscera, s. f. bisony or wild


Fésso, s. m. slit, chop, cleft, rift,
crack, chink,Fesso, adj.
cleft, slit.

Fessolíno, s. m. a little cleft or

Fessúra, s. f. a chop, slit, clift, Ferro, s. m. iron. Ferro, tool. rift, chink, crack. -Ferro, arms, as sword, dag- Fésta, s. f. a festival, a holiday. ger-Ferro di cavallo, a horse--La festa di natale, Christmasshoe.-Venire a' ferri, to come day-Festa, joy, mirth, deto the fact-gazar i ferri, light, pleasure, content, gladto whet the wit.--Non mi ness-Festa, caresses, great crocchia il ferro, I am not demonstration of kindness.afraid, I don't want courage. Ricevere con festa, to make one Meltere a' ferri, to chain, to welcome. Far festa a qualcheclap in irons. duno, to use one kindly-FesFerrugino, v. Ferrigno. ta, feast, entertainment, banFerrizzo, s. m. a small iron quet.-Far festa, to feast, to banquet, to revel. -Festa, fairing-Guardar la festa, to keep the holiday. Far festa, to make a holiday, not to work.-Dar festa, to give a holiday.-Far la festa ad uno, to dispatch one, to kill him. --Conciare uno pel di delle feste, to pay one off, to thrash him, to warm his hide.-Ogni | di non è festa, every day is not Sunday. Festánté, adj. merry, gay, cheerful.

Férsa, v. Ferza.
Fertile, adj. fruitful, plentiful,

Festichino, adj. a light green

Festinánza, quickness, haste,
celerity. Obs.

Festináre, to hasten, or quick-
en. Obs.
Festinataménte, adv. hastily,
quickly. Obs.
Festinazióne, s. f. celerity, haste,
quickness. Obs.
Festino, s. f. feast, entertain-
ment, ball-Festino, adj.
quick, hasty, speedy. Obs."
Festivamente, adj. solemnly,

Festivo, adv. festival, solemn.
Giorno festivo, a holiday.-
Abiti festivi, Sunday's clothes.
-Festico, joyful, merry,
pleasant, jocund.
Festo, adj festival, solemn.
Festone, s. m. feston, a kind of
great garland made of green
boughs or branches, hung at
church doors, and altars, on
the celebration of solemn ho-



Fertilezza, s. f. fertility, fruit-
fulness, plenty,
Fertilmente, fruitfully, abun-
dantly, plentifully..
5. f. a little wild
Fervénte, adj. hot, burning
hot, boiling-Fervente, fer-
vent, hot, vehement, eager,
Ferventemente, fervently.
Ferventézza, s. f. fervour, heat.
Fervenza, o. Fervezza.
Fervere, to be hot, to be ex-
ceeding hot.
Fervezza, s. f. heat, fervour.
Ferugine, v. Ruggine.
Fervidamente, fervently, ar-

Festánza, v. Festa. Obs.
Festáre, to make or keep holi-
day, to feast, to banquet.
Festeggevole, adj. feasting,
merry, cheerful.
Festeggiamento, s. m. joy,
Festeggiante, adj. merry, gay,


Festosetto, dim. of Festoso.
Festoso, adj. merry, gay, cheer-

Festúca, s. f. fescue, straw,
Festúco, s. m. Smote.
Feténte, adj. stinking.
Fétere,to stink, to smell strong.
Fetidaménte, adv. stinking.
Fétido, adj. stinking, fetid.
Fétido, ugly, nasty, filthy.
Feto, s. m. fœtus, the young of
all kinds of creatures when
in the womb.
Fetóre, s. m. stink, stench.
Fetta, s. f. slice, cut.-Una fetta
di pane, a slice of bread.
Fettolina, s. f. dim. of Fetta.
Fettúcia, —Fettuccia, s. f.
Feudále, adj. feudal, belong-

ing to the manor. Feudatário, s. f. feudatory, he who holds any lands, not in chief, but by some conditional tenure.

Feúdo, s. m. feud, fee, fief. Fi, s. m. Obs. v. Figlio. Fià, s. f. v. Fiata.Fia, instead of sia, be, let it be. Fiúba, s. f. a fable, an idle tale, a silly story. Fiacca, s. f. noise. Fiaccamente, adv. weakly, faintly, with weakness. Fiaccamento, s..m. a break, a fracture, a bruising. Fiacture, to break, to bruise, to destroy.-Fiaccarsi il collo, to break one's neck.-Fioccare, to weaken, to make weak, to enervate, to debilitate. Fiaccáto, adj. poor, miserable, unhappy, ruined. Fiacchetto, somewhat tired. weakened, or feeble. Fiacchézza, s. f. weariness, faintness, lassitude, weakness, feebleness.

Fiacco, adj. weak, feeble, faint, languishing, tired, weary.Ficco, broken, debilitated, weakened. fucca collo, hand over head, headlong. Fiaccola, s. f. torch, link, flam

beau, taper.

Fiadóne, s. m. a honey-comb.

Fiala, s. f. vial, bottle, glass


File, s. m. honey-comb.
Fiamma, s. f. flame.-Fiamma,
splendour, light.-Fiénma,
fire.-Fiamma, a blush-Fi-
ámma, amorous flame, love,
passion. Mettere a fuoco ed à
fiamma, to burn, to destroy
Fiamma di vascello, o di galea,
streamer, flag, wimple.
Fiammánte, adj. flaming, burn-
ing, blazing. Questo cappello
ė nuoco fiammante, this hat is
bran new.
Fiammáre, to flame, to glitter,
to shine.
Fiammasálsa, s. f. a kind of
dry itch proceeding from
salt humours.
Fiammeggiante, adj. shining,
blazing, glittering.
Fiammeggiare, to glitter, to
shine, to be bright.-Fiam-
meggiare, to flame, to burn.
Fiammella, s. f. a little flame.
—Fiammélla, splendour, light,
Fiammésco, adj. burning, flam-


Fiammétta, s. f. a little flame.
Fiammífero, adj. that brings
flames or flashes.
Fiammolina, dim, of Fiamma.
Fiammóre, s. f. inflammation.

Fiancáta, a blow or thrust in,
the flank.
Fiancheggiare, to support, to
back, to assist.
Fianco, s. f. flank, side.
Fiaucúto, adj. broad-sided.
Fiandróna, a harlot.
Fiare, s. m. honey-comb. Obs.
Fissea, s. f. a Alagon or bottle.
Fiascáccio, s. m. a bad flask,
an ill-shaped huge flask.
Fiascijo, s. m. a tagon-maker.
Fiascheggiare, to buy wine by
flasks, as poor, people do in

Fiaschetta, s. f. a small fla-
Fiaschetto, s. m.)
gon or

Fiasco, s. m. a bottle, a flask.
Fiascóne, s. m. a huge flask.
Fiáta, s. f. time.Una fiata,
once--Due fiate, twice.-Tre
fiate, three times.-Spesse fuite,
often, oftentimes.
Fiataménto, s. m. breath.
Fiatánte, adj. that breathes.
Fiatáre, to breathe.-Fiatáre,
to speak-Non ardisco fiotare,
I dare not open my mouth.
Fiaténte, adj. stinking. Obs.
Fiáto, s. m. breath-Fiáto, a
breath of wind, a gentle gale,
a breeze-Fiáto, stink or
stench.-Fiato, voice, word.

Fito, person, man or wo-
man.-Hella sua famiglia non
sono rimasi che tre fiati, there
are but three left alive in bis
family.-Fidto, adv. nothing.
Non mangio fiato, I eat no-

Fiatólo, s. m. a tenant who
rents a house or land. Obs.
Fiatóre, s. m. stink, stench.

Fiatóso, adj. that has a stinking
breath. Obs.

Fiavo, s. m. honey-comb. Obs.
Fibbia, s. f.

Fibbiáglio, s. m. buckle,clasp.
Fibbiále, s. m.

Fibbiáre, v. Affibbiare.
Fibbietta, dim. of Fibbia.
Fibbiettína, dim. of Fibbietta.
Fibra, s. f. fibre, filament,

Ficaccia, s. f. a bad fig.
Ficája, s. f. the fig-tree.
Ficcábile, adj. that may be
driven or thrust in.
Ficcaménto, s. f. thrusting or
driving in.

Ficcáre, to pitch, to drive or
thrust in, to stick.-Ficcar gli
occhi in qualche cosa, to fix one's
eyes on something.-Ficcarsi
sorto o innanzi, farsi innanzi, to
introduce one's self, to get, to
creep in, to enter boldly.
Fiecar carote, to make one
believe what is not true.
Ficcatúra, s. f. the act of
driving, or thrusting in.
Ficheréto, a grove of fig
Fichéto, trees.
Fico, s. m. a fig-trce-Fico, a
fig.-Fichi fiori, the first figs
that come in May.--Fichi
secchi, dried figs.-Fico, a dis-
ease in horse's fect.-Cercare i
fichi in vettu, to undertake any
difficult thing.

Fico d'egitto, sycamore-tree.
Fida, s. f. a meadow or other
land sold or secured to feed

Fidagióne, s. f. trust, confidence, surety, warrant, gua➡


Fidánza, s. f. confidence, trust,
hope.Sotto fulanza, with
promise-Fidanza, guarantee,
bail, security.-Dur fidanza,
to give bail.
Fidanzare, to warrant, promise,
or pass one's word.-Fidan-
zure, to betroth, to promise

Fidáre, to trust one with.-Fi-
dare i bestiami, to take cattle
in a field at so much a week.
to feed in.-Fidarsi, to trust
to, to rely, or depend upon.
Fidáta, s. f. the oath of alle-
Fidataménte, adv. confidently,
upon trust.

Fidáto, adj. trust, confident,
Fidecommesso, v. Fedecom-.
Fidenza, v. Fidanza. Obs.
Fido, adj. faithful, confident,


Fidúcia, s. f. confidence, trust, hope.

Fiducialmente, adv. confident-
ly, boldly.

Fiébole, adj. weak, feeble.
Fiebolezza, s. f. weakness,

Fibroso, adj. fibrous.
Fibula, s. f. a buckle or clasp. feebleness.

Fiedere, to strike, smite, beat,


or wound. Fieditóre, Obs. v. Feritóre. Fiele, s. m. gall.Non aver fiele, to be good natured.-Di cattivo fiele, evil-minded, surly.

to son.

Figliuolánza, s. f. filiation,
sonship, descent from father

to son.


Filáre, to spin.-Filare dell' oro, dell' argento, to wiredraw gold or silver.-Filare, to rope; said of some liquors.Far filure uno, to make one do what you please.-Torre a fi lare per dare a filare, to neglect one's own business to do that of others.-Filare, s. m. a row. Filastrocca, s. f. an old Filastroccola,woman's story, a tale of a tub,

Figliuólata, thy daughter. Obs.
Figliuolétto, little child or
Figliuolino, son.
Figliuolmo, my son.
Figliuolo, a child, a son.
Figliuolóne, a big son.
Figliuolto, thy son. Obs.
Figménto, s. in. fiction, inven- | Filatéra,
tion. Obs.
Fignere, v. Fingere.
Fignoláre, to grieve, to be

Fignolo, s. m. an infirmity of
the skin, so called."
Figo, Fico. Obs.
Figúra, s. f. figure, shape, fa-
shion, form.-Figura, picture,
statue, figure.-Figúra, figure,
signification, figurative sense.

Fienája, a scythe. Used also
as an adj. to Falce.
Fienále, adj. belonging to hay.
Fiengréco, s. m. fenugreek.
Fienile, s. m. a hay-loft.
Fieno, s. m. hay.-Non è tempo
di dar fieno a oche, it is not
time to play.
Fienogréco, v. Fiengreco.
Fiéra, s. f. a wild beast.
Fiera, a fair, or public mart.
Fieraménte, adv. cruelly,
Fierézza, s. f. fierceness, cruel-
ty, inhumanity.
Fierità, v. Ferità.
Fiéro, adj. cruel, savage, wild,
unmerciful, horrible, fright-
ful, prodigious, wonderful,
excessive, stupendous.-Fiero,
proud, haughty, stout, auda-
cious, high spirited, fierce.
Fiero, bad, unpleasant, sad,
loathsome.Fiero, lively,
mettlesome, quick, vivacious. Figuráccia, s. f. an ugly figure.
Fierúcola, v. Ferucola.
Figurále, figurative, mystical.
Fiévole, adj. feeble, weak, Figuralmente,adv.figuratively.
faint.-Voce fievole, a faint

-Figúra, a mathematical figure.Figúra, rhetorical figure.-Poniam figura, for example, let us suppose. Figurábile, adj. figurable, that can receive a form, or shape.


a tale of a cock and a bull.-
Dire delle filastrocche, to talk

Filatéria, s. f. phylacteries,
scrolls of parchment in which
the ten commandments were
written, worn by the Phari-
sees on their arms publicly.
Filatéssa, s. f. confused thread.
Filatíccio, s. m. silk gotten
from the pods having been
broken through by the worms,
and reduced to thread.
Filato, s. m. thread.-—Filato,
adj. spun.

Filatójo, s. m. a silk-mill.-Fi
latojo, a spinning-wheel.
Filatóre, he that spins.
Filatrice, a spinster.
Filettáre, to adorn with small
gold thread, or other shining


Figuraménto, s. m. figure.
Figuráre, to figure or repre-
sent.-Figurare, to fancy, to
imagine.-Figurare, to be a
figure of, to express.-Figu-
rare, to describe, to repre-
sent.-Figurúre, to perfect, to
finish.-Figuráre, to call to
memory, to call to mind, to

Filétto, s. m. small thread.--
Filetto, a snaffle, a kind of
small bridle.-Filetto, a line
that keeps a net tight.
Filiale, adj. filial.
Filiazione, s. f. filiation, son-
ship, descent from father to


Filice, v. Felice. Obs. figurative- Filiéra, s. f. a wire-drawing iron.

Figurativamente, Sly.
Figurativo, adj. figurative.
Figúrato, adj figured-Canto
figurato, music set in all its

Fievolezza, S. f. weakness,
feebleness, faintness.Fievo
lézza, frailty, weakness.
Fievolità, v. Fievolezza.
Fievolmente, adv. weakly,
faintly, slightly.
Fifa, s. f. a young peacock.
Figgere, to fix, to drive, to
thrust in Figgere il chiodo,
to make a resolution.
Figliare, to bring forth the
young ones.—— -Figtiáre, to
bring forth, to produce.
Figástra, a daughter-in-law.
Figliástro, son-in-law.
Figliaticcio, adj. apt to pro-
duce, productive, apt to bear
fruit or branches.
Figliatúra, s. f. delivery, the
bringing forth of a child.
Figlia, a daughter.
Figlio, a son, a child.
Figlioccino, dim. of Figlioccio._gether.
Figlióccio, god-son.
Figlioccia, god-daughter.
Figliuóla, a child, a daughter.
Figliuoláccio, a bad son.-Fig-
liuolaccio, a boy tall beyond
his years, and clumsily made.
Figliuolággio, s. m. filiation,
Sonship, descent from father

Figurazione, s. f. imagination,
fancy, figure.
Figurétta, s. f. a little figure.
Figurettina, dim. of Figuretta.
Figurina, a little image.
Filà, s. f. row, file-Alla filu,
adv. one after another-re
volte alla fila, three times to-

Filaccia, strings, filaments,


Filalóro, he that draws gold in
thin threads over silk.
Filamento, s. m. filament,
thread, string.
Filándra, s. f. filanders, a dis-
ease in hawks.

Filiggináto, v. Filigginoso.
Filíggine, s. f. soot.
Filigginóso, adj, sooty, full of


Fílio, v. Figlio. Obs.
Fillirea, s. f. a plant so called.
Filo, s. m, thread.-Filo di perle,
a rope of pearls.-Filo di ferro,
wire.-Flo d'oro, filo d'argen❤
to, gold or silver wire-Filo,
line.-Filo, manner, fashion,
way, custom.Non aver filo
di nessuno, to be afraid of no-
body.-Mettere uno in sul suo
filo, to put one in his right
way.-Flo, edge. Mandare a
fil di spada, to kill with the
sword.-Fil di paglia, a straw.
-Fil di pane, two or three
loaves of bread sticking to-
gether,-Andur pel filo, to de

a thing against one's will.And r pel filo della sinopia, to do a thing warily.-Vederla filfilo, to look at a thing too narrowly-Filflo, adv. very often. Per filo, exactly.Filo a filo, thread by thread. -Filo, nothing, not one bit. -Non ne ho un filo, I have not a bit of it.-Filo delle reni, the back bone, the spine. Filogo, v. Filólogo. Obs. Filologia, s. f. philology, the study of humanity, skill in the liberal arts and sciences. Filologo, philologer. Filoména, s. f. philomel, a nightingale. Poetical. Filondénte, s. m. a kind of linen cloth.

Filóne, s. m. the chief vein of mineral mine, the stream or current of the water.

cluding.-Punto finale, a full
stop--Causa finale, final cause.
Finalmente, adv. finally, at last,

Finaménte, adv. finely, wittily,
ingeniously, cunningly, crafti-

Fináre, to end, to finish, to
make an end.-i ciarlare mai
non fina, she talks for ever.-
Findre, to discharge, or give a
discharge, a receipt.-Finato,

ended finished.
Finattánto, until, until that.
Finchè, until, as long as.
Fine, s. m. end.---Gimgere al
fine, to come to an end-Fine,
end, scope, aim, design, in-
tention. A fine, to the end.
A che fine, why, to what
purpose, for what reason.-
Stare in fine, to be a dying

Filónio, s. m. an anodyne elec- Fine, an acquaintance or re-
tuary so called.
Filósaro, v. Filosofo. Obs.
Filosofále, adj. philosophical.
Filosofánte, philosopher.
Filosofáre, to philosophize.
Filosofástro, asmatterer in phi-
Josophy, a bad philosopher.
Filosofeggiáre, v. Filosofare.
Filosoféssa, a she philosopher;
generally used in a burlesque
Filosofía, s. f. philosophy.
Filosoficamente, adj. philoso-

Obs.-Finita, s. f. finity, the
opposite of infinity.
Finitamente, adv. with finity,
not with infinity.
Finitívo, adj. the opposite of
infinitive, that ends.
Finítimo, adj. bordering upon,
close, near to, bounding
Finito, adj. finished, ended,

Finitúra, s. f. the act of finish-
ing, of accomplishing.
Fino, adj. fine, pure, good.-
Fino, prep. til, until, as far
as, as long as to.-Fin addesso,
till now. Fin a Roma, as far
as Rome. Fin ch' io vioa, as
long as I live-Fin del tempo,
from, from the time. Fin
dal primo di, from the very
first day-Fio, even, also.
-E'un uomo di tanta bontà, che
fino a' suoi nemici sono forzati
stimarlo, he is so good a man,
that even his enemies have a
value for him.
Finocchino, dim. of Finocchio.
Finécchio, s. m. fennel, fennel-
seed.-Foglio la mia parte fino
al finocchio, I will have my
share to a farthing.-Esservi
come il finocchio nelle falsicce,
to stand for a cypher-1-
nocchio porcino, hog's fennel.

Finta, s. f. dissimulation, dis-
guise, feint.—For finta, to pre-
tend to show.-Finta, a feint
in fencing.

ceipt. Toccare della fine, to make an end of a discourse. -Fine, intention.Io l'ho fatto a buon fine, I did it with a good intention.Alla fine, at last. Fine, adj. v. Fino. Fineménte, adj. finely, perfectty, ingeniously, curiously. Finéstra, s. f. a window.-Finestra, an eye.-Finéstra, entrance, entry, avenue.-Fi-Finóra, till now. nestra, a sash window. Finestráto, adi. full of windows. Finestrella, s. f.dim. of FiFinestretta, s. f. Finestrino, s. m. Finestrone, s. m. a large window. Finestrúcolo, s. m. Finestrúzza, s. f. Finzióne, s. f. fiction, invenwindow. tion.--Fuzione, fiction, lye, Finceza, s. f. fineness-Fine-story, de ice, cheat. , politeness, civility.-Fnezzu, guile, craftiness, wile, subtilty, slyness. Fingere, to feign, to devise, to contrive, to forge, to invent. edge,gere, to feign, to dis-ocagione. C

Filosoficáre, v. Filosofare.
Filosófico, adj. philosophical.
Filósofo, philosopher.
Filosofuólo, a puny shallow
Filosomia, 5. Fisonomia.
Filugello, s. m. silk gotten from
the pods broken through by
the worms.

Filanguello, e Fringuello.
Filuzzo, s. m. small thread.
Filza, s. m. a row.--Un filza di
perle, a row of pearls.
Fimbria, s. f. hem, skirt,


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a very S small

Fintamente, adj. feignedly. Finto, adj. feigned, counterfeitedFinto, dissembling, disguised.

Tio, s. m. fec, feud, ficf, fendal tenure-Pager il fo, to pay acar for.-Me ne pagherai il fo, you shall pay for it. Liccaggine, ? s. f. hoarseness.


Fiacca, s. f. v. Fiocco.
Fioccare, to snow.

semble, to pretend, to make Fiocamente.adv. weakly, faint-
as if, to counterfeit.
Fingiménto, s. m. dissimula-
tion, disguise, feint.
Pinvitére, a dissembler.
Finimento, e. Finitúra.
Fir3mondo, s. m. destruction,
ruin. Burlesque.
Finimordóne,s. m. a great ruin,
a great misfortune. Burlesque.
Finire, to end, to finish.-F-
wire, to end, or to have an end.
Finire, to die.
Finita, s. f. end, conclusion.

Ficcco, s m. a flake of snow.
---Fiocco, tassel, bush, tuft,
lock of hair.-Un abito coi
foce, a very fine suit of
clothes-Focco, a label, or
pendants of a bishop's mitre,
-Fare it salle det fucco, to be

Fiochetto, dim. of Fioco.
Fiochézza, s. f. hoarseness.

that grows

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Fiorráncio, s. m. marigold. Fiósso, s. m. the inferior parts of the heel. Fióttola, s. f. v. Flauto. Obs. Fiottáre, to float, to wave as in a storm.

Fiotto, s. m. wave, surge, flood, tide-Fiotto, crowd, throng, press, multitude.--Il fiotto della morte, the last gasp of death.

Fiócina, s. f. a spear with two points or prongs. Fiócine, s. f. a grape stone. Fioco, adj. hoarse.Fioco, weak, faint, feeble-Lume fico, a dim glimmering light. -Voce fioca, a faint voice. Fionda, s. f. a sling to throw stones with. Fioralíso, s. m. a sort of flower so called. Fiorcappuccio, s. m. a kind of Fiottóso, adj. floating, hulling. blue flower Firmamento, s. m. the firmaamongst corn. ment, the sky. Fiordaliso, s. m. lily.-Fiorda- Fisaménte, adv. earnestly, atliso, fleur-de-lis. tentively, fixedly.-Fisamente, Fiore, s. m. flower, bloom or deep, deeply.-Dormir fisublossom-Essere in fiore, to mente, to sleep soundly. blossom.-Fiore, the dew that Fisáre, to fix one's eyes. fruits have on them in the Fiscale, adj. fiscal. morning-Esser ne fiore dell' Fiscale s. m the baron of the eta, to be in the lower of age. exchequer.Avocato fiscale, -Fiore, maidenhead, virgini- the king's attorney-general. ty.-Fiore, dregs of wine-Fiscella, s. f. a wicker basket Fiore, flower, choice, what is through which the whey runs best of any thing.Fur de while the cheese is pressed. latte, the cream of milk. fischiare, to whistle, to hiss, Fior di farina, flour, the best whiz. of meal.-Fiore, musiin.Fiore, the ornaments of a bridle-Essere in jure, to be in a flourishing condition to prosper. Fiore, adv. nothing at all, a bit, a little.Se tu mi volessi un fior di bene, if you loved me a little.-Non ha pioputo fiore tutta questa settimana, it has not rained a bit all this week. Fiorellíno, Fiorello, Fiorétto, primavera, the daisy flower-Fior di rame, verdigrease. Fior d'ogni mese, the marigold flower.-Fir di carde, the runnet that turns milk.

to look attentively, to gaze, to look stedfastly. Fissióne, s. f. the act of fixing or thrusting in. Fisso, adj. fixed, steady, settled -Le stelle fisse, the fixed stars. Fon ha dimora fissa, he has no settled abode.-Fisso, destinated, allotted.-Fisso, firm, steady, unshaken, resolute, determined, resolved. Fistélla, s. f. a wicker-basket, a curd-basket.

Fischiata, s. f. v. Fischio.
Flochiatore, whistler.
Fischio, s. m. a whistling, a
hiss.-Fischio, a whistle.
| Fisco, s. m. fisque, a prince's
treasure or exchequer.
Fisica, s. f, physics, natural

Fis.engine, s. f. whimsey.
Fisicale, adj. physical, bélong-
ing to physic. Obs.
diminutives of Fisicáre,to devise, to invent, to
Fiore.Fior di | imagine, to feign, to fancy.Ob.
Fisicino, Obs. physician,
doctor or

Fiorente, adj. blossoming,
blooming.-Fiorente, flourish-
ing, prosperous. -Stato fio-
rente, a flourishing condition.
Fiorino, s. m. florin, a coin so

Fiorire, to blossom, bloom or
blow. Fiorire, to grow hoary
or grey. Fiorire, to flourish,
to prosper.-
-Florire, to fill
with flowers.
Fiorito, adj. blossomed, blown.

professor in physic.-Fisico,
adj. physical, belonging to
natural philosophy, or the art
of physic.
Fisicóso, adj. fantastical, hu-

moursome. Obs.
Fisima, s. f. fancy, maggot,
frolic, caprice, whim. Obs.
Fisiom inte physiognomist, one
skilled in physiognomy.

iso, adj. attentive, intent,
bent upon.-Fiso, adv. atten-
tively, heedfully, earnestly.
Fisófolo, philosopher. Bur-

fisonomia, s. f. physiognomy.
Fiorito, chosen, elected, the Fisonómico, adj. belonging to
best.-torita, the prime of physiognomy.
age. -Barba fiorita, a white | Fisonomista, physiognomer,
beard.bito pordo, clothes one skilled in physiognomy.
quite new. -Pasqua fiorila, Fissamente, adv. attentively,
carefully, fixedly, earnestly.
Fioritúra, s. fbloom.
Fissáre, to fix one's eyes upon,

Fistéllo, s. m. v. Fistola. Obs.
Fistellóso, adj. pitted, full of
small holes left by some fis-
tulous distemper. Obs.
Fistiáre, v. Fischiare.
Fistiáta, v. Fischiata.
Fistiatóre, v. Fischiatore.
Fistierélla, v. Chiurlo.
Fístio, v. Fischio.
Fístola, s. f. fistula, a kind of


Fistoláre, to grow to a fistula.
-Fistoláre, fistular, fistulous.
Fistolazione,the act of growing
to a fistula.

Fistolo, s. m. the devil.
Fitone, s. m. an imaginary
devil that goes into people,
and makes them guess. Bur-


Fitonéssa, feminines of Fi
Fina, s. f. dirt, mire, mud.-
Filia, stitch, a sort of inter-
mittent pain.

Fittajucio, a farmer, a tenant.
Fittamente, adv. teignedly.
Fittereccio, adj. paid for rent,
and it is said of money
Fittivamente, adv. feignedly,

Fittivo, adj. feigned, invented, formed, fashioned. Fittiziaménte, adv. fictitiously. Fittízio, adj. fictitious, fabulous.

Fitto, s. m. rent. Rincarimi
il fitto, let him do his worst.
Dare a fitto, to iet.-Fitto, adj.
pitched, drove, thrust in,
stuck. -Fitto, struck, run
through-Fitto, thick,crowd-
ed. ·Seminar filto, to sow
thick.- -Fitto, feigned, dis-
sembled. -Fitto meriggio,

Fittone, s. m. great root of any
Fittuário, v. Fittajuolo.
Fiumále, adj. belonging to a

Fiumána, s. f. a river, a great
Fiumára, Sriver.

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