صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


over.-Incrostare un muro, to rough-cast, or parget a wall. Incrostato, adj. crusted, roughcasted or pargetted. Incrostatúra, s. f. the state of being encrustated.-Incrostatura di muro, the parget, or rough-cast of walls. Incrosticáto, v. Incrostato. Incrudeliménto, s. m. the act of exercising cruelty. Incrudelire, to grow cruel, inhuman or barbarous.-Incrudelire, to exasperate, to make

Indagine. s. m. investigation, | Indegnazióne, s. £. indignation, search, inquiry. Obs.

infamy, Indanajáre, to bespeckle with Indegnità, s. f. indignity, base. spots.- -Indanajáto, adj. bespeckled, spotted. Indárno, adj. in vain, to no purpose.

Indebilife, v. Indebolire. Indebilito, v. Indebolito. Indebitamente, adv. unduly, unlawfully. Indebitáre, to run into debt, to contract debts.-Indebitúre, to make debtor. Indebitáto, adj. indebted. Incrudelito, adj. become cruel, Indébito, adj, undue, unlawful. -Incrudelito, painful, griev-Ora indebita, an unseason


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Incumbenza, s. f. charge, commission.

Incuocere, to concoct, to boil, to bake, to roast, to scald, to singe, to blast. Incuoráre, v. Incorare. Incurábile, adj. incurable, that cannot be cured. Incuráto, adj. not taken notice of, neglected. Incursióne, s. f. incursion, inroad of soldiers into an enemy's country. Incurvare, to incurvate, to crooken, to bow or bend. Incurvato, adj. curbed, bent, crooked. Incurvazione, s. f. incurvation. Incúrvo, adj. curbed, bent,

crooked. Incusáre, to accuse, to blame. Not used. Incustodito, adj. not guarded, not under the care of any body. Indaco, s. m. indigo, a blue colour brought from the In




able hour..

Indebolire, to grow weak, feeble or infirm, to lose one's strength, to decay.-Indebolire, to weaken, to make weak, to debilitate, to enervate or enfeeble.

Indebolíto, adj. weakened. Indecente, adj. indecent, unbecoming.

Indecenteménte, adv. indecently.

Indecenza, s. f. indecency, unbecomingness, immodesty. Indeciso, adj. undecided, undetermined.

Indeclinabile, adj. indeclinable,
that cannot decline or dimi-
nish.---Indeclinabile, indeclin-
able, a grammatical term
used for nouns that do not
vary the cases.
Indeclinabilmente, adv. with-
out declining.
Indefessamente, adv. indefatig-furious.
ably, assiduously.
Indefésso, adv. indefatigable,_monstrating.
unwearied, assiduous.
Indeficiénte, adj. not defici-


Indeficienza, s. f. contrary to
deficiency, abundance, copi-


Indefinito, adj. indefinite, un-
determined, unlimited, un-
Indefinataménte, adv. inde-
finitely, undeterminately.
Indegnamente, adv. unworthi-
ly, basely, shamefully.
Indegnamento, s. m. anger,
wrath, passion. Obs.
Indegnarsi, to be angry with,
to fret, to fume, to chafe.

Indegnativo, adj. provoking,
apt to make one mad. Obs.
Indegnáto, adj. very angry,
full of indignation.





Indégno, adv. unworthy, un
deserving, unbecoming.
Indelébile, adj. indelible, that
cannot be cancelled or plot-
ted out.

Indelebilmente, adv. in an in
delible manner.
Indemoniáto, adj. possessed
with some devil or spirit.
Indénne, adj. without hurt,
harm, or damage, harmless,


Indennità, s. indemnity, privi lege.

Indéntro, adv. inward, within,

Indeterminataménte, adv. inde
terminately, irresolutely.
Indeterminato, adj. indetermi
nate, undetermined, unde-
cided, unlimited.
Indettáre, to agree, to deter
mine, to resolve.
Indi, adv. from thence.-Ind,
alter, afterwards.
Indi a poco, a little time after,
not long after.Indi a pochi
di, a few days after.
Indiársi, to make one's self a
deity or god. A silly word.
Indiáto, adj. deified or become
a god.

Indiavoláre, to fall in a paș-

Indiavoláto, adj. devilish, mis-
chievous, mad, raving mad,

ludicánte, adj. showing, de

Indicáre, to shew, to indicate,
to demonstrate.
Indicativo, s. m. the indicative
mood. Indicativo, indicative,
indicated, demonstrated.
demonstrative.--Indicáto, adj.
Indicazione, s. f. indication,
show, sign, or symptom.
I'ndice, s. m. index, the table
Indice, the fore-finger.
of the contents of a book-
Indicibile, Sspeakable,
Indicévole, adj. ineffable, un-
not to be uttered or express-

Indieibilmente, adv. inexpli
cably, inexpressibly.
Indico, adj. Indian, of India.

Legno Ind co, logwood, or
draw, to recoil. Obs.
Indietreggiáre, to go, fall or

Indiétro, adv. back. after, back- Indritto, adj. directed, ad-
wards, upon.-Vokerst indie- dressed.—Tederto, indirect,
tro, to look back— ́er re in- unjust, wrongful.
dietro, to run after.-Tar i Indirizzaménto, s. m. address,
indietro, to fall or draw back- direction, management.
wards.—Ind'etro-i de tro, very ¦ Indirizzamento,inclination,pro-

far backwards. Indifeso, adj. unguarded, not defended. Indifferénte, adj. indifferent, pretty good-Indiferente, indifferent, insensible, cold. Indifferentemente, adv. indifferently, without distinction. Indifferenza, s. f. indifference, unconcernedness. Indianitamente, adv. indefinitely, undeterminately. Indigente, adj. indigent, needy, wanting.

Indigénza, s. f. indigence, need,



Indirizzare, to direct, rule,
steer, govern, guide, manage.
Indirizzarsi, to go, to begin
one's journey, to set forward,

to set out.

Indirizzato, adj. directed, steer-
ed, ruled, guided.
Indirizzatore, director, ruler.
Indirizzo, s. in. direction, ma-
nagement, way, manner.
Indisciplinábile, adj. undisci-
plinable, untoward, indocile.
Indisciplináre, to teach. Obs.
Indisciplináto, adj. rude, in-
tractable, indocile, ungovern-
able, unruly.
Indiscretamente, adv. indis-
creetly, unwisely, inconsider-
ately, rashly.
Indiscréto, adj. indiscreet, un-
wise, unthinking, rash, fool-
ish, inconsiderate.
Indiscrezione, s. f. indiscre-

dually, precisely.
Individuáto, adj. peculiar, sin
gular, distinguished.
Individuazione, s. f. individua-

Indivíduo, adj. individual, in-
separable, singular.-In-
dividuo, s. m. an individual,
that which denotes only one
person or thing.
Indivináglia, s. f. a guess, a

Indivinaménto, s. m. divina-
tion, telling of things to


Indivináre, to foretell things to come, to divine, to foredoom.

Indivinatório, adj. belonging to the art of divining. Indivinazióne, s. f. divination, presaging or foretelling things


Indigere, to want, to be in want or necessity. Obs. Indigestibile, adj. indiges

tible Indigestibilità, s. f. Indigestióne,



want of digestion. Indigesto, adj. indigested, not digested. Indignáto, adj. full of indig


tion, unadvisedness.
Indiscusso, adj. undetermined,
not examined.
Indísia, s. f. a kind of silk-

Indignazione, s. f. indigna-
tion, anger, passion, wrath. cloth.
Indigrósso, adv. about, one
with another.-Vérano ind-
grosso cinquante persone, there
was about fifty people.-
Vendere o comprare indigrosso,
to sell or buy by wholesale.
In diléguo, adv. very far.

An are in dile uo, to go very
far in the most remote parts
of a country.
Indiligénza, s. f. negligence,
carelessness, supineness.In
diligenza, adv.diligently,quick-
ly, in huste.
Indimostrábile, adj. that can-
not be demonstrated or prov-

ed. Idióltre, adv. thereabout. Indipendente, adj. independ


Indipendentemente, adv. in-
Indipendenza, s. f. independ-


to come.

Indivíno, v. Indovino.
Indivisamente, adv. indistinct-
ly, confusedly.-Indivisamente,
Indivisibile, adj. indivisible.
Indivisibilità, s. f. indivisibili-

Indivisibilmente, adv. indivi-

Indiviso, adj. undivided.-In-
diviso, adv. separately, apart,
privately, in private, by one's

Indisiáre, to stir up desire.
Indispárte, adv. apart, sepa-Indivóto, adj. indevout, irreli-
rately, by itself, aside.
Indispensabile, adj. indispens-Indizio, s. m. sign, token, mark,
able, absolutely necessary. probable evidence, notice.-
Indispensabilmente, adv. indis- Purgar glindizi, to underga
pensably, unavoidably, neces- the torture without pleading
guilty or not guilty.
Indizione, s. f. indiction, the
space of fifteen years →→→.
tre indizine, to change con-
dition or fortune.

Indisposicioncélla, s. f. dim. of
Indisposizioncellúccia, dim. of
Indisposizióne, s. f. indisposi-Indo, adj. Indian, of India.
tion, illness.Indisposizióne, Poetical.
fault, defect.
Indisposto, adj. not disposed or
ready,not inclined, unwilling.
-Indisposto, indisposed, not
well, out of order.
Indissolubile, adj. indissoluble,
that cannot be loosed.
Indissolubilmente, adv. indisso-

Indocile, adj. indocile, not to
be taught, untoward,unteach-

to sweeten, to alleviate, to mitigate, to assuage. -Indoleire un cuor feroce, to mollify a savage heart. Indolcito, adj. sweetened, molIndistintamente,advindistinct-lified, appeased.


Indirettamente, adv. indirectly, confusedly.


Indiretto, adj. indirect.
Indirigere, v Indirizzare.
Indiritta, adv. directly, right-
ly, justly.
Indiritto, e. Indirizzamento.

I'ndole, s. f. nature, natural

Indistinto, adj. indistinct, con- disposition, inclination.
fused, not separated.
Indívia, s. f. endive.
Individuále, adj. individual, in-
separable, not to be divided.
Individualmente, adv. indivi-

Indolénte, adj. indolent, insen-


Indolentíre, v. Indolenzire. Indolenza, s. f. indolence, insensibility.

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Indovúto, adj. undue, unlaw,


Indózza, s. f. sickness, weak-
ness, ill state of health. Obs.
Indozzaménto, s. m. consump-
tion, falling away. Obs.-
Induzzamento, sorcery, witch-


Indozzáre, to decay, to fall
away, to grow worse, mostly
said of cattle.
Indozzáło, adj. pining away,
wasting, rotten, perished.
Indracáre, to grow fierce like a

Indragare, v. Indracare.
Indrappáre, to make cloth.
Indrappelláre, to draw up an
army in battalia. Obs.
Indrappellato, adj. drawn up
in battalia. Obs.

Indoráto, adj. gilt, or gilt over.
Indoratúra, s. f. v. Indoramen-Induáre, to divide or part in



Indormentato, adj. sleepy, Indubitábile, adj. indubitable,
unquestionable,past all doubt.

Indésso, adv. upon one's back. Indubitabilmente,
-Aver indosso la toga, to have
the robe on.
Indotáto, adj. that has no por-
tion or dowry.

Induráre, to harden, to grow
hard.--Induráre, to grow ob‐J
stinate, intractable, hard-

Indurice, v. Indurare.
Indárre, to induce, to move,
to persuade, to force, to lead,
to entice or draw on.-
durre, to pitch, to drive, tog
thrust in, to stick.
Indústre, adj. industrious, la-[
borious, diligent.-Industre,
cunning, sharp, sly, crafty,

Indústria, s. f. industry, labour,

Industriársi, to bestir one's: seif, to put one's self forward.

Industriosamente, adv. industriously, ingeniously. Industríóso, adj. industrious, ingenious.

Induttivo, adj. inducing, persuading, moving.

adv. un-Induttore, s. m. he that indoubted- duces, that intices, that draws

ly, certainly.
Indubitáto, adj. indubitate,

most certain
Indúcere, v. Indurre.

Indótta, s. f. inducement, mo-
tive, incitement, encourage-Induciménto, s. m. induction,


inducement, persuasion.

Indottaménte, adv. unlearned-Inducitore, enticer, leader.
ly, ignorantly.
Indugévole, adj. tardy, slow,
Indottivo, adj. persuasive, per- lingering.


Indúgia, s. f.

stay, de

Indútto, s. m. inducement, Indugiaménto, s. m. lay.
motive, incitement.-Indúlto, Indugiare, to stay, to delay,
adj. alleged, quoted, men- to retard, to hinder.
tioned, produced, induced.-- Indugiáto, adj. delayed, retard-
Indotto, ignorant, unlearned,
that knows nothing.
Indottrinábile, adj. indocible,
indocile, dull.

Indottrináre, v. Addottrinare.
Indovársi, to keep, to stay, to
be. A foolish word.
Indovinamento, s. m. divina-
tion, the act of guessing.
Indovináre, to divine, to guess,
to conjecture, to foretell.
Indovinático, s. m. divination,
riddle, guess.
Indovinatore, a diviner, a
soothsayer, a cunning man.
Indovinatrice, a she conjurer,
a cunning woman.
Indovinazione, s. f. divination.
Indovinello, s. m. a riddle.
Indovino, adj. divine, heaven-
ly. Obs-Indovino, a divin-
er, a conjurer, a soothsayer

or gu

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Indugiatáre, he that delays.
Indúgio, s. m. delay. -Senza
indigio, presently, without dled.
Inebriazione, s. f.) drunken-
Indulgénte, adj. indulgent, inebrezza,
gentie, kind, mild, tender- Ineccitabile, adj. that cannot
be excited or stirred.
Indulgénza, s. f. indulgence, Ineffabile, adj. ineffable, un-
toleration, gentleness, fond-speakable, not to be utter
ness.Indulgenza, indulgence, ed or expressed.
remission of sins.
Ineffabilità, s. f. ineffability,
Indulgere, to indulge, to allow, unspeakableness.
to condescend dilgere, to Ineitabilmente, adv. inexpli-
impute, to attribute or as- cably, unspeakably, ineffably.
cribe-Indulgere, to give, tonelli áce, adj. inefficacious,



Indúlto, s. m. amnesty, pardon.
—Pulito, an indult, a special
grant of the pope, to do or
obtain something contrary
to the canon law."
Indurábile, adj. apt to grow
Induraménto, s. m. hardness.

ineffectual, vain, fruitless, of no force or power. ineficácia, s. f inefficaciousness, want of force or power. Ineguaglianza, s. f. unequality, unevenness, disparity. ineguale, adj. unequal, uneven. Inequalità, s. f. inequality, un equalness, unevenness, un Cc2

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Infarináto, adj. made white with meal.-Infarinato, somewhat used or experienced. Infarinatúra, s. f. some hint of any thing. Ha un infarinatura di molte lingue, he knows a little of several languages. Infastidiáre, to loath, to nauseate, to be out of conceit.

Infastidire, to trouble, to vex.

to disturb, to be troublesome. Infallibile, adj. infallible, that Infastidire, to become peevcannot err, sure. certain. ish or fretful. Infallibilmente, adv. infallibly.

Inerpicarsi, to climb or clamb- | In fallo, adv. in vain, to no

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purpose. Tull'i colpi cadevano in fallo, all his strokes fell to the ground. Infamaménto, s. m. infamy, disgrace, discredit, shame. Infamáre, to defame, to traduce or slander.

Infamáto, adj. defamed-Infumato, infamous, scandalous, base.

Infamatóre, defamer, traducer, slanderer, calumniator. Infamatorio, adj. defamatory. Infamatrice, fem. of Infama


Infamazióne, s. f. defamation, calumny,

Infame, adj. infamous. Infamia, s. f. infamy, disgrace, discredit, reproach, shame. Infamigliarsi, to marry, to take a house, to settle in a place. Infamire, to contract the malady of being too hungry. Infamità, s. f. infamy. Infándo, adj. doleful, full of frightful sorrow. Infangáre, to dirt, to besmear, or cover with mud. Infangato, adj. full of dirt.

Inesplicabile, adj. inexplicable, that cannot be explained. Inesplicabilmente, adv. in a manner not to be explained. Inespugnábile, adj. inexpugnable, impregnable. Inestimabile, adj. inestimable. Inestimabilmente, adv. inesti-Infantáre, to bring forth chilmably. dren, to lay in, to be brought Inestinguibile, adj. inextin- to-bed. Obs. guishable, not to be quench-Infantastichire, to grow faned.

Inestinguibilmente, adv. without being ever extinguished. In estremo, adv. extremely, mightily, extraordinarily. Inestricabile, adj. inextricable, not to be disentangled. Ineternáre, to make eternal, to bestow eternity. In etérno, adv. eternally, for


tastical or humoursome, Infánte, s. m.infant child; used also in Spain for the king's sons.

Infantéria, s. f. infantry, foot soldiers.

Infaticábile, adj. indefatig able, infatigable. Infaticabilmente, adv. indefatigably.

Infatigabile, v. Infaticabile.
In fatti, adv. in effect, really,
Infatto, Sin short, after

Infatuáre, to become stupid, to
make one lose his wits.
Infatuato, adj. infatuated, be-
witched, mad.
Infaustaménte, adv. inauspici-
ously, in an ominous manner.
Infaústo, adj. unhappy, un-
lucky, ominous, inauspicious.
Infecóndo, adj. barren, not

Infedéle, adj. infidel, unfaithful, unbelieving.-Infedele,unfaithful,treacherous, faithless, false, disloyal, perfidious. Infedelmente, adv. unfaithfully. Infedeltà, s. f. infidelity, unfaithfulness, disloyalty. Infederáre, to put on a pillow

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Infantile, adj. childish.
Infantilità, s. f. ) infancy,child-_brown bread, houshold bread.
Infanzia, Shood.
Infardáre, to daub, to besmear,
to foul.

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Inferiore, adj. inferior, lower, nether.-Inferiore, inferior, of a lower degree or merit. Inferire, to infer, gather or

¡ conclude.

Infermamente, adv. weakly, sickly.

Infermare, to sicken, to fall sick.


Infermáto, fallen sick.
Infermería, s. f. infirmary, an Infettivo, adj. infectious, apt
apartment for sick people; to infect, tainting, catching.
also distemper, mortality, Infecto, adj. tainted, infected.
havock; but obs. in this Infezione, s. f. infection, con-



faint, or feeble. Infiammagióne, s. f. inflammation, heat.Infiammagióne, redness, inflammation about the body.

Infermiccio, adj. sickly, weak-Infiacchire, to grow weak,
ly, infirm.
Infermiere, overseer of the in-
Infermità, s. f. infirmity, sick-
ness, weakness, feebleness.
Infermo, adj. intirm, sick,
feeble. Infermo, unwhole-
some, bad, contagious.
Infermúccio, adj. sickly, in-

Infernále, adj. infernal, hel-
Inferno, Slish.Che
sempre nera fu la valle infernu,
as the infernal valley was
always black.

Inferno, s. m. Hell.-Inferno,
any horrid place.
Inferocire, to become fierce
- or cruel.

Inferráre, to chain, to bind up
in chains, to clap in irons.

Infiammaménto, v. Infiamma-


needle. Infilare, to threadperle,to string pearls.—Infilure, to range into files.-Infinito, adj. threaded. ·

Infilzáre, to thread-Infilsáre, to run through.-Infilzare un discorso, to begin a long story.

Infilzar perle, to stand loitering or trifling-Le parole nons'infilzano, one cannot depend upon what one says.-Infilsarsi da se ne' pericoli, to run one's self into dangers. Infilzáto, adj. threaded, run through.

Infimo, adj. lowest.—I'nfimo, extreme, great, very great.

Infiammáre, to set all in a
flame, to set on fire.—Infiam-
mare, to inflame, to incite, to
stir, to incense, to animate.-
Infiammare, to illuminate, to
light, to enlighten.
Infiammataménte, adv. ardent-
ly, vehemently, impetuously,
eagerly, fervently.
Infiammativo, adj. apt to in-
cite or animate.
Infiammato, adj. inflamed.
Infiammatóre, he who inflames Infinoattánto,
or animates.

Infina miseria, extreme misery.
-Infimo, basest, vilest-Infi
ma condizione, the vilest con-
Infinattántoche, adv.

until, until


Inferráta, s. f. iron bars.-In-Infiammatrice, fèm. of Infiam-In fin da ora, adv. hereafter, ferrato, adj. chained.


Infertà, s. f. sickness, infirmi- Infiammazióne,s. f. inflamma

ty. Obs. Infertile, adj. sterile, barren. Infervoráre, to animate, to encourage, to inflame with fer


Infervoráto, adj. fervent, vehe-
ment, eager, zealous.
Infervorire, v. Infervorare.
Inferzáto, adj. whip-like, made
in the form of a whip.
Infestagióne, s. f. vexation, mo-
Infestamento, s. m. molesta-
tion, trouble, annoyance, da-
mage, injury.
Infestante, adj. infesting, mo-

Infestáre, to infest, to annoy
or trouble.
Infestáto, adj. infested, trou-

Infestatóre, s. m. a molester,
disturber or vexer.
Infestazione, s. f. vexation, mo-
Infestevóle, adj. infesting, mo-
lesting, troublesome.
Infesto, adj. troublesome, im-
portonate, odious, noisome.
Infestúto, s. m. a disease that
comes to horses.
Infettáre, to infect or taint.
Infettato, adj. infected, taint-

Infettatore, he that infects or

from this moment.

Infine, adv. at last, in conclu-
sion, in short.
Infingardáccio, a slothful fel-
low, an idle dog.
Infingardággine, s. f.




ness, slothfulness, sluggishness. Infingardire, to grow lazy, idle, or sluggish.

Infingére, v. Infignere, and all its derivatives.

tion, redness.
Infiascáre, to put up in flasks,
to bottle.
Infiascáto, adj. put up in flasks.
Infidaménte, adv. unfaithfully.
Infidelità, s. f. infidelity. Obs.
Infido, adj. unfaithful, trea-
cherous, faithless, false, dis-
loyal, perfidious. Poct.
Infiebolire, to weaken, to de-
bilitate, to enervate, to en-Infingardito, adj. ? lazy, idle,
Infieláre, to asperse with gall, sluggish.-
-Un infingardo, a
to make bitter.
Infievolire, c. Infiebolire. Infingentemente, adv. feigned-
Infignere, to feign or dis- ly. Obs.
semble-Sinfinse di non saper
wulla di queste cose, he pretend-
ed to know nothing of the
matter.--S'infinse d'esser am-
malato, he counterfeited the
sick man.
Infignévole, adj. dissembling,
disguise, feint.
Infignitóre, s. m. a dissembler,
a dissembling man.
Infignitúdine, s. f. dissimula-
tion, disguise, counterfeit, hy-
Infigurabile, adj. that cannot
be algured, imagined or con-
Infilacappi, s. m. a hatter's


Infinge vole, adj. apt to feign.
infinità, s. f. infinity.-Infntà,
intinite number, a vast deal.
Infinitamente, adv. infinitely,
without end.---Infinitamente,
infinitely, extremely, exceed-

Infinito, adj. infinite, without
beginning or end.--Infinito,
less. Infinito, s. m. infinitive,
infinitive mood.
Infino, prep. till, until, as 'far
as.Ando seco infino alla città,
he went along with him as
far as the city-Che avete fatto
infi adesso? what have you

« السابقةمتابعة »