صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


Invitatore, he that invites.
Invitatrice, she that invites.
Invito, s. m. invitation.-Invi-
to, adj. against one's will, by
constraint, by force.
Invitto, adj. invincible, uncon-
Liviziare, to vitiate.
Inviziáto, adj. vitiated.
Invizzire, to wither, to decay.
Inúlto, adj. unrevenged.
Inumanamente, adv. cruelly,

Inumanità, s. f. inhumanity.
Inumáno, adj. inhuman.
Inumidire, to moisten.
Inumidito, adj. moistened.
Inumiliáre, to humble. Obs.
In un, or in uno, prep. toge-
ther, with.
Invocáre, to invoke, to call


Invocáto, adj. invoked. Invocatóre, he that invokes. Invocatrice, she that invokes. Invocazione, invocation. Invoglia, s. f. coarse and thick cloth for package, pack-cloth. Invogliare, to give a desire or mind-Invogliar l'appetito, to give a stomach.-Incogliare, to wrap up, to pack up. Invogliato, adj. longing, desirous-Invogliato, packed up. Invoglio, s. m. a bundle or parcel.



-Mettere in volta, to
put to flight.-Andare in volta,
to go roving or gadding
Invólto, adj. wrapt up, involv-
ed-Invólto, s. m. a bundle, a

Inziáre, to instigate, to egg or
set on, to incite or provoke
to. Obs.

Inzigáto, adj. instigated, egged
or spurred on, incited or pro-
voked to. Obs.
Inzipilláre, v. Insipillare.

Involtúra, s. f. a dark, intri-Inzoccolato, that has wooden
cate, or confused discourse, shoes on his feet.
Inzotichire, to grow clumsy,
ambiguous words.
Invólvere, to wrap up, to in- awkward, coarse, thick or
volve, to contain.
Involvimento, s. m. wrapping
or folding up.-Involvimento,
trick, cheat, fraud.-Involvi-
Imento di lingua, idle story, a
long circumstance of words.
Involúto, adj. rolled, wallow-

Involuzione, u. Involvimento.
In voto, adv. to no purpose, in

Inurbanità, s. f. inurbanity,
clownish behaviour, incivili-

In zucca, adv. with a bald
pate, with a head uncovered.
Inzuccheráre, to sugar, to put
sugar in or upon.
Inzuccheráto, adj. sugared
Paroleinzuccherate,sweet words.
Inzuppaménto,sopping or soak-
ing in.

Inzuppato, adj. soaked in.
Inzuppáre, to sop or soak in.
in zúrro, joyfully.-Essere in
zurro, to be merry, to be feast-
ing or revelling.
Inurbáno, adj. uncivil, uncour-lo, pron, I.


Inurbársi, to come in a city.
Inusáto, adj. not used, not ac-
Inusitataménte, adv. unusually,
not commonly.
Inușitáto, adj. not in use, not
used, obsolete, unusual-Pa-
rola inusitata, obsolete word.
Inútile, adj. useless, needless,
unnecessary, unprofitable, un-

Júnico, adj. Ionic.-Ordine Io-
nico, the lonic order.
jota, it is not worth a jot.-
Jota, s. m. Iota.-Non vale un
not give a jot for it.
Non ve ne darei un jola, I would
Sfigure in rhe-
Ipérbola, s. f. hyperbole, a
toric which in expression ex-
ceeds truth, likewise a conie

Iperboleggiare, to speak in an
grandize, to enlarge a thing.
Inutilmente, needless, to no hyperbolical manner, to ag-
purpose, in vain.
Invulnerábile, adj. invulner-Iperbolicamente, adv. hyper-


Iperbolico, adj. hyperbolical,
exceeding belief.

Involare, to rob, to steal, to
Involársi, to disappear, to
vanish away, to go out of
sight. Involarsi da una com-
pagnia, to steal away from a
Involato, adj. stolen.
a thief, a
Involatore, s. m.
Involatrice, s. f. filcher, a
Invólgere,to wrap up, to cover
or envelope, to fold up.-In-
volgere, to involve. Involgere
in una sentenza, to compre-
hend in a sentence.
Involgimento, v. Involtúra.
Invóliq, s. m. a theft.
Involontariamente, adv. invo-
Involontario, adj. involuntary,
done against one's will, forc-gather up, to hoard or to lay
up, to get together.
Inzibettato, adj. nicely per-pocrisia,
fumed, and it is a common
epithet to fops.
Inzigagióne, s. f. 7 instigation,
Inzigaménto,s.m. a stirring
up to, a putting on, an encou-
ragement to, incitement. Obs.

Inuzzolire, o. Inuggiolíre.
Inzaccherato, adj. all over
dirt, mire.Inzaccherato,intri-Iperbolóne, s. m. a great hy-
cate, embroiled, involved, perbole, an incredible thing,
the tale of the giant-killer.
Ipérico, s. m
Ipérbolo, atij. v. Iperbolico.
Ipocistede, s. f. the plant called
nerary herb.

Iuzaffiráre, to adorn or trim
with sapphires.
Inzampognáre,toimpose upon.
Inzavardare, to dirty, to soil,
to grease, to spot.
Inzavardáto, adj. dirtied, soil-
ed, greased, spotted.
Inzeppaménto, s. m. heap, pile,
mass, collection.
Inzeppáre, to heap up, to

Saint John's

Swort, a vul


hypocondriac, hy

Ipocondría, s. f. spleen or me
Ipocóndrico, adj.
Ipocresía, s. f. hypocrisy,dis-


Involpáre, to be blighted, and
it is said of corn.
Involpire, to grow crafty, cun-
ning or malicious.
In volta, adv. here and there.
-Essere in volta, to be ready
for flight, to be ready to run

Ipocrità, v. Ipocrisia. Obs.
Ipócrita, au hypocrite, a dis-
Ipócrito, sembler, one who
makes a false show of virtue
or piety.
Ipócrito, adj. hypocritical.




Irrazionabile, unreasonable.

Irreverentemente, adv. irreve rently, rudely.

Irreverénza, s. f. irreverence, want of respect or reverence, rudeness.

Irrevocabile, adj. irrevocable, unrepealable, not to be revoked.


Irrazionabilmente, adj. unreasonably.

Irrazionale, unreasonable, irrational. Irrazionalità,s.f. unreasonable


Irreconciliabile, adj. irreconcileable, implacable. Irrecuperabile, adj. not to be recovered. Irrefragabile, adj. irrefragable, invincible, undeniable. Irregolare, adj. irregular, not according to rule. Irregolarità, s. f. irregularity. -Irregolarità, irregularity, an incapacity of taking holy orders or administering the


Irregolato, adj. disordered, immoderate, unruly. Appetito irregolato, an immoderate desire of eating. Irreligiosamente, adv. irreligiously.


Irrigáre, to irrigate, to water. Irrigiaire, to grow rigid or stiff.

Irrisióne, s. f. derision, scorn,

Irrisóre, a mocker, a jeerer, a
derider, a scoffer.
Irritamento, s. m. irritation,

Irritare, to irritate, to incense,
to urge, to provoke, to exas
perate or to anger.
Irritato, adj. irritated, incens-
ed, provoked, exasperated.
Irritazióne, s. f. irritation, ex-

irriverénte, adj. irreverent,

Irriverénza, s. f. irreverence, want of reverence, rudeness. |Irroráre, to bedew. Irruginire, to rust, to grow rusty. Irruginito, adj. rusty. Irrugiadáre, to bedew, to irro

Irreligiosità, adj. irreligious-rate, to besprinkle. ness, want of religion, pro-Irsúto, adj. rough, bristling, phaneness.

Irreligióso, adj. irreligious. Irremediabile, adj. without a remedy.


shagged or shag


-Barba irsuta or irla,

Ipocritóne, a great hypocrite. | emanation of rays.
Iposárca, s. f. a kind of dropsy. Irraggiare, t. Irradiare.
Ipostático, adj. hypostatical
Unione ipostática, hypostatical
union of Christ's human

Irraggiato, v. Irradiato.
Irragionévole, adj. unreason-

nature with his divine per- Irragionevolmente, adv. un


Ipotéca, s. f. mortgage.

ipótesi, s. f. hypothesis, suppo- | Irrazionabilità, s. f. unreason-Irrevochévole, adj. not to be sition.

Ipotético, adj. hypothetical.
Ippománe, s. m. a little piece
of flesh, by some supposed in
the forehead of a colt newly
foaled, which the mare bites
off as soon as she foals, and
if any other takes it away
she will never after love her

Ippopótamo, s. m. hippopo-
tamus, a
beast living in the sea, with a
back and a mane like a horse.
1ra, s. f. anger, wrath.
Iracondamente, adv. angrily,
Iracóndia, s. f. anger, wrath,
natural inclination or readi-
ness to anger.

Iracondióso, adj. Obs. )
Iracóndo, adj.



pettish, naturally inclined to anger, choleric, passionate. tracúndia, v. Iracondia. Iraménto, s. m. choler, anger, passion, wrath.

Irársi, to be angry, to fall into
a passion, to fret.
Irascibile, adj. irascible, apt to
be angry.
Irascibilità, s. f. anger, passion,

rough beard.
I'schio, s. m. holm-tree.

Irremedievole, the same as Ir-Isola, s. f island, isle.

Iratamente, adv. angrily, pas-Irremissibile, adj. unpardon-

Iráto, adj. angry, in a passion.
Irco, s. m. a he-goat.
Ire, to go..

Ireos, s. f. an herb so called.
I'ri, s.m. the rain-bow.-
Iride, Iride, an herb so
called.- -I'ride, the circle
with divers colours which is
between the white and the
apple or sight of the eye.
Irónia, s. f. irony.
Ironicamente, adv. ironically.
Irónico, adj. ironical.
Irosamente, adv. angrily, pas-
sionately. Obs.
Iróso, adj. angry, passionate.
Irradiáre, to irradiate, to dart
or cast forth beams.
Irradiáto, adj. irradiate.
Irradiazióne, s. f. irradiation,

able, irremissible, not to be
Irremissibilmente, adv. with-
out any pardon.
Irremunerabile, adj.
nerable, not to be rewarded.
Irremuneráto, adj. irremune-
rate, not rewarded.
Irreparabile, irreparable.
Irreparabilmente, irreparably,
Irresolúto, adj. unresolved, in


Isoláto, adj. surrounded with water.-Isolato, that stands by itself.

Un isolato, s. m. a number of houses that stand by them. selves.

irremu-Isolétta, s. f. a little island.
Isópo, s. m. hyssop, a plant.
Isoscele, adj. isosceles, a triangle,
which has only two sides

Irresoluzione, s. f. irresolution,
suspense, uncertainty.
Irreire, to catch with a net.--
Irebre, to ensnare, to allure.
Irretito, caught with a net.
Irreti attabile, adj. not to be

Irreverente, adj. irreverent,

Ispezione, s. f. inspection, over-
seeing, insight, looking on or

Ispido, adj. rough, bristling, shagged or shaggy-Ispido, thick, bushy, full of thorns. Ispirare, to inspire with, to suggest, to prompt, to fill with, to put into one's head. Ispiráto, adj. inspired. Ispiratore, he that inspires. lepirazione, s. f. inspiration, an inspiring.

Issa, adv. at present, now, at this time. Obs..

with figures. Istoricamente, adv. in an historical manner.

Istórico, an historian.
Istoriétta, s. f. a short history,
a tale.
Istoriografo, s. m. historiogra-

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Isso, pron. he. Obs. Issofatto, adv. immediately, presently, in a moment, Issópo, v. Isópo. Istábile, adj. instable, unstable, inconstant, uncertain, Istabilità, s. f. instability, un- Istrátto, adj. extracted, drawn. stedfastness, inconstancy.



Istantaneamente, adv. imme-I'strice, s. m. a porcupine. diately, presently, in a mo- Istrióne, s..m. a player or coment, forthwith. Istantáneo, adj. that is made or

done in a moment.

Istánte, s. m. an instant, a moment. In un istante, in an instant.—Istante, adj. instant, earnest, pressing, urgent. Istantemente, adv. instantly, earnestly.

Istanza, s. f. instance, entreaty, solicitation, importunity, eager suit, earnestness.-id is tanza, at the request. Istáre, to urge, to press, to insist, to stick to a thing, to persist in it. Istérico, adj. hysterical, belonging to the womb. Istigamento, s. m. instigation, to, inciteencouragement


Istigáre, to instigate, to set on, to provoke to, to encourage. Istigato, adj. instigated, provoked, encouraged, prompt



|Juridicaménte, adv. according
to the law, lawfully.
Jurídico, adj. juridical, just,
judicial, lawful.
Juridizione, s. f. jurisdiction,
Jurisdizióne, authority,
power, the verge or extent of


Jusquiámo, s. m. a kind of me-
dicinal plant.

Justiziare, to execute, to put
to death by authority. Obs.
Izza, s. f. anger, passion, wrath,

Istruire, to instruct, to teach, N. B. The words beginning to train of bring up. Istruíto,adj. instructed, taught. with Ju, if not found here, Istrumentale, adj. instrument-look for them in Giu. al, serviceable, contributing

to as a means..

Istrumento, s. m. instrument,
tool, engine, implement.-
Istrumento, instrument, deed.
Istrumento, instrument, tool,
mean, help.
Istruttivo, adj. instructive, apt
to instruct.
Istrútto,adj.instructed, taught,
trained up.
Istruzione, s. f. instruction,
education, breeding.
Istupidíre, to wonder, to mar-
vel, to be surprized, to be

Istupidito, adj. struck with
amazement, stupified, sur-
Ita, yes, yea.

Itálico, adj. Italian, of Italy..

Istigatóre, s. m. instigator, en-Ite, go, go you.

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Istilláto, adj. instilled. Istinto, s. m. instinct, an inward motion, a natural bent or inclination to. Instituire, to institute, to enact, decree, appoint or ordain,,to establish or found. Istitúto, s. m. an institute, an order or rule of life. Istitutóre, s. m. institutor, instructor or founder, Istituzione, s. f. institution, establishment, appointment, instruction, education. Istória, s. f. history, story. Istoriale, adj. historical. Istorialmente, adv. historically. Istoriato, adj. painted or set out with figures, represented

Iterare, to reiterate, to repeat.
Iteráto, adj. reiterated, repeat-

Ito, adj. gone.
Iteratore, s. m. one that does a
thing over again.
Itinerário, s. m. itinerary, de-
scription of a journey.
Ittérico, adj. one sick of the
yellow jaundice.
Itterízia, s. f. the yellow jaun-


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Iva, s. f. the herb ground pine;
also St. John's wort.
Júbere, to command, to bid.
Júgero, s.
Juguláre, adj. guttural, belong-
ing to the throat.
Ivi, adv. there.
Ivirítta, adv. there, just there.

Jura, s. f. conjuration, plot,
conspiracy. Obs.
Jure, 6. m. law.-In jure, ac-
cording to the law, in law.


LA, (article of the feminin. gender) the. La donna, the woman.-La (pronoun fem.of the fourth case singular) her.

La vedo,I see her.-La,with an accent, adv. there.-Re state la, stay there.-Andate là, go there.-Chi è là? who is there?-La intorno, thereabout.La intorno, little more, little less. Obs.-Là giù, below, down there.-Di la, thence, from thence.-Andare in là, to procrastinate,,to delay, to put off from day to day.-Entrar troppo in la in parlando, to talk too freely, to take too much liberty in talking, to talk rashly.-Saper piu la, to be sharp, sly, or cunning-Passar più là, to go farther.-La notte è assai bene in li, it is late in the night.Qui è lù, here and there.La entro, there within.-Là gn, there below.--Pâù là, farther that way.-Verso là, towards that place.-La, it.— La mi piace, it pleases me, like it. Labárda, s. f, halberd, Labardáccia, s. f. a clumsy halberd, or an unwieldy halberd.

Lábbia, s. f. pl. face, countenance, look. Obs. Labbricciuclo, s. m. a small lip. Lábbro, s. m. lip, pl. Labbra, s. f. poet. Labbia.--Labbro, brim, tip, edge.-Labbro fesso, a hare lip. Labbro, virga pastoris, fullc.-sweed, an

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Labbruto, adj. blubber-lipped. Lácerto, s. m. a sinew.
Obso-Laci, adv. there. Obs.-
laci, that way. Obs.
Laco, s. m. a lake. Poet.

Libere, to slide or glide along,
to slip, to fall. Obs.
Laberinto, s. m. a labyrinth
or maze.-Laberinto, cause of
great anxiety.


Lagna, s. f. lamentation, moanful complaint, affliction. Obs. Lagnamento, s. m. complaint,


Lagnarsi, to complain, to lament, to bemoan, to bewail, to afflict or grieve one's self.

Lacrima, s. f. a tear.-Lacrima, Lagnevóle, adj. lamentable, a drop.

doleful,mournful,woeful. Not

Lacrimabile, adj. lachrymable,_used.

Lagno, s. m. affliction, grief,

Lacrimale, s. m. v. Lagrimale. lamentation.
Lacrimante, adj. weeping, cry-Lagnosaménte, adv. in a be-
ing, in tears.
wailing manner.

Lábile, adj. sliding, gliding,
slippery, falling, transitory.
Labirinto, v. Laberinto.
Lábole, Obs. v. Labile.
Labóre, s. m. labour. Obs.-
Senza alcun labore, without
any trouble.
Laboriosamente, adv. labori-Lacrimóso, v. Lagrimoso.
ously, painfully, hardly.
Laboriosità, s. f. labour, fa-
tigue, trouble, toil, laborious-

Lacrimare, to weep, to cry, to
shed tears.


Lacrimáto, adj. deplored, la-
mented, bewailed.

Lacrimévole, v. Lagrimevole.
Lacúna, s. f. a large piece of
water, as if it were a lake; a


Lagnóso, adj. that bewails,
that complains.
Lago, s. m. a lake.-Lago,deep-
ness, depth, profundity.
Lagóne, s. m. a pool of stag-

nant water.

Lágrima, s. f. a tear-Sparger lagrime, to shed tears.-Lágri ma (gocciola,) a drop.-Lagrima, lachryma Christi, a sort of wine at Naples. Lagrimábile, adj. v. Lagrimevole.


Lagrimánte, adj. weeping,
Lagrimáre, to weep, to cry, to
crying, in tears.
shed tears. -Lagrimare, to
drop.Lagrimárem. la-
chrymation,weeping or shed-
Lagrimazióne, s. f. lachryma-
ding of tears, falling in drops.
tion, a shedding of tears, a

Lagrimétta, dim. of Lagrima.
Lagrimévole, adj. deplorable.

Laborióso, adj.laborious, pain-Lacunale, adj. belonging to ful, hard, toilsome.-Laborio the Laguna.-Acqua lacunale, so, laborious, industrious, that standing water. takes pains, that works hard. Lacunóso, adj. full of lagoons. Labrúsca, s, f. a kind of wild Ládano, s. m. laudanum, a so-Lagrimále, s. m. the corners grape. porific tincture. Lacca, s. f. bank of a river, Laddove, adv. there where. the nose, from whence tears or angles of the eyes towards the sea side.-Lucca, a descent, Andò laddove gli altri eráno, he a downfall.-Lacca, a deep or went there where the others low place, a muddy placeLacca, leg or buttock of any Ládico, adj. lay, secular. Obs. quadruped.-Lacca di salvati--Frate ladico, lay friar. Obs. cina, a haunch of venison.-Lado, adj. v. Laido. Obs. Lacca di castrato, a leg of mut- La dove, adv. there where. ton.-Lacca, lacca, or lack, a Ladrino, dim. of Ladro. kind of colour.-Cera lacco, Ladro, s. m. a thief, a robber. sealing-wax. -Ladro, adj. bad, ill, not Lacchè, s. m. a lackey, a foot- good, nasty, filthy, sad.boy, a running footman. Non fu mai vista la più ladra Lacchetta, s. f. a racket to play cosa, a worse thing never was at tennis with.-Lacchetta, leg, scen.-Ladri detti, base disbuttock, haunch. course. Da ladro senno, in an Lacchézzo, s. m. a dainty or ugly manner.Giorni ladri, Lacchezzino, savoury deplorable days.-La comodità thing. fa l'uomo ladro, opportunity Láccia, s. f. the shad fish. makes a thief. Láccio, s. m. gia, snare, spring, noose, knot.-Laccio d'amore, love-knot. Laccio, ambush, snares, treachery.-User de laccio, to get out of trouble. Lacciolétto, s. m. 2 snare, gin, Lacciuolo, S spring to eatch birds or beasts by the legs with. -Tender lacciuoli, to lay snares. Laceraménto, s. m. laceration. Laceránte, adj. that tears. Laceráre, to lacerate, to tear. -Laceráre, to defame to

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Lagrimosamente, adv. deplorably, lamentably.

Lagrimóso, adj. weeping, crying, full of tears.-Lagrimóso, deplorable, lamentable, moanful, woeful.

Lagrimúzza, dim. of Lagrima.
Lagúme, s. m. a pool of stand-
ing water, a marshy place.
Lagúna, s. f. a lagoon, v. La-

Lai, s. m. pl. lamentations,
moanful complaints. Poet.
Laicále, secular, lay, temporal.
-Abito laicale, secular habit.
Signore laicale, a temporal
Laicalmente, adv. Į in a secú-
Laicamente, Slar or tem-

ply, foolishly, unlearnedly,
poral way.-Laitaménte, sim-

or scales. Obs.

Lancétta, s. f. gnomon, the stylepin or cock of a dial.Lancetta, a lance to bleed with. Láncia, s. f. a lance, a spear.Abbassar la lancia, to couch or rest the lance or spear.Lancia, horsemen armed with lances.Lancia spezzata, a lancepessade, a kind of cavalry, an under corporal.-Portar ben sua lancia, to behave one's self prudently.-Far d'una lancia un zipolo, to ride a good horse to death. Lanciáre, to hurl, to dart, to fling, to throw, to shoot.Lanciare, to strike or wound with a lance. -Lunciare, to amplify or exaggerate, to aggravate in telling. Lanciársi, to fly at one, to rush upon him. Lanciáta, S f. a dart-throw.— Lanciáta, a hit or blow with a lance.


a lamp.

Láico, adj. lay, secular,
-Laico, silly, ignorant, un-
learned, simple.- -Un laico,
a lay or secular man.-I laici,
the laity, the people.

Lamentáta, v. Lamentanza.
Lamentatóre, a complainer, he
that laments or bewails.
Lamentatrice, fem. of Lamen-


Laidamente, adv. uglily, base-Lamentazioncélla, dim. of La-
lý, dishonestly, disagreeably,
nastily, filthily.
Laidáre, v. Laidire. Obs.
Laidézza, s. f. nastiness, filthi-
ness, ugliness, deformity.
Laidíre, to make ugly, to foul,
to soil, to dirty. Obs.
Laidità, s. f. v. Laidezza.

Laidíto, adj. ugly, deformed,
soiled, dirty, spoiled. Obs.
Láido, adj. nasty, filthy, de-
formed, ugly, foul, loathsome,
base, dishonest, wicked, bad.
-Laido, s. m. v. Laidezza.
Laidúra, s. f. v. Laidezza.

Lalda, s. f. v. Lauda. Obs.
Laldábile, v. Laudabile. Obs.
Laldáre, v. Laudare. Obs.
Laldatore, v. Laudatóre. Obs.
Lalde, v. Laude. Obs.
L'altr'iéri, before yesterday.
Lama,s.f.a plain or champaign
ground or country.-Lama,
a blade.-Venire a mezza lama,
to come to a conclusion.-
Lama, a thin plate of iron or
any other metal.

⚫ Lambiccare, to distil.-Lambic-
carsi il cervello sopra qualche
cosa, to beat or puzzle one's
brains about a thing.
Lambícco, s. m. a still, a lim-
Lambiménto, s. m. the act of
licking or lapping.
Lambíre, to lick, to lap.
Lambitívo, s. m. a kind of
Lambrusca, s. f. 2 wild wine
Lambrusco, s. m. and wild

Lamentábile, adj. lamentable,
doleful, moanful, woeful, de-
Lamentabilmente, adv.lament-
ably, dolefully, moanfully.
Lamentamento, s. m. lamen-
Lamentánza, s. f. Station,
Lamentáre, to lament, to be-

moan, to bewail, to mourn
for, to deplore.,
Lamentársi, to lament, to com-
plain, to groan, to bemoan
one's self.- -Lamentársi, to
complain, to expostulate, to

Lamentazióne, s. f. lamenta
tion, mournful complaint.
Lamentévole, adj. lamentable,
doleful, mournful.
Lamentevolmente, adv.mourn-
fully, dolefully, lamentably.
Laménto, s. m. complaint,
groan, lamentation.-Lamén-
to, complaint, expostulation.
Lamentóso, adj. lamentable,

Lamétta, s. f. dim. of Lama.
Lamicáre, to rain very small,
to drizzle.

Lamiéra, s. f. a cuirass, an
armour for the back and

Lámina, s. f. a plate or thin
piece of metal, à slate.
Laminétta, s. f. dim. of Lami-Lanciatóre, a lancier, a soldier


Laminóso, adj. made up of
small flat bits of any metal.
Lámmia, s. f. a witch, a sor-
ceress.-Lammia, a fairy, a

Lámpa, s. f. light, splendour,
Lámpada, s. f.
Lampanajo, s. m. a lamp-mak-

Lampánte, adj. bright, shining,
Lampáre, v. Lampeggiare.
Lampeggiamento, v. Lampeg-
Lampeggiáre,to flash, to shine,
to blaze, to lighten.
Lampeggio, v. Lampo.
Lampióne, v. Lampone.

armed with a lance. Lanciatrice, she that hurls, flings or darts. Láncio, s. m. jump, start.—Di primo lancio, at the first stroke,

at once.

Lancióne, s. m. a great lance.
Lancioniére, s. m. a lancier.
Lanciottáre,to strike or wound
with a lance.
Lanciottáta, s. f. a hit or blow
with a javelin or dart.
Lanciótto, s. m. a javelin or

Lanciuóla, s. f. a small lance.
Landa, s. f. a heath, a down.
a plain, a field.
Lándra, s. f. a whore, a trull.
Lanfa, s. f. orange-water.
Langóre, s. m. v. Languore.
Langueggiáre, v. Languire.
Languénte, adj. languishing,

Lampo, s. m. a flash, a blaze, a faint,weak,feeble.-Languente,


languishing, amorous. Languidétto, adj. dim. of Languido. lam-Languidézza, s. f. faintness, weakness, want of strength. Languido, adj. languid, faint, weak, feeble.

Lampóne, s. m. raspberry. Lampréda, s. f. a lamprey. Lampredótto, s. m. a little prey-Lampredetto, a fricassee of the entrails of a calf. Lana, s. f. wool, fleece.--Far d'ogni luna peso, to play all sorts of tricks.Batter la lana, to have to do with a woman. Lanajuólo, s. m. a wool-man, a clothier, he that makes cloth or any other woollen stuff. Lance, s. f. a balance or scales. Poetical.

Lancélla, s. f. a small balance

Languidóre, s. m. faintness, weakness, want of strength. Languire,to languish,to linger, to faint, to pine or consume away, to droop. Languiscénte, v. Languente. faintness, Languóre, s. m. Langúra, s. f. Obs. weakness, feebleness, languishment


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