صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Meretricáre,to play the whore, Mercato, s. m. market, or to follow the trade of a market-place.--Mercato, a bargain.- -Mercato, rate, Meretrice, s. f. a whore, a price.-A buon mercato, cheap. strumpet. Mercato, provisions.-Mer- Meretriciaménte, adv. whorcáto, adj. merchandized, trad-ingly, after the manner of a ed, dealed.

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Mérito, s. m. desert, merit.
Merito, reward, recompence.
-Mérito, interest, profit.
Merito, fruit.-Venire a méri
to, to bear fruit.
Meritório, adj. meritorious,


wenching, harlotry.

Mere tricio, adj. meretricious, whorish, belonging to a whore. Mérgere, to dive, to duck, to drench, to plunge under


Meritóso, v. Meritevole. Obs. Meritrice, s. f. Obs. the same as Meretrice.

Merla, fem. of Merlo.
Mergo, s. m. a diver, a didap-Merláre, to make or build bat-
per, an arsefoot, a plungcon. tiements in a wall for a forti-
-Mergo di mare, puilin, a sea- fication.

Mercatúra, s. f. the art of Meretrício, s. m. whoring,
Mérce, s. f. commodity, goods,
merchandize. -Mercè, re-
compence, reward.--Mercè,
desert, demerit.-Tu se' poce-
70, mu egli sarebbe mercè che tr
fossi molto più, you are poor,
but descrve to be poorer.-
-Mercé, benefit, kindness,
favour.-Gran mercè, I thank
you. Merce, help, pity, com-
miseration, compassion, mer-
cy-Andare all' altrui mercè,
to impiore one's assistance or
help-Mercè la vostra genero-Meridio, v. Meridiáno. Obs.
st, I may thank your gene- Meridionale, adj. meridional,
rosity for it-Mercecche, be- southern. Meridionale, s. m.
noon, noon-day.
Merige, v. Meriggio.
Meriggia, v. Meriggio.
Meriggiana, s. f. the south
part of the world.-Merigga
na, mid day, noon.-Far le
meringiina, to take a nap after


Mercede, t. Mercè.
Mercenájo, Mercenário, adj.
mercenary, greedy of gain.-
Mercanjo, sin. a mercenary,
an hireling, a journeyman.
Mercenume, s. m. work made
by hire.

Meridiáno, adj. meridian, be-
longing to noon-Meridiano,
s. m. noon.-Fa meridiáno,
it is noon.

Mercería, s. f. mercery, mer-Meriggiano, adj. meridian, be-
cers goods or wares.-Merce- longing to noon.--Souto me-
ria, a mercer's shop.
rugiano, a nap after dinner.
Merciádro, a mercer, a haber-Meriggiare, to pass the noon-
dasher of small wares. Obs. day under a shade, to sleep
Merciajo, mercer, haberdash-


at noon.

Merlito, adj. jagged as battlements, notched in the sides, indented.-Merlati muri, jagged walls.

Merlatúra, s. f. pinnacie, battlement.

Merletto, s. m. lace, bone

lace. Merlo, s. m. pinnacle, battlement.-Merle, a blackbird.--Il merlo ha passato il po, the woman grown old. Merićne, s. m. a large blackbird.

Merletto, s. m. the young of a blackbird-Merletto, a blockhead, a booby, a silly guil, a loggerhead.

Merluzzo, s. m. lace.-Merlizzo, melvel, or kneeling, a kind of small cod.

Mero imperio, absolute, or despotic command-E un mero sciocco, he is a downright fool.

Mero, adj. mere, pure, clear. Meriggio, s. m. the south particqua mera, clear water.--Merciajuólo, s. m. a pedlar, a of the world.—Meriggio, mid hawker. day, noon.-Sul fitto meriggio, Mercoledì, s. m. Wednesday. at noon.-. —Meriggio, shade. -Mercoréila, s. f. mercury, or Al meriggio, under the shade. dog's caul, an herb so caller. -Meriggio, adj. meridional, Merólla, s. f. marrow. Mercúrio, S. m. mercury, belonging to noon, meridian. Mertatamente, adv. deservedquicksilver.--Mercúrio, Mer--La parte meriggia, the meri-ly, rightly. Obs.

cury, one of the plancts. Mercúrio, Mercury, a fabulous god.

dional, or southern part. Merze, v. Mercè, MercéMeritaménte, adv. deservedly, Merzéde, (


duly, rightly, lawfully, with Mesáta, s. f. a whole month.

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extreme poverty. Meschino, adj. miserable, poor, wretched.

Mescha, s. f. a Turkish temple, mosque.

Messa, bud, burgeon, sprout
or shoot.-Messa, stock, that
every man puts in, to any
venture or company.
Messaggería, s. f. embassage.

Messaggiéra, s. f. a messenger.
Messaggiére, Messaggiéro, s.
m. messenger.
Messaggio, s. m. a messenger.
-Messaggio, message, errand.
Messále, s. m. missal, book
containing the ceremonies of
the mass, mass-book.
Messe, s. f. harvest, harvest-
Messerático, s. m. mastership,
the title of a master.

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-Méstruo, adj. menstrual, menstruous.-Sangue mestruo, the flowers of women. Méstura, s. f. a mixture, mingling, or mixing. Obs. Meta, s. f. the half or moiety. -La metà della notte, the midnight Meta, bound, limit, butt, boundary. Metacismo, s. m. metacismus, a fault or error in grammar, and it is when the letter M is too often used in the dis


Messióne, s. f. mission or send-
ing.-Messione, a remittance.
mis-Messiticcio, s. m. the bud of
any plant, the new sprout in
trees, and in all plants.
Messo, s. m. a messenger, an
ambassador.Messo, a mes- Metadella, s. f. a kind of mea-
sage, an errand.-Messo, a
sure so called.
serjeant or beadle, a mace-Metafísica, s. f. metaphysics,
bearer.-Messo, a service, a the science of immaterial
course at table.-Messo, adj. bodies.
put.-Messo in ore, wrought Metafisicále, adj. metaphy
ingold.—Messoarete, wrought Metafísico,
sical, be-
in net-work.
longing to metaphysics.
Mestáre, to mix, to mingle, to Metafora, s. f. metaphor, a fl-
blend, to stir.
gure in rhetoric.
Mestáto, adj. mixed, mingled. Metaforicaménte, adv. meta-
Mestatújo, s. m. an instrument phorically.
to mix with.
Metafórico, adj. metaphorical,

Mesciánza, s. f. adversity,
fortune. Obs.
Mesciróba, s. f. an ewer. Obs.
Mescitóre, he that mixes.
Mesciúto, adj. mixed.
Mescolamento, s. m. a mixture,
a mingling or mixing.
Mescolante, adj. mingling,
mixing, that mixes together.
Mescolanza, s. f. medley, mix-
ture.-Me colánza, a salad of
divers herbs put together.
Mescoláre, to mingle or mix
together, to blend.-Mesco-
larsi, to lie with a woman-
Mescolarsi, to meddle or inter-
meddle, to be meddling.
Mescolata, s. f. v. Mescola-Mestatóre, he that mingles.



Mescolataménte, adv. mixedly, confusedly, pell-mell. Mescolato, adj. mixed, mingled, blended.—Mescolato, s. m. mixture.

Mescolatúra, s. f. mixture, medley.

Metaforizzáre, to use metaphors, to speak metaphori cally.

Metallico, adj. metallic, me


Metalliére, he that works


Méstica, s. f. a plaister composed of different sorts of earth mixed with oil, to daub the cloth or wood that is to be painted. Mesticáre, to plaister cloth, or wood to paint upon. Mesticre, Mestiero, s. m. Metallino, v. Metálico. trade, handicraft, profession, Metálo, s. m. metal. business.Mestiere, want, Metamorfosi, s. f. metamore need, occasion. Ho mest er diphosis, change of one shape Mescuráre, to neglect. quattrini, I want money. Mi into another, Mese, s. m. month, also flow-fa me ter di partire, I must go. women's monthly Mestizia, s. f. sadness, meiancholy.

Mescúglio, s. m. medley, mixture, a hodge-potch, a mish-| mash.

ers, or courses.

Mesenterio, s. m. mesentery,
a membraneous part which
fastens the bowels to the
back, and one another.
Messa, s. m. a mass.-,
-Messa, a
service, a course at table.

Mesto, adj. sad, melancholy,
pensive.Mesto, solitary, un-
inhabited. E per la mesta sel
va saranno i corpi nostri appesi,
and our bodies shall be hang-
ed in the solitary wood.

Metaplásmo, s. m. metaplasm,
a figure in rhetoric.
Metatési, s. f. metathesis, a
transposition or change.
Meteora, s. f. a meteor.
Metereológico, adj. belonging
to meteors or meteorology.
Melodicamente, adv. method-

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-Metter in uno, to anger one, to make him angry, or provoke him.-Mettere alla vela, to set sail.Mettere amore, to settle one's love or affection upon a thing-Metter all

Métrico, adj. metrical, of mani, to set by the ears.-

me re.

Metro, s. m. metre, measure
of verses.

Metrópoli, s. f. metropolis, a
mother city.
Metropolitano, adj. metropo-
litan, belonging to a metro-
polis.Chiesa metropolitana,
metropolitan church-Un
metropolitáno, a metropolitan.
Mettere, to pat, to lay, to set,
to place, to situate.-Melter
nell' animo, to put in mind.-
Mettere alla pruova, to put to
a trial.-Metter nella via, to
put in the way.-Mettersi in
cammino, to set out, to depart
or go away.-Méttere, to pro-
pose, to present.Mettere
compassione, to move, to touch,
to cause a concern.-Mittersi
a fare una cosa, to begin to do
a thing.--Si mise a piangere,
she began to cry.-Méttere, to
bud, to burgeon, to bloom,
to sprout.-Mettere, to depo-
sit, to trust.-Mettere in av-
ventura, to hazard, to venture,
to expose, to bring into dan-
ger.-Mettersi in cuore, delibe-
rarsi, to resolve, to make a
resolution.Metter nel capo,
o nel cuore, to put into one's
head. Metler in novelle, to
joke, to laugh at.-Metter in
faccende, to employ.-Metter
in assetto, to settle, to prepare,
to make or get ready-Met-
tere in abbandono, to forsake,
to leave at random.-Mettere
in voce, to seek, to inquire, to
look for.-Metter la tavola, to
Jay the cloth.-Metler tavola,
to feast.-Mettere strida, to
cry, to squeak.-Metter guai,
to cry, to weep.-Metter ra-
gione, to calculate, to make
up the accounts.-Metter
mente, to mind, to consider.

Metter bene, to be good, or advantageops.-Mettere ajuoco, to set on fire.-Mettere consiglio, to ponder, to consider. Mettersi per servidore, to go to service.-Metter nece, to snow.

-Metter vento, to be windy. Il vento s'è messo, the wind begins to blow-Mettere, to put the male to the female.

an intercessor, a pimp. Mezzano, adj. middle.-Mezzana via, the middle wayMezzano, middle, mean, indifferent, so so.

Mezzáre, to grow flaggy. Mezzaruóla, s. f. a measure of liquids, so called. Mezzatóre, a mediator. Mezzédima, s. f. the middle of the week. Obs. Mezzétta, s. f. a small sort of wine measure. Mezzina, s. f. a pitcher, a waa ter-pot.

Mézzo, s. m. the middle.-Nel mezzo del camunino, half a way. -Non v'è mezzo, there is no medium.--Mezzo, interval, space of time.--in questo mez20, in the mean while, during this.--Produrre in mezzo, to allege, to produce.-Star di mezzo, to stand neuter.-Mez


Mettere addosso, to lay upon, to lay to one's charge.-Meltere ad oro, to set in gold.—— Mettere a fil di spada, to put to the sword.-Mettere all'incánto, to expose to sale by auction.- Mettere a partite, to bring in question.--Mettere saccho, to pillage.Metter paura, to frighten.--Metter) boltegn, to set up a shop.---| Mettere insieme soldati, to raise or levy soldiers or troops.-Metter sotto, to put the horses to the coach.-Meltere innanzi, to set forth.-Metter indugio, to delay.-Metter in fondo, to sink, to suppress.- Mettere in half, moiety.-Torre a mezluce, to publish.-Mettere in zo, to take any thing in comrotta, to defeat.-Mettere sodo, mon, to go half with one.to establish.-Metter in scritto, Mezzo, alinost.-lo sono mezzo to set down in writing-Mct- briaco, I am almost drunk.— ter legge, to impose a law. Senza mezzo, presently, immeMeiter le mani addosso, to seize, diately.Marla pel mezzo, to to take hold.-Metter scála, to renounce all honesty, to grow cast anchor near the shore. impudent.-Mezzo, a mediaMetter piede a terra, to land.— tor, an intercessor.Mezzo, Metter sotto sopra, to turn top adj. half, middle.- Metza sy-turvy.- -Mettersi a correre, nette, midnight.- -Mezzo di, to begin to run.--Mettérsi noon. Un uomo di mezza età, alla strada, to go upon the a man neither young nor old, highway.-Mettersi a ridere, of a middle age-Mezzo certo fall a laughing.-Mettersi a chio, half a circle.—Mezzo cotavola, to sit down at table.-lore, a weak colour. Meltérsi in coll ra, to fall into a passion-Mettersi in mare, to go to sea. Mettilóro, a gilder. Mettitore, he that puts. Mettitúra, a position, a setting or putting.

Meu, s. m. a kind of herb like

Mezzajuólo, a partner.
Mezzalána, s. f. cioth made of
wool and thread.
Mezzána, s. f. a kind of
bricks.-Mexxána, the middle
string of a lute.-Mezzana,
the mizzen.

Mezzanaménte, adv. indiffer

ent, so so.
Mezzanézza, c. Mezzanità.

Mezzanità, s. f. mediocrity,
competence.---Mezzanità, in-
tercession, mediation.
Mezzáno, a mediator, a ma-
nager between two parties,

Mezzodi, o Mezzodie, s. m.
the southern part of the
world; also noon, noon day.
Mezzogiorno, s. m. the same-
as Mezzodì.
Mezzográppolo, s. m. a kind
of grape so called. Mezzo-
gráppolo, a kind of thin wine.
Mezzolána, s. f. mediocrity.

Mezzolanaménte, adv. indif-
ferently, so so. Obs.
Mezzolanità, s. f. mediocrity,
competence. Obs.
Mezzoláno, adj. indifferent,
so so. Obs.
Mezzorilievo, s. m. bas relief.
Mezzúle, s. f. the middle board
of a cask.

Mi, a particle of the pronoun
Me, denotes the third and
fourth cases Me.-Mi piace,
it pleases me.-Mi, sometimes
is a repletive, and not ex-
pressed in English.-—Io mị


son giovinetta, I am young.Io mi credo, 1 believe. Miagolamento, s. m. mewling. Miagoláre, v. Miagulare, to




Migliajo, s. m. a thousand.-Milízia, adj. war, the art of
Migliajo, mile. Not used.-
A migliaja, by thousands.
Miglialsóle, s. m. a plant so


Migliarina, s. f. a kind of

Mica, a repletive particle, not,
not at all.-Non vorrei mica voi bird.
credeste, I would not have
you believe.
Micánte, adj. shining.
Micca, s. m. pottage, broth,


Migliaróla, s. f. shot, hail-shot.
Miglio, s. m. a mile, pl. Mig-
lia, s. f.--Miglio, millet,

Miglioraménto, s. m. bettering, Miccia, s. f. match or rope, amendment.--Miglioramento, that serves to fire cannon and the best, the choicest. match-locks. Miccia, a she-Miglioranza, s. f. excellency, preeminence, advantage, pre


Micciánza, s. f. misfortune. rogative.

Miccichino, s. m. a little bit.
Micciére, s. m. he that rides

on an ass.

Miglioráre, to better, to mend,
to grow better.-Migliorare,
to grow better in health, to
get strength.
Migliorato,adj.bettered, grown



r.-Milizia, militia, trained
bands.-Milizia, the tempo-
rary life, the course of one's
life.-Milizia, soldiery, sol-

Millánta, thousands and thou-
Millantáre, to amplify, to ex-
aggerate, to aggravate

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Millantéria, s. f. a boasting, Millánto, s. m. glorying, bragging, ostentation. Mille, thousand.-A mille, a mille, adv. by thousands.Star in sul mille, to lord it, to carry it like a lord, to take state upon one's self. Millenário, adj. thousandth. Millésimo, -La millesima parte, the thousandth part. -Millésimo, s. m. the space of a thousand years. wo-Milúogo, s. m. a middle place. Obs.

Mignoláre, to blossom as the
olive tree.

Mígnolo, s. m. the little finger
or the little toe.-Mignólo,
s. m. the blossom of olive

Miccinino, dim. of Miccíno.
Miccíno, adj. little. -Parlare a
muccino, to speak softly, slow-Migliore, adj. better, best.—
ly, and with affectation. H migliore, s. m. the best.
Miccio. s. m. an ass.
Migna, s. f. a great many
Micida, s. f. a murderer or olive blossoms.
slaver. Obs.
Mignátta, s. f. a leech.
Micidiale, adj. murdering. Mignélla, s. f. a niggard, or
Micídio, s. m. murder.
covetous stingy man or
Mício, s. m. a he-cat.
Micolino, s. m. a little bit.
Microcosmo, s. m. microcosm,
a little world, the body of
man, so called.-Microcosmo-
grafia, s. f. microcosmogra-
phy, a description of the
little world, viz. man.
Microscópio, s. m. microscope,
an optical instrument which
magnifies the object.
Midolla, s. f. crum.-Midél- to another.
Midóllo, s. m. la, pith in Mila, pl. of Mille, thousands.
plants.-Midolla, marrow in -Due mila, two thousand.
bones. Miullo, the best.-Milensággine, s. f. blockish-
Per venire al midollo, to come ness, heaviness, dulness,
to the purpose.
Midollonáccio, s. m. a sot, a
fool, a blockhead, a logger-

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Milza, s. f. the spleen.-Stiracchiar le milze, to sweat and work hard.

Milzo, adj. not hard, flabby. Mímico, adj. mimic, full of jests, jovial, mimical, buffoonlike.

Mimo, s. m. a mimic, a buf-

Mina, s. f. half a bushel.-
Mina, a mine, a hole dug to
be filled with gunpowder,
in order to blow it up.-
Mina, a mine, ground dug
for finding metals.
Minaccévole, adj. threatening,
menacing, swaggering.
Minaccevolmente, adv. in 2
threatening manner.
Minaccia, s. f. threat, threaten-

Midollóso, adj. full of marrow.
Miéle, v. Mele.

Miétere, to reap, to get in
harvest-Mietere, to cut, to

Mietitóre, reaper, a



Milénso, adj. heavy, dull,
blockish, duncical-Un mi-
len o, a dunce, a blockhead,
an awkward fellow.

Minacciaménto, s. m. threat-
ening, menacing.

Milia, pl. of Mille.-Cento mi-ing, menacing.
lia, hundred thousand.
Milióne, s. m. a million.
Militante, adj. militant, fight-Minacciánte, adj. menacing,
harvesting.-La chiesa militante, the threatening, swaggering.
militant church, the church | Minacciáre, to threaten, to
menace.-Muro che minaccia
ruina, a wall in decay, or

Mietitrice, fem. of Mietitore.
Mietitúra, s. f. harvest, crop.
-Mietitura, harvest-time.
Mietúto, adj. reaped, mowed
Miga, v. Mica.
Migliacciare, to eat a great
deal of millet pudding.
Migliaccio, s.m. pudding made
of millet.

'here on earth.

Militáre, to militate.-Militáre,
to take pains,tovex or trouble ready to fall.
one's self.-Militáre, adj. mi-Minacciato, adj. threatened
litary, warlike.
Minacciatore, he that threat-

Militarmente, adj. militarily.
Militatore, adj. the same as

Milite, s. mi. a soldier, a knight.


Minacciatrice, fem .o Minas ciatóre.

Minacciatúra, v. Minaccia. Minaccioso, adj. threatening, menacing, swaggering. Mináce, adj. menacing, full of threats, having a threatening aspect. Poet. Mináre, to mine, to dig the earth hollow, and fill it with gun-powder. Minchiáte, s. f. pl. a kind of game at cards. Minchionáre, to joke, to jest, to banter, to laugh at, to co


Minchionatúra, s. f. banter, raillery. Minchionería, s. f. foolishness, silly thing, foolish trick. Minchióne, s. m. a dunce, a blockhead, a fool, a logger-Minoránza, s. m. minoration, head. littleness.Minoranza, dimiMinciábbio, s. m. the part of the human body under the navel. Obs.

Minerále, adj. mineral.-Minerále, s. m. a mineral. Minéstra, s. f. pottage, soup. Minestráre, to put the soup in the dishes. Mine trare, to rule, to govern. Not used Minestrare, to cut in pieces, to make a slaughter of. Not used.


charge in any employment, office, function. Ministério, ministry, administration. Ministráre, to minister, to of ficiate, to serve.-Ministráre, to supply, to afford, to furnish with Ministráre, to adninistrate, to rule or govern. Ministratore, administrator. Ministraziónę, s. f. administration.

Ministriére, a minstrel. Obs.
Ministro, s. m. a minister, one
entrusted by the prince with
the administration of the go-
vernment.-Ministro, a waiter
in a coffee house or shop.-
Ministro di giustizia, the exe
cutioner, the hangman.

Minestrella, dim. of Minestra.
Minestrello, s. m. a minstrel.

Minestriere, s. m a soupmaker.
Mingherlíno, adj. lean, thin.
-Un anglerlino, a lean, thin
man, a boy.
Miniáre, to colour, or paint
in miniature.
Miniato, adj miniated, colour-
ed or painted with vermi-

Miniatóre, a limner, a colour-
er of maps and prints.
Miniatúra, s. f. miniature.
In miniatúra, in miniature, in
Miniéra, s. f. minerals, hard
bodies cut out of the earth
or mines, being part of a
metaline, and part of a
stony substance, ore.-

ra, a mine.


Minoráre, to diminish, to lessen, to alleviate-Minorar la pena, to moderate the pain. Minorásco, s. m. minority. Minorativo, adj. diminutive, lessening, diminishing. Minóre, less.-Fratello minore, younger brother.-Minóre, adv. less.

Minoringo, adj. the same as

Minimo. Obs. Minorménte, adv. less. Minotaúro, s. m. Minotaur, a fabulous monster, half man and half bull. Minuále, adj. of a low, mean birth, or condition. Micúgia, s. f. pl. guts.—Minúgie, strings for fiddles and other such instruments. Minuire, to lessen, to grow less.

Minúta, s. f. minutes, the first
draught of writing, short
notes of any thing.
Minutaglia, s. f. all manner of
smail ware-Minut..glia mob,
rabble, the dregs of the

Minutamente, adv. piece-meal,
in bits, in gobbets.-Minuta-
mente, carefully, diligently,
with care, minutely.
Minuteria, s. f. the same as
Minutézza, s. f. trifle, trifling
thing, minuteness.

Minima, s. f. one of the mu-
sical notes.
Miniaménto, s. m. diminution.
Minimo, least, meanest. Minuto, s. m. a minute, the
mo, the least.-Frali Mi-sixtieth part of an hour.-
nimi. Minim friars, an order
of friars so called.
Mínio, s. m. vermilion.
Ministério, ministry,
Ministero, s. m. S service or

Minuto, a kind of soup made with herbs minced very small.-Mmúto, adj. slender, spare, small, thin, minute.Popolo minuto, the vulgar, the

mob, the meanest sort of people-Minuto, small, inconsiderable, slender.-Minito, adv. small.-lender minúto, to sell by retail-Tagliar minuto, to cut small. Minúto minuto, adv. very small. Minúzia, s. f. a trifle, small thing, small bit. Minuzzàme, s. m.a great many bits.-Minuzzáme, small bit. Minuzzáre, to mince, to break • in pieces, to cut very small.

Minuzzáre, to ponder, to consider, to examine. Minuzzáta, s. f. a quantity of leaves scattered about on the ground on occasion of some festival.

Minuzzáto, adj. minced, cut
into small pieces.
Minúzzo, s. m. v. Minúzzolo.
Minuzzolino, s. r. dim. of

Minúzzolo, s. m. a small bit or morsel.

Mio, a possess. pron. my, mine Il mio libro, my book.


Questo è mio, this is mine Mio, s. m. spicknel, wild


Mira, s. f. aim.-Mettere in mira, to level.-Mira, intent, purpose. Mirabile, adj. admirable, wonderful. Mirabilmente, adv. wonder, fully.

Miraboláno, s. m. mirabolan. Miracolo, s. m. miracle, won der, wondrous thing. Miracolóne, s. m. a great miracle or wonder. A ludicrous word.

Miracolosamente, adv. miraculously, wonderfully. Miracoloso, adj. miraculous, wonderful, admirable, marvellous.

Miradore, . Miratore. Miráglio, s. m. a looking-glass, Obs.

Miráre, to behold, to view, to look at.Mira e che bella cosa, look what pretty thing this is.-Chi è incolpato, pensa d'esser mirato, who is guilty of any crime thinks that every hody looks at him.Marare, to ponder, to consider, to weigh in one's mind. Mirare, to design, to aim at a thing, to have a thing in view or pros pect.-Mirare, to level,to aim. -Mirare con la coda dell'occhio, to look at with a wanton or

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