صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

mand, to order, to injoin.
Mandar comandando, to com-
mand, to bid.-Mandar di-
céndo, o Mandar a dire, to send
word.-Mandar significándo, to
advise, to let know.-Mandar
fuori, to pour out.-Mandar
fuori delle lagrine, to shed
some tears.-Mandar attorno,
to send about.-Mandar ad
effétto, to effectuate, to bring
to pass.-Mandar bando, to
publish, to proclaim.-Man-
dare a male, to spoil, to waste,
to consume.-Mandar consi

Mancare, to fail, to neglect.
Mancare al suo dovere, to ne-
glect one's duty.-Mancáre,
to lose one's hope, to despair.
-Mancare il colpo, to miss
one's aim, to be disappointed.
Mancare, to wane, said of
themoon.-Mancáre,to abate.
-Il caldo comincia a mancare,
the heat begins to abate.
Mancatóre, s. m. he that fails
to do his duty.-Mancator di
fede, an unfaithful man.-
Mancator di parola, one who
breaks his word or promise.
Mancatrice, fem. of Manca-glio, to advise, to counsel, to
give advice.-Mandare ad ese-
cuzióne, to put in execution,
to execute.-Mandar giuso, to
ruin, to destroy, to pull
down, to demolish.-Mandar
oltre, to send farther, to pull
back.-Mandar via, to send
away.-Mandur per uno, to
send for one.
Mandáta, s. f. a sending.
Mandatário, s. m. a commis-


Mandritto, v. Mandiritto.
Mándrola, v. Mandorla. Obs.
Manducare, to eat.
Mane, s. f. morning.-Da mane
a sera, from morning till
Maneggevole, adj. tractable,
Maneggiabile, manage-
able, easy.
Maneggiaménto, s. m. manage-
ment, negotiation.
Maneggiare, to handle, to feel,
to touch. Maneggiare, to
handle, to treat a subject.-
Maneggiare un cavallo, to teach
or exercise a horse.
Maneggiatóre, a manager, he
that manages.
Maneggiatrice, femin. of Ma-


Manceppáre, to emancipate,
to set at liberty.
Manceppáto, adj. emancipat-

Manceppazióne, s. f. emanci-
pation, the act of setting at
liberty, or the state of being
set at liberty.
Manchévole, adj. imperfect,
defective, faulty.
Manchézza, s. f. defect, fail-
ing, want.

Mandato, s. m. a commission-
er.-Mandáto, a mandate, an
order, a mittimus, a warrant.

-Mandato, adj. sent.
Mandatóre, a commander, he
that commands, or orders.
Mandatore, a sender, he that
sends unto or for.
Mandiritto, s. m. a blow, a
stroke given from the right
to the left.

Máncia, s. f. drinking money.
Manciáta, v. Manata.
Mancíno, adj. left-handed.-
Mancino, s. m. a left-handed
man-Lato mancino, the left
side. Mancino manritto, am-
bidexter, one who uses both
his hands alike.
Mancípio, s. m. servant, slave.
Mánco, s. m. want, lack.-Per
manco di monéta, for want of
money-Senza manco, with-
out fail.-Aver manco, to have
no leave, right or permission.
-Non posso farne di manco, I
cannot part with it.-Credete
non possa star manco di voi? do
'you believe that I cannot do tree.
without you?--Ne manco, Mandorláto, adj. made chiefly
neither. Manco, adj. want- of almonds.

Mándola, s. f. almond.-Man-
dól, a cittern, a sort of musi-
cal instrument.
Mandino, s. m. a small mu-
sical instrument so called.
Mándorla, s. f. almond.
Mándorlo, s. m. an almond-

ing, imperfect, defective, Mandorlíno, v. Mandolino.
faulty-Manco, unhappy, un- Mándra, s. f. a flock, an herd,
fortunate.-Manca cornice, a a sheepfold.
bad omen.-Manco, left, not
right. A man manca, on the
left side-Manco, adv. less.

Mandrácchia, s. f. a whore, a
wench, a strumpet, a doxy.
Mandracchióla, s. f. a poor


Il mio disegno mi è venuto manco,
I missed my aim, I have been Mandrágola, s. f. mandrake, a
disappointed-Venire, o ve-
plant having a quality of
nirsi manco, to faint, or swoon causing sleep.
away, to fall into a swoon.
Mandragolato, s. m. any li-
Mandaménto, s. m. an order, a quor wherein mandrake has
mandate, a mittimus, a war-
rant, a commission.

Mandáre, to send.-Mandar
una lettera, to send a letter.-
Mandare, to bid, to com-

been put or infused.
Mándria, v. Mandra.
Mandriále, s. f. o Mandriáno,
a shepherd, a herdsman, a

Maneggio, s. m. a riding house.
-Manéggio, management, af-
fair, business.
Manélla, s. f. a sheaf.
Manére, to slay, to remain.
Manescamente, adv. with one's

Manésco, adj. hasty, passion-
ate, angry.Manesco, handy,
fit for the hands.
Manétte, s. f. pl. manacles,
hand-fetters, or cuffs.
Manfaníle, s. m. the handle of
a flail.

Manganáre, Manganeggiare,
to throw or cast stones with
a cross-bow.-Manganare, to
press or calendar cloth or
Manganella, s. f. a little cross-
bow-Manganella, a crane.-
Manganella, a seat or bench.
Mangano, s. m. a cross-bow.
-Mangano, calendar, an en-
gine to calendar cloth or

Manganóne, s. m. a large cross


Mangeréccio, adj. fit for food. Mangiaferro, s. m. a ruffian, a bravo, a cut-throat. Mangiaménto, s. m. a feast, a banquet.

Mangiapáne, s. m. an idle rascal, good for nothing but to


Mangiapélo, s. m. a moth. Mangiare, to eat, to feed.Mangiare, to consume, to waste.-Mangiare, s. m. any eatable.--Appresso mangiare, after dinner.-Mangiare, a feast, a dinner, a supper. Mangiáta, s. f. as much as a man can eat at once, a belly


Mangiato, adj. eaten.

Mangiatója, s. f. a manger, a crib. Mangiatore, an eater.

Mangiatrice, a woman that eats much.

Manna, s. f. manna-Manna, any exquisite good thing to eat.-Manna, a sheaf of straw,

cer, a handicrafts man, Manifattura, s. f., manufacture.-Manifattura, business, affairs-Manifattura, trouble, or other such thing. labour.-Manifattura, fashion, Mannája, s. f. an axe, a hatworkmanship.

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Mannatése, s. m. a kind of cutting weapon.

Mannerino, s. m. an ewe-

Mano, s. f. hand.
Mano dritta, the right hand.

Manifestamente, adv. mani- Mannajétta, dimin, of Manfestly, clearly, plainly. naja. Manifestamento, s. m. manifestation. Manifestante, adj. manifesting, publishing, revealing. Manifestáre, to manifest, to declare, to reveal, to publish, to shew or make manifest. Manifestato, adj. manifested, declared, published, revealed. Manifestatore, adj. Manifestatríce, he or she that manifests or reveals. Manifestazióne, s. f. manifestation, a making manifest. Manifesto, adj. manifest, public, plain, open, apparent, evident.--Manifesto, s. m. manifesto, a public declaration of a prince or state, an edict, or decree. Maníglia, s. f. Maníglio, s. m. bracelet or jewel worn on the

Mangióne, a great eater, a devourer, a greedy-gut. Manía, s. f. madness, fury, rage. Maníaco, adj. maniac, mad, furious, lunatic. Maniáto, adj. the very same. Obs. Mánica, s. f. a sleeve. Questo è un altro pajo di maniche, it is quite another thing. Manicáccia, s. f. a large and illmade sleeve. Manicaménto, s, m. an eating. -Manicamento, a biting, or gnawing. Manicáre, to eat. in use. Manicarétto, s. m. a ragoo, a dainty dish of meat. Manicatóre, eater. Obs. Manichetto, s. m. a small handle. Manichino, s. m. a small handle.-Manichino, a ruffle.-Manigóldo, s. m. executioner, Manichino, a muff. Mánico, s. m. handle.-Manico di coltello, the haft of a knife. -Manico di scure, the helve of an axe or hatchet.-Manico di strumento di musica, the neck of a musical instrument. -Uscir del manico, to be extravagant.

Not much

Manicona, s. f. a large sleeve.
Manicóne, s. m. the same as


arm or wrist.

hangman. Manigoldóne, s. m. a rogue, a desperate rogue. Manimórcia, s. f. careless or sluttish woman, a driggledraggle slut. Obs. Manína, s. f. a little pretty hand.

Manincónia, s. f. v. Malinconia.

Maninconichetto, dimin. of Maninconio. Manicotto, s. m. a muff. Manincónico, o Maninconóso, Manicóttolo, s. m. a hanging v. Malincónico. sleeve. Maníno, s. m. v. Manina. Maniéra, s. f. manner, fashion, Manipoláre, adj. a simple solwise, way, rate.-Maniera, dier, a cowardly soldier. Obs. manner, kind, sort.-Maniera, -Manipoláre, to work with way, behaviour, carriage, one's hands, to manipulate. manner. Maniera, nature, Manipoláto, adj. made with instinct.-Maniera, fashion, the hands.

way, custom.-Alla maniera Manipolatore, he that does a d'Italia, after the Italian thing with his hands. way.-Per maniera di dire, as Manipolatrice, femin. of Mait were, as one should say.-nipolatore. Di maniera che, so that. Manipolazióne, s. f. making, Maniere o Maniéro, s. m. a composition, manipulation. noble country seat, a manor. Manipolo, s. m. maniple, a Obs.-Maniero, adj. tame, ma- handful of any thing.-Manageable.-Falcone maniero, a nípolo, a maniple worn by hawk so called. priests when celebrating. Manieróso, adj. civil, manner-Maniscalco, a farrier, a smith. Maniténgolo, s. m. a hold


Manifattóre, workman, artifi- fast. Obs.

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-Mano, hand-writing.-Portare uno in palma di mano, to love one tenderly.-Mano, help, assistance.-Porger la mano ad alcuno, to favour one, to support or countenance him.-Allargar la mano, to be generous and free.-Dare con ampia mano, to bestow plentifully.-Dar di mano, to take up.-Dar di mano ad un ba tone, to take up a stick-Cader per mano, to happen, to come to pass.-Se mi cade per mano, if it comes in my way.-Dar delle mani ad uno, to push one. -Dar nelle mani, to fall into one's hands, to meet by chance. Andar di mano 272 mano, to go from one hand to another. Avere una cosa a mano, to have a thing ready. -Venire alle mani, to engage, to join battle, to come to blows.Menar le mani, to beat, to bang, to fight.-Menar per mano, to lead by the hand.-Far una cosa a mano, to do a thing designedly, on *purpose.--Metter mano alla spada, to draw, to draw the sword.-Metter mano, to abuse one, to give one ill words.Metter mano ad un discorso, to begin a discourse.-Metter mano ad una botte, to tap a cask, to pierce it.-Metter tra le mani, to lay in one's hands.

-Metter mano ad una cosa, to begin a thing-Tener mino, to be an accomplice, to give a helping hand, to favour.Tener mente alle mani d'uno, to mind, to have a watchful eye over one. Mano, power, authority.-La mia vita è nelle vostre mani, my life is in your hands, or power-Dar nelle mani, to deliver into the hands or power.-Rimettere in mano, to give an absolute authority. -Alano, side, hand.-4 man

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Manticétto, dimin. of Mántice, Manticóra, s. f. mantiger, a kind of monkey or baboon.


Mantíno, s. m, dim. of Manto. Manto, s. m. a cloak, or upper mantle- -Manto, a cable, a great rope of a ship.-Manto, adj. many, several. Obs. Mantrugiare, to feel about with the hands, to grope. Obs.

Manuále, adj. manual, done with the hand.--Manuále, manual, that works with the hands.Manuále, manual, belonging to the hands. Manualmente, adv. manually. Manubrio, s. m. handle, hilt or haft of any thing. Obs. Manucáre, to eat. Manuccia, s. f. dim. of Mano. Manuscristo, s. m. a sort of sweetmeat.

Manuscritto, s. m. a manuscript.—Manuscritto, adj. wrît by hand.

Manuzza, s. f. dim. of Mano. Manza, s. f. a sweetheart, a mistress.


s. m. an ox.-Carne di manzo, beef. Mappamondo, s. m. a general map, a description of the whole world.

Marachella, s. f. a spy, a rogue paid to play the spy, Marachella, fraud, deceit.Far la marachella, to play the spy. Maráme, s. m. the worse of any thing-Maráme, trick, snare, deceit, fraud.-Maráme, large quantity of any thing.


Marangóne, a carpenter.--Marangone, a kind of seafowl.


Marásmo, s. m. marasmus, a fever, in which the body wastes away by degrees. Maraviglia, s. f. Maravigliamento, s. m. Š_der, marvel, amazement.-A meraviglia, adv. wonderfully, admirably, prodigiously.-Maraviglia, balm, a plant so

destra, on the right hand.—| Manovále, s. m. a journeyman | Mántice, s. m. bellows. Mano, quality, condition.--


Uomo di bassa mano, a man of Manovélla, s. f. a lever.

a mean birth, or condition.-
Mano, a handful.-Una man
di soldati, a handful of sol-
diers, a certain number of
soldiers.-Con potente mano,
with a powerful army.-Dar
ultima mano ad una cosa, to
put the last hand to a thing,
to finish it.-Di bunga mano,
of an old or a long standing.
-Lecar mano, to leave off, to
cease, to discontinue.-Fuor|
di mano, out of the way,
apart. Ve la farò toccar con
mano, I will convince you of
it-Ugner le mani, to grease
one's fist, to bribe him. Ca-
vallo di mano, a led horse.
Dar la mano ad un cavallo, to
give a horse the bridle.
Sotto mano, underhand, pri-
vately.-Lacarsene le mani, to
wash one's hands of a thing,
to be not concerned with it.
-Vincerla di mano, to be be-
forehand.-Uscir di mano, to
escape, to run away.-las-
ciarsi uscir di mano, to slip or
miss an opportunity, to let an
occasion slip.-Io ne mettere
le mani nel fuoco, I would take
my oath on't.-nan giunte,
with both my hands.-Aver
buema mano all una cosa, to be
handy or dexterous at a
thing-Esser alla mano, to be
pliable or tractable.
Manomessa,s. f. emancipation,
Manomésso, adj. tapped, ma-
numitted, wasted, destroyed.
Manométtere, to cut, to make
the first cut. Manomettere una
botte di vino, to tap a cask of
wine.-Manomettere, to waste,
to consume, to destroy.
Manométiere, to manumit, to
make a bondian free.
Manópola, s. f. a gauntlet, an
iron glove, which was part
of the ancient armour.-Ma-
népola, that part of the sleeve
which covers the arm from
the elbow to the fist.
Manoscritto, s. m. a manu-

Manrítta, v. Marritta.

Manrovéscio, s. m. a box on Mantile, s. m. a towel, a table

the ear.

Mansáre, to tame.
Mansionário, s. in, a priest, a


Mansióne, s. f. baiting, stop.
ping to bait, abode.
Manso, adj. tame, mild, meek,
humble, affable.
Mansuefáre, to tame, to hum-
ble, to render mild or meek.
Mansuefatto, adj. tamed, hum-


Mansué cere, to become tame
or mild.
Mansuetaménte, adv. mildly,

Mansueto, adj. meek, mild,

Mansuetudine, s. f. mildness,

Mantacáre, to blow with the
great bellows in a forge.
Mantachétto, s. m. small bel-

Mántaco, s. m. bellows.
Mantacuzzo,dim. of Mántaco.
Mantéca, s. f. pomatum.
Mantelláre, to cloak, to cover
with a cloak.
Mantellétta, s. f. a purple man-
tle, which the bishops used to
wear, a rochet.
Mantellétto, s. m.
Mantellina, s. f.
Manteliino, s. m. a

dim. of
mantle or

Mantéllo, s. m. a cloak.
Mantello, cloak, pretence, co-
lour, blind.--Softó mantello,
under colour or pretence.-
Ricoprirsi con mantel d'altri, to
excuse one's self by laying
the fault upon another.-
Mantello, coat or colour of a
Mantelluccio, s. m. dim. of Marásca, s. f. a kind of sour

Mantenénte, adv. presently,
immediately, just now.
Mantenente, adj. durable, that
lasts long.
Mantenere, to keep, to pre-
serve, to maintain.-Mante-
nere, to govern, to steer.-
Mantenere, to defend, to sup-
port, to stand by, to protect.
Manteniménto, s. m. mainte
nance, preservation.
Mantenitore, he or she that
Manováldo, s. m. a tutor, a Mantenitrice, maintains.


Manéso, adj. soft, yielding,
Manovaldería, s. f. adminis-
tration, tuition.

protector of women.

Mantenuto, adj. maintained.



Maravigliabile, v. Maraviglié-
Maravigliarsi, to wonder, to

be amazed.

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Maraviglioso, adj. wondrous,
marvellous, admirable.
Marca, s. f. country, frontier-
country-Marc mark, a
kind of money. Marca, a
token, a sign, a badge.
Marcare, to mark, or set a
mark upon.-Marcare,to bor-
der upon.
Marcassita, a. f. marcasite, a
kind of mineral stone.
Marcáto, adj. marked, border-
éd upon.
Marchésa, o Marchesána, a

Marchesáto, s. m. marquisate,
dignity or jurisdiction of a

Marchése, marquis. Marchiána, s. f. black-heart cherry.

Mareggiare, to rise in waves, to
swell with waves or billows,
to float or hull upon the sea,
to go by sea.
Mareggiarsi, to be sea-sick.
Mareggiata, s. f sea-flood.-
Mareggiata, sea sickness.
Mareggio, s. m. the swelling

of the waves.
Marémma, s. f. a country by
the sea-shore, overflown from
time to time.
Maremmano, adj. bordering
on the sea, maritime.-Lugo
maremmano, maritime place.
Maresciallo, s. m. a marshal.
Maresco, adj. of or belonging
to the sea, marine.
Marése, s. m. a pond, a
ish or fenny place.
Marezzáto, adj. undulating
like the sea waves.
Marézzo, s. m. a changeable


Mariniére, a seaman or sailor.
Maríno, a sailor, a mariner or
seaman.-. Marino, adj. of or
belonging to the sea.-Pesce
marino, a sea fish-lerra ma-
rina, a sea town.-Vento mari
no, sea-wind.
Mariolare, to cheat, to bubble.
Marioleria, s. f. cheat, cozen-
age, deceit.

Mariólo, s. m. a rogue, a sad

Mariscalco, s. m. marshal. Maritáccio, s. m. a bad husband, a wicked husband, a huge or clumsy husband. Maritaggio, s. m. marriage, match, matrimony. moor-Maritále, adj. marital, matrimonial, belonging to a husband, marriageable.Debito maritale, the duty of a husband, matrimonial duty.— Età maritále, a marriageable age.

Margarita, s. f. a pearl.-
Margherita, Gittar le mor-
gherite a porci, to cast pearls
before swine, to be lavish of
precious things to low people
and ideots.
Margheritína, s. f. a daisy.
Margigrána, s. f. a kind of
grape so called.
Márgine, s. f. a scar, a mark
of any cut, hurt healed up.
-Márgine d'un libro, margin
or margent of a book.-
Margine, s. m. edge, brim, or
Marginétta, s. m. dim. of Mar-
Margićllo, adj. Obs. v. Mar-

Marchiáre, to mark, to set a
mark upon.
Márchio, s. m. mark, print.
Márcia, s. f. pus, corruption
or thick matter, which issues
out of a wound or sore.
Marciáre, to march.
Marcigióne, s. f. putrefaction,
Márcido, and Márcio, adj.
rotten, putrefied.--Márcio,
vile, abject, of a mean condi-
tion.-Popol marcio, the mobi-
lity, the mob. Marcio, s. m.
the lurch at any game.-
Campar il marcio, to be out of
danger of losing the game
double.—A tuo mrcio dispetto, Margo, s. m. margine. Poet
in spite of your teeth-Marigello, . a little narrow
marcia forza, if you will or

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Maritaménto, s. m. marriage,
Maritáre, to marry, to give a
husband to a female.
Maritársi, to get married.
Maritáto, adj. married.
Marito, s. m. husband, spouse.
Marítoto, s. m. thy husband.

Marittimo, adj. maritime,
near or bordering on the


Mariuóla, s. f. a kind of herb. Mariuolería, s. f. cheat, cozenage.


Marcióso, adj. full of matter
or corruption.
Marcire, to be rotten.
Marcito, adj. rotten.
Marciúme, s. m. pus, corrup-
tion, matter.-Murciúme, co...
wardice, meanness of spirit.
Márco, s. m. a mark of gold
or silver.-Marco, a mark,
sign, or token.
Marcorella, s. f. mercury, a
sort of herb.
Mare, s. m. sea.-Lodi il mare,
e tienti alla terra, praise the
sea, and keep on land.-Mar
grosso, rough sea.
Maréa, s. f. tide, flux and re-
flux.-Piena mured, spring




Marigiána, a kind of wild!
Marína, s. f. the sea-coast, or
strand.-Marina marine, adv.
along the sea-shore.
Marinijo, a seaman, a mariner,
a sailor.

Marinare, to pickle - Marináre
del pene, to salt or pickle fish.
- Marnare, to vex, to fret.
Marinarescaménte, adv. after
the manner of sailors.
Marinaresco, adv. of or be-
longing to the sea.-Arte ma-
rinaresca, the sea-trade.
Marinaro, s. m. a mariner, a
seaman, or sailor.
Marineria, s. f. a seaman or
sailor's trade.
Marinésco, adj. v. Marinaresco.

Marinólo, s. m. a cheat, a

Marmáglia, s. f. mob, rabble,
rascally people.
Marmeggia, s. f. a worm that
eats flesh, a maggot.
Marmo, s. m. marble.
Marmócchio, a bɔy.
Marmorato, s. m. plaister of
marble, mortar of lime and
marble beaten together.
Marmorato, adj. cased or co-
vered with marble.

Marmorco, o Marmoríno, adj.
white, smooth, or hard as

Marmorito, s. m. marble. Obs.
Marmotta, s. f. martactte, a
mountalu rat-Vaso di mar-
múlta, a monkey-face.
Maro, s. m. an herb like mar-
joram, but of a stronger


Marebbio, v. Marrobbio.
Maróso, s. m. wave, billow.---
Marbso, anguish, trouble, vex
I i



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ation, unquietness, perturba- Martinello o Martinétro, s. m.! a horse's back. tion of mind.-- Jluróso, a a game of a cross-bow.--- Mascaizone, s. m. soldier. Obs. stagnating water, a marsh. Martinétto, a crane, or such - Mascalzóne, a rogue, a rufDlarra, s. f. a mattock, a pick- engine to raise and mount fan. ax.

ordnance, or other heavy Mascélla, s. f. jaw-bone.-MasMarrajućlo, s. m. pioneer, a things.

allu, check delver.

Martingála, s. f. a kind of old- Masceilare, s. m. cheek-tooth, Marráno, adj. infidel, mis- fashioned breeches.

grinder. creant.

Martiráre, to martyr, to tor- Mascellóne, s. m. a great jawMarreggiáre, to harrow, to

bone-Masccllone, a slap on break the clods in a ploughed Mártire, a martyr.--- Martire, the face. field, that the ground may torment, pain, vexation, Maschera, s. f. mask, vizard. lay even, and the grain be trouble.

--Cevársi la maschera, to speak covered.

Martírio, s. m. martyrdom, one's mind freely.- Mandar in Marrétto, s. m. dim. of Marra. pains, torments, sufferings. múschera, to steal a thing:Marrimento, s. m. afliction, Martirizzamento, s. m. mar- Ella ha la maschera, she is vexation, trouble, anguish. tyrdom.

painted. Marritta, s. f. the right hand. Martirizzare, to martyr, to Mascherajo,he that sells masks. Marróbbio, s. m. horehound, make one suffer martyrdom. Mascherare, to mask, to put a. a sort of herb.

Martirizzáto, adj. martyred, mask on.- Va cheruire, to mask, Marrocchino, s. m. Morocco that has suffered martyrdom. to cloak, to cover or disleather.

Martiro, s. m. v. Martírio. guise. Marroncillo, s. a little Martirológio, m. martyro- Mascheráta, s. f. a mascarade, spade.

logy, a book treating of the or masquerade. Marróne, s. m. a spade, a sho- acts, names and sufferings of Mascherato, adj. masked, that vel, a mattock, a plough-! martyrs.

| has a mask on. share, an iron rake, or such Mártora, s. f. a martin or mar- Mascherítta, s. f.? dim. of like instrument.---Marróne,

Mascherina, S Maschera. the largest sort of chesnuts. Martórc, s. m. clown, boor, Mascherizzo, s. m. a

a livid mark -Far un marróne, to commit rustic, burkin.-Un muttore on the human body. a fault or mistake, to make a di villa, a country clown. Mascherone, s. a large blunder. Martorello, s. m. a young mar

head in sculpture or painting. Marronéto, s. m. a grove of ten.

---Maschereine, an ugly facc. chesnut-trees.

Martoriáre, to torment, to Maschiamente, adv. manly.. Marrovescio, s. m. a back torture, to rack.

Maschiczza, s. f. virility, the stroke with the hand. Martoriáto, adj. tormented, masculine gender. Varrúca, s. f. a kind of plum. tortured, racked.

Maschile, adj. manly, of a Marruffino, s. m. a master Martório, o Martóro, s. m. inan.--Voce maschile, a manly

torment, pain, rack, torture. strong voice.---Le maschili Martagóne, .. m. martigon, Marza, s. f. a grafi or graft, a punne, the lougest or biggest May towered lily.

young burgeon, or shoot. feathers. Martedi, s. mn. Tuesday.-Mar-Varzacotto, s. m. a kind of Maschileménte Maschil. tedi grasso, Shrove-Tuesday. ointment.

ménte, adv. of the masculine Marteliáre, to hammer, to beat Marzajuólo, adj. that grows gender, manlily, like a man. with a hammer llartelláre, in March.

Maschio, s. m. 'the male.--to beat, to strike, to vex or Marzapáne, s. m. march-pane. Maschio d'una fortezzı, a towto torment, to teaze, to plague. Marzo, s. m. the month of er, a dungeon in the midst of - Martelare, to beat or pant March.

a castle.-Maschio della site, a as a sore when it begins to be Marzócco, s. m. an engraved screw, or scrue.- Maschio d" ripe.

or painted lion.--Chrome a una ruota, the nave or stock Martellata, S. f. a blow, a marzoco), like a lion's mane. of a wheel.--Maschio, ad;. knock, or a thump with a -Si un martocro, thou art a male.--Figliuol maschio, a male hammer. fool, a stupid fellow.

child, a boy. Jaschio, noble, Mariellétto, s. dim. of Marzolino, adj. belonging to, generous, elevated, manly. Martélo.

or growing in the month of Maschi pensieri,noble thoughts. Martellina, s. f. dim. of Mar- March. Note Marzolini, Maschio, large, huge.tello.

March snow.-- - Varzolino, a Maschio raso, a large big nose. Martello, s. m. hammer. kind of cheese made about -Maschio, manly, stout, masa Bluetello, exceeding love and Florence.

culine, vigorous. jealousy-Sonure le campane Marzuolo, zdj. growing in the Mascolino o Masculino, adj. martellis, to ring the bells with | month of March, speaking of masculine, of the masculine a hammer, to alarm the corn or like grains.

gender. people.

Mascagno, adj. cunning, sly, Masnáda, s. f. a troop of sol. Mariidio, .. Martirio. Obs.

crafty, subtle, sharp.

diers.-- Jasnáda, a company, Martinaccio, 5. in. a very large Mascalcia, s. f. a farrier's art or a crowd of people, a band. shell, or snail.

skill.-- vascalcia, gailing on --Masnáda, family.


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