صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Lisciardiéra, s. f. a woman | Litigatrice, s. f. a scold, a quar

that paints. Lisciarderáccia, augmentative

of Lisciardiera. Lisciare, to smooth, to sleek, to polish, to make smooth, to stroke smoothly, to claw gently and softly.-Lisciáre, to blandish, to cog with, to soothe, to flatter-Lisciare la coda ad uno, to flatter, to wheedle, to cajole, to coax, to court or fawn-Lisciare la coda al diavolo, to lose one's labour.--Lisciare, to paint.

relsome, brawling woman. Litiggine, s. f. a pimple or Litígine, freckle, a little

red spot in the face. Litiginoso, adj. lentiginous, full of freckles. Litígio, s. m. strife, debate, dispute, controversy, quar


Litigióso, adj. litigious, that delights to go to law, quar: relsome, contentious, wrangling.

Litterále, adj. according to the


Lito, s. m. a shore, the seaLisciatrice, s. f. she that polish-side, the bank or coast. Poet. es, spicoths or paints. Litorale, adj. belonging to Lisciatúra, smoothing, polish- Littorale, the shore. ing, sleeking, painting, paint. Liscio, s. m. paint, such as women use-Liscio, adj. smooth, polished, sleek. liscíva, v Ranno. Lisimacchia, s.f.water-willow, a plant so called. Lisirvite, s. m. a cordial. Lista, s. f. list, a band or fillet, stripe.-Lista, a row, a file or rank.-In una lista, in a row.

Litteralmente, adv. literally,
according to the letter.
Litterato, adj. literate, learned,
skilled in letters.
Litteratúra, S. f. literature,
knowledge in letters, learn-


24, envy, rancour, a conceal ed grudge, spite, or spleen. Livido, adj. livid, pale, wan, black and blue, disfigured.— Livido, envious, spiteful, pining away with envy. Lívido, s. m. lividity, the Lividóre, 5 black and blue spots.- -Lividóre, rancour, grudge, spite. Livóre, s. m. lividity, paleness, black and blue spots.—Livóre, grudge, spite, envy, malice. Livorosamente, adv. enviously, malignantly.

Livréa, s. f. livery, a suit of clothes of different colours and trimming for a servant.

Livrea, house, palace, quarters. Obs.-Avvenne, che giugnendo in 'Vignone, i montarono a un albergo che era presso alla boréa di questo cardinale, it happened, that in arriving at Avignon, they alighted at an inn near the palace of that cardinal.-Facevano nella loro città alloro scudieri rapire giovani donne a loro mariti manifestamente, e senza vergogna le teneano palesi nelle loro licree, they sent their shield-bearers into the city to carry away publicly young women from their husbands, and shamefully kept them in their quarters before all the world. Liutéssa, s. f. a bad lute. Liuto, s. m. a lute.-Liuto, a pinnace, a little boat. Lizza, s. f. lists, hedge, rampart-Entrare in lizza, to enter the lists. Lobo, s. m. lobe, one of the several divisions of the liver or lungs. Locale, adj. local, belonging to a place.

Localmente, adv. locally. Locánda, s. f. lodgings ready furnished, hotel, inn. Locandiére, s. m. one that lets lodgings ready furnished, innkeeper.

Locáre, to place, to settle, to
lay up in some place, to let.
Loco, s. m. place.-Loco, time,

Locusta, s. f. locust, an insect.
-Locusta, lobster or sea

S. f. locution, or manner of speech, a way of speaking. Loda, s. f. praise, commendation.—Dir loda di qualcheduno, - Livides |

Lista, list, roll, catalogue.
Listáre, to stripe, to lace with
gold or silver.
Listáto, adj. striped, laced.
Listra, v. Lista.

Littorano, s. m. an inhabitant
of the sea shore.-Di quella
valle fi io littorano, I was an
inhabitant of that valley.
Littóre, s. m. lictor, one of
the officers who carried axes
and bundles of rods before
the magistrates of ancient

Liturgia, s. f. liturgy, public
service, a form of public

Litáme, s. m. dung, dirt.
Litáre, to sacrifice, to offer up Rome.
in sacrifice, to appease.
Litargía, s. f. lethargy.
Litérgico, adj. lethargic, sub-
ject to a lethargy.
Litargirio, s. m. litharge, the
scum of lead, silver or

Lite, s. f. strife, variance, con-
tention, litigiousness.-Lite, a
suit, a plea, a process in law.
-Intentare una tie ad uno, to
enter an action against one,
to sue him at law.-Muover
lite ad uno, to go to law with
one-Muover lite alla sanit,
to go to law with one's
health, to take physic when
Litigaménto, s. m. litigation.
Litigante, adj. a litigious man
or woman.Litigante, s. m.
a pleader.
Litigare, to litigate, to contend,
to wrangle or quarrel, ta
plead, to strive, to sue by the!


Litigato, adj. litigated, contended.

Litigatére, a pleader, a litigious wrangler.

Livella, s. f. a line, level or
plummet of a mason or car-

Livelláre, to level, to make
level, plain and even.
Livellário, s. m. a tenant of
church-land, a copy-holder.
Livelláto, adj. levelled.
Livello, s. m. tribute-money, a
certain rate or allowance of
corn and victuals, a custom-
ary tribute or impost for
tonnage and poundage.-Li-
vello, a plain or level, a car-
penter's instrument.
Liverare, to wear, to waste,
to consume. Obs.Liveráre,
to deliver, to give, or give,
out. Obs.-Liverare a morte,
to put to death--Liverare, to
deliver or free, to set free or
at liberty, to release. Obs.
Lividélia, s. f. a kind of blue

Lividézza, s. f. lividity, the
black and blue prints of
stripes and bruises.-Lividez-

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Lodatrice, she that praiseth. Lode, s. f. praise, commenda


Logoratóre, a
Logorízia, s. f. liquorice.
Lógoro, adj. worn out or off.
Abito logoro, ragged clothes.
Logoro, s. m. a lure, a hawk's

spendthrift, Lontáno, adj. distant, a great way off, remote.-Lontáno, different, divers, various. Il mio pensiero è lontano dal postro, my opinion is differ ent from yours, we differ in our opinions Lontáno, adv. far, far off, a great way off, at a distance. Tu ne sei più lontano, che non è Gennajo dalle more, you are are grossly mistaken.-Lonta a great way off from it, you no da qui, far from hence.-Da lontano, at a distance. Lonza, s. f. a panther. Lontra, s. f. an otter. Lonzo, adj. enervated, weak, flabby.

Logúccio, dim. of Luogo.
Lója, s. f. dirt, dirtiness.
Lóica, s. f. logic.
Loicále, adj. logical.
Loicalmente, adv. logically,
with logical arguments.
Loicáre, to dispute, to argue,
to subtilize, to use subtilties.
Lóico, s. m. logician, one who
is skilled in logic.
Lolla, s. f. the husk of corn,

Lolligine, s. f. a kind of fish.
Lombarda, s. f. a kind of


Loppa, s. f. the husk of corn, Loppóso, adj. husked, husky. chaff. of talk, prating. Loquace, adj. loquacious, full Loquacità, s. f. loquacity, talka


course, language.-La tua lo Loquéla, s. f. speech, talk, disquela ti fa manifesto di quella nobil patria natio, your speech shows you to be a native of that fine country. Lordaménte, adj. nastily, filthily.

Lodévole, adj. laudable, com-
mendable, worthy of praise.
Lodevolmente, adv. laudably,

Lodo, s. m. praise, commenda-
tion. Obs.-Lodo, opinion,
sentence, advice, mind. Obs.
Lódola, s. f. a lark.
Lodolétta, s. f. a young lark.
Lodrétto, s.m.powdered meats,
salads or sauces kept in

Logane, s. m. the strait gut.

m. a small

Loggétta, s. f. a little lodge, a little habitation. Lóggia, s. f. lodge, an open gallery, a high terrace-Léggia, lodging, apartment.-Tenere a loggia, to keep at a bay, to disappoint one. Loghicciuolo, s. place. Lógica, s. f. logic. Logicale, adj. logical. Lógico, s. m. logician, one who is skilled in logic. Lóglio, s. m. tare, darnel, cockle-weed. Loglioso, adj. full of tare or cockle-weed. Logorare, to wear out, to use, to waste, to consume.-Si dispose di gittarsi alla strada e voler logorar dell'altrui, he resolved to go upon the highway and rob the people.-L'uomo ti vuol amare mentre ti può logoTate, a man will love you as long as he can sponge you Logorare la sua vita in qualche mestiere, to spend one's life in some trade. Logorársi, to wear out or off. Logoráto, adj. worn out or

Lombáre, adj. of or belonging

to the loins.

Lúmbo, s. m. the loin, haunch,
or flank.

Lombricáto, adj. mixed with


Lombrichétto, s. m. dim. of
an earth-
Lombrico, s.
worm.-Lombrico, worms,


Lombricóne, s.m.a large earth

worm or maw-worm.

Lombricúzzo, diminutive of

Lomía, s. f. a sweet lemon.
Longanimità, s. f. sufferance,
forbearance, great patience.
Longévo, adj. long-lived, of
long life.

Longinquita,longinquity great
distance of time and place.
Longinquo, adj. far off, dis-
tant, remote, a great way off,
long, of long continuance.
Longitudinále, adj. longitudi-
nal, laid length-way.
Longitúdine, s. f. longitude,
the length of any thing that
is measurable.-Longitudine di
vita, long life.
Lontanamente, adv. far, far off,
far from, a great way off, at
a distance.
Lontananza, s. f.
great way, remoteness.-La
lontananza ogna gran piaga sana,
seldom seen soon forgotten.
Lontanáre, to remove or put
away, to send away, to send
a great way off.
Lontanétto, dim. of Lontano.
Lontanézza, s. f. distance, re-



Lordàre, to foul, to soil, to dirty.

Lordézza, s. f. nastiness, filthiness, dirt.

Lordo, adj. nasty, filthy, dirty,
Lordízia, s. f. v. Lordura.
foul.Lordo, nasty, filthy,
obscene, impure, smutty.-
Vitta lorda, debauched, vitious
life. Parole lorde, nasty, lewd

Lordúra, s. f. nastiness, fil-
Lordúme, s. m. (thiness, dirt.
Loro, personal pron. them,
Lorica, s. f. a cuirass.
those. Dissi loro, I told them.

Loro, possessive pronoun,
and indeclinable, their.-Il
loro libro, their book.-La lorg
casa, their house.Il loro,
their estate, their wealth,
what they have.
Loro, has sometimes, even by
the plural nominative case;
good writers, been used in
but that is always wrong;
the right word is Essi,
blind.-Ingegno losco, a blunt,
Losco, adj. dim-sighted, pur-
dull wit or understanding-
Losco, one-eyed, that has but

one eye.

Lotáre, to plaister or besmear
with mud or dirt.
Loto, s. m. mud, dirt, mire,
Lotolénte, adj. muddy, dirty,

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to publish.-Lute, an optic
Lucénte, adj. shining, bright,
glittering. Lucénte, famous,
renowned, celebrated.
Lucentemente, adv. shiningly,
in a shining manner.
Lucentézza, s. f. splendour,
brightness, light.
Lúcere, to shine, to glare, to
be bright.
Lucérna, s. f. a lamp.-Lucérna,
splendour, light, brightness.
-Lucérna, eye.-E pur di ri-
salir sul ponte tenta, benchè egli
avesse una lucerna spenta, and
still he endeavoured to climb
again upon the bridge, al-
though he had lost an eye.-
-La lucerne del mondo, the

a lamp, the wick of a candle. -Lucignolo, a distaff-full. Luciménto, s. m. υ. Lucidezza. Lucóre, s. m. splendour, light, brightness, clearness. Obs. Lucráre, to get lucre, to gain, to profit.

Lotta, s. f. wrestling.
Lottáre, to wrestle.
Lottatóre, s. m. a wrestler.
Lottatrice, fem. of Lottatore.
Lotteggiáre, v. Lottáre.
Lotto, s. f. a lottery.-Lotto,
s. m. lot or chance in a lot-
Lózio, s. m. urine. A medical

foolish word.
Lubricáre, to lubricate, to
make slippery or loose in
the body.
Lubricativo, adj. lubricous,
loosening, opening.
Lubrichezza, s. f. lubricity,


Lucernáta, s. f. a lamp-full, as
much oil as a lamp contains

at once.

Lucerniére, s. m. a candlestick
to set a lamp upon.-Servir
per lucerniere, to serve for a
screen in an affair.
Lucérta, s. f. Į
a lizard, a newt.
Lucertolóne,s.m. a great lizard

Lubricità, s. f. looseness, lu-
Lábrico, s. m. a slippery place.
-Lúbrico, adj. lubricous,
slippery.Lubrico, lubricous,
vain, deceitful, uncertain, fal-
facio, Lubrico, given, in-
clined or addicted to evil
things.-Lubrico, loose in the
Lucertóne, s. m. augmenta-
Lucchesino, s. m. a kind of tive of Lucerta.
scarlet cloth.

Lucchetto, s. m. a latch of a
door, a padlock.
Lúccia, s. f. a plant so call-

Lucciánte, s. m. an eye.
Luccicánte, adj. shining.
Luccicáre, to shine, to be

Lúccio, s. m. a pike, a fish
so called.
Lúcciola, s. f. a glow fly.

Mostrar lucciole per lanterne, to
make one believe that the
moon is made of green cheese.

Far veder lucciole ad uno, to give one a hard blow, to make him see the stars at


Luccioláto, s. m. a kind of glow-worm, but it doth not fly.

or newt.

Luchéra, s. f. countenance,
look, or mien.
Lucheráre, to look asquint
with anger or indignation.

Lucheríno, s. m. a goldfinch,
Lucidamente, adv. in a clear
or shining manner.
Lucidáre, to clear, to make out
or plain,to explain, to unfold,
to resolve.

Lucid (to, adj.illustrated, clear-
ed, explained, resolved.
Lucidézza, s. f. light, splen-
Lucidità, dour,bright-

ness, clearness.
Lúcido, adj. bright, light, clear,
lightsome, glittering, shining,
lucid. Lucido intervallo, lucid
interval.- Lácido, in good

state of health.
Lucifero, s. m. the day star,
the morning star, Lucifer, the
planet Venus, when it rises
before the sun. -Lucifero,
Lucifer, the chief of the de-

Lucco, s. m. a gown worn for-
merly by men.
Luce, s. f. light, brightness.
Luce, day-Le luci del cielo,
the stars.Luce, the eye-ball,
the eye-Luce, light, under-
standing, insight, hint.Met-
tere in luce una cosa, to clear, Lucignoletto, s. m. a small
to make plain, to unfold or wick or match.
resolve a thing.Dure in luce,

Lucignoláto, adj. twisted like
a wick.

Lucignolo, s. m. the match of

Lucrativo, adj. lucrative, full
of gain or profit.
Lucro, s. m. lucre, gain,
Lucrosaménte, adv. profitably,
Lucróso, adj. lucrative, profit-
able, advantageous.
Luculento, adj. shining, light,
glittering. Obs.
Lúdere, to play, to sport, to
frisk, to dance, to make pas-
time. Obs.
Ludíbrio, s. m. scornful treat-
ment. Servir di ludibrio, to
be a laughing-stock to one.
Ludificáre, to mock, to jeer, to
laugh at. Obs.
Ludificazióne, s. f. ludification,

Ludo, s. m. play, sport, pas
time. Poetical or Obs.
Lue, s. f. lues, a pestilence or
plague, a murrain in cattle.
Lue Gallica, lues venerea, the
French pox.
Luffo, s. in. a bundle.
Luffomástro, s. m. seneschal,

Lugliático, adj. that grows in

Lúglio, s. m. the month of
July-Vendere il sol di Luglio,
to sell out for a rarity a thing
which is very common.
Lúgliolo, v. Lugliatico.
Lugúbre, adj. lugubrious,
mournful, sorrowful, dole-
ful.-Abito lugubre, mourning
clothes, weeds.
Lui, wren, a little bird so call-


-Terrebbe a un lui, he would do any thing to save à farthing.-Li, oblique case of the personal pronoun Fgh. Di Lui, a Lui, of him, to him. Some use it in the nominative case; but that is wrong and quite vulgar, though they may back their practice by a few exam les out of good writers. Lulla, s. f. the side boards of the bottom of a cask. Not

in use.

farmáca, s. f. a snail-Sca Lumáccia, Obs. 5 la a lumaca, a winding stair-case.

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luna non cura, a man of sense
does not mind what a fool
can say.-Più si sta monna
luna, you are out, you are

Lunaménto, s. m. the course
of the moon, lunation.
Lunáre, s. m. the lunar course.
-Lunare, adj. lunar-Corpo
lunare, the planet of the


Lunário, s. m. a calendar of

the moon.

Lungi, adv. far, at a great distance, a great way offLungi, near, by, along-Lun gi la riva, near or along the shore.

Lungo, adj. Jong-Lungo sarebbe il raccontarci il tutto, it would take too long a time to tell you all.-Brodo lungo, thin broth, broth without salt.-Lungo, s. m. length, long. Not in use in this sense,-Una strada che ha mezzo miglio lungo, a street half a mile long-Lungo, prep. by. Lunáta, s. f. a bent like that of near, along-La mia camera e the half-moon. lungo la viu, my chamber is Lunático, adj. lunatic.-Luná- near the street. Lungo il tico, fantastical, whimsical. mare, by the sea-shore. Lunático, one who under-Lungúra, s. f longitude,length. stands the course of the Obs.

Lunarista, s. f. almanack-mak



Lume, s. m. light, brightness.
Lume, light, knowledge, no-
tice, hint.Ilumi del cielo, the
stars.-Al lume della luna, at
the moonshine.Lume, an
eminent, illustrious, renown-
ed, famous man. Luine, eye.
-Lume, light, candle, or
lamp.-Portate un lume, bring
a light or candle.-Fatemi
lume, light me.-Dar ne' lumi,
to fall in a great passion.
Pagare il lume ei dadi, to make
an end of an affair, to be
choused, to be taken in
Tenere il lume, to be concerned
in an affair, to have a finger
in the pie.
Lumeggiáre, to illuminate, to
lay colours on maps or prints.
Lumettino, s. m. diminutive of
Lumétto, s. m.
small light.
Lumiéra, s. f. flambeau, taper,
light or link-Lumiéra, splen-
dour, brightness, clearness,
light. Lumiera, a branch to
hang candles in, as in church-ger, to be lingering, to hold
es, a lustre.


Lunáto, adj. made like an
half-moon, crooked, horned,
or peaked like the moon.
Lunazióne, s. f. lunation, the
space of time between one
new moon and another.
Lunedì, s. m. Monday.
Lunetta, s. f. a little moon,

Lunga, s. f. a girth or thong of
leather. Alla lunga, at the
long run, in time.-Dar la
lunga, to draw out in length,
to put off, to prolong, to de-
lay-Andare in lunga, to lin-

a little

Lunicórno, v. Liocórno.
Luoghiccuólo, s. m.
place, a little village.
Luógo, s. m. place, room.-
Luogo, habitation, dwelling
offspring, extraction.-Luogo,
place, room, stead, lieu.-
In luogo di figliuola, la ricevette,
he received her for his daugh
ter.-Far luogo, instead.-Far
luogo, dar luogo, to make room,
to give place.-Fa luogo, da
luogo, have a care. Aver
luogo, to take, to succeed, to
answer. La richiesta non ha
avuto luogo, he did not succeed
in his demand.—Non ho luogo
di creder altrimente, there is no
room for me to believe other
wise. Non trocar luogo, to
have neither shelter nor har-
bour.-Luogo, a village, a
small town.-Luogo, preced
ence, precedency. Cedere
il luogo, to give the prefer-

Luminára, s. f. v. Luminária.
Lumináre, s. m. luminary,
lamp or candle for burning
on the altar of the church.

out long.-Mandare in lunga,
to procrastinate, to put off
from day to day.-Dalla lun-
ga, from afar off, at a great
distance-Andar per la lunga,
to go by the longest way,
to go about and about.
illumina-Lungágnola, s. f. a kind of net
to set round a park or forest
to take wild beasts.
Lungamente, adv. long, long
time, a great while.
Lungáre, Obs. to get at a di-
stance from.

Luminária, s. f. luminary,
Luminazióne, s. f.
tion, inspiration.
Luminéllo, s. m. the socket of
a lamp.
Luminiéra, s. f. light, flambeau,
link, torch.
Luminosità. s. f. light, splen-
dour, brightness, clearness.
Luminoso, adj. luminous, shin-
ing, bright, full of light.
Luna, s. f. the moon.-Luna,¦
a month.Mostrar la luna æel]
pazzo, to make one believe
that the moon is made of
green cheese.-Luna piena, the
full moon.Luna scema, the
wane of the moon. Luna se-
conda, the second quarter of

the moon Lung, silence, the
still of the moon, the monent
that the moon changes-La


Luogotenente, s. m. lieutenant.
· Luogotenente generale, lieu-
d'una compagnia, lieutenant
of a company of soldiers.
Luogotenenza, s. f. lieutenan-
cy, the office or post of the

Lunge, adv. far, at a distance,
a great way off.
Lungheria, s. f. delay, length
of time, tediousness, prolixi-
Lupa, s. f. a she-wolf.
Lunghésso, adv. near, by, Luppacchino, s. m. a young
along. Not grammatical,|_wolf.
though used by Boccaccio in Lupanare, s. m. a brothel,
stead of the adverb Lungo. a bawdy-house.
Lunghetto, adj. pretty strong. Lupatello,
Lunghezza, s. f. length Lan-Lupattino, dim. of Lupo.

ghezza, length, pro. xity. Lupatto,
Lunghiéra, s. f. a lo, tedious Lupicino,

Lupigno, adj. of the nature,

quality, or colour of a wolf. Lupinájo, s. m. he that sells the pickled lupines. Lupino, s. m. lupifies, a sort of pulse: Lupo. m. a wolf.-Quello che

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Lussuria, sensuality, volup- MA, (a conjunction) but.→→


Lussuriante, adj. luxurious, sumptuous, rank, superfluous. Lussubiáre, to play the lecher or wanton, to exceed in sensuality, voluptuousness or luxury.

ha ad esser de lupi, non sarà mai e tani, who is born to be hanged will never be drowned. Chi ha il lupo per compare, porti il can to to'l mantello, he that deals with rogues must take care of his pockets.-E ñon si grila mai al lupo, che eLussuriosamente, adv. lecherhon sia in paese, there is no ously, wantonly, lasciviously, Bre without smoke, 'tis true lustfully. what every man says, talk of the devil and he'll appear.A carne ili iupo zanne di cane, set a thief to catch a thief. Tenere il lupo per gli orecchi, to hold a wolf by the ears.Chi si fà pecora il lupo lo mangia, daub yourself with honey, and you will never want flies.

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Lupo cerviére, a lynx. Lúpolo, s. m. hops. Lürco, s. m. a greedy-gut, a Lurcóne, devourer, a gully-gut. Lusco, adj. dim-sighted, purblind; also blind of one eye, a blinkard. Lusinga, s. f. flattery, Lusingaménto, s. m. S blan@ishment, allurement, coaxing: Lusingante, adj. flattering, alluring, decoying. Lusingáre, to flatter, to decoy, tajole, coax, or wheedle, to fawn upon. Lesingato, adj. flattered, detoyed, cajoled. Lusingatóre, flatterer, fawner, a fawning man. Lusingatrice, s. f. femin. of Lusingatore. Lusingheria, s. f. fiattery, adulation.


Lussurióso, adj. wanton, lustful. Lustra, s. f. den, cave, lurking


Lustrále, adj. that which is done every fifth year. Lustrante, adj. bright, shining, glittering.

Lustráre, to illustrate, to illuminate, to lighten, to give light.-Lustrare, to polish, to brighten, to make clear or bright, to burnish. Lustre, s. f. pl. devices, tricks, shifts, evasion, excuses, pretences, subterfuges, shams, quibbling. Lustrino, s. m. lute-string, a kind of silk cloth so called. Lutrino, red brass. Lustro, s. m. lustre, splendour, brightness.-Lustro, lustrum, the space of five years.Lustro, adj. shining, glittering, bright.

Lusinghévole, adj. flattering,
fawning, coaxing.
Lusinghevolmente, adv. flat-
Lusinghiere, adj. flattering,
Lusinghiero, fawning.
-Speranze lusinghiere, flatter-
ing hopes.-Un businghiere, a
flatterer, a fawner, a flatter-
ing man.
Lusso, s. m. luxury, su-
perfluity, extravagance, pro-
Lussureggiante, adj. luxuriant,
rank, waliton.

Lustróre, s. m. lustre, bright-
ness, splendour, light.
Lutáre, to besmear or plaister
with dirt.-Lutáto, adj. be-
smeared or plaistered with


Lutatúra, s. f. dirtiness, the
act of plaistering with dirt.
Luto, v. Loto.

Lutta, s. f. wrestling.
Luttáre, to wrestle-Lutture,
to mourn, to lament, to be-

Lutto, s. m. mourning, weep-
ing, bewailing, sorrow, la-

Luttóso, adj. luctuous, sorrowful, mournful, full of sorrow. Not much in use. Luttuosaménte, adv. sorrowfully, mournfully, lamentably.

Luttuoso, adj. luctuous, lamentable, sorrowful, pitiful, sad, mournful, doleful.

Ma, nay.

Macca, s. f. plenty, abundance,



Maccatélla, s. f. ball of mincemeat. Maccatella, fault, defect, flaw, vice, imperfection. -Scoprir le maccatelle, to discover one's faults. Maccatellería, f. deceit, fraud, advantage taken of another's ignorance in order to cheat him. Obs. Macchería, calmness,quietness, stillness. Maccheronéa, s. f. Macaronicks, a burlesque composition in Latin verses in which Italian words are introduced with Latin terminations. Maccheroni, s. m. pl. a kind of paste meat so called.-U maccherone, a logger-head, a booby, a blockhead. Maccherónico, ex.-Versi maccherónici, macaronic verses, a sort of burlesque verses. Lalino maccherónico, bad or burlesque Latin. Macchia, s. f. spot, stain.--Macchia, a place full of bushes and brambles.-Fare una cosa alla macchia, to do a thing in secret.--Cavárne la macchia, to get out what one can of a thing.-Batter monele alla macchia, to coin false money.Macchia nell' occhio, a blemish in the eye.-Macchia, a blur, blot, stain, blemish, note of infamy, imputation.- -Macchia, sin, transgression. 1 Macchiare, to stain or to spot, to dirty, to blur or to blemish.-Macchiato, adj. stained, spotted. Macchierella, dim.of Macchia. Macchiétta, s. f. a little spot. Macchina, s. f. machine, frame, engine, device.-Mucchina, a noble building or structure-Macchina, machination, plot, secret practice, combination. Macchinamento, s. m. machination, device, plot, plotting or contriving. Macchinare, to machinate, to contrive, to plot, to hatch, to devise-Macchinato, adj. secretly contrived.

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