صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

forbidding the exercise of the ministerial functions.-Interdetto, adj. forbidden, prohibited, interdicted. Interdiciménto, s. m. interdiction, prohibition. Interdire, to interdict, to prohibit or forbid.-Interdire, to interdict, to suspend from the administration of the sacra


Interdizione, s. f. interdiction,
Interessare, to interest, to con-

cern or engage.

Interessato, adj. interested, con-
cerned or engaged.Interes-
sato, covetous, selfish, self-in-
terested.Interessato, party
concerned in a business of
Interésse, s. m. interest, use of
money. -Interésse, interest,
good, benefit, advantage.
Interésso, loss, damage, disad-
vantage. Obs.
Interessóso, addicted to inte-
rest. Obs.
Interessúccio, s. m. a little af-
fair or concern.
Interézza, s. f. integrity, ho-
nesty, uprightness, sincerity.
Intericzione, s. f. interjection.
Interióra, s. f. pl.
Interióri, s. m. pl. bowels,
guts, intestines.
Interióre, s. m. mind, heart.-
-Interiore, adj. internal, in-
ward, inner, interior, intrin-

Intermináto, adj. interminable, not long after they made their
endless, boundless.
love complete.

Intermissióne, s. f. intermission, Interpósito, adj. 2 interposed.
discontinuance, interruption, Interpósto, S-Per inter-
posita persona, by a third per-
Intermisto, adj. intermixed. son.
Intermittente, adj. intermit-Interposizioneélla, dim. of In-
tent, discontinuing.---Febbre terposizione.
intermittente, an intermitting Interposizióne, s. f. interpo-
Intermitténza, s. f. intermis-Interpósto, adj. interposed.-—
sion, discontinuance, inter- Interposti alquanti dì, some days

Internamente, adv. internally,

Internáre, to penetrate, to go
or to get through, or into, to
pierce into.
Internáto, adj. that has pierc-
ed through, penetrated.
Interno, adj. internal, that is
within, inward.Interno, s.
m. the intrinsic, the interior,
the heart.
Internódio, s. m. the space be-
tween two joints or knots,
Intéro, adj. whole, intire,
complete.- -Intero, perfect,
complete, full.-Intéro, sure,
certain, indubitable.-Intéro,
sincere, honest, plain, free,
open, downright, ingenuous,
candid. Intera amicizia, a sin-
cere friendship.--Che fu al
dire, e al far così intero, who
was so sincere both in his
words and actions.Intéro,
sufficient, enough, entire.-
Cavallo intero, a stone horse.
Andare intero, to walk strait
with one's person.
Interpellazione, s. f. a legal
call before a magistrate.

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Interiormente, adv. internally, inwardly.


Interpetrare, to interpret, to
expound or explain, to trans-



Interriáre, to daub or plaister
with earth.
Interriáto, pale.
Interrogáre, to interrogate, to
ask a question or demand, to
Interrogativamente, adv. in an
interrogative way.
Interrogatívo, adj. interroga-

Interrogato, adj. questioned,
asked a question.-Interrogá-
to, s. m. a question put to a
man. Obs.
Interrogatório, s. m. an inter-
rogatory, an interrogation or
Interrogazione, s. m. interro-
gation, examination.
ex-Interrompere, to interrupt, dis-
turb or break off, to hinder
or stop, to leave off.
Interrompimento, s. m. inter-
ruption, discontinuance.
Interrottaménte, adv. in an in-
terrupted manner, interrupt-
Interótto, adj. interrupted, dis-

Interità, s. f. Interezza. Obs.
Interlineare, to interline, to
write between two lines.-In-Interpetraménto, s. m.interpre-
terlineare, adj. interlining; be- tation, exposition, explan-
tween line and line.
Interlineáto, adj. interlined.
Interlocutore, s. m. he that
speaks in a dialogue, dramatis
Intermédio, s. m. interlude in
a play, that which is sung or
represented between the seve-
ral acts, intermede.
Intermentíre, to grow stiff or
benumbed, to grow stark
with cold.
Intermentito, adj. benumbed,
stark with cold.
Intermésso, adj. left off, inter-
Intermettere, to intermit, to
leave off for a while.
Interminabile, adj. intermin-
able, boundless, endless.

Interpetrato, adj. interpreted,
expounded, explained.
Interpetratore, interpreter,
Interpetrazióne, s. f. interpre-
tation, exposition, explan-
ation, translation.
Interpetre, s. m. an inter-
Interpétro, Spreter, an
Interponiménto, s. m. interpo-


Interpórre, to interpose or put
between.--Interporre, to inter-
meddie.-A dare al loro amor
compimento molto non s'interpose,

Interuttóre, one that inter-
Interruzione, s. f. interruption,

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Intiepidáre, to cool, to grow Intitolaménto, s. m. the giving
Intiepidire, luke-warm.- a title to a thing.
Intiepidire, to cool, to make Intitolare, to intitle or give a'
cool.---Intiepidire, to relent, title to, to call, to name.—In-
to abate or grow less, to di- titolare, to ascribe, attribute
minish.-Il suo amore comincia or impute a thing to one, to
ad intiepidersi, his love begins father it upon him.-Intito-
to relent, or grow cold. lársi, to assume or take upon
Intiepidito, adj. cool, luke- one's self, to arrogate to one's
warm, relented, diminished. self, to challenge.-Intitolare,
Intignáre, to grow moth-eaten. to dedicate or address.-Inti-
Intignáto, adj. moth-eaten. tolare un libro, to dedicate a
Intignere, to dip, soak or book.
steep.-Intignere, to be con-
cerned or have a hand in.
Intignosíre, to make scurvy or
Intimataménte, adv. intimate-

Intimáre, to signify, to give
notice, to summon.
Intimazióne, s. f. intimation,


Intimidire, to grow timorous
or fearful, to frighten.

Intitolato, adj. intitled, called,
Intitolazióne, the giving a
title, title, dedication.
Intollerábile, adj. intolerable,
Intollerabilmente, adv. intole

Intolleránte, adj. intolerant.
Intonacáre, v. Intonicare.
Intonaco, v. Intonico.
Intonáre, to tune or sing, to
sing in tune.—Intonáre, to
begin.-Intondre, to resound,
to ring. Intonato, adj. tuned,

Intervento, s. m. consent, ap-
probation-Intervento, medi-
ation, interposition.--Inter-Intimidità, s. f. resolution,
vento, presence, assistance. courage, heart, boldness, dar-
Internúto, adj. intervened. ingness. Not used.
Interzáre, to come in as a Intimidíto, adj. heartless,
ful, timid.
Intésa, s. f. intention, intent, Intimo, adj. internal, inward,
purpose, design, mind.
interior, intrinsic.-Iddio solo
Intesamente, adv. attentively,
vede l'intimo del cuore, God
with attention.
alone sees man's heart.-Inti-
Inteschiato, obstinate, stub- mo, secret, recondite, hidden.
-Intimo, intimate, familiar.
Intéso, adj. attentive, heedful, Amico intimo, an intimate
mindful, intent, bent upon a
thing-Dice la turba al vil
guadagno intesa, says the mul-
titude that minds nothing Intimorito, adj. terrified, fright-
but their profit or interest.-
Intéso, understood, compre-Intingere, t. Intignere.
Intingolo, s. m. a ragoo, a
Intéssere, to weave, to inter-dish high-tasted.
mingle, to twine or twist one
with another, to interlace.
Intessuto, adj. woven, twined,

Intimorire, to terrify, to fright
or make afraid.


Intinto, adj. dipped, concern-
ed.-Intinto, immerged, im-
mersed, plunged.--Intinto nelle
sensualità, plunged in sensu-

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Intonatóre, a tuner, he that
tunes or sings.
Intonazione, s. f. tune, tuning
A musical word.
Intonchiáre, to grow full of
mites, speaking of pulse.
Intonicáre, to plaister, to do
over with plaistering.
Intonicáto, adj. plaistered.
Intonicato, 6. m. plaister when

on a wall.

Intónico, s. m. plaister. Intoppaménto, s. m. obstacle, hindrance.

Intoppáre, to meet, to meet

Intóppo, s. m. a meeting or
rencounter-Intoppo, an ob
stacle, accident, chance, ad,
venture, rub.
Intoráre, to grow angry like
a bull.

Intintúra, s. f. dipping or div-
ing into.

Intirizzare, to grow stiff, to

Intestare, to be prepossessed,
to be obstinate.
Intestato, adj. prepossessed,
obstinate, stubborn.--Intes- Intirizzaménto, s. m. a stiffen-
tato, that died without making or growing stiff.
ing a will, intestate.
Intestinále, adj. of or belong-stiffen.Intirizzare, to grow
ing to the guts.
stiff with cold, to be be-
Intestino, s. m. intestine, the numbed.
entrails or bowels, the inward Intirizzato, proud, haughty.
parts of any living creature. Iutirizziménto, s. m. growing
Intestino, adj. intestine, in- stiff, stiffening.
ward, within. Guerre in-Intirizzíre, r. Intirizzare.
testine, intestine war, civil Intirizzito, u. Intirizzato.
Intisichire, to grow consump-
tive -Intisichire, to throw
into a consumption.


Infesto, adj. weaved, twisted,
interfaced, Poet.

Intoráto, adj. angry, mad, in à
great passion.

Intorbáre, to trouble, to make
thick or muddy.
Intorbidaménto, s. m. a trou
bling or making thick or mud-
dy, disturbance.
Intorbidáre,to trouble,to make
thick or muddy.-Intorbidar
l'acqua, to trouble the water.
—Întorbidáre, to trouble, fo
disturb, to vex, confound or
Intorbidarsi, to grow thick or
muddy.Intorbidarsi, to be

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vercast, to grow cloudy. Intorbidáto, adj. troubled, thick, muddy. Intorbidazione, s. f. trouble, disturbance. Intorbidire, to grow thick or muddy. — Intorbidire, to darken, to grow dark, gloomy or Overcast, to grow dim. Intorbidito, adj. darkened, overcast, dim, dark. Intormentire, v. Intermentire.

Intradimenticare; to forget be- Intratteniménto, s. m. delay,
tween this and that time. stop, let, hindrance.
Intravenire, to intervene, to
Intra due, adv. doubtfully, in Intravvenire, happen, to be-
suspense.Essere intra due, fall, to come to pass.
to be irresolute, to be in sus- Intraversáre, to cross, to lay
pense, not to know what to
across.- -Intraversare, to lead
astray, to go astray.—Intra-
versare, to oppose, to with
stand, to hinder.
Intraversatúra, s. f. opposition,

Intrafátto, adj. quite.
Intrafinefatto, adv. quite, tho-
roughly, altogether, entirely.
Intralasciaménto, s. m. inter

Intormentito, adj. stiff, be- mission,pause,discontinuance, In traverso, adv. across, crossnumbed with cold.



Intorneáre, to surround, to en- Intralasciare,to interrupt,leave Intréársi, to become three. viron, to encompass about. off, to interpose or interObs. meddle.

Intorneto,adj.surrounded, en-Intralasciato, adj. interrupted,

vironed, encompassed about.
Intorneamento, s. m. enclosure.

Intorniáre, v. Intorneare.
Intorniáto, v. Intorneato.

left off, intermitted.
Intralciaménto, s. m. embarras-
ment, entanglement.
Intralciáre, to intermingle, to
interlace, to interweave, to
entangle or involve.


Intrecciaménto, s. m. tress, a knot.

Intrecciante, adj, weaving,

fatrecciáre, to weave, to twist.
-Intrecciare i capelli, to braid
Intrecciato, adj. weaved, twist-

Intrecciatojo, s. m. attire, or-
nament of a woman's head.
Intrecciatúra, s. f.a tress,
garland of flowers, a knot.
Intréccio, v. Intrecciamento.
Intreguare, to make a truce.

Intorno, prep. about, concern-Intralciato, adj. perplexed, in-ned.
ing, touching-Intorno alla tricated, puzzled, cumbered.
città, about the city.-Intorno Intralice, adv. obliquely, awry,
al nostro negozio, concerning sloping, across. Not in use.
our affair.-L'ho comprato in Intrámbo, adj. both, both
torno a dieci scudi, I gave about Intramendúf, together.
ten crowns for it.-Intúrno, Intraméssa, s. f. interposition,
adv. round about-Guardare mediation.
intorno, to look about or Intramettere, to put between,
round about.---Là intorno, to inclose.

Intorno intorno, every where.

Intramettersi, to intermeddle
or meddle.

-V'ho certato intorno intorno, I Intramésso, adj. put between,
have looked for you every intermeddled.

where.-D'ogni intorno, from | Intramischiato, adj. mixed to

all sides.

Intorpidíre, to grow heavy,
stupid, sleepy or dull.
Intorpidito, adj. slow, dull,
stupid, sleepy or drowsy.
Intorticciáto, adj. v. Intorto.
Intorto, adj. twisted.
intossicare, to poison..
Intossicato, adj. poisoned.
Intozzáre, to grow clumsy, or
thick and short.
Intozzato, adj, clumsy, thick

and short.

Intra, prep, between, amongst.
-Intra gli altra, amongst the



ntremíre, to tremble or quake for fear, to shiver. Obs. Intrepidaménte, adv. boldly, without fear.

Intrepidézza, s. f. intrepidity, fearlessness, courage, resolu


Intrépido, adj. intrepid, bold, fearless, dauntless, courage


Intrapórre, to interpose.
Intraprendere, to overtake, to
catch.-Intraprendere, to un- Inrescáre, to perplex, to in-
dertake, to take in hard, to volve, to intricate, to trouble,
take upon one's sel.
to entangle, to confound.
Intraprendimento, undertak-Int rescato adj. perplexed, in-
ing, enterprise, attempt, de- tricate, confounded.
Intricáre, v. Intrigare, and all
Intraprenditore, he that over-
its derivatives.
takes. Intraprenditore, an un- Intridere, to temper, dilute, or
allay.Intrudere, to foul, to
soil, to dirty, to spot or
Intrigamento, s. m. intrigue,
intricacy, entanglement, diffi
culty, perplexity, confusion.
Intrigare, to intricate, to ema
broil or confound,to entangle,

Intrapreso, adj undertaken.
Intrare, to enter, to come in.
Intrarómpere, to interrupt.

Intrabescársi, to fall in love. A │; Obs.

cant word.

Intrassegna, s. f. ensign, the
Intrabiccolare, to mount on arms or cognisance of a gen-
any thing with a danger oftleman, a coat of armis, a
falling or letting any thing
Intrachiudere, to inclose, to
shut in, surround or encom-
pass, to fence,
Intrachiuso, adj. inclosed, sur
Founded, encompassed.

badge. Obs.
Intrattábile, adj. intractable,
ungovernable, unruly.
Intrattente, adv. interim, in
the mean while.
Intrattenere, to entertain or


Intrigataménte, adv. intricate-

Intrigáto, adv. intricate, em
broiled, confounded, perplex
ed, jumbled.
Intrigatóre, a shuffling fellow.
Intrigo, s. m. intrigue, design,

plot, secret contrivance. Intrinsicamente, adv. inward ly.

Intrinsicáre, to grow familiar
printimate with one, to fami-
liarize one's self.-Intrinsicáre,
to make or get acquainted.
Intrinsicáto, adj. intimate.
Intrinsichezza, s. f. familiarity,
friendship, intimacy.
Intrinsico, adj. inward, inter-
nal.-Intrinsico intimate, most
dear or familiar, entirely be
loved. Amico intrinsico, inti-
-mate friend.

Intríso, s. m. hodge-podge.--
Iniriso, adj. diluted, allayed.
Intristáre, to grow wicked,
knavish, or me-
lancholy.Intristire, not to
thrive. Intristire, to rot, to
perish, waste or pine away.
Introcque, adv. at the same
time, in the mean while.


Introdotto, introduced.

Intuitivo, adj. intuitive.
Intuíto, s. m. intuition.
Intuonáre, v. Intonare, and its
In tutto, adv.
In tutto e per tutto,

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sleep. Invasato, amazed, al tonished, wondered. Invasazione, s. f. passion. quite,in- Invasellare, to put into tirely,al-_sel.

Invasióne, s. f. invasion.

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In tutto in tutto, adv. in short, Inváso, adj. invaded.
in a word.
Intuzzáre, to repress, to re- dience.
strain, to keep under, to stop.
Invagáre, to fall in love, to be
desirous, to be inflamed with

Inubbidiénza, S. f. disobe

Invaghicchiare, to fall slightly
in love, to be smitten.
Invaghiménto, s. m. desire,
love, appetite, affection.
lavaghíre, to inflame, to give
a desire, to set agog.
Invaghirsi, to fall in love.
Invaghíto, adj. in love, smitten,
amorous, desirous.
Invajáre, to grow or become
brown, swarthy, tawny, or

Introduciménto, s.m. introduc-Invalidaménte, adv. without


Introdurre, to introduce, to Invalidáre, to make null or
bring in.
Introduttóre, he that intro- Invalidità, s. f. invalidity, nul-

tion. Intróito, s. m. entrance, entry, avenue-Intrúito, beginning. intromésso, adj entered or let in,intermeddled.Intromesso, s. m. intermesses, courses set on table between other dishes.

invalid, to annul.


duces. Introduzione, s. f. introduc-Inválido, adj. invalid, void, of no force, that does not stand good in law. Invalorire, to grow strong, to recover one's strength. Invanire, to become vain, to blast the corn.-Invanire, to vanish, to vanish away, to come to nothing.-Invanire, to grow proud, haughty, or vain-glorious.----Invunire, to debase, disgrace, disparage, or undervalue.

Introméttere, to let in.
Intromettersi, to meddle or in-
Intronamento, s. m. stunning,
tingling in one's ears.
Intronáre, to stun.
Intronatello, diminitive of In-
tronato.-Intronato, adj. stun-
ned. Intronáto,stupid,block-
ish, dull.

Intronatúra, v. Intronamento.
Intronfiáre, to swell.
Intronfiáto, adj. swelled, swol-

Intrudere, to intrude or thrust

Intruonáre, v. Intronare.
Intrusióne, s. f. intrusion.
Intrúso, adj. intruded, thrust

Intruársi, to become another
thy self, to enter in thy self.
Intuitivamente, adv. intuitive-

In vano, adv. vainly, in vain,

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Inubbriacáre, to make or get
drunk. Obs.
Inudíto, adj.unheard of,strange.
Invecchiare, to grow old.-
Invecchiare, to weaken, to
make weak, to debilitate, to
enervate, to enfeeble.
Invecchiato, adj. grown old,
grown out of date.
Invecchiuzzire, to waste, to
decay, to diminish, to grow


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In vece, adv. instead, in lieu. Invecería, s. f. silliness, foolish, ness, sottishness. Obs. Invéggia, s. f. envy. Obs. Inveggiare, to envy. Obs, Invelenire, to irritate, to exasperate, provoke, incense or anger.

Inveleníto, exasperated, irri-
tated, provoked, incensed,

Invendicato, adj. unrevenged.
Invénia, s. f. worship, humilia-
tion, reverence. respect.-
Invénia, superfluous words.
Invenire, to find, to find out.

Inventáre, to invent, devise,
find out, contrive.
Inventariáre, to make an in-
Inventário, s. m. an inventory.
Inventáto, adj. invented.
Inventatóre, inventor, author,

Inventatorello, a poor sorry in

ventor or contriver. Inventíva, s. f. invention, con trivance, device. Inventore, inventor, author, contriver.

Inventráre, to penetrate. Inventrice, s. f. an inventress. Invenzióne, s. f. invention, contrivance, device.--Inven "zióne, trick, device, way. Inventuráto,adv.happy, lucky,

Invariabilmente, adv. firmly,
stedfastly, constantly.
Invasáre, to invade, to attack
or seize, to be possessed with
the devil.- -Invasársi, to be
-Invasáre, to dip or immerse,
to plunge. Invesursi qua che
cosa nella memoria, to imprint
a thing in one's mind.
Invasato, adj. possessed with
or by the devil. -invasato,
plunged, dipped, involved. Inverarsi, to be likely.
Invasato ne vizi, plunged in Inverdíre, to grow green,
vices.-Inva ato nel giuoco, given Invergognare, to defame, di
or addicted to gaming-honour, disgrace, debase dia



Invér, prep. towards, also, in truth."


encourage, to support, to favour, to back.

Invigorirsi, to grow strong and vigorous.

employ or lay out money up- | Invigorire, to strengthen, to on any commodity or lands. ig-Incestire, to become, to be proper, suitable or agreeable, to fit, to suit with.-Investire, to hit or strike, to wound. Investire, to charge or fall upon, to attack.-Investire un vascello, to board a ship, to come up with her.

parage, or discredit. Invergognatamente, shamefully, disgracedly, nominiously. Invergognáto, adj. defamed, dishonoured, disgraced, debased, discredited. Inverisímilo, adj. unlikely, im probable: Inverisimilitúdine, s. m. unlikelihood, improbability. Inverminaménto, s. m. a breeding of worms. Invermináre, to breed or bring forth worms, to grow full of worms, to be corrupted. Invermináto, adj. corrupted, full of worms. Inverminire, v. Inverminare. Inverminito, v. Inverminato. Invernare, to winter. Invernáta, s. f. a whole win


Invernicáre, to varnish.
Invernicáto, adj. varnished.
Inverniciáre, v. Invernicare.
Inverniciáto, v. Invernicato.
Inverno, s. m. winter.
In vero, adv. in truth, truly,

Invigoríto, adj. strengthened, supported, favoured, vigor


Invilire, to discourage, to dishearten or dispirit.

Investita, s. f. investiture.-In-Invilirsi, to be discouraged or
vestite, purchase, bargain, disheartened, to despond.
Invilito, adj. frightened, dis-
couraged, disheartened, out

Investito, adj. invested.
Investitúra, s. f. investiture.
inveteráto, adj. inveterate.
Invetráre, to work like a
Invetriáre, glass, to thicken,
to congeal.

of heart.

Inviluppaménto, s. m. involution, confusion, disorder, intricacy, embarrassment. Inviluppare, to wrap up, to Invetriáta, s. f. a glass window. envelope, to fold up.-InviIncetridto, adj. glazed.-In- | luppáre, to cumber, to intrivetriáto, shining, smooth.cate, to perplex, to hinder, to Fronte invetriata, impudent, pester, to trouble, to conbrazen-faced. found, to puzzle, to entangle. Invettiva, s. f. invective, viru- Invilúppo, s. m. bundle or parlent words. cel.Inviluppo, confusion, Invettivo, adj. railing, abusive. disorder, embarrassment, inParole invettive, abusive tricacy, perplexity. Invincibile, adj. invincible, unconquerable, not to be conquered.



Invezióne, s. f. invective.
Inuggiolire, to make one's
Inuzzolire, mouth water,
to make one long for.

Inversáto, adj. opposite, con-
trary. Obs.
Inverso, adv. towards.-Inver-
so casa, towards home.-In-Inviaménto, s. m. a way, a
verso, in comparison to.-In- means to bring a thing about,
verso, against.
instruction, introduction.
Invértere,to turn upside down, Dar inviamento al alcuno, to
to confound, to overthrow,to instruct, or give one instruct-
turn the inside out, to invert, ions how to go on.-Invia
to change.
mento, business, affair, em-
Invescáre, to entangle, to ploy.
Inveschiare, ensnare, to Inviáre, to send.-Inviáre, to
catch or daub with bird-direct, to shew.
lime-A voi non gravi, perch'io
un poco a ragionar m'inveschi,
don't be angry if I enlarge a
little in my discourse.
Investigábile, adj. that cannot
be investigated.
Investigamento,s. m. investiga-
tion, diligent search.
Investigáre, to investigate, to
trace or find out by steps, to
search or enquire diligently.
Investigato, adj. investigated,
searched, enquired.


Inviato, adj. sent.-Inviáto, adj.
instructed, experienced, vers-
ed. Inviato, s. m. an envoy.
Invidia, s. f. envy.-Invidia,
v. Indivia.

Invidiabile, adj. to be envied.
Invidiánte. adj. envious, jea-
lous, that envies.
Invidiare, to envy.
Invidiato, adj. envied
Invidiatóre, an envious man.
Invidiatrice, an envious wo-


Investigatóre, a diligent search-Invidiosamente, adj. with envy.
Invidioso, adj. envious, je
Investigatrice, she that inves-Invido, Slous, that en-

Investigazione, s. f. investiga-Invietáre, Invictire, to grow


old or obsolete.

Investigióne, s. f. v. Inves-Invigiláre, to invigilate, to lavestimento, s. m. Štitúra. watch, to be vigilant, to stand Investire, to invest, to put in upon one's guard, to mind `possession of. ----Investire, to or take care of.

Invincidíre, to grow soft, weak, flabby.


Inviolabile, adj. inviolable, not
to be broken or violated.
Inviolabilmente, adv.
Inviolataménte, lably.
Invioláto, adj. inviolate, not
violated or corrupted.
Inviperáre, to rage, to be fierce
and cruel, to swagger, to
Inviperáto, adj. enraged, mad,

Inviperire, v. Inviperare.
Inviperito, v. Inviperato.
Invironáre, to environ, to en-
compass, or surround. Obs.
Inviscáre, e Invischiáre, v. Iņ-

Invisibile, adj. invisible, not to
be seen.

Invisibilità, s. f. invisibleness.
Invisibilmente, adv. invisibili


Invitamento, s. m. 2 invitation.

Invitáre, to invite, to desire,
to come.--Invitáre, to give a
mind or desire.-Invitúre, to
invite, allure, or entice.
Invitarsi, to intrude one's self
in a place or company, to
invite one's self.
Invitáta, s. f.invitation.
Invitto, adj. invited.

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