صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Miríce, s. f. tamarisk.
Mirífico, adj. marvellous, won-
derful, strange.
Miro, adj. wonderful, strange,
marvellous. Poet.
Mirra, s. f. myrrh, an Arabian

Mirráre, to embalm, to per-
fume with myrrh.
Mirréto, adj. perfumed with

Mirtáto, s. m. a grove of myr-

Mirtillo, s. m. myrtle-berry.
Mirtino, adj. made of myrtle.
Mirto, s. m. myrile-tree.
Misagiato, adj. uneasy, not at
his ease. Obs.

Misconoscénte, adj. ingrateful,
unthankful. Obs.
Misconoscere, to despise, not
to care for, to look with a
disdainful eye. Obs.
Miscontento adj. discontented,
ill satisfied, dissatisfied. Obs.
Miscredente, a miscreant, an
infidel, an unbeliever.
Miscredenza, s. f. miscreancy,
a mistaken faith, the state or
condition of a miscreant.
Miscrédere, to misbelieve, to
believe falsehood.

wretched, poor.Misero, wicked, sad, pitiful, paltry. Misero, mise, covetous.-Un misero, s. m. a miserable or unfortunate man. Miseróne, s. m. augmentative of Misero, when a substan tive.

Misérrimo, superl. of Misero, most miserable or unfortu nate.

Misertà, s. f. misery, poverty, want. Obs. Misertà, covetousness, stinginess. Obs. Misfáre, to do ill or wrong Misfáre, to contravene, to in fringe or break an order or law.

Misdire, to slander, rail, speak
ill, revile, vilify, baskbite, de-
tract, traduce. Obs.-Mis-
dire, to contradict, to gainsay, | Misfátto, s. m. sin, misdeed,
or speak against.
Miserabile, adj. miserable,
wretched, unfortunate.-
Miserabile, miserable, poor, ne- Misgradito, adj. ungrateful,


trespass, crime. Misfattore, a criminal, a więked man, a sinner. Obs.


Miságio, s. m. uneasiness, in- Miserabilmente, adv. misera-Misi, s. m. a kind of mineral convenience,trouble,disquiet, bly, wretchedly, pitifully, so called.


Misalta, s. f. pickled pork.
Misait ire, to pickle pork.
Misavvedutaménte, adj. una-
wares, suddenly, unexpected-
Misavveniménto, s. m. mis-
fortune, mishap.
Misavvenire, to mishappen.
Misavventúra, s. f. mishap,
mischance, misfortune.
Miscadere, to mishappen, to
fall unluckily.
Miscéa, s. m. pieces of fur-
niture in a poor house, that
are of little use and of little
price.-Miscéa, a mixture, a

Mischia, s. f. riot, fray, alter


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Miseraccio, s. m. a very poor


Miseraménte, adv. poorly.
Miserándo, adj. miserable,
poor, worthy of compassion,

Miserazióne, s. f. mercy, com-

Miseréllo, adj. poor, wretch-
ed, pitiful.

Miserére, have pity on me.
Il mal del miserere, an infirmi-
ty in the bowels that makes
them twist.

Misléa, s. f. fight, battle, fray.
Misleále, adj. disloyal, unfaith
ful, perfidious, treacherous,
false, deceitful.
Mislealtà, s. f. disloyalty, un-
Misleánza, faithfulness,
treachery, perfidiousness, vil-
Mispregiáre, to despise, to
slight, to scorn, to contemn,
to undervalue, to make no
account of, not to regard.
Mispréndere, to reprimand, to
rebuke, to reprove, to check

Miserévole, adj. miserable,
wretched, pitiful.
or chide.
Miserevolmente, adv. misera-Missióne, s. f. mission.
bly, wretchedly, poorly, piti- Missionário, s. m. missionary.
Mistaménte, adv. mixedly.
Miséria, s. f. misery, wretch- Misterialmente, adv. myste
edness, misfortune, trouble.-riously.
Miséria, niggardiness, ava- Mistério, s. m. mystery, se-
rice, covetousness, sparing- cret.
ness.-Miseria, misery, pover- Misteriosaménte, adv. myste-
ty, want.


Mischianza, s. f. mixture, med-
Mischiare, to mingle, to mix.

Mischiare, to cause a disturbance, to strive and quarrel.

Misericordévole, adj. to be
pitied, lamentable, pitiful.-
Miseri ordecole, merciful, piti-
ful, compassionate, tender-

Misterióso, adj. mysterious,
mystical, obscure, hidden,

Mistia, v. Mischia.
Misticamente, adv. mystical-

Mischiatamente, adj. confused-Misericordevolmente, adv. ly.


ly, pell-mell.
Misericordiosaménte, merci- Misticità, s. f. mystery, alle-
Mischiáto, adj. mixed, min- fully, compassionately.
Misericórdia, s. f. mercy, pity,
Mischiatúra, s. f. mixture, compassion. Misericórdia,
mercy, pardon.
Mischio, s. m. mixture.-Mis- Misericordióso, adj. merciful,
chio, adj. mixed of several pitiful, compassionate.
colours. Panno mischio, mix-Misero, adj. miserable, sad,

Mistico, adj. mystical, myste-
rious, obscure.
Mistióne, s. f. mixture.
Misto, adj. mixed, mingled.
Mistúra, s. f. mixture.
Misveníre, to faint or swoon

away, to fall into a swoon.-
Miscenire, to miscarry, not to

Misúra, s. f. measure.-.
surare, recompence, requital.
Dar la misura, to requite, to
render like for like.-Misura,
measure, rule, way, order.
Senza misura, beyond excess,
passionately.Mi úra, time
ormeasure in music.Misura,
a just distance in fencing to
make a pass.-Pigliarle misure,
to take measures to bring a
thing about.Romper le mi-
sure, to break one's measures,
to disappoint or baffle his de-
signs. A miscure the, whilst
as, soon as, according to.-
A misura, proportionably.
Misurábile, adj. measurable.
Misuraménto, s. m. measuring.
Misurante, adj. measuring,

that measures.
Misuránza, s. f. measure.
Misuráre, to measure.--Mist-

ire, to measure, to counterbalance, to weigh one thing! zgainst another, to ponder, to consider.

Misurarsi, to husband, to be a good husband, not to run but. Misuratamente, adv. inoderately, proportionably, with


Misuratezza, s. f. measure, moderation.

Misurato, adj. measured.

isuratore, a measurer. Misurazione, s. f. measure, dimension.

suage or ease.

Mitigativo, adj. lenitive, that
has the quality of mitigating
or allaying.

Mitigato, adj. mitigated, paci-
fied, allayed, eased.
Mitigatóre, he that mitigates,
allays or appeases.
Mitigazióne, s. f. mitigation.
Mitra, s. f.

Mitráre, o Mitriáre, to put on
the mitre.-Mitráre, to make
a bishop.

dle or lamp-Moccolo, the tip or end of the nose. Moccolóne, augment. of Móc


Moco, s. m. a kind of pulse
like vetches or tares, good to
feed cattle.

Moda, s. f. mode, fashion,

Modantúra, s. f. a setting in
order, disposing, ordering in
Módano, s. m. module, an


Modelláto, adj. modelled, fashioned, framed, ordered, disposed.

Mitráto, adj. ? mitred. ---Ab-
Mitriato, Sbute ntráto, mi- Módano, a net-stick or shuttle.
tred abbot.-Un mitráto, s. m. | Modelláre, to modei, to frame,
a bishop, or any other pre- to set in order, to dispose or
late that wears a mitre.
Mitria, v. Mitra.
Mitriáre, v. Mitrare.
Mitridato, s. m. mithridate,
confection that is a special
preservative against poison.
Miva, s. f. a medicine made
with the juice of quinces, su-
gar and honey.
Mívolo, s. m. a drinking-glass.

Modellatóre, he that makes


Modellétto, s. m. a small moModellíno, del. Modéllo, s. m. model, pattern, the shape or design of any thing in little. Mo, adv. now, at present.-Moderamento, s. m. moderaMo sù, mo giù, sometimes tion, temperance, discretion, above, sometimes down, up) government. and down.- Mo, is sometimes | Moderánza, c. Moderazione. an expletive, ex. Movedi vu? Moderáre, to moderate, to do you sce? temper, to allay, to abate. Móbile,s. m. moveables, house- Moderataménte, adv. modehold-goods, chattels-Mobile, rately, soberly, with moderaadj. rioveable, that moves or tion. may be moved.--Mobile, light, inconstant, changeable, fickle, voluble.Feste mobili, move

able feasts.

Moderáto,adj.moderated, aba-
ted, allayed.
Moderáto, adj. moderate,

sober, temperate.
Moderatore, moderator, di-

Moderatrice, s. f. moderatrix.

Misutévole, adj. measurable.
Misusáre, to misuse, or abuse,
to make an ill use cf.
Misso, s. m. misuse, abuse.
Mite, adj. gentle, mild, quiet,
calm, merciful, good-natured,
Mitemente, adv. good-natur-
edly, mildly, gently.
Mitera, s. f. a sheet of paper
made in the shape of a mitre,
put on the head of a maletac-
for condemned to be whip-
ped, or to stand in the pil-Moccicare, to have always snot

| Mobilita, s. f. mobility, move.
ableness, inconstaney,change-
ableness, fickleness.
Moboláto, adj. rich, well stor-Moderazione, s. f. moderation,
ed or provided. Obs.
Móbole, s. m. riches, estate.

Tory. Miteráre, to put on the mitre, v. Mitera. Miterino, adj. roguish, rascalIv, worthy of a mitre. Miteróne, s. m. a large paper mitre. Alitídio, s. m. order, method. Mitigaménto, s. m. mitigation. Mitigare, to initigate, to pacify or appease, to allay, to as

Mocajárdo, s. m. a kind of
Moccéca,s. m. adunce, a block-
head, a loggerhead.
Mocciája, s. f. snot.

temperance, diminution, abatement.

Modernamente, adv. newly, lately.

Moderno, adj. modern, new, of
this time.

Modestamente, adv. modestly.
Modéstia, s. f. modesty, mode-
ration, discretion.Modestia,
lesty, bashfulness.
Medésto, adj. modest, sober,
moderate, discreet.

about the nose. Moccica; ›i il naso, to snot one's | nose. Moccichino, s. m. a handker-Modificáre, to modify, to li chief.

Moccicóne, s. m. a dunce, a

Moccice so, adj. ? snotty, sni-
Mocciéso, Švelly.

Méccio, s. m snot.
Méccolo, s. m. snuff of a can-

mit, to moderate, to qualify or regulate-Modificare, to modify, to give the modality. Modificáto, adj. modified, G→ mited, regulated. Modificazione, s. m. modifica tion.


Molenda, s. f. miller's toll, the
rate of corn that the miller is
allowed out of every measure
for grinding.
Molestamente, adv. trouble.
somely, grievously, sadly.
vexation, trouble, disquiet.
Molestáre, to molest, to dis-
turb, to vex, to trouble, to

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Módine, v. Modáno.
Modo, s. m. manner, fashion,
rule,way.-Dur modo, to shew
the way to do a thing.-Tro-
var moda, to find the way.-
No so che modo tenere, I don't
know how to behave my
self.-Non velo il modo come ciò
si possa sure, I don't see how
this can be done.-Modo,way,
custom, behaviour.-on bel
modo gli dissi.-I told him very
civilly.-Auer il modo, to be
able. Non ho il modo di fur
queste spese, I can't afford, or
I am not able to spend so
much. A modo, adv. like.
Questa casa è fabbricata a modo
di castello, this house is built
like a castle.-Modo, measure,
rule.-Oltre modo, very much,Moléstia, s. f. molestation, vex-
exceedingly, very.-Por mudo, ation, trouble, disquietness,
to bound, to set bounds to, to uneasiness, importunity.
limit, to moderate, to stint. Molésto, adj. troublesome, un-
Di modo che, adv. so that, easy, unquiet, importune, irk-
insomuch.-A mio modo, as I some, displeasing.
please.---Ad ogni modo, how-Molinello, v. Mulinello.
-Ad ogni modo, absolute-
Jy, peremptorily, obstinately,
by all means. Fur di modo, to
endeavour, to strive.-Modo,

Mollificaménto, s. m. mollifi

cation. Mollificáre, to mollify, to make Molestato, part. molested, dis- soft, supple or tender.-Mol turbed, vexed, troubled, dis-lificare, to appease, to sweeten, quieted.

mood of a verb.

Moduláre, to rule singing and sound, to modulate. Modulazione, s. f. modulation, tuning.

Módulo, s. m. model, form or design of things.--Módulo, a module, a proportion in architecture.

Maggio, s. m. a sort of measure of corn, or of land.-Meggio di grano, a bushel of


Mágio, adj. heavy, dull, lump-
ish, stupid.
Mogliama, s. f. my wife. Obs.
Mógliata, s. f. thy wife. Obs.
Mogliázzo, s. m. matrimony,

Moglie, Mogliéra, Mogliére,
s. f. a wife.
Moine, s. f. plural, endear-
ments, allurements, caresses,
coaxing, fawning.
Moiniére, s. m. a coaxer.
Mola, s. f. mill-stone.-Mola,
a tympany or moon-calf,
Molce, an imperfect verb, it
appeases or assuages.Poetical.
Mole, s. f. a mass, a heap, a
pile, a structure, the bulk of
any thing.-L'immensa mole del
mondo, the vast structure of
the world.-La mole dell' im-
perio, the weight of the com-

Molestatóre, a troublesome or
impertinent man.
Molestévole, adj. grievous,
troublesome, burdensome,un-
quiet, uneasy.

Molino, s. m. v. Mulino.
Molla,s. f. the spring of a lock,
a spring.
Mollame,s.m.a soft, fleshy part.
Molláre, to slack or slacken, to
loosen, to make loose, to un-
bend, to let go, to leave off
or give over, to relent, to
cease.--Non molló mai che egli,
divenne amico di Buffalmaco, he
was not easy till he became
acquainted with BuiTalmaco.
Molle, adj. wet.--In son tutto
molle di sudore, I am all in a
sweat.—Occhi molli di lagrine,
eyes full of tears.-Molle, gen-
tle, kind, courteous, humane,
favourable, good-natured.-
Molle, weak, feeble, thin,faint.

-Mole, soft, tender.--Più
molle e più candida del cigno,
softer and whiter than the
swan.- --Mole, soft, voluptu-
ous, effeminate, womanish.
---Molle, s. m. a waterish or
marshy place.-Molie, an easy
and sure place of retreat.---
Molle, fire-tongs.---Errore da
pighiare con le molle, a gross or
palpable mistake or error.
Molleménte, adv. kindly, cour-
teously, humanely, gently.
Moliemente, weakly, faintly,
-Mollemente, coldly, slowly,

to assuage, to soften, to tame, to lenify, to qualify or temper,to render mild and gentle. Mollificativo, adj. mollient, softening, mollifying.Mo ificato, adj. mollified. Mollificazione, s. f. mellification, a making soft. Mollire, to mollify, to soften, to make soft and tender. Mollitivo, adj. mollient, softening, mollifying. Mollizie, s. f. softness, delicateress, cffeminacy, tender


Mollóre, o Mollúme, s. m.
dampness, moistness.
Molo, s. m. mole, pier.
Molsa, s.f. crumb of bread. Obs.
Molósso, s. m. a buil-dog, a-
mastiff dog.
Moltifórme, adj. of many forms
or shapes.

Moltiparo, adj. multiparous,
bringing forth many children,
or many at a birth.
Moltiplicaménto, s. m. multi-
plication, a multiplying or

Moltiplicare, . Mulitiplicare, and all its derivatives, Moltiplicatamente, v. Multiplicatamente, and all its derivatives.

Molto, s. m. a great deal.--I! poco e buono è molto meglio che il molto e cattivo, little and good is much better than a great deal and bad.- Molto, adj. much, many, great.--Molto tempo, muchí time, long time. -Molla famiglia, great family. Molte novelle, many stories, Molto, adv. very much.-Mollo telo, very pretty.-Melto meglio, much better.-Molto ben venuto, very welcome

Molto bellissimo, extremely Moliette, s. f. pl. pincers, nip- handsome.-- Molto a buon ora, pers, tongues. very early. --Muito volontieri, Mollézza,s. f. moistness, damp-very willingly. Molto, why, ness, humidity, Mollezza,

for what reason.

Momentaneamente, adv.short- Moncóne, s. m. a stump, a

handless arm.
Mondáccio, s. m. a bad mis-
chievous world.
Mondaménte, adv., clearly,

Mondaménto, s. m. a cleaning,
a cleansing or scowering.
Mondána, s. f. a common
woman, a woman of the


Mondáno, adj. worldly, pro-
phane, worldly minded.-

any bond. Obs.
Monellésco, adj.roguish, thiev

ly, momentaneously.
Momentáneo, adj. momenta-
neous, that lasts as it were
for a moment, of a short con-
Moménto, s. m. a moment, an
instant, the least part of time
that can be assigned.--Mo-
ménto, moment, importance,
force, weight.-Affare di mo-
mento, business of importance Mondanaménte, adv. world-
or consequence.---Moménto, ly, after a worldly manner.—
moments, indeterminate and Mondanamente, as the world
unstable parts of quantity, as goes.
are supposed to be in a perpe-
tual flux or motion.
Mona, s. f. mistress, dame.
Obs.-Mona Francesca, mis-
tress Frances.
Mónaca, s. f. a nun.
Monacále, adj. monachal, be-
longing to a monk, monkish.
-Vita monacale, a monachal
or retired life.-Ordine mona- Mondatore, a cleanser.
cále, monkish order.
Mondatúra, s. f. a cleans-
Monacáre, to shut in a nun- Mondazione, Sing, a peel-
nery, to make a nun.
Monacáto, s. m. the state or
life of a monk or nun.--Ha
grand' inclinazione al monacáto,
he has a great inclination to
be a monk.
Monacéllo, 2 a little or
Monachetto, young monk.
Monacélla, s. f. a little or young

Monéllo, a rogue, a cheat.
Monéta, s. f. money, coin.
Batter monéta, to coin money.

Falseggiar la monéta, to coin false money. Questa monéta non corre qui, this money is not current here.-Monéta, allowance, consideration in exchanging money.

Monetaggio, s. m. the minting
or coining of money.
Monetáre, to mint, to coin-
Monetáto, adj. minted, coined,
stamped, made into money.

Un mondáno, s. m. a world-Monetiére, coiner, a


Monachile, adj. monachal, be-
longing to a monk or nun,

Monachino, s. m. a gnat-snap-
per, a bird so called-Mona-
chino, adj. light-red colour.
Monachismo, v. Monacáto.
Mónaco, monk.---Monaco, a
martin, a bird.
Monárca, s. m. monarch.
Monarcále,adj. monarchical,of
or belonging to a monarch or
Monarchia, s. f. monarchy,
government or state of a mo-
Monarchico, adj. monarchical,
of or belonging to a
Monastéro, v. Monistero.
Monástico, adj. monastical,
monastic, belonging to a


Mondáre, to peel, to pare.
Mondar dell' orzo, to peel bar-
ley.-Mondáre, to cleanse.--
Mondáto, adj. peeled, pared,

ing or paring, purgation. Mondézza, s. f. cleanliness,


Mondía, s. f. dust, ordure,
dung. Obs.
Mondiale, adj. worldly, per-
taining to the world.La
machina, mondiale, the world.
Mondificaménto, s. m. purga
tion, a cleansing or scowering,

Mondificáre, to mundificate,
to make clean.
Mondificatívo, adj. mundifica-
tive, cleansing.
Mondificáto, cleansed.
Mondificazione, s. f. mundifi-
cation, a cleansing.
Mondiglia, s. f. paring, husk,
peel, chaff, dregs.
Mondízia, s. f. cleanliness, neat-
ness, purity.
Mondo, adj. clean, pure, un-
spotted, spotless. Mondo, s.
m. the world, the universe.-
Mondo,the earth,the world.―
Mondo, world, men, mankind,
folk. Essere al mondo, to be in
the world,to live a secular life.
-Mondo, a mond, or mound,
a golden globe, being one of
the ensigns of an emperor or



Mongána, adj. young, and it
is only said of a she-calf.
Monile, s. m. a necklace.
Moniménto, s. m. a tomb, a
monument, a grave.-Moni-
ménto, admonition, advertise-
ment, exhortation.
Monipólio, s. m. monopoly, an
engrossing of commodities,
the buying of any commodi-
ty up, so that none can sell or
gain by it but one or few


Moníre, to admonish.
Monistéro, s. m. monastery,

Monitore, s. m. a monitor.
Monitório, s. m. a monitory.
Monna, s. f. mistress, dame.-
Monna, an ape, a monkey.
Monnino, s. m. a young ape or

Monócolo, s. m. he that has
but one eye; it is also used
Monocórdo, s. m. an instru-
meat with one string.
Monopólio, v. Monipolio.
Monopolista, a monopolist.
Monosillaba, s. f. a monosylla-

Monosillabo, adj. monosyl-

Monsignóre, s. m. my lord,

Monta, s. f. the putting the.
male to the female.
Montagna, s. f. mountain, hill.
Montagnáccia, s. f. a high and
steep mountain.
Montagnétta, s. f.a little moun-


Moncheríno, s. m. a stump, a handless arm.

Monco, adj. maimed, that can-
not use one hand, lame, that
has but one hand -Monco,
wanting, defective.

Monduáldo, s. m. a tutor, a
defender or

protector of

women appointed by the
government or magistrate,
without whom they made no
contract, nor entered into

Montagnína, s. f. Į diminu-
Montagnino, s. m. tives of
Montagnóso, adj. mountain-
ous, full of mountains.

Montagnuóla, s. f. a little on interest.-Fare a monte, to Morbiglióne, s. m. the meamountain or hill. deal again, to pass, a term in sles. Montabánco, s. m. a quack-card-playing. doctor; a mountebank. Montamento, s. m. a rise, an ascent, a rising to honour, an advancement.

Monticello, s. m. a hillock.
Montiéra, s. f. a kind of hat
that has no brim behind.
Montoncello, s. m. a young

Montanáro, s. m. a moun-Montoncino.
taineer, one who dwells on
the mountains, an highland-


Montanéllo, s. m. a chaffinch. Montanésco, adj. mountainous, full of mountains, belonging to mountains. Montanino, adj. mountainous, full of mountains.-Montunino, clownish, boorish, rustical.

Montáno, adj. mountainous, of or belonging to a mountain. Montánza, v. Montamento. Montáre, to mount, to go or get up-Monture a cavallo, to ride a horse, to mount on horsebackMontare le scale, to go up stairs.-Montar la guarda, to mount, to go upon guard. Montare, to cover, to mount as beasts do in the act of generation. Montare, to amount, to cost, or come to.

Montóne, s. m. a ram, a we-
ther.-Montone, a dunce, a
blockhead, a great gull, a log-
gerhead.- Montone, Aries,
one of the celestial signs.
Montuosità, s. f. steepness of
a hill.

Montuóso, adj. mountainous,
hilly, full of ascents.
Monumento, s. m. monument,
tomb, grave.
Monzicchio, s. m. dimin. of

Mora, s. f. mulberry.-Mora,
blackberry.-Mora, a heap of
stones.-- -Mora, thicket, bush.
Mora, a game between two,
done with casting of the fin-
gers of the right hand both
at the same time, and calling
for a number under ten; he
that guesseth the number he
called for, wins.-Fare alla
mora, to play at mora.
Morajuhla, s. f. the fruit of
the mulberry-tree.
Morajućlo, s. m. a wild mul-

professes morality.
Moralità, s. f. morality, moral
reflection. Morilita d'una fa-
volit, the moral of a fable.
Moralizzáre, to talk morals,
to make moral reflections, to

Que ta pezza di panno monta a
dieci lire sterline, this piece of
cloth comes to ten pounds.
Montare, to rise.-Montáre, to beriy-tree.
grow, to increase.—Montare, Morále, adj. moral.—Morale,
to raise,to exalt, to advance, to s. f. morals, morality.
rise, to grow greater.-Mon-Moralista, a moralist, he that
táre, to bring, to cause, to pro-
cure.--Monture, to import, to
signify, or be of consequence.
Montare in furore, to grow
angry, to fall into a passion.
Montare in orgólio, to grow
proud.Montare addosso, to
get upon Montar in banco, Moralizzáto, adj. moralized.
to play the mountebank.- Moralmente, adv. morally.
Montare in barco, to go on ship-Moránza, s. £. Obs. abode, ha-
board.Montare in bestia, to bitation, or mansion-house.
grow angry.Montare un oro-Morato, adj. black.
logio, to wind up a clock.- Morbidamente, adv. delicate-
-Montare, to rise.- a marely, daintily, deliciously, gent-
monta, the tide goes up.
ly, softly, tenderly.
Montáta, s. f. ascent, steep-Morbidaménto, s. m. a pam-
ness, height.-Montita, pre-pering, softening or mollify.
ferment, advancement, pro-

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Morbo, s. m. plague, conta-
gion.--Morbo, a contagious

Mórchia, s. f. the mother,
dregs, or grounds of oil.
Morchioso, adj. full of dregs
or grounds.
Mordáce, adj. sharp, smart,
biting-Mordáce, satirical,
nipping, tart, detracting or
taunting.-Lingua mordace, a
satirical tongue or person.-
Mordaci sollecitudini, gnawing


Mordacétto, dim. of Mordáce.
Mordacemente, adv. sharply,
bitterly, sensibly, satirically,

Mordacità, s. f. mordacity,
sharpness, bitterness of
speech, smartness.
Mordénte, s. m. whiting, a
kind of colour mixed with
oil-Mordente, adj. sharp,
smart, biting, satirical, nip-
ping, tart.

Mordere, to bite.--Mordere,
to wound.-Mordere, to bite,
to carp, to censure, to slan-
der, to rail at, to find fault
with. Te ne fare mordere la brac
cia, I'll make you repent it.
Mordicaménto, s. m. a bite or

Mordicáre, to nibble, to gnaw,
to fret, to corrode.
Mordicativo, adj. mordicant,
sharp, biting, tart.
Mordicazióne, s. f. mordacity,
bitingness, sharpness, a cor
reding quality.
Mordimento, s. m. a biting or
Morditóre, biter, he that
bites.---Mord tore, detractor,
slanderer, or backbiter.
Murélla, s. f. morel, petty mo
rel, or garden nightshade.
Morella, quoit.-Giuocare alle
murelle, to play at quoits-
Morella, a gudgeon.
Morello, adj. black.-Morello,

Montáto, adj. mounted, gone up.-- Ben montátu, well-mount

ed. Monte, s. m. mountain, hill. --Da monte e da valle, every way. -Monte, heap, lump. Monte, a bank where they lend or take money upVOL. I.


Morbidezza, s. f.. softness,
smoothness.-Morbidezza, de-
licateness, delicacy, niceness,
effeminacy, tenderness, soft-
ness, luxury, wantonness.
Morbido, adj. suft, smooth.
Mórb do, soft, effeminate, vo-
luptuous, loose, womanish,

Morésca. s. f. a Morish, or

Moorish dance.

Moresco, adj. Morish, or Moor. ish.

Morétto, adj. tawny, not quite black.—Moretto, s. m. a jack


Morféa, s. f. the leprosy, the

Mórha, s. f. the mouth.
Morfire, to devour, to con

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