صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Franto, adj. broken. Franzése, adj. French. Frappa, s. f. lappet, jag, notch. Frappáre, to cut, to gash, to jag, to snip off-Frappare, to cheat, to cozen. Frappatore, s. m. a cheat, a sharper; also a boaster. Frappeggiare, to draw foilage. Frapporre, to lay across, to intermeddle, to interpose.-Senza frapporci dimora alcuna, without any delay. Frapposto, adj. layed across, intermeddled. Frasca, s. f. bough, bush, branch.-Frasca, a tavern bush-Al bron vino noa bisogna frricu, good wine needs no bush.Frasche, pl. idle stories.-Frasca, a vain, silly,

foolish man.

Frascato, s. m. an arbour, a shady place covered with green boughs or branches. Frascheggiare, to bustle, to rustle, as the wind doth blowing among branches. Fras cheggiare, to play, to jest, to

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Frase, s. f. phrase, expression Fraternalmente, adv. broor manner of speech. Fraternamente, Frassignuólo, s. m. ash-tree. ly, fraternally, lovingly, kindFrassinella, s. f. fraxinel, bastardly, friendly. dittany. Fraternità, s. f. fraternity, brotherhood.-Fraterniti,fraternity, brotherhood, society.

toy. Fraschería, any kind, trifle, foolery. s. f. a little branch,

Frassineto, s. m. a grove or
wood of ash-trees.
Frássino, s. m. ash-tree.
Frastaglia, v. Frastaglio.
Frastagliamento, s. m. cutting,
snipping, or gashing; a cut,
a notch.
Frastagliante, adj. he that clips
or gashes.
Frastagliáre, to cut, to notch.
-Frastagliare, to faulter or
stammer in one's speech.
Frastagliatúra, s. f. slash, gash,


Frastaglio, s. m. slash, gash,


Frastenére, to amuse, to make stay, to hold in play, to keep at a bay. Frastornáre, to divert, to disturb, to hinder, to interrupt, to turn away, to keep back. Frastornare un matrimonio, to break off a marriage-Frastornare uno dal cammino, to put one out of his way. Frastuólo, s. m. a noise, a Frastuóno, S bustle. Fratacchione, a thick or short friar, a well-fed friar, a good for nothing friar. Fratáccio, wicked friar. Fratajo, adj. that loves friars company. Fratánto, adv. meanwhile. Frate, brother-Frate, companion, friend.-Frate, friar, brother, father.-Frate Pietro, brother or father Peter.

Frate, a kind of glass vessel used by alchymists. Fratellanza, s. f. brotherhood, familiarity, brotherly love. Frateliésco, adj. brotherly, Fratellévole, fraternal. Fratelle volmente,adv.brotherlike. Fratellino, dim. of Fratello. Fratello, brother.-Fratello di padre, half brother, brother by the father's side.-Fratello uterino, brother by the mother's side.-Fratello cugino, cousin german.-Fratello,

Fratérno, adj. fraternal, brotherly.


Fratésco, adj. of or belonging to a friar, friar-like. Fráteto, thy brother. Obs. Fraticéllo, dim. of Frate. Fraticída, fratricide, killer of his or her brother. Fraticídio, s. m. fratricide, the murdering of one's brother. Fraticíno, dim. of Frate. Fratile, adj. of or belonging to a friar, friar-like. Fratóccio, a lusty strong Fratótto, friar. Fratta, s. f. a place where thorns and briars grow, a bush of thorns.- -Fratto, a craggy, rugged, steep, dangerous place. -Esser per le fratte, to be reduced, to be put

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to one's last shifts.

Frattaglie, s. f. pl. giblets.
Frattánto, v. Fratanto.

Fratto, adj. broken.

Frattúra, s. f. fracture, break. Fraudáre, to cheat, to baulk, to disappoint, to defraud. Fraudatore, a cheat, a deceiver. Fraudatrice, she that deceives with fraud.

Fraude, s. f. fraud, cheat, deceit, cozenage. Fraudevolmente, adv. fraudylently.

Fraudolente, adj. fraudulent.

Fraudolento, Fraudolentemente, adv. fraudulently.

Fraudolenza, s. f. fraud, deceit. Fraudulente, v. Fraudolente. Frávola, s. f. v. Fragola. Frazione. s. f. fraction, break. Fiebotómia,v. Flebotomia. Obs. Fréccia, s. f. an arrow. Tirare una freccia, to shoot an arrow. Dar la freccia, to borrow money with an intent not to pay it again. Frecciare, to shoot or strike with an arrow-Freccia e, to cozen one of his money. Frecciata, s. f. a hit or shot with an arrow.

Frecciatore, a bow-man, an

s. f. silly action of

or bush.-Fraschetta,

a poor silly boy or girl.
S. m. a little

bough wanton person. Fraschiére, s. m. a light-head

or bush; a young silly

ed fellow, a silly man, an companion, friend.

Fratelmo, my brother. Obs.

s. f. a lime twig, or Fratélto, thy brother. Obs.
a lime bush to catch birds Frateria, s. f. brotherhood, aj


convent of friars.

Frascone, s. m. great bough, fit Fraternále, adj. brotherly, fra- archer.

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Freddamente, adv. coldly. Freddáre, to cool, to make cold.Freddársi, to grow cold.--Freddare uno, to kill one.-Non la lasciate freddare, don't let it stand, make haste.

Freddáto, adj. cool, cold. Freddezza, s. f. coldness, frigidity.Freddézta, coldness, slowness, heaviness, slackness. Freddiccio, adj. cool, somewhat cold, coldish. Fréddo, s. m. cold, the contrary of heat.-Ho freddo, 1 am cold.---Fa freddo, it is cold. --Freddo, adj. cold, frigid.-Tempo freddo, cold weather.Freddo, cold, indifferent, remiss, backward, unwilling. Freddo, ally, tedious, weak, dull Freddoloso, adj. coldish, shivering.

Freddore, s. m. cold. Freddóso, adj. cold, frigid. Freddúra, s. f. cold, violent cold weather-Freddúra, s. f. coolness-Freddura, s.f. a cold in the head, or in the breast. -Freddira, s. f. a silly or cold repartee, or word, or factFreddira, negligence, slowness, slackness. Fréga, s. f. rub, friction.Frega, alonging desire,greediness, lust, rutting.-Aver frega d'una cosa, to long for a thing. Andar in frega, to rut as deers do. Fregaccioláre, v. Fregare in the first signification. Fregácciolo, s. m. v. Frega. Fregagióne, s. f.

Fregiáre, to adorn, set off, or set out, to trim up, to grace, to beautify, to attire, to embellish. Fregiatúra, s. f. v. Fregiamen


to himself, to let him take his own course.-Rallentar il freno alle passioni, to indulge or gratify one's passions.Volgere il freno, to sway, to bear sway, to rule. Fregio, s. m. ornament, finery, Frequentáre, to frequent, to dress, attire, garb, embroi- haunt, to resort to. dery, lace, trimming.- -Fre- Frequentatívo, adj. frequentgio,ornament, commendation, ing. glory, honour.--Fregio, a frieze in architecture.-Fregio, a cut in the face, a scar. -Fregio, spot, blemish, blur, dishonour, infamy. Frego, s. m. a dash, a stroke, a touch, a line.-Frego, a gash, a cut or mark, a slash.-Fare Frequénte, adj. frequent, usual, un frego ad uno, to disgrace, common, ordinary, assiduous. to dishonour, to put a shame Frequenteménte,adv.frequentupon.

Frégola, s. f. spawning.-Frégola, desire, mind, longing, fancy, humour, itching desire.

Frégolo, s. m. a fry, a shoal of fish that spawn. Freménte, adj. chafing, fretting or fuming. Frémere, to rage, to Fremire, Obs. roar, to snarl, to grumble, to fume. Frémito, s. m. a great noise, roaring, or grumbling, a din of people got together, rattling of arms. Frenájo, a bit or bridle maker.

Frenáre, to bridle, to curb, to keep under, to refrain, restrain or repress. Frenélla, s. f. bit or curb of a bridle.

Frenéllo, s. m. a muzzle.Frenella, finery, attire, orna


dotage, raving.

Freneticáre, to rave, to dote. Frenetichezza, s. f. deliration, dotage, raving, frenzy, inadness.

Fregamento, s. m. Far le fre- Frenesía, s. f. frenzy, madness. gugioni ad uno, to rub one. Freneticaménto, s. m. delirium, Fregáre, to rub-Fregarsi i denti, to rub one's teeth. Fregáre, to affront, to abuse, to trick, to cozen, to cheat, to gull.-Voi volete fregurmela, you have a mind to play me a trick-Fregáre, to streak, to make streaks er lines.Fregáre, to spawn as fishes


Fregáta, s. f. a frigate. Fregatina, dim. of Fregáta. Fregatúra, &. f. friction, rubbing.

Fregetto, s. m. a little orna


Fregiaménto, s. m. ornament, finery, trimming.

Frenético, adj. frenetic, mad. Freno, s. m. a bit, a horse-bit. -Freno d'oro non fa miglior cavallo, fine clothes don't make a man better than he is.Freno, bridle, curb.-Por freno alle parole, to refrain one's tongue. Freno, helm, management, conduct, government. Rodere il freno, to fret within one's self.-Tenere a freno, to curb, to restrain. Rallentar il freno, to leave one

Frequentáto, adj. frequented, resorted to.

Frequentatóre, he that frequents.

Frequentazione, frequenting, conversing, haunting, keeping company.


Frequénza, s. f. frequency, concourse, resort. Frescaménte, adv.newly, freshly, just now, not long ago. Freschezza, s. f. coolness. Freschezza, freshness, bloom, vigour, prime of age. Freschétto, adj. coolish. Fresco, s. m. coolness.-Fresco, adj. cool, cooling, fresh.Vento fresco, a gale of wind.Fresco, green.--Fichi freschi, green figs.-Erba fresca, green grass.-Colore fresco, a lively colour. Fresco, new.--Pun fresco, new bread.-Uova fresche, new-laid eggs.-Carne fresca, fresh meat.- -Cavallo fresco, a fresh horse.Fresco, fresh, newly done.-Di fresco, adv. newly, freshly, just now, lately. Dipignere a fresco, to paint in fresco.-Stiamo freschi, it goes hard with us. Frescóccio, adj. fresh, cool, Frescóso. S coloured, bloomy.

Frescúra, s. f. cool, coolness. Stare alla frescura, to be under the shade. Fretta, s. f. haste, speed, expedition. In fretta, in haste.-Chi erra in fretra, si pente a bell' agio, marry in haste, and repent at leisure. Frettería, s. f. haste Obs. Frettolosamente, adv. hastily. Frettolóso, hasty, expeditious. Fricassća, s. f. a fricassee. Friere, a religious military knight.

Friggere, to fry.-Friggere, to pule, as children do when they want any thing.-Buone parole, e friggi, to promise

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to the walls in a mill. Fritta, s. f. a mixture made by leaves. glass-makers, so called. Frittata, s. f. an omelet, a pancake made of eggs. Frittatóne, s. m. a large omelet. Frittella, s. f fritter or pancake.-Frittella, a coxcomb, a Frondire, blockhead-Frittella, a spot, leaves. a stain in cloth.


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tiéra, the front or head of an
army.Frontièra, front or

Frontispizio, v. Frontespizio.
Frontóso, adj. impudent, bold.
Fronzíre, to bring forth leaves.
Fronzúto, adj full of green
leaves, leafy.

Frosóne, a. m. a bullfinch.
Frotta, s. f. crowd, multitude,
throng, troop.—In frotta,adu,

Frotto, s. m. the same as
Frotta. Obs.

Fróttola, s. f. a ballad, a song.
Frottoláre, to compose ballada
-Frottolase, to banter, to jest,
to jeer.
Frucóne, s. m. a blow.
Frugacchiare, v. Frugare.
Frugalità, & f.frugality, thrifti-
Frugáre, to grope, to fumble,
to sound.-Frugáre, to pro-
voke, to spur, to excite, to
egg on.

Frugáta, s. f. a groping or
feeling, fumbling.

Frittellétta, s. f. dim. of Frit-Frondoso,

Frittellina, Stella.

Frondito, adj.

Frondúra, s. f.

Frittellúzza, s. f. dimin. of of leaves.

Fritto, adj. fried.-Io son fritto,
I am undone.
Frittúme, s. m. all manner of
Frittúra, s. f. fried meats;
also the dregs which remain
in the frying-pan.
Frivolo, adj.
fling, silly, foolish.
Frizzante, adj. sharp, smart.—
Frizzante, tart, poignant.-
Concerto frizzante, a witty
Frizzáre, to smart, to make
smart.-Friztáre, to be sharp
or smart, to nip-Uomo che
frizza, a witty diverting man.
Frizzo, s. m. smarting.
Froda, s. f.
fraud, de-
Frodaménto, s. m. ceit,guile.
Frodáre, to defraud, to cheat,

frivolous, of no
account, tri-

to cozen."

Frodatore, a cheat.
Frode, s. f. fraud, deceit,
Frodo, s. m. guile, cunning,

full of green
leaves, leafy.
great quantity

full of green

Frondúto, adj.
Frontále, s. m. frontlet, the
front stall of a horse's head-
piece; a plaister applied to

the forehead.
Fronte, s. f the forehead.-
Fronte, head. -Fronte, the
face.-Andare a fronte scoperta,
to go barefaced, not to be
afraid or ashamed.--Portar
in fronte il suo pensiero, to speak
as one thinks, to be open
and free.-Front, front, pan,

Frugatojo, s. m. à long pole or
staff to gage water, a long

Frugatore, s. m. a fumbler, a
Frugifero, adj. fertile, fruitful,

Frugnuoláre, to go a birding
or fowling with a lanthorn.
Frugnuolatore, s. m. a bird-
catcher with a lanthorn.
Frugnuolo, s. m. a fowling

Frugnoline, s. m. augment.
of Frugnuóla.
Frugalire, to feel and feel
again; repeatedly to fech-
Frugolare il fuseo, to stir thẹ
fire with a fork ar paker.
Fragolino, s. m.) a waggish,
Frúgole, stirring boy.
Fragóne, s. m. a long pole or
staff- -Frugine, a brush, a
thump, a blow.

Fruire, to enjoy, to make use


Alla fronte, adv. Į over-
A fronte, (against, op-
posite. Stare a fronte, to cope
with, to oppose, to resist
Alla fronte dell' esercito, at the
head of the army.--Fronte,
the opposite part.—Fronte,
good character or reputa-Fruizione, s. f. fruition.
tion.-Fronte invetriato, a bold | Frulla, s. f. a trifle, a toy.--
impudent face.
Frella, noise.
Fronteggiare, to cope with the
enemy, to withstand, to re-
sist, to oppose.
Frontespizio, 8. m. frantis-
piece. Frontespizio d'um libro,
the title or first page of a

Frodolente, adj. fraudulent.
Frodolénto, adv.c. Frodolente.
Frodolénza, s. f. fraudulency.
Froge, s. f. pl. the skin over
the nostrils of a horse.
Frollamento, s. m. mortifica-Fronicína, s. f. dim. of Fronte.
tion, speaking of things that Frontiéra, s. f. frontier. From

Frullire, to whizz, to blow
hard, as the wind doth, to
bustle, to ruffle, to roar.-
Farla frullare, to judge a dif-
ference by one's authority--
Fax frullare, to hurry, to spur

or egg on.

Frullo, s. m. a whizzing noise in the air, as the flight of

Fruttato, planted with fruit-self.


birds-Frullo, a toy, a trifle.
-Non ne darei un frullo, I
would not give a pin for it. Frutterella, s. f. diminutive of
Frullóne, s. m. a bolting-hutch, Frutta.
a chest to sift meal in.
Fruttévole, adj.
Frumentário, adj. belonging Fruttifero,
to wheat, or productive of Fruttiferóso,


Frumentiére, s. m. a sutler.
Fruménto, s m. corn, wheat.
Frumentoso, adj. yielding much |

Frumiáre, to wander, to roam,
to rove, to range.
Frusco, s m. stick, or dried
Frúscolo, branch or bush,
fescue, straw, mote.
Frusóne, s. m. a bull-finch.
Frussi, s. m. a kind of game,
Frusso, S primero.
Frusta, s. f. a whip, a rod or
Frustagno, s. m. a kind of
bombasine linen.
Frustare, to whip.-Frustare,
to ramble up and down, to
roam, to rove, to range.
Frustare, to use, to wear, to
wear off.—Frustäre un abito,
to wear out a suit of clothes.
Frustáto, adj. whipped-rus
tálo, frustrated, deluded, dis-

Frustatóre, s. m. a whipper. Frustatório, adj. not supported by reason. Frustatúra, s. f. the act of whipping. Frus'to, s. m. a bit, a little piece or morsel.-Frusto a frusto, adv. by bits.-Mendicando la vita a frusto a frusto, begging from door to door. Frusto, adj. worn out, consumed with long wearing.Denna frusta, a decayed woman, a woman past bearing children. -Punni frusti,

old tattered clothes. Frústra, adv in vain, to no purpose. Esser frustru, to be frustrated or disappointed. Frustráto, adj. frustrated, deluded, disappointed. Frútice, s. m. a shrub, a sprout. Frutta, s. f. fruit. Fruttajuólo, he that sells fruit. Fruttare, to yield, bear, or produce. Questo podere mi frutta cento scudi t'anno, this estate brings me in a hundred crowns a year.-Le vostre parole non mi fruttano di niente, your words do me no manner of good. Fruttato, adj. fructified.

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Fuggibile, adj. avoidable.
Fuggifatica, an idler, an idle
fellow, a man that hates

fruitful, fer- work.
tile, fruit-Fuggiménto, s. m. flight.
bearing, Fuggire, to fly, to run away.
Fuggire, to want, to fail.
Mi fugge l'animo di vederlo, I
have not the courage to see
him.Fuggire, to avoid, to
shun, to escape. Fuggir la
pioggia, to shelter one's self
from the rain.- -Fuggire, to
hide, to conceal.-Fuggire delle
mercanzie, to run goods, to

Fruttificáre, to fructify, to
bring forth fruit.
Fruttificazióne, s. f. bearing
fruit, fruit.
Fruttífico, adj. fructiferous,
fruitful, fertile.
Frutto, s. m. a fruit.--Vivere
di frutti, to live upon fruits.
-Frutto, revenue or coming
in, profits, fruits.Frutto,
fruit, benefit, advantage.-
Frutto, progress.--Frullo, ef-
fect.-Frutto, blows, strokes.
Le frutta di frate alberigo,blows,
strokes.-Frutto, a fruit-tree.
Frutto, good, benefit, ad-

Fruttuáre, v. Fruttare.
Fruttuosamente, adv. profit-
ably, successfully.
Fruttuosità, s. f. fruitfulness,

fugitive, transitory, -Fugali

Fuggita, s. f. flight, escape.
Fuggiticcio, adj.
to, to be shunned or avoided.
Fuggito, adj. run away.
Fuggitóre, a runner away, he
that flies away.
Fuggitrice, she that runs away.
Fujo, adj. wicked. Obs.-Fujo,
adj. dark, full of darkness,
gloomy. Obs.—Da fują, adv.
like a thief. Obs.
Fulcire, v. Folcire.
Fulgénte, adj. shining, blazing,
glittering, fulgent.
Fulgere, to shine, to glitter, to

Fruttuoso, adj. profitable, ad-
vantageous, useful, fruitful.
Fu, s. f. a sort of nard, a shrub.
--Fù, adj. deceased, late.-
II fù re, the late king.
Fucile, s. m. a steel to strike
fire, a tinder-box.-Fucile,fire-
lock, fusee.
Fucína, s. f. a forge.
Fucináta, s. f. a great quan- shining.
tity, store.

Fuco, s. m. a drone.
Fuga, s. f. flight, escape.-

Mettersi in fuga, to run away.
-Mettere in fuga, to put to
flight.- Fuga, a fugue or
chace in music.
Fugáce, adj swift of flight,
fugitive. -Fugaçi dolcizze,
momentaneous pleasures.
Fugaménto, s. m. putting to

Fugáre, to put to flight.
Fugatore, he that puts to flight.
Fugatrice, she that puts to

Fulgidézza, s. f. fulgency.
Fulgidità, s. f. fulgency, fulgi-
dity, brightness.
Fúlgido, adj. fulgid, bright,

Fulgorare, v. Folgorare.
Fulgoráto, adj. shining, bright.
Fulgóre, s. m. fulgidity, bright-
ness, splendour.
Fúlgere, s. m. thunder, thun-
derbolt. Ohs.
Fuliggine, s. f. soot.
Fuligginóso, adj. fuliginous, full
of smoke.
Fulme, Fulmine. Obs.
Fulminante, adj. thundering.
Fulminare, to thunder, to ful-
minate.-Fulminare, to rage,
to fume, to chafe or fret
Fulminare, to sentence, to pass
judgment upon.
Fulniinatore, he that hurls


Fugga, s. f. flight, escape. Obs.
Fuggénte, adj. flying or run-

ning away.

down the thunder. Fulminatrice, feminine of Fulminatore.

Fulminazióne, s. f. fulmination. Fulmine, s. m. thunder-bolt, lightning.

Fuggevole, adj. flying, that flies, transitory, swift. Fuggiascamente,adv.by stealth, privately. Fuggiasco, adj. fugitive.-Un Fulmineo, adj. thunder-like. fuggiasco, a fugitive-Star Fúlvido, adj. fulgid, bright, Juggiasco, to abscond one's shining.


Fulvo, adj. fulvid, of a deep
yellow colour.
Fumácchio, s. m. v. Fumiga-

Fumáta, s. m. a signal given
with the smoak.
Fumajuólo,s.m. smoaking coal-
brand.-Fumajuolo, the vent
or funnel of a chimney.
Fumále, adj. of or belonging
to smoak.

Fumante, adj. smoaking. Fmante, house, family. La gabella de' fumanti, capitation


Fumáre, to smoak or smoke. Fuméa, s. f. smoak. Fumicáre, to smoak, to fumigate, to perfume a place. Famifero, adj. that causeth or bringeth smoak, smoaking. Fumigazione, fumigation, perfuming, smoak. Fumígio, s. m. fumigation, per


Fumo, o Fummo, s. m. smoak or smoke.-Fumo, smoak, vanity, vain hopes.-Convertirsi in fimo, to come to nothing. —Fumo, vain-glory, pride.— Aver fumo, to be proud, haughty-Fumi, fumes, va

pours. Fumosità, s. f. exhalation, fume, steam, vapour. Fumóso, adj. that sends fumes into one's head, fumous Fumiso, haughty, proud. Fumostérno, s. m. fumitory,


(a plant.)
Funájo, s. m.
Funáta, s. f. á rope-full, many


Funicolo, s. m. the same as


Funzioncélla, s. f. diminutive of
Funzióne.- -Funzione, s. f.
function, duty or discharge
of one's office or duty.-Far
la funzione, to act or play the


Furatóre, a stealer, a thief.
Furáto, adj. stolen.
Furatrice, she that steals.
Furbáccio, s. m. a rogue, a

Furbería, s. f. a cheat, an im-
posture, knavery.
Furbescaménte, adv. roguish-

Furbésco, adj. deceitful, crafty,

m. a great scoundrel, a great rascal.

base woman.

part of.
Fuoco, s. m. fire.-Fuoco arti-ly, like a cheat.
ficiale, fire-work.-Fuoco, af-
fection, fire, flames of love.
-Giugnere lena al fuoco, to Furbétto, s. m. a little knave
or rogue, a cheat.
throw oil into the fire, to
blow the coals-Mettere a Furbo, s. m. a cheat, a knave,
a rogue, a vagabond-Furbo
fuoco, to set on the fire, or to
the tire.-Far fuoco nell'orcio, in chermisi, an arch rogue.
to contrive or hatch some- Furétto, s. m. a ferret.
thing secretly.-Ogni acqua Furfantáccio, s.
spegne il fuoco, in case of ne-
cessity every thing is good.-Furfantáre, to live a wicked
Dire o fare cose da fuoco, to say life, a scoundrel's life
or to do wonders.-Mettere Furiante, a rogue, a ras
troppa carne al fuoco, to under- Furfantéllo, cal, a knave.
take a great many things at a Furfantélla, a slut, a jade, a
time.-Dar fuoco al cannone,
to fire a gun-Fuoco, a caus-
tic. Terra di cento fuochi, a
town containing a hundred
houses or families.-Fuoco,
fire, great fire, conflagration.
-Fuoco, fire, passion, anger,
discord, dissension. Fuoco
lavorato, fire-work or artificial
fire.-Occhi di fuoco, fiery, red,
inflamed eyes.-Fuoco saluti-
co, tetter, ring worm.-Fuoco
lento, a small fire-Arder uno
a fuoco lento, to make one lin-
ger or pine away-Fuoco
morto, a caustic.-Ne metterti
le mani al fuoco, I could swear
it, I could take my oath on
it-Piliar fuoco, to take fire,
to grow angry.

Furfantería, s. f. roguery, kna-
very, a roguish trick.
Furfantóne, a great rogue, or

Fúria, s. f. fury, passion.-Fu-
ria, fury, fierceness, impetuo-
sity-1 furia, furiously, ve
hement.--fria di percosse lo
scacciai via, I turned him out
with a good stick.-Dar nelle
furie, to rage, to fall into a
great passion. orrere a furia
to act rashly or inconsider-
ately-Furia, multitude,
crowd, throng.-Furia,


Furare, to rage, to grow fu-

a rope-maker.

tied to a rope.
Funditóre, s. m. a soldier arm-Fuochi, the celestial spirits.

ed with a sling. Obs.
Fune, s. f. a rope.-Fune, rack,
torture-Confessa senza duol di
June, to confess a thing of
one's own accord.-Tenere
und in sulla fune, to keep one

in suspense. Funerále, ad. ? funeral.-FuneFunébre, rále, s. m. func

ral obsequies.
Funéreo, adj. funeral.
Funésto, adj. fatal, unlucky.

Fuor, Fuora, Fuore, Fuori,
prep. without, not in, abroad,
out of, except, besides.-Fuor
di casa, abroad, from home.
-Fuor di mano, out of hand,
out of the way-Fuor di cer-
vello, out of his wits-Fuor
di forse, out of all doubt.--
Fior di misura, beyond mea-
sure. Fuor, except, saving
only. In fuori, except, saving.
-Da questo in fuori, this ex-


Fungo, s. m. mushroom.-Fun- cepted.
go di candela, the snuff of a Fuorché, except, saving only.
candle-Fungodi piombo,scum Fuor Fuora, o Fuor Fuore,
of lead.
Fungoso, adj. full with mush-Fuorchidere, v. Forchiudere.
Fuoruscito, an outlaw.
rooms-Funguso, rotten.
Funicella, s. f. a
cordel,.a Furace, adj. ? thieving,
S to steal.
Funicello, s. m. little cord, a Furánte,
Furare, to steal, to pilfer.



Furibóndáre, to act madly, to be mad and furious. Furibondo, adj. furibond, full of madness, or like a madman.

Furiére, s. m. harbinger.
Furiosamente, adv. furiously,

Furioso, adj. furious, fierce,
mad, raging-Furioso, furi-
ous, fierce, brutish.-Furiose,
furious, fierce,
great, violent.
Furo, s. m. a thief or robber.
Obs.-Furo, adj. thievish,
given to picking and stealing.

Furoncello, s. m. a young thief
or robber.

Furore, s. m. furv, rage, frenzy, madness.-Salire in furore, to fall in a passion.-Furore, fury, force, impetuosity.

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