صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

sume,to gormandize, to eat up greedily. A ludicrous word. Moria, s. f. murrain, a wasting disease, a pestilence, a rot or mortality. Moribondo, adj. dying, ready Moribúndo, to die, at the point of death. Moriccia, mulberry. Morici, s. f. plur. piles, hemorrhoids.

Moriéute, adj. dying, ready to die. Morióne,s.m. morion, steel cap, head piece, formerly in use. Morigeráre, to teach or instruct, to train or bring up in civility and good manners Morigerazione, s. f. morigeration, obedience, mannerliness, civil carriage, dutiful obedience. Morigeráto, adj. morigerous, abedient, civil, dutiful. Morire, to die. Morire di fame, to starve with hunger-Mo rir di freddo, to starve with cold.-Morir di desio, to long for, to have a longing desire for-Far morir di fame, to starve one-Morire, to fail. Morire, to go out. Moritéjo, adj. mortal. Mormoramento, s. m. murmur, a muttering, a mumbling, a whispering, a grumbling, a buzzing the purling of brooks

or streams.

cia, pale or deadly flesh. Moricíno, adj. that is dead of itself.--Carne morticina, car

rion. Mortiferaménte, adj. mortally, deadly.

Mortifero, adj. mortal, deadly, mortiferous. Mortificaménto, s. m. mortification or mortifying.-Morti ficamento della carne, mortification of the flesh, abstinence. Mortificante, adj. mortifying, mortiferous, deadly. Mortificáre, to mortify.-Martipcare, to subdue or conquer, to check, to refrain, to curb.


– Mortipcare le pas iʊni, to conquer one's passions. Mortificativo, adj. that morti

Morso, s. m. a bite.--Dar di¦‚of the colour of a dead body.
morso, to bite.-Morso, the Morta, fem. of Morto, when
first teeth of a horse-Moro, a substantive.
detraction, slander.--Morso, I morti, the dead.Il giorno de
a bit or snaffle for a horse.-- Morti, All Souls.

Morso, a mouthful, a morsel. | Mortório, s. m. funeral, bu-
Morsúra, s. f. a bite.
Mortadella, s. f. Bologna

Mormoránte, adj. murmuring,
mumbling, purling, whisper-Mortadello, s. m. sausages.
Mortajétto, dim. of Mortzio.
Mormoráre, to purl or mur-Mortájo, s. m. a mortar.--Fes
mur like a brook.-Morme- tar l'acqua nel mortajo, to la-
Táre, to murmur, to grumble, bour in vain.--Mortajo, a
to mutter, to buzz, to whis mortar piece.
per.-Mormoráre, to detract, Mortale, adj. mortal, subject
or speak ill of, to slander, to to death, perishable.--Mor-
traduce or backbite.
tole, mortal, deadly-Mortale,
Mormorato, participle of Mor- mortal, great, grievous, dead-


Mormoratóre, a detractor, a
slanderer, traducer, backbiter.
Mormoratrice, s. f. fem. of
Mormorazione, s. f. murmur,
a grumbling, a buzzing deadly.-Mortalmente, mortal-

Mormorazione, detraction,sian-ly, grievously, cruelly, bitter-Moscado, s. m. musk.

,"der, evil speaking, back-biting, traducing, No moreggiare, to murmur, to purl or warble, to whisper, or mutter. Mormorévole, adj. murmuring, purling, whispering. Mormório, s. m. murmur, purling of brooks or streams.

-Mormorio, murmur, a buz-
zing, or humming noise.
Mormorio, detraction. back-
biting, slandering, evil speak
ing, traducing.
Mormorità, v. Mormorazióne.
Mormoróso, adj. murmuring,
buzzing, humming, purling.
Moro, s. m. a moor.--Moro,
Moroidale, adj. hemorrhoidal.
Moróide, s. f. hemorrhoids or

Moróso, adj. long, lasting, that
lasts a long time.
Morsa, s. f. toothing, a cor-
Morse, (ner stone or brick
left for more building.
Morsa, pincers.-Morsa, a vice
to hold fast any thing.
Morsecchiare, to bite.
Morsecchiato, adj. bit, bitten.
Morsecchiatúra, s. f. bite, the
mark left at a thing which
has been bitten.
Morsellétto, s. m. dim. of Mor-

Morsello, s. m. a bit, a mor-
sel, a mouthful.
Morsicáre, to bite.
Morsicátura, s. f. a bite.


Mortificáto, adj. mortified.
Mortificazione, s. f mortifica-
tion, check, abstinence.
Mortina, s. f.
Mortito, s. m. meat like jelly,
with myrtle berries in it.
Morto, s. m. corpse, a dead
body of a man..
-Mort, adj.
dead, deceased.—Mosto, palé,


ly, cruel-Mortale, s. m. any
thing which is mortal.. -1
mortali, the mortals.
Mortalita, S. f. mortality,
plague, pestilence.
Mortalmente, adv. mortally,

Mórvido, v. Mórbido.
Morviglione, s. m. measles.
Mosaico, v. Músaico.
Mosca, s. f. a fly-Non si può
avere il mele senza mosche, there
is no rose without thorns.--
Menure a mosca cieca, to give
any thing away foolishly and
without discretion, or to
strike without minding whom.
-Pigliar le mosche per aria, to
be soon angry.—Mosca dovr
nu, a brizze, an ox fly.
Moscadellétto, s. m.little musk-

Moscadello, s. m. muscadine
grape.-Pero moscadėlto, musk-

ly Peccave mortalmente, to
commit a mortal siu.
Mortaménte, adj. deadly, in a
dead manner.
Morte, s. f. death.-A morte,
adv. to death, mortally.
Mortélla, s. f. myrtle.
Morticcio, adj. pale, wan, of a
deadly colour.-Carne mortic-

Noce Moscáda, a nutmeg.
Moscajo, s. m. a large number
of flies together. Mo:cijo,
s. m. a humming noise, a
buzzing or buzz, murmur.
Moscajuóla, s. f. a flap to drive
away flies, a fan.
Moscardino, Moscárdo, s. m.
tassel, a spar-hawk.

Moscatello, s. m. muscadel

wine. Moscato, adj. musked, perfumed with musk.Mocáto, s. m. dapple grey. Moschéa, s. m. a mosque. Moscheríno, s. m. Moschetta, s. f. a little fly. Moschetteria, s. f. a volley of musket-shot. Moschettáta, s. f. musket-shot. Moschettiére, a musketeer. Moschetto, s.m. musket, a firelock. Moschettóne, s. m. musket, a double musket. Mosciamà, s. m. a kind of sausige made of tunny-fish. Moscino, s. m. dim. of Mosca. Mos'scio, adj. flabby, soft. Moscióne, s. m. a gnat, a little fly. Mo cióne,a great drinker. Moscoleáto, adj. musked, odoriferous, that smells well.

muster.-Mostra, mark, sign,
token.--Questo cavallo non ha
mostra d'esser buono, this horse
does not look to be good.---
Mostra, a glass, a glass box,
stall cloths. Mostra, show,
ostentation, parade.-Mo tra,
sample. Mostra, dial-plate,
that part which shows the
hours; and it is also said ab
solutely of those clocks that
do not strike.
Mostraménto, s. m. show, de-

Mostránte, adj. that showeth.
Mostránza, s. f. show, demon-
stration, appearance, outside.
-Far mostranza, to show, to
let see-Non ne fate mo tranza,
take no notice of it.
Mostráre, to show, to demon-
strate, to let see, to discover.

Mostráre a dito, to shew or
point at with one's finger, as
in derision. Mostrare, to
make as if, to feign, to pre-
tend, to dissemble, to coun-
terfeit. Mostra di non conos-
cermi, he makes as if he did not
know me.--
---Mostráre, to ap-
pear, to look.-Non è così cat-
tivo come mostra, it is not so
bad as it looks to be.-Mos-
tráto, adj. showed.
Mostratore, shower, demon-
strator.- —Mostratrice, fem. of

[blocks in formation]

Motóso, adj. muddy, miry, full of mud.

Motrice, s. f. fem. of Motore. | -L'intelligenza motrice, the moving intelligence.-La facoltà motrice, the motive faculty.

Motta, s. f. a clod, turf, lump of earth.

Motteggiare, to flout, to jeer,
to mock, to laugh at.
Motteggiato, adj. flouted, jeer-

Motteggévole, adj. facetious,
merry, pleasant, comical.
Motteggiatore, a jester, a
banterer, a jeerer.
Mottéggio, s. m. quip, jeer,
flout, jest, joke, banter.-
Parlare per motteggio, to speak
in jest.


Moscolo, s. m. moss.
Mosconcéllo, dim. of Moscone.
Mocone, s. m. a great fly, a

Mossa, s. f. start, the first mo-
tion of any thing, movement.
-Dar la mossa ad un affare, to
begin an affair.-Mossa d'ar-
ani, march.-Fare una mossa d'
armi contra qualche luogo, to in-
vade a place.

Mosse, s. f. plur. the starting-
place. Dar le mosse, to
give the signal to start.--
Non potere alle mosse, to be in-
Mosso, adj. moved.
Mostacchio, S.
turned up.
Mostacciaccio, s. m. a large,
plump, ugly, frightful face.
Mostacciata, s. f. a box on the


m. whiskers

Mostaccio, s. m. face.
Mostaccióne, s. m. a box on

the ear.

Mostacciuolo, s.m. a cake made
of flour, sugar, spices, and
sweet wine.
Mostárda, s. f. boiled wine-
must with ingredients in it,
that serves as a sauce.

Mosto, s. m. must, wine unfer-

Mostrazióne, s.f. show,demon


Motteggióso, adj. merry, fa-
cetious, pleasant, comical.
Mottétto, s. m. a joke, jest,
quip, jeer, flout, banter.-
Mottétto, motet, a musical
composition in Latin.
Motto, s. m. motto put to an
emblem or device, or the coat
of arms of the nobility or
gentry, a posy.-Motto, quib,
jest, frump, joke, jeer.Git-
tare in motto, to mention.
Fur motto ad uno, to salute
one.-Fur motto, to speak.-
Non ne fate motto, don't speak
of it.-Non fur ne motto nè
totto, to be dumb, not to
speak a word.-Toccare un
motto d'alcuna cosa, to mention,
to touch upon a thing.-
Molto di rimando, a witty quip,
a witty answer.
Motúra, s. f. motion, move-
ment, proposition. Obs.--
Motúra, mover.
Mota, s. f. mud. mire, puddle. Moventano, adj. momenta-
Motíva, s. f. motive, cause, neous. Obs.
Motivo, s. m. S reason, in- Movénte, adj. that moves.
ducement, incitement, encou-Movénza, s. f. Obs. . Movi-
ragement.-Motivo, adj. mov-
ing or giving motion unto,

Mostro, s. m.a monster, a mon-
strous or strange thing.-
Mostro, adj. showed, demon-
Mostrúso, v. Mostruoso.
Mostruosamente, adv. mon-
strously, prodigiously.
Mostruosità, s. f. monstrosity,


Mostruoso, adj. monstrous,

Mostárdo, s. m. tassel, spar-Motiváre, to mention, to moti-
on, to propose.-Edin caso che
sia altrimente, me lo suprete mo-
tivare, and in case it is other-
wise, you'll let me know it.
-Motiváto, adj. mentioned,
Mostra, s. f. a show, an appear- proposed, aforesaid.
-Mostra, muster, re- Moto, s. m. motion, moving.
view.-Fur la mostra, to pass-Di proprio moto, willingly,

Mostoso, adj. tasting of must,

sweet as must.


mento, or Moto. Móvere, v. Muovere. Movevole, adj. moveable,mov ing, that can move, or be


Movibile, adj. moveable, that
can be moved.
Movimento, s. m. motion,
movement, impulse, disposi
tion, inclination.Fare una
cosa di suo proprio movimento to
do a thing of one's own ac


cause, rea

viscous extraction made of secds, roots or apples, with


Mucilaginóso, adj mucilagi


Mucína, s. f. o Mucíno, s. m. a young cat.-I mucini hanno aperti gli occhi, we are wise enough not to be deceived. Mucosità, s. f. mucosity, sliminess, snottiness.

cord, or one's own head.Moiminto, change, alteration, vicissitude. Movitíva, s. f. Movitivo, s. m. son, incitement, origin. Movitóre, a mover, he that moves or gives motion. Movitrice, she that moves or gives motion. Virtù movitrice the moving virtue. Movizione s. f. motion, move-Mucóso, adj. mucous, slimy. ment, agitation. Muda, s. f. a place to keep Movúto, adj. moved. Obs. birds when they change their Now we say Mosso. feathers. Mozióne, s. f. motion. Mozzaménto, s. m. a cutting off-Mozzamento di membro, mutilation, maiming. Mozzáre, to cut off.-Mozzar la testa ad uno, to cut off one's bead. Mozzarsi, to part, to get


Mozzáto, adj. cut off. Mozzetta, s. f. an episcopal or prelatical gown. Mozzicóne, s. m. stump. Mozzina, s. f. a cunning or sly man or woman, a sharp blade.

Mozzo, s. m. a stump.-Mozzo, bit, fragment.-Mozzo d'una pianta, the beard of a plant or any root.-Mozzo, adj. cut, or cut off.-Pur guarda che da me tu non sij mozzo, take care not to part yourself from me. ---Mozzo di camera, a drudge, a drudge-pudding.-Mozzo di stalla, a stable boy, an ostler. -Mosso di nave, a cabin boy. -Mozzo raso, coarse satin. Mozzorecchi, s. m. a vulgar appellation for a lawyer, a pettifogger. Muccería, s. f. raillery, banter, low jest. Obs. Múcchero, 6. m. rose or violet


Mucchietto, s. m. a little heap or pile. Múcchio, s. m. heap, mass, pile. Mucciáre, to jeer, to flout, to mock, to banter, to laugh at. -Mucciáre, to run away.

Mucellággine, e. Mucillagine. Mucellagginéso, v. Mucillagi


Muci, puss, a word to call a


Múcia, s. f a puss, a she cat.
Múcido, adj. musty, mouldy,
flabby, faded.
Mucillaggine, s. f. mucilage, a

Muda, change. A muda, adv. by turns. Mudagióne, s. f. a moulting or renewing, a changing or change.

Mudáre, to moult, to renew, or cast feathers. Muffa, s. f. mouldiness, musti


Muffare, to grow hoary,musty, or mouldy, to be pale or dead. Muffaticcio,adj.musty,mouldy. -Muffaticcio, weak, of a weak constitution, sickly. Muffato, adj. musty, mouldy. Muffo, adj. contracted from Muffato.

squeeze, to press. Mugolamento, s. m. 2 groan, Mugolio, groans

ing, lamentation. Mugolare, to g. oan, to lament, to complain-Muzolare, to yelp, to whine as a dog when he welcomes his master home, to groan.

Mula, s. f. mule or she-mule. -Mula, s. f. an obstinate


Mulácchia. s. f. a daw. Mulacchiája, s. £. a flight of crows or daws.-Mularchiája, prating, chattering. Muláccio, s. m. a bad mule. Mulattiére, s. m. muleteer, or driver of mules. Mulétto, s. m. a young mule. Muliebre, adj. womanish, per taining to a woman. Mulináre, to contrive, to plot, to devise, to circumvent. Malináro, s. m. a miller. Mulinello, s. m. a hand-mill. Mulino, s. m. a mill.--Muling a braccia, a quern or handmill-Mulino d'acqua, a water-mill-Mulino a vento, a wind mill-Tirar l'acqua al suo mulino, to bring grist to one's mill.

Mulo, s. m. a mule.-Mulo, a bastard-Mulo, an obstinate man.

Mulona, s. f. a stubborn she

Mugavéro, s. m. certain soldiers in Ormus. Obs. Mugellágine, s. f. mucilage, a viscous extraction of seeds, roots, gums, or apples. Mugghiaménto, s. m. a bellow-mule. ing, or lowing.-Murghia- || Mulsa, s. f. water and honey ment, resounding, noise. mixed together. Mugghiante, adj. bellowing, Multa, s. f. a penalty or fine, lowing.

Mugghiare, to bellow or to roar.-Mugghiare, to roar as a lion-Mugghiare, to roar as the sea.

Múgghio, o Múglio, s. m. bellowing, lowing-Múgghio, a moauful, doleful, groaning noise.-Mugghio, the roaring of the sea.

Muggire, to bellow, or to


Muggito, s. m. bellowing, or roaring.

Mughetto, s. m. lily of the

Mugilligine, r. Mugellagine.
Mugliare, to bellow.
Múglio, s. m. bellowing.
Mugnájo, a miller.
Múgnere, to milk.-Mugnere
una vacia, to milk a cow.-
Trovare il becco duro a mugnere,
to find a thing harder than
one thought. Magnere, to

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muráta, a walled city. Muratóre, a mason. Muréllo, s. m. a little wall. Muréna, s. f. a fish so called. Muneraménto, s. m. remune-Murétto, s. m. a little wall. ration, recompence, reward. Muríccia, s. m. a mulberry.

Musoliéra, s. f. a muzzle.
Musóne, s. m. a dodger, a de
layer, a dallier.-Musone,
slap on the face.- Musone,
sullen man, a man that doet
his business without speak
Musórno, s. m. a blockhead, a
dunce, a loggerhead.


Muneráre, to reward, to remu-Muricciuólo, s. m. a little wall. | Mustacchi, s. m. plur. whisk-
nerate. Obs.
Muro, s. m. a wall-Muro
maestro,the main or chief wall. Mustélla, s. m a weazle.
-Muro fornace, a vaulted or
arched wall.-Muro, house,
habitation, dwelling place.

Munerazione, reward, recom-
pence. Obs.
Municipále, adj. municipal,
belonging to the freedom of
a city Legge municipale, mu-Musa, s. f. Muse.Musa, al
nicipal law.
Município, s. m. a free town.

Munificénza, s. f. munificence,
liberality, bountifulness.
Muniménto, s. m. monument,
tomb, grave.
Munire, to store, to furnish or
provide with ammunition, to

Munitório, s. m. a munitory,
an admonition.
Munizione, s. f. fortification.
-Pan di munizione, ammuni-
tion-bread, soldiers' bread.
Munizione, admonition.-

musical pipe so called.
Musacchino, part of the back
part of an armour which is
grown out of use.
Musáico, s. m. mosaic work.

Opera musaica, mosaic work,
work of smail inlaid pieces.
Musáre, to stare, to gaze, to
stand idle, to gad idly up

and down.

Musáta, s. f. a slap on the
chops, a slap over the face.
Muscáta, o nosce muscáta, a

Muscato, adj. musked-Vin muscálo, muskadine wine. Munizione,ammunition.-Mu- Muschiare, to perfume with

nizióne, provisions.


Muno, s. m. gift, present. Múschio, s. m. musk.


Muschioso, adj. that belongs

to musk.

Musco, s. m. musk.
Muscolare, adj. muscular.
Múscolo, s. m. 2 muscle of the
Músculo, S body.
Muscoloso, adj. musculous,
Musculoso, $ full


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Mutabilità, s. f. mutability,
changeableness, inconstancy.
Mutabilmente, adv. change

Mutaménto, s. m. change, mu
tation, alteration, variation,
turn, vicissitude, course.
Mutánde, s. f. pl. trowers,

Mutánza,s.f.mutation, change,
alteration, shift, variation.
Mutáre, to change, to alter, to
shift, to turn.--Mutar vers,
to alter the course of one's
life-Mutar luogo, to change
place-Mutarsi di camicia, to
change one's shirt.
Mutáto, adj. changed, alter
horse-Mutatóre, s. m. he that chang

Múnto, adj. milked.
Munúsculo, s. m. a small gift.
Muovere, to move, to stir, to
give motion to.-Muovere, to
induce, to lead, to entice, to
persuade, or draw on-Muo-
cere a pietà, to move to pity,
to touch one's heart.-Muo-Muséo, s. m. a museum, a pub-
vere dubbio, to start a diffi- lic place for the resort of learn-
culty.-Muovere lite, to go to ed men, a gallery, a study or li-
law. Muoversi, to move or brary.
go on, to stir.--Ritornui al
buogo onde mi mossi, I went
back to the place from whence
I came. Movere,to proceed,
to come from, to spring from,
to arise or rise.-Muovere, to
begin-Muovere, to bud, to
burgeon or bloom.
Muráccio, s. m. a bad old

Muraglia, s. f. wall.-Muraglie d'una città, the walls of a


Museruóla, s. m. muzzerole;
the nose-band of a
bridle, a muzzle.
Música, s. f. music.
Musicále, adj. musical, belong-changing, alteration.
ing to music.

Mutazióne, s. f. mutation,


Musicáre, to sing, to play to able, inconstant.

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Murále, adj. of or belonging
to a wall.
Muraménto, s. m. wa'ling.

Muraménto, wall, a dead wall.
Muráre, to wall, to wall

or snout.

Muso, s. m. muzzle, snout.

Muso, face, mouth-Torcere
il muso, to make mouths at.
Muso, adj. raving, pensive,
musing, thoughtful.

Muto, s. m. a dumb man.
Muto, adj.mute, dumb,speech
less, still.

Mutolézza, s. f. dumbness. Mútolo, adj. mute, dumb, speechless.—Un mutolo, o unai mutola, s. m. a mute.

[ocr errors][merged small]

Mutuamente, adv. mutually, interchangeably. Mutuazione, s. f. equivalent, reciprocal thing or act. Mátuo, adj. mutual, interchangeable, reciprocal. Muzzo, adj. between sweetish and sourish in taste.



NABISSA'RE, to bluster, to rage, to fume, or be angry. Nabissare, to destroy, to ruin, to overthrow, to undo, to bring to nothing. Nabissáto, adj. ruined, overthrown, undone. Nabisso, s. m., an abyss, a bottomless gulf or pit, hell. -Nabisso a stirring mischievous child.

helmet-flower. Nappo, s. m. a cup, a bowl, a drinking wooden dish. Nappóne, s. m. augment. of Nappo.

Narciso, s. f. narcissus, a sort of flower.

Narcótico, adj. narcotical, narcotic,stupifying, taking away the senses, inducing sleep. Nardino, adj. of or belonging to spikenard.--Ollonardino, oil of spikenard. Nardo, s. m. spike or spikenard.—Nardo bastardo, lavender.

Nari, s. f. plur. the nostrils. Narice, a nostril. Narragione, s. f. Narraménto, s. m. recital. Narrante, adj. that relates. Narráre, to narrate, to relate or make a narrative of, to tell or report, to make a recital.

-Nasrénza,a tumour, a swelling, ulcer.

Nascere, to be born, to come into the world.-Náscere, to grow, to come out, to appear. —Cli nacque un enfiato nel collo, del quale mori, there came out a swelling in his neck, of which he died-Niscere, to spring or flow.-Nascere, to arise, to proceed, to take rise, to come or come forth, to breed, to cause, to produce, to happen.

Nascimento, s. m. birth, nativity.-Nasciment», birth, rise, spring, beginning Nascita, bicth, extraction. descent.-Uemo di nascita nubile, a man of a good family.Vona di vile nastila a man of a low extraction or birth. Náscito, s. m. nativity the true time of a person's birth," or a figure of the heavens cast for that time. Nasciuto, adj boru. Obs. Nascondénte, adj. hiding, that hides.

Nascóndere. to h'de to conceal.-- Vu condere to dissemble, to feiga, to conceal, to disguise. Nascondé cle. adj that may be hidden or concealed, Nascondiglio, s. m. a lurkingplace, a close or secret place, a hidden corner. Nascondigliuolo, s. m. a little Jurking place, or close cor



Nascondimuto, s. m. a hiding, a concealing, a concealment. -- Nascondimento, a lurkingbole, a hidden corner. Nasconditóre, a concealer, Nasconditrice, fem. of Nasconditore.

Nascosaménte, adv. privately, secretly.

Nascóso, adj. bidden conceal-
Nascosto, (ed, secret.
Nascostamente, adv. privately,
in secret, under-hand.
Nasello, è dim. of Naso.-
Nasello, the staple

Náccaro, v. Nacchera. Obs.
Nácchera, s. f. kettle-drums.
Natchera, children's playing


Narrativa, s. f. narration, re-
lation, recital, narrative.
Narrativo, adj. narrative, de-


Narratore, he that relates or

makes a relation.

Narratrice, fem. of Narra


Naccherino, s. m. a kettle-Narráto, adj. narrated, related,
drummer.Naccherino, a told, reported.
pretty wanton child.-Nac
cherina, any little beast, a
puppy, a whelp, a kitten,
Naccherone, s. m. a large pair
of kettle-drums.
Nadir, s. m. nadir, the point
Nadirre, in the heavens
directly under our feet, and
diametrically opposite the

Nafie, faith, by my faith;
a manner of swearing used
by the vulgar.
Najade, s. f. a nymph or fairy
of the fountains or waters.
Naibi, s m. a kind of play
used by children.
Nareréllo, s. m. Į
a little
Naneróttolo, S dwarf, or
Nanfa, s. f. orange


Narratório, adj. narrative, de-
clarative, expressive.
Narrazione, s. f. narration, ac-
count, relation, recital.
Nársia, s. f. a feigned name by
Boccace,supposing some pro-
vince or kingdom so called.
Nasáccio, s. m. a nasty ugly


Nasaggine, s. f.a jocular word,
as if one was to say in English,
nosiness, from nose, and it
means bigness of nose.
Nasále, s. m. that part of the
helmet that covers the nose.
Nasáre, v. Annasare.
Nasata, s. f. a reprimand, or a
flower-negative given in a brutal
manner. Nasúla, s. f. a fre-


Nanna, s. f. hy-by lullaby.quent naming of the nose.Nasetto,

For la nanna, to go to sleep
to lull asleep.
Nano, s. m. Nana, s. f. a dwarf
a shrimp.-Gallina nana, &

v. Innanzi. Obs.
Napo, s. m. turnep.
Nappa, s. f. a tassel, a pu
Nappalio, m. wolves bane

Nesa, a blow given with or bolt of a door.
the nose.
Nasino, s. m. a small nose.
Nascente, adj. growing, newly Naso, s. m. nose.--Menar pel
born, come into the world.nuso, to lead by the nose →→
La nascente fuama del mio Nen pli si può toccare il naso,
amore, the growing flame of nobody can deal with him.→→
my love. It de na cente, the Naso aquilino, a hawk's nose.
rising day, the new day Nasóne, s. m. a large nose.
Nasórie, s m. an augmentative
of nuse; but ludicrous.

Il sol nascente, the rising sun.

Nascénza, s. f. birth, nativity.

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