صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

flusso, adj. influenced. Infocagione, s. f.


making Infornare, to put in the oven. Infocamento, s. m. red with Infornáta, s. f. an oven-full, a fire.--Infocamento, fervour, batch. zeal, vehemence. Infornato, adj. baked, put in Infocare, to heat, to inflame, to the oven. make red hot-Inforáre, to heat or inflame with love, or zeal.

Infocársi, to take fire, to fall into a passion. Infocáto, adj | hot, inflamed, on fire, all in a flame, red hot.-Tutta infocata ne! viso, all red in the face. Infocazione, v. Infocamento. infolgorato, adj. struck with


infollire, to grow mad. infondere, to infuse, to pour into, to soak or steep.-Infóndere, to influence.-Infondere, to cause, to give.-Infondere, to overflow, to water. Inforcáre,to catch with a pitchfork.-Inforcare gli arcioni, to be a horseback.-Inforcare, to lay straddling upon a thing-Inforcáre, to hang. Inforcatúra, v. Forcatura. Informagione, v. Informazione. Informante, adj. that gives


Inforsáre, to put in doubt. In forse, to doubt, in suspense. -Mettere in forse una casa, to question a thing, to doubt of it.—Entrare in forse,to suspect, to have a suspicion of-Lasciare una cosa in fore, to leave a thing in suspense.-Rimanere in forse, to be left in suspense-lo ero in forse se doveto farlo o no, I was irresolute, whether I should do it or no, Infortire, to streng.hen, to grow strong.--Infortire, to grow sour.

Infortito, adj. strengthened,


Infortúna, s. f. misfortune,mischance. Obs. Infortunáre, to run the danger, to be lost at sea. Infortunatamente, adv. unfortunately, by misfortune. Infortunato, adj. unfortunate, unhappy.- Infortunato, unlucky, bad, malignant. Infortunio, s. m. misfortune, disaster, mischance, ill luck, bad hap.

Informáre, to inform, to give form or shape.-L'anima informa il corpo, the soul informs the body. Informare, to in- Infortúno, adj. unfortunate, form, to give notice or in- unlucky. Obs. formation, to tell, to instruct. Inforzáre, to grow or turn -Informare, to teach.-Infor- sour.-inforzare, to fortify, to mare, to examine, to make an strengthen. inquest.- Informarsi, to take Inforzato, adj. strong.-Inforthe shape or form.In-záto, sour. formarsi, to inquire about, to Infossáre, to lay in the grave. make an enquiry after.-In- Infossáto, adj. laid in the grave. formare, to dispose, to prepare, to fit-Informare, to set upon

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done till now?Infino dal principo del mondo, from the beginning of the world.-Infino, to, even to.-Voglio la parte mia infino al finocchio, l'il have my share to a crumb. Infinoadóra, adv. till now, from this moment.-Infino ad ora t prometto di non veder o più, I now promise you that I will not see him.Non l'ho sapulo infino ad ora, I did not know it till now. Infino allóra, from that time till then. Infino a quando, until when, how long-Infino a qui, hi therto.


Infiuoattánto, adv. till, until Infinoattantoche, Infinocchiare, to make one believe one thing for another, to impose upon one, to play the rogue with him. Infinocchiatúra, s. f. deceit, advantage taken of the simplicity of another. Infinoacchè, ad, till, until. Infintamente, adv. feignedly. Infinta, s. f. v. Infinto. Infinitivamente, adv. v. Finta

- mente.

Infinto, s. m. dissimulation,
disguise, feint.Infinto, adj.
feigned, feint, dissembled,

Intintúra, s. f. feint, dissimu-
Infinzióne, S lation.
Infiorársi, to blossom, bloom
or blow.
Infioráre, to adorn with flow-
ers-Infiorare, to embellish,
to adorn, to beautify, or

Infiorire, v. Infiorare.
Infirmità, v. Infermità.

Infirmo, u Intermo.
intiscáre, to confiscate.
Infisso, adj. fixed into.
Infistolire, to turn to a fistula.
Infistolito, adj. turned to a fis-


Inûzzáre, v. Infilzáre.
lafiazione, s. f. swelling.
Inflessibile, adj. intlexible, in-
exorable, stiff, not to be in-
Inflessibilmente, adv. inflexi
bly, stiffly, obstinately, stub-

Infléttere, to bend, to make
crooked, to curb.
Influenza, s. f. influence.
Influere, to influence, to have
Influire, power over.
Influsso, 8. m. influence.-In-

the last.


Informativo, adj. that informs,
informing, that gives the
form or shape.
Informáto, adj. informed.-
Informatore, informer.
notice, instruction.
Informe, adj formless, without
form or shape.
Informentáre, to ferment, to
leaven. Obs.---Informentáre,
to mix.



Informicolamento, s. m. an
itching in one's body, like
the stinging of ants.
Informicolare, to be subject
or to have an itching in one's

Infossáto, adj. hollow.
Infra, prep. between, among,
amidst, in, about.-infra bos-
chi, among the woods.—Infra
pochi giorni, in a few days.
Infra'l mezzio giorno, about
noon. Infra mare, far in the
sea.-Infra me, between my-
self.--Infra, on this side.
Infracidamento, s. m. putre-
faction, corruption.
Infracidáre, to putrefy, to rot,
to fester, to corrupt.-Infra-
cidare, to be tiresome or im-
portunate, to tire or weary
one with tedious words.
Infracidatúra, s. f. v. Infracida-


Infracidire,v. Infracidare, Infradiciáre, and its derivatives.

Infrágnere, to break, to pash,

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Inframmésso, s. m. sition,
Inframmetténte, a mediator.
with the mediation or means.
Inframméttere, to intermeddle,
to interpose, to engage or
meddle one's self in.
Infrancescáre, to repeat the
same thing over and over
Infranciosáto, adj. that has the
French pox.
Infrangere, v. Infragnere.
Infrangibile, adj. not to be

Infranto, adj. broken, crushed.
Infrantojata, s. f. as many
olives as can be ground at


with leaves.

In frótta, adv. in a troop, in a
company, altogether.
Infruenza, v. Influenza. Obs.
Infruscato, adj. dark, confused,
perplexed. Cbs.
Intruttifero, adj. unfruitful,
barren, that bears no fruit.
Infruttuosamente, adv. unpro-
fitable, in vain, to no purpose.
Infruttuoso, adj. unfruitful,
barren, wild.


Ingannánte, adj. deceitful, fallacious.

Ingannáre, to deceive, to cheat, to cozen, to bubble,tochouse, to delude, to beguile. Ingaanarsi, to mistake, or be mistaken, to be out.-S'io non m'inganno, if I am not mistaken.

Ingannatóre, a cheat, “a cheating man, a deceiver. Ingannatrice, a cheating wo

Infugare, to put to flight.
Infulminato, adj. not thunder-man.
struck.-0 Giove, e lasci inful- Inganneréllo, s. m. dim. of In-
minato il tristo?-O Jupiter, ganno.
why dost thou not strike the Ingannése, Obs. adj. deceit-
wicked man with thy thun- Ingannévole, Sful, fal-
Infunáre, to tie with ropes or Ingannevolménte, adv. de
ceitfully, fallaciously.
Infunáto, adj. tied fast with Ingannigia, s. f. Obs. deceit,
inganno, s m. S fraud.
inganno, mistake, oversight,
error, blunder.--Tear d'ingan-
no, to undeceive, to disabuse.
A in anno, fraudulently, de-

Infrantojo, s. m. an oil-mill or
press.-Infrantojo, adj. a par-
ticular kind of olives.
Infrantúra, v. Infragnimento. Infuocáre, v. Infocare, and its
Infrascáre, to cover or sur- derivatives.


round with branches or bush-In fuora, adv. out, without. es, to put branches or bushes In fuori, Essere o uscir in fuoupon.-Infrascáre,to entangle, ri, to jut or stand out, to to involve, to wrap or fold in, shoot forth.—In fuori, except, to engage. Infrascar la fronte, saving. to adorn the forehead with leaves. Infrascritto, adj. underwritten, subscribed.

Infreddamento, s. m. cold.
Infreddáre, to catch cold.-
Infreddare, to cool or make
Infreddatívo, adj. that gives a
Infreddáto, adj. that has got a

Infuriare, to be mad, to rage,
to be distracted, to be very
Infuriataménte, adv. furiously.
Infuriato, adj. furious, mad, in
a great rage.
Infurire, v. Infuriare. Obs.
Infusióne, s. f. infusion.
Infuso, adj. infused, steeped.
Infuturáre, to last, to extend
to futurity.
Ingabbiáre, to put in a cage.
Ingabbiato, adj. shut up in a

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Ingarbáre to fit up,to set hand-
somely together, to trim.
Ingarbugliare, v. Ingarabul-
v. Inguistára.
Ingastara, S
Ingavináre, to fill with mumps
and glanders.

Infreddatúra, s. f. cold. Infrenáre, to bridle, to curb, cage. to keep under, to keep in. Ingaggiáre, to engage.-Ingag-Ingavináto, adj. full of mumps Infrenato, adj. bridled, curbed. giáre, to challenge.--Ingag- or glanders. Infreneticáto, adj. v. Frenético. gimme a usura, to pawn. Ingazullito, adj. rejoiced, renInfrequenza, s. f. the opposite Ingagliardia, s. f. imbecility, dered glad, emboldened. of frequence. infirmity, weakness of body. In gazzúrro,er.--Essere in gazInfrescatojo, s. m. a cooler, a Ingagliardire, to grow brisk curra, to be merry and gay, vessel to cool any thing in. and strong. to laugh and feast. In frétta, adv. in haste, hasti-Ingagliardito,adj brisk,strong Ingegnamento, s. m. cunning, slight, craftiness, industry, ingenuity, application. Ingegnarsi, to strain, to endea


powerful, lusty.

Intrigidante, adj. cooling, chill- Ingalappidre, to catch in a ing, that makes cold.



Ingenuamente, adj. ingenuously, sincerely. Ingiocondo, adj. sad, heavy, Ingenuità, s. f. ingenuity, sin- sorrowful, melancholy. cerity, candour. Ingiovanire, to grow young Ingénuo, adj. ingenuous, sin- again.-Ingiovanire, to make cere, free, open, plain, true. young again. Ingerirsi, to meddle or inter-In giú, adv. downward. meddle with, to intrude one's self into other people's concerns-lo non voglio in erirmenc, I won't trouble myself about it.

Ingessáre, to chalk. Ingessato, adj. chalked. Ingésto, adj. meddled or intermeddled. Obs.—Ingesto, inserted or put in. Inghermíre, to catch, to take hold.

Ingiugnére, to join, to put together, to close.-Ingiignere, to enjoin, to bid, to order, to charge or command. Ingiuncáre, to cover with rush


Ingiúnto, adj. joined.-Ingiún to, enjoined, ordered. Ingiúria, s. f. injury, wrong, outrage, offence.-Fare ingiuria ad alcuno, to injure or wrong one. Ingiuriante, adj. injurious, offensive.

Inghestáda, s. f. v. Inguistara. Inghiottiménto, s. m. the act of swallowing.——Inghiotti-Ingiuriare, to injure, to wrong. mento, gulph, whirlpool, pit, Ingiuriare, to abuse, to rail abyss. at, to revile or vilify, to of Inghiottire, to swallow, to ab- fend, to call names. sorb.--Inghiottire un'ingiuria, Ingiuriáto, adj. injured, wrongto put up an affront. ed, abused, reviled. Inghiottito, swallowed up. Ingiuriatóre, an injurer. Inghiottitojo, s. m. that part Ingiuriatrice, fem. of Ingiuriaof the throat with which we swallow. Inghiottitóre, a great eater, a devourer, a greedy-gut. Inghirlandaménto, s. crowning with a garland.




Ingiuriosamente, adv. injuriously, reproachfully. Ingiurióso, adj. injurious, outrageous, abusive, wrongful,


of mail.


Ingiústo, adj. unjust, wrongful, unreasonable. Inglorióso, adj. inglorious, of no renown or repute, dishonourable.

vour, to strive, to apply one's
mind, to do one's best.-Cias-
cheduno s'ingegna, every body
does what he can.
Ingegnere, an engineer.
Ingegnetto, s. m. a little ma-
chine or instrument.

Ingegno, s. m. wit, art, skill,
knowledge, discretion, under-
standing, sense, genius, talent.
--Un uomo d'ange no, an inge-
nious man, a man of wit.
Ingegno, deceit, craftiness,
wile, subtilty, stratagem, cun-
ring, device. A ingegno, adv.
cunningly, subtly, slily.—In-|
gegno, machine, tool, engine,
Ingegnosamente, adv. ingeni-
ously, wittily.
Ingegnoso, adj. ingenious,
witty.Ingegnoso, cunning,
crafty, subtle, artificial.
Ingegnuólo, s. m. a petty ge-


Ingelosire, to become or grow
Ingelosíto, adj. become or
grown jealous.
Ingemmamento, s. m.. a setting
or adorning with jewels.
Ingemmáre, to set, to deck, or
adorn with jewels.
Ingemmáre, to inoculate or
graft in the bud.

Ingemmato, adj. set or adorn-Inghirlandáre, to adorn or Ingiuriúzza, adj. dim. of Ingiu

ned with jewels, inoculated or grafted in the bud. Ingenerabile, adj. ingenerable, that cannot be engendered. Ingenerabilità, s. f. absence of the generative power. In generále, adv. generally, in general. Ingeneramento, s. m. generation, production. Ingeneráre, to engender, to beget or breed.

crown with a garland.-In- ria. ghirlandáre, to environ, to en-In giúso, adv. downward. compass, to surround.—Fuor di quel mar che la terra inghirlanda, out of that sea which encompasses the earth. Inghirlandáto, adj. adorned with a garland. Ingiacáre, to put on the coat

Ingiustamente, adv. unjustly, wrongfully, unreasonably. Ingiustizia,s.f. injustice, wrong, ill-usage.

Ingialláre, to make or dye Ingiallire, yellow.IngialIngeneráto, adj. gotten, begot-lure, to grow yellow, to take ten, engendered. a yellow hue. Ingeneratore, he that begets. Ingiardináto, adj. full of garIngeneratrice, femin. of Inge




Inglúvie, s. f. voracity. Ingobbire, to become humpbacked.

Ingolfáre, to box, to give a cuff or box on the ear.

Ingieláre, to freeze or be froz-Ingóffo, s. m. a cuff or fisty


Ingenerazione, s. f. generation,
procreationIngenerazione, Ingigliáre, to produce lilies,
kind, sort, manner.
Inginocchiarsi, to kneel down.
Ingenioso, adj.ingenious, quick- Inginocchiata, s. f. an iron
gate that shoots out.
Inginocchiato, adj. kneeling.
Inginocchiatojo, s. m. a stool
to kneel upon.

Ingénito, adj. ingenite, inbred,
natural, bred by nature.
Ingentilire, to nobilitate or

cuff-Pigliar l'ingolo, to take a bribe, to be bribed. Ingojáre, to swallow, to ingulf, to devour. Ingojáto, adj. swallowed. Ingojatore, he who, instead of chewing his food, swallows it through hunger or gluttony.

make noble. Ingentilire, to Inginocchiazione, s. f. genu-Ingolfáre, to enter in the

tame, to make tame or prac-
ticable Ingentilire, to nobi-Inginocchióne, Inginocchioni,
litate one's self, to become a adv. upon one's kness. Met
noble or a gentleman.
ters in ginocchione, to kneel

main sea, to go very far in
the sca.-
-Ingolfursi, to apply
one's self to a thing.-Ingol
fursi nei piaceri, to indulge

one's pleasures.-Ingolfarsi, fat.- -Ingrassare i campi, to to form a gulf or a creek. Ingolláre, to swallow down. Ingombraménto, s. m. incumbrance, hindrance, clog, stop, stoppage. Ingomberáre, to take, to seize, to make one's self master of. -Ingomberáre, to hinder, to

manure, to muck or dung the fields.-Ingrassáre, to fatten, or make rich.-Ingrassare, to fatten, to grow fat. Ingrassativo, adj. fattening. Ingrassáto, adj. fattened. Ingrassatóre, fattener, he that fattens.

stop.-Ingomberare, to incum-Ingrassatrice, s. f. fem. of In

ber, to clog, to perplex.



Ingrossatrice, she that fattens, or makes fat or big, that thickens, or makes thick or clumsy.

Ingrosso, adv. by the whole, the great, in great quantity. -Comprare o cendere all' ingrasso, to buy or sell by whole. sale.-Dire all'ingrosso, to tell in general terms. Ingrugnáre, v. Ingrognare. Ingrugnatétto, adj. a little an gry, a little out of humour. ungrate-Ingrugnáto, adj. shewing displeasure in his face, angry. Inguantáto, adj. that has gloves


Ingubbiáre, to fill one's own belly, to eat meat voracious

Ingómbero, s. m. v. Ingombro. Ingratáccio, adj. very ungrate-
Ingombrare, v. Ingomberare.
Ingombrío, s. m. the thing Ingrataménte, adv.
that incumbers.
fully, unthankfully.
Ingómbro, adj. v. Ingrombrato. Ingratézza, v. Ingratitudine.
-Ingombro, s. m. hindrance, Ingraticolare, to close or shut
incumbrance, impediment or up with rails, to rail.
Ingraticolato, adj. railed.
Ingratitúdine, s. f. ingratitude,ly.
Ingráto, adj. ungrateful, un-
thankful.-Ingrato, unprofit-
able, unfruitful.
Ingravidaménto, s. m. the act
of getting with child, ingra-

Ingonnelláto, adj. dressed with a gown or petticoat. Ingorbiáre, to put a ferrel to


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Ingordaménte, adv. greedily,
ravenously, eagerly.
Ingordezza, s. f. avidity,
Ingordígia, eagerness,
eager desire, appetite.
Ingórdo, adj. greedy, covetous,
desirous, eager, earnest.-
Prezzo ingordo, an exorbitant
Ingorgaménto, s. m. cramming,
gorging; and it is said of
waters when their course is
either naturally or artificial-
ly hindered.
Ingorgáre, to gorge, cram or
stuff.-Fiume che s'ingorga, a
river that swells.
Ingorgiaménto, s. m. the act of
swallowing down.

Ingorgiare, to swallow down.
Ingozzáre, to gorge, to cram
or stuff.
Ingradare, to proceed or go
on gradually.
Ingramignáre, to extend itself
as the wild weeds do in a ne
glected garden, or other such

ment, improvement, prefer-
ment, advancement, growth,
rise, promotion.
Ingrandire, to increase, to
augment, to grow greater or
bigger.Ingrandire, to en-
large, to increase, to raise, to
advance or prefer, to aggran-

Ingrassamento, s. m. a fatting
or cramming.
Ingrassante, adj. that fattens.
Ingrassare, to fatten, to make
VOL. 1:

Ingravidáre, to get with child.
Ingraziarsi, to gain the good-
will of another, to curry
favour.-Ingraziarsi, to ac-
quire the good graces of.
Ingrecáre, to grow angry and

Ingrecato, adj. angry, passion-
ate, obstinate.
Ingrediente, s. m. ingredient,
one of the simples put in a
compound medicine.
Ingremíre, v. Gremire. Obs.
Ingremíto, v. Gremito. Obs.
Ingresso, s. m. ingress, entrance,


Inguidalescáto, adj. full of
wounds or stripes.
Inguiderdonáto, adj. unrequit-
ed, not requited.
Inguiggiáre, to fit a pair of
slippers or shoes.
I'nguine, s. f. groin.
In guísa, adj. like, as.-Inguisa
che, so that.

Inguistára, s. f. a glass vessel
so called.

Inibíre, to forbid or prohibit. Inibitório, adj. that forbids, that prohibits, that inhibits. Inibizione, s. f. prohibition, inhibition.--Inibizione, inhibition, a writ which forbids a judge to proceed farther in a


Inimicáre, to use like an ene


Inimicársi, to make one our
Inimicato, adj. used like an ene-


Inimichévole, adj. hostile, ini.

Ingriffato, adj. snatched with
force and violence. Obs.
Ingrognáre, to repine, to fume,
to grudge, to fret and chafe,|_mical.
to be displeased, to be angry Inimichevolménte, adv. like an
enemy, spitefully.
Ingrognáto, adj. angry, in a Inimicizia, s. f. enmity.
Inimico, adj. unfriendly, hos-
Ingrossaménto, s. m. thickness, tile, adverse.-Inimico, an ene-
bigness, fatness.
my or foe.
Ingrossáre, to grow big or Inimitabile, adj. inimitable.
thick.—Ingrossure, to increase, Inimmaginabile, adj. unimagin-
to grow numerous.-Ingros-able.

[blocks in formation]

Iniquitíre, to grow angry, to exasperate one's self. Iniquitóso, adj. iniquitous, wicked, full of iniquity. Iniquízia, S. f. iniquity.

obs. Iníquo, adj. unjust, wicked, iniquitous. Inirascibile, adj. the opposite of irascible.

Inmalvagito, adj. depraved, corrupt, spoiled, vitiated, marred.

Inmentre, Inmentre che, adv. whilst.

In mò d' archetti, I don't know.
A vulgar phrase.
Innabissàre, to sink, to fall into
an abyss, to be swallowed


In ispezieltà, adv. particularly, Innacerbire, to grow acid, in particular.


In istante, adv. standing. Obs. Innacquaménto, s. m. the act In istánte, immediately, in a moment.Anderò in istante, go this minute. Injúria, v. Ingiuria. Obs. Injustizia,


0. Ingiustizia.

Iniziale, adj. initial, first.
Iniziare, to initiate.
Iniziato, adj. initiated.
Iniziatore, that initiates.
Iniziatrice, fem. of Iniziatore.
Inizio, s. m. beginning.
Inizzamento, s. m. instigation.
Inizzare, to provoke, to urge,
to egg, to anger, to exaspe-


Inizzatore, he that provokes or exasperates.

of watering. Innacquare, to water, to sprinkle Innacquare il vino, to mingle water with wine. Innaffiaménto, s. m. watering, sprinkling. Innaffiáre, to water, to sprinkle.

Inaffiáto, adj. watered, sprinkled.

Innaffiatojo, s. m. an instrument to sprinkle water over flowers and plants in a garden.

Innagrestíre, v. Inagrestire. Innalbáre, to blanch, to whiten, to grow whitish. Innalberáre, v. Inalberare-Innalberare le insegne, to set up the colours. Innalberársi, to rear, to stand or to raise on his hind feet as a horse does.

In là, adv. on that side, that way. Inlacciare, to fall into the snare, to be caught.-Inlacciáre, to intangle. Inlanguidíre, to become lan-Innalazaménto, advancement, guid.

Inlappoláre, to fill with burs. Inlaudabile, adj. uncommendable, unworthy of praise, bad.

Inleársi, to transform one's self into her. A bad word. Inlécito, v. Illecito. Inleggiadríto, become hand




preferment. Innalzáre, to raise, to raise higher.-Innalzar le ciglia, to wonder, to stare.-Innalzáre, to raise, to advance, to prefer.Il sole s'innalza, the sun is high. Innalzatúra, v. Innalzamen


to become


Innamáre, to join in a reciprocal love. Innamicáre, friend. Innamidáre, to starch. Innamoracchiáre, to fall in love.

Inlibráre, to make equal or even, to balance. Inlícito, v. Inlecito. Inlitterato, illiterate. Inlucidársi, to clear up, to grow clear. In lunga, adv. ex.--Mandar in Innamoranza,s. f. Obs. ( ship. In lungo, adv. lungo, to pro- Innamoráre, to fall in love. crastinate, to differ.Andar in Innamoratamente, adv.lovinglungo, to go on slowly.-Tag-| ly, friendly.

Innamoraménto, s. f.


liar un lungo, to cut long-Innamoratíno, adj. somewhat
wise. In lungo andare, in pro- smitten with love.
cess of time, at the long-Innamoráta, s. f. a mistress, a


in luogo, adv. instead. Inmalinconicare, to become Inmalinconichire, S melancho


Innamorato, adj. in love, en-
amoursd, fallen in love, amo-
rous.--Canzona innamorata,
love-song.-Innamaráto, s. I.

a lover, a sweetheart, an in


Innamorazzaménto, s. m. a lit-
tle smattering of love.
Innamorazzáre, v. Innamorac-

Innanelláre, to curl, to frizzle.
Innanellare, to give the ring,

to marry.

Innanelláto, adj. curled, frizzled. Capelli innanellati, curl

ed hair.

Innanimáre, to hearten, to Innanimire, encourage, to embolden, to animate. Innanimársi, to grow hearty, Innanimirsi, to take courage.-Innanimarsi, to chafe, to take fire, to be angry. Innanimáto,adj. heartened, encouraged, imboldened, animated.Innanimáto, inanimate, without life or soul. Innánzi, s. m. exemplar, a pattern. Innanzi, prep. before, -Innanzi all' alba, before day. -Innanzi, after, hereafter. Come diremo innanzi, as we shall say hereafter.-Innanzi, since. Non l'ho visto che una volta dalla prima innanzi, I have not seen him but once since the first time.--Innanzi, be fore.-Andate innanzi, go be fore.Innanzi, before.--Innanzi al giudice, before the judge.—Innanzi, better, more. lo t'amo innanzi ad ogni altro, I love you better than any body else.-Andare innanzi ad uno, to go to meet one.-Andare innanzi, to thrive, to grow, to prosper.-Come va innanzi il vostro negozio? how do you go on with your affair?-Essere innanzi, to stand the fairest for a thing.--C ha amici è molto innanzi ad ottenere quel che desidera, he that has friends stands fair to obtain what he seeks for.-Venire innanzi, to offer or present itself. Quando mi viene innanzi il tempo e'l loco, as soon as I have time and opportunity.-Innanzi, rather, before, sooner.--Vorrei innanzi morire che lasciarvi, I'll die before I forsake you.-Andare innanzi, to grow, to thrive. Essere innanzi presso a qualcuno, to be a favourite, or in somebody's favour.Mettere innanzi, to propose, to lay be fore, to offer to the consideration. Più innanzi, farther,

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