صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Hasnadiére, a soldier, a foot | Masticíno, adj. of or belong-Matre, s. f. mother. Obs. soldier. Masnadiére,a robber, ing to mastic.

Matricale, s. f. mother-wort, a highway-man, a ruffian. Mástico, v. Mástice.

or feverfew. Massa, s. f. mass, heap.-L. Maștiettáre, to secure with a Matríce, s. f. womb, matrir. massa del sangue, the mass of lock, or bar.

Matricída, matricide, a mur. blood -- Massa, machine.- Mastietto, s. m. a lock, a pad- derer of his or her mother. La massa del mondo, the whole lock.

Matricídio, s. m. matricide, world.

Mastino, s. m. a mastiff-dog. murder of a mother. Massaccia, s. f. a great heap. Mástio, s m. o. Maschio. Matricóla, s. f. a sum of money Massaja, s. f. a housewife, a Mástrice, v. Mastice.

that artificers pay at their good female æconomist. Másıra, mistress.

first setting up in any trade. Massajo, s. m. a steward, a Mástro, master.

- Matricola, matricular, a re. man housekeeper.Vassujo, Mastro, adj. principal, head. - gister book. a good husband.

Porta mestra, a chief gate. Matricolare, to matriculate, to Massara, v. Massaja.

Mastrusciére, s. m. porter, set down in a register, or maMassarétta, s. f. dimin. of door-keeper. Obs.

tricular book. Massara. Matássa, s. f. skein.

Matricolato, adj. matriculated, Massaro, o. Massajo.

Matassata, s. f. number of set down in the matricular Masseria, s. farm, a farm-house, skeins.

book. a place where the produce of Matassina, 5. f. a little skein. Matrigna, mother-in-law.--the country is kept.- Mas e- Matematica, s. f. mathematics. Far viso di matrigna, to look ria, copiousness of any com- Matematicamente, adv. mathe- roughly, to pout. modity. matically.

Matrignáre, o Matrigneggiare, Masserízia, houshold goods.- Matemático, a mathematician. to use roughly like a motherMasserizia, mass, heap, pro

-Matem'itico, a diviner, a in-law. vision.

conjurer.----- Matemático, adj. Matrimoniále, adj. matrimo. Masseriziáccia, s. f old hous- mathematical.

nial. hold goods.

Matéra, s. f. v. Materia. Obs. Matrimonialménte, adv. by Masserizioso, adj. thrifty, sav. Materássa, s. f. u. Materasso. way of matrimony. ing, æconomical.

Materassajo, a mattress-maker. Matrimónio, s. m. matrimony, Masseriziuola, s. f. dimin. of Materasso, s. m. mattress to wedlock, marriage. Masserizia. sleep upon.

Matrína, s. f. midwife. Massiccio, adj. massy, massive, Materassúccio, 6. mn. dimin. of Matróna, s. f. matron, a grave solid, strong Materásso.

motherly woman. Massima, s. f. maxim, rule, Matéria, s. f. matter, subject.- Matronálé, adj. matron-like, of principle.

Matéria, cause, occasion, rea- or belonging to a matron. Massimamente, Mássime,

Matróne, s. m. v. Madrone. adv. especially, particularly. Materiále, adj. material.-Ma- Matta, s. f. a mat made of Mássimo, adj. very great, great- teriále, coarse, dull, heavy.

Obs. Materiáli, s. m. plur. mate. Mattaccíno, s. m. a pantomi. Masso, s. m. a large stone stick- rials.

mical dancer.-Matlaccino, a ing fast to the ground. Materialità, s. f. the substance puppet. Mastacco, adj. stout, strong, of matter, materiality. Mattáccio, s, m. a great mad

well linbed. Not in use. Materialmente, adv. material- man, a silly droll fellow. Mastello, s. m. a bucket, a ly.---Materialménte, coarsely, Mattamente, adv, madly, foole pail.

heavily, lumpishly, thickly. ishly: Mástica, s. f. the gum mas- Materióso, adj. that gives Mattána, s. f. melancholy, ill

matter, cause or subject to humour. Masticacchiare, to chew slow do a thing. Obs.

Mattapáne, s. n. an aneient Maternále, adj. maternal, mo- coin in Venice. Masticáre, to chaw, or chew. therly.

Mattare, to mate, a word used - Masticar pater nostri, to play Maternamente, adv. with mo- at chess.

-Mattáre, to overthe hypocrite.- Nasticáre, to therly kindness, maternally. ponder, to consider, to deli- Maternità, s. f. maternity,mo- Matteggiare, to play the made berate, to examine. therhood.

man or fool. Masticatiecio, s. mn. meat chew. Matérno, adj. motherly, ma- Matterello, s. m. a roller, a ed. ternal.

round piece of wood to thin Masticáto, adj. chawed, or Materózzolo, s. m. a bit of dough with. Matteréllo,dim. chewed.

wood tied up to a bundle of of Matto. Masticatúra, f. chewed keys not to lose them, Matteria, s. f. madness, fool

Matita, s. f. hæmatites. ish tricks, folly. Masticazione, s. f. mastication, Macitatójo, s. m. a pencil with Matteróne, a mad fellow, a chewing.

an hæmatites on the top. madman. Mástice, s. f. mastic, the gum Matraccio, s. m. a retort, a Matterúllo, a simpleton, a silly of the lentisk tree. Wastice, vase of glass used by distil- fool. lip glue.

Maltezza o Matría, 6. f. mae








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ness, foolish tricks, folly. Mattina, s. f. morning. Mattináre, to say or sing matins or morning prayers.Mattinare, to be merry early in the morning, or to sing and fiddle under one's mistress's window at sun-rising. Mattinata, s. f. morning music, which a lover plays under his mistress's window in the morning carly, a serenade. Mattinata, a whole morning. Mattinatóre, he that sings or fiddles at sun-rising under the window of his lady, or he that goes to hear him. Mattino, s. m. morning. Mattila, s. f. v.

Maturézza, s. f. maturity, ripe-
ness.-Venire a maturezza, to
grow ripe, to come to a ma-

Mazzicáre, to bang, to heat,
to swaddle with a stick or
Mazzicatóre, he that works
with a hammer or beetle, a
beater of sand gold.
Mazzicatrice, fem. of Mazzi-


Maturità, s. f. maturity, ripe-
ness.--Maturità, maturity,
ripeness of years. Maturità,
wisdom, moderation.--Con
maturià, adv. maturely, with Mazziculáre, to tumble or wal-
deliberation and judgment. low up and down upon the
Maturo, adj. mature, ripe, ground, to fall or turn upside
perfect.-Apostema matura, a down. A low word.
ripe imposthume, that comes Mazzicúlo, s. m. a fall or tum-
to a head-Maturo, grown, ble. A low word.
--Età matura, advanced age. Mazziére, s. m. a mace-bearer,
Como maturo, a discreet, sober, a beadle.
or staid man.-Una giovane
matura, a ripe maid, a marri-
ageable maid-Consiglio matu-
To, mature judgment.-o




Matto, adj. mad, out of his matiro, wine good to drink.


Mattonáre, Ammattonare.
Mattonato, adj. paved or laid
with bricks mationato,
s. m. a pavenient, an open
street, or market-place.
Mattoncello, S. m. a small

Mavi, s. m. a sky-colour.
Mausolco, s. m. mausoleum, a
sepulchral edifice.

Mazza, s. f. a stick.-Mazze,
a club, a mace.---Menar
marza tenda, to spare nobody,
to treat every one alike.--
Menare al massa, to betray.
•Motter trop a duzsa, to speak
too much, to say more than
one ought to do.
Mazzacavallo, s. m. an engine
to draw up water out of a
Mazzacchera, s. f. a long pole
that fishers use to bob up and
down for eels.
Mazzafrústo, s. m. a kind of
staff to fight with.
Mazzamraróne, s. m. a dunce,
a booby, a blockhead.
Mazzarúrro, s. m. bits or
crums of biscuit.
Mazzapicchiare, to strike with
a mallet.

Mattóne, s. m. brick.
Mattúcio, adj. of the smaller
sort, and it is only said of
sparrows or other sinall birds
of which there are two kinds,
one larger than the other.
Mattutinale, adj. belonging to
the morning.-Preghiere mat-
tutinali, morning prayers.
Mattutino, s. m. morning.
Mattutino, matins, morning
prayers. Mattulino, adj. be-
longing to the morning.-
Stella mantina, a morning-
star.--La stella mollutina, Luci-
fer, the morning-star.
Maturaménte, adv. maturely,
seriously, deliberately, pru-
Maturaménto, s. m. matura-
tion, ripening.
Maturante, adj. ripening, that
Maturare, to ripen, to grow
ripe.-Muturare, to finish, to
accomplish, to perfect-a-pound.
turdre, to weakp, to debili-

tate, to enervate.
Maturativo, adj. that has a
ripening quality.
Maturato, adj. ripened, grown
ripe.—Mavizado, used, inured,
Maturatóre, adj. mas.
Maturatrice, ad, fem. § ripens.
Maturazione, s. f. maturation,


Mazzapícchio, s. m. a mallet.
Mazzáta, s. f. a blow with a
stick or club.
Mazzatéllo, v. Mazzetto.
Mazzeránga, s. f. a rammer, a
paviour's beetle.
Mazzerangáre, to beat with a
rammer or beetle, to bray, to

Mazzeráre, to cast one in the
sea bound up in a sack, with
a stone about his neck to
drown him. Obs.
Mazzero, s. m. a club, a


Mazzettino, s. m. dimin. of

Mazzito, s. m. a little bandle.

Mazzo, s. m. a bundle, a bunch. -Mazzo di carte, a pack of cards-Murso di dadi, a bale of dice.-Mazza di fori, a nosegay.-Mazzo di lettere, a packet of letters-Mas zo, a mallet.-Alzar i mazzi, to pack up, to run away. Mazzocchiája, s. f. a great bundie or bunch, the hair of a woman's head tied up in a bunch. Macchi ji, a woman that wears her hair tied in a bundle, a vulgar wo


Mazzecchio, s. m. a bundle,
bunch, tuft. ——Mazzcecuio,
crowd, multitude, band.---
Magricchio, s. m. the leaves of
radishes, and other herbs,
when they begin to seed.-
Mazzocchio, s. in. a kind of

Mazzocchiúto, adj. big, or
round-headed, knobby.
Mazzolino, s. m. a little bun-
dle or bunch.
Mazzuola, s. f. diin. of Maz-


Mazzuólo, s. m. a little bundle
or bunch.-Mazzudle, a sta-
tuary's hammer, a pick.
Me, I myself, per me, through
me.-Li me, of me; a me, to
me; da me, from me.-Me', an
abbreviation of Meglio, bet-
to pass or glide
Meáto, s. m. meatus, a passage
or way..

Meccanicamente, mechanical-

Meccánico, adj. mechanical, mechanic, mean, base.-irte mec enica, mechanic art. Méccere, s. m. master. A jocular word.

Un razcelta di fiori, a nose-Mccco, s. m. an adulterer a gay, flowers tied together, whore-master. Not used.

Mecioacan, s. m. a medicinal
Meco, with me.- -Con esso meco,
along with me.
Medaglia, s. f. a kind of mo-
ney. Obs.-Mediglia, medal.
Medagliata, s. f. as much as
one can buy with a piece of
money Obs.
Medaglietta, s. f. dim. of Me-

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Medicina, s. f. physic, medi- sea.
cine, the art of physic.-Dot-Méglio, adv. better.—— Ane
tor di medicinu, a doctor in dar di bene in meglio, to grow
physic, a physician.Medi- better and better.--/meglo del
cina, medicine, physic, a phy- mondo, the best in the world.-
sical remedy.
Aila meglio, as well as one can.
-Megho, more, better.--Meg-
lio di quattro, more than four.


Mecicinále, adj. medicinal, be longing to physic, physical. -Medicinále, fit to keep phy- Que to mi val meglio ch'un fiassic or medicines in.--Vaso co di vino, this is better for me Medaglióne, s. m. a medallion, medicináte, a vessel to keep than a bottle of wine.-Meglo, a large medal. medicines in. rather, better.-Amarei meglio, Medaglista, s. m. one curious Medicinalmente, adv. physi- I had rather.-Meglio, better, in old medals, a collector of cally, by way of physic.- best-Sto un poco pic ho, I am old coins, an antiquarian. Medicinalmente, like a sick bo- a little better.-Questo è il megMedesimaménte, adv. likewise, dy, soberly.-Vivere medicinal-lo, this is the best.-E' li vuol also, even. mente, to live soberly, like one il meglio del mondo, he loves Medesimézza, s. f. sameness. that is sick. you entirely. Medesimità, s. f. the same as Medicináre, to medicate, to Megliorare, v. Migliorare. Medesimezza. heal, to cure. Obs. Meglióre, v. Migliore. Medesimo, adj. same, self--Nel Médico, a physician, a doctor Mela, s. f. apple.-Mela, the medésimo modo, in the same of physic-Medico d'acqua cot- ball that ends a cupola. manner.-lo medesimo, myself. ta, a medicaster, a quack, or Melacchino, adj. very sweet, Seco medesimo, with or in him- peddling physician.--Médico, an epithet to white wine when self. Essi me lésimi, them- adj, medicinal, physical.-- Arte excessively sweet. selves. Medesimo, adv. like-medica, the medicinal art, the Melacitola, s. f. balm, balmwise, even, also. gentle. Mediáno, adj. middle, mean.


Mediánte, prepos. by means, through, or by one's help or


art of curing.

Medicóne, a famous physician.
A ludicrous word.

Mediconzolino, s. m. dim. of

Medicónzolo, o Medicúccio, a
sorry physician, a medicast-


Medietà, s. f. the moiety, or
half of a thing.
Médio, adj. half.

Mediatamente, adv. the oppo-
site of Immediatamente.
Mediáte, adv. the opposite of
the adverb Immediate.
Mediáto, adj. mediate, inter-
posed.—-- Viediato, commodi-Mediócre, adj. moderate, indif-
ous, fit, proper,—Luogo medi-
áto, a commodious place.
Mediatore, mediator, a mana-
ger between two parties, an

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neither too big nor too little,
neither good nor bad.
Mediocreménte, adv. indiffer-
ently, so so.

Mediocrità, s. f. mediocrity,
competence, moderation,


Melacotogna, s. the fruit of the quince-tree, a quince. Melagrána, o Melagranata, pomegranate.

Melagráno, s. m. pomegranate.


Melagráncia, s. f. the same as
Meiaráncia. Obs.
Melancolía, v. Malinconia.
Melángolo, s. m. orange.
Melansággine, s. f. the same as
Melensúggine. Obs.
Metaráncia, s. f. an orange.
Melaranciáta, s. f. a blow given
by flinging an orange.
Melarácio, s. m. an orange.

in-Melário, s. m. a bee-hive. Mcláta, s. f. the August dew, Meditamento, s. m. v. Medita-Meláto, adj. seasoned with ho ney, sweet as honey. Meditánte, adj. that medi-Mele, s. m. honey.-- Mele, s. f. pl. apple, the buttocks. Melenséggine, s. f. stupidity, absence of good sense. Melénso, adj. silly, foolish. Meléto, s. m. an orchard of apple-trecs.


Meditáre, to meditate, to think,
to muse, to reЛlect upon, to

Meditátivo, adj. given to me-

Meditáto, adj. meditated,
thought, amused, reflected


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Meliáca, s. f. a kind of apri


Meliáco, s. m. an apricot-tree.
Melichino, s. m. a kind of wine
made of honey.
Méliga, s. f. Turkey corn.
Meliloto, v. Mellilóto.
Meliasaggine, s. f. the same as
Melensaggine. Obs.

Medicazione, s. f. medicament,
Medichéssa, s. f. a female phy-


Medichévole, adj. susceptible

nean, in-land.--Il mare Medi-Melissa, s. 1. balm gentle.

Melláto, s. m. a kind of cloth.
Mellificáre, to produce honey.
Mellifluo, adj. mellifluous, mel-
lifluent, flowing with honey.
---Melifuo, mellifluous, elo-
quent, full of sweetness.
Mélliga, s. f. v. Méliga.
Melliléto, s. m. melilot, clover,
a kind of herb.
Mellonaggine, s. f. foolishness,
sottishness, dulness.
Mellonájo, s. m. a place sowed
with a particular kind of in-
sipid cucumbers.
Melloncello, s. m. a little cu-

Mellóne, s. m. a kind of large
cucumber, but more insipid
than the common cucumber.
-Melline, a blockhead, a boo-
by, a loggerhead.-ivere un
mellone in corso, to be the worst
or dullest of all.-Melline, is
also called a sort of bridle for

Melma, s. f. mud.
Melmoso, adj, muddy.
Melo, s. m. an apple-tree.
Melocotogno, s. m. a quince-
tree, a quince, the fruit of
the quince tree.
Melóde, s. f. Obs.
Melódico, adj. melodious, har-
monious, musical.



Memma, s. f. mud.
Memóra, s. f. v. Memória.

Memorabile, adj. memorable,
notable, famous.
Memorando, adj. deserving to
be remembered, famous, ce-

Memoráre, to remember, to
call to mind.
Memorativa, s. f. the faculty
of remembering, the power
of memory.
Memorativo, adj. memorative,
of or belonging to memory.
Memorato, adj. remembered,
mentioned, abovesaid, afore-

to bring to pass.Menare buo
na, to grant, or allow, also to
forgive.-Ve la meno buona per
questa volta, I forgive it you
for this time.-Menar a lungo,
to delay, to prolong, to dif-
fer.-Menar sm inie, to be mad
for love. Memar orgoglio, to
grow haughty, or proud.-
Menar le calcole, to lie with a
woman. Menar per il naso, to
lead by the nose.-Menar per
parole, to delay, to prolong,
to put off with fair words.
Menar la danza, to lead a dance.
Menar la danza, to lead the
dance, to govern, to rule.--
Menar le mani, to beat, to
strike. Menar il can per l'oja,
Memorévole, adj. memorable, to delay.-Menar ilmintice, to
notable, famous.
blow the bellows.--Menar mo-
Memória, s. f. memory.-Me- glie, to marry.-Menar la vita
mória, memory, remembrance. in na solitudine, to live a soli-
-Memória, memorandumi, tary life.--Menar a tondo, to
note. Memória, the crown spare nobody, or nothing, to
of the head.
use all alike.
Memoriále, s. m. memoran-Menáta, s. f. a handful, or
dum, note, memorial.-Men.o- grasp.

riale, memorial, petition. Menito, adj. conducted, led,
Memoriale, memory, remem- stirred.

Mémore, adj. mindful, remem-
bering.-Mémore, de' benefici ri-
cevuti, grateful for received
benefits or favours.

Melodiosamente, adv. melodi-Memorióna, s. f. a great me

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Menatojo, s. m. an instrument
to lead with.
Menatóre, s. m. a leader, a
conductor, a guide.-Mena-
tére, a leader, a manager, a

Menatrice, s. f. she that leads
or conducts.

Melogranáto, s. m. pomegra-siness, task, employment.--Menatúra, s. f. joint.-Menotú


Melúggine, s. m. wild-apple.
Melúme, s. m. mildew, fall-
ing on the vines.
Melúzza, Melúzzola, s. f.a small
Membrána, s. f. membrane,
the outward parts of the bo-
dy, skin.
Membranóso, adj. that par-
takes of the membrane.
Membranúzza, s. f. a small
Membránza, s. f. remem-
brance. Obs.
Membráre, to remember, to
call to mind. Obs.
Membrétto, Membricciuolo, s.
m. dimin. of Membro.
Múnbro, s. m. Imb, member.

Mena, condition, state, man-
ner, nature, quality, kind.-
Mi disse, or va e vedi la lor mena,
he told me, go and see their

Menagione, s. f. motion, stir-
ring.--Managine, looseness of
the body.

ra, a leading or conducting. Méncio, adj. not compact, flam, flabby, that has no consistency, nor hardness; said of round things, as leather balls, bladders, breasts of women, and other like things.

Menda, s, f. amendment, cor-
rection, penalty, forfeit.-
Menda, fault, blemish, defect,
vice, imperfection.
Mendace, adj. lying, false,
lyar.-Parole mendaci, lycs.
Mendaceménte, adv. deceit-

Menamento, s. m. a leading or carrying. Menamento di vita, behaviour, way of living. Menamento, agitation, toss, motion, joiting, tumbling. Menáre, to lead, to guide, to conduct, to bring-Menur sero, to bring along with one. Menáre a morte, to kill-Me-Mendício, s. m. a lye. Obs. náre, to loosen, to make loose. Mendáre, to amend, to make Menire un pugno, o altro colpo, amends. to box, to beat, or strike. Mendicággine, s. f. mendicity, Mendre, to move, to stir, to beggary. jog, or was, to shake-Me-Mendicagióne, s. f. the same more, to produce, to bear, to as Mendicità. vield, to bring torth-Me- Mendicante, adj. mendicant, mare, to plot, to contrive, to begging.--Un mendicante, s. brew.-Meur a copo, to bring m. a beggar. Meinbrúto, adj. strong or well- to an end-Mendr ad ejjetto, Mendicanza, s. f. mendicity

Membro, a member, one of the political body. Atembrolino, s. m. din. of


Membrône, s. m. a large thick member or limb.

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Menim áre, D.
Menipossénte, adj. less pow-Mentástro, s. m. wild mint.


Menno, gelt, unmanned.Menno, wanting, defective, vain, void, deprived-Menno, beardless, without beard, looking like an eunuch. Meno, less. Il meno, the least. Di meno, adv. at least.-Non posso far di meno, I can't forbear-Non si può far di meno, one can't do otherwise.--A meno, unless.-Esser di meno, to be inferior.-Ciò è di meno di me, that is beneath me.Venir meno, to break, to come to want, to grow poor.➖➖➖➖➖➖ Venir meno, to faint away.Meno, adv. less Nulla meno,

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far from it. Menomaménto, s. m. lessening, diminution. Menománte, adj. that dimi


Menománza, s. f. lessening, diminution.Menomanza, want, necessity, lack, poverty.-Aver menonanza, to want, to be in want.-Menomúnza, depression, humbling, disho

Mente, s. f. mind, understand-
ing, judgment. For mente, o
metter mente, to mind, to ap-
ply one's mind, to consider,
to reflect upon, to take notice
of.-Metter la mente di suor del
tondo, to go astray, to think
strange things.--Ma io ti sol-
verò tosto la mente, but I will
presently clear your doubt.

Mente, GOD.-Mente, will,
love, affection.--Mente, me-
mory.-Imparare a mente, to
learn by heart.--Non Pho a
mente, I don't remember it
Uscir di mente, to forget.-
Tener a mente, to remember.

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-Mente, conscience.
Mentecattággine, s. f. mad-
ness, folly, want of sense.
Mentecattévole, adj. mad,be-

one's self-In mentecatto, a
fool, a madman.
Mentiéro, a lyar. Obs.
Mentire, to lye, to speak un-
true.--Mentire della promessa,
to break one's word. Men-
tire le sue parole, to disguise
one's words.
Mentita, s. f. lye.Dare un
mentita ad uno, to give one the

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Menzogneramente, adv. in a lying manner, lyar-like. Menzognéro, adj. lying, false, treacherous, deceitful.--Un menzognéro, a lyar, a lying

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Mercantévole, adj. ? mercanMercantile, Stile, merchant-like.

Mercantóne, a great merchant.
Mercantúzzo, a poor sorry

Mercanzia, s. f. commodity,
goods, ware, merchandise.
Mercanziuóla, s. f. poor com-
modity, or goods.
Mercare, to merchandise, to
deal as a merchant, to traffick
or trade.


Menomáre, to diminish, to
lessen, to take off-L'ira me-
noma i giorni, passion shortens
Menomáto, adj. lessened, di-


Ménomo, adj. less, lesser, least.
Menomúcció, adj. dimin. of

Menovále, adj. insignificant,

Mentito, adj. lyed.-Mentito, Mercatábile, adj. merchant
false, dissembling, treacher-able, that is fit to be sold.
ous, deceitful.-Mentite paro- Mercatantáre, to merchandise,
lette, false, deceitful words. to trade, to trafick, to deal.
Mentitóre, a lyar.
Mercatante, s. m. merchant,
Mentitrice, fein. of Mentitore. tradesman. Mercatunte all' in-
Mento, s. m. chin.
grosso, wholesale merchant.---
Fare crecie di mercutante, to
pretend as if one could not
hear, not to mind what one

poor, mean.
Mentésto, adv. not so soon,
Menovare, to diminish, to not so quickly.
Mentováre, to mention, to
Menovile, adj. low, base, speak of, to name.—Montrá-
to, adj. mentioned.



Mercatantésco, adj. belonging

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