صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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or over, to take no notice of, to leave out.

Ombragióne, s. f. a shadOmbraménto, s. m. ing or shadowing, a shade or sha-Omicciátto, s. m. 2 a poor silly [Omicciáttolo, S man.

dow. Ombráre, to shade or shadow. Omicída, —Ombrare, to start, as some Omicidiale, Š horses do.

a murderer. Omicídio, s. m. an homicide,

Ombrático, adj. suspicious, a murder. fearful, distrustful, or mis- Omissióne, s. f. omission. tru tful.—Ombrático, starting, Ommésso, adj. omitted. apt to start, skittish. Ommettere, to omit. Ombrátile, feigned, counter- Ommissiúne, s. f. omission. feited. Omogéneo, adj. homogeneal, of the same nature or substance.

Ombráto, adj. shaded or shadowed.

Omólogo, adj. homòlogous, agreeable or like one another.

Omónimo, adj. homonimous contrary to synonymous, that has the same name. Omore, 8. n. humour. Obs. Omo óso, adj. humorous, full of humours. Obs. Onágro, s. m. a wild ass.

Ombre, s. m. a play at cards so called. Ombreggiamento, s. m. shade, shadow, shading or shadowing. Ombreggiante, adj. shady, casting a shadow; starting, as some horses use to do. Ombreggiare, to shade, to shadow.—Ombreggiare, to paint, to draw, to give the shadows. ---Ombreggiare, to adum-O'ncia, s. f. an ounce weight. -Onsia, an inch measure. Oncia, an ounce, a kind of coin.--Val più un' oncia di sorte, che una libbra di sapere,

Oltre, prep. besides.- -O'tre,| above, more.--Oltre, much more, a great deal more.-Oltre, beyond.——D' oltre in oltre, through, quite through. Oltre, adv. very far, farther.-Venire oltre, to ad

vance, to come nearer.

Colà oltre, thereabout, or near. -Andare oltre, to go farther, Oltreche, besides, besides that,


Oltremare, adv. beyond the


Oltremisúra, adv. beyond measure, infinitely, much more. Oltremódo, adv. very much, a great deal, infinitely. Oltremónti, adv. beyond the mountains, on the other side of the mountains. Oltrenúmero, adv. innumerably, infinitely, prodigious-brate. dy. Oltrepassare,


v. Oltrapas

Omaccíno, a little man. Omáccio, a poor silly man. Omaccióne, a great huge man. Omaggio, s. m. homage, tribute. Omaggio, homage, respect, duty-Giurare omaggio, to take the oath. Omái, now, at this time, at present, at length, at last. Ombè, adv. wed, how now? Ombélico, s. m. navel.-Ombelico di Venere, navel wort, a plant so called. Ombilico, v. Ombelico. Ombra, s. f. shadow or shade. -Ombra, a ghost, a spirit. Ombra, protection, patronage. -All ombra delle vostre ali, under your protection.Ombra, sign, mark, token, appearance. -Ombra, colour, pretence. Solt' ombra, under colour or pretence.-Ombra, umbrage, suspicion.-Far ombra, to take umbrage, to be suspicious or mistrustful.Farsi paura coll' ombra, to be afraid of one's own shadow. --Disputer dell ombra dell' a ino, to dispute about nothing-Ombra ombre, a game at cards. Better Ombre. Ombraculo, s. m. a shady place. -Ombráculo, protection, patronage. VOL. I.

Ombréllos. f. an umbrella to shade from the sun.-Orbiel-| la, the round tuft, or head of fennel, or other herbs, wherein the seed is, made like an umbrella.

Ombrellijo, umbrella maker. Ombrelliére, an umbrellamaker, or he that carries an


Ombréllo, s. m. v. Ombrella. Ombrévole, adj. shady, dark. Ombría, s. f. shade, shadow. Obsolete.

Ombrífero, adj. shady. Ombrina, s. f. a little shade or shadow. Ombrina, an ombre or grailing (a fish). Ombrosità, s. f. shade, obscurity, darkness.-Ombrosità, ig


Ombréso, adj. shady, dark.

Ombroso, starting apt to start, skittish Onbro, suspicious, distrustful, or nistrustful, jealous.

Oméi, s. m. plur. woes, sorrows, lays, griefs, troubles. Omelia, s. f. homily, a discourse made upon the Gospel.

Oménto, s. m. omentum, a fat membrane spread over the entrails.

O'mero, s. m. a shoulder, a back.


ounce of good-luck is worth more than a pound of learning.

Oncinetto, s. m. a little book or loop.

Oncino, s m. a nook.

Onda, s. f. a wave, a surge, a billow.

Ondáta, s. f. the strength of a


Onde, from whence.-Onde venite? from whence come you?--Onde, therefore. Onde, whereby, of which, with which.-Di quei sospiri ond'io mudriva il core, of those sighs whereby I nourished my heart.-Assai m' amasti e avesti ben onde, you loved me so much, and you had good reason to do it -Ho molti debit, e non ho onde nossa soddis furl, I have a great many debts, and I have not wherewithal to pay.-Ond, where. -Amor vien mes e mostrami ond to vada, love come with me, and show me where I

may go. Ondeche, adv. from whatever place, from every


Ondeggiamento, s. m. floating. Ondeggiante, adj. floating

Omisso, adj. omitted.
Ométtere, to omit, to pass by waving,


Ondeggiáre, to rise in waves or surges, to swell with waves or billows.-Ondeggiare, to disturb or perplex one's self. -Ondeggio in un mar di pensieri, a thousand thoughts perplex my mind.-Ondegguire, to rise in arms, to revolt, to


Ondeggiato, adj. tossed, agitated, tormented, vexed. Ondóso, adj. wavy, full of


Ondúnque, adv. whenecso-
ever, wheresoever.
Oneróso, adj. heavy, weighty.
Onestà, s. f. honesty, honour.
-Onestà, decorum, decen-

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Onorante, adj. honouring, Opachíssimo, superl. of Opá
doing honour.
Onoranza, s. f. honour.
Onoráre, to honour, to respect,
to do honour, to worship, to
have a veneration for.
Onorataménte, adv. honour-
ably, honestly, with ho-
Onorato, adj.
honoured, respected.Ono
rato, honourable, honest, mo-
dest, of good repute, reputa-
ble.-Famiglia onorata, good,
honourable, reputable family.
-Persona onorata, an honest


Opáco, adj. opaque, dark, not
Openióne, v. Opinione.
Opera, s. f. work, labour,
action, deed.-O'pera, work,
workmanship --Opera, art,
skill, structure.- Opera,
means, way, assistance, help.
-Opera, action, act, deed.
Opera, copulation.-Dare ope-
ra, to strive, to endeavour.-
Mettere in opera, to put in ex-
ecution.-Opera, an opera.
Operáccia, s. m. bad work,
bad action, bad opera.
Operággio, s. m. work.
Operagióne, s. f. operation.
Operájo, workman, artificer,
Operamento, s. m. art, skill,
exercise, operation, action.
Operánte, adj. acting, operat-
ing, working.-Operante Giu-
none, by the assistance of
Juno. Á Latin way of speak-
ing.-Operante, s. m. work-
man, artificer, labourer.
Operáre, to work, to operate,
to do, to act, to use labour
and diligence.--Operare, to
use, to employ, to make use
Operativo, adj. operative, apt
to work.
Operatóre, operator.-Opera
túre, author, cause.-Voi siete
l'operatore della mia disgrazia,
you are the author of my
Operatrice, fem. of Operatore.
-La natura è l'operatrice di
tutte le cose, nature is the
maker of all things.-Opera-
trice, cause, origin, principle,

cy. Onestamente, adv. honestly, —Onestamente, easily, with


Onestáre, to adorn, to embel-
lish, to trim.-Questure, to
palliate, to disguise, to co-
lour, to cloak.
Onestáto, adj. honest, rightful.
Onesteggiare, to deal honest-


Onésto, adj. honest, modest,
rightful.-Onesto, becoming,
honest.-Onesto, s. m. hones-
ty, right.-O..esto, adv. ho-

Onestúra, s. f. honesty.
O'nice, s. f. onyx, a kind of
precious stone.
Onire, to dishonour, disgrace,
debase, discredit, to destroy,
to spoil, to waste.-
-Onito sia
chi mal pensa, honi soit qui
mal y pense.
Onninaménte, adv. quite, al-
Onnipoténte, adj. almighty,
Onnipotentissimo, most omni-
potent, or almighty.
Onnipotenza, s. f. omnipoten-
cy, almighty power, almighti-
ness, omnipotence.
Onniprésent, adj. omnipresent,
that is every where present.
Onniprésenza, s. f. omnipre-
sence, a being present in all
Onnisciénte, adj. omniscient,
knowing all things.
Onniscienza, s. f. omniscience,
the knowledge of all things.
Onorábile, adj. honourable,
worthy of honour.
Onorandissimo, adj. deserving
the utmost honour, or re-

Onoratóre, he that honours or

Onoratrice, fem. of Onoratore.
Onóre, s. m. honour, respect,
worship, reverence.-Onore,
honour, reputation, glory,
fame, credit, esteem.-Onore,
honour, ornament.---Onore,
honour, dignity, charge.
Onore, funeral solemnity.-
Un uomo, d'onore, an honest
man, a man of honour.
Onorétto, S. m. dim. of

Onorévole, adj. honourable,
honest.-Onorevole, pompous,
stately, magnificent, lofty.
Onorevolezza, s. f. dignity,

Onorevolmente, adv. honour-

Onorificamente, adv. hohour-

Onorificáre, v. Onorare.
Onorificénza, s. f. honour, re-
putation, glory, respect.
Onorífico, adj. honoured, es-

Onránza, s. f. honour. Obs.
Onráto, adj. honoured. Obs.
Onta, s. f. shame, injury,
corn, reproach, disgrace.
Ad onta tua, in spite of your

Ontanéto, s. m. a spot planted
with the trees called ontanos.
Ontáno, s. m. a tree called in

Latin alnus.
Ontare, to dishonour, to dis-
grace, to blur, to blemish, to
stain.Ontáto, adj. dishonour-
ed, disgraced.
Ontosamente, adj. shamefully.
Ontóso, adj. shameful, disho-
nourable, disgraceful.-Out-
so, adj. bashful.
Onústo, adj. laden, loaded,

Onorando, adj. dese.ving ho-Opacità, s. f. opacity, dark

Operazioncélla, s. f. dim. of

Operazione, s. f. operation,
work, action, working.
Operétta, s. f. a small work,
Opericciuola, S action, or
Operiére, workman, artificer,
worker, labourer. Obs.
Operina, s. f. a small work or

Operóso, adj. active, stirring,
diligent, nimble, quick, al-
ways doing, busy..
Operúccia, s. f. a small work,
or action.

Opifice, s. m. operator, author,
workman, artificer. Obs.

wife?--Ora, adv. now.--Come se' ora tanto da te diverso? why are you now so different from what you used to be? -Ora l'uno, ora l'altro, sometimes one, sometimes another. Or, ora, presently.--D'ora in ora, every hour, very soon.-Ultima ora, the last point of death.-E stato infin all' ultim' ora, he has been at the point of death, or near to die.

Ora, s. f. air, gale, breeze. Orácolo, s. m. an oracle. Ora com' ora, at present.Ora com' ora non ho dì bisogno I don't want it at present. O'rafo, s. m. a goldsmith. Oramái, v. Ormai. Oráre, to pray, to say one's prayers.—Orare, to adore, to worship.-Oraire, to speak, to make a speech.-Oráre, to gild.


Oráta, s. f. dory, or gilthead. Oráto, adj. prayed, adored.Orato, gilt, or gilded. Oratóre, an adorer, he that prays or beseeches; an orator, an eloquent speaker. Oratório, adj. oratory, belonging to an orator.-Oratório, s. m. an oratory, a private chapel.-Preti dell' oratorio, oratorians, an order of regular priests.

Opimo, adj. plentiful, plen-Opposizióne, s. f. opposition,
teous, abounding, copious, hindrance, rub, stop, obsta-
fat-Opimo, rich, costly, mag- cle.-Opposizione, opposition,
nificent.-Opime spoglie, rich when two planets are diame-
spoils or cloaths.
trically opposite.
Opinante, adj. thinking, sup- Opposto, v. Oppósito.
Oppressare, to oppress, to
overburden, to crush by au-
thority and violence.

Opináre, to think, to suppose.
Opinióne, s. f. opinion, mind,
sentiment, judgment.Opi-Oppressáto, adj. oppressed.
nióne, opinion, value, regard, Oppressatóre, an oppressor, he
esteem. Aver grande opinione that oppresses.
di se stesso, to be self conceit-Oppressióne, s. oppression,


Oppiáre, to give the opiate, to
cause one to be asleep.
Oppiáto, adj. composed with
Oppiláre, to oppilate, to cause
a stoppage in some part of
the body.
Oppiláto, adj. oppilative, ob-
structive, stopping.
Oppiláto, adj. oppilated, ob-
structed, stopped.
Oppilazione, s. f. oppilation,
obstruction, stoppage.
Oppinióne, v. Opinióne.
O'ppio, s. m. opiate, a medi-
cine made of opium.-Oppio,
a kind of poplar tree.
Opponiménto, s. m. opposi-
tion, hindrance, rub, stop,

Opponere, v. Opporre. Obs.
Oppopónaco, s. m. a kind of
plant, and gum.
Opporre, to oppose or set
against.-Opporre, to oppose,
to object, to allege.
Opporsi, to oppose, to be con-
trary or against.
Opportunamente, adv. op-
tunely, conveniently.
Opportunità, s. f. opportunity,
convenient time or occasion.
Opportunità, necessity, want,



Opportuno, adj. opportune, convenient, seasonable.Opportuno, necessary, wanting.

Oppositamente, adv. opposite


Oppósito, s. m. the opposite or contrary, the reverse.--Mi disse tutto l'opposito, he told me quite the reverse.-All opposito, opposite, over-against.-Oppósito, adj. opposite.-OpJusito, contrary, adverse.La parte opposita, the contrary


Oppositóre, an opposer, he that opposes or is against.

overburdening, violence.
Oppresso, adj. oppressed.-
Oppresso, seized, struck, or
possessed.-Oppresso dal dolore,
seized with grief.-Oppresso
di stupore alla mia guida mi vol-
si, all astonished I turned to
my guide.

Oppressore, an oppressor.
Oppressúra, s. f. oppression,
Opprimere, to oppress, to
overburden, to crush by au-
thority and violence.
Oppugnamento, s. m. an as-
sault, an attack, the acting
against one another's interest,
a confutation.
Oppugnáre, to oppose, to en-
deavour to overthrow, to
confute, to combat an opi-


Oppugnáto, adj. oppugned,
thwarted, confused."
Oppugnazione, s. f. a thwart-
ing, or overthrowing, a con-


Opra, v. Opera. Poetical.
Opráre, v. Operare. Poetical.
Opulente, adj. opulent, weal-
thy, very rich.
Opulento, adj. v. Opulente.
Opulenza, s. f. opulency,
riches, wealth.
Opúscolo, s. m. an author's
small tract, or work.
Ora, s. f. an hour, the space of
an hour-Ora, hour, time.

-In su l'ora del mangiare,
about dinner-time.--In poro
d'ora, in a little or short time.

-Chi se tu che vieni anzi ora?
who are you that come be-

buona ora di notte, being very
buona oru di notte, being very
late at night.Va in buon
ora, God speed you.-Va in
mal' ora, go to the devil, go
and be hanged.--Tu sei venu-
tu nella tua mal' ora, you are
come in an unlucky time for
you.-Ora non son io così bella
che la moglie di Ricciardo? am
not las handsome as Richard's

Oratrice, s. f. she that prays.
Orazioncélla, ? diminutives of
Orazioncína, Orazione.
Orazióne, s. f. prayer. Fare
orazione, to pray.-Orazione,
oration, a discourse or speech
pronounced in public.
Orbácca, s. f. a berry.
Orbáre, to deprive.-Orbare,
to blind, to deprive of sight.
Orbáto, adj. blind, deprived of
sight.-Orbito, deprived.
Orbe, s. m. an orb, a sphere.
Or bè, v. Or bene.
Or bene, adv. well, well now.

Or bene stù, it is very well.
Orbézza, s. f. orbation, a de-
priving.-Orbéza, blindness.
orbiculare, adj. }

orbicular, round, like a ball or globe, orbiculated. O'rbita, s. f. orbit, the line described by the revolution of a planet. Orbità, s. f. blindness, orbity. Orbo, adj. blind.-Orbo, deprived.Orbo budello, the blind gut of a man. Orca, s. f. a monstrous sea-fish

called an ork. O'readi, s. f. pl. islands in the North Sea, called Orkney. Orcétto, s. m. a little pitcher. Orchestra, s. f. orchestra, a place in a playhouse where musicians play. Oriario, s. m. a degrading a sentative of Orcio. Orciéro, s. m. he tai takes care of the larboard sheet. O'rcio, s. m. a pitcher, a jug, a jar.

Orciolajo, s. m. a potter, a potmaker.

Orciolé o, Orc'olino, s. m. a littlopov r.

rio, a lieger ambassador.-
Ordinario, s. m. the post, a
courier.--Ordinario, the or-
dinary, among priests, is he
that is possessed of certain
powers. Fer l'ordinare, adv.
commonly, usually, generai-
ly, most commonly, most
times, mostly. All ordinaric,
adv. at the old rate, at the
usual rate, as before, as for-

Ordinataménte, adv. accord-
ing to order, in order, dis-
tinctly.--0. d nás, adj. order-
cd.-Ordinoto, temperate, mo-
derate, sober, ruled.

Oreinéga f. the larboard-Ordinatére, orderer, disposer,


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Ordinalmente, adv. ordinally,
in regular order.
Ordinamento, s. m. ordering,
order institution.
Ordinanza, s. f. ordinance, de-
cree, order, law, statute,
method. Ordinanza, order,
ranks, files. Andare in ordi-
nanza, to march in good
order, speaking of the arides.
--Mettere i el lati in ordinea-
za, to range the soldiers in
Ordináre, to order, to range,
to dispose, to set in order
Ordinare, to design, to desti-

to appoint.-Ordnare, to play like children.--O dinere, to order, to govern, to rule-Odinare, to commit, to order, to coramand, to lay to charge, to enjoin.-0 dinave, to ordain, to confer holy orders. -—Ordonare, to pré

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Ordinatrice, s. f. feminine of

Orecchia, v. Orecchio.
Orecchiare, to listen, to set
one's cars to hear.
Orecchino, s. m. an ear-

Orecchio, s. m. ear, pl. Orec-
chi, s. m. Orecchie, s. f.--Pur-
lare all orecchio, to whisper.—
Pervenire all' orecchio, to come
to one's ears.-Dare orecchia
ad una cosa, to hearken, to
give ear to a thing.-
forre orecchie, to listen.
Stare co!! orecchie levite, to
hearken attentively.--Fer
orecchie di mercante, to give no
car.-Tirar gli creach, to re-
primavd.-Confiar gå orecchi,
to flatter, to praise, to com-
mend.—-Sturar li orecchi ad uno,
to open one's ears, to make
one hear. Cantare a orecchio,
to sing by the ear.
Orécelio, the top of several

Orecchióne, s. m. pl. an in-
postume, or sore under the
car.- -Orecchini, a pulling by
the ears.
Orecchiúto, adj. that has long
or large ears.
Orefice, a goldsmith.
Oreficeria, the trade or art of
a goldsmith.
Oréglia, v. Orecchio. Obs.
Orcría, s. f. gold-plate, or toys.
Orézza, s. f. a fresh air, a
Orézzo, s. m. gentle breath
of wind, a gale.
Grfanello, s. m.
Orfanézza, s. f. the state of an

Ordinazione, s. f. order, ordi-
nance, decree, statute.--
Odaccióne, ordination, con-
ferring holy orders.
Ordine, s. in. order, disposi-Orecchiúne, s. m. orillon, a
tion Metter in ordine, to set kind of casemate in fortia-
in order. All'ordine, ready. cation.
-actiere all ordine, to pre-
pare, to make ready.-Dor-
dine de. Re, by the King's
order-Ever bene in ordine, to
be well-drer-ed-raine,com-
mission, appointment, war-
rant.--- -Online, order, rate,
rank.--0 dine e velleresco, an
order of knighthood.-Or-
dine religioso, a religious or-
der.-Ordini minori," the in-
ferior orders.Ordini sacri,
the holy orders of priests,
deacons and sub-deacons
Ordine d'architettura, an order
of architecture.al in or-
dive, ill dressed.
Ordingo, v. Ordigno.
Ordire, to warp-Ordine, to
plot, to brew, to frame a
traiterous design.
Ordito, adj. weaved.- Ordito,
devised, projected. contrived,
brewed, destiacd.ter man
del jato è questo nodo ord to,
this marriage is destined in
heaven.-Ordito, s. in. web.
Orditéjo, s. m. a loom.
Orditére, a weaver; one that
weaves, plots, frames, or
contrives any thing.
Orditrice, fem. of Orditore.
Oiditúra, s. f. a warping or

ménte, adv. comusually, ordinarily, y, mos, commonly. Crdino. adj. ordinary, common usual, onted.-Ordinu-weaving. rio, dinary, common, vul- Ordo, adj. deformed, ugly. gar. i reat.--Cleve or- Obs.

dinero, a proper or ordinary Ordála, s. f. ordure, judge, ---Ambasciatore ordina- Obs.


a young or

an or


Orfanità, s. f. orphanism, the
state of an orphan.
Orfano, adj. orphan, father-
less and motherless.-Un or-
fano, an orphan.
Organále, adj. organical, or-
ganic.-Vene organáli, orga
nal veins.
Organáre, v. Organizzare.
Organito, v. Organizzato.
Organetto, s. m. a small or-
gan, a German organ.
Orgánico, adj. organical, or-
ganic, belonging to the or-
gans of the body.
Organista, s. m. an organist, a
player on the organ.
Organizzáre, to organize, to
form or furnish with proper

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Originariaménte, v. Original-Orlo, s. m. hem, selvage, bore


Originário, adj. original, pri mitive, first.-Originário, adj. in law, descended from a fa

other country or province. Origine, s. f. origin, the first rise or source of a thing, beginning, pedigree, lineage. Origliáre, to listen, to give ear attentively, to set one's ears to hear. Obs. Origliére, s. m. a pillow. Orina, s. m. urine. Orinále, s. m. urinal, a chamber-pot.-Orinále, still, alembick, limbeck. Orinalétto, s. m. a little uriOrinalíno,

O'rgano, s. m. organ, an in-mily originally settled in anstrument of some faculty in an animal body.--Organo, organ, a musical instrument, commonly used in churches. Orgogliamento, s. m. Orgog. lianza, s. f. pride, haughtiness, vanity, presumption, loftiness, arrogance. Obs. Orgogliare, to grow proud, haughty, or arrogant. Orgoglio, s. m. haughtiness, pride, presumption, loftiness, arrogance, vanity. Orgogliosamente, adv. proudly, haughtily, arrogantly. Orgogliosetto, adj. proudish, somewhat haughty. Orgoglioso, adj. proud, haughty, arrogant, lofty, presump tuous.—Orgaglióso,adv.haugh-j_maker. tily, proudly, arrogantly. Orgogliúzzo, s.m. a little pride, or vanity. Oriafiamma, s. f. golden flame. -Oriafiamma, an ancient banner the French had formerly. Oribándolo, s. m. a kind of girdle.

Oricalco, s. m. brass, yellow brass, also a brass pot. Oricánno, s. m. a casting bottle for sweet waters. Oricello, s. m. orchal or orcel, a mineral stone like alum to dye with.

der. Orlo, brim, edge, border.-Orlo del pane, the crust about a loaf.-Orlo d'un cappello, the brim of a hat. Orlo d'un vaso, the brim of a glass.-Essere all'orlo del precipizio, to be in an imminent danger.

Orma, s. f. a track, a trace, a footstep, the view of a hare, the prick of a deer.-Dar ? orma, to teach, to instruct. Ormáre, to track, to trace, to hunt after, to seek out. Ormatóre, a tracer or hunter. Ornamento, s. m. ornament, finery, dress, attire.---Ornamenti sucerdotali, priest's ornaments or vestments.-Ornamento, ornament, grace, beauty, commendation.

nal. Orináre, to make water. Orinci, adv. very far. A burlesque word.-Mandar in orin-Ornáre, to adorn, to set off, to ci, to send very far. trim up, to grace or beautiOriolájo, a clock or watch- fy, to attire or embellish. Ornataménte, adv. elegantly, gracefully, finely. Ornáto, adj. adorned, set off, beautified.—Ornáto, s. m. ornament, beauty, commenda

Oriólo, s. m. a clock or watch. Orióne, s. m. Orion, a southern constellation, consisting of eighty stars.

Oríre, to rise, to come from a
place. Obs.
Oriscéllo, s. m. a crust of bread.

Oriúndo, adj. a law word; the same as Originário; descended from a family originally settled in another country or province.

tion. Ornatrice, she that adorns or beautifies.

Ornatúra, s. f. a beautifying oradorning,ornament,beauty, finery, dress.

Orno, s. m. the wild ash. Oro, s. m. gold) che luce non è tutt' oro, all is not gold

Oriuolájo, a clock or watch-that glitters.-Ridurla a oro, to maker.

Oriuólo, s. m. a sun-dial, an

Oricchio, s. m. a kind of gum. Orientále, adj. oriental, belong-hour-glass, a clock, a watch. ing to the east, eastern. Oriente, s. m. orieut, the east. -Il verace oriente, the paradise.


Orifício, Orifízio, s. m. orifice, . the mouth, entry, or brim of any thing, especially that of the stomach or womb. Origano, s. m. origan, wild marjoram. O'rige, s. m. a kind of wild buck, cloven-footed, great horns on his forehead. Originále, s. m. the original. Originále, adj. original, primitive, first.-Peccato originale, the original sin. Originalmente adv. originally. Originaménto, s. m.v. Origine. Origináre, to originate, to give a beginning-Origináre, to draw the origin, to proceed from.

-Avere il cervello a orioli, to be like a weather-cock, to be inconstant.

Orizzóne, v. Orizzonte. Obs. Orizzontále, adj. horizontal, belonging to the horizon. Orizzontalmente, adv. horizontally.

Orizzónie, s. m. horizon. Orláre, to hem,to welt, to brim, to selvage. Orláto, adj. hemmed, selvaged. Orlatúra, s. f. hemming, or selvaging about, an hem. Orliccio, s. m. hem, brim, selvage.. --Orliccio, a crust of bread, the kissing crust. Orlicciuzzino, s. m. a small Orlicciúzzo, Shem, a brim, or selvage, a little crust of bread.

Orliqua, s. f. relic or reliques. Obs.

come to a conclusion-Pigare d'oro, in oro, to pay in gold.Toro, in oro, excellent, very good,, very fine.-li qua di Francia s'era gi partito, con quella bella lancia d'ers in oro, who went away from France with that excellent golden lance. Stare nell' oro, to live well, to live at one's ease.Oro potabile, potable goldOro battuto, leaf gold.-Oro cantarino, oro musico, painter's or water gold.-Oro di coppella, the finest gold.--Oro filato, thread gold.-Essere una coppa d'oro, to be perfectly amiable, said of men and women. Orobanche, s. f. chick-weed, or strange-weed. O'robo, s. a kind of pulse like vetches or tares. Orofiámma, v. Oriafiamma. Orologio, s.m.a watch, a clock. Orpellajo, he that works in gilt leather.

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