صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

• fatto un cattivo giuoco, he has played me a scurvy trick.Giuoco, procedure, behaviour, carriage. Se non mutate giuoco non voglio aver che fare con voi, if you don't behave better, I'll have nothing to do with. you.Giuoco di poche tavole, small business. Il giuoco della cieca, blind-man's-buff.-Giuoco di mano, a juggler's trick.

-Giuoco di testa, invention. Giuocofórza, s. f. necessity, force.

Giucoláre, v. Giocolare. Giuocolatore, v. Giocolatore. Giúra, s. f. conjuration, plot, conspiracy. Obs. Giura, law things, things pertaining to


Giuraménto, s. m. an oath. Giuránte, adj. that swears. Giurantemente, adv. swearingly, upon oath.

Giuráre, to swear, to take an oath.- Giurare, to promise upon oath.-Giurare, to betroth, to promise in marriage. --Giurare, to swear, to depose, to protest.--Giurare, to swear, to vow, absolutely to resolve. Giuratamente, adv. upon oath. Giuráto, adj. sworn.--Nemico giurato, a sworn, declared, professed enemy.-Giuráto, s. m. a plotter, a conspirator. Giuratore, a swearer, a blasphemer.

mente, conveniently, suitably, commodiously. Giustézza, s. f. justice, equity, punctuality. Giustificante, adj. that justifies. Giustificáre, to justify, to shew, to prove, to make good.-Giustificáre, to justify, to bring into a state of grace.-Giustificáre, to justify, to clear. Giustificarsi, to justify, to clear

one's self.

Giustificataménte, adv. justly, rightly. Giustificatóre, he that justifies and brings into a state of grace. Giustificatríce, fem. of Giustifi

kernelly, full of kernels. Glasto, s. m. the herb woad, Glastro, Swherewith cloth is dyed blue. Glaúco, adj. sky-blue, seagreen.

Glave, s. m. the sword-fish. Gleba, s. f. glebe. Globettino, dim. of Globetto. Globétto, dim. of Globo. Globo, s. m. a globe. Globosità, s. f. roundness, globosity, the form of a globe. Globóso, adj. globose, globular, round as a globe. Glória, s. f. glory, honour, praise, esteem, name, fame, reputation.--Vana gloria, vainglory, conceit, conceitedness. Giustificazione, s. f. justifica--Gloria, glory, blessedness of tion, defence, vindication. -Giustificazione, justification, clearing, excuse.-Giustificazi óne, justification, a clearing the transgressors of their sins by the effect of justifying grace.


Giustizia, s. f. justice.-Amministrare la giustizia, to administer justice.--Far giustizia, to do justice.-Chiamar in giustizia, to sue one. Si farà giustizia oggi, to-day will be execution day.-Giustizia, court of judicature.

Giustiziáre, to execute, to put malefactors to death by

course of law.

Giustizieráto, s. m. jurisdiction of a justice. ac-Giustiziére, executioner, hangman.- -Giustiziere, justice, judge.

Giuratório, adj. to be sworn. Giuragióne, s. f. oath. Giúre, s. m. law.-In giure, cording to the law. Giureconsúlto, a man learned in the law, a civilian. Giuridicamente, adv. juridically, legally. Giuridico, adj. juridic, lawful, legal. Giuridizionale, adj. judicial, legal, done in the form of jus


Giuridizione, s. f. jurisdiction.
Giurista, jurist, lawyer.-
Giurista, adj. juridic, lawful,

Giuro, s. m. oath.
Giúso, adv. down, below.
Giusquiámo, s. m. hen-bane,

Giusto, adj. just, right, equitable, reasonable.-Giusto, exact, even, true.-Misura giusta, a true measureQuesto abito è troppo giusto, this suit fits too close.-Giusto, pretty tall. Giusto, just.-Giusto, adv. justly, rightfully.-Giusto così, exactly so. -Giusto, prep. according--Giusto il vostro desiderio, according to your desire.

Glaba, s. f. a talley or tally, a cloven piece of wood to score up an account upon by

notches. Obs. Gladiatore, gladiator, sword

Giústa, prep. according-Giuste il contenuto, according to the player. contents.-Giusta, near, hard Glándula, s. f. kernel, mumps,


or tonsils.

Giustamente, adv. justly,right-Glandulétta, s. f. glandule or fully, righteously-Giustamente, little kernel.

deservedly, justly..Giusta Glandulóso, adj. glandulous,

heaven. Gloria, a glory in painting, a circle round the head of a saint.. Aspettare a gloria, to expect a thing with great impatience. Glorian'te, adj. boasting, proud,


Gloriáre, to glorify, to glory, to give praise. Gloriarsi, to be proud of, to take a pride in, to boast or brag.Gloriársi, to become glorious or famous. Gloriazióne, s. f. vàunting. Glorificaménto, v. Glorificazi

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Gnaffe, adv. yea,troth, in truth,] by my troth.-Gnaffe dell' universo, bless me, lack-a-day. Gnatóne, a parasite, a shark, a sponge.

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tain or make merry, to feast,
to eat and drink well.--Goder-
sela, to take one's pleasure.
Godere, to rejoice, to be glad
or overjoyed-Godo di veder-
la, I am glad to see you.-
Godére, the use and profit of
any thing.
Goderéccio, adj. to be made
merry of.

Goláre, to lust, to desire, to
covet, to long. Obs.
Goleggiare, to wish eagerly.
Golétta, gorget.

Gnaulare, to maul as the cat

Gnau, the mewing of a cat.
Gnocco, s. m. a food used in
Italy, made of paste.-Gnocco,
dunce, blockhead, logger-
head, awkward fellow.
Gnomone, s. m. gnomon.
Gnorri, a burlesque word for
ignorant.Far lo gnorri, to
feign ignorance.
Gubba, s. m. hunch on the
back, bunch.-Gobba, a wo-
man that is hunch backed.
Gobbétta, dim. of Gobba.
Gobbétto, adj. dim. of Gob-
Gobbiccio, bo.-Un gob-
betto, a little hunch-backed


Gobbo, adj. hunch-backed.
Un gobbo, a hunch--backed
man.-Gobba, s. m. one that
has a bunch on the back.
Góbola, s. f. a common saying,
a bye word, a proverb, a tale,

a story.

Góccia, s. f. drop.---Goccia a
goccia, by drops, drop by
Gocciare, to drop, to fall by
Gocciola, s. f. drop.--Gócci-
ola, a drop, a small quantity.
-Gocciola, gutter.---Gocciola,

Golfo, s. m. gulf, bay.--Navi
• gare a golfo lanciato, to sail di-
rectly to.
Goliáre, to lust, covet, to long


Golosamente, adv. greedily.
Godevole, adj. pleasant, agree- Golosía, s. f. gluttony, gor-
able, grateful.-Vita godevole, | Golosità, mandizing,
a merry life.

Godimento, s. m. enjoyment,
possession, pleasure, diver-


Godióso, adj. merry, gay, plea-
sant. Obs.
Goditóre, a spendthrift, a mer-
ry companion, one that loves
his pleasure.

Godúto, adj. enjoyed.
Goffagine, s. f. dulness, awk-


Goffaménte, adv. foolishly,hea-
vily, like a fool.
Gofferia, foolishness, blockish-
ness, awkwardness.
Goffézza, v. Goffaggine.
Goffa, adj. duncical, foolish,
awkward, insipid.-Un goffo,
a dunce, a blockhead, an awk-
ward fellow.

Golóso, adj. greedy, ravenous,
Golpáto, adj. foul, blasted.
Golpe, s. f. fox.-Golpe del grano,

Golpóne, s. m. old crafty fox,
Gómbina, s. f. the thong or lea-
ther strap that ties a flail.
Gómbito, s. m. elbow.-Gom-
bito, a cubit.

Gómena, s. f. cable, great rope of a ship.

Gomíre, v. Vomitare. Obs. Gomitáta, s. f. a thump with an elbow.

Gómito, s. m. elbow.Gomito, a corner, an angle.-Ella par fatta colle gomito, she is very clumsy.- Gomito di mare, a creek. -Gomito, a cubit, a measure of a foot and a half.

Gomito, the officer of a galley who has the particular command over the slaves. Gomitolo, s. m. a bottom of thread.---Gomitolo, a cluster

of bees.

Gomitóne, adv. upon the el-
bows.-Star gomitone, to lean
upon the elbows.
Gomma, s. m. gum.
Gommarágia, s. f. gum arabic.
Gommitero, adj, that produces


Gommóso, adj. gummy, full of gum.

Gogna, s. f. an iron collar wherewith a malefactor is tied to a post, a punishment much like the pillory.—Gog-| na, the prison of this world, metaphorically speaking.Gogna, chain. Gogua, a NewGocciolamento, s. m. the drop-gate-bird, a rogue--Tu se ping, the falling of water in una gogna, thou art a rascal, drops. Gognolíno, s. m. a rogue. Gocciolante, adj. dropping. Gola, s. f. the throat.--Golu, Gocciolare, to drop, to fall by belly, gluttony-Gola, lust, drops.-Cocciolare, to be pas- passion, unlawful desire, consionately in love. cupiscence, appetite, fancy. Gocciolato, adj. bespeckled.-Questa cosa mi fa gola, this Gocciolato, s. m. a colour be- makes my teeth water.--Gola, † speckled with other colours. mouth, entrance.-Cola, conGocciolatojo, s. m. a gutter, a duit, pipe.-Gola diritta, an drainer. ogee, or wave in architecGocciolatúra, s. f. the little hole ture.Gola del bastione, the which the drop makes with entrance or gorge of a basits fall. tion.Gridare quanto se n'ha Gocciolína, s. f. dim. of Gocci- nella gola, to cry out very loud. ola. -Essere a gold in che che si sia, to swim in something, to have great plenty of-E`nell' oro a gola, he swims in gold.-Met-Gonfalonierático, s. m. the tersi ogni cosa per la gola, to Gonfalonieráto, office spend every thing in cating or post of Gonfaloniere. and drinking.Tu ne menti Gonfaloniére, s. m. a standardper la gula, you lie in your bearer, a cornet, an ensign.Gonfaloniere, a title given by the church to this day i Z

Gócciolo, s. m. drop. Gocciolóne, s. m. a dunce, a blockhead, an awkward fel


Godénte, adj. enjoying or pos-
Bessing.Far uno godente, to
please one, to satisfy him.
Godére, to enjoy or possess.
Godere, to live well, to enter-Goláccia, s. f, a large throat.


Gómona, v. Comerta.
Gondola, s. f. gondola, a little
boat at Venice.
Gondolétta, s. f. a little gondo-

Gondoliére, s. m. a waterman
at Venice.

Gonfalonáta, s. f. a company' of soldiers under one ensign. Gonfalone, s. m. a banner, standard, or ensign.


Rome to persons of great quality-Gonfaloniere, a supreme magistrate in the time of the republic in Florence. Gonfia, a glass-blower. Gonfiaggine, s. f. aswelling Gonfiagióno, s. f. tumour. Gonfiaménto, s. m. -Gonfia mento, pride, haughtiness. Gonfiare, to swell, to blow. Far gonfiar il ventre ad una donna, to give a woman the toothach, to get her with child. Gonfiare, to grow proud and vain-glorious. Gonfiare uno, to drive off with fair words, to fill one with hopes and court holy water. Gonfiáto, adj. swelled, blown, puffed, big.-Gonfiato di superbia, e d'alterigia, proud, swoln, conceited.

Gonfiatojo, s. m. a squirt to blow a balloon.

Gonfiatóre, he that swells a thing.

Gonfiatúra, s. m. swelling, tu


Gonfiétto, s. m. a little swelling

Gorgheggiare, to trill, to shake

or quaver.

him.-Governare un vascello, tø steer a ship.Governare un cavallo, to take care of a horse.-Governáre, to geld, to castrate. -Governare, to manure. Governatore, a governor.

Gorgheggiatóre, s. m. a war-
Gorghetto, s. m. a little water-
Gorgia, s. throat, gullet, wea-Governatrice, s. f. a governess.
zand-Trar di gorgia, to shake, Governazióne, v. Governo.
to quaver, to trill.
Governíme, s. m. the dung
Gorgiéra, s. f. a gorget or sol- thrown on the ground to fat-
dier's neck piece. Gorgiera, ten it.
a band, a riband.-Gorgiera, Governo, s. m. government,
throat, gullet.
care, management, command,
Gorgieretta, dim. of Gorgi- direction. Governo d'un vascel
Gorgierina, era.
lo, the steerage of a ship.———
Gorgione, a drunkard.
Senza governo, wandering, at
Gorgo, s. m. a whirlpool.-
random.--Far mal governo d
Gorgo, a depth of water.- una cosa, to spoil a thing-Go-
Gorgo, a brook, a rivulet. verno, a rudder of a ship, the
Gorgogliaménto, s. m. a gar- helm.
gling or rattling in the throat.Gozzája, s. f. any matter ga-
Gorgogliáre, to gargle, to rat- thered together in the throat.
tle in the throat.--Gorgogliare, --Gozzája, a large wen or
to purl, to bubble up as a swelling in the neck.-Goz-
spring of water does.--Gor-zája, an inveterate hatred.
gogliare, to bubble, to boil-Gózzo, s. m. crop or craw of a
Gorgogliare, to rattle, to grum- bird.-Gozo, throat.-Gozzo,
ble, as wind in the guts..
a wen, or swelling in the
Gorgogliare, to breed vermin neck.Gozzo, a cruse, an oil-
as pulse does.
Gorgoglio, s. m.
Gozzovíglia, s. f. pleasure,
Gozzoviglio, s. m.

agargling or S rattling in

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or tumour.

Far gostoviglia, to make mer-
ry, to eat and drink merrily.

wevil, a little worm that eat-Gozzovigliare, to be merry to-
eth the pith of corn pulse.
Gorgózza, s. f. the gullet
Górgozzúle, s. m. or wind-
pipe, throat.

Gonfićzza, s. f. a tumour, a
Gonfio, s. n. swelling.- the throat.
Gonfio, adj. swelled, big, puff-Gorgoglione, s. m. a mite or
ed-Gonfio di superbia, proud,
conceited, haughty-Parola
gonfia, a big word."
Gonfiotto, adj. din. of Gonfio.
-Gonfiotto, s. m. a leather bag
filled with wind.
Góngola, or Gonga, s. f. a tu-
mour in the throat.
Gongolare, to leap, to jump,
to shout for joy, to be pleas-

Gonna, s. f. gown, robe.




a gown,

a wo-

Gonnellúccia, s. f.
Gonorréa, s. f. gonorrhea.
Gonorreáto, adv. that has the
Gonzo, a ninny; a fool.
Gora, an aqueduct, a water-
conduit, a water-pipe.-Gora
morta, a pool of standing wa-
ter.-Gora del mare, a gulf.
Górbia. s. f. ferrel.Gorbia di
canna d'India, the ferrel of a
cane.--Gorbia, the point of an


Gorello, s. m. a little water-
conduit or pipe.
Gorga, s. f. throat, gullet or
... and.

gether, to make good cheer. Gozzovigliáta, s. f. mirth, pleasure, good eating and drinking.

Gorra, s. f. a squared cap.-Gozzúto, adj. wide-throated.
Gorra, a plant so called.
Gorzarétto, v. Gorgierina.
Gorzaríno, v. Gorgierina.
Gota, s. f. cheek.--Gota, side.
-Su la gota destra,on the right


Gotáccia, s. f. a degrading
augmentative of Gota, a large

Gotáta, s. f. a box, cuff or
blow on the ear.
Gotéllina, s. f. dim. of Gota.
Gotta, s. f. gout.
Gotto, s. m. a drinking-glass, a

Gottóso, gouty, troubled with

the gout.
Governamento, s. m. v. Gover-


Governále, s. m. helm, rudder
of a ship.
Governare, to govern, to rule.
to sway. Governare, to pre
pare, to take care, to manage,
to cultivate, to season.-Gover
nare, to pay one off, to thrash

Grácchia, s. f. a jackdaw.
Gracchiare, to croak.—Gracchi-
áre, to prate, to prattle, to
chatter.-Lascia gracchiar gli,
uomini, let men say what they
will.Gracchiare, s. m. talk,
Gracchiatore, s. m. a prattler,
Gracchione, Sa babbler,
a blab.'
Gracidáre, to croak as a frog.-
Gracidare, to cluck.
Gracidatóre, a prattler, a bab-
bler, a blab.

Grácile, adj. small, thin, lank,
lean, meager, weak.
Gracilità, s. f. thinness, lean-
ness, meagerness.
Grada, s. f. gridiron.
Graddaggio, s m. an agreeable
thing. Obs.
Gradare, to descend or go
down by degrees. Obs.
Gradatamente, adv. by de-

Gradélia, s. f. a hurdle, or rods

wattled together, a grate of iron or wood.

⚫ Gradévole, adj. grateful, agreeable, acceptable. Gradevolmente, adv. lovingly, courteously, willingly, with a good will, freely. Gradimento, s. m. acceptance. favour, kindness. Grádíno, s. m. steps of stairs, or greeces of a ladder. Gradíre, to accept, to approve, to allow or like of, to think or judge best.Grudire, to please, to satisfy, to content. -Gradire, to go up or ascend by steps. Gradito, adj. accepted with pleasure; approved. Gradivamente, adv. for nothing, gratis. Obs. Grado, s. m. step, stair, gree. Grado, degree, dignity.Grado, a degree or remove of consanguinityGrado, will, accord, pleasure.-Come meglio vi sarà a grado, as you think fit.-Di grado, adv. willingly. Mal grado, in spite.-Mio mal grado, against my will. Grado, likeness, favour, benevolence.-Cio mi viene a grado, that pleases me. I like it very well.-Presidere a grado, to receive kindly or favourably. Grado, satisfaction, content.Il tutto sarà a vostro grado, every thing shall be to your satisfaction.-Grado, obligation, gratitude, acknowledgment. -Super grado, to take a thing kindly of one, to be obliged to him for it. Quando vi sarà a grado, when you will.-Starete quanto a grado vi sia, you may stay as long as you think fit.


Graduále, adj. gradual.
Gradualmente, adv. gradually,

by steps.
Graduáre, to divide or make
into steps-Graduáre, to gra-
duate or give the degrees.
Graduatamente, adv.gradually,
by equal steps.
Graduato, adj. divided or made
into steps.--Graduato, s. m.
graduate.-Dottor graduato, a

Graffiamento, s. m. a scratch or
Grathante, adj. that scratches.
Graffiáre, to scratch.
Graffiasanti, an hypocrite.
Graffiatúra, s. f. a scratch.
Graffio, s. m.

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Gragnuóla, o Gragnóla, s. f. hail,
or small hail or drizzling.
Gramàglia, s. f. mourning
clothes, weeds.
Gramánzia, s. f. necromancy.
Gramáre, to grieve, to vex, to
make sorry, to give trouble.
Gramática, grammar.
Gramático, s. m. grammarian.
Gramaticúzzo, s. m. a poor
grammarian, a silly pedant.
Gramaticalmente, adv. gram-

Gramézzá, s. f. anguish, grief,
wretchedness, misery.
Gramigna, s. f. dog-grass,

Gramignáto, adj. overgrown
with bad herbs.
Gramigno, s. m. a kind of olive.
Gramignoso, adj. overgrown
with dog-grass.
Gramignuóla, dim. of Gramig-

Grammática, v. Gramatica.
Gramo, adj. wretched, poor,
sad, miserable, woeful, deplor-

Grámola, s. f. an instrument to
knead dough.--Grámola, an
instrument to mash flax with.
Gramoláre, to mash flax.
Grampa, s. f. the paw of a


Gramúffa, s. f. cant.-Favellar
in gramuffa, to talk gibberish.
Grana, s. f. grain.-Tinto in
grana, dyed ín grain.
Granajo, s. m. granary, the
place where corn is kept.
Granajuólo, corn-factor, corn-
merchant, corn-chandler.
Granáre, to kern or grain.
Granáta, s. f. a broom, beasom
or besom.-Esser di casa più
che la granata, to be very fa-
miliar.-Granata, a granado.
Granatáta, s. f. a blow with a

Granatína, s. f. a little broom
or granado.
Granáto, s. m. granate, à sort
of precious stone-Granato,
pomegranate.--Granato, adj.
grained or kerned.-Granato,
hard, strong- -Granate forze,
great strength.
Granatúzza, s. f. a little broom.
Granbéatia, s. f. an imaginary
four-footed beast.
Grancévola, s. f. a kind of sea
Granchiéssa, s. f. a she crevice
or cray-fish.

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Granchio, s. m. a lobster, a crevice, a crevice or crayfish.-Nuovo granchio, a dunce, a blockhead.- -Granchio, cramp.-Pigliar il granchio a secco, to pinch one's finger.Pigliar il granchio, to mistake, or be mistaken.--I granchi voglion morder la balene, the weakest attacks the strongest. -Cavare il granchio dalla buca colle, muni d'altri, to make cat's paw of one-Granchio, a hold fast, used by carpen. ters.-Granchio, Cancer, one of the twelve signs of the Zo


Granchiolino, din. of Gran


Gráncia, s. f. a kind of ulcer
that comes in the mouth.
Grancipórro, s. m. a great sea-
crab-Grancipórro, an error,
a mistake, a blunder.-Pigliar
un granciporro, to make a blun-
der, to be grossly mistaken.
Grancíre, to snatch, to hook.
Grande, nobleman, lord.-
Stare in s'ul grande, to be grave
and serious.--Far del grande,
to carry it high, to affect to
be more than what one is.➡
Grandi di Spagna, the grandees
of Spain. I grandi d'un regno,
the grandees or great men of
a kingdom-Grande, adj.
great, big, vast, huge, large.

Grande, tall, high-Grande grand, extraordinary,wonderful.-Gran mercato, very cheap.

Gren tempo fa, adv. long ago.-Gran pezzo, adv. great while. Grande, adv. greatly, very much, great deal. Grandeggiáre, to play the great man, to carry it high. Grandeménte, adv. greatly.-Parlare grandemente, to speak loud.

Grandétto, adj. pretty big or


Grandézza, s. f. largeness, big-
ness, hugeness.Grandezza,
greatness, dignity, nobleness,
Grándia, s. f. Obs. v. Gran-
Grandicello, adj. pretty big
Grandicciuolo, or tall.
Grandígia, s. f. haughtiness,
pride, vain-glory.
Grandináre, to hail.
Grandináto, adj. spoiled with

Grándine, s. f. hail.-Grandine,
a little hard swelling in the


Grandinoso, adj. hailing, tempestuous.

Grandioso, adj. great, haughty, proud.

Grandóre, Obs. v. Grandezza. Grandóne, adj. very great or tall.

cluster of grapes.--Nuovo harrow.
grappolo, a fool, a dunce, a Graticciuóla, s. f.
Grappolúccio, dim. of Gráp-

Grandíre, to augment, to ad-Griscia, s. f. provision, all
vance, to prefer.
sorts of victuals or other
things that belong to a man's
sustenance.--Grascia, money.
Grasciu, lucre, gain, profit.
-Grascia, a magistrate that
has the charge to look over
the markets, and that they be
well served.

Grandótto, adj. pretty big or

Grandúca, s m.the grand duke
of Tuscany.
Granducátó, s. m. the great
duchy of Tuscany.
Granduchéssa, s. f. the grand
duchess of Tuscany.
Granellétto, s. m. small
S grain.
Granello, s. m. grain or corn,
stone, kernel, berry, head-
Granelle, grain, bit, any small
portion. Granello duva, a

Granelloso, adj. full of corn,
grains or kernels.
Granfátto, adv. certainly,
Granigióne, feeding,
Graniménto, s. m. the act of
the seeds becoming grains.
Granire, to seed.
Gránito, s. m. the name of a
very hard marble.
Granitúra, s. f. v. Granimen-


Grascino, servant to a magis
trate that has the care of fur-
nishing the town with pro-

Graspi, s. m. pl. the stalk of a
bunch of grapes.
Grassamente, adv. fatness, with

Grassillo, s. m. a bit of fat or
suet. Fico grasslo, a fig so
called.-Grassello, the flower
of lime.

Grassetto, adj. pretty fat.
sure-Grassézza, s. f. fatness.-Gras-
seza, abundance,plenty,store,
copiousness, great quantity.
--Uccellar per grassezza, to
work for one's own pleasure.
Grasso, adj. fat.-Grosso, fat,
fertile, fruitful.-Terren grasso,
fat ground.-Grusso "bracato,'
very fat. Questo fu un patto
grasso per voi, this was a good
bargain for you.——Grasso,
thick, muddy.ier grasso,
a thick air.--Grasso, thick-
sculled, duncical, blockish,
clumsey.-Kisa grasso, a great
laughter.-Grasso, s. m. fat.
-Volete del grasso o del mugro?
will you have fat or lean?
Mangiar grasso, to eat flesh.-
Giorno di grasso, meat-day.
Grassóccio, adj. fattish, inclin-
ing to fatness.

Granmaestro, great master,
great man.---Granmuestro di
Malta, the grand master of

Grammerce,; gramercy, I thank
you.-Un granmerce, a gra-

Granmástro, v. Granmaestro. Granne, v. Grande. Obs. Grano,s.m.the wheat.-Grano, grain.--Grano, a grain, a weight.Ogni accel conosce il grano, every body knows what is good.

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Grassóne, a very fat man.
Grassottino, adj.

hurdle or lattice.

a little

Graticola, s. f. gridiron. Graticolétta, dim. of Gratico. la.

Gratificáre, to gratify.-Grati ficáre, to accept, to like. Gratificazione, s. f. gratifica tion, gratuity, bounty, liberality, present.

Gratis, adv. for nothing, gratis. Gratitúdine, s. f. gratitude, thankfulness, gratefulness, acknowledgment.

Grativo, adj. gratuitous. Obs. Grato, adj. grateful, thankful, mindful of courtesies received. Grato, acceptable, dear, agreeable.rato, bountiful, gracious, kind, courteous.--Grato, s. m. will, inclination, pleasure. Obs.-Contra' gralo, against one's will. Obs.

i grato, adv. for nothing, gratis, out of gratitude.-Gralo, gratitude, thankfulness.

Grattacápo, s. m. trouble, vexation, disturbance.--Dar il gratturapo ad uno, to disquiet, to vex, to perplex, to make

one uneasy.

Grattamento, s. m. scratching, scraping.

Grattáre, to scratch, rub or claw-Grattur la tigna ad uno, to bang, to beat one.-Gratture, to scrape or rake offGrattare, to play the hypocrite.-Grattare gli orecchi, to tickle, to please one's cars, to flatter him.-Grattar dove piz zica, to scratch where it itches, —Grattarsi la pancia, to be idle, to stand with one's arms across.-Egli acrà da grattare, he will have enough to do. Grattaticcio, s. m. scratching.

Grassolino, the same as Gras--Ei non teme grattaticcio, he is
not so soon afraid.
Grattatúra, s. f. a scratch.
Grattuggia, s. f. a grater.
Esser un cario fra due grattage,
to be between hawk and buz-
zard.--Grattugia con gratt
gia non fa cacio, two half moons
cannot make a bulwark.
Grattugiare, to grate.
Grattugina, dim. of Grattugia.
Gratuire, v. Gratificare. Obs.
Gratuitamente, adv.freely, gra
tis, for nothing.


Granóso, adj. full of grains.
Grappare, to grapple, to drag
or catch with a hook, to
pretty fat.
snatch, to seize.
Grassottóne, adj. very fat.
Grappélla, s. f. a kind of rai- Grássula, s. f. a kind of fig so
Grappo, s. m. grappling, drag | Grassume, s. m. Į fat thing, fat
ging or catching, snatching. Grassúra, S matters.
Dar di grappo, to grapple, Grasta, s. f. a flower-pot.
to snatch, to lay hold. Grata, s. f. a gridiron.-Grata,
Grappo for Grápolb, . Gráp-grate, an iron grate.
Gratamente, adv. gratefully.
Grappoletto, dim, of Grap-Gratella, v. Graticola.
Crappolino, polo.
Graticcia, s. f.

a hurdle,

Grappolo, & m. a. bunch or Graticcio, s. m. lattice or

Gratuito, adj. gratuitous, freely given.

Gratulársi, to congratulate, to

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