صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

broil, to confound, to make a | Incancheríto, adj. festered, pu

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confusion. Incalcáre, to press, to urge, to follow close, haunt or dun, to importune. Una strada che s'incalca con l'altra, a cross path, a cross way. Incalcáre, to force or compel.-Incalcáre, to trample, to tread under foot, to despise, to scorn. Incalciaménto, s. m. flight, chase. Obs. Incalciáre, to chase or drive away, to put to flight, to pursue.-Incalciáre, to urge, to press. Incalcináre, to calcine or calcinate. Incalcitráre, to kick, to wince. -Calcitrare nel pungello, to kick against the spur. Incaliginato, adj. caliginous, dim. full of obscurity. Incallire, to grow hard or callous-Incallire alla fatica, to inure to labour. Incallito, adj. hardened, inured, accustomed. Incalvire, to grow bald. Incalzare, v. incalciare. Incalzonáre, to put on breeches. Incamatáto, or Incamatito,adj. as straight as a stick. In cambio, adv. instead. Incameráre, to confine/in room.-Incamerare, to confiscate.Incumeráre, to lessen the barrel of a gun by the breech. Incamerato, adj. that hasa chamber or small breech, said of cannon. Incamiciáre, to cover, to lay over, to daub, to plaister, to parget with mortar, clay, or the like.

Incamiciata, s. f. camisado, an attack made by soldiers with their shirts over their clothes. Incamiciatúra, s. f. a plaistering or daubing with mortar or clay. Incamminamento, s. m. the act of putting or sending forwards. Incammináre, to begin, to set on-Incamminare un negozio, to set a business forward, to begin it.

Incamminársi, to go, to set out, to begin one's journey. Incamuffato, adj. hooded, with a hood on. Incamutáto, adj. counterpointed, quilted, stuffed. Incancherare, to fester, to lecancherire, putrefy.


Incaníto, adj. exasperated, enraged like a mad dog. Incannare, to wind silk or thread upon bobbins, or on a recd-Incannáre,to swallow. Incannáta, s. f. a stick of cherries. Incannáta, intrigue, trouble. Incannucciáre, to enclose or cover with reeds. Incantagióne, s. f. Incantamento, s. m. charm, witchcraft. Incantáre,to inchant,to charm, to bewitch.-Incantare la neb bia, to whet, to take a whet in the morning.—Incantáre, to charm, to ravish, to wrap in admiration.-Incantáre, to sell by auction. Incantatore,asorcerer,a charm

halter about a horse's neck. Incaponíre, to grow obstinate or stubborn. Incappáre, to fall into the snares, to be catched.-Incape páre, to meet with, to light, to fall,to hit upon.-Incappare, to stumble.

Incappato, adj. catched in the snare.-Incappato, that has a cloak on. Incappelláre, to put on one's hat, to cover one's self.—Incappellare, to crown, to adorn. Incappelláto, with one's hat on, crowned, adorned. Incapperucciáre, to wrap up, to cover or muffle one's head. Incapperucciato,adj.with one's head wrapt up or covered. Incappiáre, to intangle, to tie with a knot, to knit, to fasten. Incáppo, s. m. stumble, fall, accident, hit Incappucciare, to cover with a hood. Incappácciuto, adj. with


Incanto, s. m. inchantment,
charm, witchcraft.-Incanto,
auction, public sale.-Vendere Incarcare, to charge, to load.
all' incants, to sell by auction. Incarcáto, adj. charged, loaded.
Guastar l'incanto, to break Incarceragióne, s. f. imprison-
one's design. Andare come la
biscia all' incanto, to do a thing Incarcerare, to imprison.
against one's will or inclina- Incarcerato, adj. imprisoned.
Incarcerarióne, s. f. imprison-
Incantucciare, to drive in a


er, a conjurer.-Incantatore,
incantatrice, s. f. an inchant-
ress, sorceress, witch or she
Incantazióne, s. f. inchant-
Incantesimo, s. m. ( ment,
charm, witchcraft.
Incantevole, adj. inchanting,

hood on. Incapriccire, to fall in love, to be smitten. Incapriccirsi, to be possessed or prepossessed, to take a thing in one's head. Incarbonchiáre, to shine like a carbuncle.


Incantucciáto, adj. hid, hidden, lurking, secret. Incanutiménto, s. m. hoariness. Incanutire, to grow grey,white or hoary, to grow old. Incanutíto, adj. hoary, grey


incapace, adj. incapable, un-
fit, not proper.
Incapacitá,s. f. incapacity, un-
fitness, inability.
Incaparbire, to be obstinate or

Incaparbito, obstinate, wilful,
stubborn, self-willed.
Incaparráre, to bespeak, to
give earnest.

Incapársi, to be obstinate, to
grow stubborn.
Incapestráre, to put on a
halter.-Incapestráre, to catch.
Incapestratúra, s. f. a tying a



Incarco, v. Incarico.
Incarica, s. f. a charge, a load
or burden, a bundle.
Incaricáre, to charge, to load,
to clog.Incaricare, to charge
one with, to trust him with
it-Incaricáre, to charge or
command.--Incaricare, to rail
at one, to revile or vilify

Incarico, s. m. charge, burden,
load.-----Incarico, imposition,
tax, burden.-Incarico, care,
office, duty.-Prender l'incari-·
co, to take upon one's self-
Irender l'incarico d'un esercito,
to take the command of an
army. Non voglio prender-
mene l'incarico, I won't meddle
with it. Incarico, injustice,
injury, wrong.
Incarnánte, adj. taking flesh,
that takes flesh.

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Incastagnare, to wainscot, to fortify with chesnut-tree.Incastagnare, to talk idly, to amuse with idle stories. Incastellamento, s. m. battlement, a piece of fortification. -Incastellamento, a scaffold, a


Incastelláre, to fortify with
castles or forts.
Incastellársi, to fortify one's



in the bezel.-Incústro, a far-
rier's buttress.
to catch cold.
Incatenacciáre, to bolt.
Incatenáre, to chain, to clan in
irons. Incatenare, to fasten
with a chain.
Incatenatúra, s. f. concati-
nation.-Incatenat ra, joint.
Incatorzoliménto, the rotting
or mouldering of trees or

Incastelláto, adj. made like a castle.--Incastellato, fortified with castles or forts. Incastellito, shut up in a castle.Incostellato, incastelled or narrow-hoofed.---Cavallo incastelluto, an horse. Incastità, s. f. Obs. incontipence, lust. Incastonáre, to enchase, to set ́ in, or put in the bezel.-Incastonáre, to join or mortise, to set close together. Incastonatúra, s. f. enchasing or setting in the bezel. Incastrare, to enchase or set in the bezel, to join or mortise, to set close together. Incastratúra, s. f. enchasing, Incastro, s. m. or setting

Incatorzolire, to spoil by a
Incatorzolito, adj.

Incattivíre, to grow wicked or

Incattivíto, adj. wicked, naugh


Incavalcáre, to put over, to set
or put upon.-Incavalcare un
cannone, to mount a piece of
ordnance upon its carriage.
Incavalcatúra, s. f.the setting or
laying one thing over an-

Incavallare, to furnish with
horses.—Incavalláre, to ride,
to sit a-straddle upon a thing.
-Incavalldre, to put or lay a-

cross or cross-ways.

Incaváre, to dig, to hollow.
Incaváto, dug.-Sasse incasúto,
a hollow stone.
Incavatúra, s. f. excavation.
Incavernato, adj. put or laid
in a cave or den. Incavernato,
hollow.-Occhi incavernati,
hollow eyes, eyes sunk in
one's head.
Incavicchiare, to tie to a peg
Incavigliare, or pin.-n-
cavigliare, to peg or pin, to
fasten with a peg or pin.
Incavo, s. m. cavity, hole, hol-
low place.
Incautamente, adv. unwarily,
heedlessly, unadvisedly.
Incautéla, s. f. negligence, no-
glect, carelessness.
Incaúto, adj. negligent, care-
less, unwary,
Incendere, to kindle, to set on
fire.-Incendere, to burn.--In-
cender d'ira, to be inflamed
with anger.-Incendere, to
make an issue in the neck.
Incendévole, adj. combustible,
to catch
apt to burn or
Incendiare, to burn, to con-
sume by fire.
Incendiario, s. m. an incendiary.
Incendimento, s. m. fire,

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Incenditrice, fern. of Incendi-
Incendóre, s. m. ardour, smart.
Obs. Incendore, division, dis-
union, discord. Obs.
Inceneráre, to burn to ashes.-
Incencráre, to convert to ashes.
-Incenerare, to throw ashes

Incenerire, to be burnt or re-
duced to ashes.-Incenerire, to
bring or burn to ashes.--[a-
cenerito, adj. burnt to ashes.
Incensamento, s. m. a perfum-
ing with incense.
Incensáre, to cense or perfume
with frankincense.-Incensure,
to praise, to commend.
Incensiére, s. m. a censer, thu-
rible, or perfuming pan.
Incénso, s. m. incense, frankin-
cense-Dar l'incenso altrui, to
flatter, wheedle, praise, or
commend. Dar l'incenso a'
morti, to make almanacks for
the last year.-Incenso, adj.
kindled, burnt, all in flames.
Incentivo, s. m. incentive, in-
citement or motive.
Incentrarsi, to go deep into
any thing.

Inceráre, to wax, to indue with
wax.-Inceráre, to grow yel-
low as the corn does, when it
begins to grow ripe.-Ire
Táto, s. m. oil-cloth.

Incercináre, to put a roll upon

one's head.

Incerconíre, to turn sour as

wine does.
Incerráre, to join or fasten to-
gether.-Interráře, to hire, to
give earnest for
Incertezza, s. f.) uncertain-
Incertitudine, s. f. ty, doubt-
Incerto, s. m.
suspense, perplexity, loss.

Incerto, adj. uncertain, doubt-
ful, irresolute, wavering, un-
Incéso, s. m. a cautery, or
issue.Incéso, adj. kindled,

Incespáre, to intangle one's
Incespicare, legs among the
bushes, to stumble.-inces-

pare, to grow, to breed, in-
crease or multiply.
Incessabile, adj. incessant, con-
Incessabilmente, adv. continu-
ally, incessantly.
Incessante, adj. incessant, con-
Incessanteménte, adv. inces-
santly, continually.—Incessa-
tamente, adv. incessantly, con-

Incestáre, to lay any thing in
a basket, and shut it in it.
Incesto, s. m. incest, carnal co-
pulation with one who is near
Incestuoso, adj. incestuous,
guilty of incest.
Incétta, s. f, bargain, purchase.
Incettáre, to buy in order to
sell again.
Incettatore, an ingrosser, re-
grater, or forestaller, that
buys up corn or other com-
modities to sell them dear.
Inchésta, u. Inchiesta.
Inchiaváre, to lock.
Inchiavelláto. adj. nailed.
Inchiavistelláre, to bolt.
Inchiedere, to enquire
Inchierere, Obs. or make an
enquiry, to ask.
Inchieriménto, s. f. inquest,
Inchiesta, s. m. Senquiry,

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Inchinévole, adj. inclined, in-
clinable, bent, prone, ready,

Inchinevolménte, adv. easily,
readily, willingly.
Inchino, s. m. a bow, a cour-

In chiocca, adv. abundantly,
Inchiodare, to nail.—Inchiodare
un cavallo, to prick or nail a
horse in the shoeing.-Inchi-
odare un cannone, to spike a


Inchiodatúra, s. f. a spike in a
horse's foot.
Inchiostrare, to daub with

Incircoscritto, adj. uncircumcribed.

Incischiáre, to mince, to cut in
slices or bits.

Incisióne, s. f. incision, cut.
Incisivo, adj. that has the vir
tue of cutting.
Inciso, adj. cut.

Incisura, s. f. incision, cut.
Incitaménto, s. m. incitation,
provocation, incitement, in-
ducement or motive.
Incitáre, to incite, to egg, to
spur on, to move, to persuade,
to induce.
Incitatívo, adj. inciting, mov-
ing, stirring, inducing.
Incitatóre, an inciter, a pro-

Incitatrice, fem. of Incitatore.
Incitazióne, s. f. incitement, in-
ducement or motive.
Incivile, adj. uncivil, unman-
nerly, clownish, rude.
Incivilire, to grow civil or po-

Inchiostro, s. m. ink.-Scrivere
ad uno di buono inchiostro, to im-
part one's mind freely-Il tuo
inchiostro non tigne, your credit
is not good-Raccommandare
di brwono in chiostro, to recom-
mend one earnestly.
Inchiovatúra, v. Inchiodatura._lite.
Ritrovar Pinchiovatura, to find Inciviltà, s. f. incivility, un-
out the truth of a thing. mannerliness, rudeness.
Inchiúdere, to inclose, to in-Inciuscherarsi, to drink exces-
compass, to include, con- sively.
tain or comprehend.
incleménte, adj. merciless, au-
Inchiuso, adj. included. stere, rigorous, severe.
Inciampire, to stumble or Inclinábile, inclinable, that
Inciampicáre, trip-Inciam can lean downwards.
pare, to stumble, to fail, to Inclinaménto, s. m. declination.
err.-Inciampáre, to light up-
-Inclinamente del sole, the set-
on, to meet by chance.-Oh ting of the sun.
come male inciampo, oh what a Inclinánte, adj. inclining.
bad rencounter for me. Inclinantemente, adv. easily,
Inciámpo, s. m. stumbling or readily, willingly.
Inclináre, to incline, to bow or
bend, to lean downwards.--
Inclináre, to incline, to bend
to, to have a propension


Inclináto, adj. bent, inclined.

Inclinato, inclosed, dispos ed, prone, apt. Inclinazione, s. f. inclination. Inclinazione, declination.Versare per inclinazione, to pour gently.

search. Inchinamento, s.m.inclination, proneness, propensity, bias.Inchinamento,bending, bowing. -Inchinamento, humiliation. Inchináre, to humble, to cast down, to depress, to debase. Incidente, s. m. incident, acci-Inchinare l'altrui fierezza, to dent, adventure, event. abate one's pride—Inchinare Incidentémente, adv.by chance, il capo, to submit, to yield.- accidentally, by the way. Inchinare, to condescend, com- Incidénza, s. f. digression. ply, submit, or yield.—Inchi- Incidere, to make an incision, nare le orrecchie, to give ear.- to cut, to gash or split in -Inclináre, to bow.-Inchi- two.-Incidere, to engrave, to náre, to nap.-Vinto dal sonno grave.Incidere, to digress, in su l'erba inchinai, being very to make a digression, to go heavy with sleep, I took a nap from the subject in hand. upon the grass.-Inchináre, to Incieláre, to place in heaven. nod, to assent, to affirm with Incignere, to get with child. a nod.-Inchinare, to bow, to Inciaquáre, to come to the bow down, to bring lower, number of five. to lower.-Inchinare gli occhi, Incinta, adj. f. big with child. to look downwards, to cast Inciprignire, to grow malig-Inclusivamente, adv. inclusiveone's down.-Inchinare, nant, tc exasperate, to grow ly. eyes to set, to go down, as the sun! worse. Inciprignire, to grow at night.-Inchináre, to bend. angry, to fall in a passion. Inchinar l'animo a qualche cosa, Inciprigníto, adj. exasperated, to bend one's mind to some- angry. thing.

In circa, adv. about.

Inchinazione, s. f. inclination, Incirconciso, adj. uncircumdisposition.


Inclinévole, adj. v. Inchiné


'nclito, adj. noble, excellent. Inclúdere, to include, to comprehend.

Inclusivo, adj. inclusive. Inclúso, adj. inclosed.-L'inclu sa, the inclosed letter. Incoccáre, to put the bowstring into the notch of an


Incodardíre, to despond, to

Incommutabilmente, adv. constantly, immutably. Incomodaménte, adv. incommodiously, without necessary


Incomodáre, to incommode, to disturb, to be troublesome. Incommodità, s. f. inconveniency, incommodity, trouble. -Incomoditá, ailment, indisposition.

Incómodo, s. m. inconveniency, trouble.-Incómodo, adj. troublesome, inconvenient, incommodious, uneasy, griev


Incomparábile, adj. incomparable, matchless. Incomparabilmente, adv. incomparably. Incompassióne, s. f. cruelty, inhumanity. Not used. Incompatibile, adj. incompatible.

Incompatibilitá, s. f. incompatibility, inconsistency. Incompensábile, adj. that cannot be rewarded or recompensed. Incompetente, adj. incompetent, not duly qualified. Incompetentemente, adv. incompetently, improperly. Incompetenza, s. f. incompetency, insufficiency, inability. Incompiúto, adj. not finished, not accomplished, imperfect. Incomplesso, adj. not complicated, without mixture, incomplex.

Incomportabile, adj.insupportable, intolerable, grievous, not to be suffered or borne. Incompósto, adj. simple, unaffected, natural, incomposed, uncouth.


Incomprensibile, adj. incomprehensible. Incomprensibilità, s. f. incomprehensibility. Incomprensibilmente, adv.); Incomprensivamente, comprehensibly, inconceivably. In comúne, adv. in common, jointly.

Incomunicabile, adj. that cannot be imparted to others. Inconcludénte, adj. that has no conclusion, that draws not to a conclusion. In conclusióne, adv. in conclusion, in short, finally. In conclúso, adj. not conclud


Inconcússo, adj. inconcuss, un

grow faint-hearted. Incogitábile, adj. unthought of, that cannot be fully comprehended or conceived. Incogliere, to catch, to overtake Incogliere, to catch in the fact or in the deed doing, to take, to surprise.-Incogliére, to happen, to befal, to come to pass, to fall out. Incognitaménte, adv. incog


Incógnito, adj. unknown,
I'ncola o l'ncolo, s. m. an in-
habitant. Obs.
Incolláre, to glue, to paste to
Incolláto, adj. glued or past-

Incollerire, to grow angry, to
fall in a passion.
Incollerito, adj. angry.
Incolieráre, to fly in a passion,
to put in a passion.
Incoloráre, to colour.
Incolpábile, adj. unblameable,

Incolpánte, adj. that blames.
Incolpáre, to blame, to lay the
fault upon.
Incolpatore, a blamer, an ac-


Incolpevole, adj. umblameable,
Incolto, adj. untilled, unmanur-
ed, not cultivated.
Incombustibile, adj. incombus-
tible, that cannot be burned
or consumed by fire.
Incominciaglia, s. f. an imper-
fect beginning, a rough draft.
Incominciaménto, s. f.
Incominciánza, s. f. Obs. gin-
ning, commencement.
Incominciare, to begin or en-
ter upon, to commence.
Incominciáta, s. f.
Incominciato, s. m.





ciáto, adj. begun. Incominciatore, a beginner, a

novice. Incominciatrice, femin. of Incominciatore. Incomincio, s. m. beginning,


Incommensurabile, adj. incommensurable, that cannot be measured.

Incommodo, v. Incomodo, and its derivatives. Incommutabile, adj. immutable, unchangeable, constant. Incommutabilità, s. f. unchangeableness, constancy.

shaked, firm. In confúso, adj. confusedly, without order." Incongiúnto, adj. disjointed, parted, divided. Incongruente, adj. incongruous, absurd. Incongruenza, s. f. incongruity, absurdity. Inconocchiare, to wind upon a distaff.

Inconsiderabile, adj. incon siderable, of small account. Inconsideratamente, adv. inconsiderately, rashly, unadvisedly, imprudently. Inconsideráto, adj. inconsider ate, rash, foolish, unadvised, indiscreet, imprudent. Inconsiderazione, s. f. inconsideration, imprudence, rashness, madvisedness. Inconsistente, adj. inconsistent. Inconsolabile, adj. inconsolable, that cannot be comfort


Inconsumabile, adj. not to be
Inconsútile, adj. not sewed.
Incontaminabile, adj. not to
be contaminated, incorrupt-

Incontamináto, adj. undefiled,
Incontanénte, adv. incontinen-
cy, presently, by and by, im-
mediately, strait.
Incontestabile, adj. indisput-
able, incontestible, unques-
tionable, most certain.
Incontentábile, adj. insatiable.
Incontinente, adj. incontinent,
unchaste, that has no com-
mand of himself.--Inconti-
nente, adv. incontinently, im-
mediately, presently.
Incontinenza, s. f. inconti-
nence, lustful inclination, in-

Incóntra, prep. against, oppo-
site, on the contrary.
Incontraménto, s. m. meeting,
interview, conference, par-

Incontráre, to meet, to meet with, to find.---Incontráre, to happen, to befal, to come to pass, to fall out.--Incontráre, to confront, to compare together.

li.contrársi, to hit, knock, or dash one another. Incontrastábile, adj. indisputable, incontestable, unquesti onable, most certain. Incontro, s. m. meeting, ren

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out bedy. Incorporaménto, s. m. incorporation, an uniting one body or thing to another. Incorporare, to incorporate, to mix or unite the particles of one body with another. Incorporare, to incorporate, to receive or admit into a society-Incorporáre, to confis cate, to incorporate, to annex or unite. Incorporazione, s. f. incorporation or mixing together. Incorpóreo, adj. incorporeal, bodiless, without a body. Incorporeo, s. m. incorpora

counter. Andare all'incontro, reity, the condition or state
to go to meet.—Incontro, acci-|_ of that which has no body.
dent, chance, hit or adven- Incorporalmente, adv. with-
ture.-Incontro, occasion, op-
portunity.---Incontro, prep.
against.Incontro, over a-
gainst, opposite.--Incontro,
towards. Fursi mcontro, to go |
farther, to advance.-Uscire
all incontro, to go to meet.-
Se ardirai di farti loro incontro,
if you dare to oppose your-
self to them.
Incontrovertibile,adj. that can-
not be put in question, in de-
Inconturbábile, adj. imper-
turbed, undisturbed, serene,
Inconvegnénza, v. Inconveni-
enza. Obs.
Incorvenévole, adj. inconve- Incorre, v. Incógliere.
Inconveniente, Snient, Incorreggibile, v. Incorrigi-
indecent, unbecoming, un- bile.


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Inconvincibile. adj. invincible,
not to be overcome or con-
Incoraggiamento, encourage-Incorrigibilmente, adv. past
ment, incitement.
Incoraggiare, to encourage, in-
cite or stir up.-Incoraggiato,
adj. animated, encouraged.
Incoraggire, c. Incoraggiare,
and its derivatives.
Incorare, to have a mind, to be Incorruttibilità, s. f. incorrupt-
resolved or determined.-In- ibility, integrity.

hopes of correction. Incorrótto, adj. incorrupt, uncorrupted, untainted. Incorruttibile, adj. incorruptible, not subject to corrup


Indótto, p. p. of Incuócere. Increáto, adj, increate, not made or created.

Incredibile, adj. incredible, not to be believed. Incredibilmente, adv. incredibly.

Incredulità, s. f. incredulity,

Incrédulo, adj. incredulous,
that believes not.
Increménto, s. m. increment,
Increpare, to increpate, to
chide or rebuke. Obs.
Increpazióne, s. f. increpation,
rebuke. Obs.
Increscenza, s. f. grief, trouble,


Incréscere, to grow tired, to
think the time long, tedious,
wearisome, or irksome, to
weary, to be wearisome, to
be tedious.--Increscere, to
pity, to commiserate, to take
pity of.-M'incresce della vostra
disgrazia, I am sorry for your
misfortune. Fer l'amor di Dio
f'incresca di me, for God's sake
take pity on me.
Increscévole, adj. pitiful, tedi-
ous, wearisome, tiresome, ir k-


Increscevolmente, tediously, incommodiously, in a tedious


Incresciménto, s. m. weariness,
trouble, sorrow, grief, vex-
Increcióso, adj. v. Incresce-

Increspaménto, s. m. curl or
Increspare, to curl.—Incres-
páre, to shrink.


curare, to put in mind, to in-Incorruttibilmente, adv. incor- Increspáto, adj. curled, shrunk, spire, to put in one's head, to ruptibly. persuade.--Incorare, to encou-Incorruzione, s. f. incorrup-Increspatúra, s. f. curl or curl, rage, to incite, to give cou


Incórso, adj. incurred, fallen,

rage, to spur.
Incordare, to be benumbed, to
grow stiff through cold or Incortinato, adj surrounded
other diseases.—Incordáre, to with curtains.
string an instrument. Incor-In coscienza, adv. upon my
dato, adj. stiff, benumbed. conscience.
Incordatúra, s. f. a crick in the

neck. Incorniciare, to put a frame


Incoronáre, to crown.
Incoronazione, s. 1. coronation.
Incorporabile, adj. that can be
Incorporále, adj. incorporeal,
having no body, budiless.
Ancorporalità, s. f. incorpo-

[blocks in formation]

Incroccicchiare, to cross, to Incostante, adj. inconstant, lay cross or cross-ways. fickle, wavering, changeable, Incrocicchiato, adj. cross, laid unstable, uncertain. cross. Colle braccia incrvcnckiIncostánza, s. 1. inconstancy, ale, with one's arms across. tickleness, levity, changeable-Incrojasi, to grow hard, to ness, lightness, uncertainty, harden. Obs. instability. Incostantemente, adv. inconstantly, lightly. Incoverchiare, to cover, to put fairs. a cover or lid upon.

Incrojito, adj. hardened, intractable. Obs.

Incronicare, to meddle in af

Incrostáre, to form a crust

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