صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Lano, adj. woollen, of wool-Lapillo, s. m. small stone,
Panno lano, woollen cloth.
Lanósó, adj. woolly, full of
wool-Langsa, rough haired,
rough, bristly, shaggy.
Lanterna, s. f, a lantern or
lanthorn.-Lanterna, the lan-
tern of a watch-tower.-Lan-

Lapislázzalo, s. m. lapis lazuli,
a sky-coloured stone.
Láppola, s. f. burdock, bur.
Lappolóne, s. m. large bur or
Lardáre, to lard.

Largimento, v. Largità. Obs.
Largire, to give liberally and

Largita, s. f. breadth, wide-
ness.-Largità, largeness, libe-
rality, bounty.
Largito, adj. bestowed, given.
Largitóre, a liberal giver, a
prodigal spender, a frank be-


Largitrice, fem. of Largitore.
Lárgizione, s. f. liberal ex-
pence, bountifulness, large-
ness, liberality.
Largo, adj. broad, wide, large.
-Via larga, a broad way.-
Panno largo, broad or wide
cloth. Coscienza larga, a con-
science not scrupulous.-Lar-
go, copious, plentiful, plente-
ous abounding-Larga mensa
plentiful dinner.-Largo di viti
e d'arbor, full of vines and
trees. Largo, free, bountiful,
magnificent, liberal, courte-
-Largo, advantageous,

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terna magica, inagical lantern, Lardatúra, larding of meat profitable, good, honourable. a small optical instrument so that is to be roasted. called.-Lanterna, a lantern, a Lardelláre, v. Lardare. little dome or cupola-Mos- Lardello, s. m. a small slice of trare altrui lucciole per lanterne, lard.

to make one believe the moon | Lárdo, s. m. lard or hog's is inade of greeh cheese.


Lanternajo, s. m. a lantern-Lardene, s. m. lard, bacon.
pickled pork.-Gellar il lardo
a cani, to make bad use of
fortune's gifts.

Lanternétta, s. f.. dim. of
Lanternino, s. m. Lanterna.
Lanternóne, s. m. a great lan-Largáccio, adv. very wide.


Lanternúto, adj. a burlesque
epithet to a lean man.
Lanúgine, s. f. down, downy
beard, soft hair, soft wool or
cotton, nap or mossiness of
fruits or trees.
Lanuginoso, adj. downy.
Lanúto, adj. woolly, full of

Largamente, adv. largely,
wickedly.--Largamente, freely,
liberally, bountifully, gener-
ously.-Largaménte, fully, en-
tirely. Largamente, largely,
plentifully, abundantly-La-
gamente, diffusively, more at

Farsi far largo, to make one's self be respected and honoured.-Farsi largo agli onori, to advance one's self to honours by one's own industry and ability--Large, s. m. breadth, wideness, largeness.--Largo, adv.largely, plentifully, abun dantly.-Parlar largo d'una cosa, to speak at large upon a thing, to dwell upon it -Volger largo a canti, to avoid or shun all difficulties and dangers-Ginocare largo, to play or fight at a distance.--An dar laro da che che si sia, to stand off, or at a distance.

-Alla larga, adv. largely, plentifully, abundantly.Alla larga, adv. off, at a great distance.


Largáre, to widen, to make


Lanúzza, s. f. dim. of Lana, Largáto, adj. widened, opened. wool-Tu se una mala la-Largheggiare, to give freely mizza, thou art a wicked fel- and generously, to shew boun, ty.-Largheggiar di parole, to promise a great deal, to be very generous in words and promises.

low. Lanzichenécco, the same as Lanzo.

Largúra, s. f. breadth, largeness, extent, width. Lárice, s. m. the larch-tree. Laricíno, adj. belonging to the larch-tree, or made of the wood of it. Lari, s. m. pl. lares, household Larghétto, adj. dim. of Largo, gods among the Romans. Larghezza, s. f. breadth, wide-Laringe, s. m. larynx, the ness, largeness.-Larghezze, throat or the top of the windlargeness, liberality.-Far lar- pipe. ghezze, to make presents, to be liberal,--Larghezza, plenty, store,copiousness, great quantity.--Larghezza, permission, leave, liberty. Larghità, s. f. largeness, liberLapidare, to stone, to hurl orality. Obs.

Lánzo, a German foot-soldier.
Laéltre, adv. yonder, thère.
Laónde, adv.thereupon, where-
fore--Là onde, adv. from
whence, whence.
Láove, adv. there, where.
Lapazio, s. m. sorrel, an herb
so called.

Lápida, s. f. that stone which
covers the grave, a tomb-


Laro, s. m. a sea-cob or sea gull.

Larva, s. f. larva, ghost, or phantom, a walking spirit.— Larea, clothes to disguise one's self.-Lurva, a visard or vizard, a mask.

Lasagna, s. f. a kind of thin lust. Obs.

paste cut into slices and dri-Lascivétto, adj. dim. of Lasci-
ed, boiled in water or broth,{ VO.

then put into a dish with Lascívia, s. f. lasciviousness,
grated cheese and fresh but- lechery, lust.
ter, a dish little known in Lasciviäre,



Lasciviénte, adj. addicted to

Lascivire, to grow lascivious,

or wanton.

Lasco, adj. slow, slothful, slug-
gish, dull, lazy, heavy, slack.
Lassa, s. f. a particular kind of
collar for hunting dogs, a

Lassáre, to weary, to tire, to
fatigue.-Lassúre, to leave, to
forsake, to abandon.

Lasagnájo, s. m. he that makes
or sells that kind of paste call-
ed lasagne.
Lasagnóne, s. m. an awkward
fellow, a dunce.
Lasca, s. f. a roach, a fresh-
water mullet.
Laschitá, s. f. sloth, poltroon-
ery, cowardice. Obs.
Lasciaménto, s. m. the act of
leaving, abandoning, forsak-
ing or quitting.
Lasciamistáre, s. m. a vulgar
appellation for a quiet man
or woman that mind their
business.Esser pieno di losci-
amistare, to be tired and de-
sirous of rest.
Lasciare, to leave.-Ho lasci-Lassatívo, adj. laxative, loosen-
ato il mio libro a casa, I have left
my book at home.-Lasciare,
to leave, to forsake, to aban-
don.-Lasciare in nasso, to a-
bandon.-Lasciare, to let, to
suffer.-Lasciatemielo vedere, let
me see it.--Lasciate stare, let
that alone, don't meddle withness.
it.-Lasciare, to leave off, to Lasso, adj. weary, tired.-Las-
forbear.-Lasciare, to leave or so, miserable, unhappy, dis-
bequeath. Lasciare, to set consolate, wretched. Lasso!
dogs after a wild beast.-Las- alas! Quante lagrime lasso, e
ciare la briglia al cavallo, to let quanti versi hò sparsi, alas! how
loose the reins of a horse, to many tears have I shed, and
give him his head-Lasciarsi, how many verses have I
to keep, to preserve.-Non me thrown away!
ne son lasciato un fiasco, I have Lassù, adv.
not one bottle left for my-Lassúso,
self—Lasciarsi andare alle pas-Lastra, s. f. a flat broad stone,
sioni, to addict, to abandon a slate.-Porre uno in su le las-
one's self up to one's passions, tre, to kill one upon the
to gratify one's passions. spot.
Lasciato, v. Lasciamento. Obs.
-Lasciato, adj. left, abandon-


ing, opening.
Lassato, adj. wearied, tired,
fatigued.--Lassato, left, for-
saken, abandoned.
Lassazióne, s. f. weariness, las-

Lassézza, s. f. lassitude, weari

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Laterbróso, adj. dark, concealed.

Läténte, adj. latent, close, se-
cret, dark, hidden, lurking.
Latenteménte, adv. in a con-
cealed manner.

Laterale, adj. lateral, belong-
ing to the sides.
Lateralmente, adv. on the

Lascività, v. Lascivia. Obs.
Lascivo, adj. lascivious, lust-Laterína, a sink, a deep hole.
ful-Parole lascivé, obscene Latézza, s. f. latitude, breadth,
words.Lascivo, dissolute, largeness, wideness,
lewd, loose, licentious, de- Latibulo, s. m. a hidden place,
a lurking hole.
Latinamente, adv. largely,
easily, commodicusly, conve-
niently, comfortably. Obs.
Latinamente, in Latin, accord-
ing to the rules of Latin.
Latináre, v. Latinizzare.
Latinità, s. f. the Latin tongue.
Latinizzáre, to speak, write or
turn into Latin, to play thế,
pedant or school-master.
Latíno, s. m. language, idiom,
speech.-Il cavalier che intende
quel latino, ferma il cavallo, e non
sa che fi fare, the knight whọ
understood that speech, stops
the horse, and doth not
know what to do.-E cantino
gli angelli, ciascuno in suv latino,
and let the birds sing every
one in his way.-Latino, dis-
course, speech-Latino, learn-
ing, knowledge, doctrine.
Latino, Latin or the Latin
tongue.-Latino di cucina, low
Latin-Latino fulso, false La-
tin, an incongruity-Latino,
adj. Latine, of the Latium.
Dimmi s'alcun Latino è tra cos-
toro, tell me if there is any
Latin amongst those.-Favelia
Latina, the Latin tongue-La-
tino, clear, plain, intelligible.
-Latino, broad, wide, spaci
ous, commodious, easy--Vela
latina, the mizzen sail of a ship.
-Latino, adv. in Latin, after
the form and fashion of LX-
tin.-Parlar Latino, to speak
Latin.-Latina di bocca, that
speaks with great facility.
Latitúdine, S. f. latitude,
breadth, largeness, wideness.
-Latitudine di cuore, liberali-
ty, affability.--Lutitudine, in
geography, latitude.
Lato, s. m. side.---Lato destro,
lato manco, the right or left side.
Lato, side, way.-Lasciar da
lato, to leave aside, apart.--

Lascíbile, adj. licentious, lewd,
loose, dissolute, disorderly.
Láscio, s. m. a legacy.-Lascio,
a will, a testament.---Lascio,
a leash for dogs or hounds
Andare allascio,to cast or throw
off the dogs. Andare al luscio
del cervo, to hound the stag,
to cast or throw off the dogs
at the stag.
Lascito, s. m. a legacy.
Lasciva, s. f. v. Lascivia. Obs.
Lascivaménte, adv. lascivious-
ly, lecherously, wantonly.
Lascivánza, s. f. lasciviousness,

there above.

Lastricáre, to pave with broad


Lastricato, adj. paved.
Lastricáto, s. m. pavement,
Lástrico, Spaved place.

Condursi al lastrico, to be reduced to his last shifts, to be very poor, to come to beggary.

Lastricatúra, s. f. paving. Lastróne, s. m. a large broad stone or slate.--Lastrone, a broad stone with which

bakers shut their oven. Lastrúccia, dim. of Lastra. Lásů, v. Lassù. Latebra, s. m. a hidden place, a lurking hole.--Affui t' è

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testa all'asino, to lose one's time and labour. Laváto, adj. washed. Lavativo, s. m. a clyster. Lavatojo, s. m. a standing ewer with a cock to it, to wash one's hands out of, a laundry, a wash-house. Lavatóre, s. m. he that washes. Lavatrice, she that washes. Lavatúra, s. f. a washing, a La via lattea, the milky way, bathing.-Lavatura, dishthe galaxy.

Latteo, adj. lacteous, milky.

Latteruólo, s. m. a dish the chief ingredient of which is milk.

Latticínio, s. m. any food made of milk.

Latticinóso, adj. milky, is only used as an epithet to those plants whose leaves or fruit when torn send forth a liquor like milk.

Lattífero, adj. v. Latticinoso. Lattificcio, s. m. the milk that comes out of the fig that is not yet ripe.

Lattíme, s. m. scurf or scald on

children's heads.

Lattimóso, adj. scurvy or scaldheaded.

Lattonzo, s. m. a suckling Lattonzolo, calf, or any suckling beast that is not above a year old. Lattováro, s. m. electuary. Lattúga, s. f. lettuce.-Lattuga, a tucker, a lace tucker. Lettugáccia, s. f. a bad let


Lavazióne, s. f. lavation, a washing or cleansing. Lauda, s. f. laud, praise, commendation, an hymn. Laudabile, adj. laudable, worthy of praise, commendable. Laudabilmente, adv. laudably, commendably.

Laudáno, s. m. a gum made of the fat dew that is gathered from the leaves of lada, laudanum.

Laudáre, to praise, to commend.-Ludare, to praise or thank God. Laudársi di qualcheduno, to be well satisfied with one.

Laudáto, adj. praised, commended.

Laudatóre, a praiser, a com mender. Laudazione, s. f. Obs. praise, 2 laud,


Laude, Poetical. commendation, thanksgiving. Dar laude, to praise, to commend, to give thanks.-Degno di lande, praise-worthy. Laudése, s. m. one that by appointment sung songs of praise and thanksgiving.


Látora, s. f. pl. the sides. Latóre, s. m, a bearer. Latraménto, s. m. barking. Latráre, to bark.-Latráre, to cry, to lament. Latráto, s. m. a barking.-Latráto, adj. barked. Latratóre, s. m. a barker. Latría, s. f. worship due only to God. Latrina, a privy, the sink of a private house. Latro, s. m. a thief, a robber. Poet.

Latrocínio, s. m. larceny, theft,

Latrocíno, adj. abominable,
execrable, detestable. Obs.
Latta, s. f. latten, lattin, iron
tinned over.
Lattájo, adj. that has a great
deal of milk.--Nutrice che è
buona lattaja, a nurse that has
a great deal of milk, a good


Lattajuóla, s. f. the herb tithy-
mal or milk-weed.
Lattajuólo, s. m. young teeth.
Lattánte, adj. sucking, that
sucks.-Lattante, that suckles
or gives suck. -Nutrice lat-
tante, a wet nurse.
Lattáre, to give suck, to nurse.
-Bambino che latta, a sucking
Lattáta, s. f. a potion, drink
made with almonds or seeds
of melons bruised and dilut-
ed in water.Lattáto, adj.
suckled, sucked.Lattato,
milky, white as milk.
Lattatrice, a nurse, she that
suckles a child.
Latte, s. m. milk.-Vitella di
latte, a sucking calf-Latte di
pesce, the soft roe of a fish.
Fratello di latte, a foster-bro-
ther. Sorella di latte, a foster-
sister.Latte, milk, white
juice of some plants.-Latte
virginale, virgin's milk, a sort
of a chemical composition,call-
ed Benjamin water.Latte di


Lavacápo, s. m. a reprimand,
a rebuke. A vulgar word.
Lavacéci, s. m. a dunce, a
blockhead, an awkward fel-

Lavácro, s. m. a washing-place,
a bath or bagnio, a font.
Lavágna, s. f. shake, a kind of

Lavamane, s. m. wash-hand

Lavaménto, s. m. a washing,

Lavánda, s. f. a washing.
Lavandaja, s. f. Į a washer-
Lavandára, Swoman.
Laváre, to wash.-Lavare, to
water.--Lavar la testa, to re-
buke or reprimand.--Me ne
lavo le mani, I wash my hands
of it, I'll have nothing to do
with it, I'll not be concerned
in it.-Una mano lava l'altra,
to help one another.-Lavare
il suo, to waste, to squander
away one's estate.--Lavar la

Laudévole, adj. commendable,
laudable, praise-worthy.
Laudevolmente, adv. laudably,

Laudóre, s. m. v. Laude. Obs.
Laudóso, adj. that praises.


Lavéggio, s. m. a pot like a kettle.--Laveggio, a pan for


Lavoracchiare, to work but
little and interruptedly.
Lavoráccio, s. m. a clumsy
piece of work.
Lavorággio, s. m. work, piece
of work, workmanship. Obs.
Lavoránte, s. m. workman, ar-
tificer, worker, labourer,

Lavoráre, to work, to be at
work, to labour.-Lavorare a
giornata, to work by the day.

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the slaves on board a galley.
Lazzarétto, s. m. lazaretto, a
Lazzaruóla, s. f. a sort of

Lazzeruólo, s. m. a kind of

Lazzétto, adj. somewhat sour
and tart, sourish.
Lazzézza, s. f. sourness, tart-


Lavorato, adj. tilled, plough-
ed, worked.-Lavorálo, artifi-
cial.—-Acque lavorate, waters Lazzità, s. f. sourness, tart-
that have been carried to: ness.
some place by an engine.-
Fuoco lavorato, a fire-work.
Lavorato, S. m.
Lavoratojo, the same as Lavo-
rativo. Obs.
Lavoratóre, a workman, a
labourer.--Lavoratúre, a hus-
bandman, a tiller or plough-


Lazzo, adj. sour, sharp, tart.
Lazzo, s. m. drollery, buf-
foonery, jest.-Tenere il lasso,
to humour, to comply with,
to do readily as one is bid.
Le (article plural of the femi-
nine gender) the-Le donne,
the women; le case, the
houses. Le (pron. fem. fem.
of the fourth case, plural)
them.--Le conosco, I know
them.-S'elle vi piacciono, io le
vi darò, if you like them, I'll
give them to you.-Le (pron.
relative dative) her, to her,
from her.-Le direte da parte
mia, tell her from me.-Par-
latele, speak to her.-Io le tol-
si un bacio, I took from her a

Lavoratrice, s. f. a work-wo-,
man, a journey-woman.
Lavoréccio, s. m. work, til-
lage, ploughing.
Lavorería, s. f. a work-house,
a place where instruments for
tillage are made.
Lavoriéra, v. Lavorería.
Lavoriétto, s. m. small work.
Lavorío, s. m. work, a piece
Lavóro, Sof work, work-Leále, adj. loyal, faithful, trus-
manship.Terra da lavora, ty, honest.
ploughed land-Lavoro d'in-
tanglio, carved work.-Lavoro
di relievo, embossed work.
Lavoro, brick work.
Laurea, s. f. crown or garland
of laurel.
Laureáto, adj. laureate, crown-
ed with laurel.-Poeta laureato,
poet laureat.
Laureazione, s. f. the ceremony
of crowning with a crown of

Laúreo, adj. of laurel.
Lauréola, s. f. laurel, spurge

Lauréto, s. m. a laurel-wood

or grove. Laurino, adj. of laurel.-Olio laurino, oil of laurel. Laúro, s. m. laurel, a shrub that is always green. Lautamente, adv. gallantly, nobly, bravely. Lautézza, s. f. fineness, gallantry, daintiness, nobleness, magnificence, sumptuousness, costliness,

Laúto, adj. fine, noble, neat, costly, stately, gallant, sump


Lauzzino, s. m. he that lashes

Lealmente, adv. loyally, faith-
fully, honestly.
Lealtà, s. f. loyalty, fidelity,

Leanza. Obs. . Lealtà.
Leárdo, adj. dapple.-Leardo
pomato, dapple-gray.
Lebbra, s. f. leprosy, a dry
Lebbrósia, white scab or

Lebbróso, adj. leprous, afflict-
ed with leprosy.
Leccaménto, s. m. the act of

Leccánte, adj. licking.
Leccárdo, adj. greedy, glutton-
ous.--Un leccardo, una leccarda,
a glutton, a greedy-gut, a
greedy man or woman.
Leccáre, to lick-Leccare, to
catch-E venuto per vedere di
poter leccare qualche cosa, he is
come to see if he can get
something-Chi va lecca, e chi
si sta si secca, a close mouth
will catch no flies.--Leccare
non mordere, to be contented
with a small profit, a little is
better than nothing.-A can
che lecchi cenere non gli fidar fa-
rina, the dog that likes ashes


trust not with meal.-Lercare, to touch, to blaze upon. Leccatamente, adv. with affectation, with too much and needless labour. Leccáto, adj. licked.-Leccato, elegant, clean, neat, nice.Parlar leccato,elegant discourse. Leccatóre, s. m. one that licks, a flatterer, a parasite." Leccatúra, s. f. a scratch, a slight wound.

Leccéto, s. m. a grove of holms-
trees.Lecceto, confusion,
disorder, intricacy, maze, la-

Lecchería, s. f. lechery, glut-
tony. Obs.
Lecchettino, dim. of Lecchét-


Lecchetto, s. m. something
that intices one to eat with-
out hunger.
Leccio, s. m. holm, or scarlet

Lecco, s. m. jack to play at
bowls with.

Lecco, s. m. lechery, glut-

Lecconcíno, dim. of Leccone.
Leccóne, a glutton, a devour-


Lecconería, s. f. gluttony, im-
moderate eating.
Lecconéssa, s. f. a greedy
woman, a great female eater
of dainties.

Lecconia, v. Leccornia. Obs.
Leccórnia, s. f. daintiness, tit-


Leccúme, s. m. daintiness,
dainty, tit-bit.-Leccúme, mo-
tive, incentive, incitement.
Lecére, to be lawful, proper,
convenient or permitted. Of
this verb the third person
singular of the present tense
of the indicative mood only
is in use, as you may see by
the following examples.
Lece, it is lawful or permitted.
-Non mi lece sperare, I have
no hopes. Non mi lece far ciò,
I cannot, it is not decent for
me to do it. Se mi lece dirlo,
if I may say so.-Dissemi en-
tro l'orecchia, omai li lece per te
ste to parlar con chi ti piace, he
whispered to me, now you
may speak with whom you
please by yourself.
Lecitamente, adv. lawfully, ho-
nestly, warrantably.
Lecito, adj. lawful, allowable,

Ledere, to offend, to injure, to Legáto,s.m.a legacy-Legá-
wrong. Obs.
to, adj. tied, bound, fastened.
Ledíre, v. Ledere. Obs. Legatore, he that ties, a binder.
Ledito, adj. offended. Obs. -Lezator di libri book-binder.
Lega, s. f. league, confederacy, Legatúra, s. f. ligature, tie.
allianceLego, allay, the Legazione, s. f. legation, legate
goodness of any metal-Mo- ship, the office of a legate.-
neta di buona lega, good money. Legazione, the jurisdiction of
-Moneta di bassa lega, bad a legate, or of an ambassador.
money, counterfeit money. Legge, s. f.law, rule,ordinance,
Como di bassa lega, a man of decree, statute enacted, made
mean birth or condition.- or published by the public
Lega, a league.
authority, to be kept invio-
Legáccia, s. f. a garter. lably.-Legge, way, fashion.
Legaccio, s. m. a string, a tie, Leggenda, s. f. legend, a silly
Leggácciolo, a band or story.-Leggenda, legend, the
book in which the lives of
the saints are related.
Leggendájo, s. m. he that sells
little stories.

Legaccio, s. m. a parcel of bills and writings. Legagióne, s. f. binding, fastening, linking or joining together Legale, adj. legal, good in law, lawful, according to the law. Legalità, s. f. legality, authenticity. Legalmente, adv. legally, according to the law. Legáme, s. m. ligature, a tie or band, binding, tying.—Ma io ti solverò 'l forte legame, but I'll clear thy doubt.-Legame d'amista, bond of friendship. Legaménto, union, tie, bond,


Legánza, s. f. alliance, league, confederacy. Obs. Legáre, to tie, to bind, to knit, to fasten or make fast.-Legar * «al cavallo ad un albero, to tie the horse to a tree.-L'armonia della sua voce mi lega i sensi, the harmony of her voice charms me-Legare, to oblige, to lay ⚫ an obligation upon, to bind, to constrain, to force.-Legar l'asino dove vuole il padrone, do as you are bid, do what your master bids you.-Legar l'asino, to sleep very sound-Legar altrui le mani, to tie one's hands.-Legala bene, e lasciala sture, do what you can, and let time do the rest-Legarsi, to make a league or alliance. Legare, to leave or bequeath by will.-Legare i denti, to set one's teeth an edge.-Legarsi con guramento, to bind one's self upon oath.-Legarsela al ditto, to owe one a spite. Legatário, s m. legatee, a person who has a legacy left him in a will. Legatía, s. f. allay. Obs. Legáto, legate, a pope's legate.

Leggendário, s. m. legendary,
a book of legends.
Leggénte, adj. reading, that

Leggeraménte, adv. lightly,

Leggeránza, s. f. v. Leggerez-
za. Obs.
Léggere, to read.-Leggere, to
read, to discover, to penetrate
into.-Ti leggo m fronte il tuo
disegno, I know your design
by your looks.--Leggere, to
teach, to instruct.E si legge
in sul tuo libro, they talk of
you, they speak it of you.-
Mandare i vestiti a leggere, to
pawn one's clothes.
Leggerezza, s. f. lightness, op-
posite to heaviness-Leggere
za,lightness, nimbleness,swift-


Leggermente, adv. lightly,

Leggiaccia, s. f. a bad law, an
ill-digested law.
Leggiadraménte, adv. comely,
gracefully, finely, gallantly,
handsomely, elegantly, de-
lightfully, charmingly.-Leg
giadramente, cunningly, sharp-
ly, slily.


Leggiére, Leggiéri, Leggiéro, adv. easily, with ease-i leggiere, very easily-Leggiere, leggieri, leggiero, adj. light, of small weight. Leggiero, light, not of full weight Leggiero, light, easy to be digested-Leggiero, little, small, not of great value, inconsiderable, slight.-Uomo di leggiera condizione, a man of a mean condition or birth.-Uomo di leggiera scienza, a man of a

slight knowledge or understanding. -Leggiero, easily, facile. Vi leggiera, an easy way-Leggiero, light, swift, nimble.-Piu leggiero del vento, swifter than the wind-Cavalli leggieri, light horsemen. -Alla leggiera, adv. lightly.All leggiera, rashly, foolishly, inconsiderately. Leggierézza, v. Leggerezza. Leggierménte, adv. lightly.Leggiormente, easily, with ease. -Leggermente nimbly,swiftly.

-Leggiermente,rashly.foolishly, unwarily, inconsiderately.

Leggio, s. m. a reading-desk, a chorister's desk in a church

choir.--Tu hai più parole ch'un leggio, you are a great bab


Leggitore, a lecturer, a reader.
Legionário, adj. legionary, be-
longing to a legion.
Legióne, s. f. legion, a body of
the Roman army.
Legislativo, adj. legislative,
having authority of making
or giving laws.
Legislatore, legislator, a giver
of laws, law-giver.
Legislatrice, fem. of Legisla-

Legista, s. m. a lawyer.
Legittima, s. f. portion, part
or share that a child has by
law in his parent's estate.
Legittimagióne, v. Legittima-

Leggiadrétto, adj. dim. of Leg-zione.

Leggiadría, s. f. comeliness,
grace, handsomeness, pretti-

Leggiádro, adj. pretty, comely,
handsome, graceful, elegant,
ne, fair-Leggiadro, s. m. a
gallant, a lover, a beau.
Leggibile, adj. legible, that
may be read, easy to be
Leggieraménte, v. Legger-

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Legittimamente, adv. lawfully,
Legittimare, to legitimate, to
make or declare legitimate.
Legittimáto, adj. legitimated.
Legittimazióne, s. f. legitima-
tion, the act of legitimating.
Legittimo, adj. lawful-Erede
legittimo, a lawful heir-Le-
gittimo, lawful, just, equitable,
reasonable.-Monetu legittima,
good money.

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