صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Ghiacciuolo, s. m. icicle.
Ghiacére, v. Giacere.
Ghiacinto, s. m. a precious
stone so called.

Ghiádo, s. m. extreme cold,
frosty weather, numbness
through coldness.
Ghiado, glave or sword.
Morto a ghiado, killed with a

Ghiaggiuólo, s. m. glader or
Ghiája, s. f. gravel.
Ghiajáta, s. f. the gravelling
muddy places or roads.
Ghiajóso, adj. sandy, gravelly,

Ghignétto, s. m. a smile or
Ghigno, S simpering,
a grin.

Ghiótta, s. f. a dripping-pan.
Ghiottamente, adv. greedily.
Ghiotterellíno, adj.) dainty,
Ghiotterello. S delicate,


all at sixes and sevens.-Gettar | Ghiaccio, s. m. ice-Ghiaccio, to.
gli occhi sopra qualche cosa, to adj. frozen.
cast one's eyes upon a thing.
-Gettare i dadi, to throw or
cast the die. -Gettare, to
melt, cast in a mould, or
frame.—Gettare un cannone, to
cast a cannon.-Gettare una
campana, to cast a bell.
Gettáta, s. f. a cast, a throw.
Gettatore, a caster, a thrower,
he that flings away.-Getta-
tore, a founder.-Gettatore di
campana, a bell-founder.
Gettatrice, fem. of Gettatore.
Getto, s. m. throw, cast.
Getto d'acqua, a water-spout.
-Far getlo, to lighten a ship
in a storm.-Getto, lagon or
lagan. Far di getto, to cast.
Cannone di getto, a brass gun.
Getto, foundery.--D'un
getto, at one cast.-Getto, in-
crustation. Ad un getto di
pietra, at a stone's throw.
Gheffo, v. Gueffo.
Ghémbo, adj. bent, crooked.
Ghéppio, s. m. kestrel, a bird
of prey. Far gheppio, to die.
Gherbellire, Obs. v. Ghermíre.
Gherbíno, s. m. the south
west wind.
Gherminélla, s. f. a juggle,
a juggling trick, or legerde-
main, cheat, fraud,
Ghermíre, to gripe, to catch,
to lay hold of, to seize, to

Gherofanélla, s. f. an herb so called.

Gherofanò, v. Garofano. Gheróne, s. m. gusset or gore of a shirt or smock, the sidepieces of a cloak, the skirts or quarter-picces of a coat, jerkin, or gown.Gherone, bit, picce.-Ha del labbro un gheron di sopra mano, he has a bit of his upper lip cut off. -Quello, che non va nelle maniche, va ne' gheromi, what one does not spend one way, to spend it another. Ghetto, s. m. a place appointed for the Jews to live in.

Ghiánda, s. f. acorn.
Ghiandája, s. f. a pye, a mag-

Ghiandajóne, s. m. augment. of
Ghiandellíno, s. m. dim. of
Ghiandífero, adj. that bears


Ghiándola, s. f. kernel in the
Ghiandúccia, flesh or
throat, the glanders in a
horse, the measles in a dog.
Ghiára, v. Ghiaja.
Ghiarabaldána, s. f. a trifle, a
toy, a thing of little or no

Ghiazzerino, s. m. a coat of

Ghiazzeruóla, s. f. a pinnace.
Ghibellino, adj. of the ghibel-
line faction or party.
Ghiéra, s. f. a ring of iron or
any other matter, about or at
the end of any thing, the
locket of a sword or dagger.

Ghiera, a quiver.-Ghiera,
a kind of electuary made of
aloes, spikenard, saffron.
Ghierabaldána, s. f. a toy, a
trifle, a trifling thing.
Ghieu ghieu! a cry that chil-
dren make after one by way
of mocking and contempt.
Ghiéva, s. f. clod or turf of
earth. Obs.

Ghezzo, adj. black or moor-Ghignáre, to smile or simper,
ish.-Un ghezzo, a black, a
moor, a negro.
Ghiabaldána, v. Chiarabalda-


Ghiaccésco, adj. frozen, cold,

Ghiaccia, s. f. ice, frost. Obs.
Ghiacciája, s. f. an ice-house.
Ghiacciare, to freeze.

Ghiacciato, adj. frozen.

to grin.
Ghignáta, s. f. a great laugh-
ter, and chiefly in derision.
Ghignatore, a grinner, one
that grins.
Ghignatrice, fem. of Ghigna-


Ghignazzáre, to laugh loudly,
and with a grin.
Ghignettino, dim. of Ghignet-

Ghiotto, adj. greedy, glutton-
ous.Un ghiotto, a glutton, a
gully-gut.-Ghiotto, desirous,
covetous. Che di loro abbrac
ciar mi facea ghiotto, that
made me very desirous to
embrace them.-Ghiotto, sly,
crafty, vicious, wicked.-
Avere un certo ghiotto, to have
something that allures or
charms Costei ha un non so
che di ghiotto che non mi posso
suziare di guardaria, she has
something so engaging, that I
cannot forbear looking at her.
Ghiottoncéllo, s. m. dim. of
Ghiottóne, s. m. a greedy-gut.
Ghiottonería, s. f. gluttony,
rate eating and drinking.
Ghiottoneria,daintiness, dainty
bit.Giottoneria, waggish-
ness, knavishness, knavery.
Ghióva, s. f. a clod or turf of
earth. Obs.

Ghiozzo, s. m. a bit or morsel,
a snip of any thing.-Ghiozzo,
a drop. Obs.Ghiozzo, a
gudgeon-Un ghiozzo a thick
skulled fellow, a blockhead.
Ghiribizzáre, to devise, to in-
vent, to imaginë, to feign, to
forge, to fancy, to romance.
Ghiribizzatore, a fantastical or
whimsical man.
Ghiribízzo, s. m. a device or
invention, a fantastical¡con-

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present-Già la sera è venuta, it is already night.-Già è venuto, he is come now. Già sometimes is not expressed in English, but, however, it gives strength to the discourse in Italian, ex-Non vorresti già ch'io partissi, you would not have me go away.Non già, not, not at all.Non già ch'io me ne penta, not that I repent of it. Giacchè, adv. since, since that. Giacchè volete così, così sia, since you will have it so, let it be so. Giacchiare, to squeak, and it is said of crows. Ghiacchio, s, f. a casting-net. Gittare il giucchio tondo, to 'spare nobody. Giacénte, adj. lying.-Giacente, situated, seated. Giacere, to lie down.-Vicino alla camera dove giaccio, near the room where i die.➡Giacére, to depend, to consist. In voi giace ogni mia fortunu, all my happiness depends upon you. Giacere, to lie, to stand, to be situated.Giacere, to stop or stand as water in a gutter or sink-Giacere, s. m. a lying down. Giaciglio, v. Giacitojo. Obs. Giacimento, s. m. a lying down, the posture of a man's body. Giacimento, a lying with a woman, the act of copulation.

Giallóre, s. m. yellowness, yel-
lowishness, paleness.
Gialloríno, adj. yellowish.
Giallosánto, s. m. a kind of co-
lour so called.
Gialloso, adj. v. Giallóguolo.
Giallúccio, adj. yellow, yellow
ish, somewhat yellow.
Giallúme, s. m. v. Giallezza.
Giambáre, to jest, to rail, to
jeer, to laugh at, to flout.
Giambo, s. m. iambic.-Verso
giambo, iambic verse.-Volere
il giambo d'uno, to have a lit-
tle diversion or sport with


Giammái, adv. never, at no
time, ever, at any time.
Giamméngola, s. f. a trifle, a
thing of small value, an idle

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Giacinto, s. m. a hyacinth.
Giacitojo, s. m. a place to lie
in, a couch.
Giacitúra, s. f. posture or way
of lying.

Giáco, s. m. a coat of mail.
Giafossecosache, adv. because.
Oiálda, s. f. a kind of weapon
used in ancient times.
Gialdoniére, s. m. armed with
Gialleggiante, adj. yellowish.
Gialleggiare, to grow yellow,
to be yellowish.
Giallétto, adj. yellowish, some-
what yellow.
Giallezza, s. f. yellowishness,
yellowness, paleness.
Gialliccio, adj.

Gialligno, yellowish.

Giallo, adj. yellow-Giallo, pale.-veri pie' gialli, to grow sour, said of red wine. Giallo, s. m. the yellow part in the middle of a rose. Giallógnolo, adj. yellowish,

Giannetta, s. f. a pike or lance,

a spear.

Giannettáta, s. f. a blow, a
hit with a pike or lance.
Giannetto, genet, a Spanish

Giannettóne, s. m. a large pike
or lance.
Giannizzero, s. m. Janizary, a
foot-guard of the Grand Seig-


Giára, s. f. a flagon or great

Giárda, s. f. a disease that
comes on a horse's hoof.-
Giarda, mockery, raillery, jest,

Giardinetto, dim. of Giardi-


a garden.

Giardiniere, s. m. a garden-
Giardiniéro, S'er.
Giardiniére, Obs.
Giardino, s. m.
Giardóne, t. Giarda.
Giargóne, s. m. a precious stone
so called.

Giaro, s. m. calves-foot, an

Giárro, s. m. a jar.

Già sia ciò che, adv. because.

Gia sia cosa, e Gia sia che, adv.
because. Obs.

Giattánza, s. f. brag, boast or


Giattúra, loss.

Giáva, s. f. a part of a ship, so



Gigliato, s. m. a coin of money in Florence.

Gigliéto, s. m. a place planted
with lilies.

Giglietto, s.m. a small lily.
Giglio, s. m. lily.Giglio,


Gina, s. f. breath, strength.
Ginépra, s. f. juniper-berry.
Gineprájo, s. m. a place
where ju-
niper grows.--Gineprajo, trou-
ble, labyrinth.
Ginépro, 5. m. juniper-tree.
Ginéstrá, s. f. broom, a plant
so called.
Ginestréto, s. m. plat or place
where broom grows.-Ġines -
tréto, trouble, confusion, dis-
turbance, labyrinth.
Ginestrevole, adj. full of
broom, broomy.
Gingia, the gum of the teeth.
Ginnásio, s. m. a school.
Ginnástico, adj. that belong-
eth to the place or art of ex-
ercise, a school, college, aca-

Ginnetto, v. Giannetto.
Ginocchiello, s. m. hog's feet.
-Ginocchiello, a knee-piece."
Ginocchio, s. m. a knee.
Ginocchione, o Ginocchioni,
adv. upon one's knees.
Giò, s. m. a word used by car-
riers to encourage their
horses to go.-Ando gio-gio,
to go softly or slowly.
Giocáre, . Giuocare.
Giochévole, adj. merry, sport-
ful, pleasant, sportive, jocose.
Giochevolmente, adv. merrily,

Giavellótto, s. m. a javelin.
Cibbo, s. m. a bunch or swell-pleasantly, in jest.
ing on the back.
Gibbúso, adj. bunchy,
backed, high-shouldered.
Gibbúto, v. Gibboso.
Gichero, s. m. calves-foot, an

Gioco, v. Giuoco.
crook-Giocoláre, s. m. a buffoon, a
jester, a droll, a merry-an-
drew, a fool.-Giocolare, to
play, to shew tricks with

light. Obs.

one's hands, to juggle or play | Giojore, s. m. joy, mirth, de-
Giocolarmente, adv. merrily, Giojosamente, adj. joyfully.
jestingly, pleasantly.
Giocolatore, a juggler.
Giocolatrice, femin. of Gioco-

latore. Giocólino, dim. of Giuoco. Giocondaménte, adv. joyfully, gladly, cheerfully, merrily, willingly. Giocondare, to be merry, to rejoice, to cheer up. Giocondáto, adj. merry,diverted, glad, satisfied. Giocondévole, adj. delectable, pleasant.

Giojóso, adj. merry, blithe,


fit, advantage, help, avail.
Giovanáccio, a lad.
Giovanáglia, s. f. youth, young
men, young people.
Giovanástro, s. m. a lad.
Giovane, adj. young-Un gio-
vane, a youth, a young man.
-Una giovane, a young wo


Gioíre, to be merry or joyful,
to rejoice, to cheer up.-Gi-
oire, to enjoy or possess.-Per-
che sappi almen dire come è satto
il gioire, that you may know
what pleasure is.
-Stare in giolito, toful.
Giólito, ex.-
stand still, and is said of ships
in a calm.

Giolláro, s. m. Obs. v. Giul-

Giovanello, adj. young.
Giovanésco, adj. young, youth-


Giovanétto, adj. very young.
-Un giovanetto, a young man,
a lad.

Giovanézza, s. f. youth.
Giovanile, adj. young, youth-
ful.-Etd giovanile, young


Giocondezza, s. f.

Giomélla, v. Giumella.
pleasant-Giorgiería, s. f. valour, bra-
very, in a mock signification.


beau, the pretty fellow.
Giornále, s. m. journal, diary.
Giornale, a day-book.
Giornaliero, adj. daily.
Giornalmente, adv. daily.
Giornáta, s. f. a day.—Giornata,
a day's work.--Giornata, a
day's journey.-Giornata, day,
fight, battle.-Far giornata, to
come to a battle.-
A giornata, adv. Į
Alla giornata,
Giornéa, s. f. a soldier's coat
or military garment.-Affib-
biarsi la giornea, to presume
too much.


mirth, jollity, content, satis-Fare il giorgio, to play the
faction, pleasure.
Giocondo, adj.
Giocondóso, Obs. S pleasant,
gay, blithe.
Giocosamente, adv. in jest,
merrily, jestingly, pleasantly.
Giocóso, adj. gamesome, sport-
ful, gay, blithe, merry.
Giocúccio, s. m. dim. of Gioco.
Gioculatrice, s. f. a she-juggler,
a cunning gipsy.
Giogája, s. f. the dew-lap of an
ox.-Giogája, a long ridge of
hills or mountains.
Giogánte, s. m. a giant. Obs.
Giogliato, adj. mixt with tares.
Gióglio, s. m. ray, darnel,
cockle, or tares.
Giógo, s. m. a yoke or yoak.
Giogo, yoke, subjection, slave-
ry, bondage.-Metter il collo
al giogo, to yield, or submit
one's self.Scuotere il giogo,
to shake off the yoke, to free
one's self.--Giogo, top, height,
or peak of a hill or moun-



Giója, s. f. jewel-Gioja, fool,
-Ella dee ben sicura-
mente esser cattiva cosa d'aver
vaghezzar di così hella gioja come
se' tu, it would be a strange
shing indeed to fall in love
with such a fool as you-Gi-
oja, joy, mirth, delight, plea-
sure, content, gladness. Gio-
ja del pozzo, the mouth of a
Giojante, adj. blithe, merry,
joyful. Obs.
Giojellato, adj. studded or set
with precious stones.
Giojelliére, s. m. a jeweller.
Giojellino, dim. of Giojello.
Giojella, s. m. a jewel.
Giojétta, dim, of Gioja.

Giovanilmente, adv. like a
young man.
Giovanitúdine, s. f. young


Giovanotto, a young man, à lad.

Giováre, to help, aid, 'succour
or ease, to favour, to profit,
to do one good, to avail.-I!
vino non mi giova, wine does
me no good.-Giotáre, to de-
light, to take pleasure in, to
like, to love. Mi questa vita
giova, I like this way of liv-
ing-Fare a giova giova, to
help one another.-Giováre,
to make use of, to use or em→
Giorno, s. m. day, day-light, ploy.-Pioche le buone parole
light.- Buon giorno, good-nan vagliono, mi gioverò della foT-
morrow.-Giorno di lavoro, a
work day.-Di giorno in gior-
no, adv. daily.--L'aspetto di
giorno in giorno, I expect him
every day.-Di giorno in gi
orno, adv. from day to day.
Dare tanto il giorno, to give
or pay so much a-day.-Far-
si giorno, to be light, to ap-
pear, speaking of the light
of the day.A giorno, adv.
by the break of day.——All'
abassar del giorno, towards the
-Tutto giorno,

every day, always.
Giostra, s. f. just, tilt.-Giostra,
fight, combat.-Giostra, jest,
trick-Fare una giostra ad uno,
to play one a trick.
Giostrante, adj. justling, just-
ing, tilting.
Giostráre, to just or justle, to
run a-tilt-Giostráre, to emu-
late, to vie with one, to
Giostratore, one that runs a-
Giovamento, s. m. good, bene-

za, since fair means won't do,
I'll make use of power-A
che giova, what signifies.-Che
mi giova, what avails me.-
Mi giova credere, I will be-

Giovativo, adj. ušeful, good,

Giovatóre, a helper.
Giovatrice, she that helps.
Giove, Jupiter, the metal tik
among alchemists.
Giovedi, s. m. Thursday.
Giovénca, a heifer.
Giovénco, a bullock, a steer.
Giovenézza, v. Giovanezza.
Gioveníle, v. Giovanile.
Gioventù, s. f. youth, youth-
Gioventúdine, ful days, also
young people.
Giovereccio, adj. delightful,
Giovévole, adj. useful, good,
Giovevolmente, adv. usefully,

s. f. utility,

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Giovíale, adj. jovial, pleasant.
Giovincélla, a young girl, a
Giovincéllo, young man.
Gióvine, v. Giovane, and its
Gioviníno, adj. youthful, ju-

Giracò, s. m. a kind of flower.
Giráffa, &. f. camelopard. An
Abyssinian animal,taller than
an elephant, but not so

Girellétta, s. f. a very small

Girello, s. m. a small ring or

Girévole, adj. that turneth,
inconstant, fickle, change-
Girfalco, s. m. gerefaulcon,
a kind of
Giro, s. m. a turn, turning,
tour.-Giro di ruota, the turn-
ing of a wheel-Giro del sole,
the revolution of the sun, its
going round the world.--Giro,
turn, walk. Andiamo a fare
un giro pe' campi, let us go take
a walk or turn in the fields.-
Giro, compass, circumference,
detour.Giro d'una città, the
compass of a town.-Tre mig-
lia in giro, three miles in cir-
cumference.Giro del viso,
the contours or the shape of
one's face.-Giro, turn, order.

In giro, by turns.-Ciascuno al suo giro, every one in his turn.-Volger gli occhi in giro, to look about.-Per giro, adv. round about.

Giraménto, s. m. a turning
round, winding, wheeling.
Girándola, s. m. a branched
candlestick, a chandelier.
Girandola, invention, evasion,
subterfuge, cunning shift.
Girandolare, to invent, to
vise, to feign, to imagine, to
farge, to fancy.
Girare, to turn, to go about,
to wind, wheel, rove, or wan-
der about.--Girare, to be in
circumference, or in com-
pass, to be about Queste lu-
ago gira tre miglia, this place
is three miles in compass.-
Gram, to environ, to encom-
pass, surround, or stand Giróne, s. m. a great compass.
about.Girare, to convert, -Giróne di vento, a whirl-
turn, or to change.-Girare wind-Andare girone, to ram-
Largo a canti, to take care, to ble about.
stand upon one's guard.-Gi-Gita, s. f. a going, a walk-
vare i danari ad uno, to assign a
sum of money to one in pay- Gito, (part. pass. of Gire)
ment.-Girarsi nella memoria, gone.
to remember.Girare, to
grow mad. Girare, to turn.
Girare gli occhi, to turn one's
eyes. Col girar degli anni, in
process of time.-Far girar
l cervello ad uno, to make one
run mad.—In un girar di ciglio,
in an instant.
Girasóle, s. m. turnsol or sun-
flower; girasol, a precious
stone, so called.
Giráta, s. f. turn, way, com-
pass.--Andiamo a fare una gi-
rata, let us go take a walk.
Giratívo, adj. circular, round.
Girovólta, s. f. a turning, a
Girazione, winding-
Dare una giravolta, to take a

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v. Giubbette.
Giubbóne, s. m. a doublet.—
Gorrere in giubbone, to run in

Giubilánza, v. Giubilazione.
Giubilare, to rejoice, to be
merry, to shout for joy and

Giubilatore, he that rejoices
and shows much gladness.
Giubileo, s. m. v. Giubbileo.
Giubilazione, s. f.) jubilation,
Giubilío, s. m. rejoicing,
Giúbilo, s. m.
making, feasting.

Gire, to go.
Girella, s. f. a small wheel, a
weather-cock, a pulley of a
ship or well, the low wheels,
of a sledge, of a trundle bed,
or of a barrow.
Cirellájo, a small wheel-mak-
er-Girellágo, adj. wavering,


Gittajóne, s. m. Roman cori-
ander, good for the lungs.
Gittaménto, s., m. a throw,
hurl, or cast.
Gittáre, v. Gettare.
Gittáta, s. f. a throw, a cast.-
Gittata di pietra, a stone's cast.
-Gittata, the earth digged
out of a grave placed just by

or casts

Gittáto, u. Gettato.
Gittatóre, a shooter, a darter,
he that throws
Gitto, v. Getto.
A gitto, adv. opposite, over-

Gittóne, s. m. a plant so called,


Giúcare, to play, to sport.
Giucare agli secachi, to play at
chess.-Giuçare, to feast, to
rejoice.-Giucar di bastone, to
beat.Giucare d'autorità, to
use power or authority in an
arbitrary manner- che gi
Noco gachiam noi? what game
do we play at? what are you
doing-Giucure, to play, to
play the fool, to sport.
Giucare, to be prevalent, to
have the better of it.-Dove
giuoca pecunia, o altro bene propria
ne amico ne parente si trova che
vogliu meglio a te che a se, where
money or self-interest pre-
vails, there's no friend nor
relation that does not love
himself better than you--
Giucare a mosca cieca, a sonag-
lio, alla civetta, to employ
one's time in frivolous things.
-Giucare alle pugna, to box.
→Giucare a rovescio, to do the
contrary or the reverse.
Giucatóre, gamester, or play-

or the seed of it.
Giú, adv. down, below, be-
neath-Ander giù, to go
down giù, he is below.
Grù per le scale, down stairs.
Porre giu, to lay aside, to lay
down. Por giù la paura, to
recover one's self from a Giucatrice, fem. of Giucatore,
fright.-Por giù l'amore, to for-Giucolare, to play for little.
sake or banish away one's Giudico, adj. Jewish.


Giudaísmo, s. m. Judaism, the Giudizio, v. Giudicio.
Jews' religion.
Giudizioso, v. Giudicioso.
Giudaizzáre, to hold the cus-Giugante, Obs. v. Giganta.
toms and religious rites of Giugantéssa, Obs. v. Gigar-

the Jews.

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Giudéo, a Jew.--Giudée, adj. prepossessed, infatuated, incredulous.


Giúgero, s. m. as much ground
as one pair of oxen could till
or plough in a day, an acre of

Giuggiare, v. Giudicare. Obs. Giudicamento, s. m. judgment, Giúggioła, s. f. jujube, a sort sentence, decree, order.-Giu- of fruit. dicamento, reason, understand- Giuggioléna, v. Físamo. ing-Giudicamento, opinion, Giuggiolino, adj. jujube


Giudicáre, to judge, to decide, to determine, to sentence.Guidicar uno, to think ill of one, to have a bad opinion of him.- Giudicáre, to judge, think, believe, or suppose.Fate quel che l'animo vi giúdica, do what you think fit. Giudicativo, adj. judicial, judiciary, legal, done in the form of justice. Giudicato, s. m. jurisdiction, dominion. Stare al giudicato, to stand to what has been de



Giuggiolo, s. m. jujube-tree. Giúgnere, to arrive at, to come.--Giugnere, to join close. Giugnere, to reach, to come at, to catch.-Giugnere, to add, to put to, to put in― Giugnere, to redace, to bring. -Giugnere,to deceive,to cheat, to cozen.-Si savio, non ti lasciar mai giugnere, take care, don't suffer yourself to be deceived.-Guignere uno alla schiaccia, to clap one in prison. Giugnimento, s. m. conjune tion, a joining or meeting together.Giugnimento, union. ju-Giugno, s. m. the month of

[blocks in formation]

Giunta, addition, increase, overplusage, over-weight.Giunta, a council assembled.Per giunta agli altri miei mali, this added to my misfortunes. -A'prima giunta, adv. immejoint. diately, presently.Giunta,


Giudicatórę, judge. Giudicatório, adj. judicial, diciary, legal, done in the form of justice.


Giuládro, Obs. v. Giullare. Giudicatrice, s. f. fem. of Giu-Giule', s. m. a game at cards so dicatore.



Giudicazione, s. f. judgment, Giulebbáre, to boil until it
comes to be julep.
Grulébbe, s. m. julep, a li-
Giulebbo, quid medi-

Giúdice, s. m. judge.-Giudice,
umpire, arbitrator.--Giúdice,
one skilled in any thing.
Giudichevolmente, adv. justly,
rightly, judiciously.
Giudiciale, adj. judicial, legal.
Giudicialmente, adv. judicially,
according to due course of


Giudiciário, adj. judicial, judi


cine of a sweet taste.

Giulécco, s. m. a galley-slave


Giulianza, s. f. Obs. joy, fes-

Giuntáre, to cheat, to deceive.

Giuntare, to join or put together, to close.

Giuntatóre, a cheat, a sharper.
Giuntería, s. f. cozenage, cheat-

Giúnto, adj. arrived, come--
A che son giunto, what an 'I
together.-Star con le mani gi-
come to.-Giunto, joined, put
unte, to stand idle.
seam.--Giuntura, conjunc
Giuntúra, s. f. joint, article,


Giucacchiare, to play small
Giuocáre, v. Giucare.
game, to play for little.
Giuocáccio, s. m. a bad game,
a bad set of cards in one's
hands at play.


Giuocatrice, fem. of Giuoci


Giúlio, s. m. a piece of money at Rome in value about sixpence sterling-Legge Giulia, the Julian law, among the Giudicio, s. m. court of judi- Romans, which made adul-Giuocatóre, a player, a gamecature.Chiamare in giudicio, tery death. to summon to appear in a Giulio, v. Giulivo. court of justice.Giudicio, Giulivamente, adv. joyfully. judgment, sentence, decree, Giulivétto, adj. pretty gay. order.Giudicio, judgment, Giulività, s. f. mirth, pleasantreason, understanding.-Giu- ness. dicio, opinion, mind.- Fare cattivo giudicio d'uno, to judge ill of one, to have an ill opinion of him.-Il giorno del giudicio universale, the day of judgment, dooms-day. Giudiciosamente, adv. judiciously, wisely, rationally. Giudicioso, adj. judicious, rational, wise.

Giulivo, adj. merry, pleasant,
cheerful, glad, gay.
Giulláre, s. m. a jester, a buf
foon, a merry andrew.
Giullaresco, adj. comical, ridi-
culous, foolish, nonsensical,

Giullería,s; f. buffoonery, scur-
rility, jesting, drollery.
Giumella, s. 1. as much of any

Giuoco, s. m. game, play, sport, diversion.--Levarsi da giuoco, to leave off playing --Giroco,'art, science, skill. Giusco, play, giuoco, adv. ready, in order. sport, jeer, jest, banter Mettere a givoro, to ridicule. Parlare & giroco, to speak in jest.-Gruoco, thing, business, fact. Foglio vedere a che'l giuoco riuscirà, l'U see this thing out, I'll see the end of this.Giuợca, trick, fetch ha

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