صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Pallidità,s £pallidity, paleness,


Pallido, adj. pale, wan, whi-

Pallidáre, s. m. pal'or, pale

ness, wanners.

Pallina, s. f. a little ball, bowl
or bullet.
Pallino, s. m.
small shot to
Pallui, s. m. pl. ( fire at birds,
Pálio, s m. a mantle or cloak,
7. Palio-Pállio, palliation,
disguise. Not in use.
Palloncino, s. m. dùniu, of

Prudó-o, adj marshy, fenny, moorish.

Palazio, a shoot of the palot-Palúde, s m. a marsh or marshy tree worked which is blessed place, a fen, a h.g. on Falm Sunday, and given Paikdekk, s. m. a kind of upto the people. per vest or cloak used only by Pálmos. a. a spans.” prelates. colour pale-Pulmoi 9. 10. a great bough ΤΟ which they stick wall rods,daubed with bird-line, Pairesina, s. f. a target fence, and underneath is hidden a when the fout held their man, who imitates with a shields over their heads close whistle the voice of the owl, together to keep off be cneso that all the birds that hearty's areas, a pavois de. it come upon that tree, and Pavée, s m. parese, or p. vise, are catched by thewicks d:ub-| a bere drield which covers Pal-ed with the bird-line. the whole body. Palo, s m. a pale, a stake of Palústere, agy shy, fendy, wood.--Nallure dă polo in rasa, moorish, baggy. to digress from the matter, Paluzzo, s. m. a litle pole, or to make a rambirag digres stake of wood. Pampanijo, s m. a young branch, springing out of the Block of a vine, that beareth nothing but leaves the first year.


Plombára, a diver or swim

mer under water.

Palómbo, s. m. a kind of dog-|
úsli —Palómbo, s. m. a kind
of wild pigeau.
Palpabile, adj. palpable, that
may be felt-Palpubile, pal-
pable, manifest, plain, evident |
Palpare, to feel, to touch, to
handle, to grope -Palpáre, to
flatter, to cajole, to coax, or

can feel.

adj. feeling, that

Pallóne, & m. a great wind-
ball to play with.
Pallóre, & m. pallor, paie co.
lour, paleness, wanness.
Pailóta, s. f. a smai bal.
Pallottoia, s. f any ball made
of any thing hard.-Aver una |
faccia di pallotione, to be bra-¦
zen faced.
Pallottoletta, s. £. a little bowl
or ball.
Pallottoliéra, the place of the
bow where the stone or the
bullet is fixed to shoot it.
Pailottolína, s. f. dimiu of Pal-
Palma, s. f. a palm or date-tree. | Palpativo,
-Palma, honour, glory, re-
compence.-Palma, palm, the Palpatére, a feeler.-Palpatere,
inner part of the hand-Pal- a flatterer.
my, hand.--Tenere uno in pehna | Palpatrice, femin. of Palpatore.
di mano, to value and cherish Palpebra, s. f. the eye-lid.
one very much.
Palpebro, s.m. v. Palpebra. Obs.
Palmáta, & f. a blow given Palpeggiare, to feel, to handle,
with the palm of the hand.-
to touch, to grope.
Dar palmata, a sea-terin, and Palpitánte, adj. pánting, throb-
said of a sailor shaking hands bing.
with his captain as soon as
taken in the service of the
ship.-Palmáte, we call those
presents that are taken by a
magistrate as bribes.
Palménto, s. m. a wine-press, a
place where formerly they
pressed the grapes to make
wine.-Palmento, the frame
that contains the mill-stone.-
Macinare a due pulmenti, to eat
on both sides of one's mouth. Paltoniére, a paltry fellow, a
Macinare a due palnents, to profligate knave, a wander
gain two ends at once.
ing rogue, a sordid fellow..
Palméto, s. m. a grove of palm-Palloniére, a dissolute, lewd

Palpitáre, to pant, to throb.-
Il cuor mi palpita, my heart

Palpitazióne, s. f. palpitation,

Paltonáto, adj. got by begging.]
Paltóne, s. m. abeggar, a paltry
fellow, a dodging varlet, a
wandering rogue.
Paltonería, s. f. dissoluteness,

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Pampanáta, s f. a way of mending a hogshead or a pipe or wine, when it grows musty, by burning it in vine-leaves, Pampano, & m. vine-leaves,


Pampinário,& m.avine-branch full of leaves.

Pampinéso, adj. full of leaves,
speaking of the vine.
Paniccia, s f. a kind of mix-
ture put into wine to pre-
serve it.

Panice, s. f. panacea an herb
Panacéa, of which there
are divers kinds, all-heal,
Panaggio, s. m. provision of
Panatica, s. f. bread.
Panattiéra, s. f. a pantry, a
room or closet where bread
and cod meat are kept.
Panattiére, a panter or pantler,
an officer who keeps the brend
in a king's court, or houses of
noblemen; also a biker.
Panca, s. f. a bench to sit upon.
Pancaccia, s. f. a public place,
a place of rendezvous, where
people meet to sit and chát
Paucaccière, an idle fellow,
one that will sit all day prat-
tling in a public place, as
some do in the coffee-houses.

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Palmiére, s. m. a pilgrim.
Pálmite, s. m. shoot or young
branch of a vine; the shoot
of the palm-tree on which its
fruits hangs; bongh or branch
of any tree. Obs.
Palmizio, s. m. the palm-tree.--

Paludaccio, s. m. a nasty-mar-Pancacciuolo, s. m. a kind of
shy place.

Paludale, adj. marshy, fenny,
Paludaménto,s. m. paludament,
a military dress in the time of
the Roman,

flower that grows amongst
the wheat.
Pancale, s. m. a carpet, or any
cloth to cover a bench with.
Pancata, s. f. a bench full of
people.--Pancáta, two or three

Yows of vines.

Panceróne, s. m. that part of the armour that covered the belly.

Panegírico, s. m. panegyric. Panegirista, s. m. a maker of panegyrics. Panellino, s. m. a little loaf of Pancetta, dim. of Pancia. bread, a halfpenny roll. Panchetta, s. f. a little bench. Panéilo, s. m. a bundle of rags 'Pancia,s. f. a paunch, a belly.-oiled or greased over, which Grattarsi la pancia, to look at the sky, to be idle.-Pancia, the skin of the belly of an animal.

Panciéra, s. f. the belly-piece
of an armour.
Panciólle, adv. ex. Stare in
panciolle, to live at one's ease,
to want for nothing.-Tenere
a panciolle, to make one good
cheer, to treat him well.
Panciúto, adj. big-bellied, that |
has a great belly.
Pancóne, s. m. a board, a thick |

upon festival days are set on
fire in the evening on the top
of the highest buildings or
towers of the city.
Paneréccio, s. m. a whitlow or
felon on the finger's end.
Panerína, s. f.
Panerúzzola, s. f.
Panerúzzolo, s. m.
Panétto, s. m. a little loaf, a
halfpenny loaf,
Pánfano, s. m. a kind of ship.


Pannicéllo, s. m. a little cloth,
a child's clout.--Pannicelli, old
poor clothes.
Pannicólo, s. m. a little cloth,
or child's clout.-Panniculo,
diaphragm, midriff.
Panniére, s. m. maker or seller

of cloth.

Pannilini, s. m. plur. linen, linen-cloths.

Pannína, s. f. all manner of woollen-cloth in store. Panno, s. m. cloth.-Panni, s. m. pl. clothes.-Però và oltre, io ti verrò a' panni, go on, I'll follow you.-Panno, a pearl or web in the eye.-Panno, grows on the top or supernap or white matter that fices of wine or any other liquor.--Pigliare il panno pel verso, to take the right way in doing a thing.-Starsi ne' suoi panni, to be contented with what one has.-In questo panno non ci è taglio, it is an affair beyond our capacity or skill. - panni rifanno le stanghe, fine feathers make a fine bird. -Panno lino, linen cloth. Pannóchia, s. f. the ear of Indian wheat, millet, panic, and the like.


a little chest or


Pánia, s.f. bird-lime.-La pania
non tenne, the thing did not
succeed. Pánia amorosa, amo-

rous snares,

a piece of
Paniácciolo, s. m. S leather
wherein fowlers keep their

Paníccia, s. f. paste, stationers

Panicciuólo, s, m. a halfpenny

Panichína, a strumpet, a com-
mon whore; but is rather a
word of endearment than of

Paníco, s. m. a panic, a grain
like millet.Pánico, panic,
and it is only said of fear.
Panicuócolo, baker. Obs.
Paniéra, a basket.
Panierajo, a basket-maker or

Páncreas, s. f. pancreas, one of
the glands of an animal.
Pancreático, adj. pancreatic,
belonging to the pancreas.
Pándere, to manifest, to declare,
to publish, to make known,
to spread abroad. Obs.
Pandette, s. f. pl. Pandects, a
volume of the civil law.
Paniccio, s. m. a fine bread-
Pane, s. m. bread.-Render pancake, a flawn, any thing made
per focaccia, to be even with like bread, or in the shape of
one, to be revenged on him.- a loaf.
Pan di zucchero, a loaf of sugar.
-Pan di cera, a cake of wax.
-Pane di piombo, a pig of lead.
·Pane, the stem of a young
olive tree.-Pane, the mother,
or the earth that sticks to the
roots of plants-Mangiar il
pane a tradimento, to eat one's
bread idly.Allegrezza di pan
caldo, a joy that does not last
long-Un pan perduto, a lazy
fellow, a man that is good for
nothing.Egli è meglio del
pane, he is the best man in
the world.-Fan fresco, new
bread-Fan cavalingo, house-
hold bread. Dire al pan pane,
to speak one's mind freely, to
speak as one thinks. Pan
laváto, bread cut in slices, then
toasted and dipped in water,
and seasoned with vinegar,
'sugar, or the like.-Tenere a
pane, to maintain, to keep, to
nourish.-Pan del dolore, bread
got with the sweat of one's
brows-Riuscir meglio a pan
the a faring, to be better than
it was thought to be-Pan
buffetto, a French roll.-Essere
come pane e cacio, to be hand
and glove.

Paniére, s. m. a basket.ver
le budella in un paniere, to be in
a panic fear.

Pannocchiúto, adj. that has a
head, that grows with a head,
like the ear of Indian corn.
Panóro, s. m. a measure of land,
the twelfth part of an acre,
or thereabouts.
Pan porcíno, s. m. sow-bread,
swine or hogs-bread; a plant
so called.

Pantalóne, s. m. pantaloon, a
kind of mask on the Italian
stage, representing the Vene-
Pantanáccio, s. m. a dirty miry
Pantáno, s. m. a marsh, a mar,
shy place, a fen, a bog.
marshy, fen-
Pantanoso, adj. S ny, moory,

alittle bas-Pantano,

Panier úzzo, s. m.
Panificársi, to become bread.
Panione, s. m. lime-twig-1
paniosi amorosi, the snares of
Paniúzzola, s. f.


Pannaccio, s. m. bad cloth.
Pannajuólo, a woolien-draper.
Panneggiare, to paint the dra-
pery in a picture.
Pannello, s. m. a piece or bit
of cloth.

Pánnia, s. f. a kind of herb
that grows in marshy places.

Pantéra, s. f. panther, a fierce
beast so called.-Pantera, a
Panterána, s. f. or adj. a kind of
lark, ex. Ailódola panterána.
Pan terréno, v. Pan porcino.
Pantofola, s. f. slipper.
Pantráccola, s. f. an old wo-
man's story.
Pantúfola, v. Pantófolo.
Panza, v. Pancia.
Panzáne, s. f. pl. silly words-
Dar panzane, to give fair words,

with an intention to deceive. | Pappagallesco, adj. belonging parapherna. Panzeróne, s. m. a great coat to a parrot, of the nature of Parafrasáre, to make into a of mail. a parrot. paraphrasis. Pappagalléssa, s. f. a hen-par- Parafrasáto, part. passive of Parafrasare.

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Panzeruóla, s. f. a little coat
of mail.

Panzétta, s. f. small belly.
Panziéra, s. f. a coat of mail.
Paolino, s. m. a kind of bird
like a sparrow, with a blue
neck, and a long bill.
Paolo, s. m. a silver piece of
money at Rome, which is
worth about six-pence En-
glish money.


Pappagallo, s. m. a parrot, a
sort of bird.

Pappalardo, s. m. an hypo-
crite, a puritan.—Pappalardo,
a glutton, a greedy-gut.
Pappalécco, s. m. a rare bit, a
choice bit.-Pappalécco, a lu-
dicrous word for food.
Pappardelle, s. f. a kind of
paste meat boiled in the

Paonázzo, v. Pavonazzo.
Paone, v. Pavone, and all its broth of a hare.

Papa, s. m. pope, the head of
the Roman Catholic church.
Papále, adj. papal, belonging
to the pope.
Papásso, s. m. a general name
for a priest of the Oriental
⚫ religions.
Papático, v. Papato. Obs.
Papáto, s. m. papacy, the dig-
nity of a pope, and the time
of his reign.
Papávero, s. m. poppy.
Pape! an interjection of ad-

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Pappárdo, b. Papavero. Obs.
Pappáre, to devour and con-
sume, to gormandize, 'to eat
up greedily.

Pappatore, s. m. a glutton, a
greedy-gut, a great eater, a

Pappo, s. m. bread, a childish
word, when they call for
some bread.

Parafrasi, s. f. paraphrase.
Parággio, s. m. comparison,
equal, match.-Non v'è il pa-
raggio a lei, she has not her

Paragonabile, adj. to be com-
Paragonáre, to compare, to

Paragóne, s. m. a touchstone.
-Oro di paragone, pure gold.,
-Paragóne, a comparison, a
match.- -Far paragóne, to
compare, to put in competi-
tion-Mettere in paragone, to
compare, to set against.
Parágrafo, s. m. paragraph.
Paraguánto, s. m. money given
out of kindness, drink money.
Paralásse, s. f. parallax, the
difference between the true
and apparent place of a pla-


Paperello, s. m. a gosling.
Paperina, s. f. a kind of herb.
Paperino, s. m. a gosling.
Paperíno, adj. of or belonging
to a gosling.
Pápera, s. f. green or young
Pápero, s. m. goose.
Paperótto, s. m. a fat goose.
Papésco, adj. papal, belonging
to a pope.
Papilióne, s. m. a butterfly.

Papilla, s. f. the nipple or teat

of a breast.

Pappoláta, s. f. a bash-mash.
-Pappolata, a silly story.
Pappóne, s. m. a glutton, a
great eater, a greedy-gut, a

Para, v. Parata. Obs.
Parábola, s. f. parable, a con-
tinued similitude, or compa-
rison.~~Parábola, parabola,
one of the three sections
which arises from a cone.-
Parábola, fable, invention,
tale, story.


Paraléllo, adj. parallel, equally or every where alike. Parallelipipedo, s. m. a solid figure contained under six parallelograms, the opposite sides of which are equal and _parallel.

Parallelogrammo, s. m. paral-
lelogram, a plane figure,
bounded by four right lines,
which are opposite and pa

Paraboláno, s. m. a great talk-_rallel one to the other.
er, a prattler, a babbler, a
blab. Paraboláno, adj. false,


Parabolíco, adj. parabolical,
belonging to a parable.
Parabolóso, adj. talkative,
prating, full of talk.
—Un paraboloso, a prattler.
Paracuóre, s. m. the lungs.



Papilletta, s. f. a little nipple
or teat of a breast.
Papiro, s. m. a flaggy shrub
growing in the marshes and
standing waters near the
Nile, upon whose leaves an- Paradiso, s. m. paradise.-
ciently they used to write, Mele paradise, a kind of golden
papyrus.-Papiro, paper, a pippins.-Uva paradi.a, a kind
sheet of paper.
of grape.
Papista, a papist, a contemp-Paradócco, s. m. a kind of
tuous word for a Roman Ca- game that was so called.
tholic, used by other Chris-Paradosso, adj. paradoxical.

Paradosso, s. m. a paradox.
Paraférna, s. f. parapherna,
paraphernalia, those goods
which a wife brings her hus-
band, over and above her

Papizzáre, to be pope.
Pappa, s. f. pap, crumb of
bread boiled in water for
Pappacchióne, s. m. a glutton,
a greedy-cut.
Parafernále, adj. of or belong-
Pappafico, . m. a hood.-Pup-ing to parapherna.-Beni pa-
pafico, topgallant-sail,
rafernali, paraphernalia or

Paralisía, s. f. palsy, a disease
which causes a slackening of

the nerves.

Paralítico, adj. paralytical sick of a palsy.-Un parali tico, s. m. a paralytic, one troubled with the palsy. Parallásse, c. Paralasse. Parallélo, v. Paralello. Paralogismo, s. m. paralogism, error in ratiocination. Paraménto, s. m. paraments, sacerdotal ornaments.-Paramento, paraments, furniture. -Paraménto, rich clothes or dress.-Paraménto, caparison, ornament for a horse. Paramósche, s. m. a kind of large fan to drive away the flies.

Parapétto, s. m. parapet, a

Parapiglia, s. f. confusion,
crowd, trouble, hurly-bur-
ley, disorder.
Paráre, to adorn, to dresą, to

grix, to deck, to embellish. Parare, to present, to offer, or tender.-Parársi, to oppose, to set against, to meet with-omando a ciascuno, ele dimanci lor si para, che buga faresse, he told every body that was in his way to make room--Parare, to parry, to keep off, to ward off, to stop.--Parare un colpo, to parry a blow.-Perorsi altriti | dinanzi alcuna resa, to remember, to come in one's memory.

Parasole, parasol, or umbrella.
Parasitássio, &. m. an impu-
dent parasite.
Parasito, s. m, parasite, a tren-
cher-friend, a smeli-feast, a
flattering spunger.
Paráta, s. & parrying.
Paráta, parade,the place where
troops assemble or draw to-
gether. Ved la mala purat-
ty to see the danger.
Faratio, a partition.
Parito, fence, hedge, or in

Paráto, adj. adorned, trimmed,
dressed, decked-Mal para-
to,, ill-dressed.-Panito, pre
pated, ready, in readiness.
Paravento, & m. a large screen
to keep the air or the wind

Paraúla, s. f. word. Obs.
Parca, & m. death, destiny.
Parcamente, adv. sparingly,
savingly, frugally.
Tárcere, to forgive, to spare.
Parcità, s. f. parsimony, spa-
ringness, thriftiness, good

Farco, adj. parsimonious, sav-
ing, thrifty Purco, s. m.
park, a piece of ground
enclosed and flocked with
wild beasts of chase.
Pardáo, s. m. a kind of Indian

Pardo, s. m. a leopard.
Pare, v Pari.

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Parentado, s. m. parentage, hood. Obs.


kindred, Pargoleggiore, to play the relations.-Parentado, parent-child, to do childish things, age, stock, family.----Far pa- to grow boyish. rextada, to match to some fa-Pargoletto, adj. young, childmily, to ally to some family, ish, infantine-Un pargoletto, Parentale, adj paternal, pa a child, a young boy, or infant.-Une pergolesia, a young girl. Pargolezza, & L. Pargolis, childhood. Párgolo, s. m. a young child or infant.

Parénte, adj. relation, kindred.

Un parente, a kinsinan.-
Una parente, a kinswoman-
Parente, parent, father or

Parentéla, s. f. parentage, kin-
dred, relation.
Parenteria, v. Parentado, or
Parentale. Obs.
Parentésco, adi paternal, be-
longing to parents.
Paréntesi, s. f. parenthesis, a
clause put in the middle of a
sentence, and it is thus mark
ed ( ).

Paréntevole, adj. benevolent,
kind, affectionate.
Parentevolmente, adj. bene
volently, kindly, friendly.
Parcntézza, s. parentage.
kindred. Obs.
Parentório, s. m. a peramp.
tory action.

Pazénza, s. f. appearance, out-
side show, likelihood, proba-
bility. Obs.

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Pari, adj. sal, alike, or like -Cosé si tratta a' pari are? is it so that you deal with mea of my rank?-Puri det regno, peer of a kingdom. --lari, adv, equally, as well.-Posse farlo al pur di voi, cap do as well as you.-Vuole andas di pari coi più ricchi del paese, be will vie with the richest men of the country-Pari, s. m). au even number.—Giorare & pari a caffe, to play even or odd.-Store a piè pari, to live well, to want for nothing. Parietária, v. Paritaria.. Pariete, v. Parete.

Parigino, & m. an old French coin so called-Parigiso, a beau, a fop, a coxcomb, a lover of dress.

Parere, to seem, to appear, to Pariglia, s. £ a double paint
look.--Mi per così, it appears at dice-Render la paripha,t0
so to me.-Mercanti parezano requite, to render like for
el erano masnadieri, they look-like, to be even with one.
ed like merchants, and they Pariménte, adv. likewise, in
were rogues ——,
-Parere, to like manner.-Par-pen, very
seem, to think, or fancy-equal or even —!
Noisien pari-
Che se ne pore? what do you
think of it ?-→→Mi per mill' dani
I long, I ara impatient

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bari, we are even.

Parità, s. f. parity, equality.

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Paritaria, s. f. pellitory of the wall, an herb so called.

să se a voi quello se ne parrà che
a me ne parebbe, I don't know
if you are of the same opParlaccccio, &. m. an okl game
nioa as I am.-l'arere, to ap at dice that was so called.
pear, to be plain, clear, o Parladóre, c. Parlatore.
manifest.-Parére, s. m. opi-Perlacura, a. Parlatura
nion, esteem, judgment
Al parer mio, to my opinion.
Paretajo, s. m. the place where
fowlers set their nets.

Parécchi, adj. m. pl. 7 sundry,
Farecchie, adj. f. pl. divers.
Parecchio, adj. like, equal
alike. Obs.
Pareggiamento, a. m. equality.
Fareggiare, to equal, to coni-Parte, 5, £ a partition-wall of
a room, house or building--


Paréglio, m. parelium, or Parélio, Sparhelion, a mock sun, a meteor, sometimes appearing on cach side of the sun.

Parenching, s. f. parenchy

Dinne come che fisi i te parete
tell us where you shelter
yourself. Parete, obstacie

Paretilla, s. £. a double net.
Paretello, s. m. dim. of Paréte.

arlagio, s. m. a place where he ancient Florentines assembled to treat of state affairs.

ariagione, s. f. speaking, talk cbi.

arlamentare, to confer or treat of business in a parliament, council or assembly. ---Parlamentáre, to parley, to come to a parley. Parlamento, s. m. parliament)

assembly of the chief men | of state, met together to con sult and treat of public af fairs.--Parla ménto, session, or term during which the parliament sits.--Parlimento d' in ghilterra, the parliament of England, the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons assembled. Parlamente, discourse, conversation.

Parlante, adi speaking, that
speaks, discoursing.Un
utama ber parlante, a man that
talks well.-Una persona mal
parlente, an ill tongue, a per-
son that slanders or speaks!
ill of somebody.
Parlamentario, s. m. the name
of these who sided against
Charles the first, a round
head, a wig.
Parlantina, . f. loquacity,

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perruque. Parrucchetto, s. m. a kind of parrot.

Parsimónia, s. f. parsimony, sparingness, thriftiness, good husbandry.

Parola, s. f. word-Perder la Parrucca, s. f. periwig, wig,
parola, to lose one's speech.
Chieder parola, to ask leave.
Dar la parola, to pass one's
word.--Dar parole, to pro-Parrucchino, . m. a smal
mise.-Uomo di purola, a man wig.
of his word-Ander sopre la
parola, to rely upon one's
word or honour.Parola tor-
te, an ill word.-Parola tronca,
half a word. For delle parole
fange, to break one's word,
not to be as good as one's
word -Romper le parole in
boca, to interrupt one that
speaks, to take one up-Ve-
nire a parole, to come to hard
words.Pigliare in parole, to
catch one in saying things
contrary to what he had said
before.--Pesar le parole, to
weigh and consider well what
one has to say---Parole da
vecchio, old stories.-Nox ne
far parola, not to mention
any thing of it--Masticar le
parole, to think before one
peaks, to reflect upon what
one has to say.--Manglarsi
le parole, not to speak plain.
Parolaccia, s. f. an immodest,
lewd word.

Parlánza, s. f. speech, talk,
discourse. Obs.Se me sen-
tite deuna partenza, datemene
parte, if you hear any thing
said, let me know of it.
Pariire, to speak, to talk.-
Parlor fra i denti, to speak
with one's teeth shut, not to
speak plain.-Parlare alla mu- Parolájo, a talker, a talkative
&, to speak or express one's man, a prolix prater.
meaning by signs.Perlur Paroletta, s. f. a pretty little
fuur de denti, to speak plain, Parolina, Sword.
as we say, downright En-Parolóne, s. f. a long word.
glish-Parlar in ari, to speak | Parolózza, & f. a rough unci-
to the air, that is in vain. vil word.
Parlare, s. m. a speaking, a
talk, a discourse, a conversa-
tion -Sconcio parlure, idle
lewd discourse.
Parlasia, &. f. palsy. Obs.
Parlato, s. m. a prelate. Obs.
-Perlito, talk, speaking-hind the car, mumps.
Porto, adj. spoken, talked-
Parlatore, a talker, a well
spoken man, a speaker, an


Parolúzza, s. f. a little word.
Parosimo, s. m. paroxysm, the
access or fit of an ague, or
other distemper.
Parótide, s. f. parotides, a
swelling of the glandules be-

Parpaglione, s. m. a butterfly.
Parricida, parricide, a mur-
derer of his or her father
or mother.
Parricídio, s. m. parricide.
Parrocchetto, c. Parrucchet-


Parrocchia, s. f. parish church,
Parrocchiale, adj. parochial,
of or belonging to a parish.
struck-Chiesa parrocchiale, parish

Parlatório, s. m. v. Parlágio.
Parintúrio, the parlour of a
Parlatrice, fem. of Parlatóre.
Parlatúra, s. f. way of talking,
speech, discourse.
Parlético, s. m. palsy.--Parle
tir, adj. paralytic,
with a palsy.
Parlévole, adi. that talks.
Farliére, talker, prattler,
talkative man.
Parlottáre, to prate, to talk.

Parófia, s. f.
Parrosa, parish Obs.


Parrocchiano, s. m. the parish-
priest, or the minister of a

Parrocchiśni, s. m. pl. the peo-
ple that live in the district of
a parish, parishioners.
Párroco, s. m, a pareon.

Parso, adj. seemed, appeared. Parte, s. f, part, share, por tion.-Vi farò parte di quel cho ho, I will give you part of what I have. -Dalla parte mia, for my part, as for me.--Pi gliare in buona o in malo parte, to take in good or in part, to take well or illo non h parte in ques" afforre, I have no hand in this affair-Parte, side.-Tirar da parte, to talk aside.--In ogni parte, on al sides, every where.-In qualunque parte, wherever.-In nessuna parte, no where.-Da parte a parte, through, or the rough.-Parte, from, in the name. Da parte di vostro padre, from your father-Da parte di tutti, in the name of all-Ditegli da parte mia, vel him from me.-. -Parte, party side.-Pigbar la parte di qualchedune, to take one's part, to side with one.-lo son parte in gresto negozio, I am concerned in this affair-Parte, part, cue.-- -Parte, place, country, parts-Fro in parte dove non potevo veder niente, I was in a place where I conla see nothing.-Fare, o dur parta a qualcheduno di qualche cosa, vo impart an affair to one, to acquaint him with it, to communicate it to him--Parte adv. whilst.--Parte che to scolare questo diccou, la misra'donna piangeva, whilst the scholar said this, the poor woman cried.-Parte per parte, one after another, one by one.→→→ A parte, adv. aside, apart, by one's self, by itself, by themselves.——Mettere quattrini a parte, to lay up money. Partecipamento, e. m. participation, a taking part of. Partecipánte, adj. that parti cipates.

Partecipár, to participate, to partake of, to have a share in.- -Partecipare, to impart or let know, to acquaint, to communicate.

Partecipe, adj. partner, sharer.

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