صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


Di notie,




an account.

Notáso, adj. spotted. Novelliére,s.m. he that fetch., feasting of a few select friends Nctricamento, v. Nutricamen. Novelliéro, Ses and car- on such an occasion,

ries news or discourses, a tell- Nube, s. f. cloud, Poet. Notricáre, v. Nutricare. tale.

Núbila, s. f. cloud. Obs. Nortáre, to crow dark, to draw Novellinitá, s. f. inexpérience, Núbile, adj. marriageabie, said towards night.

boyish ignorance. Obs. only of a woman. Nottáta, s. f. a whole night. Novellino, adj. new.- ---Poetuz- Nubilétta, s. f, a little cloud. Votto, s. f. night. zo novellino, a petty poet.

Obs. Novellizia, s. f. the first flow- Nubilità, s. f. cloudiness, dark. Di notte tempo, in the night. ers or fruits of the year,

ness. Obs. Noite tempo,

Novello, adj. new, fresh, mo- Núbilo, Nubilóso, adj. cloudy, Nottivágo, adj. wandering in dern.--Stagion novella, new dark. the night-time.

season, the spring,

Nuca, s. f. nape, the hind Nóttoli, s f a wooden latch. Novellózza, s. f. à ridiculous part of the neck. Nóttola, a bat.


Nudaménte, adv. nakedly, Nottoláta, s. f. a whole night. Novelluccia, s.f.? short, novel, Nudáre, to strip naked.-Nisa -dvere una buona nottoláte, to Novellúzza, s first and un- dúre, to deprive, to base. have a good night's rest. important news.

Nudáto, adj. quite undressed, Nottolina, s. f.

Novembre, s. m. November. naked. Nottolino, s. m.

a small bat.

Novéna, s. f. nine days run- Nudità, s. f. nakedness, nudiNóttolo, s. m. a bat.

ning Nottolóne, adj. that does his Noveráre, to number, to count Nudo, adj. naked, bare, uncobusiness or walks about in or compute, t. Annoverare. vered.--Nudo, poor, wanting, the night-time.

Noveráto, adj. numbered, without.-Un paese nido d'orNottúrno, adj.nocturnal,night-counted, computed.

qua, a country without waly.

Noveratóre, s. m. an accountNótula, u. N6tola.

ant, he that numbers or com- Nudríre, to pourish or feed. Novále, s. m. a field or land putes.

Nudríto, adj. nourished, kept, newly broken or ploughed Noveratrice, feminine of No- maintained, fed. up, after it has lain fallow

Nudritóre, a feeder, he that one year.

Noverazione, s. f. a number- feeds another. Novamente, adv. u. Nuova- ing, a computing or counting, Nudritúra, v. Nodritura.

Núgola, s. f. a cloud. Novánta, s. f. ninety. Novérca, s. f. a mo:her-in- Nugoláglia, v. Nuvolaglia, Novanténa, s. f. ninety.

law. Poet.

Nugoláto, v. Nuvolato. Novantésimo, adj. ninetieth. Nóvero, s. m. number. Nugoletta, s. f. a small cloud. Nováre, to renew, to make up Novilúnio, s. m. the time of Nugoletto, v. Nuvoletto. ( again.

the new moon.

Núgolo, s. In. a cloud. Novástro, adv. Nuovo. Norissimo, last.--Il novissimo Nugolóne, s. M. a great thick Obs. , dooms-day.

cloud. Novatóre, innovator, but al- Novità, s. f. novelty, new thing. Vugolosità, s. f. cloudiness, obways in a bad sense.

--Che novit i son queste ? what scurity proceeding from the Nove, nine.

is this? what strange thing thickness of the clouds. Novecento, nine hundred. is this?

Nugolóso, adj. cloudy, dark, Novélla, s. f. a story, a fable, a Novízia, s. f. a novice, a new misty. Obs. tale, a novel.-Norella, news,

Nugolúzzo, s. m. 4 very small tidings, account.--Che nozelle Noviziático, s. m.) the time cloud. son queste? what is this? what Noviziáto,

$ during Nui, we. Poetical. strange thing is this?--Nocé! which one is a novice, pro-Nulla, nothing. -Non ne so nulla, message.

Leation-time, the proper place la, I know nothing of it.-Novelláccia, s. f. a bad story where they keep the novi- Nulla, any thing, something.

- Avete nulla a darmi? have Novell ménye, adv. newly, Novízio, s. m. a novice, a new you any thing to give me? lateiv.

monk, a probationer.--No- l'usi tri nrılla? do you want Nore'larniénto, s. m. the act of vöziv, adj. novice, raw, unex. any thing?

people assembled together to perienced, unskilful. Nulladimeno, adv. however, entertain one another with Novo, adj. new.

nevertheless. teiling fables and novels. Nozione, s. f. notion, idea, Nullapiù, nothing more. Novelláre, to tell novels or knowledge, conception. Nullézza, o. Nullità. Obs.

tales: -Novellire, to speak or Nozze, s. f. plur. wedding, Nullità, s. f. nullity, nothing. taim of to pratile.

marriage. Nozze, wedding, ness. Nayelita, s. f. tales, stories. fcasting.

Nullo, adj. nobody, not any Liivimuie, a telier of no- Nozzerisco, belonging to nup- one, none, no. E se nuila di ༨' tials.

noi pietà ti more, and if you Nov 3. f.a little novel Nozzoline, s. f. pl. nuptials have any pity on us. Nullo Evvelina,

or tale.

privately celebrated, and bel saltai ira noi si facque, we


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or news.



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& little




shewed one another all the Nubva, s, f. news, gotice, ae- Nuvolosità, %: f: cloudinese, civilities we could.-Per milla

darkness. altra ragione, for no other rea- Nuovamente, adv, newly, late- Nuvoloso, adj. cloudy, misty; son.-Nullo, null, void,

Nuvolúzzo, s. m. Nume, s. m. Deity.

Nuovo, adj. new.-Nubva, raw, cloud. Numerábile, adj. numerable, unexperienced. Mostarsi rucozo Nuziale, adj. nuptial, pertains

that may be numbered. d'una casa, to dissemble, to ing to 4 wedding or marri: Numerále, adj. numeral, of or feign not to know a thing=age: belonging to a number, Io son nuovo in queste cose, 1 Nuzialmente, adv. like a weda

a Numeráre, to number, tp have no experience in these ding, as it is customary at a count, to tell, to sum up, to things.Età nuóvr, youth, wedding:-Vestito nuzialmente, numerate,

young age.--Nuovo pesce, s. m. dressed in wedding clothes, Numeráta, adj. numbered, a simpleton, a dunce, a block- in very fine clothes, counted.

head. Numeratore, numerator. Nuro, s. f. a daughter-in-law. Numerazione, s. f. numera-| Obs. ţion.

Nutribile, adj. nourishing, that Número, s. m. number. --Nú- nqurishes.

O, mero, units, tens, hundreds, Nutricamento, s. m. nourishthousands.--Número, a great ment, nutriment, food, nurnumber, a world or multitude.- Numero del meno e del Nutricánte, adj. nourishing. più, the singular number, and Nutriçáre, to nourish, * 10 O, a vocative adverb, 0, pke! the plural.-Numero, qumber, feed.

voi che siete in piccioletta, bara harmony.

Nutricarsi, to feed upon. ca, O you that are in that lit: Numerosamente, adv. in great Nutricáto, adj. nourished, tle boat.= 0 Dio, Oh God.=9,

numbers.----Numerosuménte, Nutricatore, a nourisher. a separating particle, or, ei: musically, tunably, harmoni- Nutricatrice, feminine of Nu- ther.-Oggi o domani, either ously, with handsome caden- trieatore.

to-day or to-morrow:-0, an Nutriçe, nurse.

exclamatory particle, Oh.--Numerosità, s. s. numerosity, Nutrichevole, adj} nourishe O se saremo presi, che sarà di noi? abundance. Nutrimentale, ing, nu

Oh, if we are taken what will Numeroso, adj. numerous, tritive.

become of us ! great, manifold. --Numer- Nutriménto, s. m. nourishment, obbediente, adj. obedient, dy: óso, numerous, harmonious, food, substance.

uiful, submịssive. sounding well.

Nutrimentóso, adj. nutritive, Obbedientemente, adv. obediNúmine, v. Nume. Obs. nourishing

ently, dutifully. Númmo, s. m. a piece of mo- Nutrire, to nourish or feed, Obbedienza, s. £. obedience,

ney, a penny. Obs. to maintain, to keep, to en- dutifulness, submission, subs Nunciáre, o. Nunziáre. tertain.

jection. Núncio, v. Nunzio.

Nutritívo, adj. nutritive, nou- Obbedire, to obey, to be obe. Nunziante, adj. that announ- rishing:

dient or dutiful, to submit. Nutrito, adj. nourished, fed, Obbedito, adj. obeyed. Nunziáre, to announce, to tell, kept. - Natrito, brought up, Obbedicore, s. m. he that to declare. educated.

obeys: Nunziato, adj. announced, told, Nutritóre, he that nourishes. Obbidiénte, ” Obbediente: declared.

Nutritùra, s. f. nourishment, Obs. Nunziatórę, s. m. he that brings Nutrizione, food, suste- Obbidienza, 9. Obbedienzą. a message, or tells the first

Obs. Nuviļétto, s. m. ą small cloud. Obbiettare, to object, to make Nunziatúra, s. f. nunciature, Obs.

an objection, to oppose, 12 the office of a nuncio. Núvola, s. f. a cloud.

urge against. Nunzio, s. m. nuncio, the Nuvoláglia, s. f. a great many Obbietto, s. m. an object. pope's ambassador.--Núncio, clouds.

Obbiezione, s. f. objection, difo' a messenger, an ambassador. Nuvoláto, s. m. a great many ficulty; Nuocére, to hurt, to prejudice, thick clouds.

Obblatóre, oblator, offerer, he to hurt, to harm or mischief, Nuvoléta, 5. f. } a little cloud. Obbiazione, s. f. oblation, of

that inakes an oblation. to wrong. Núora, s. f. daughter-in-law, Núvolo, s. m. a cloud.Nívv. sering a son's wife,

lo, a great cloud of dust, or Obhlia, s. f. oblivion, forgetNuotare, to swim, to fioat: any thing else that fills the fulness. Obs. Nuotatójo, s. m. a bladder, air.- Un nutolo di pecchie, 4 Obbliamćnto, s. m. Obbliánza, Nuoto, s. m. swimming, the swarm of bees.--Un nusola di s. f. forgetfulness, oblivion, act of swimming.- Passare un stornelli

, a flight of stairs.--. Obbliáre, to forget.-Chi bene forme a nuoto, to swim over a Fu natolo, it is cloudy wea- oma non obblia, who loves Fiver, ches,

heartily, doth not forget.





Obbliáto, adj. forgot, forgotten. | Obbrumbrazióne, s. f. obum-[Occhiello, s. m. a button-hole.
bration, overshadowing. Obs. Occhiettino, s. m. dimin. of
Obedienza, v. Obbedienza, and
its derivatives.
Obelisco, s. m. obelisk, a sort
of pyramid.
Obidiénza, v. Obbedienza, and
its derivatives.

Obbliatore, he that forgets, a
forgetful man.
Obbliazione, s. f. oblivion, for-
getfulness. Obs.
Obbligagióne, s. f. Obbliga-
ménto, s. m. obligation, duty,
bond.-Fare una obbligagione,
to give bond.
Obbligante, adj.obliging, cour-
teous, kind, officious.
Obbligantemente, adv. oblig-
ingly, courteously, kindly. der.
Obbligánza, s. f. v. Obbliga-Oblío, v. Obblío, and its deriv-
gione. Obs.

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Obbligare, to oblige, to bind, to engage, to do a kindness, turn or office. Obbligarsi per qualcheduno, to be bound for one. Obbligarsi in solido, to be bound for the whole.-Obbligdto, adj. obliged, bound.Viresto obbligato, I am obliged to you, I thank you. Obbligatório, adj. obligatory, binding.

Oblato, s. m. a lay friar, in
rural chapels.
Oblatóre, he that offers a price
when he wants to buy, a bid-


Oblíquo, v. Obbliquo, and its

Oblúngo, adj. oblong, that is
of a figure called a long


Occhietto. Occhietto, s. m. a little eye. O'cchio, s. m. an eye-Aver l'occhio ad una cosa, to have an eye upon a thing, to take care. of it.-Occhio mio, my dear, my darling, my precious. Deh occhio mio bello, guatami par un poco, pray, my dear, look at me a little.-Non aver rasciutti gli occhi, to be young. -Aprir gli occhi, to take care, to stand upon one's guard. Aver gh occhi di dietro, to be short-sighted.----Esser l'occhio diritto d'uno, to be one's darling or minion.-Guardare con mal-occhio, to look with an ill eye-In un batter d'occhio, in an instant, in the twinkling of an eyc.-L'occhio vuol la parte sua, one must please the eyes.-Perder d'occhio, to lose. the sight of something. Veder di mal occhio, to pout, to

Obbligazione, s.


O'bolo, s. m. Obole, a kind of
small ancient coin.
Oca, s. f. a goose, a gander.-
Tenere l'oche in pastura, to keep
a bawdy-house.-Cervel d'och,
giddy-brained.--Faré il becco
all' cca, to finish or complete

any work.--Tu sei um oca impas

tojata, you are a great booby.
-Tu se l'oca, you are the talk

of the town.

Obbligo, s, m.
ment, bond, duty.-Emio ob-
bligo di servirla, it is my duty
to serve her.
Obblío, s. m. oblivion, forget-Occáre, to grub, to harrow, to
fulness.-Metter in obblio, to break the clods in a plowed

Obblioso, adj. forgetful, obli


Obbliquaménte, adv. indirectly, here and there, obliquely. Obbliquare, to turn or veer, to run traverse, to drive obliquely.


Occasionáre, to cause, to give
occasion, to be the cause.
Occasionáto, adj. caused.
Occasione, s. f. occasion, oppor-
tunity.-Occasióne, occasion,
pretence, reason, matter.-
Per occasione, occasionally, by

Occáso, s. m. the west, the set-
ting of the sun. Poet,-Occaso,
end, death. Poet.
Occhiaccio, s. m. large threat-
ening eyes.

Occhiája, s. f. the hollow of

Obbliquità, s. f. obliquity,
Obliquo, adj.oblique, crooked,
awry.--Cosi obbligi, oblique
cases, genitive, dative, accus-
ative, and ablative.
Obblito, adj. forgotten.
Obblivione, s. f. oblivion, for- the eyes,
Obblivióso, adj. oblivious, for-
getful. Obs.
Obbriago, adj. drunk. Obs.
Obbróbrio, s. m. reproach, in-
famy, ignominy, shame, dis-


Occhialájo, s. m, a spectacle-

Occhiale, s. m. spectacles.
Occhiale, adj. of or belonging
to the eye.-Dents.occhiale, an

Occhiare, to eye, to look atten-
Obbrobriosamente, adv. in- tively to or unto.
famously, ignominiously, Occhiáta, s. f. a look, a glance,
shamefully, opprobriously. a cast, an ogle, a sheep's eye.
Obbrobrioso, adj. opprobrious, Dar un occhiata ad una cosa,
reproachful, injurious, ignoto cast an eye upon a thing.
minious, shameful.
Occhiáto, s. m. full of eyes.
Obbumbraménto, s. m. obum- Occhiatúra, s. f. the look, a
man's look. aspect.
Occhibágliolo, s. in. dimness.
Occhieggiare, to ogie, to look at.

bration, darkness. Obs. Obbumbráre, to obumbraté, to overshadow, Obi

look gruff or surly upon one

Occhio, the whirl bone of the knee.-Occhio, the sight. -Occhio, eye, bud.-Atere buono o cattivo occhio, to have a good or bad mien, or appearance -Far d'occhio, to wink.-Guardar sotë occhio, to ogle, to cast a sheep's eye.-. Andar a occhi chiusi, to ga without any fear of falling. -Far mal d'occhio, to be witch.Occhio, a round window.-Occhio, that hole where the ports of a bit or bridle are entered to stay and play. -In su gli occhi, before one's face.-Occhio a occhio, face to face.

Occhiolino, s. m. a little eye.
Occhióne, s. m. a large eye; a
fine large eye; a black eye.
Occhiúto, adj. eyed, full of
eyes or buds.
Occhiúzzo, s. m. a little eye.
It is sometimes an endearing,
and sometimes a contemptu-
ous word.
Occidentale, adj. occidental,
west, westerly, western.
Occidente, s. m. west.
Occidere, to kill, to slay


Occiditóre, homicide, killer,
murderer. Obs.
Cccisióne, s. f. a slaughter,
murdering, killing. Obs.
Occisóre, a killer, a slayer.
Occiso, adj. killed.

Secorrente, adj. happening, one's eyes open.-Procedere stink. that happens.

Occorrenza, s. f. occurrence, necessity, need, occasion. Occórrere, to go before, to rencounter or meet.-Oc órrere, to happen, to come to pass, to chance.--Occórse ni d'avere un buon cavallo, I hap-| pened to have a good horse. -Occurrere, to be needful or necessary, to want.--Non occorre che voi mi scriviate, you need not write to me.occorre niente? do you want any thing?-Occurrere, to remember, to call to mind. Occorrimento, s. m. a meetOccérso, Sing.Occorso, adj. met, happened, v. Occorrere. Occultaménte. adv. hiddenly, secretly. Occultaménto, s. m. a hiding or concealing. Occultáre, to hide, to conceal. Occultato, adj. hidden, con

occulatamente in qualche affare, Odorúccio, s: m. a little scent.
to proceed cautiously in an Odorífero, adj. odoriferous,
Odorifico, S sweet-scent-
Oculatézza, prudence, circum- ed.
spection, wariness, considera- Odorosamente, adv. odorifer-


Oculáto, adj. oculate, ocular.
-Testimonio oculato, an eye-
witness.-Oruluto, prudent,
circumspect, wary, consider-
ate-Andare oculato, to act
prudently, to be wary.
Oculista, an oculist.
Od, or, either:
Oda, Ode, s. f. an ode.
Odiáre, to hate, to bear ill-will


Odiáto, adj hated.
Odiatore, a hater.
Odibile, adj. odious, hateful,

Odiernaménte, adv. in the
present day, or in the pre-
sent time.

Odierno, adj. hodiernal, be-
longing to the present day

or time.

Odievolę, adj. odious, hateful,

Odievolezza, s. f. hate, hatred,
odium, grudge, ill-will. Obs.
O'dio, s. m. hatred, the oppo-
site of love. Aver in odio,
portar odio, to hate.
Odiosamente, adv. hatefully,

Odióso, adj. odious, hateful,


Cdorábile, adj. odoriferous,
sweet-scented.- -Odoribile,
odorous, that has a scent or

cealed. Occultatore, a concealer, he that hides, conceals, or disguises. Occultatrice, she that hides, conceals, or disguises. Occultazione, s. f. occultation, a hiding or concealing. Occultezza, s. f. secrecy. Occulto, adj. secretly, hiding or concealing-Occulto, adj. occult, secret, hidden. Occupaménto, s. m. occupation, employment, business.Odíre, v. Udire. Occupáre, to usurp, to seize, to occupy.-Occupare, to possess.-Occupare, to employ, to make use of.-Occuparsi, to apply one's self, to set one's mind to.-Questo Euro mi ha occupato tre anni, this book has taken me three years.-Occu-Odoránte, adj. smelling, scentpáre un luogo, to occupy a place, to live in it. Occupatore, an usurper. Occupatrice, she that usurps. Occupazione, s. f. occupation, business, employment, trade. Océano, s. m. ocean, sea; in verse we say also Oceáno. O che, or else.-A questo mi spondi o ch'io mi parto, answer me to this, or else I go. Ocò, s. m. a cry for joy. Ocóne, s. m. a large goose. Ocra, s. f. ochre, a sort of mineral earth.


Odoraménto, s. m. smell or
Scent.ON AND
-Odoraménto, odour,

Odoráre, to smell.-Odoráre, to
spread a smell.-Odoráre, to
find out, to discover.
Odoráto, adj. odoriferous, odo-
S. m. smelling, one of the
natural senses.
ri-Odorazióne, s. f. smelling, or

Dcularmente, adv.? ocularly,


scenting, a scent.

Odóre, s. m. a smell, scent or
colour. Avere odore d'una cosa,
to have a hint of something
-Dar di se buon odore, to have
a good name or character,
to pass for a good man.
Odoráccio, s. m. bad smell,

Odoróso, adj. odorous, odoriferous, sweet-scented. Odorúzzo, s. m. a little smell

or scent.

Offa, s. f. a cake or any like composition.

Offélla, s. f. a kind of cake.
Offendénte, adj. offending, of-

Offendere, to offend, to hurt,
to injure, to displease, to sin
against, to commit a fault, to
Offendévole, adj. offensive, dis-
pleasing, hurtful, injurious.
Offendibile, v. Offendevole.
Offendicolo, s. m. an obnoxi-
ous thing, offence, trespass, a
cause of offence.
Offendiménto, s. m. offence,
trespass, fault, injury, wrong,
scandal.---Offendimento, hin-


Offenditóre, an offender.
Offenditrice, feminine of Of-

Offensa, v. Offesa. Obs.
Offensióne, both.
Offensivo, adj. offensive, dis-
pleasing, hurtful, injurious.
Offenso, adj. v. Offeso. Obs.
Offensóre, an offender.
Offeráre, v. Offerire. Obs.
Offerénda, s. f. an offering, any
thing offered to God or men.
Offerénte, adj. that offers.
Al più offerente, to him that
bids most.
Offerére, to offer, to present,
Offerire, to tender, to pro-
pound or bid.

Offerire, to offer, to dedicate,

to sacrifice.

Offerirsi, to present itself.
Offeritóre, he that offers.
Offeritório, adj. offering, that

Oferta,, s. f. offer, proffer,
tender.-Vifo offerta de!!a mia
persona, I offer myself to you,
pray dispose of me as you
please. Oferta, an offering.
-Fure un' offerta, to make an
offering, or to offer.
Offerto, adj. offered.
Offertório, s. m. an offertory,
Offésa, s. f. offence, trespass,
injury, hurt, wrong, dis-
pleasure.- -Lecar l'offese, to

bind to the pcatè. Offeso, adj. offended, hurt. Officiale, v. Ufficiale, and all its derivatives. Officina, s. f. shop, an office. Officio, s. th. v. Ufficio. Officiosamente, adv. officiously, courteously. Officiosità, $. f. urbanity,

kindness: Oficioso, adj. officious, serviceable, courteous, obliging. Officiúzzo, s. m. a small office, a little good turn. Offuscamento, s. m. offuscation, a darkening, or making

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Ognuno, adj. every one, every
body.--Ognun per se e Dio per
tutti, every one for himself,
and God for us all.
Oh, v. O.



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Oi, o Ohi, alas! ha!
Oibò, fye, fye upon.
O'imè, alas! oh!

haughtiness, presumption, in
solence. Obs.

Oise, alas! poor man! poor tuous, saucy.

Oitù, poor thee!

Offuscare, to offuscate, to dark-woman!
eti, to make dark or cloudy.
Offuscáto, adj. darkened, dim-

Offuscazione, s. f. offuscation,
a darkening or making dark.
Officería, s. f. office, a place
where church offices are kept,
vestry. Obs.
Officialé, v. Ufficiale.
Ofício, s. m. office, duty, part,
business.-Far l'oficio, to play
the part.-Oficio, office, divine


Ciclóso, adj. officious, kind,
courteous, serviceable.
Oftalmia, s. f. an Inflammation
of the outmost skin of the
eyes through sharp humours.
Oggetto, s. m. object, aim, end,
a prospect, view.
Oggi, adv. to-day, this day.
Oggi a otto, this day seven-
Bight. Oggi, the afternoon.
Oggi, now-a-days, now, at
this day.-Gli orim del tempo
oggi sono più ingegnosi, men
How-a-days are more ingeni-
Ous.-Stare d'oggi in donani,
to wait for every day.-Cava-
i d'oggi, mettimi in domani,
live to-day, and hope for to-


Oggidì, how-a-days, at
Oggigiórno, this day, at this


Oggimái, adv. already, now.
Ogliente, adj. odoriferous,
O'glio, v. O'lio, and all its de-
Ognaccórdo, s. m. a psaltery,
an instrument of music.

Ogni, every, each, all-Ogni

Oltracotáto, adj. arrogant,
proud, haughty, presump-
Oltrafíno, adj. superfine.
Oltraggería, s. f. outrage, af
front, offence, contumely,
wrong, injury. Obs.
Oltraggiamento, v. Oltraggio.
Oltraggiáre, to abuse, to af-
front, to revile, to offend, to
wrong or injure, or rail at.
Oltraggiato, adj. abused, af

Olà, o! oh!-Olà, ho, there.
Oláro, s. m. a potter, a pot-
maker. Obs.-Messere è un
olarù, ándalo ad impendere, sir,
he is a robber, go and hang
him. In this example, the
word oláro is a pun, because
laro, corrupted from ladro, sig-fronted, reviled, offended,
nifies a robber.
wronged, injured.
Oleástro, s. m. a wild olive- Oltraggiatore, an outrageous,
abusive, injurious man.
Oltraggiatrice, fem. of Oltrag-


Olénté, adj. odoriferous, odo-
rous, sweet-scented.
Olezzante, adj. that has a scent

or smell.
Olezzáre, to smell.
Olfáre, v. a. v. Odorare.
Olfáto, s. m. the act or power
of smelling.
Oliándolo, he that sells oil.
Oliáto,adj. oiled, seasoned with

Olibano, s. m. incense, frank-
incense, also the tree that
produces incense.
O'lio, s. m. oil.-Tener l'olio, to
keep in awe.-Olio santo, olio
benedetto, blessed oil used in
baptism, and extreme
Olioso, adj. oily.
Olire, to scent, to smell.
Oliva, s. f. olive, olive-tree.
Olivástro, adj. swarthish, olive-

Oltraggio, s m. outrage,
abuse, affront, offence, con-
tumely, wrong, injury.-Faré
oltraggio, to abuse, to offend,
to revile, to injure.-A oltrag
gio, adv. excessively, immoa
derately. Mangiarea oltraggio,
to eat excessively, too much.
Oltraggiosamente, adv. out-
rageously, injuriously.
Oltraggioso, adj. outrageous,
abusive, offensive, contume-

Oltramaraviglioso, adj. most wonderful, or marvellous. unc-Oltramáre, v. Oltremare. Oltramaríno, adj. beyond the sea, foreign. Oltramirabile, adj. most wonderful.

Olivéto, s. m. a grove of olive


Olivo, s. m. the olive-tree.
Olla, s. f. a pot.
Olméto, s. m. a grove, or wood
of elm-trees.

Olmo, s. m. an elm-tree.

Oltramisúra, v. Oltremisura.
Oltramódo, v. Oltremodo.
Oltramondáno, adj. out of this
world, celestial.
Oltramontáno, adj. beyond the
mountains, northern.-1 po
poli oltramontani, the northern
Oltramonti, v. Oltremonti.

giorno, every day.-Prico d'Olocausto, s. m. holocaust, a Oltránža, v. Oltraggio. Obs.

ogni speranza, destitute of all

Ognidi, adv. every day.
Ognissanti, s. m. All Saints-

of-Oltrapagato, adj. paid over
and above.

burnt sacrifice, a burnt
Oloráre, to scent, to smell, to
perfume. Obs.

Oltrapassare, to surpass.
Oltráre, to advance, to go

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