صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Natale, s. m. nativity, birth-
day.-Lafe ta di Natale,Christ-
mas day.-Natale, adj. native,
natal.-Paese nutale, native

Natáre, . Nuotare. Obs.
Natatória, s. f. a bath. Obs.
Natica, s. f. buttock.
Naticúto, adj. that has large

Natio, adj. natal, native.

Pae e natio, native countryNatio, natural, inbred.-Pietà natia, natural goodness. Natività, s. f. nativity, birthday. Nativo, adj. native, what one has from his birth. Nato. s. m. son, child.-Nato, adj. born.

vale, a sea-fight.-Forze navali, | Nazionále, adj. national.
sea forces, navy.
Navaléstro, v. Navichiere.
Naváta, s. f. a ship's freight.
Nave, s. f. a ship.-Nave da
guerra, a man of war.-Nave
da carico, a merchant-man.-
Nave, a boat.-Nave, the nave,
or body of a church.
Naveresco, adj. naval, belong-
ing to the sea or ships.
Navetta, se ha small ship.

Nazióne, s. f. nation, people,
country.-Nazióne, birth, be-
ginning. Nazione, birth, ex-
traction, descent, family.
Nè, adv. nor, neither.N
t'ho caro, nè t'umo, I neither
cherish you nor love you.
Ne l'uno, nè l'altro, neither.

Navetta, weaver's shuttle.
Naufragare, to shipwreck, to
suffer shipwreck.
Naufrágio, s. m. wreck, a

Naufrago, adj. cast away.
Naufragoso, adj. that has made
a shipwreck, or been cast
away. Naufragóso, danger-
ous, tempestuous.
Navicella, s. f. a little ship, a
boat, a barge.
Navicellijo, s. m. a waterman,
a bargeman.
Navicello, s. m. a little ship, a

Prima che io trovi in ciò pace ne tregua, before I can find either peace or rest in that.-Ne, in-Nella, f. in the. -Nello, m. in the.-Ne, adv. from thence.-Ne vengo, I come from thence.-Ne, in the-Ne campi, in the fields. -Ne, us, to us. Poet.-Perche crudo destino ne disunisci ta s'amor ne stringe? cruel destiny, why do you part us, if love joins us?-Ne scrisse, he wrote us-Ne, some, of it, of them. Ne ho, I have some- -Non ne ho, I have none.-. -Ve, by it.- --Ne caverete profitto, you'll reap some profit by it. Nebbia, s. f. mist, fog, cloud.

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-Nebbia, blindness, ignorance.Incantar la nebbie, to eat very early in the morning.-Inhottar nebbia, to throw away or lose one's time. sea-Nebbióne, s. f. a very thick mist or fog.

Navichiére, s. m. a waterman,
a bargeman, a ferryman.
Navigabile, adj. navigable.
Navigamento, s. m. navigation,
the art of sailing.
Navigante, s. m. sailor,
man, mariner.


Navigare, to sail, to go by sea.
-Navigar per perduto, to give
one's self entirely for lost.
Navigáto, adj. sailed.
Navigatóre, s. m. a sailor,

Natrice, s. m. a water-snake.
Natta, s. f. bunch, a soft tu-Navigáre, s. m.navigation,
mour, which grows most
usually in the back, and
sometimes in the shoulders.
Natúra, s. f. nature.-Natúra,
nature, property, essence.
Natura, nature, temper.-Na-
túra, nature, humour, condi-
tion, custom.-Natura, nature,
sort, kind..
--Li sua natura,
Naturale, adj. natural, accord-
ing to nature.-Naturale, na-
tural, easy, free, unaffected.


Nebbioso, adj. misty, cloudy,
foggy, gloomy.
Nebula, s. f. mist, fog, cloud.

Nebula, spot, stain. Nebulétta, s. f. little mist, fog or cloud.


Navigazióne, s. f. navigation.
Navigio, s. m. a ship. Not


Navile, s. m. a fleet of ships.
Naviglio, a ship.
Naulo, s. m. freight.

Nebulóso, adj. misty, foggy,
cloudy, gloomy.
Necessariamente, adv. neces--

Necessário, adj. necessary, necdful, requisite.--Necessero, s. m. necessaries.-Necessaria, a privy, a house of office.

Figlio naturale, natural son, or Navóne, turnip, metaph. a Necesse, necessary, of necessi

bastard.--Naturale,natural, blockhead. not counterfeited or sophisti- | Nausa, s f. cated. Naturále, s. m. a Nausea, man's privy member. Naturalezza, s. f. nature, way,


Naturalità, s. f. the same as
Naturalista, s. m. naturalist.
Naturalmente, adv. naturally,
by nature.
Naturársi, to grow natural or

Navále, adj. naval, belonging
to a ship or navy.-Armata
navale, a fleet-Battuglia na-


Nauseaménto, v. Nausea.
Nauseánte, adj. that nauseates
or loaths.

Nauseare, to nauseate, to loath
or abhor, to be disgusted at.
Nauseóso, adj. nauseous, loath-
some, nasty.
Nauta, s. m. a sailor, a pilot.

Naútica, s. f. the art of sail-
Naútico, adj. nautical, belong-
ing to ships or mariners.

ty. Obs.-L'essere in caritate
è qui necesse, it is necessary to
be in charity here.
Necessità, s. f. necessity, need,
want, distress, poverty, ex-
tremity.-incre sitù, adv. of
necessity, necessarily.
Necessitáre, to necessitate, to
force, to compel.-Necessitato,
adj. necessitated, forced, com-

Necessitózo, adj. necessitous,
indigent, poor, needy.
Necista, s. f. contracted from

Neénte, s. m. nothing. Obs.

Nefa, s. f. listlessness. Obs.
Nefandezza, s. f. wickedness,


Nefándo, adj. heinous, lewd, wicked, execrable, cursed, nefandous.

Nefário, adj. nefarious, wicked, villainous. Nefrítico, adj. belonging to the reins.

Nefritide, s. f. nephritis. Negabile, adj. deniable, to be denied.

Negaménto, & m. negation, gainsaying.

Negáre, to deny, to refuse, to gainsay, to say no. Negativa, s. f. negation, deNegazione, Snial. Negghiente, adj. Tegligent, lazy, idle, careless. Obs. Negghienza, s. f. negligence, laziness, idleness, carelessness,slothfulness, sluggishness. Obs.-Avere in negenza, to neglect, not to take care of, to disregard, to slight. Neghittosamente, adj. negli gently, slothfully, carelessly. Neghiettoso, Neghittoso, adj. lazy, negligent, slothful, idle, sluggish, careless. Neglettamente, adv. negligently, carelessly, slothfully. Negletto, adj. neglected, not regarded, despised, slighted, disregarded.

Negligentáre, to neglect, to

take no care.

Ngligénte, adj. negligent, careless, slothful, neglectful. Negligentemente, adv. negligently, carelesly, slothfully, neglectfully. Negligenza, s. f negligence, disregard, carelessne.s, neglect.

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Negoziúccio, s. m. small busi-Nequízia, s. f. wickedness, lewdness.


Negreggiáre, v. Nereggiare. Negretto, adj. blackish. Negrézza, s. f. blackness, thiness.

swar-Nerbáto, adj. struck, beat with

Negrigénte, adj. v. Negligente.
A rustic word.
Negrigénza, v. Negligenza, A
rustic word.

Negro, adj. black, swarthy.
Negrománte, s. m. a necro-Nerboroso,
mancer, a conjurer, a magi- Nerbúto,
cian, or wizard.
Negromantéssa, s. f. a witch, a


somewhat black.
Nereggiáre, to grow black, to
incline to black.

Negromántico, adj. necroman-
tic, belonging to necroman-Nerétto, adj. blackish.

Negrománzia, s. f. necroman
cy, a divination by calling
up dead men's ghosts or the
devil, a conjuration.
Nel vero, adv. in truth, verily,

Nembo, s. m. a sudden storm
of rain or hail.--Nembo, a
cloud, a dark cloud, a thick


N mica, adv. neither, not. Nemicamente, adv. v. Nemiche volmente.


Nemicáre, v. Nimicare. Nemichévole, adj. unfriendly, cruel, fierce. Nemichevolmente, adv. friendly, like cruelly, fiercely. Nemico, s. s. m. an enemy, a foe. --Esser nemico del vino, to have an aversion to wine, not to love it.-Nemico, adj. adverse, cross, contrary, prejudicial.


Negligere, to neglect, to disregard, not to take care of, to slight.

Negéssa, s. f. a sweep-net, a


Negoziánte, dealer, merchant,
Negoziare, to trade, to deal,
to merchandize, to traffic.
-Negotiáre, to negociate, to
transact, to manage.-Nego-
ziato, adj. negociated, trans-
Negoziato, s. m. a treaty, an
Negoziatore, negotiator, he
that transacts or negociates an
affair of state.

Nerbáre, to strike or beat with

an ox's nerve.

an ox's nerve.

Nerbo, s. m. a nerve, a sinew.
Nerbolino, s. m. a little nerve
or sinew.
Nerborúto, adj.

Nereggiante, adj.

nervy, nerv. ous, strong, lusty.


an enemy,

La fortuna nemica, cross or
adverse fortune.

Nemistà, s. f. enmity, hatred,

Nénufor, s. m. nenufar, or ne-
nuphar, water lilies.
Nenufarino, adj. made of ne-

Néo. s. m. a mole, a patch.
Néofito, s. m. neophyte, one
newly converted to the Chris-
tian faith.
Nepitélla, s. f. nep or nip, the
herb cat mint.
Nepitéllo, s. m. the lid of one's
Nepote, s. m. nephew, grand-

Nerezza, s. f. swarthiness,

Nericante, Nericcio, adj. black ish, somewhat black. Nericcio, adj. blackish, brownish, somewhat black, somewhat brown.

Nero, adj. black.--Alla notte
nera, at the dusk of the night.
Vestire a nero, to wear mourn-
ing.-Dì neri, fish-days.
Nérveo, adj. nervous, strong,

Nervétto, s. m. a little nerve
or sinew.
Nervicciuólo, v. Nervetto.
Nervo, s. m. nerve, sinew.-
-Nervo, vigour, power,
strength, force, help, assist-
ance. Un buon nervo di gente
amada, a good number of
armed men.- --Uomo di buon
nerco, a strong, lusty man.
Nervosità, s. f. nervosity, ful-
ness of nerves or sinews,
strength, vigour.
Nervoso, adj. nervy, nervous,
full of nerves, strong, lusty.
Nesciénte, adj. ignorant.
Nescientemente, adv. igno-
rantly, through ignorance.
Nescienza, s. f. innocent, ig-


Néscio, adj. ignorant.-Fare il
nescio, to play the ignorant.
Néspola, s. f. a mediar.
Néspolo, s. m. a medlar-tree.
Nessuno, adj. nobody, not one.
Nessunamente, adv. in no wise,
by no means, not at all.
Nestajuóla, s. f. a seminary, a
plice where plants are aet

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Nettamento, s. m. cleaning, a Neutralità, s. f. neutrality, incleansing, a scowering. Nettáre, to clean, to cleanse, to make clean, to scower.Nettáre, to run away. Néttare, s. m. nectar. Nettáreo, adj. of nectar. Nettativo, adj. cleansing, that cleanseth.

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difference. Neutralmente, adv. neutrally, in a neutral manner. Neútro, adj. neuter, neither, of neither party, neutral. Star neutro, to be neuter. Nézza, s. f. niece. Obs. Nibbiáccio, s. m. a large kite. Nibbio, s. m. a kite-Non poter dir, come il nibbio, mio, to have nothing, to be poor-Esser nibbio, to be a fool. Nicchia, s. f. a niche.-Nicchia, dignity, employment, post, place, office. Questa carica non è nicchia per lui, he is not fit for such employment. Nicchiamento, s. m. groaning, wailing.

Nicchiare, to groan, to lament, to grieve, to complain as a woman when she is upon the point of being delivered of a child, to grumble.-Nicchiare, to shew disapprobation.Nicchiare, to undertake a thing unwillingly.

Nettáto, adj. cleaned, cleansed, scowered, fled away. Nettatojo, s. m. a broom, a besom, a brush to clean with. Nettatúra, s. f. cleansing or cleaning. Néttere, v. a. to connect, to compose. Dante has used it in the meaning of, to quiet, to still. Nettézza, s. f. cleanliness, neatness. -Nettezza, cleanliness, pureness, sincerity, fidelity. Netto, adj. clean, pure, cleanly, neat.- -Coscienza netta, a clear conscience.-- -Netto, clear, good, unspotted, free, sincere, faithful.-Donna di netta vita, a woman of an unspotted, honest life.--Netto, quick, nimble, cleverly.Netto, harmless, hurtless, without hurt or loss.Giuocar netto, to proceed in some affair cautiously.--Tagliar di thing. netlo, to cut at once.-Portur Nichilo, s. m. nothing. via di netto, to carry away at Nicissità, s. f. necessity, want. ence.-Farla netto, o netta, to Obs. do a thing cleverly.Guadagnare al netto, to get, clear, to clear. Ho guadagnato dieci lire al netto, I have cleared ten pounds. Nevajo, v. Nevazio. Neváre, to snow. Neváto, adj. snowed. Nevázio, s. m. abundance of

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Nicchietta, s. f. a small niche. Nicchio, s. m. a cockle-fish. Nicchiolíno, s. m. a very small cockle.

Nichílità, s. f. nothingness, no

Nicistà, v. Necessità. Obs.Di nicistà, of necessity, necessarily, necessary. Nidáta, v. Nidiata. Nidiace, adj. taken out of the nest.Un nidiace, a fool, a dunce, a blockhead, a simpleton.

Nidiáta, s. f. a nestful, a covey, a bevy, a hatching, Nidificare, to nest, to build a nest. Nulificáre, to breed, to sit, to hatch or lay in a nest. -Nidificáre, to live together. Nídio, s. m. a nest, a roost. Nido, Nido, place,

man's home, dwelling-place, habitation. Il patrio nido, one's native country. Nidiúzzo, s. m. a very small birdnest.

Niegáre, to deny, to refuse.

Niego, s. m. a denial, a refusal. Nielláre, to neal, to soften and purify metals by fire, befors they are worked with a pun


Niello, s. m. a manner, so called, of working metals with a puncheon, or other tool. Niénte, s. m. nothing, not at all. Non ho dormito mente la notte passata, I did not sleep at all last night. Nientedimanco, adv. howNientediméno, Nienteméno,



withstanding, yet, nevertheless. Niévo, s. m. a nephew. Obs. Niffa, s. f. snout, muzzle, Niffo, s. m. bill--Levare il Niffolo, nifolo, to pout, Nifo, to frown. Nigella, s. f. gith, the seed of the gith. Nighittosamente, adv. slothfully, negligently. Nighittoso, adj. lazy, slothful, negligent.

Nigro, v. Negro. Obs. Nigrománte, v. Negromante. Nigromántico, v. Negromantico.

Nigromanzia, v. Negromanzia. Nimbo, s. m. v. Nembo. Nimicáre, to hate, to abhor, to persecute. Nimicársi, to quarrel, to dis pute, to fall out, to become

an enemy.

Nimicato, adj. grown an enemy, turned enemy. Nimichévole, adj. inimical, contrary, against. Nimichevolinénte, adv. like an enemy, cruelly. Nimicizia, s. f. enmity, hatred, grudge.

Nimico, s. m. an enemy, a foe.

Nimico, adj. contrary, adverse, cross.Fortuna nèrica, cross or adverse fortune.-11 vino mi e nimico, wine is contrary to me, or I have an

aversion to wine.

Nimistà, s. f. enmity, hatred, grudge.

Nimistánza, v. Nimistà. Obs. Nimo, adj. nobody. Obs.-Se nimo t'accusa ne io l'cond in

nero, if nobody impeaches you I shall not condemn you. Ninna, s. f. a nymph or fairy. Nitala, a nymph, a country lass.Ninfa, chrysalis of a


Ninfale, adj. of or belonging M.m

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Julling to sleep.
Nipitélla,? v. Nepitella.

Nipote nephew, niece.
Nipótemo, s. m. my nephew.
Nipotíno, s. m. Nipotína, s. f.
a little nephew or niece.
Nipotismo, s. m. nepotism.
Niquità, 8. f. iniquity, wicked- |


Niquitosamente, adv. iniqui-
tously, wrathfully.
Niquitóso, adj. impious, wick-
ed, iniquitous.-Niquitóso, an-
gry, in anger.
Niscóndere, to hide, to con-
ceal. Obs.

Niscondiglio, s. m. lurking


Nocíno, adj. belonging to a

nut, or of a nut.

Nocitivo, adj. harmful, offen. sive, against.

Nobilmente, adv.nobly,gentle- Nocitóre, s. m. a mischievous,


hurtful man.

nobi-Nocivamente, adv. hurtfully,
perniciously, dangerously,
Noc-Nocivo, adj. hurtful, destruct
ive, pernicious.

Nobiltá, s. f. nobleness,
lity, gentility.
Nébole, v. Nébile. Obs.
Nocca, s. f. pl. knuckles.
ca, s. f. a kind of plant.
Nocchiére, s. m. Į a pilot, a
Nocchiéro, S steersman.
Nocchier so, adj. stony,
Nocchierúto, Sspeaking of
fruits, knotty, knobby, knur-
ry, full of knots or knurs.
Nocchio, s. m. knot, knur, or
Nocchiolito, 1


hole, a close or secret place. Nocchiorúto, Obs. Niscondiménto, s. m. a hiding Nocchinito, or concealing. Obs. Nisconditóre, a concealer. Obs.

Niscóso, adj. hidden, conceal-
ed. Obs.

Nissuno, adj. nobody.
Nitidézza, s. f. brightness,
clearness, splendour.
Nitido, bright, shining, glit-
tering, cicar.
Nitrire, to neigh, as a horse,
to whinny, as a mare.
Nitrito, s. m. the neighing of
a horse, the whinnying of a


adj. v. Nocchi


Nocuménto, s. m. hurt, harm, offence, prejudice, detri


Nocumentúccio, s. m. small
harm or hurt.
Nodello, s. m. the ancle-bone.
Noderóso, adj. knurry, knob-
Noderúto, Sby, full of

knurs or knobs.

Nodo, s. m. knot-Nodo di perle, a knot of pearls.- Nod, 8. m. pl. knuckles.-Nodo del collo, the nape of the neck

Nocciolétto, s. m. a small fruit- Nodo di vento, a whirlwind.


Nodo di salamone, a running knot.-Nodo in sul dito, a taylor's knot. Nodo a pie d'uccel

Nocciolíno, v. Noccioletto.
Nocciolo, s. m. the stone of a
fruit. Non vale una man dilo, a kind of knot so called
noccioli, it is not, worth a pin. by seamsters.--Nodo ascendente,
Sono due anime in un nocciolo, ascending node, the circle of
they are like hand and the moon's motion-Nedo,
knot, knur, or knob.-Bas-
tone pien di nodi, knobby

Nocciolúto, adj. stony, having

a stone as fruit.
Nocciuola, s. f. hazle-nut, fil-


Nodoróso, adj. knobby, full of knots, knotty, nodose. Nodosità, s. f. nodosity, knotti


Nocciuolo, s. m. hazle-tree or
Noce, s. m. a walnut-tree.Nodóso, adj. nodose, nodous,
Noce, s. f. walnut.-Noce, the full of knots, knobby.
horned ends of a bow-Noce Nodriménto, v. Nutrimento.
del collo, the neck-bone.-Noce Nodrire, to nourish or feed, to
del piele, the ancle-bone-Una bring up, educate or instruct.
noce non suona in sacco, one
cannot do what several can.
-Mangiar le noci col mallo, to
slander those that slander

Nodrive di false speranze, to feed with false hopes. Nodríto, adj. nourished, kept, maintained, brought up. Nodritóre, he that nourishes or feeds.

Nitro, s. m. nitre, a spongy salt-like substance, salt-petre. Nitrositá, s. f. nitrous quality. Nitróso, adj. nitrous. Niunaménte, adv. by no means. Niúno, nobody. Niuna cosa, nothing. No, no, not.--Dico do no, I say not.- Temendo no'l mio dir glifosse rave, for fear I should displease him with my de-Nocélla, s. f. hazle-nut, filnial. Nobile, adj. noble, of a noble Nocemoscáda, s. f. nutmeg. race or family.----Nobile, | Nocénte, adj. harmful, hurt-Noi, we, us.--Noi parliamo, we noble, illustrious, excellent, ful, prejudicial, obnoxious. very good. Un nobile, a no- Nocénzia, s. f. error, harm, bleman, a gentleman. Nó prejudice. bile, s. m. noble, an English Nécére, v. Nuocere. Obs.

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ble, to vex, to disquiet.-Re-| carsi a noja, to be tired of something. Noja, ill words. Nojáre, to weary, to tire, to be wearisome, or tiresome, to be tedious.

Nojáto, adj. tired, wearied, list


Nojévole, adj. tedious, wearisome, tiresome. Nojosamente, adv. tediously, in a tedious manner. Nojóso, adj. tedious, wearisome, tiresome.

Noleggiare, to freight. Nolo, s. m. freight, fare, money for passage.-Pigliare a nolo un vascello, to freight a ship.

Nomáccio, s. m. a bad name, a bad reputation. Nománza, s. f. renown, fame, name, reputation, note. Nomáre, to name, to call. Nomataménte, adv. namely. Nomáto, adj. named, called. Nome, s. m. name.--) --Nome, name, reputation, renown, character. Acquistar nome, to acquire fame. Nome, stead, place. In vostro nome, in your stead. Nome, a watch-word or signal in war.-Nome,noun. —Nome sustantivo, a noun substantive.

nazione, nomination, right of naming, gift.---Nominazione, name, renown, fame, repu


Non, adv. no, not. Nona, s. f. None, the fifth of the seven canonical hours. Non che altro, o Non che, not only, much less, but, at least. -Sacrificherei la mia vita non che i miei beni per amor vostro, I would sacrifice not only my estate, but even my life for your sake. Noncovélle, adv. nothing, trifle.

Noncuránte, adj. careless, that

cares not.

Noncuránza, s. f. carelessness.
Nondimánco, Nondiméno, adv.
nevertheless, for all that,
however, although.
None, s. f. the names of some
Roman days.
Non forse, that.
Non meno, not less, not only.
Nonna, s. f. grand-mother.
Nonno, s. m. grand-father.
Nonnúlla, s. m. nothing at all.
Nono, adj. ninth.
Non ostánte che, notwithstand-
ing, for all that.

Non perciò, o non perciò di meno, Non però di meno, o Non per tanto, adv. however, Noméa, s. f. name, fame, repu- yes, for all that.-Non sine tation, renown. Obs. quare, not without reason. Nomenclatore, s. m. nomen-Non so che, I don't know clator, or remembrancer. Nomenclatúra, s. f. nomenclature, a catalogue of most com mon and useful words in any language.

Nomignolp, s. m. sirname, a nickname.

Nómina, s. f. the right or act of naming a person to a place, employment, or any such thing. Nominánza, s. f. fame, reputation, renown. Nomináre, to call, to name, to give a name. Nomináta, s. f. renown, fame, reputation.


Norma, s. f. a rule.-Norma, model, rule, trace, steps, forin, pattern.-La sua vita, servi di norma a tutti, his life was a pattern to all. Nosco, with us. Nostrále, adj. of our town or Nostráno, S country. Nostríssimo, adj. superl. absolutely ours, more than ours. Nostro, pron. our, our own. Nota, s. f. a note, mark, sign. -Note, s. f. plur. notes in music..


Nola, spot, stain, blemish, a note of infamy, blur, disgrace.--Note, pl. voices. Poet. Notábile, adj. notable, remarkable, eminent, considerable. Nominativo, adj. nominative. Notabilmente, adv. notably, Nomináto, adj. famous, re-eminently, considerably. nowned-Nominato, named, Notajo, a notary. Notajuólo,

Nominataménte, adv. by name, one after another, one by


called. Nominatóre, a nominator, he Notaju, a poor notary. that names or gives a name. Notaménte, adv. notably, eviNominazione, s. f. nomina- dently. tion, giving a name.-Nomi

Notamento, s. m. the act of


Notánte, adj. swimming. Notanteménte, adv. notably, considerably, evidently, Notáre, to swim.--Notáre, to note, to sign, to mark.-No táre, to remark, to take notice of, to consider, to mind, to observe.-Notáre, to follow the notes, to sing according to the notes.Notare,

to set in notes.

Notaría, v. Noteria.
Notáro, v. Notajo.
Notaménte, adv. v. Natante


Notáto, adj. swimmed, from to


Notatójo, s. m. a bladder full
of air found in fishes, which
serves them to keep them
selves swimming.
Notatore, a swimmer.
Notatúra, s. f. v. Notamento.
Notatrice, s. f. a she swim-

Notería, s. f. a notary's pro-

Notévole, adj. notable, remarkable, considerable. Notevolmente, adv. considerably, notably, particular ly.

Notificagione, s. f. notification,

Notificaménto, s. m. the act of
giving notice, notification.
Notificáre, to notify, to signi
fy, to make known, to de-
clare or give notice of.
Notificato, adj. notified, signi̟-
Notificatóre, he that declarès,
notifies or makes known.
Notificazione, v. Notificamen


Notizia, s.f. notion, knowledge,
notice. Pervenire a notisia, to
come to somebody's ears, to
be known-Notizia, acquaint-

Noto, adj. known, noted.
Noto, s. m. the south wind.
Nótola, s. f. a little knot, mark,
Notolétta, s. f. a very little
note, a memorandum,
Notomía, s. f. anatomy.
Notomista, an anatomist.
Notomizzáre, to anatomize.
Notomizzato, adj. anatomise

Notoriaménte, adv. notorious.
ly, manifestly, publicly.
Notório, adj. notorious, mani
festly known, evident, public

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