صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

rejoice with.

trouble or disquiet of mind,

Graváccio, adj. lumpish or anguish, veration.-Gravezza,


Gravacciolo, adj. not very
Gravamento, s. m. weight,
burden. Gravamento, griev-
ance, oppression, tax, charge,
load, surcharge.-Gravamento,

a seizure.

weariness, faintness, lassitude.
Gravezza, fatigue, toil,
labour, difficulty, pains.
Gravezza, wrong, injury.
Recarsi a gravezza, to take it
as an affront.—Grevézza, gra-
vity, esteem, note, merit,
worth, account.----Gravezza,
greatness, enormity.-Gravéz-|
za, tax, imposition, duty, cus-



Gravánte, adj. heavy.
Gravánzia, v. Gravezza. Obs.
Graváre, to aggravate, „ to
trouble or give trouble.- Gravieciuólo, adj. somewhat
Graváre, to oppress, to charge, grave, somewhat heavy.
to surcharge, to load.-Gra-Gravicembalo,e Gravicémbolo,
táre, to seize, to sequester or s. m. harpsichord.
take a pawn.-Gravire, to be Gravidaménto, s. m.
heavy, weighty.-Questo man-Gravidanza, s. f.
tello mi graza molto, this cloak Gravidezza, s. f.
lies very hea y upon me.-Gravido, big, full, laden.--
Gravare, to be sorry or vexed, Gravido, pregnant, big with
to be grieved at.-Mi grava
molto della vostra disgrazia, I am
very sorry for your misfor-
tune.-La sua lunga dimora mi
grace, his long stay makes me
uneasy.-Non vi graci, be so





Graziosamente,adv.gracefully, agreeably, kindly.Graziosa mente, gratis, for nothing. Graziosità, s. f. gracefulness. agreeableness, comeliness, grace.

Grazioso, adj. graceful, comely, agreeable.-Grazióso, kind, favourable, merciful, benign, gracious-Grazioso, graceful, thankful, acceptable.--Dono grazioso, a free gift.-Graziose, favourable, kind. Grazíre, to thank. Obs. Grecajuólo, he that anciently sold in Tuscany Greek wine. Grechésco, adj. Grecian, of Greece-Grechésco, after the manner of the Greeks. Greco, adj. Grecian, Greek.Un Greco, s. m. a Greek, Greco, Greek wine.-Greco, north-east wind.-Uva Greca, Greek grape. Grecolevánte, s. m. north-east wind.

Gregário, adj. of the common stock or store, ordinary,


Gregge, s. f. flock, herd, or
multitude, crowd.Gregge,
sheep-fold, cote.
Gréggio, adj. clownish, ‹ un-
polite, rude.


an apron.

Grávità, s. f. gravity, authority, majesty.—firacità, grievousness, vexation, trouble. Gravitáre, to weigh. Gravosamente, adv.grievously. Gravóso, adj. heavy, ponderous, lumpish.-Gravóso, miserable, sad, tormented, afflicted.-Gravóso,troublesome, tiresome, importunate, burdensome.Gravóso, great, enormous, cruel. Gravóso, rigid, severe, hard, insufferable, intolerable. Greggiuóla, s. f. a small flock Grázia, s. f. grace, agreeable-Grembialáta, v. Grembiata. ness, gracefulness, comeliness. Grembiále, v. Grembiule. -Grazia, favour, goodness, Grembiáta, s. f. a lap full, an bounty, love.-Esser in grazia apron full. di qualcheduno, to be in favour Grembiále, s. m. with one.--Grázia, request, Grembiule, petition, pardon, favour.- Grembo, s. m. lap.-Grembro, Fare una cosa in grazia d'alcuno, middle. In grembo de monti, to do a thing upon somebody's in the middle of mountains. account.-Grazia, thanks.Grembo, the bosom or pale li rendo grazia, I thank you. of the church.-Grembo, womb.--Grembo, apron.—~ Dare, o fare una cosa a grembo aperto, to give or do a thing willingly, with a good grace. Gremigna, Obs. v. Gramigna Grémio, v. Grembo. Obs. Gremire, to gripe, to snatch, to seize with violence. Gremito, adj. thick, full, covered with.- colli, e le cime de' monti a modo di teatro eran gremite di genti, the hills and the Graziale, adj. favourable. Obs. tops of the mountains were Graziare, to favour, to privi- covered with people, as in an lege, to be kind to. Graziare, amphitheatre.-Gremito, s. m. Gravetto, adj. dim. of Grave. to thank. Obs. the key of a river or haven. Gravezza, s. f. heaviness, Graziato, adj. graceful, agree-Gréppia, s. f.a rack, a stall or weight, burden,- -Gravézza,| able, received into favour, manger for cattle.

Gravatívo, adj. that is heavy. Graváto, adj. laden, loaded. L'aere è gravato, 'tis cloudy. Gravato, offended, angry, injured, abused-Mi tengo molto gravato di voi, I think you have wronged me much." Gravazione, s. f. load, charge. Grave, adj. heavy, weighty, ponderous.--Grave, majestical, grave, serious, sober.-Grape, grievous, troublesome, burdensome.-Men grace assai mi for a, it would be less grievous to me.-Grave, heavy, slow, dull.Grace, steady, firm, constant.-Grave, weigh ty,important, of consequence. -Negozio grave, an important affair-Grave,poignant,sharp, abusive, offensive, unpleasant. -Età grave, old age-Malato grave, dangerously ill. Gravédine, s. f. pus, stuffing of the head, heaviness. Gravemente, adv. grievously, heavily--Gravemente, prodi. giously, very much, dangerously, strictly, severely, extremely-Favellare gravemente, to talk seriously or learnedly. Gravenza, s. f. grief, trouble. Obs.

- Nov ve nè so nè grado nė grazia,
I don't thank you for it.-
Di grazia, adv. pray, I desire
you-Mi dica di grazia, pray,
tell me.Di grazia non mi
Tumper la testa, pr'ythee don't
din my brains.-Fur grazia,
to pardon, to forgive.-Gra-
ziu, benevolence, good-will,
kindness, love.Le Grazie,
Graces,three goddesses among
the Heathens.

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Greppa, s. f. the top of a Gridatrice, fem. of Gridatore. Griso, c. Grigio. Obs.
Greppo, s. m. hill or moun-Grido, s. m. cry, clamour, Grisólita, s. f.

tain-Greppo, a broken earth. en pot. Far greppo, to make a mouth as children do before they begin to cry. Greto, s. m. key, shore, bank. - greto del mare, the seashore.- -Greto, adj. thick, muddy.

crysolyte, a

loud voice.-Grido, renown, Grisólito, s. m. precious stone fame, reputation, name, note.

E' un uomo di gran grido, he
is a very noted man.—)
grido, the common report.
Andarsene presso alle grida, to
believe easily.-A grido, adv.
like fury.

Gridúre, s. m. to cry. Obs.
Griéve, r. Greve.

Grétola, s. f. bar, or cross bar
of a cage.-
-Grétola, way,
means, opportunity.-Trovar Grievemente, adv. grievously.
la gretola, to find the oppor-Grifágno, adj. ravenous, rapa-
cious.-Uccello grfugno, a ra
venous bird.

so called.

Grisopázio, s. m. a precious
stone so called.
Grispignolo, s. m. sow-thistle,
(an herb).

Grófano, v. Garofano.
Gromma, s. f. tartar, argal.~
Gromma, mud.

Grommáto, adj. full of tar-
Grommoso, Star.

Gronda, s. f. caves, house-eaves,
gutters.-Gronda, the ridge of
the eye-lids.-Gronda, a kind
of tile-Gronda di pioggia, a
shower of rain.Gronda in
foglie, the shade of leaves.
Grondája, s. f. gutter.
Grondajo, s. m. the gutters.

Grifáre, to rub one another with the snout, as hogs do. Griffo, s. m. a griffin. Grifo, s. m. the snout of a hog. Grifo, face, mouth.-Diliberar tutti tre di trovar modo da ug-Grondánte, adj. dropping. nersi il grifo alle spese di Calan- Grondáre, to drop. drino, all three resolved to Grondéa, s. f. the eaves of a tind a way how to fill their house, gutters. bellies at the expence of Ca- Grondeggiáre, v. Grondare. landrino.-Torcere il grifo, to Grongo, s. m. a sea-fish so gria, to make faces. called. Grifóne, a gritlin.-Dure un grifone ad uno, to give one a slap on the chops. a-Grígio, gray, grizzle.

Gretoso, adj. full of gravel and sand, gravelly, gritty. Grettamente, adv. niggardly, savingly, sparingly. Grettezza, s. f. niggardliness, penuriousness, covetousness. Grettitúdine, s. f. leanness, pettiness of body, pettiness of mind, narrowness of soul. Gretto, adj. stingy, niggard. Greve, adj. heavy, ponderous, weighty-Greve, grievous, troublesome, sad.-ler greve, thick, cloudy air.--Greve, noisy, terrible, frightful.Ruppemi l'alto sonno un greve tuono, a terrible thunder waked me from my profound sleep. Grevemente, v. Gravemente. Grezzo, adj. coarse, clownish, rustical, unpolished, unpolite, rude.--Diamento grezzo, a rough diamond.

Grillája, s. f. a barren place,
Grillanda, s. f. a garland.
Grillandetta, a small garland.
Grillánte, adj. that begins to

Grilláre, to simper, to begin to


Griccióne, s. m. a kind of Grillétto, s. m. a little cricket.
-Grilletto, a trigger, a trigger


Groppa, s. f. crupper or rump.

Portare in groppa, to take one up behind on horseback. -Cavallo che porta in groppa, a horse that carries double.Non sono uomo che portiin groppa, I am not a man to bear an affront. Groppiéra, s. f. crupper, a horse's crupper. Groppo, s. m. knot, bunch, knob.Groppo di gente, a handful of people.—Le la grime le cascano dagli ucchi a

Gricciolo, s. m. spurt, start of of a gun. fancy, fit, maggot, whim.--Grillo, s. m. a cricket, a grass-groppo, the tears streamed

Dove gli tocca il gricciolo, when

a whim comes in his head. Grida, s. f. an edict, proclamation or placart.--Lasciare alle grida, to do a thing rashly.

Gridaménto, v, Gridata.
Gridánte, adj. crying, calling


Gridáre, to cry, or cry out, to bawl.-Gridar merce, to beg one's life.-Gridar a corr' uomo, to call for help.-Gridáre, to cry or proclaim, to divulge, to discover.-Gridáre, to persuade, to lead, to induce.-Gridáre, to scold, to chide, to dispute.Gridáre, to show. Gridáre, to murmur, to purl. Gridáta, s. f. cry.-Far gridata,

hopper.—Grillo, a kind of
warlike engine to batter walls.

down from her eyes.-Groppo di vento, a whirlwind, a gust -Grillo, maggot, whim, or gale of wind.-Solvere il spurt.- -Pigliare il grillo, to groppo, to resolve or clear a take pepper in the nose, to question, or a doubt.-Groppo, fly out in a passion.-Non mi a bag full of money. fate saltare il grillo, don't pro-Groppóne, s. f. crupper of a voke me, don't make me an-horse, a rump of a fowl. gry-Grillo, a block to play Groppóso, adj. knotted, full of at bowls with. Grillolíno, s. m. dim. of Grille. Grillóne, s. m. a large grasshopper.

to make a noise. Gridatúre, a crier, a bawler,Gridature, a common-crier.

Grillotálpa, s. f. a kind of in-
sect, so called.

Grimaldello, s. m. a pick-luck.
Grimo, v. Grinzo.
Grinza, s. f. wrinkle.
Grinza, adj. wrinkled, full of
Grinzóso, wrinkles.'a-
vare il corpo di grinte, to eat
one's belly full.
Grippo, s.m. a kind of ship.


Grossa, s. f. quantity, abundance, a great many, a world.

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-Grossa, a gross, twelve dozen-Grossa, the main or principal part of a history.— Adesso entro nella grossa, now comes the best.-Alla grossa, coarsely, grossly-Dormir nella grossa, to sleep the third time, speaking of the silkworms-Dormir nella grossa, to sleep soundly.—Grossa d'un fume, overflowing of a river.

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Grossotto, adj. pretty thick or

v, Grossezzą.

Grossúme, s. m. ?
Grossúra, s. f.
Grotta, s. f. grot, grotto, cave.
Grotta, a steep, rugged
place. Grolla, the edge, or
ridge of land.
Grottesco, adj. grotesque.
Grotticella, s. f. a small den, a
little grot.

crane, a bird SQ
Grúccia, s. f. a crutch.-Gruc-
cia, an instrument to plant
layers. Tenere in fulla gruccia,
to keep in suspense.
Grufoláre, to paddle or pudder
as a dog does with his snout;
to grunt.
Gruga, s. f. v. Grú. Obs.
to grunt.
Grugnire, S
Grugníto, s. m. the grunting
of swine.

Grossetto, adj. v. Grosserello.
Grossezza, s. f. bigness, thick-
hess.Grossezza, pregnancy.
-Grossezza, simplicity, awk-
wardness. Grossezza, mate-
riality, coarseness, thickness.
Grossière, s. m. a workman, a
tradesman.Grossière, adj.
gross, clownish, rude, dull. Grótto, s. m. a large water-
Grosso, s. m. the thickest or fowl that brays like an ass.
biggest part of a thing.- Grottóso, adj. full of grots,
grosso della gamba, the calf of caverns or dens.Grottoso,
the leg. grosso, the body
hollow, cavernous.
or principal part of, the Grovigliuóla, s. f. a twining or
bulk. Il grosso d'un esercito, twisting.
the body of an army. Grù, s. f.
grosso della gente, the general- Grúa,
ity of people.- -Grosso, the Grúe,
thickest part, the heaviest
part-Il grosso d'ogni cosa li-
quida va al fondo, the grossest
part of any liquid thing goes
to the bottom.Grosso, thick-
ness.-Il grosso d'un albero, the
body of a tree- -Grosso, a
piece of money worth about
three pence English.-Grosso,
adj. big, great, huge, large.
Grosso, thick, coarse.Voce
grossa, rough voice.-Grossa,
with child-Grossa di tre mesi,
that has gone three months
with child.--Grosso, high,
overflowing- Mar grosso,
Kigh, rough sea.- Il ditogrosso,
the thumb. Grosso, coarse.
-Panno grosso, coarse cloth.
Vivande grosse, coarse meat,
butcher's meat.-.1l grosso,
adv. in general. Ber grosso,
to drink without discretion.
Grosso, large, great. Cam
para grossa, a great bell.-Vil-
laggio grosso, a large town
Salario grosso, great wages.-ed, grumous.
Grosso,thick,close.-Aer grosso,
a thick air.-Grosso, clownish,
silly, foolish, ignorant, dull,
unpolite.-Uomo di grosso in-
gegno, a thick-skulled man, a

Grugno, s. m. snout or muzzle.
of a swine.-Fare il grugno, to
pout, to look gruff.
Grullo, adj. sleepy, drowsy.
Gruma, s. f. v. Gromma.
Grumáto, s. m. a kind of mush-


Grumétto, s. m. a little lump,
or clot, a little blood clotted.
Grumo, s. m. a lump, a clot,

clotted blood.

Grúmolo, s. m. a cabbage or
lettuce head.

Grumóso, adj. clotted, thicken

Gruogo, s. m. saffron-Gruogo
salvatico, bastard saffron, mock

Gruppetto, s. m. a little koot
or lump,

Gruppo, v. Groppo.
Gruva, s. f. v. Grú. Obs.
Gruzzo, s. m, a heap, a pile, a

Grúzzolo, s. m. a hoard of
money, a treasure.
Guadagna, v. Guadagno. Obs.
Guadagnábile, adj. that is to
be won or gotten.--Terra
guadagnabile, fruitful land.
Guadagnamento, v. Guadagno.
Guadagnáre, to get or gain.
Guadagnare, to deserve.Gua
dagnare una persona, to prevail
upon or with one, to draw
one in.Guadagnar di peccato,
to get any thing by prostitu
tion.Guadagnarsi la vita, to
get one's livelihood.-Guadag
nare insegna a spendere, he who
gets the money knows how
to spend it.-Guadagnare una
lite, to gain a lawsuit.
Guadagnatóre, s. m. Įa gainer,
Guadagnatrice, s. f. a win-



Guadagnería, s. f. covetousness,
greediness, avarice, immode
rate desire of gain.
Guadagno, s. m. gain, profit,
lucre.Mettersi a guadagno,
to prostitute one's self.-Dare
a guadagno, to give at interest.

Mettere a guadagno, to put
at interest. Andare a guadag-
no, to carry a mare to be
horsed.-Far guadagno d'una
cosa, to get or obtain a thing.
Guadagnúccio, s. m. small
Guadagnúzzo, gain or
Guadáre, to ford, to wade, to
wade over.


Guado, s. f. a kind of fishingnet.

Guado, s. m. a ford, a shallow
place where one may go over
without a ferry boat.-Guado,
passage, way, avenue.-Rom-
pere il guado, to do or under
take a thing before any body
else.-Guado, woad.-Guado
the way or course of a man's

Guadóso, adj. fordable.

Guagnelísta, v. Vangelista.


Guagnélo, v. Vangelo. Obs.
Alle Guagnele, by the Gospel.
Guaime, s. m. grass of the
second crop.
Guaina, s. f. a sheath.-Tel
guaina tal coltello, such a
master, such a servant.

Render coltelli per guaine, to render like for like. Gnainajo, s. m. a sheathmaker.

Guajo, s. m. wailing, crying out or yelling of a dog when beat, howling-Guajo, mis fortune, disaster, trouble, misery, calamity, woe.-Guajo, adv. fiercely, cruelly, barbarously.Punger a guajo, to pain, to grieve cruelly. Guai, vexations, griefs, afflictions, sorrows.--Guai, woe.--| Guai a voi se non fate quel che vi comando, woe to you if you don't do what I bid you.--| Guai, alas!--Guuj a me, poor me! Guajoláre, to wail, to cry, to Guaire, 5 yawl or yell, to

howl. Gualchiéra, s. f. a calender or clothpress, a tucker's mill. Gualcire, to handle, to touch often.

Gualdana, s. f. crowd, multizude, troop, band, squadron. Obs.

Gualdráppa, s. f. a housing, or horse-cloth.

Guale, adj. Obs, equal, even. Gualércio, adj. nasty, dirty, Gualérchio, slovenly,

greasy, loathsome. Gualoppare, to gallop. Obs. Gualoppo, s. m. gallop. Obs. -Andar di gualoppo, to gallop. Guánoco, s. m. a beast so called.

Guáncia, s. f. cheek. Guancialita, s. f. a blow given with a pillow. Guanciale, s, m. a pillow.Guanciale, that part of the helmet which covers the check.-Tenere il capo in mezzo a due guanciali, to be in safety. Guancialetto, s. m. a little pillow.


Guarágno, s. m. a stallion.
Guaraguásto, s. m. a certain
herb that produces yellow

Guaraguáto, s. m. a guard or
sentinel. Obs.--Stare a gra-
ragato, to stand sentry. Obs.
Guadacúrpo, s. m. a soldier of
the prince's guard, a yeoman
of the guard.
Guardacuóre, s. m. a kind of
vest used by women.
Guardadónna, s. f. a nurse.
Guardagóte, s. m. a kind of
mask or hood used in crossing
high and cold mountains.
Guardamacchie, s. f. the guard
of a gun.
Guardaménto, s. m. look.——
Guardamento, a place to keep
things safe in.
Guardanappa, s. f.
Guardanappo, s. m. or tow-



Guardanáso, s. m. a kind of a mask. Guardanfánte, e Guardinfante, s, m. a woman's hoop. Guardanídio, s. m. a nest-egg. Guardáre, to look, see or behold, to look upon.-Guardure, to keep, or preserve.Guardare, to guard, keep, defend, or look after.Gur dare, to have a care, to take hecd.-Guardare a' fatti vostri, mind your business.guardandosene egli il se pighare, he caused him to be taken unawares-Guardáre, to consider, to regard, to reflect, to have a regard to, to mind. Guardare, to guard, deliver, defend, or assure.Guardire, to forbear, to desist from, to let alone.-Guardar le feste, to keep holy-days.-Guardáre in su, to look up.—Guardare in g, to look down.-Guardire attorno, to look about.

Guanciata, s. f. a box, cuff or Guardaróba, s. f. wardrobe.blow on the ear. Guanciatina, dim. of Guanciata. Guancióne, s. m. v. Guancia


Guantájo, s, m. a glover. Guantiéra, s. f. a case to keep gloves or other such things in. Guanto, s. m. glove.-Dar nel¦ guanto, to fall into the snares. -L'amor passa il quanto, among friends no need of ceremonies.

Mandare il guanto, to send a

tection, tuition, guardianship, -Guárdia, vigilance, watchfulness, carefulness, wariness,, diligence, circumspection.Guardia, defence, guard.Guardia, guards.Corpo di guardia, corps de guard, or guard-house.-Terra o luogo di guardia, a fortified town or place. Prender guardła, to take heed, to have a care.Guardia, guard in fencing.— Mettersi in guardia,to put one's self in guard.-Torre di guardia, a watch tower.-Gaurdia d'una briglia, the branches of a bridle.Guardia di spade, the hilt of a sword. Guardianeria, s. m. the office of the guardian. Guardiáno, keeper, guardian, -Guardiano, the guardian or superior of a monastery, among some orders of monks, Guardinfánte, v. Guardanfante, Guardingaménte, adv. cautiously, warily. Guardingo, ́adj. cautious heedful, wary.-Andur guar dingo, to proceed cautiously. --Guardingo, s. m. fortress, tower, citadel. Obs. Guardo, s. m. look, sight.—— Guardo, look, aspect, mien, or countenance.

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Guardaroba, the master of the wardrobe. Guardatore, s. m. beholder.Guardatore, a keeper, guar-Guariménto, s. m. cure. dian, preserver,defender, pro- Guarire, to cure or heal.Guarie, to be well again, to recover one's health.


Guardatrice, s. f. a preserver, a keeper, a protectress. Guardatúra, s. f. look, countenanee, eye, aspect, semblance. Guárdia, s. f. guard.-Esser di guardia, to be upon guard. Far la guardia, to watchGuardia, care, custody, pro


Guarnacca, Guarnaccia, Guarnaccone, a large nightgown. Guarnello, s. m. fustian.-Cuarnello, a fustian gown. Guarnigione, r, Guernigione.


Guarniménto, s. m. furniture,
ornament.-Guarniménto, for-
tification, defence, muni-
Guarníre, v. Guernire.
Guarnitúra, v. Guernitúra.
Guarnizione, v. Guernizione.
Guascappa, s. f. kind of dress
no longer in use.
Guascherino, adj. an epithet
given to birds that cannot
yet fly for want of feathers.

Guasco, adj. born in Gascony.

Guascotto, adj. half roasted or
boiled, half done.
Guastada, s. f. a decanter.
Guastadetta, s. f.a little de-

Guastadúzza, Scanter.

Guastaféste, a disturber, a
trouble feast.
Guastamento, s. m. marring,
wasting, destruction, havock,

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Guatterino, dim. of Guattero.
Guáttero, a scullion, a kitchen-

Guazza, s. f. dew.
Guazzabúglio, s. m. mixture,
medley, mash, hodge-potch.
Guazzare, to shake, jog, toss
or jolt.-Guazzare, to wade,
to ford.-Guazzare un cavallo,
to bring a horse to the water.
Guazzare, to rejoice, to cheer
up, to be merry, to take one's

Guazzatojo, s. m. a watering

Guazzeróne, s. m. the lappet
or flappet of a gown, the
guard, hem, or fringe of a
garment, a jag, a piece or

Guazzétto, s. m. minced meat,
a hash, a ragoo.
Guazzo, s. m. a ford.-Passare
un fiume a guazzo, to ford a

Guazzóso, adj. dewy-Guazzo-
so, splashy, waterish, fenny,
moorish, full of water, wet,
damp.-Tempo guazzoso, rainy


Guastamestiere, s. f. he that
undertakes to do a thing he
knows nothing of.
Guastáre, to spoil, to undo, to
ruin, to confound.-Guastare,
to spoil, to mar, corrupt, de-
prave or debauch.-Guastare,
to rot, to grow rotten, to pu-
trify-Guasture, to dissipate,
to waste, consume, spend,
squander, destroy.-Guasture,
to execute, to hang.-Guastar
la fama d'uno, to ruin one's
reputation-Guastar il merca-
to, to come upon another
man's bargain.-Guastarsi, to
hurt, to break, to maim, to
sprain or misplace any joint
of one's body, to burst his
cods, for a woman with child
to miscarry.
Guastatore, a spoiler, a waster
or destroyer.Guastatore, a
squanderer, a spendthrift.-
Guastature, pioneer.
Guastatrice, a bad housewife.
Guastatúra, s. f. v. Guasta-
Guastíme, s. m.mento.
Guásto, s. m. spoil, havock, de-
solation,pillage,ransacking-Guerire, v. Guarire.
Dare il guasto, to lay waste or
desolate.-Mettere a guasto, to
pillage.-Menare a guasto, to
spoil. Non far guasto d'una
cuse, to lay a thing aside, not
to make use of it.-Guasto,
adj. spoiled, corrupted,rotten.
-Vin guasto, sour wine,
Mondo guasto, wicked world.
-Guusto, lame, maimed.-
Questo,ruined, desolate, waste.

Gueffa, s. f. a cage.
Gueffo, s. m. a spout in a wall
left on purpose. Obs.
Guelfo, adj. Guelfian, of the
Guelf party.
Guércio, adj. squint-eyed, that
looks askew, one eyed.
Guerigióne, v. Guarigione.
Gueriménto, v. Guarimento.

Guernitúra, s. f. ornament,
Guernizione, S trimming,

Guerra, s. f. war.-Guerra, vex-
ation, trouble, sorrow, dis-
quiet.-Far la guerra ad uno, to
trouble, disquiet, or vex one.
-Guerra, strife, enmity, con-
tention, discord, jarring.-
Guerra, fatigue, toil, hardship,
trouble.--Guerra, hindrance,
obstacle.--Dentro v'entrammo
senza alcuna guerra, we went in
without any obstacle.-
Guerra rotta,
open, declared
Guerra viva, war. A guerra
Guerra aperta, finita, to death,
mortally.-Odiare uno a guerra
finita, to hate one to death or
mortally.-Uomo di guerra, a

Guerreggévole, adj. warlike,

Guerreggevolmente, adv. like a war, in a warlike manner. Guerreggiamento, s. m. the act of making war. Guerreggiante, adj. making


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Guerreggiáre, to make war.Guerreggiare, to contend, to strive, to struggle, to quarrel, to debate, or dispute.-Guerreggiare, to carry arms for a prince or nation.Guerreg giáre, s. m. war. Guerreggiatore, a warrior.ms Guerreggiatóre, a quarrelsome man or fellow. Guerreggiatrice, a warrioress, a female champion. Guerresco, adj. warlike, fit for war.

Guerriáre, v. Guerreggiare.

Obs. Guerricciuóla, dim. of Guerra. Guerriére, s. m. a warrior. Guerriero, S Gufáccio, s. m. a large owl. Gufáre, to mock, to scoff. Gufo, s. m. an owl.-Gufo, a dunce, a ninny. Gúglia, s. f. an obelisk.-Guglia, a needle. Gugliáta, s. f. a needleful. Guernigione, s. f. a garrison.-Guglietta, s. f. a little obelisk. Guernigione, a fortified place. Guida, s. f. guide, leader, con-Guernigione di state, summer quarters for soldiers.--Guernigione di verno, winter quarters.

Guerniménto, v. Guarnimento.
Guernire, to store, furnish, or
provide with ammunition.
Guernire, to adorn, to trim, to


Guidaggio, s. m. toll, custom.
Guidajuóla, s. f. a ram or bell-
wether, a ringleader.
Guidalésco, s. m. a fraction,
gallings on a horse's back.
Guidamento, s. m. the act of
Guidante, adj. that leads.

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