صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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trix, she that rewards. Guiderdóne, v. Guidardone. Guidóne, a rogue, a cheat, a knave. Guidonería, s. f. roguery, roguish trick, knavery. Guiggia,s. f. the upper-leather of a slipper or shoe.-Guiggia di sandalo, the strap of a sandal-Guiggia,the strap-braces of a shield. Guigliardone, v. Guidardone. Guigliardonáto, adj. rewarded. Obs.

Guíndolo, s. m. a rice or ⚫reel.

Guinzaglio, s. m. a leash for dogs.

Gustáccio, s. m. a depraved


Gustaménto, s. m. taste, tasting.
Gustáre, to taste, to relish.
Gustatóre, a relisher, a taster.
Gustatrice, fem. of Gustatore.
Gustévole, adj. delightful to
the taste, pleasant, agreeable.
Gusto, s. m. taste, palate.
Gusto, taste, trial-Gusto, sa-
tisfaction, pleasure, delight.-
Ho gran gusto di verdervi, I am
very giad to see you.
Gustosamente, adv. pleasantly,
Gustoso, adj. savoury, pleasant,

Gutto, s. m. a kind of vessel so


I libri, the books. Jacére, v. Giacere. Obs. Jacinto, s. m. hyacinth, a flower of a purple colour; also a precious stone. Jaculatório, adj. jaculatory. Jáculo, s. m. a serpent that suddenly shoots himself. Jade, s. f. Hyades, seven stars in the head of the bull, which always bring rain. Jámbice, s. ni. iambic, a kind of verse used by the Greek and Latin poets. Jambo, s. m. iambus, an iambic foot in verse, consisting of two feet, the first short and the other long.

Jaro, s. m. the herb wakerobin.

Jáspide, s. m. jasper.

rato, s. m. hiatus, an open


Jattánza, s. f. jactation, vain-
Jattánzia, S glory, vain-
Jattúra, s. f. loss, damage.
Ibérno, adj. winterly. Poet.
Ieneumóné, s. m. a rat in
Egypt, which steals into the
crocodile's mouth, and eating
his bowels kills him.
Iconómaco, adj. averse to ima-
ges, iconoclast.
Iconómica, s. m. economy.

Icónomo, s. m. good husband.

HBegies no radical word in Italian, therefore wiiters have thought fit to suppress it; but being joined with the letters C, G, and the vowels E, I, by putting the H between Cor G, and the vowels E and I, it makes the same sound as when the said two consonants are joined with A O U, ex. Chino, Cheto, Gherone, Ghiro; pronounce it thus; Kino, &c. We make use of it in the be- Idatide, s. f. hydatides, watery ginning of some words to blisters in the eye-lids. suppress the equivocal signifi-Iddea, s. f. Goddess. Obs. cation, which the word might Iddeo, God. Obs. In guisa, adv. like so. have if it was written with- Iddía, Goddess, Obs. A guisa, out H, ex. Anno, a year, Hanno, Iddio, God. Guito, adj. nasty, dirty, greasy, they have, Ho, I have, Ha, he God forbid. filthy. or she has. It is used also in Idéa, s. f. idea, image, or any Guizzante, adj. gliding, sliding. some words for aspiration, ex. thing conceived in the mind. -Guizzante, flying, swift. Deh, but it is never pronounc-Ideále, adj. ideal, of or belongGuizzáre, to glide or slide, as ed, having absolutely no sounding to an idea, fishes do in the water.-Guic-in our language. un dardo, to twang a

Guisa, s. f. way, manner, fashion.-In nissuna guisa, by

no means.

Guizzo, s. m. the sliding of a'
fish in the water, or of a snake.
or eel upon the ground.-
Guisto, adj. flaggy, lither, lank,
limber, weak, wrinkled, wi-

Gumédra, s. f.a ludicrous word,
signifying some great beast.
Gúmina, v. Gomena.
Gurge, s. m. a whirlpool. Obs.
Cuscio, cod, bark, shell.-Gu-
on the body of a coach, the
bulk of a ship Fuscio, the
scales of Bill of a balance.


-Iddio non voglia,

Ideare, to imagine, to form


Identità, s.f. identity, the same
ness of a thing.

Idi, s. m. ides, eight days back-
wards to the end of the nones
in every month.
Idióma, s. m. idiom, peculiar
manner of expressión in any

I Sounds always in Italian like
I in the beginning of any
English words that derive Idióta, adj. idiot, silly, foolish.
from the Latin, ex. intelligi--Idióta, an idiot, a fool, a
bile, intelligible, ignominioso, ninny.
ignominious.- -I, instead of
Io; II venni, 1 came.
I, an article of the nom. or acc.
Case of the plural number,

Idiotaggine, s. f. foolishness,
ignorant simplicity.
Idiotismo, s. m. idiotism, a pro
perty of speech belonging to

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ignomini-Illuminazione, s. f. illumination,
lights.-Illuminazione, illumi-
nation, inspiration.
Illusióne, s. f. illusion, cheat,
false representation.

Ignominioso, adj. ignominious.

I'dolo, s. m. idol, image or sta-Ignorantaggine,
tue of false deities. Idolo,

rudeness, clownishness.

idol, an object that one is Ignoránte, adj. ignorant, un-Illuso, adj. deluded, cheated,

fond of.

learned, illiterate.

Idoneamente,adv.conveniently, Ignorantéllo, adj. silly, foolish,

fitly, aptly. Idoneità, s. f. idoneity, fitness, aptness. Idoneo, adj. idoneous, capable, fit, proper, convenient. Idra, s. f. hydra, a fabulous serpent; also one of the southern constellations. I'dria, a kind of vase to contain water, a kind of pitcher. Idrománte, hydromant, a soothsayer by water. Idromanzia, s. f. hydromancy, divination by water. Idroméle, s. m. hydromel, a decoction of honey and

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Ignoranteménte, ignorantly.
Ignorantóne, a great sot.
Ignoránza, s. f. ignorance.
Ignorare, to be ignorant of.-
Ignotaménte, unknowingly.
Ignóto, adj. unknown, private,


Illusóre, a cheat, a deceiver; a


Illustraménto, v. Illustrazione. Illustránte, adj. that explains. Illustráre, to illustrate, to give light, to make clear.-llustráre, to illustrate or explain.

-Illustráre, to make famous or illustrious. Illustratore, he that illustrates, explains, or enlightens. Illustrazióne, s. f. illustration, explanation.

Ignudáre, to strip naked.
Ignudáto, adj. naked.
Ignúdo, adj. naked, bare.-Ig
nudo nato, stark naked.-Ig-Illustre, adj. illustrious, emi-
nudo, deprived, necessitous, 'nent, noble, noted, great, con-
in want, in misery.
Ignúao, somebody.
Iguale, adj. equal, alike.
Igualmente, adv. equally. Obs.
Iguana, s. f. a kind of watery



Ilarità, s. f. mirth, pleasantness,
fecundity, cheerfulness.
Illacciare, v. Inlacciare.
Illanguidíre, to languish, to
grow sick, feeble or faint.
Illazione, s. f. inference, con-

clusion, consequence. Illecitamente, adv. unlawfully. preci-lllécito, adj. unlawful.-Illecito, s. m. an unlawful, villainous, or wicked action, a villany. Jerlaltro, the day before yester-Illéso, adj. unhurt, unoffended,

ous stone so called. Jeri, s. m. yesterday.


Jermattina, yesterday morn-

Jernotte, last night.
Jeroglífico, s. m. cypher, a kind
of a short-hand, hierogly-
Jerséra, last night.
Ignáro, adj. ignorant.
Ignatóne, s. m. a great eater,
and also a worthless fellow.
Ignávia, s. f. ignorance, worth-

Ulibato, adj. unspotted, un-

Illiberále, adj. illiberal.
libitaménte, adv. unlawfully.

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Inballáre, to pack up.
Imbalordire, to stun.
Imbalsamáre, to embalm.
un-Imbalsimáre, . Imbalsamare.
Imbalsimíre, to become bal-

Illícito, v. Illécito.
Illimitáto, adj. boundless,
Illiquidíre, to turn liquid..
Illudere, to illude, to delude,
to jeer.

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Imbambagelláto, adj. soft, de-
litate. Obs.

Imbamboláre, to be moved,
concerned, affected.
Imbandigióne, s. f.
7 the set-
Imbandiménto, s. m. ting of
the dishes on the table at a
Imbandíre, to get a great din-
ner ready.
Imbarazzáre, to cumber, to
perplex, to trouble, to con-

Imbarazzársi, to entangle one's


Imbarazzo, s. m. confusion,
trouble of mind.—Imbarazzo,
disorder, confusion, intricacy,
embarrassment, hindrance.
Imbarberescáre, to suggest, to
prompt. A low word.
Imbarbet ire, to grow cruel and
Imbarberíto, adj. barbarous,

Imbarbogire, to dote through

old age.
Imbarbottáto, adj. made as a
barbotta, which is a kind of

Imbarcare, to embark, to ship.
-Imbarcarsi, to embark, to
engage in a thing, to under-
take it.-Imbarcarsi senza bis-
colto, to undertake a thing
Imbarcatóre, he that embarks.
Imbarco, s. m. embarkation.-
Imbarco, a wharf or key, a
place where they ship off
Imbardáre, to bard a horse.
Imbardarsi, to fall in love.
Imbarráre, to bar, to shut with
a bar.-Imbarrare la strada, to
stop the way or passage.
Imbascería, s. f. embassy.
Imbasciadóre, Imbasciatore,
Imbasciata, s. f. embassy, mes-

Imbasciatrice, embassadress,
an embassador's wife.
Imbastardire, to degenerate,
to corrupt, to grow out of
kind, to grow worse.
Imbastáre, to saddle with a
Imbastire, to baste, to sew with
long stitches.-Imbastire, to
begin a business.
Imbastitúra, s. f. sewing with
long stitches.
Imbattersi, to meet with, to
light upon by chance.
Imbátto, s. m. hindrance, the


Imbiancaménto, s. m. whiten-
ing, white-washing.-Imbian-
camento, deceit, fraud, guile,
cunning, cheat.
Imbiancare, to whiten, to
blanch, to white-wash.-Im-
biancare, to grow white or
grey.-Imbiancare, to explain,
to expound, to make plain or
Imbiancatóre, a white-washer.
Imbiancatúra, s. f. washing.
Imbietolíre, to swoon away for

thing on which one has chan-Imbiadáto, adj. sown with
ced, that keeps one from pro-
Imbavagliáre, to cover one's
head, that one may not see, to
muffle one's face."
Imbaváre, to slabber.
Imbeccáre, to bill, as birds do
to their young-Imbeccare, to
instruct,to teach privately, to
give private instructions.
Imbeccáta, s. f. a bill-full.-
Pigliur l'imbeccata, to take a
bribe.--Pigliare un'imbeccato,
to catch a cold.-Imbeccato,
adj. fed with the bill.
Imbecheráre, to suborn, to
bribe, to decoy.
Imbecille, adj. weak, puny, in
body or mind.
Imbecillità, s. f. imbecility,
weakness, feebleness.
Imbelle, adj. coward, weak,
fainthearted, fearful, without
wit or experience, unarmed.
Imbellettáre, to paint, said of
women that paint their faces.
Imbellire, to embellish, to a-
dorn, beautify, or grace.
Imbendáre, to bind, to dress
the head.

Imbérbe, adj. beardless for want
of age.

Imberciáre, to hit, to shoot, to
aim, to take one's aim.
Imberciatóre, a shooter, he
that aims at the mark.
Imberciatrice, fem. of Imber-|

Imbiettáre, to put in a wedge, to cleave with a wedge. Imbiondíre, to make fair.-Im biondire, to grow fair. Imbisacciáre, to put in a sack or bag.

Imbisognato, adj. busy, occu-
pied. Obs.

Imbiutáre, to daub or plaister.

Imbizzarriménto, s. m. wasp-

Imbizzarrire, to fall into a vi-
olent passion.
Imboccare, to feed, to cram, to
put into one's mouth.-Imboc-
care, to discharge, empty, dis-
burden or disembogue itself as
a river doth.--Imboccare uno,
to instruct or prepare one
beforehand by instruction.
--Imboccar le artiglierie, to
shoot a cannon in the mouth.
Imboccatúra, s. f. bit, horse-bit.
-Imboccatúra, the beginning
or entrance of a street, the
mouth of a river.

Imbére, v. Imbévere.
Imberrettáto, adj. that has a
cap on the head.
Imbertescare, to fortify the top
of a wall or tower with bat-Imbociáre, to divulge, publish,
spread abroad, to blab out.
Imboglientáto, adj. boiling,

Imbertonarsi, to fall in love.
Imbestialire, to become a beast,
to take the shape of a beast.-Imbolare, to take away, to
Imbestiulire, to grow mad or steal.
cruel, to fall into a brutish

Imbestiáre, to be like a beast,

to behave like a beast. Imbévere, to imbibe, to drink up.

Imbolatúre, s. m. Į a robber, a Imbolatrice, s. f. thief. Imbolío, s. m. robbery, theft. -D'in bolio, adv. by surprize. Imbollicaménto, s. m. a breaking out into blisters upon the skin.

Imbollicáre, to break out into blisters or bladders. Imbolsiménto, s. m. hardness or straitness of breath, pursi

Imbiaccaménto, white-wash-
ing, painting white.
Imbiaccáre, to besmear with
ceruse or other whiting, as
women do their faces.-Imbi-
accare, to palliate, to deceive.
Imbiaccáto, adj. daubed with
ceruse or any other painting.Imbonire, to appease, to quiet,
Imbiaccato, dissembled, dis- to mitigate, to pacify, to al-
guised, counterfeit, feigned, lay, to calm, to compose.
fraudulent, deceitful, crafty. Imborgare, to grow populous


Imbolsíre, to grow pursy.

-Imbrigarsi, to meddle or intermeddle.-Non t'imbrigar de' fatti miei, don't trouble your self about my affairs. Imbrigliare, to bridle. Imbrigliatúra, s. f. a bridling. Imbroccáre, to hit the mark. -Imbroccáre, to strike with a dagger.--Imbroccáre, to oppose or hinder, to be contrary or against, to thwart or cross. -Imbroccáre, to perch. Imbroccáta, a thrust, a hit. Imbrocciáre, v. Imbroccare. Imbrodoláre, to foul, to soil, to daub, to besmear. Imbrogliáre, to intricate, tangle, perplex or confound. Imbrogliatore, a busy fellow, a shuffling or meddling fel


Bello imbusto,, a pretty figure, a fine original, a beau.-Imbusto, stays, or boddice. Imbúto, s. m. a tunnel or funnel.

Imenco, s. m. hymen, nuptials. Imitábile, adj. imitable. Imitante, adj. imitating. Imitáre, to imitate Imitativo, adj. imitating. Imitatóre, imitator. Imitatrice, imitatrix. Imitazione, s. f. imitation. Immacchiare, to hide one's self in a bush, to runaway amongst the bushes. en-Immaculato, adj. immaculate, unspotted.

Imbróglio, s. m. trouble, confusion, embarrassment. Imbroglione, he that will meddle in every thing, and mais all he meddles with. Imbronciáre, to be angry, to fly into a passion. Imbrunáre, to grow brown, Imbrunire, black, tarnished, swarthy, dark, gloomy; to rub, to burnish.-Su l'imbrunire, about the dusk of the evening. Il tempo comincia ad imbrunirsi, the weather begins to grow cloudy. Imbruschire, to grow tart. Imbruschito, adj. sharp, tart. Imbruttáre, to foul, to soil, to daub.

Imbruttíre, to become ugly or


Imbucáre, to put or creep into a hole.

Imbucatare, to wash with lve. Imbufonchiáre, v. Bufonchi


Imbuíre, to become ignorant like an ox. Imbullettáre, to set upon.

a bill




Immaginabile, adj. imaginable. Immaginaménto. s. m. imagination, fancy, relection. Immagináre, to imagine, to fancy, to conceive, to devise, to think.-Immaginársi, to imagine, to believe.-Immaginare, s. m. imagination, fancy, thought.

Immaginariménte, in the imagination, fantastically. fumaginário, adj. imaginary, fantastical.

Immaginatíva, s. f. the imagi native faculty of the soul, imagination, fancy. Immaginativo, adj. that imagines, belonging to imagina


Immagináto, adj. imagined, conceived.--Imaginato, devised, represented, painted. Immaginazione, s. f. imagination, fancy, apprehension.Immaginazione, fancy, conceit, thought.-Immaginazióne, invention.-Immaginazióne, fancy, belief, opinion. Immagine, s. f. image, picture. Immagine, image, resemblance, likeness.--Immúgine, image, form. Immaginetta, s. f. a little image.

Immaginévole, adj. imaginable, full of invention or device. Immaginevolmente, adj. fantastically, in the imagination. Immagrire, to grow lean. Immanità, s. f, immanity, cruelty, savageness, fierceness, wildness. Obs. Immansuéto, adj. wild, savage, brutish.

and inhabited. Imborsare, to purse, to pocket up, to lay up in a purse or pocket. Imborsazione, s. f. laying up in

a purse.

Imboscaménto, s. m. ambush,
Imboscáre, to lay in ambus-
cade, to hide one's self in a

Imboscáta, s. f. ambush, am-

Imboschire, to grow woody or
wild, full of trees.
Imbossoláre, to lay the beams
in a roof.

Imbottáre, to put in a cask:
Imbottare all arpione, to buy
wine by quarts-Imbollar la
sopra feccia, to commit a se-
cond fault.
Imbottire, to quilt.
Imbozzacchire, not to thrive,
to grow worse and worse, to
wither, to die.
Imbozzimáre, to starch, to
stiffen with starch.
Imbracciare, to embrace, to
put in one's arm.
Imbracciarsi, to arm one's


Imbrattamento, s. m. a spot of dirt, foulness, nastiness. Imbrattáre, to foul, soil, dirty,

or stain.
Imbrattatóre, a sloven, a nasty
dirty fellow.
Imbrattatúra, s. f. nastiness, fil-

Imbrátto, s. m. nastiness, foul-
ness.-Imbrátto, disorder, con-
fusion.—-Imbrátio, wash, or
hog's wash.
Imbrecciare, v. Imberciare.
Imbrentina, s. f. a shrub called
in Latin, Lada.
Imbriacaménto, s. m. drunken-


Imbriacáre, to fuddle one's
self, to get fuddled or drunk.
-Imbriacore,to make fuddled, Imbullettáto, that has a bill

to make drunk.


Imbriacatúra, s. f. drunken-Imbuondáto, adv. a great
Imbriaco, adj. drunk, fuddled. Imburchiáre, to help one to
Imbriacóne, a great drunk- compose any writing, to
Imbricconíre, to grow knav-

Imbrigamento, s. m. confusion,
perplexity, intricacy.
Imbrigáre, to shift, to make
shift, to stir about, to be stir-
ring in business.-Imbrigure,to

Imburiassáre, to instruct, to

Imburiassatóre, he that teaches,
points out, or suggests a bad
thing; or encourages one to
do a mischievous action.
Imbústo, s. m. the body, the
breast or bulk of a man.

Immantenente, Immanti-
nénte, adv. immediately, pre-
sently.-Imanantemente," now,
this moment.

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Immoderáto, adj. immoderate, intemperate, excessive, vio


Immodestaménte, adv. without modesty.

Immascherare, to mask, to dis-Immodéstia, s. f. immodesty,


wantonness, impudence.

Immastricciare, to plaister, to Immodesto, adj. immodest,

wanton, impudent. Immolire, to sacrifice, to immolate.

besmear with mastic. Immateriále, adj. immaterial, of little consequence. Immaturaménte, adv. untime- Immollaménto, s. m. a softenly, unseasonably. Immaturo, adj. immature, un-Immolláre, to soften, to moistripe, not come to perfection. -Immaturo,unseasonable, un

ing, mollitying or allaying,

en, to mollify, to soak or plunge in the water. Ogni acqua l'immolla, every thing hurts him. Ogni acqua immolSmedi-la, every thing is of use.

timely. Immediatamente, adv.) imImmediate,

ately, directly, without any thing between. Immediáto, adj. immediate. Immedicábile, adj. incurable. Immegliáre, to mend, to grow

better. Obs.

Immemorabile, adj. immemor

able, not to be remembered. Immensamente, adv. immensely. Immensità, s. m. immensity. Immenso, adj. immense. Immergere, to plunge into. to dive, to duck or sink under


Immondizia, s. f. filth, dirt. Immondo, adj. unclean, foul. Immortalare, to immortalize, to perpetuate. Immortalarsi, to immortalize or signalize one's self. Immortale, adj. immortal, everlasting.

Immortalità,immortality, everlastingness. Immortalmente, adv. immortally. Immoscadáre, to perfume with musk. Immóto, adj. unmoveable, sted

Immeritamente, undeserved- fast.

Immeritévole, adj. undeserv-
Immersióne, s. f. immersion.
Immérso, adj. immerged, im-
mersed, plunged.
Immezzáre,Immezzire,to grow
soft, wrinkled; withered.
Immiársi, to become another
myself, to penetrate into one's
thoughts. Obs.
Immilláre, to grow or multi-
ply by thousands. Obs.
Imminente, adj. imminent.
Imminenza, s. f. the state of
hanging over as if it were
ready to fall.
Immirráre, to season with
Immisurábile, immeasurable,

Immóbile, unmoveable, immo-
veable, still.
Immobilità, immobility, un-

f. immunity,

Immine, adj. exempt, quit, free. Immunità, 5. privilege, liberty. Immutabile, adj. immutable, unchangeable, unalterable,


thing upon one's self, to take care of it. Impacciatívo, adj.troublesome. Impacciatore, a troublesome fellow.

Impacciatrice, fem. of Impacciatore.

Impáccio, s. m. incumbrance, hindrance, disturbance, ob stacle.---Impaccio, care, pain, trouble, vexation.-Tear d'im paccio d'ano, to get one out of trouble.-Parsi l'impaccio del Rosso, to meddle in a thing that does not concern one. One Rosso, as he was going to be hanged, passed along a street which was not paved, and said that it would be very proper to have it paved. Impadronírsi, to seize, to invade, to make one's self mas ter of.

Impadulársi, v. Impaludarsi. linpagliato, adj. covered or

mixed with straw.

Impala adranáto, adj. wearing

a coarse mantle or robe.

Impalare, to impale. Impalazióne, s. f. impaling. Impalcáre, to build a caffold. Impallizzáre, to paliissado, to fence with a palisad Impallidáre, Impattidire, S to grow pale. Impallidito, adj. pale. inpalmáre, to give the hand, to promise a woman marriage, to betroth by taking her by the hand.-Impalmare, to promise.

Impalpábile, adj. impalpable, not to be felt.

Immutabilitá, s. f. immutabi-Impalpabilmente, impalpably, lity, unchangeableness. Immutabilmente, adv. immutably, unchangeably. Immutáre, to change. Immutazione, s. f. immutability, unchangeableness. Imo, adj. low, deep.-Imo, s. m. the bottom.

Impacciamento,s.m.hindrance, disturbance, obstacle, impediment, rub, stop. Impacciáre, to hinder, to stop, to prevent.Impacciare, to involve, to intricate, to perplex.-Impacciáre, to trouble, to be troublesome.-Impacciure, to take too much room. --Inpucciarsi, to meddle or intermeddle.--Io per me non me n'impaccio, for my part I don't trouble my head about Immoderatamente, adv. immo-it.Impacciarsi, to take a

Immobilmente, adv. unmoveably, firmly. Immoderánza, s. f. intemper

ance, excess.

Impaludársi, to grow marshy,
fenny, moorish.
Immpaniáre, to dawb or besmear
with birdlime.-Impaniúre, to
ensnare, to entangle, to allure.
Impaniáto, adj. entangled in
the birdlime.In.paniáto, in
love, desperately in love.
Impanicciare, to plaister.
Impánio, s. m. hindrance, dis-
turbance, obstacle, impedi-

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« السابقةمتابعة »