صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Legna, s. f. pl. wood to burn, fire-wood. Legnáccio, s. m. the wood of which winding-tops for children are made.Legnuccio, bad wood. Legnaggio, s. m. family, neage, offspring, generation, race, stock, pedigree. Legnajuólo, carpenter, joiner. Legname, s. m. all mauner of timber to build with. Leguáre, to cut or get wood for fuel.

dim. of Legno.

Lendiníso, adj. mitty, full of


Lene, adj. humane, kind.

Leniénte, adj. lenient, soften-
li-Leuificaménto, s. m. an as-
suagement of pain or grief.
Lenilicáre, to ease, to assuage,
to mitigate, to appease, to

Legnáta, s. f. a blow with a cudgel or piece of wood. Legne, s. f. pl. wood for fuel. Legnerello, Legnétto, Legno, s. m. wood.-Legno verde, green wood.---Legno, the forbidden tree-Legno, a ship. Legnosánto, s. m. an Indian wood, the decoction of which is given to the diseased with the French pox. Legnoso, adj. ligneous, woody. Legnúzzo, s. m. a small piece of wood, a stick. Legorizia, s. f. liquorice, a sweet plant, or the juice of it. Legume, s. m. pulse. Lei, oblique case of the personal pronoun, Ella. Her.Lei, is often used in the nominative case instead of ella; but that is wrong and vulgar. -Mi rico do di lei, I remember her. Questo è per lei, this is for her.

Lelláre, to delay, linger or dally, to dodge. Lembo, s. m. hem, edge, lappet or flappet of a gown or garment, a border.-Lembo, ridge, top.-Li ove più ch'a mezzo muore il lembo, little higher than the middle of the hill.

Lenificativo, adj. lenitive, softening, easing.

Lenimento, s. m. the act of softening or mollifying. Lenire, to soften, to allay, to mitigate, to assuage, to ease, to alleviate.

Lenitá, s. f. lenity, sweetness of disposition, humanity. Lenitivo, adj. lenitive, that is of a lessening or assuaging quality..

slow fire-Lento, loose, slack, unbettento, adv. slow, slack, leisurely, at leisure. Lentóre, v. Lentezza. Lensa e Lenza, s. f. a line, an angling line, a thread made with bristles to which the hook is tied to fish with. Lenzáre, to bind or tie with a band or fillet, to dress. Obs. Lenzáto, adj. tied or bound with a hand. Obs. Lenzuolétto, s. m. a small sheet for a bed.

Lenzućlo, s. m. sheet, a bedsheet-Distendersi più che it lenzuol non è lungo, to spend more than one has. Leofaute, an elephant. Leoncello, s.m.a little or young lion.

Leóne, s. m. a lion.Leone, Leo, one of the twelve signs Leno, adj. weak, feeble, faint, of the Zodiac. out of heart.Voce lena, a Leonessa, s. f. a she-lion. faint voice. Correr leno, to Leonino, adj. leonine, belong. run softly.-Vino leno, flating to a lion, of a lion-like dead wine.--Leno, supple, nature, cruel, savage.--Leon~~ limber, pliant, flexible. no, of the colour of a lion. Lenocino, s. m. pimping, a Leopárdo, s. m. leopard. bawd's trade. Lépido, adj. lepid, pleasant, Lensa, v. Lenza. jocose, smart, witty. Lenta, v. Lente. Leporájo, s. m. a warren, a Lentággine, s. f. a wild plant Leporário, Share warren, so called.

Lentaménte,adv.slowly,softly, slackly, heavily.Proceder lentemente, to go on slowly. Lentáre, to slacken. Lentáto, adj. slackened. Lente, s. f. lentil, a small kind of pulse.-Lente, lens, a convex glass that is made to throw the rays of vision into a point.-Lente palustre, water lentils.

Lente, adj. v. Lento. Lenteménte, v. Lentamente. Lentézza, s. f. slowness, negligence, slackness. Lenticchia, s. f. lentil, a kind of pulse.—Lenticchia palustre,


Lemma, s. f. lemma, an argument or proposition of what is to be treated of. Lemme-Lemme, adv. softly, Lentiggine. s. f. a pimple or gently. freckle, a little red spot in the face or other part, like a

Lena, s. f. breath,--La lena m' era del polmon si munta, I was so much out of breath.Lena, strength, vigour, force. Lenáre, to recover strength. Léndine, s. f. a nit, the egg of a louse. Lendinella, s, f. a kind of coarse cloth.



Lentigginóso, adj. that has freckles, freckled. Lentischio, s. m. the lentick Lentisco, Lento, adj. slow, lingering, idle, lazy. -Andar a pusso lento, to walk slowly-Lenta pioggia, Lendinino,adj.nitty, that breeds small rainLento-lento, very slowly.-Fuoco lento, gentle,


a park for hares. Leporino, adj. leporine, belonging to a hare.-Labbro leporino, a hare-lip. Leppáre, to fly, to run away. -Leppáre, to take away Leppo, s. m. a stink of any thing roasted or burnt. Leprájo, s. m.a warren, a hare

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feed cattle with.

Lésina, s. f. an awl, a shoemaker's tool.-Lesina, sparingness, sordidness. Lesione, s. f. wrong, damage, grievance, hurt. Leso, adj. wronged, aggrieved, offended, injured.Delitto di lesa maestà, a crime of high


Lessáre, to boil or seeth.-Lessare della carne, to boil meat. Lessáto, adj. boiled, seethed. Lessatúra, s. f. a boiling or seething.

Lesso, adj. boiled.-Lesso, s. m. boiled meat.

Lesto, adj. nimble, quick, full of agility, pert, brisk, or lively.

Lesúra, v. Lesione. Obs.
Letále, adj. mortal, deadly.
Letamajo, s. m. a heap of dung,
a dunghill.

Letamajuólo, a collector of
dung in the streets.
Letamáre, to dung or ma-


Letamáto, adj. manured. Letáme, s. m. dung, muck. Letaminamento, s. m. dunging, manuring.

Letamináre, to dung, to ma


Letamináto, adj. manured. Letaminatúra, s. f. a dunging Letaminazione, or manuring. Letaminóso, adj. dunged, manured.

Letáne, s. f.

litanies, prayers Letanie, so called. Letárgico, adj. lethargic. Letargo, s. m. lethargy, a continual sleep. Letificánte, adj. that rejoices, that makes joyful. Letificáre, to letificate, to make glad and joyful, Letificáto, adj. gladdened, rejoiced.

Letiggine, s. f. pimple or freckle, little red spot in the face, freckle. Letiginóso, adj. that has his face full of freckles. Letizia, s. f. gladness, mirth, joy, pleasantness.

Letiziáre, to rejoice, to make merry, to cheer up, to revive. Obs. Letizióso, adj. merry, glad, blithe.

Lettáccio, s. m. a bad bed. Léttera, s. f. a letter.--Littera, word.-Lettera, letter, epistle.

-Lettera di cambio, bill of ex-] Lettrice, fem. of Lettore. change.Lettera di credenza, Lettuccio, s. m. a little bed.credentials, letter of credence. Lettuccio, a couch, or couch-Lettera di procura, a letter of bed. attorney. Lettera, learning, literature.- --Dire a lettere di scatola, o di speciali, to speak plain.

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Letterále, adj. literal.--Senso letterale, literal sense. Letteralmente, adv. literally, according to the literal sense. Letterário, adj. literary. Letterato, adj. lettered, learned-Uomo letterato, a scholar, a learned man, a man of literature, a literator.

Lettúra, s. f. a lecture, a reading, an instruction given by a master to his scholars. Leva, s. f. a lever.-Melters a leva, to work with a lever.— Mettere a leva altrui, to make one angry-Leva di milizia, a levying, levy, or raising of soldiers.

Levaldina, s. f. a trick, a roguery, a theft.--Fare una levaldina, to cheat. Levamento, s. m. raising, rearing, raising up, erection, miliza.-Il levamento del sole, the sun rising. Il levamento d'un campo, the raising of a camp, breaking up.

Letteratóne, s. m. a great scholar, a very learned man. Letteratúccio, s. m. a pretty good scholar, a man of some literature, a smattèrer. Letteratúra, s. f. literature, learning, erudition. Letteréccio, adj. of or belong-Il sol levante, the sun rising. ing to a bed. -Andare in levante, to go thieving, to go upon the highway.

Letterello, s. m. a small bed, a poor little bed. Letterétta, s. f.dim. of LetLetterina, Letteróne, s. f. a large or long letter.



Letterúccia, dim. of Lettera. Letterúto, adj. burlesque for Letterato.

Letterùzza, s. f. a little short letter.

Lettica, v. Lettiga. Letticello, s. m. dim. of LetLetticciuóla, Sto. Lettiéra, s. f. a bedstead.-Lettiera, the head-board of a bed.

Lettiga, s. f. a litter, or horselitter; also a warming-pan. Lettighetta, s. f. a small litter Lettichina, Sto carry people.

Lettino, s. m. a little bed. Letto, s.m.a bed.-Letto,a prop, a stay.-Letto d'un fiume, the channel of a river.-Figlio del primo o det secondo letto, a child by the first or second wife. Letto, dregs or lees of wine.Letto, the bottom of a valley.

Letto, the lodge of a deer, the layer of a stag.Letto mortorio, death bed.-Letto nuziale, a marriage bed. Lettóre, s. m. a lector, a reader, a lecturer.-Lettore, elector. Obs.

Lettoría, s. f. the dignity or charge of a professor in an university.

Levánte, s. m. the east.-Le vante, adj. raising, lifting up.

Levantino, adv, easterling, one born or dwelling in the


Leváre, to lift, heave, or raise up.-Levare il capo, to hold up one's head.-Levare il bollore, to boil, to boil over.-Leváre, to take away, to carry away. Levar d'ira, to appease one's anger. Levar uno di terra, to dispatch one, to kill him.Levar l'assedo, to raise the siege.-Levar soldati, to raise or levy soldiers or troops.Lecar il cappello, to take or pull off one's hat.-Levare la lepre, to start a hare.—Levarsi, to rise, to get up, to lift up, to go high. Levars, to rise, to get or stand up.--Levarsi, to rise or get out of bed, to be stirring.-Lecarsi, to leave a place, to go away, to be gone. Levati quinci e non mi dar più lagna, get you gone, and trouble me no more.-. -Le:arsi, to rise or be up, to begin to appear.-Levarsi, to move, to stir.-Levare, to forbid or prohibit.-Levare, to signify. -Poco levan i rimedi, quando le malattie sono mortali, remedies don't signify when distempers are mortal-Cercai di pacificarli, ma poco levo, I endeavoured to make them friends again, but to no purpose.-Levar del sacro fonte, to stand god


-Levar con


them abroad.

Libello, a bill.-Libello, libel,
lampoon, an infamous, scan-,
Levatrice, s. f. a midwife.
Levatúra, s. f. wit, understand- dalous, and invective writ-
ing.-Uomo di pora levatura, a ing.

man of shallow brains or un-Libénte, adj. willing, ready.
derstanding. una donna Obs.
che ha bisogno di poca levatura,
she is a woman that does not
want many entreaties.
Levazióne, s. f. elevation, exalt-

Leucojo, s. m. the white stock

Liberagióne, v. Liberazione.
Liberalaccio, adj. indiscreetly,
ful, generous.
Liberále, adj. liberal, bounti-
amorous, kind, affable.--
Paroletta liberale, a licentious
word.-Le arti liberal, the li-
beral arts.

Leve, adj. light, not heavy.
Levemente, v. Lievementé.
Levézza, v. Levità. Obs.
Levístico, s. m. a plant so call-ty, generosity, largeness.


Levità, s. f. levity, lightness,

father-Levar le carte, to cut the cards-Levar un forestiero dall' osteria, to take a man from the inn to lodge him in his own house.novilio, to take aboard, to ship off-Lavar mercanzie, to buy goods by wholesale, to ship them off for another country. Levar la pianta d'un edificio, todraw the plan, or to take the draught of a building-Levar del pari, to be even, neither to win nor lose.-Levarsialtrui dinanzi, to turn one out, to turn him away, to be rid of one. -Non posso levarmelo dinanzi, I cannot be rid of him.--Levarsene il pensiero, to think of a thing no more.-Leváre, to rise, to blow-Il sole dilegua Levitáre, to ferment, to leai vapori che si levano la mattina, the sun disperses the vapours Levriéra, s. f. a greyhound that rise in the morning.-Il bitch. vento si leva, the wind begins Levriére, s. m. a greyhound. to blow-Levare un difficoltà, Leúto, s. m. a lute. o un ostacolo, to remove, to Lézia, s. f. take away a difficulty.-Lecarsi le corna, to revenge an affront-Levar la tavola, to take away.--Levar i pezzi d'uno, to slander, to backbite, to speak ill of one.-Levar in capo, to work, said of wine or beer when beginning to fer-nacy. ment.-Levar in capo, to fall into a passion-Levare il parto, to be delivered, to lay in.


endearments, al-
Lézio, s. m. lurements, affec-
tation, wantonness.
Lezióne, s. f. lecture-Lezióne,
election.-Lezione, a lesson.
Lexióne, instruction, Iprecept.
f. softness,
Leziosággine, s.
niceness, wantonness, effemi-

Leziosamente, adv. wantonly, nicely, delicately. Lezióso, adj. effeminate, womanish, wanton, amorous. -Levar bottega, to set up a shop.-Levare il pane, to lea- Lezzáre, to stink.

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Lezzóso, adj. stinking.
Lì, adv. there.--Eccoli li, there
they are.-Dali, from thence.
Infino a 1, till, till that
time.--Oral, ora qui, some-
times there, sometimes here.
Libaménto, s. m. a drink oifer-
ing, libation.
Libáre, to taste, to sip or drink
off, to sinack, to have a snack

f. perfumes.

ven the bread.-Levar le gri-Lezzo, s. m. stink, rammish-
da, to cry out.
Leváta, s. f. the rising or lift-
ing up.--La levata della luna,
the moon rising.-Levata, de-
parture, a going away-Alla
levata, in going away.
ca o di gran levata, of a little or
great consequence.-Uomo di
gran levata, a very consider.
able or topping man.
Leváto, adj. lifted up.-Leváto,
high, lofty, sublime, elevated.
Una donna levata del parto, a
woman that is churched, or
up again after child-bed.
Levato, drawn, taken from,
copied.-Bandiera levnta, ily-
ing colours.-Stare a orecchie
levate, to listen, to be atten-

Levatójo, adj. ex. Ponte levatojo,
a draw-bridge.
Levatore, he that raises up.-
Lecuture, he that buys goods
wholesale to transport



Liberalità, s. f. liberality, boun

Liberalmente, adv. liberally,
Liberamente, adv.freely, plain-.
freely, generously.
frankly, openly.-Liberamente,
ly, ingenuously, sincerely,
beramente, liberally, freely, ge-
absolutely, by all means-Li-

Liberaménto, s. m. deliver-
ance, delivery, release, rid-
Liberánza, v.
set free or at liberty, to rid
Liberáre, to deliver, to free, to
of, to release.--Liberáre, to
give up, to deliver over, to
make over.
Liberatóre, a deliverer, a savi-



Liberazione, s. f. Į deliverance,
Liberatríce, s. f. liberatrix.
Liberagióne, delivery, re-
Libero, adj. free, independ-
lease, riddance.
Libero, ingenuous,
downright, open,
Libero, loose, li-
d far quel che vi piace, you may
centious, rash.-Vi sarà libero
do what you please.
independency, freedom.-Li-
Libertà, s. f. liberty, free-will,
bert, liberties, privileges, im-
Libertinaggio, s. m. libertin-
ism, debauchery. Inold books
we find this word used for

Líbbia, s. f. branch of an olive-liberty or freedom in general.

tree that has been cut.

Libbra, s. f. a pound weight.-
Libbra, a livre.-Libbra, a tax
or imposition of twenty-pence
in the pound.
Libecciáta, s. f. a gale of south

Libéccio, s.
Libello, s. m. a small book.-

Libertino, s. m. the son of him
is free-Libertino, libertine.
that was once bound and now
Libérto, s. m. one that was
bound and is made free.
ness, lechery, concupiscence,
Libidine, s. f. lust, wanton-
the south sensuality.

Libidinosamente, adv.lustfully lecherously.


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Libra, s. f. Libra, one of the twelve signs of the Zodiack. —Tenere in libra, to keep in suspense.

Libráccio, s. m. a bad book.
Librajo, s. m. a booksel-

Libraménto, s. m. libration, the
motion of the swinging of the
Libráre, to ponder, to weigh
in the mind, to consider, to
poise, to balance.

Librársi, to hover in the air as
birds do.

Librería, s. f. a bookseller's
shop.-Libreria, a library.
Librettino, s. m. a little book.



dim. of
Libro ma-
Librícolo, s.m.
estro, a
Libro, s.m. a book. ledger, a,
ledger-book.--Libro di memoric
a pocket book.
Liccia, s. f. lists. Obs.

Lícci, s. m. the woof about
the beam, threads of the shut-
Lice, it is lawful or permitted,
v. Lecere and Lece. Non mi
lice sperar ciò, I can't hope
that, I am not so vain to hope
that,Si mi lice dirlo, if I may
say so.
Licénza, s. f. licence, leave,
permission. Pendte licenza, to
take one's leave.-Con vostra
Licenza, by your leave.-Licen-
za poetica, a poetical licence.
Licenza, licentious-


Licitamante, adv. lawfully,
rightly, justly.
Licitézza, s. f. right, justice.

Licito, adj. lawful, just.
Licore, s. m. liquor.
Lido, s. m. bank, shore.
Lictamente, adv. gladly, merri-
ly, joyfully.
Lietezza, v. Letizia.
Lietitúdine. s. f. v. Lietezza.
Liéto, adj. merry, cheerful,
glad, joyful.--Léto, open, sun-
ny, that lies in the sun.
Lieva, s. f. moment, weight,
consequence.Un affare di
lieva, an affair of consequence.
-Un uomo di lieva, a topping
man.-Lieva, a lever to lift
or bear with.

soft file.-Egli è una lima sorda, ho is a cunning blade or sharper-Lima, muddy ground.For lima lima, to jeer, to banter, to laugh at.-Far lima li ma, to fret inwardly. Limáccio, s. m. mud, mire. Limaccióso, adj. muddy, miry.

Limáre, to file.--Limáre, to
consume, to waste, to destroy,
to spend or devour.-Limúre, to
polish, to finish.--Limarsi il cer-
vello intorno a che che si sia, to
put one's brains upon the
rack about a thing.
Limatúra, s. f. file-dust, filings.
Limatura d'oro, gold-dust.-
Limatura, filing.Viver di lina-
tura, to live upon one's wits.
Limbéllo, s. m. shavings or

Lieve, Lieva, have a care, make
way, stand out of the way. shreds of leather.
Liéve, adj. light, not ponder-Limbiccáre, to distil.
ous, of small weight.-Lieve, Limbícco, s. m. a limbeck.
adj. light, nimble, swift.-Li- Limbo, s. m. limbo.
eve, easy, facil.-Lieve, incon-
siderable, of little conse-
quence.-Lieve, of a mean low
birth or education.- -Lieve,
poor, sorry, pitiful.-Liece sta
lo, poor condition or circum-ingly.
stances.--Lieve, adv. lightly.
Lieve, quickly, nimbly, speedi-
ly, suddenly-Lieve, easily,
with ease.
Lieveménte, adv. swiftly, nim-
bly, quickly, easily.-Lieve-
mente, softly, dexterously.
Lievemente, kindly, humane-

Limitáre, to limit or set bounds;
to stint or confine.-Linutáre,
s. m. the threshold of a door.
Limitataménte, adv. with limi-
tation, within compass, spar-

Lievezza, s. f. lightness, levity,
fickleness. Obs.
Lievitáre, to ferment, to lea-


Lievitáto, adj. fermented, lea-

Liévito, s. m. leaven.Liévito,
adj. fermented, leavened.
Liévre, s. m. a hare. Obs.
Ligiare, to smooth, to make
smooth and soft.-Ligidre, to
caress, to sooth, to wheedle,
to fawn upon.-Ligiare un ca-
vallo, to stroke a horse.
Ligistráre, v. Registrare.

Licenziamento, sam. a dismiss-
ing or disbanding.
Licenziáre, to dismiss, to send
away-Licenziar la soldatesca,
to disband soldiers.
Licenziarsi, to take one's leave,
to bid farewell.
Licenziato, adj. dismissed, dis-Lugio, adj. subject to, under
banded. Un licenziato, a li- the power of, under an awe,
servile.Non deve l'intelletto
Licenziosamente, adv. licenti- e›ser ligio del senso, reason must
not be governed by passion.
Licenzi, adj. licentious, Lignaggio, s. m. race, lineage,
loose, dissolute, disorderly. extraction.
Lici, adv. there. abs-Poco al
lungati t'eracam di lict, we were
not gone a great way fon
then e.

Lígneo, adj. wooden, of wood.
Ligustro, s. m, privet, prime
print, shrub.

Lima, s. f. file,-Lima sorda, a

Limitatívo, adj. that limits, or

Limitáto, adj. bounded, con-
fined, limited.
Limitazione, s. f. limitation, re-
striction, modification.
Límite, s. m. limits, bounds,
boundaries, borders.
Limo, s. m. mud, mire, dirt.
Limoncello, s. m. a small le-


Limóne, s. m. a lemon.
Limonéa, s. m. lemonade.
Limósina, s. f. alms, charity.-
Fare limosine, to give alms.
Limosináre, to beg, to ask
alms,Limosinare, to give
alms, to bestow a charity.
Limosináta, s. f. Obs. v. Limó-

Limosináto, adj. begged, obs
tained as alms.
Limosiniére, s. m. alms-giver,
a charitable man-Limosini-
ere, almoner.
Limosiniera, en alms-giver, a
charitable woman.
Limosinúccia, dim. of Limosi-


Limosità, s. f. muddiness, mud,
mire, dirt.
Limóso, adj. muddy, miry,
Limpidézza, s. f. pureness
clearness, brightness.

Limpidità, s. f. v. Limpidez


Limpido, adj. limpid, clear, bright, transparent.Acqua limpida, clear water. Lince, s. m. a lynx. Linceo, adj. of the lynx.-Aver orchi lince, to have lynx eyes, to be keen-sighted, to spy or look through.

Linci, adv. from thence. Lindézza, s. f. neatness, cleanness, spruceness.

Lindo, adj. neat, spruce, fine, snug.

gence or advice.—Aver lin-Liquáre, to manifest, to degua, to have intelligence.- clare; to publish, to reveal. Lingua, tongue, language, Liquefáre, to melt, to liquefy, speech.La lingua Italiana, to dissolve. the Italian tongue.-Lingua, nation.-Lingua, the tongue of a balance.-Lingua di terra, a cape, a narrow piece of land running into the sea. Linguabuóna, s. f. bugloss. Linguáccia, s. f. a bad tongue, a slanderer, a slanderous tongue.

Linguacciúto,adj.long tongued blab, full of wind.-Un linguacciuto, a prattler, or chat


Linguaggio, s. m. tongue, language.

Linguárdo, s. m. a backbiter, a slanderer, a prattler or chat

Lindúra, s. f. neatness, spruceness, finery. Línea, s. f. a line.-Linea, stock, family, lineage, issue, race, line.Linea equinoziale, the equinoctial line.Linea mascolina, a male line. -Linea di communicazione, a Lingua serpentína, s. f. the line of communication.-Te- herb adder's tongue. ner la linea ritta, to deal ho-Linguáto, s. m. a prattler or nestly. chatterer. Obs.


Linealmente, adv. in a direct Lingueggiáre, to chatter, to

line. Lineaménto, s. m. feature. Lineare, adj. linear, belonging to a line.


lineament, Linguélla, dim. of Lingua. Linguétta, Linguetta, a strainer.

Linguettáre, to lisp, to stamLineáto, adj. delineated. mer, to stutter-Linguettare, Lineazióne, s. f. lineament, to strain, to rack any liquor. feature, delineation. Linguóso, adj. long-tongued, Lineétta, s. f. a small line. prattling, chattering. Linfa, s. f. water. Poet. Lino, s. m. line or flax.-Lino, Linfático, adj. full of water. linen cloth.-Lino, adj. flaxen. Lingería, v. Bianchería. -Panno lino, linen cloth. Lingua, s. f. the tongue.-La Linséme, s. m. lint-seed. lingua non ha ossa, e osso fa rom-Lintíggine, v. Lentiggine. pere, the tongue has no bones, Lintigginóso, adj. v. Lentiggiand breaks bones.-La lingua noso.

Lioncello, s. m. a little or young


Liquefársi, to liquefy, to grow or become liquid, to melt. Liquefátto, adj. liquefied, melted, dissolved. Liquefazione, s. f. a liquefying, melting or dissolving.

Liquidaménte, adv. in a liquid manner.-Liquidamente, easily, with ease.-Liquidaménte, plainly, clearly, manifestly, apparently.

Liquidáre, to liquefy, to dis solve, to melt.-Liquidare, to clear, to settle.-Liquidare un conto, to settle an account. Liquidazióne, s. f. liquidity.-Liquidazione, liquidation, settling of accounts. Liquidézza, v. Liquidità. Liquidíre, to grow or become liquid.

Liquidità, s. f. liquidity. Liquido, s. m. a liquid.-Liquido, adj. liquid, fluid.-Le liquide, the liquid letters, which are L, M, N, R-Lin quido, clear, settled-Conto liquido, a clear account, hat is settled.

Liquirizia,. liquorish. Liquore, s. m. iquor, drink, Liquorétto, s. m, a diminutive of Liquore.

Liquorizia, the same as Liqui


Lira, s. m. a livre.-Lira sterlina, a pound sterling, twenty shillings.Spender la sua lira per venti soldi, to have one's due.-Avere più di venticinque soldi per lira, to have more than what comes to one for his share. Andare a lira e soldo, to come in for equal share for one's debt, in case one should break.--Lira, lyre, harp, a musical instrument. Liréssa, s. f. a bad lyre or harp. Lírico, adj. lyric. taw-Lisca, s. f. the coarse lisks or herds of flax or hemp.-Lisca, a fish bone.—Lisca, a trifle, a trifling thing, a whiffling, silly thing. waterishiscezza, s. f. smoothness. blear-Liscia, s. f. a sledge.

Lionessa, s. f. a she-lion.

dá dove il dente duole, to scratch Liocórno, s. m. an unicorn. where it itches.-Mula lingua, Liofánte, s. m. an elephant. an ill tongue, a slandering Liofantéssa, a she elephant. man, a slanderer,-Avere in su Lionáto, adj. tawny, dun-cola punta della lingua, to have a loured. thing at one's tongue's end. -Una lingua che taglia e fora o fende, a satyrical tongue, a Lioncíno, s. m. a little lion. slandering man.-Malu lin- Lióne, s. m. a lion. gua, a viper's tongue, an ill tongue, a malicious, veno- Lionfánte, v. Liofante. mous, slanderous tongue.Mettere la lingua in molle, to be very talkative, to have a glib tongue-gli na messo la lingua in molle, his tongue runs upon wheels. Non morir la lingua in bocca, to make use of the tongue. Avere in cervello nelin lingua, to talk well and do ill. Pighiar lingua, to en-Lippo, adj. blear-eyed.-Lippo, squint-eyed, that looks askew; also pur-blind.

quire, to get intelligence. Dar lingua, to give intelli

Lioníno, adj. of or belonging to a lion.Color lionino, ny colour.

Lippidóso, adj. blear-eyed, that has dropping, waterish eyes. Obs. Lippitúdine, s. f. a running of the eyes, eyedness. Obs.

Lisciamento, s. m. smoothing,. polishing, paint, sleeking.-Lisciamento, flattery, fawning, adulation.

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