صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


Furtáre, to steal, to thieve. Not used. Furtivamente, adv. by stealth, secretly. Furtivamente, surreptitiously.

Furtivo, adj. done by stealth,

or beguile.-Gabbársi, to mistake, to be mistaken, to be out.-Gabbarsi, to banter, to jeer, to laugh at, to ridicule, to deride-Gabhársi, to entertain one's self, to be merry.


private, surreptitious-Fur-Gabbatóre, a deceiver, a cheat, tivi diletti, stolen pleasures. a mocker or jester. Furto, s. m. theft, robbery, Gabbatrice, fem. of Gabbastealth-Fi furto, adv. by stealth, secretly. Eusággine, s. f. the spindletree, or pickwood. Fusajo, s. m. spindle-maker. Fusajuólo, s. m. a whirl to put on a spindle.

Fuscellétto, s. 1.'" a fescue, a

straw, a mote Cercar col

Fuscellino, Fuscéllo, Buscelluzzo, fuscellino, to search diligently, to hunt after or seek out. Rompere il fuscellino, to break friendship, to grow enemies. Fusco, adj v. Fosco. Fusióne, s. f. fusion, effusion. Fuso, s. m. a spindle.--Fuso di suota, a spoke of a wheel. Fusa, the shaft of a pillar. Fuso da dipanure, a yarn beam. Fuso, adj. melted, cast. Fásolo, s. m. shin, shin-bone. -Fisolo, the axle-tree of a grindlestone.

Fusóne, s. m. a young stag. Fusta, s. f. a kind of light galley.

Fustágno, s. m. fustian. Fusticello, s. f. dim. of Fusto. Fusto, s. m. the trunk or body of a tree.-Fusto, corpulence, bulkiness.

Fastúccio, s. f. dim. of Fusto. Fata, s. f flight. Obs. Futuraménte, adv. for the


Futuro, adj. future, to come, that is to be.--Futuro, s. m. the future, the future tense.



Gabbévole, adj. sportful, jeering, bantering. Gabbia, s. f. cage, bird-cage, an aviary.-Gabbia, a frail to press and strain olives inGabbia, the round top of a mast-Gabbia, a muzzle.-Gabbie, a jail. Gabbiáno, a clown.-Gabbiano, a sea-gull. Gabbiajo, s. m. a cage-maker. Gabbiata, s. f. a cage-full, as many birds or fowls as are in a cage. Gabbiéro, s. m. a man that stands in the round top of a ship to descry land or enemies.

Gabbiolína, s. f. a small cage. Gabbionáta, s. f. a gabionade. an intrenchment made with gabions.

Gabbioncello, v. Gabbiolina.
Gabbióne, s. m. a great cage. Gaglioffaméute, adv. roguish-
-Gabbrine, gabions, baskets! ly, in a roguish manner.
full of earth which are placed Gaglioffería, s. f. roguery, kna-
on the batteries.
Gabbiuóla, s. f. a little cage.
Gabbiúzza, s. f. dim. of Gab-

Gabbo, s. m. jeering, jest, banter.-Prender a gabbo, to jeer, to banter, to laugh at -Tu prendi a gabho i miei consigli, you don't value my advice. Farsi gabbo, to laugh

at, to banter. [Gabélla, s. f. custom, toll, duty,


Gabellare, to pay the duty or custom, to enter.-Non cubello quel che dite, I don't believe a word of what you say. Gabelletta, s. m. a small duty

or custom.

Gabelliére, a custom-house officer-Gabellite, a farmer of any part of the public re


Gabelletto, s. m. a sort coin.


Gabinetto, s. m. closet-Gabinetto, a press, a chest of drawers.

Gaggia, s. f. a kind of yellow odoriferous flower, or the

GABBA, s. f. jeering, jest,

banter. Obs. Gabbaménto, s. m. deceit fraud, trick. Gabbad'co, s. m. Gabbaddéo, a hypocrite. Gabbanélia, s. f. a riding-coat. Gabbáno, s. m. a felt cloak, a gaberdine.

Gabbáre, to deceive, to delude

plant that produces it. Gaggia, s. f. the round top of

a mast.

Gággio, s. m. hostage, pledge.
-Quest è un gaggio dell' amor
mio verso di voi, this is a proof
of my love to you.Gaggio,
pawn, pledge, security.-Dar
gaggio, to give bond or bail.
-Gaggio, wages, salary.-
Aver a gaggio, to keep, to
maintain.Essere a gaggio
duxo, to be at one's expence
or service-Gaggio, recom-
pence, reward.
Gagliárda, s. f. galliard, a dance
so called.

Gagliardamente, adv. briskly,

Gagliardazzo, adj very hardy.
Gagliardézza, s. f. strength,
Gagliardia, lustiness,

Gagliardo, adj. stout, brave,
lusty, strong, jolly-Di cervet
guardo, stubborn.-Far del
agliando, to brave it.
Gaglio, s. m. rennet that turns

Gagliofficcio, a great rogue,
rascal or villain.
Gaghoffiggine, s. f. zoguery,


Gaglioffo, rogue, knave,
Gagliottone, rascal.-Una
gagliola, a slut.
Gagheso, adj. clammy, gluish.
Gagliuolo, s. m. cod, husk or
shell of pulse.
Gagno, s. m. a place full of
hurtful beasts. Gagno,
trouble, intrigue, maze, la-
byrinth, snare.
Gagnolamento, s. m. the bark-
ing of a dog when complain-
ing of pain.

Gagnolire, to howl, to com-
plain as a dog in pain.
Gagnólio, s. m. v. Gagnola-


Gajaménte, adv.merrily, sheer-

Gajetto, adj. pretty, neat, gen-
teel. Not in use.
Gajezza, s. f. gaiety, mirth.
Gajo. adj. gay, merry.
Gaia, s. f. tucker, a laced

tacker.--Gala, ornament, fi-
nery, dress.-l'estirsi di gala,
to be dressed fine and gay.-
Fer gala, to be merry, to eat
and drink well. Ster falle

Gallina, a coward.--Gallina
muggese, a shrimp, a little fel-
low, a dwarf-Gallina gobba,
an Indian hen.

gale, to love finery, to love to
dress fine.-Di gala, adv. mer-
rily, cheerfully.
Calanga, s. f. galangal, an aro-
matic root brought from In-Gallinaccia, s. f. a good for
nothing hen.-Gallinaccia, a
kind of herb so called.
Gallináccio, s. m. a kind of
mushroom.Gallinaccio, adj.
belonging to the hen kind.
Gallinajo, s. m. a roost, a hen's


Galánte, adj. gallant, fine,
civil, accomplished, genteel,
Galantemente, adv. handsome-
ly, genteelly, finely, gallantly,
with a good grace.
Galanteria, s. f. civility, cour-
teous behaviour, genteelness,
bravery.Galanteria, toy,
small thing, trifle.
Galantino, adj. pretty, delicate,
fine, nice. Un galantino, a
beau, a spruce fellow.
Galantuómo, an honest man,
a gallant man, a gentleman.
Galáppio, s. m. a trap.
Galassia, s. f. galaxy, the milky

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Galeotto, a galley slave.
Galéra, o. Galea.
Galigajo, s. m. a tanner.
Galigare, to dazzle, to dim.
Galizia, adv. almost nothing.

Galla, s. f. acorn, a gall nut.-
Galla di gengiovo, ginger.-
Galla, a swelling in horses
feet-Stare a galla, to swim,
to float upon the water.
Galláre, to swim, to float upon
the water-Gallare, to brood.
Gallastróne, a large cock.
Galláto, adj. trodden by a
cock-Uova gullate, eggs of a
hen trodden by a cock.
Galleggiare, to swim, to float
upon the water.
Galleggiante, adj. swimming,

Gallería, s. f. gallery.
Gallétta, s. f. a kind of grape
10 called.

Gallettino, dim. of Gallo.


Gallinélla, s. f. a young or
little hen.
Gallinélle, s. f. Pleiades, the
seven stars in the neck of the

Gallióne, s. m. a capon ill gelt.
Gallo, s. m. a cock.-Gallo d'In-
dia, a turkey.

Gallóne, s. m. side.-Egli ha
molti anni sul gallone, he has a
great many years upon his
back-Gallone, galoon, lace.
Gallória, s. f. a transport of
joy, mirth.-Far galléria, to
be very merry.
Gallózza, s. f. gall or oak-
Gallózzola, apple-Gallóz
za, a water-bubble.
Gallozzoletta, s. f. dim. of
Gallozzolino, s. m. Gallozza.
Gállule, v. Gallinelle. Obs.
Gallúzza., s. f. gall or oak-

leg, a kick.-Aver là gambata,
to be baulked in the hopes of
a wife, when she marries an-
other-Gambata, s. f. a kind
of clownish poetical compo-

Gamberáccia, s. f. a rotten ul-
cerated leg.
Gámbero, s.

m. craw-fishFar come il gambero, to go backwards.

Gamberuólo, s. m. greaves, an
armour for the legs.
Gambétta, s. f. a wooden leg.
Gambetta, an ulcerated leg.
Gambettáre, to wag one's legs,
to kick.

Gambétto, s. m. ex-Dare il
gambetto, to trip up one's
heels, to give one a fall
Dare il gambetto ad uno, to
turn one out of company.
Gambiéra, s. f. greaves, an
armour for the legs.
Gambo, s. m. stem, stalk, blade
of a plant.-Gambo, the foot
of a letter.
Gambóne, s. m. a large stem,
or stalk of a plant-Dar
gambone, to embolden or en-

Gambuccia, s. f. a small leg.
Gambúle, s. m. that part of
the breeches that covers the

Gambúto, adj. high stalked,
that has stout legs.
Gammaútte, s. m. a surgeon's

Gammúrra, s. m. a kind of
woollen cloth.-
Gammúrra, s. f.
a large up-
Gammurrina, s. f. per robe
Gammurrino,s.m. hanging
down upon the ground, worn
by women.

Galluzzáre, to be merry.
Galoppáre, to gallop.
Galoppatore, he that gallops.
Galoppatrice, fem. of Galop-
Galoppo, s. m. gallop.-Andar
di galoppo, to gallop.-Di ga-
loppo, galloping.
Galuppo, s. m. a soldier's knap-
sack-boy.Galuppo, a poor
and ragged man.
Gamba, s. f. leg, shank.-Do-Gamúrra, v. Gammurra.
lersi di gamba sana, to com- Gana, s. f. eagerness, desire.-
plain without reason.-Mel- Fuar una cosa di buona gana, to
tersi la via tra le gambe, to set do a thing most willingly,
out on one's journey.-Darla with much pleasure.
a gambe, to run away.--An- Ganáscia, s. f. the jaw or jaw-
dare a gambe levate, to be bone, the chop.
ruined.-Mandare a gambe le- Gáncio, s. m. a book.
vate, to trip up one's heels.- Gangheráre, to
Guarda la gamba, take care
what you do.- -Andare di
buone o male gambe, to go
willingly, to go against one's

Gambále, s. m. stock, trunk,
the stem or stump of a tree
or plant.

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set on or fasten to the hinges.-Ganghe rato, adj. set on the hinges. Gangheréllo, dim. of Ganghe


Gánghero, s. m. hinge -Gánghero, clasp.-Dare un ganghero, to give a slip, to run away. -Stare ne' gangheri, to take heed, to stand upon his guard. -Uscir de' gangheri, to blunder about. Ritornare negan

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Gangréna, v. Cancrena.
Gara, s. f. strife, contention,
jarring, emulation.-Vincer ia
gara, to carry the prize.
Fare a gara, to strive, to be
Carabulláre, to deceive, to
cheat, to cozen.
Garagolláre, v. Caracolláre.

Garagóllo, v. Caracóllo. Obs.
Garavina, s. f. garagay, a Mexi-

can kite.
Garbare, to please.
Garbatamente, adj. comely,
gracefully, civilly, handsome-
Garbatézza, s. f. comeliness,
gracefulness, fine manner.-
arbáts, adj. comely, hand.
some, graceful, fine, civil,
decent. Un uomo garbato, a
man of good address.
Garbeggiáre, to please.
Garbino, v. Gherbino.
Garbo, s. m. garb, comeliness,
behaviour, carriage.-Un "0-
mo di garbo, a polite man
Vin garbo, wine that has a
sharp taste.-Con be! garbo, in¦
a civil manner.


Garibo, s. m. u. Caribo.
Caringal, s. m. a kind of root
so called.
Gariofilata, s. f. the herb ben-
Garofanáre, to spice or dress

with cloves.
Garofanáta, v. Gariofilata.
Garofan ito, adj. spiced or dress-
ed with cloves.
Garófano, 3. f. clove, a gilli-
flower, a carnation:
Garontoláre, to strike another
with one's fist.

Garontólo, s. m. a blow given
with the fist.
Garosello, s. m. a kind of just
or feast on horseback.-Garo-
sello, adj. dim. of Garoso.
Garóso, adj. quarrelsome, con-
tentious, litigious.
Garpa, s. f. spavens, swellings
or galls about the pastern
joints of a horse.

Garzóne, a boy, a lad.-Gar-
zone, a journeyman, an ap

Garzonetto, a child, a boy.
Garzonevolmente, adv. child-
ishly, imprudently.
Garzonézza, s. f. boyish age.
Garzonile, adj. like a boy.
Garzonotto, a lad.
Garzuelo, s. m. a cabbage, or
lettuce head. -Garzuolo, a
kind of fine hemp.
Gastigagióne, s. f. Į chastise-
Gastigaménto, s. m.) ment,

Gastigante, adj. that chastises.
Gastigáre, to chastise, to pu
nish or correct.
Gastigatójo, s. f. punishment,
Gastigatóre, a chastiser, pu-
nisher, corrector.
Gastigatrice, she that punishes.
Gastigatúra, s. f. chastise-
Gastigo, s. m.


Garbúglio, s. m. garboil,
trouble, confusion, tumult,
disorder.-Mette e in garbug-
o, to put in confusion or

Gardíngo, . Guardingo. Obs.
Gareggiamento, s. f. strife,
emulation, contention.
Gareggiante, adj. striving, en-
Careggiare, to strive, to con-
tend, to be in emulation.
Goreggiar nell' amare, to strivej
who can love the best.-Ga
Taggiar nello studio, to study
with emulation.

Gareggiatore s. m. a rival, con-
current or competitor, an an-

Garrétta, s. f. ham or hough,
Garrétto, Sv. Garetto.
Garrevole, adj. chiding, threat-
ening, scolding.
Garriménto, s. m. chiding, re-

Garrire, to chide, rebuke,
blame, or reprove, to scold
at.-Garrire, to chirp, warble,
sing, or chatter as birds do,
Garrissa, s. f. v. Garrulità.

Garcissário, adj. v. Gárrulo.

Carritóre, a morose peevish


Garritríce, a peevish woman,
a shrew.

Garrulità. s. f. scolding, chid-
ing, babbling, chattering.-
Garruti, slander, obloquy,
detraction, evil speaking.
Garrulo, adj. prattling, chat-
tering, talkative, full of


Garza, s. f. a bird so called.

Gareggiatrice, fem. of Gar-Garzetto, s. f. a sort of wild

Gareggioso, adj. litigious, con-
tentious, quarrelsome.
Garetto, s. m. ham or hough.
Gargagliáre, v. Gorgogliare.
Gargagliata, s. f. a noise made
by many talking or singing

Garzelino, v. Garzoncello.
Garzonaccio, a young stout
Garzonástro, lad.
Garzoncello, a young lad, a
Garzoncíno, dim. of Garzóne.


ment, pu nishment,

Gattajuóla, s. f. a hole for a

cat to come in and out.

Gatto, s. m. a cat.-Gaito, a warlike engine to batter walls with-Cadere in pie come la gatta, to succeed in one's enterprize. Voler la galla, to be earnest.-Non voler la gaita, to be in jest.-lender gatta in sacco, to sell a pig in a pokeFare la gatta morta, to dis semble.-Chiamar la gatta gatta, to speak plain.-Piglare a pelare una patta, to undertake a hard enterprise.-Non trovar ne can uẻ gutte, to find nobody.

Gattino, s. m. a kittling.
Gáttero, s. m. cat-mint, a plant
so called.

Gáttice, s. f. a plant so called.
Gattomammóne, a kind of


Gattóne, s. m. a large cat.
Gattoni, s. m. pl. mumps, a
disease in the cheeks.
Gattúccia, s. f. a kittling.-
Gattúccio, s. m. Gattúccia, an
expression amongst the play-
ers at dice.-Gattuccio, a sea-
Gavázza, s f.
Gavazzaménto, s. m.
Gavazzare, to rejoice in an
immoderate manner.
Gavazziére, he that makes
much noise for joy.
Gavazzo, v. Gavazzamento.
Gaudénte, adj. blithe, merry,


Gaudere, to be merry, to be Geldra, s. f. rabble of people | Generalità, s. f. generality. glad. Obs.

assembled together.

Gelicídio, s. m. frost, or frosty

Gaudiáre, to rejoice. Obs.
Gaudio, s. m. joy, mirth, glad-weather.


Gélido, adj. chill, cold, frozen.

Gautlióso, adj. joyful, merry, Gelo, s. m. frost, frosty weaglad.

Gaveggiare, v. Vagheggiare. Gaveggino, s. m. asweet-heart; a country word. Gavétta, s. f. a bundle or bunch of strings. Gavigne, s. f. plur. that part under the ear that joins with the cheeks. Gavilláre, to cavil, to wrangle, to find fault. Gavillazione, s. f. cavillation. Gavilloso, adj. cavilling, cap


Gavíne, s. f. mumps, little kernels in the neck. Gavócciolo, s. m. a bile, a plague, a sore. Gavónchio, s. m. a kind of eel.

Gavótta, s. f. a kind of seafish. Gazofiláccio, s. m. a particular part so called in the Greek and Roman temples. Gazza, s. f. a magpye. Gazzárra, s. f. feast, merrymaking.Gazzarra, a pin


Gazzélla, s. f. a beast like a roe that yieldeth musk. Gazzera, s. f. a pye or maggot pye.

Gazzerótta, s. f. dim. of
Gazzeròtto, s. m. Gazza.
Gazzetta, s. f. gazette.
Gazzoróne, s. m. a bird so

Gazzofilácio, s. m. treasury.
Gazzolóne, v. Gazzerotto.
Gazzurro, v. Gazzarra.
Gebo, s. m. a he-goat.
Gecchimento, s. m. humility,
meekness, lowliness. Obs.

Gecchitamente, adv. humbly,
submissively. Obs.
Gecchito, adj. humbled, cast
down. Obs.
Gelamento, s. m. frost.
Geláre, to freeze.
Galáta, s. f. frost, frosty wea-

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ther. Gelataménte, adv. coldly, fearfully. Gelatína, s. f. jelly-Mettere uno in gelatina, to maul, to

ther. Gelo, ice. Gelosamente, adv. with jealousy.

Gelosia, s. f. jealousy.-Aver gelosia, to be jealous.-Gelosia, a lattice of grate. Geloso, adj. jealous.Geloso, ticklish, nice.

Gelsa, s. f. a mulberry. Gelso, s. m. a mulberry-tree. Gelsomino, s. m. jesamin or jessamin. Geméllo, s. m. a twin.-Gemélli, Gemini, one of the twelve signs of the Zodiac. Geménte, adj. groaning, lamenting. -Geminte, dropping. Gémere, to drop, to trickle Gémere, to groan, to lament,

bang. Gelato, adj. frozen, congealed. Gelato, frightened, dismayed, terrified. Vol. I.

to mourn.

Gemicáre, v. Gemere. Obs. Gemináre, to geminate, to double.

Gémini, s. m. Gemini, one of the twelve signs of the Zodiac.

Gémino, adj. double, gemi


Gemire, v. Gémere.
Gemitío, s. m. drops of water
which fall from any damp
place or wall.
Gémito, s. m. groan, complaint.
Gemma, s. f. a gem, a jewel.—
Gemma, bud, eye or button in
a vine.-Gemma, the second
skinlet of the horns of a ram,
which silversmiths use to re-
fine their silver.
Gemmáre, to bud or shoot.
Gemmáto, adj. all covered
with gems or jewels.
Gena, s. f. cheek.

Genealogia, s. f. genealogy, pe-

Geneático, adj. genethliacal. Geneología, v. Genealogia. Generábile, adj. that may be engendered or begotten. Generabilità, s. f. generability. Generaláto, s. m. generalship, chief command of a gene


Generále, s. m. a general or chief, he that commands in chief-Generale d'un ordine monastico, the general of a religious order.Generale, adj. general.

-In generalità, in general. Generalmente, adv. generally, commonly, in general.-Gen ralmente parlando, commonly speaking.

Generaménto, s. m. generation.

Generánte, adj. that engendereth.

Generare, to get, to beget, engender or procreate.-Generare, to produce or bring forth. Generare, to breed, cause, or create.-Generarsi, to grow, spring, raise or proceed, to form itself. Generativo, adj. generative, apt or fit to beget. Generáto, adj. gotten, begot


Generatore, s. m. he that engendereth,begetteth,or breed


Generatrice, she that begets,
engenders, breeds or causes.
Generazione, s. f. generation,
production, propagation.-
Generazione, generation, pro-
geny, descent.-L'umana ge
nerazione, the human kind.
Génere, s. m. kind, genus.-
Il genere umano, the human
kind.-Génere, kind, species,
sort.Genere, kind, way,
manner, course, Un genere
di vita, a course or manner of
life.-In genere, adv.generally,
in general.-Genere, (in gram-
mar) the gender.
Genérico, adj. generical, com-
mon, belonging to the genus
or kind.

Género, s. m. a son in law.
Generosità, s. f. generosity,,
greatness of seul.
Generóso, adj. generous.
Génesi, s. f. the Genesis.
Genétlíaco, s. m. Obs. an-astro.
Gengia, s. f. gum, the shing
Gengiva, that holds f
Gengióvo, s. m. ginger.
Genia, S. vile generation


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Genitivo, genitive case.

Génito, adj. gotten, begotten.
Genitore, father.

Genitrice, mother.

Gentucciaccia, s. f. a degrading
dim. of Gentúccia.
Genuflessione, s. f. genuflexion.

knees, to bow.

Genitúra, s. f. birth-Primoge-Genuflésso, adj. kneeling.
nitúra, birthright.→→→Genitúra, Genufléttere, to bend one's
seed of a living creature.
Gennájo, s m. January, the
first month in the year.
Genología, v. Geneologia.
Genovína, s. f. a Genoese coin
so called.

Genziána, s. f. gentian, bitter-
wort, or felwort.
Geográfia, s. f. a description
of the earth, geography.
Geógrafo, geographer.
Geománte, geomancer, one
skilled in geomancy.
Geománzia, s. f. geomancy, a
kind of divination by points
and circles made on


Gensom'ino, v. Gelsomino.
Gentáccia, s. f. the rabble,
Gentaglia, the dregs of the
people, mob, the rascality.
Gentagliaccia, a degrading
augmentative of Gentaglia.
Gentáme, s. m. many people,
affluence of people.
Gente, s. m. men, people, folks,
nation.Gente, relations,
kindred.--Gente, extraction, Geométrico, Į adj.geometrical,
family-Gente, soldiers.-La Geómetro, S belonging to
gente del Re, the King's sol-
*diers.-Gente a cavallo, horse-
men.Buona gente, good
people. Di buona gente, of a
good family. Di bassa gente,
of a mean extraction.-Gente,
crowd, multitude.
Genterella, s. f. the common
Gentildónna, a gentlewoman.
Gentile, adj. genteel, noble,
affable, handsome, pretty
Gentile, nice, weak, tender.
Cențili, gentiles, pagans, hea-
thens.Gentile, gentle, falcon
gentle, a tercel-gentle.
Gentilesco, adj. fine, handsome,
noble, genteel.
Gentilésimo, s. m. paganism,
gentilism, heathenism...
Gentiletto, pretty, genteel,
handsome, tine.
Gentilezza, s. f. nobility,gen-Germe, s. m. a burgeon, a
za, affability, courtesy, kind-
Gress, gentleness.
who dire, to nobilitate, to make
Taggiarle or famous.

m. a bud, à

geon.Germogliare, to increase, multiply, grow. Germoglio, s. sprout, blossom. Geroglífico, s. m. hieroglyphic, mystical character or image. Gersa, s. m. a kind of paint used by women. Gerretiéra, s. f. garter, sign of a military order in England. Gerúndio, s. f. a gerund. Gessáto, adj. chalky. Gesso, s. m. chalk. Gesta, s. f. race, family, lineage, stock, generation.-Gesta, acts, exploits, achieve


Geómetra, geometrician.
Geometría, s. f. geometry.
Geometricamente, geometri-


Gerárca, a high-priest, a bi-

bitilità, s. f. gentilism, heaG. thenism.-Gentilità, a pretty way, genteel carriage, grace, Gentilizio, adj. gentilitious, that belongs to a stock, kindred, or ancestors. Gentilmente, adv. gently, courteously, affably.-Gentilmente, richly, splendidly, magnifi

G. pay, nobly.
Gargaghilotto, a country 'squire,
by maruntry gentleman.
́mo, a gentleman.
f. common people,


Gerarchía, hierarchy, church
government.-Gerarchie, hie-
rarchy, the order of angels.
Gerárchico, adj. hierarchical.
Gerfálco, s. m. a kind of hawk.
Gergo, s. m. obscure and un-
intelligible talk, an artificial
speech invented by rogues,
that they may not be under-
stood by other people, cant.
Gergóne, s. m. the same as

Gerla, s. f. a basket.
Germáno, s. m. full brother.-
Cugino germano, cousin-ger-
man.-Germano, a kind of
wild duck.-Germano, adj.
right, proper, true, not coun-
terfeit, natural.


Gestáre, to bear, to carry, to


Gesteggiare, to use too much
gesture, to gesticulate.
Gestire, to gesticulate.
Gesto, s. m. action, gesture, or
way of delivery.-Gesto, acts,
exploits, achievements.
Gesto, care, government, ad-

Gesuíta, s. m. a Jesuit.
Gesuítico, jesuitical.
Geti, s. m. pl. jesses for hawks.
-Beccarsi i geti, to under-
take some difficult thing.
Gettáre, to throw, to fling,
shoot, cast, or hurl.-Gettar
lagrime, to shed tears.-Gettar
sospiri, to fetch sighs, to sigh.

Gettare, to bring, to cause,
make, breed, procure.-Get-
tare a terra, to throw or pull
down. Gettar via, to throw
away.- -Gettar via, to give
away.-Gettare i fondamenti, to
lay the foundations.-Gettar
odore, to scent or cast forth
a smell.Gettar motto, to
mention, to talk of.-Gettare,
to bud, burgeon, or bloom.-
young bud, a shoot.
Gettar al volto, to throw in
Germináre, to burgeon, to one's dish, to hit in the teeth.
come or shoot up, to spring -Gettarsi bandito, to go upon
out, to bud.
the highway. Gettarsi al cat
Germinativo, adj. generative, tivo, to give one's self up to
serving to generation.
a bad course of life.-Gettare
Germinatore, masc. adj. pro- polvere negli occhi, to throw
Germinatrice, fem. ductive. dust in one's eyes.---Gettar la
Germini, s. m. cards called ter- penna, to gain, to get.-Gel-
restrial triumphs.
tarsi ad una, to addict or ap-
Germoglia, s. f. v. Germoglio. ply one's self to a thing.
Germogliaménto,s.m.aspring-Gettarsi alla strada, to despair,
ing, budding or sprouting, to go upon the highway.-
burgeon, bud, shoot.
Germogliante, adj. branching
or budding, beginning to

Germogliare, to bud, to blos-
som, to sprout out, to bur-

Gettar la sorte, to cast lots.-
Gettar a muir, to consume, to
waste.Gettar il tempo, to
spend one's time idly.-Gel-
tursi le cose dietro alle spalle, to
abandon, to forsake, to leave

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