صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

more. Fatevi più innanzi, gofInnocenza, s. f. innocence, pu-
farther that way.--Non an- rity of soul, harmlessness.
date più innanzi, say no more. Innocenza, innocence, simpli-
Innanzi innanzi, first of all, city, silliness.
particularly, above all.--Tu Innodiáre, v. Inodiare.
vedi innanzi innanzi, come io son Innoliáre, v. Inoliare.
bell' uomo, first of all, you see Innoltrarsi, to advance, to go
that I am a fine man.
or move forward, to go be-
Innanzitratto, adv. before, beyond, to exceed.
forehand.-Ve lo dico innanzi Innominábile, adj. not fit to
tratto, I tell it you before- be named.

Innomináre, to name, to call.

flood, overflowing. Inondáre, to overflow, to put under water.-Inondáre, to overrun, to come pouring on, to pour on. Inondazione, s. f. inundation, flood, overflowing of water, inroad, invasion. Inonestà, the opposite of honesty. Not in use. Inonésto, adj. dishonest. Inonoráto, adj. not honoured.

lanarrábile, that cannot be Innominatamente, adv. with-I'nope, adj. poor,needy, necessi

[blocks in formation]

toid or related. Innaspicáre, v. Inarpicare. Innarráre, to tell, relate, or give an account of.-Innar-Innoránza, s f. honour. Obs. Táre, to give earnest, to be- Innoráre, to gild, to gild over. speak. Obs. Innarsicciáto, adj. tanned, sunburnt, of a swarthy or tawny complexion. Innascondere, v. Nascondere. Obs. Innaspáre, to reel or wind yarn.

Innaspríre, to make rough or hard.--Innasprire, to exasperate, to egg, to stir, to irri


Innáto, adj. innate, inbred, natural.

Innaveráre, v. Inaverare.

Innoráto, adj. gilded. Obs.
Innostráre, to adorn or cover
with scarlet cloth.
Innováre, to innovate, to
make innovations.
Innovátore, an innovator, a


Innovazióne, s. f. innovation,
alteration, change.
Innuvelláre, to renew, to re-


Innubbidiénza, s. f. disobedi


Innudità, v. Nudità. Obs.

tous, in want, destitute. Poet. Inópia, s. f. poverty, necessity, want, lack, penury. Inopinábile, adj. that could not be thought or imagined. Inopinataménte, adv. unawares, unexpectedly, suddenly, Inopináto, adj. inopinate, un thought of, unexpected, sudden.

Inopportunamente, adv. unsea-

Inopportuno, adj. inoppor-
tune, unseasonable.
Inoráre, to honour, to worship,
to adore. Obs.-Inoráre, to
pray, to beseech, to entreat.
Obs. Inoráre, to gild, to gild


Innauráre, to gild, or gild Innumerabile, adj. innumer-Inoráto, adj. not gilded.


able, numberless, infinite.

Innebriaménto, s. m.2 drunk-Innumerabilmente, adv. innu

Innebriánza, s. f. Senness. merably.
Innebriáre, to make drunk-Innumeráre,
Innebriarsi, to get drunk.


v. Numerare.

Inordinataménte, adv. inordi-
nately, extravagantly, immo-
Inordinatezza, s. f. extrava-
gance irregularity.

Innebriáto, adj. drunk.-Ave-Innumerevole, adj. innumer-Inordináto, adj. out of order,

the act

Innuzzolire, to awake an
eagerness of any thing.
Inobbediénte, adj. disobedient.
Inobbedienteménte, adv. dis-
obediently, undutifully.
Inobbedienza; s. f. disobedi-
ence, undutifulness, froward-

extravagant, immoderate.

s. f. inun- Inorgogliáre, to make proud.
Inorgoglire, S -Inorgoglirsi,
to grow proud.
Inórmo, adj. enormous. Ob-
Inorme, solete both.
Inorpellamento, s. m. painting
or gilding with false gold.
Inorpellare, to colour or paint,
to gild with false gold, to
counterfeit.--Inorpelláto, adj.
gilt with false gold, counter

an te luci mie si innebriate, my able, numberless. eyes were so full of tears. Innebriazione, drunkenness. Innequízia, v. Nequizia. Obs. Innestagióne, s. f. Innestaménto, s. m. of ingrafting. Innestáre, to ingraft, to set a shoot in the stock of a tree. Innestáto, adj. ingrafted.-Innestáto crine, false hair. Innestatóre, a grafter. Innestatúra, s. f. inoculation. Innésto, s. m. a graff.-Innesto d'una tragedia, the plot of a tragedy.


Inocchiare, to inoculate, to
graft in the bud.
In occúlto, adv. hiddenly, in a
private manner.
Inoculáre, v. Inocchiare.
Inodiáre, to hate. Obs.
In ogni modo, adv. however it

Inoliáre, to oil, to daub with

[ocr errors]

Inorráto, adj. honoured, wor-
shipped. Obs.
Inorridire, to tremble with
horrour, to shiver for fear.--
Inorridisco nel pensarei, my hair
stands on end when I think
of it.
Inospitale, adj. inhospitable,
that hates or neglects stran-
gers.---Inospitale, barbarous,
Indspite, adj. barbarous, rude,
dangerous, wild, desert, un-

Inno, s. m. an hymn.
Innobilézza, s. f. baseness of
birth. Obs.
Innobilità, obscurity of birth.
Innocénte, adj. innocent, guilt-
less, inoffensive, harmless. Inoliato, adj. ciled.
Innocente, silly, simple, half- In oltre, adv. besides.
Inombrare, to shade or sha- crue!.
Innocenteménte, adv. inno- dow.
Inondamento, 8. m. inundation,

inhabited. Luogo inospite, a so- Inquilíno, adj. inhabitant,

litary place. Inosservábile, adj. unobservable, that cannot be exactly ⚫bserved.

Inosservabilmente, adv. without a possibility of observing. Inosservanza, s. f. the infringing or slighting, not observing.

in palése, adv. openly, publicly, in public.

dweller, guest, lodger. Inquisire, to impeach, to ac


Insaníto, adj. mad, that has lost his wits.

Insáno, adj. insane, mad, foolish.

Insapiénza, s. f. ignorance, the opposite of knowledge con

tained in books. Insaponáre, to soap, to wash in soap.

Inquisito, impeached, accused.
Inquisitóre, inquisitor, sheriff,
coroner; a judge of the Ro-
man inquisition.
Inquisizione, s. f. inquisition,
inquest, search, a manner of
proceeding in criminal mat-
ters by the judge.-Inquisi-Insaporáre, to grow savoury.
Insaziábile, adj. insatiable, in-

In paragóne, adv.comparative-sióne, inquisition, a tribunal
ly, in comparison to.
In párte, adv. in part, partly.
In particolare, adv. particular-
In pelle,adv. superficially, skin-

In perpétuo, adv. perpetually.
In persóna, adv. personally.
In piede, in piè, adv. standing.
In poi, adv. except.-Da uno
in poi, except one.
In pría, adv. first, at first,
In prima, Sbefore, first of

in the church of Rome. Inricchire, v. Arricchire. Insaccáre, to put in a sack or bag. Insaccato, adj. put in a bag, shut up in a sack. Insaláre, to grow brinish or brackish. Insaláre, to salt, powder or season with salt. Insalare, to ponder, to weigh in the mind, to consider, to manage. Isaláta, s. f. a salad.-Non sono ancora all' insalato, I have scarce begun. Insalatína, s. f. a small salad. Insaláto, adj. salt, brinish, salted, powdered. Ella m'è stata In punto, adv. really, in dan-insalata, I paid very dear for ger, in good condition, in good plight. Sono in punto di Insalatúra, s. f. salting, powderpartire, I am ready to go.-La ing or pickling. città fù in punto d'essere abbruci- Insalatúccia, s. f. ? a little saata, the city was in danger to Insalatúzza, Slad. be consumed by the fire.-Un Insaldáre, to strengthen, to cavallo che è in punto, a horse consolidate, to establish, to that is in good plight. In quà, adv. since, this side. D'allora in qua, since that time.

In proffilo, adv. in profile.
In pronto, adv. ready.
In próva, adv. purposely, on
purpose, wilfully.

in as much

In quanto, adv.
In quantoche,
In quantunque, Obs. as, con-
cerning.--In quanto a me, as for
my part. In quantunque potrò,
as far as it lies in my power.
Inquerire, to search, to in-
Inquietaménte, adv. unquiet-



Insaldáre, s. f. a soder, or sol-
Insaleggiáre, to powder or
pickle with salt.
Insalináre, v. Insalare.
Insalsársi, to grow brinish or

Insalvaticáre, to become or Insalvatichire, grow savage, woody or rugged.-Insalvatichito, wild, savage, desert, rugged.--Gente insalvatichita, savage, unsociable people. Inquietare, to disquiet, to trou- Insalubre, adj. not salutiferous, ble, to perplex, to vex, to dis- unhealthy, unwholesome. turb, to make uneasy, to put Insalutato, adj. not saluted, in pain. not taken leave of. Inquietazione, s. f. the act of Insanábile, adj. incurable, that giving trouble. cannot be cured. Inquietire, v. Inquietare. Insanguináre, to make bloody, Inquiéto, adj. unquiet, restless, to imbrue with blood. uneasy Inquieto, unquiet, Insanguinato, adj. bloody, imtroublesome. brued with blood. inquietudine, s. f. unquietness, Insania, s. f. madness, insanity. disquiet, trouble, anguish of Insianáto, v. Insinato. Obs. mind, uneasiness. Insanire, to grow mad.

Insaponáto, adj. soaped, washed in soap.


Insaziabilità, s. f. insatiability. Insaziabilmente, adv. insatiably,

Insazietà, s. f. insatiability. Insciénte, adj. ignorant, that knows not the reason of things.

Inscrivere, to inscribe, to write in or upon.

Inscrizióne, s. f. inscription, title, name, or character written or engraven over any thing, superscription. Inscusábile, adj. inexcusable. Insediáre, to put in possession.


Inségna, s. f. colours.--Inségna, arms, coat of arms.—Insegna, sign.

Insegnamento, s. m. document,
lesson, instruction, admoni-

Insegnáre, to teach, to instruct,
-Insegnarce, to shew.
Insegnato, adj. taught, in-
structed.- Uomo insegnato,
a learned man.
Insegnatore, a teacher, an in-
structor, a master.
Insegnatrice, s. f. the fem. of

Insegnévole, adj. docile, tract-
able, teachable, good-natured.
In segréto, adv. secretly, in


Inselciáto, adj. paved.
Inseliciáto, s. m. pavement.
Inselváre, to grow woody, or
thick with wood.--Par che
quel pian di lor lance s'insetvi,
that plain looked like a wood
of lances.-Inselváre, to shelter
one's self, or fly into the

Insémere, adv. together. Obs.
Insempráre, to eternize or im-
mortalize. Obs.
Insenáre, to put or hide in the
bosom or lap. Obs.
Insennáto, adj. witless, with-
out wisdom. Obs.
Insensataménte, adv. foolishly,

extravagantly, madly, un-Insignire, to decorate, to late. Obs.


Insoltere, to rise, to rise up in

wisely. Insensatággine, s. f. stupidity, Insigneménte, adv. egregious-arms, to tumultuate. Obs. deprivation of judgment, ab- ly, notably.

sence of wit.

Insensatezza, c. Insensataggine.

Insensáto, adj. foolish, simple, silly, sottish, unadvised.

Insignorire, to make one mas-
ter or lord of any thing.
Insintanto, adv.


Insensibile, adj. insensible, void Insinoattantochè, of sense.


Insensibilítà, s. f. insensibility, Insino, v. Infino.
Insensibilmente, adv. insen-Insince

sibly, imperceptibly, by de-
grees, by little and little.
Inseparabile, adj. inseparable,
that cannot be parted.
Inseparabilmente, adv. insepa-
rably, indissolubly.
Insepolto, adj. unburied.
Inserenáre, to clear up, to grow
clear and serene.
Inserenàto, adj. clear and se-

- rene.

Inserire, to insert, to put or
bring in.
Inseríto, adj. inserted.
Inserpentíto, adj. enraged like
a serpent.
Inserráre, to shut up, to com-
prehend or maintain.
Insertáre, to insert, to graft,
to engraft.
Insérto, adj. v. Inserito.
Inservigiato, adj. served, that
has received a service. Obs.
Insetársi, to clothe one's self
with silk. A ludicrous


Insétto, s. m. insect.
Insídia, s. f. ambush, snare,
treachery, deceit.
Insidiáre, to lie in ambush or
in wait for one, to plot, to


Insidiatore, one who lies in wait, a concealed traitor. Insidiatrice, feminine of Insidi


till, until.

adv. till, until. Insinuare, to insinuate. Insinuársi, to creep or steal in, toinsinuate one's self in or into. Insinuazióne, s. f. insinuation. Insipidaménte, adv. insipidly. Insipidézza, s. f. insipidity, unsavourishness, flatness, sil


Insipidíre, to become insipid,
to grow flat, without favour

or taste.

Insípido, adj. insipid, having
no taste or relish, unsavoury.
-Insipido, insipid, flat or dry
in conversation.
Insipiénza, s. f. insipience,
want of knowledge, foolish-


Insipilláre, to egg on, to stimu

late. Obs.


Insollito, adj. tumultuous. Obs.
Insolúbile, adj. insoluble, that
cannot be solved.

In sómma, adv. in fine, after
all, at length, finally, in short,
at last, in a word, to con-
clude.-Dare in somma, e torre
in somma, to give or take, to
do a thing by the whole.-In
somma delle somme, adv. finally,
in conclusion, after all.
Insonnáre, to cast into a sleep,
to lay asleep.
Insónue, adj. that has no sleep,
that cannot sleep. Obs.
Insopportabile, adj. insupport-
able, not to be borne with or

Insordire, to deafen, to be-
come deaf.
Insórgere, to rise up, to make
an uproar or insurrection.
Insórto, risen up.
Insospettíre, to grow suspici-
ous or jealous.
Insospettito, adj. suspicious.
Insozzáre, to foul, to soil, to
dirty, to spot, or stain.
Insozzáto, adj. foul, dirty, pol-
luted, defiled.

Insozzire, v. Insozzare.

Insistenza, s. f. obstinacy, stub-Insperatamente, ad v. unexpect bornness. edly, when out of hope. Insistere, to insist, to persist, Insperáto, adj. unhoped for. to urge. Inspessato, adj. thickened. Insoáve, adj. unpleasant, dis-In sù, adv. above, up.--RiguInsù, Sardare in su, to Insofficiénte, adj. insufficient, look above.-Andare insù ed not sufficient, incapable. in giù, to go up and down.Insofficienza, s. f. insufficiency, In su la mezza notte, about midinability, incapacity. night. Da due in su, except Insoffribile, adj. insupportable, two.-Insù, prep. upon.-Insù insufferable, intolerable. la tavola, upon the table.-Insolénte, adj. insolent, saucy, Insul fatto, upon the fact. bold, proud, arrogant. Insuáve, adj. disagreeable, unInsolenteménte, adv. insolent-pleasant, unacceptable, unly, arrogantly, boldly, sauci- grateful. Obs. Insidiosamente, adv. insidious-ly, malapertly. ly, deceitfully, treacherous-Insolentire, to grow saucy, arly. rogant, insolent, or bold. Insidioso, adj. insidious, trea- Insolénza, s. f. insolence, saucicherous, deceitful. ness, impudence. Insieme, adv. together, with, Insolfáto, adj. daubed with in company, withal. brimstone. Insiéme Insieme, jointly, at the Insólido, adv. in the whole, 'for same time, close together. the whole. Insiememénte, adv. together, Insólito, adj. unusual, rare, as well, likewise, at the same unaccustomed, not used. time. Insolláre, to grow flabby or soft.Insollare, to run a ground, to miscarry or prove abortive, to disappoint, to destroy, to ruin, to annihi

Insiepáre, to hide in the
Insígne, adj.egregious, famous,
renowned, excellent,

Insucidáre, to foul, to soil. Insudiciáre, v. Insucidare. Insufficiénte, adj. insufficient, not sufficient, not able. Insufficienteménte, adv. insufficiently.

Insufficienza, s. f. insufficiency, incapacity.

In súl, adv. upon the.---Insu'l far dell'alba, by the peep or dawn of the day.-Insu' bel lo, in the nick, or fairest opportunity.-Insul bel del discorso, in the middle of the discourse.-Isil far del dì, by break of day.Insu'l fur

della notte, in the dusk of the evening. Insúlso, adj. foolish, sottish, silly, stupid. Insultáre, to insult, abuse, or affront.

Insultato, adj. insulted, abused,

to grow

Intanáto, adj. hidden in a Intavolatúra, s. f. the wains


cot.--Intavolatura, tablature or music book. Integamáre, to put or lay in the pan.

Integrále, adj. integral, essential, principal.-Parti integrali, integral parts, the parts which make up the whole. Integraménte, adv. honestly, justly, uprightly, sincerely, exactly.

Intanfare, to acquire a strong
displeasing smell, like that of
casks of wine when they have
been long empty.
Intangibile, adv. intangible,
that cannot be touched.
Intanto, adv. insomuch as, no
farther than.--Non lo conosco,
se non intanto che sono stato in
sua compagnia una volta, I know
him no farther than I have
been once in his company.
Intanto, in the mean while,
in the interim.-Intanto, so,
in such a manner, so much.
Intanto crebbe la sua arrogan-
za, he
grew so arrogant.-In-
tanto, till, until, whilst.-As-
pettatemi qui intanto ch'io venga,
stay here till I come.
Intantochè, adv. till, until,
whilst.-Intántochè, so that. loom.
Intarlamento, s. m. rottenness

Insultatóre, he that insults or
Insúlto, s. m. insult, affront,
Insuperábile, adj. insuperable,
invincible, unconquerable.
Insuperiáre, Obs.
Insuperbiáre, Obs. proud or
Insuperbíto, adj. proud, saucy,
In sur, prep. upon.-In sur un
albero, upon a tree. Sur is
never used before a consonant.
Insurgere, to raise up against,
to rebel or resist by force.-
Ma non a tanto insurgo, but I
don't come up to that.
Insúrto, adj. risen up.
Insusare, to raise or go high.
Insúso, adv. above, up.-Guar-
dare in suso, to look above.
Insussisténte, adj. not subsist-Intarsiáto, adj. inlaid.
ent, that does not subsist.
Intabbaccarsi, to fall in love,
to be smitten.
Intaccáre, to jag or notch.-
Intaccáre, to offend, to hurt,
to wrong, to injure.
Intaccatúra, s. f. a jag or

Intagliaménto, s. m. incision,
cut, jag, or notch.
Intagliare, to


engrave, to

Intagliato, adj. engraved, carved.-Intagliato, mined, cut.Intagliato, proportioned, wellmade, well shaped. Intagliatore, an engraver or


Intagliatúra, s. f. v. Intaglia


Intaglio, s. m. engraving, a
carver's work, carving.
Intagliuzzáre, to mince, to cut
in bits.
Intagliuzzáto, adj. minced, cut
to pieces.
Intalentáre, to awake an eager

or worm-eatenness.

Intarláre, to beget mites,
moths, or worms.
Intarláto, adj. full of mites,
moths, or worms.
Intarsiáre, to inlay.

Intartaríto, adj. covered with
tartar; said of casks in
which wine has been, and
have especially their bottoms
overlaid with a kind of petri-
fied salt called tartar.
Intasaménto, s. m. the disposi-
tion of a cask, that contained
wine, to be overlaid with tar-
tar in the inside.
Intasáre, to fill with water.
Intasáre, to set the slits or
clefts close together.
Intasáto, adj. full of tartar.
Intasatúra, v. Intasaménto.
intascare, to pocket up.
Intassáre, to put the bow-
string into the notch of an

[blocks in formation]

Intavoláre, to wainscot, to rail
or pale in or about with
boards. Intavolare, to plais-
ter, to make the ceiling with
boards.—Intavoláre, to make
drawn game at chess,draughts,
and other games of this na-
ture. Intavolare, to set in
notes.--Intavoláre un negozio,
to propose, to move or pro-
pound a business, to broach.
Intavolato, p. p. of Intavolare.

Integráre, to make intire.
Integráto, made intire.
Integrità, s. f. integrity.
Integrízia, s. f. integrity.

Intégro, adv. whole, intire.-
Integro, upright, honest, just,
incorruptible,not to be bribed.
Integumento, s. m. cover, in-

Intelajáre, to put upon the

Intellettiva, s. f. intellectual
Intellettivamente, adv. by the
way of the mind or under-
Intellettivo, adj. intellectual,
rational, reasonable.
Intelletto, s. m. intellect, the
faculty of the soul, which is
commonly called the under-
standing.Intelletto, sense,
meaning, signification.-In-
telletto, adj. conceived, under-
stood. Obs.
Intellettatóre, s. m. he that un-
derstands, that has a good in-.
tellect. Obs.

Intellettuale, adj. intellectual,
Intellettualità, s. f. intellect,
Intellettualmente, adv. in the
intellect or understanding.
Intellezione, s. f. intelligence,
understanding. Obs.
Intelligente, adj. intelligent,
knowing, rational, skilful.
Intelligenza, s. f. intelligence,
knowledge, understanding.-
Intelligenza, intelligence, cor-
respondence, familiarity, uni-
on, accord, good understand-

Intelligénze, spirits, spiritual substances, as angels. Intelligibile, adj. intelligible, plain, easy to be understood. Intelligibilmente, adv. intelligibly.


Intalentáto, adj. very desirous.
Intamáto, adj. buried. Obs.
Intamoláre, to enter, to pene-
trate inte. Obs.
Intanáre, to hide one's self in a

Intemeráta, s. f. a long circum-
ference of words, a tedious.
story to no purpose, a com-
past or fetch about, a circum-



ly, carefully, diligently, ear

Intentáre, to attempt, to make
an attempt.-Intentare un'azi-
one contro al alcuno, to enter
an action against one, to sue
him at law.

locution.-Intemeráta,alongre- to pull out.-Intender gl'occhi, to fix one's eyes upon a primand.-Intemerata, s. f. a long, wearisome, and unpleas- thing. Intendévole, adj. intelligible, ing thing. Intemeráto, adj. undefiled, clear, easy, easy to be understood. unspotted, not violated, inviolate, pure, not corrupted. Intendevolmente, adv. intelli, Intentáto, adj. attempted.-InIntempelláre, to delay, to pro- gibly, easily, clearly. Intendimento, s. m. under- tentáto, adj. not tempted. crastinate, to put off. Intemperánte, adj. intempe- standing, intellect.--Intendi- Intentivamente, adv. attentiveménto, understanding, judg- ly, carefully, diligently, earrate, immoderate, disordernestly.-Intentivamente, obstiment, mind, head, brains.ly. Intendimento, design, mind, in-nately, wilfully, stubbornly. Intemperánza, s. f. intempertention, purpose, resolution, Inténto, adj. attentive, heedance, excess, immoderate deproject, enterprize.-Dar ef- ful, mindful, intent or bent sire; also, intemperature. Intemperataménte, adv. immo- fetto al suo intendimento, to ef- upon a thing, diligent.--Infect or put in execution one's ténto, ready, in readiness, at derately, excessively. Intemperáto, adj. intemperate, design.—Dare intendimento, to hand, prepared -Intento, s. m. design, intent, intention, give hopes, to make one beimmoderate, excessive. -Intendimento, will, purpose.-A intento, adv. with Intemperatúra, s. f. intempera- lieve.an intention, with a design, pleasure. Recare al suo inten ture, intemperance. Intempérie, s. f. intempera- dimento, to draw one to one's in order to. ture, a disorder in the air, in- side, to bring him over.-In- Inténza, s. f. intention, meantendimento, intention.-Inten- ing, design, purpose. Obs.temperies. diménto, meaning, significa- Inténza, darling, love. Intempestivamente, adv. untion, sense.Intendimento, Intenzionále, adj. intentional. timely, not in due time. Intempestivo, adj. untimely, plot, combination, conspira- Intenzionalmente, adv. in the cy. --rssere d'intendimento in- mind. unseasonable. sieme, to understand one an-Intenzióne, s. f. intention, other, to have secret intelli-meaning, purpose, design... Interáme, s. m. entrails, bowels. gence, to play booty. Intenditore, understander, apprehender. A buon indenditor Interaménte, intirely, wholly, poche parole, half a word to the quite, perfectly. Interáto, adj. stiffened with cold, benumbed. Obs. Intercaláre, adj. a verse interburthen of the song. laced or often repeated, the Intercédere, to intercede, to entreat, to use his interest on the behalf of another.-Intercédere, to intercede, to come between, to be a mediator. Interceditóre, v. Intercessore. Intercessore, intercessor, one that intercedes, a mediator; fem. mediatrix

In tempo, adv. in time, oppor-
Intendácchio, s.m. intelligence,
understanding, knowledge.
A word of contempt.
Intendánza, v. Intendimento.
Intendente, adj. intelligent, un-
derstanding, knowing, skill-
ed, skillful.-Intendente, pru-
dent, discreet, considerate,
wary, circumspect.-Fare in-
tendente, to warn, to give a
caution to-Intendente, atten-
tive, heedful, mindful, intent.


Intenebráre, to darken, to ob-
scure, to cloud, to eclipse, to
dim.-Intenebráre, to damage,
to hurt, to spoil.
Intenebráto, adj. darkened,
obscured, clouded.--Intenebrá-
to, perplexed, confused, agi-
tated.Tenere intenebráto, to
keep in suspense.
Intenebríre, to darken, to grow
dark, gloomy or overcast.
Intenebríto, adj.


Inteneríre, to mollify, to soft-Intercessióne, s. f. intercession,
en, to make tender.-Intene- entreaty in behalf of an-
rire il cuore ad alcuno, to soften
one's heart, to move it to

Stare intendente aduno discorso, to be attentive to a discourse, to mind it. Intendenteménte, adv. knowingly, attentively. Intendenza, s. f. intelligence, understanding, knowledge. Inténdere, to understand, to comprehend.-Dar ad intendere, to give to understand.Intendere, to mind, to attend to. Io non intendo a quel che dite, I don't mind what you say-Intendere, to intend, to design, to purpose.--Inténdere, to provide.--Intendere, | Intensamente, adv. intensively, extremely, excessively. to understand, to have skill, to be skilful in.--Intendersi, Intensióne, t. Tensione. to understand one another, intensivamente, adv., v. Intento have a secret intelligence, to play booty, to agree.-In- Inténso, adj. intense, very great, excessive.-Dolore inténdere, to aim or drive at a tenso, an excessive pain. thing, to have in view or prospect.-Intendere, to stretch, Intentamente, adv. attentive

Intenerirsi, to grow tender.-
Intenerirsi, to be moved to
pity or compassion, to re-


Intereétto, adj. intercepted.-
Lettere intercette, intercepted
Intercezióne, s. f. interception,
the act of intercepting.
Interchiúdere, to shut with an

Intercídere, to divide, to cut
asunder, to intercide.
Intercisamente, adv. in an ins
terrupted manner.

vided, parted in two. Intercíso, adj. intercided, diInterdétto, s. m. interdiction, suspension, church censure,

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