صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Impeccabilità, s. f. impeccabi- tion. punishment. lity.

Impeciáre, to daub with pitch. Impedicáre, to tie, to shackle, or fetter. Obs.-Impedicure,


Impensataménte, adv. suddenly, unawares, unexpectedly, extempore.

Impensato, adj. unexpected, sudden, unthought of.

to hinder. Impedimentáre, to hinder, to Impensierito,cogitabund,deepImpedimentíre, stop. Both ly thoughtful.. Impepáre, to pepper, to sea. son with pepper. Imperadére, an emperor. Imperadrice, an empress. Imperáre, to command, to have the command over, to rule, to govera.

Impediménto, s. m. hindrance, obstacle, impediment. Impedire, to hinder, to keep from, to stop, to prevent.

Impeditivo, adj. that hinders,



Impeditóre, s. m. he that


Impegnare, to pawn, to give in pawn.

Imperatore, emperor. Imperatrice, empress. Imperatório, adj. belonging to an emperor or general. Impercettibile, adj. impercept

Impegnarsi, to engage, to pro-ible. mise, to pass one's word.---Impercettibilità, s. f. imperM'impegno di farlo, I promise ceptibility. you, I give you my word I'll Imperche, adv. because. Obs. Imperció, adv. therefore. Imperciocchè, whereas, be

do it. Impegno, s. m. engagement, promise, obligation, tie. Impegolare, to pitch, to daub with pitch. Impelagare,to entangle, to perplex, to confound, to go deep in an affair.

Impelagato, adj. engaged, entangled, perplexed,confounded.


Impellicáre, to dress in furs

and skins.


Imperfettamente, imperfectly. Imperfetto, adj. imperfect, not finished.-Imperfetto, the imperfect tense. Imperfezioncélla, dim. of Imperfezione.

Imperfezione, s. f. imperfection.

Impeláre, to grow hairy, to Imperiále, adj. imperial. begin to have a downy head. | Imperiale, superior. Impellere, to impel, to drive Imperialmente, imperiously, or thrust forward, to force Imperiante, adj. commanding, governing. Obs. Imperiare, to command, to govern. Obs. Imperiáto, s. m. empire. Obs. Imperiére, emperor. Obs. Império, s. m. empire, dominion, rule.-Império, empire, monarchy.- -Imperio, reign of an emperor-Con imperio, imperiously, stately, surlily.

Impendénte, adj. hanging, impending.

limpendere, to hang. Impendúto, adj. hanged. impenetrábile, adj. impenetrable. Impenetrabilità, s. f. impene trability. Impenitente, adj. impenitent, that does not repent. Impeniténza, s. f. impenitence, continuation in sinful dis


Impappaficáre, to hood, to put

on a hood.

Impappolato, adj. dawbed or
besmeared with pap.
Imparacchiare, to learn little,
to go on very slowly in learn-

Imparadisáre, to make happy.
Imparánte, adj. that learns.
Imparáre, to learn-Imparare
a mente, to learn by heart.
Imparaticcio, adj. not well


Impareggiabile, adj. incompar-
able, inimitable.
Imparentáre, to enter into an

Impedito, adj. hindered, stop-Imperativo, adj. imperative. alliance or parentage with ped.-pedito,lame, maimed, Imperato, s. m. empire. Obs.

one by way of marriage. Imparéntársi, to familiarize one's self, to contract familiarity with.

Impári, adj. uneven, not alike,
unequal, odd.
Imparolato, adj. full of words,
always chattering.
Impartibile, adj. inseparable,
that cannot be parted or se
Impassibile, adj. impassible,
that cannot suffer.
Impassibilità, s. f. impassibility,
uncapableness of suffering.
Impastare, to knead, to lay in
paste, to besmear with paste
or any other clammy or
gluish thing-Impastare, to
paste.-E impastato di vizi, he
is very vicious. Bene o male
impastuto, of a strong or weak
Impastocchiare, to amuse one
with idle stories, to tell tales.
Impastojáre, to shackle, to put
on locks, to tie or fasten.
Impastúra, s. f、 the pastern of
a horse.
Impatriare, to return into one's
own country.
Impattáre, v. Pattare.-Non la
vincene l'impatta, he has always

the worst.

Impauránte, adj. frightful, hor-

Impauráre, to frighten, to
Impaurire, terrify.
Impaziente, adj. impatient.
Impazientire, to lose patience.
Impazienza, s. f. impatience.
Impazzamento, s. m. madness.
Impazzáre o Impazzire, to
grow mad, to lose one's wits.
-Impazzarsi d'una donna, to
fall passionately in love with

a woman.

Impeccabile, adj. impeccable, that cannot sin.


Impennacchiato, adj. adorned
with plumes or feathers.
Impennáre, to fledge, or begin
to have feathers, to be fic to
fly out of the nost.-Impen-
nare, to condemn, to chastise.
-Impennársi, to rear up as
horses do.
Impennatura, s. f. condemna-

imperiosamente, adv. impe-

Imperiosità, pride, arrogance, haughtiness, stateliness. Imperioso, adj. imperious, haughty.

Imperitamente, ignorantly, unskilfully, unlearnedly. imperító, adj. ignorant, unskilful,unlearned, unexperienced, raw.

Imperizia, s. f. lack of knowledge, ignorance, unskilfulnes., want of experience.

Imperláre, to set or dress with pearls.imperláre, to set off, to adorn, to embellish, to beautify. Impermutabile, adj. immutable, unchangeable, constant, permanent. Impermutabilità, s. f. immutability, unchangeableness, con

stancy. Impernáre, to fix, to poise upon a pivot or axis. Impernáto, adj. fixed upon an axis, as the sea compass is


Impéro, v. Imperio. Imperò, adv. therefore. Imperocchè, adv. because. Imperscrutabile, adj. inconceivable, not to be conceived or imagined, imperscrutable. Imperseveranza, s. f. inconstancy, instability. Impersonale, adj. impersonal. ➡Verbo impersonale, impersonal verb, that is used in the third person singular only. Impersonato, adj. thick, bulky, that has a large body, and is always said of man. Impersuadibile, adj. not to be persuaded.

Impertanto, adv. however, yet.

túre, to harden, to turn to


Impetratóre, s. m. obsecrator. Impetrazione, s. f. impetration, entreaty. Impettíto, adj. straight, stiff in the body, erect. Impetuosamente, impetuously. Impetuosità, s. f. impetuosity, violence, fury, vehemence. Impetuoso, adj. impetuous, violent, rapid, vehement, raging, boisterous.

Impiagáre, to wound or hurt. Impiagitúra, s. f. wound. Impiallacciare, to inlay wood. Impiallacciatúra, s. f. a small deal board sawed very thin to inlay works with. Impianellare, to tile. Impiantare, to plant or set, to implant.

Impiastráccio, s. m. a large plaister. Impiastragióne, s. m. a kind of grafting or inoculating by an incision.

Impiastraménto, s. m. a plaistering.

Impiastráre, to plaister, to anoint or besmear, to daub, to lay over with any thing like a plaister.Impastrare, to ingraft or inoculate by an incision-Impiastrare, to adImpertinente, adj. impertinent, just, to accommodate, to comabsurd, silly, foolish, nonsen- pose, to patch up, to make sical. Un impertinente, an im- up as well as one ean. pertinent man. Impiastricciáre, to plaister, to Impertinentemente, adv. im- daub, to besmear. pertinently, foolishly, non-Impiastro, s. m. a plaister.-—sensically. Impiastro, an agreement, a Impertinenza, s. f. imperti- contract, a bargain made as nence, extravagance, folly. well as one could. Imperturbabile, adj. that can- Impiatóso, adj. unpitiful. Obs. not be disturbed. Impiccagione, s. f. hanging. Imperturbabilità, s. f. imper-Impiccáre, to hang. turbability, quiet, not to be ruffled and disturbed. Imperversare, to rage, to rave like a madman, to be very angry.

Imperversáto, adj. Imperversito,

Impiccatello, s. m. a young

Impiccáto, s. m. a great rogue. —Ognuno ha'l suo impiccato all' | uscio,every body has his faults. exasper-Impiccatojo, adj. of age enough Sated,rav- to be hanged.

ing mad, furious, cruel. Impéso, adj. hanging, hanging down, hanged up. Impestáre, v. Appestare. Impetigine, s. f. dry scab. I'mpeto, s. m. impetuosity, violence, vehemency. Impetragióne, s. f. impetration, an obtaining by earnest entreaty.

Impiccatúra, s. f. the act of
Impiccatúzzo, a little rogue,
whom it would not be amiss
to hang.

to grow lousy. Impidocchito, adj. lousy. Impiegare, to employ, to use or make use of, to bestow, to lay out, to spend.-Impicgar male, to misuse, to make an ill use of, to misemploy.

Impiegare, to employ one, to set him to work, to set him upon some business. Impiegare, to direct, to shew,

to set on.

Impiegarsi, to apply one's self. Impiego, s. m. employ, employment, work, business.→→→ Impiego, employment, place, office.

Impietà, s. f. impiety. Impietosire, to touch with pity. Impietráre, to petrify, to turn into stone, to grow as hard as a stone.

Impietrire, v. Impietráre. Impigliáre, to intricate, to embroil, to confound, to entangle-Impigliare,to meddle, to intermeddle. Impigliarsi, to catch at, to lay hold of. Impigliatore, a hinderer.Impigliatore,a shuffling fellow, a busy-body, a meddler in all men's business. Impiglio, s. m. hindrance, trouble, confusion, intricacy. Impignere, to thrust forward. Impignérsi, to oppose, to with


Impigrire, to grow lazy or idic.

Impigrito, adj. grown lazy, idle, besotted. Impillaccherare, to besmear with dirt, to splash with dirt. Impinguáre, to grow fat.-Impinguare, to fatten or make rich.

Impinzare, to cram, to fill, to eat one's belly-full. Impiombare, to lead or do over with lead. Impiombato, adj. leaded, coloured or dyed over with lead.

Impíreo, s. m. the highest heaven. Obs.

Implacabile, adj. implacable. Implacabilmente, implacably. Impicciare, v. Intrigare. Implicáre, to entangle or perImpiccio, s. m. trouble, incum-plex, to embarrass, to encumbrance, impediment, hin- ber, to incommode.-Implicar contradizione, to imply contradiction.


Impiccolire, to grow or be Impetrare, to impetrate, to come little, to diminish. obtain by entreaty.--Impe-Impidocchire, to breed lice,

Implicatóre, an entangler, a shuffling fellow.

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Impolveráre, to powder, to
cover with dust.
Impomato, adj. full of fruits,
covered with fruits.
Impomiciáto, adj. rubbed over
with a pumice-stone.
Impunitore, an imposer.
Imporcáre, to make balks or
ridges in land.
Imporporáto, adj. clad in

Imporrare, to rot, to grow

Impórre, to impose, to enjoin,
to prescribe, to bid.- -Im-
pérre, to impose, to lay or set
a tax upon.-Impórre, to wrap.
-Imporre, to place, impose
or lay on.-Imporre,to ascribe,
to attribute, to impute.-In-
porre, to begin to sing the
office or prayers.-Imporcarne,
to grow fat.
Import bile, adj. intolerable,

Importante, adj. important, of
great concern, material.
Importanza, s. m. importance.
Importare, to signify, to denote
or mean, to have a significa-
tion or meaning.-Importare,
to amount or come to.-11]
tutto importa dieci sendi, the
whole comes to ten crowns.
—La spesa importa più di quet
che credevo, the expence

amounts to more than what

I thought.—Importáre, to concern, to import, to matter or signify-Questo importa a me, run a lui, that concerns me, not him--Non importa, 'tis no matter.Non m'importa multa, it is nothing to me.Cie importa a voi? what's that to you?-Ciò m'importa molto, that is of great consequence

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Imprendénte, adj. that learns, apprentice.

Imprendere, to learn.-Imprén dere, to undertake, to attempt.

Imprenditóre, an undertaker, a beginner.

Imprenta, s. f. a print, a stamp, figure, image, impress. Imprentáre, to print, to stamp. Imprentarsi, to take the shape or form. Obs.

Importúno, adj. troublesome, Impregnatúra, t. Impregna.
importunate.Importúno, mento.
grievous, sad.
Impositore, he that puts a
thing over another.
Imposizione, s. f. imposition, a
laying, or putting on.-Impo--Impréndere, to begin.
szióne, imposition, impost, Imprendiménto, s. m. under-
duty, tax.
taking, enterprize, attempt or
Impossessáre, to possess one's design.
self of a thing, to seize it.
Imposse sarsi d'un luogo, to
possess one's self of a place,
to make one's self master of
it.-Impossessarsi d'una lingua,
to make one's self master of
a language.
Impossévole, ad. Obs. im-Imprésa, s. f. undertaking, en-
S pos-
terprise, attempt or design.
sible, that cannot be.-Impos- Impresa, an emblem or
sibile, very difficult.
device with a motto.
Impossibilita,s. f.impossibility. Impreso, part. pass. of Impren
Impossibilitare, to make a dere.
thing impossible or insupera- Impressionáre, to insinuate, to
ble,invincible,unconquerable. prepossess or prejudice, to
Imposta, s. f. imposition, im- possess with a conceit.
post, duty, tax.-Impósta, im- Impressióne, s. f. impression,
post, a window or door-case. printing, print, stamp.-In-
Impostáre, to set on the impost pressione, impression," mark,

or case to a door or window. Impostáto, adj. that has impost

or case.

Impostatúra, s. f. the setting on
the imposts or cases to a door
or window.
impostemire, to posthumate,
to grow into an imposthume.
Imposto, adj. imposed upon.
Impostore, impostor, deceiver.
Impostúra, s. f. imposture,
cozenage, deceit, calumny,



Impresso, adj. printed, fixed, imprinted.

Imprezzabile, adj. inestimable.
Imprigionare, to imprison, tə
put in jail.

Imprigionatore, a jailer.
Imprigionatrice, femin. of Im-
Imprima, adv. first, in the first
place, first of all.
Imprimaménte, adv. first, first
of all.

Imprimere, to print, to stamp,
to fix, to imprint.
Improbábile, adj. improbable,
Improbabilità, s. f. improbabi-

Impotente, adj.impotent, weak. Impotenza, s. fimpotence, want of power or strength. Impoverire, to impoverish, to grow poor. Lopraticabile, adj. impractic-¦ lity. able.-Uomo impraticabile, an Improcciáre, to hinder, to stop. unsociable man. Impratichito, adj. expert, prac-Improméssa, s. f. tised. Impromessióne, s. f. Imprecare, to curse, to impre-Impromesso, s. f. Importévole, adj. intolerable, cate. word given. insufferable. Not used. Imprecativo, adj. cursing,wish- Irapromettere, to promise, to

to me..

Importunamente,importunely, ing ill.

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sudden.- -Improvviso, adv. | imputed to.
suddenly, upon a sudden.
All improvviso, suddenly.
Improvvisto, adj. unprovided,
unfurnished, destitute.
Imprudénte, adv. imprudent.
Imprudentemente, adv. impru-
dently, rashly.

[ocr errors]

Imputaménto, s. m. imputa-
tion, charge.
Imputáre, to impute, to charge
with.. -Imputáre a male, to
blame.-Imputarsi ad onore, to
take as an honour.
Imputatóre, he that imputes
or ascribes.
Imputazióne, s. f. imputation,


Improntamento, s. m. impres-
sion, stamp.--Improntamen-
to, s. m. importunity.---
prontamento, borrowing. Not
used in this sense.
Improntáre, to stamp.-
Improntare, to importune,
to press or sue for with great
earnestness, to request ear-

nestly and often.-Improntare,
to borrow. Not used in this


Improntezza, s. f. importuni-
Improntitúdine, Sty.
Impronto, adj. importunate,
troublesome.-Imprónto, s. m.
stamp, image, impress.-
Impronto, request, demand,
Improperáre, to load with
abuse, to abuse. Not used.
Impropério, s. m. reproach, ill
Impropiamente, adv. impro.
Impropietà. v. Improprietà.
Imprópio, . Improprio.
Improporzionále, adj. dis-

Imprudenza, s f. imprudence,
indiscretion, improvidence.
Imprunáre, to shoot up with
thorns, briers or brambles.
impúbe, s. m. a youth, a child
that is not fourteen years old.

Imputridíre, to rot, to pru-

Imputtanire, to fall in love with whores. Metap, to grow Impudénte, adj. impudent, corrupted in one's heart. saucy, shameless, malapert. Imputtaníto, given or addictImpudentemente, adv. impu-ed to wenching. dently. Impuzzáre, to stink. Impudicaménte, adv. lascivi- Impuzzáto, adj. stinking. ously, wantonly, unchastely, Impuzzolíre, to stink. obscenely, lewdly. Impuzzolíto, adj. stinking. Impudicízia, s. f. lascivious-In, prep. in, in the, into, at. ness, unchasteness, lewdness. Impudico, lascivious, wanton, unchaste, lewd, impure. Impugnaménto, v. Impugna


Impugnare, to take or lay hold of, to seize, gripe, grasp, to catch.-Impugnar la spada, to draw the sword.-Impugnar la lancia, to couch the lance. -Impugnáre, to impugn, to oppose.--Impugnare un' opinione, to attack an opinion. Improporzionáto, S pro-Impugnatóre, defender, importioned, unequal.


hilt of a sword.

Improporzionalmente,adv.dis- Impugnatúra di spada, the
Impropriamente, improperly.
Improprietà, s. f. impropriety.
Impróprio, adj. improper, un-

Improsperire, to prosper.
Improspérito, adj. lucky, come
to prosperity.
Improvativo, adj. that does
not prove.
Improvvidamente, adv. incon-
siderately, improvidently.
Improvvidenza, s. f. improvi-
dence, imprudence, want of
consideration or forecast.
Improvvido, adj. unprovident,

Improvvedutamente, adv. im-
prudently, rashly,
Improvvisamente, adv. sudden-

Impugnazióne, s. f. opposition,
impugning, fight, resistance.
Impulito, adj. not polished,
without ornament.
Impúlso, s. m. impulse, motion,
Impuneménte, adv. impuned-


Impunità, s. f. impunity.
Impunitamente, adv. without
Impunito, adj. unpunished,free
from punishment.
Impuntáre, to strike with the
point.-Impuntare, to stop, to
halt, or make halt.
Impuntáto, adj. struck with
the point, stopped.
Impuntúra, s. f, a sort of knot-
ted needle-work.
Impuraménte, adv. impurely,
uncleanly, filthily.
Impurità, s. f. impurity.

Improvvisare,to sing in rhymes,
Improvviso, adj. unprovided,
unfurnished, destitute.-Im- Impúro, adj. impure, foul,
provviso, unexpected, un- filthy-Impuro,impure,lewd.
thought of, unlooked for, Imputábile, adj. that may be

Vo in campagna, I go into the
country.-E in città, he is in
town.-Sarò in casa, I shall be
at home.-In, for.-In, upon.

Mettere in tavola,to put upon the table.-In, against, towards. Movendo in me gli o chi, looking to me, turning his eyes towards me.--In, about.-Come fa donna che in partorir sia, like a woman that is about lying in.-In, like. -Una porla in arco, a door made like an arch.-In, to, on, in.--Mettere un anello in dito, to put a ring on one's finger.In, in.—In quattr● anni, in four years.-Sarò que in un' ora, I shall be here in an hour.

Inábile, adj. incapable, uncapable, unapt.

Inabilità, s. f. incapacity, unaptness.

Inabilitáre, to disable.
Inabissato, adj. fathomless.
Inabitábile, adj. uninhabitable,
that cannot be inhabited.
Inabitáto, adj. uninhabited.
Inabitévole, adj. v. Inabita-

Inaccessibile, adj. inaccessible,
Inacerbáre, to exasperate, to

Inacerbírsi, to grow sour.
Inacetáre, Inacetíre, to grow
sour or sharp, to turn vine-
gar.Inacetare, to wet or
dress with vinegar.
Inacetíto, adj. sharp, sour.
Inacquaménto, the act of wa-

Inacquare,to water.-Inacquare | Inappellábile, adj. that cannot Inavarito, adj. become avari

il vino, to mix wine with water. Inacutíre, to make sharp, or sharper. Inaddiétro, adv. formerly, for the time past. Inagguaglianza,s. f. inequality. Inagráre, to grow sour. Inagrestíre, to grow sour, as sour grapes.-Inagrestire, to exasperate. Inagrire, to grow sour. Inajáre, to lay the sheaf of corn upon the barn floor to be threshed. Inalbamento, s. m. whitening, white-washing. Inalbáre, to whiten or white


Inalberáre, to mount upon
the tree. Inalberare, to set
up.-Inalberare la croce, to set
up the cross.
Inalberarsi, to fall in a passion,
to be angry-Inalberarsi, to
rise on the hind feet, to rear
itself up, as horses do.
Inalterabile, adj. immutable,
unchangeable, constant.
Inalterabilità, s. f. immutabi-
lity, unchangeableness, con-

Inalterato, adj. not altered, un-
In alto, adv. highly, upwards.
-In alto mare, on the main


Inalzáre, v. Innalzare, and its derivatives. Inamábile, adj. not amiable. Inamáre, to take with a hook. -Inamáre, to inspire love. Inamarire, to grow bitter. Inamarire, to grow grievous or afflicted. Inamarito, adj. bitter. Inamidáre, to starch. Inammendabile,adj.that cannot be mended. Inanelláre, to marry with a ring-Inanellare, to curl, to frizzle.


Inanelláto, adj. married.-Inanellato, curled, frizzled.Crini inanellati, curled hair. Inanimare, to animate, to en

courage. Inanimato, adj. animated, encouraged. Inanimato, inanimate, lifeless, dead, without life.


Inaudito, adj. unheard, not heard before.

inaveráre, to wound, to hurt. Obs.

Inavvedutaménte, adv. impru-
dently, unwarily, heedlessly,

be appealed from.
Inappeténte, adj. listless.
Inappetenza, s. f. listlessness,
the opposite of appetite.
Inarboráre, to plant trees.-
Inarboráre, to rear the stand-
ard, to plant it in the enemy's
camp in token of our having
gotten the better of them.Inavvedúto, adj. unwary, heed-
Inarboráre, to go on the top less, imprudent.
of trees. Inarborare, to stand
or rise upon the hind feet as
a horse does.
Inarboráto, adj. set or planted
with trees.

Inarcáre, to arch, to grow
crooked, or arched.-Fare in-
arcar le ciglia, to amaze or as-

Inargentáre, to silver over, to
cover over with silver.
Inargentato, adj. silvered over.
Inargentato, white as silver,


inavventúra, s. f. misfortune, mishap. Obs.-In avventúra, adv by chance, at random.Mettere in avventura la vita, to venture or hazard one's life. Inavvertenteménte, adv. inconsiderately, rashly, impru dently.

Inavvertenza, s. f. inconsideration, imprudence, want of discretion.

Iuavvertitaménte, adv. rashly, inconsiderately, imprudent


of a silver colour.
Inaridáre, to dry up.-Inari-Inavvertito, adj. inconsider-
Inaridíre, dare, to dry, to ate, rash, unadvised, impru-
grow dry, to wither.-Inari- dent.
dáre, to waste, to consume, to In breve, adv. shortly.
weaken, to debilitate, to ener-In buonóra, adv. prithee, pray.
-Va in buonora, e lasciami dor-
mire, prithee let me sleep.→→
In buonora lasciamo stare coteste
parole, let us make no more
words, I beseech you.
Incacáre, to despise. Vulgar.
In caccia, adv. hastily.
Incacciáre, to give chase, to
pursue. Obs.

Inarientáto, v. Inargentato.
Inarpiccáre, to climb, to clam-
ber up.

Inarrivabile, adj. that cannot
be overtaken, inconceivable,
not to be conceived.
Inarsicciáto, adj. dried up, wi-
Inarticolato, adj. unarticulated.
In ascóso, adv. privately,
In ascosto,
Inasiníre, to become an ass, to
grow like an ass, stupid or

Incaciáre, to put cheese upon
the victuals.
se-Incadaveríre, to grow like a
skeleton, to grow lean, to be

Scretly, under

rotten, to rot.
Incadaverito, adj. like a ske
leton, very lean, rotten. -
Incadére, to fall, to incur, to
fall under. Obs.

Inaspáre, v. Innaspare.
Inaspettataménte, adv. sudden-Incagionáre, to cause, to be
ly, unexpectedly.
Inaspettato, adj. unexpected,
unthought of, unlooked for.
Inaspráre, to exasperate, to
Inasprire, S provoke, to stir to
anger.-Inasprire il dolore, to
exasperate, to encrease the
pain. Inasprire, to make
one ill-humoured, cross, or
peevish.-Inasprirsi, to grow
cruel or severe, to grow
fierce or boisterous,

Inanimatóre, he that encourag-In
es others, encourager.
Inanimíre, v. Inanimare.
In aperto, adv. openly, pub-
licly, in public.

avánti, adv. before.-D' or
in avanti, for the future, hence

the cause of, to lay the fault
upon one. Obs.—Incagionare,
to engage in. Obs.
Incagliáre, to stick, to cleave
to, to be at a stand.-Inag-
liare in una secca, to run <a-
ground.—Inengliáre, to puz-
zle, to confound, to perplex.
Incagnáto, adj. angry.
In cagnésco, adv. sourly, stern-
ly, crabbedly--Quatár in cag-
nesco, to look sourly upon
Stare in cagnesco colla morte, to
struggle with or against

Inavaríre, to become avari-Incalappiáre, to insnare, to ẹn-
tangle. Incaloppiáre," to cm-

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