صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

-Far partecipe, to impart, to communicate or impart with. Partéfice, adj. v. Partécipe. Parteggiamento, s. m. division into parts or parties. Parteggiare, to be partial, to side, to follow one's party. Partegnénza,s.f.appurtenance, appendix,athing that belongs to, or is appendant of another. Partenére, to appertain, to belong to one. Parténte, adj. parting, going away, departing, ready to go


Partenza, s. f. departure, going


visible, par

Partévole, adj. separable, diPartibile, tible. Particella, s. f. particle, a little part, small share. Particina, s. f. a small part, a small share. Participále, adj. partner, shar


Partigianáccia, s. f. a long and heavy partisan. Partigianétta, s. f. a small partisan.

Partigiano, s. m. a partisan, a favourer, an abetter of a party; used also adjectively. Partigianóne, s. f. a large partisan.

Partigióne, s. f. partition, Partimento, s. m. S division." Partire, to share, to divide, Partírsi, to go away, to set out, to depart.

Partire, to end, to make an end, to finish.-Partir l'amicizia, to break friendship. Partita, s. f. departure.-Partita, part, share,portion,party. -Partila, devise, colour.Partita, an article of an account.-Partita, a match, a set.-Giuochiamo una partita a picchetto, let us play a game at picquet-Fare una partita, to play a game. Partitamente, adv. distinctly, severally, particularly, attentively.

Participáre, to participate, to partake of, to have a share in, to be interested in.—Par-Partito, s. m. way, means, ticipare, to impart, to commu- manner. Per niun partito, by nicate, to let know, to dis- no means.-Partito, bargain, cover, to acquaint with. condition, convention, agreeParticipatore, a partaker, or ment, contract.Recare a parsharer. tito, to hazard, to risk.--ParParticipazione, s. f. participa- tito,resolution, choice, course. tion, a taking part of. -In ho già preso partito che Participio, s.m. participle, one farne, I have already disposed of the nine parts of speech. what to do with it.-E cosi Particiuóla, s. f. particle, a tral'l si e'l nò vinse il partito di small parcel, a little part. non andarci, and so, in this Partícola, s. f. particle, a small irresolution, be resolved not undeclined word. to go.-Andure o mandare a Particolare,adj.particular, pro- partilo, to gather the votes. per, peculiar, singular, inti- Partito, danger, hazard, peril. mate, familiar.---Un partico- Non voglio mettere a partito la lare, s. m. a private man. mia vita, I will not expose or Particolareggiare, . Partico- endanger my life.-E ridotto larizzare. a mal partito, he is reduced to an extremity, he is low in his circumstances.-Mettere il cervello a purtito, to puzzle one. -Prender partito, to list one's self a soldier.-Ingannarsi a partito, to be quite out, or be grossly mistaken,-Prender partito, to resolve.-Donna di partito, a strumpet, a mercenary woman, a common whore-Partito, adj. divided, parted.-Partito, departed, gone away.

Particolarità, s. f. particularity, a particular matter, an individual thing. Particolarizzáre, to particu larize, to enlarge upon particulars, to give a particular

account of.

Particolarmente, adv. particu-
larly, distinctly.--Particolar
minte, particularly, especial-
ly, in particular.
Particolétta, s. f., a little par-
ticle, a very small part.
Partícula, v. Particola, and all
its derivatives.
Partigiana, s. f. partisan, a
weapon like a halberd,

fire-brand of sedition. Partitúzzo, s. m. dimin. of Par tito.

Partizione, s. f. partition, division. Parto, s. m. birth, child, infant. -0 tu manifesta di cui questa parto si generasse, o tu morrai senza indugio, you must either declare who is the father of this child, or you shall die presently-Esser a mal di parto, to be in labour.-Morir di parto, to die in child-bed.Donna di parto, a woman newly brought to bed, a woman that lies in, or in child-bed, a woman in the straw. D'un parto, at one birth.-Parto effect, production, product, work. Questo è parto della sua generosità, this is a mere effect of his generosity---Come part● : del suo ingegno, as a product of his wit.-Stare in parto, to enjoy one's self, to live at one's ease, to want for nothing. Fare il parto, to lie in state, as women of quality de, after they have been brought to bed some while.-Morir sopra parto, to die in child-bed. Partoriénte, adj. lying in.Donna partoriente, a woman in labour,or ready to be brought to bed.

Partorire, to bring forth chil dren, to be delivered, to be brought to bed.-Partorire, to produce, yield, or bring forth.

Partorito, adj. brought forth,
brought to bed, produced.
Partoritrice, a woman that
lies in child-bed, a woman
lately delivered, a woman in
the straw.-Partoritrice, cause,
chezza è partoritrice di molti
mali, drunkenness is the cause
of a great many mischiefs.
Parvénte, adj. apparent, clear
manifest, known. Obs.
Parvénza, s. f. appearance,
shew, outside. Obs.--Di-
mostrare in parcenza, to shew,
to make known. Obs.
Parvificáre, to lessen, to dimi-
nish, to debase or vilify.
Parvífico, adj. ungenteel, illi-
beral, sordid, base, unlike
a gentleman, niggardly, vil
lainous, servile, mean.

Partitóre, a distributer, a divid-
er, or divisor in arithmetic.- Parvità, s. f. parvity, small
Partitére, a boutefeu, a sower ness.

of distension, a make-bate, a | Parvo, adį. little, small

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Parvolino, adj. very young, little, or small-Un pareslo, a young child, an infant. Párvolo, adj.little small young. -Tutti suoi figlinoli sono parvoli, all his children are young. -Un parcolo, a young child, an infant.

Parúta, s. f. appearance, shew, outside.

Parúto, adj. seemed, appeared.

Parziale, adj. partial, biassed to one's party, or interest. Parzialeggiare, to show partiality, to be partial. Parzialità, s. f. partiality, a siding too much with a party, a being more of the one side

than the other. Parzialmente, adv. partially. Parzionále, adj.

partiel. All

Pascere, to feed, to pasture, to
graze, to browse. -Páscere,
to feed, to keep, to nourish,
to support.--Pascer di vane
speranze, to feed with vain

Pascersi, to feed upon.
Pascibiétola, s. m. a block-
head, a dunce, a silly gull, a
Pascimento, S. m. grazing,
feeding, or pasturing.
Pascióna, s. f. pasture, pasture-
ground, abundance of food


meat-Trovar buona pasciona, to find a good dinner, or good things to eat-Pas cióna, a good profit, or bargain.

Pascitóre, a feeder,he that feeds

or grazes.
Pasciúto, adj. fed, grazed, nou-
rished-Poichè diriguardar pas
ciuto fui, after I looked a long

Pasco, s. m. pasture, pasture-
Pascoláre, to feed, to graze, to
pasture-Menar le pecore a
pascolare, to lead the sheep to

the pasture.
Páscolo, s. m. pasture, pasture-
ground.—Pascolo, food, meat.
Pasmo, v. Spasimo. Obs.
Pasqua, s. f. Easter, or Pass-
over. Aver la pasqua in dome-
nicu, to have one's intent.---
Dar la mala pasqua, to vex, to
trouble, to disturb, to teaze.
Pusqua rosata, Whitsun-

tide. VOL. L

Pasquale, adj. paschal, of or
belonging to the Passover or
Easter. L'agnello pasquale,the
paschal lamb.

Pasquare, to keep Easter.

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run one through, to piercePassare, to go further or beyond, to penetrate.—Pasare, to pass, or go for, to be reputed, accounted, or looked upon.-Pa sure, to pass.Pasqueréccio, adj. paschal. Passarsi, to be contented or Pasquináta, s. f. a pasquinade, satisfied.- Me la passo con un a satirical invective or libel. bicchier di vino, I am contented Passággio, s. m. a passage, a with one glass of wine. going from one place to an- Pas er offizio di condoglienza, ' other.Passaggio, passageto condole with. Passare na money, or toll.- -Passaggio, buona parola per uno, to speak passage, way, avenue.-Far in some body's behalf.--Paspassaggio da questa vita, to de- sure agli ordini, to be admitted part this life, to die.-Pu sug- to orders. Passare un fiue a gio d'un autore, passage, place guazzo, to ford over a river, of a book.—Di passaggi, -Passar la banca, to pass transitory, transient.-Esser muster.-Pisare una supplica, di passaggio, to be a passenger. to grant one's request. -Fo son qui di passaggio, I am Passata, s. f. a passage, or passonly a passenger-Nezare i ing by.-Fare una tas al i con passaggio, to stop one's way, tor to a qualche ne zožo, to Passamáno, s. m. lace for live-talk or an affair with one.ries, Dar pesata, to skip or leave Passaménto, s. m. a passing out a thing, to pass over it, to or going by.--Pasamento, omit it.-Par pessata negli unopassage, way-Passaménto, an ri, to be advanced to honour. avoiding. -Fer passata nelle lellore, to Passante, adj. passing, or going improve in one's learning. by.-Passante, s. m. a leather Passatempo,s.m.pastime,sport, recreation, diversion.


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Passaporto, s. m. a pass, or pass-Passito, adj. past, passed.port.

Nel passats, before, before now, in the time past.-La notte passeta, last night. Passati, s. m. pl. parents, pre

Passatójo, s. m. a little bridge
made of stones or wood.-
Passatijo, an easy way to get
out of a difficulty.-Passató-
jo, adj. easy to be passed, to
be got over.
Pasatóre, a passenger. Not
used.-Passatore della legge, a
transgressor of the law.
Passavogare, to row a-main.
Passavolinte, s. m. a small
piece of ordnance.-Passavo-
linte, a pass-volant, a lagot,
a false muster.
Passeggiare, to walk.-Passeg
giare un cavallo, to walk a
horse.-Passeggiare, a way of
swimming, by casting over
the water sometimes one and
sometimes the other arm.
Passeggiata, s. f. walk, er.-—---

Passare, to pass, to come or go
through, to come, or go by,
to come or go over.-Passur
in un luogo, to go to a place.decessors.
Passar la strada, il fiume,to cross
over a street or a river, to go
to a river.-Passare il coman-
damento d'uno, to transgress
one's command.-Passare, to
pass, go, or run away.
tempo passa, time passes-La
prorgia è passata, the rain is
over.- -Në pas ar molio di, nor
was it many days after. Non
ha pa sato d'eci anni, he is not
above ten years old.-Pussur
il tempo, to pass away one's
time.Passare il tempo, to pass,
spend or employ the time
Pasar la notte a lere, to pass
the night in drinking.-Pas-
sar la nju, la malinconia, to
dissipate or drive away one's
melancholy.- -Come ve la pas-
sate? how goes it with you?
-Passare, to skip or leave
out.-Pasar sotto silenzio, to
pass over in silence-Passure
di sapere, to surpass, to go be-
yond, to exceed, to excel in
knowledge.-Pas ar di vita, to
die or expire-Passar uno, to

indiamo a fare una pusseggiata, let as go and take a walk. Passeggiato adj. walked. Passeggiatore, a walker. Passeggiée, a passenger. Pasteggiero, Passeggiére, a custom-house officer.


the earth for planting vines, or any other tree, to delve, to pastinate. Pastináto, adj. dug, delved, pastinated. Pastinazione, s. f. the opening and breaking of fine earth, and laying it loose, in order to be planted, pastination. Pástino, s. m. a bed of earth that is new dug, made fine, and fit for planting vines. Pasto, s. m. food, meat, victuals.-Digerire il pasto, to digest one's victuals.-Pusto, a feast.-Fur pasto, to feast, to treat, to entertain, to regale. -A tutto pasto, adv. continually, always.-Pasto, meal, repast, dinner or supperMangiare a pasto, to eat at an ordinary.-Far tre pasti al giorno, to make three meals a day.-Pasto, the entrails of any beast that is good to eat. -Dar pasto, to feed one with vain hopes. Pastócchia, s. f. story, fib, flam, idle story, tale of a tub, lie. Pastocchiére, s. m. a fibber or shammer.

Pastója, s. f. a pastern, a shackle for a horse.-Pastoje, a pastern, the hollow of a beast's head, that part of a horse's foot under the fetlock to the heel.

Pastóne, s. m. a big lump of dough or paste. Pastorále, adj. pastoral, belonging to a shepherd, or church minister.-Una pastorale, a pastoral, a sort of poem where shepherds and shepherdesses are introduced.—

Pastorale, s. m. arcrosier, a bishop's staff.

Pastoralmente, adv. like a good pastor.

Pastoráre, to feed.

Pastóre, a shepherd, or herdsman.-Pustére, a pastor, a minister of a church, as the pope, a bishop, or curate. Pastoréccio, adj. shepherdly, pastoral.

Pastorella, a shepherdess. Pastorello, a shepherd. Pastorizia, s. f. the shepherd's trade. Obs.


Passéggio, s. m. a walking-gliare i passi innanzi, to make
place, a walk.
hay whilst the sun shines, to!
Passera, s. f. Pássere, s. m. a lay up a thing against the
time of need. Pusso, a sort
of sweet wine made of grapes
withered in the sun-Pusso,
adj. which has suffered, en-
dured, or sustained.-Pusso,
dry, or dried up, withered,
seared with the heat of the
sun.-I've passe, raisins.
Dire un pas-Passo passo, adv. softly, gent-

a young

Passerajo, s. m. a multitude of sparrows together.-PasseTap, a confused talking of many people together. Passere, v. Passera. Passerétta, s. f. l'asseríno, s. m. Passerotto, s. m. serotto, to talk inconsiderately, to blunder.-Fare un passeroito, to do a foolish thing. Passetto, s. m. a measure of about an English yard.-Misurar gli altri col suo passello, to measure another man's corn 'by one's own bushel. Passibile, adj. passible, capable of suffering. Passibilità, s. f. passibility. Passino, s. m. a measure about three feet long.-Passino, the length of the loom. Passionáre, to afflict, to torment. Obs. Passionure, to suffer. Obs. Passionato, adj. greedy, ambitious, desirous.-Passionato, fellow. afflicted, tormented Pussio-Pastareále, s. f. a kind of food nato, passionate, affectionate, so called.

in love.

Passúro, adj. that is to suffer,
or pay for. Obs.
Pasta, s. f. paste, dough.-
Pasta d'ambra, pomanders, am-
bergrease. Uomo di grossa
pasta, lumpish fellow, a dunce,
a blockhead.-Pasta, consti-
tution, temper.-E un uomo
di buona pasta, he is a good-
natured or honest soul or
man.--Metter mano in pusta, to
meddle one's self in some
affair, to undertake an affair.
-Trar le man di pasta, to slip
one's neck out of the collar.
Pasticcio, s. m. a sot, a block-
head, a good-natured foolish

fond, amorous, passionately Pasteggiare, to feast, to treat
at dinner.-Pasteggiátu, adj.
feasted, treated, regaled.
Pastelliére, a pastry-cook.
Pastello; s. m. a little bit of

Passióne, s. f. passion, sufferance, affliction.--La passione di nostro Signore, passion, suffering of our Saviour.-Pussióne, passion, love.-Passióne, compassion, pity.-Portar passione ad une, to pity one, to have pity on one.


Passivamente, adv.
adv. Ply



Pastétto, s. m. a little meal,

or feast.

Pasticca, s. f. pastille.
Pasticciámi, s. m. pl. all man-
ner of pasties, pies, or paste



Passivo, adj. passive.-Verbo Pasticcetto,s.m. a little pie,
assivo, passive verb. ́
Pasticcietto, Σ petty-patee.
Passo, s. m. pace, step-Cam- Pasticcere, s. m. a pastry-
minere a pian passo, to walk Pasticciére,
with a slow pace, or slowly, Pasticcio, s. m. a pie.-Pas-
softly, or gently.—Ferder" i tivio di piccioni, a pigeon-pie.
passi, to lose one's labour.--Paticcio di mele, an apple-
Cavallo che va di passo, a pac- pie.

ing horse.Andiamo a fare Pastiglia, s. f. pastil.
quattro passi, let us go and
take a little walk.-Passo geo-
metr co, a geometrical pace.
Passo, a passage, a stile, ford,
ferry-Serrare il passo ad uno,
to stop one's way-Passo, a
passage, a place in a book.-
Il passo della soglia, the step or
threshold of a door.-Il più
duro passo è quel della soglia,
the beginning of every thing
is always the hardest.-P-

Pastillo, s. m. a trochisk, or
medicine made up in a little
round ball.
l'astináca, s. f. parsnip, a kind
of carrot.-Ficcar justinache,
to make one believe for truth
an idle and false thing.-Pa- Pastóso, adj. soft, plump, fat.
tinaca, putlin, the sharp-snout--in pastoso, a good-bodied
ed ray-Indie pustináche, an wine.
imaginary country, named in
Boccacio's novels.
Pastináre, to dig up and loosen

Pastricciáno, s. m. a wild parsnip.-Pastricciano, a simple ton, a dunce, a loggerhead, a

blockhead. Pastúme, s. m. all manner of pastemeats.

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Patriziato, s. m. patriciaté, a
patrician's dignity.
Patrizio, s. m. a patrician, a
nobleman or lord.-Patrizio,
adj. patrician, noble.
Patrizzáre, to take after one's

Patrocinante, adj. that protects.
Patrocináre, to patronize, to
protect or defend.
Patrocinatóre, he that defends
a cause as an advocate or
Patrocinatrice, femin. of Pa-

Patiménto, s. m. sufferings, trouble, affliction, grief. Patire, to suffer, to endure.Patire, to suffer, endure, bear, or abide. Il mio onore non putisce ch'io faccia tul cosa, it is not conformable to my honour to do such a thing-Soffrire dolore, to suffer or endure pain. Soffrir freddo, fame, to suffer cold, hunger.-Il cuor patisce di vedervi in questo stato, my beat bleeds to see you in this condition.-Patiré d'una cosa, to want.-Patir di danari, to want money.-Non patisco di niente, I want for nothing.Non poter patir uno, to hate one. -Non posso patirlo, I hate him, I can't abide or endure him.-Pattáre, to equal, or make Patire interesse, to pay interest. equal or even in number. cover-Patire, to digest.-Patire una Patteggiamento, s. m. bargain, disgrazia, to undergo a mis- convention, agreement, cofortune, to have a misfortune befallen to one.-Putire d'una malatia o altro male, to be subject to a disease or other evil. -Patisce di mal di pietra, he has the stone, or he is flicted with the stone.-Patito, adj. suffered, endured. Patitóre, a sufferer.

Pastúra, s. f. pasture, pasture-
ground, food, meat.-Tenere
uno in pastura, to feed one with
hopes.-Pastura, the ordure
or dung of any beast that is
Pasturále, s. m. the pastern,
that part of a horse's foot
under the fetlock to the heel.
Pasturáre, to lead the cattle to
the pasture.Pasturáre, to
have the care of souls.-Pas-
turáre, to feed.
Pastúro, v. Pastura. Obs.
Patácca, s. f. a patacoon, a
Patacco, s. m. (Spanish coin.
-Non vale une patacca, it is
not worth a groat.
Paténa, s. f. the patten or
of a chalice.
Paténte, adj. patent, evident,
plain, lying open.-Patente, s.
f. a patent, or letter patent.
Patenteménte, adv. evidently,
plainly, clearly, openly.
Patéra, s. f. a goblet or broad
piece of plate, to drink in,
used at public feasts and


Patrocínio, s. m.patronage, de-
fence, protection.
Patta, s. f. the epact of the
moon.-Patta, drawn game.


Patteggiare, to bargain, to
covenant, to contract, to agree
upon.-Patteggiato, adj. bar-
gained, agreed upon.
af-Patteggiatore, he that makes
or strikes the bargain.
Pattegiatrice, femin. of Pat-

tive soil.
Patriarca, a patriarch, a chief
father.-Patriarca, patriarch,
or national primate.
Patriarcále, adj. patriarchal,
belonging to a patriarch.

Pattino, s. m. patten, a kind of

shoe. Obs.
Patto, s. m. compact, bargain,
covenant, agreement.-Palto,
condition. Compatto che, upon
condition that.-Palto chiaro,
amicizia lunga, short reckoning
makes long friends.-Di bel
pallo, with one accord, unani-
mously.-Tenersi di patti, to
agree, to consent, to grant.
Pattona, s. f. a pudding made
of the flour of Turkey corn.
Pattovire, to covenant, to
Pattuire, bargain, to agree.
Pattuíto, adj. bargained, agreed
upon, covenanted.

Pateréccio, s. m. felon, whit-Pátria, s. f. country, one's na-
Paterécciolo, Slow, a sore
under the root of the nails.
Pateríno, s. a sort of heretic.
Paternále, adj. paternal, father-
ly, belonging to a father.
Paternità, s. f.paternity, father-
hood, quality of a father.-Patriarcalmente, adv. in a pa-
Paternità, paternity, a title to
Paterno, adj. paternal, fatherly,
belonging to a father.
Paternostráre, to say a great
many times the Lord's prayer,
as some good women do out
of devotion.
Paternostro, s. m. Paternoster, fathe
the Lord's prayer.-Peternós-Patricidio, s. m. a father's mur-Pattúglia, s. f. patrole.
tro, the largest bead of a pair der.
of beads. Paternostro dellaber-Patrigno, s. m. a father-in-law.
tuccia, impious words, angry Patrignómo, s. m. my father-

triarchal manner.
Patriarcato, s. m. patriarchate,
the state, dignity, or juris-
diction of a patriarch.
Patriarchia,s. f. the place where
a patriarch resides.
Patrice, s. m. a patrician. Obs.
Patricida, a murtherer of one's

in-law. Obs.

words. Pateticamente, adv. pathetical-Patrimonále, adj. patrimonial, belonging to an estate or in



Patético, adj. pathetic, pathe- heritance.
Património, s. m. patrimony,
Patíbolo, s. m. a gibbet, a an inheritance, or estate left
gallows, a place of execution. by a father to a son.—-
Patibile,adj. patible, sufferable. trimónio, a family estate.
Pático, adj. hepatical, hepa-Patrino, s. m. godfather.-Pa-
tic, that is of the colour of trino, a second in a duel.
the liver, or belonging to the Pátrio, adj. paternal, native.
liver.-Aloe putico, a kind of Patriótta, of the same country.
Patriótto, a patriot.

Pattume, s. m. dust, sweepings.
Pave, he or she fears, or is
afraid. Poctical.

Pavefatto, adj. frightened or terrified. Poet.

Paventáre,to fear,or be afraid of.
Paventévole, adj. frightful, ter-
rible, hideous.

Pavento, s. m. fear, fright.-
Aver pavento, to be afraid.
Paventosamente, adv. fearful-
ly, with fear.

Paventóso, adj. fearful, timo
rous,afraid. Paventuso,dread-
ful, horrid, frightful, terrible,

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Pavestjo, s. m. a soldier armPavesaro, Sed with a pavesc or pavice. Pavése, s. m. pavese, or pa vice, a large shield which cover the whole of the body Pávido, adj. fearful, timorous, afraid. Pavimento, s. m. a pavement, a causeway, a paved floor. Pavonazziccio, adj. } somePaonazziccio, thing near the purple colour. Tavonázzo, adj. of a viclet Paonazzo, S or purple colour. Pavoncello, s. m. a young Paoncino, peacock. Pavóne, s. m. a peacock. Pavoneggiarsi, to strut, or go strutting along, to walk after a proud and stately manner, to give one's self airs, to admire one's self. Pavonéssa, s. f. a pea-hen. Paúra, s. f. fear, terror, dread, fright-Aver paura, to be afraid, to fear.-Far paura, to frighten, to put in fear, to terrify.-E brutta da far paura, she is frightfully ugly. Paurévole, adj. frightful, horrible, hideous, dreadful, ghastly. Paurosamente, adv. fearfully, timorously. Pauroso, adj. fearful, timorous, fainthearted.-Cavallo pauroso, a starting horse.—Pauroso,' frightful, horrible, dreadful, hideous-Pauros, suspicious. Pauca, s. f. pause, a rest, a stop, an intermission-Farl pausa, to make a pause, to rest a little.

to do foolish things. Pazzerelle, v. Pazzarello. Pazzerésco, v. Pazzesco. Pazzericcio, adj. fcolish, maddish.

Pausare, to pause, to make a
top, to rest.

Paziente, adj. patient, enduring,
Pazientemente, adv. patiently,
with patience.
Pazienza, s. f. patience, suf-
ferance, endurance. Rinne
gar la princa, to be impi
tient.-Perienza,a friar'shood,
through which he puts his
Fazzaccio, a great fool.
Fazzamente, adv. foolishly,
roadly.--Partamente, fondly,
prodigis ly, very much.
Pazzarello, s. m. dim. of Paz-|


I Fazzarelli, an hospital for
mad people.
Pazzeggiare, to play the fool,

Pazzeróne, one that is half

Pazzescaménte, adv. foolishly,
like a fool.

Pazzésco, adj. foolish, like a

Pazzia, s. f. folly, madness.
Pazziáre, . Pazzeggiare.
Fazziccio, v. Pazzériccio.
Pazzo, adj. mad.-Pazzo, fool-
ish, whimsical, strange, ex-
travagant.-Un puzzo, s. m.
a madman.--Un pazes a pan-
diere, a raving madman.-Es-
ser pazzo d'una cosa, to love a
thing extremely.
Peána, s. f. Paan, an hymn or
song of praise made to Apollo.
Pecca, s. f. vice, fault, defect,
default, blemish, imperfection,
ill quality.

Chi pecora si fa, il lupo se la man
gia, make yourself a sheep,
and the wolf will eat you..
I una pecora, he is a poor
harmless fellow.
Pecoráccia, s. f. a rotten sheep.
--Pecoraccia,an ignorant block-

Pecorággine, s. f. foolishness,
silliness, a foolish or silly

Pecorájo, s. m. a shepherd,
Pecoréccio, S. m. confusion,
disorder. Entrar nel pecorec-
cia, to be at a stand, not to
know what to say.
Pecorella, s. f. sheep, an ewe.
Pecorile, s. m. a sheep-fold, a
house for sheep.
Pecorina, s. f. a young sheep.
Pecorino, s. m. a lamb.-Pe-
corino, adj. of or pertaining to
a sheep.-Caciopecorino,sheep's
cheese.-Pecorino, s. m. sheep's

Pecoróne, s. m. a dunce, a
blockhead, a loggerhead, a
silly gull.—Entrar nel pecorone,
to be obstinate, or stubborn.
Pecúglio, v. Peculio.

Peccaminoso, adj. sinful.
Peccánte, adj. faulty.-Umor
peccante, a peccant humour.
Peccáre, to sin, to do amiss, to
swerve from right, to tres-Peculiare, adj. peculiar, par-
pass.-Peccáre, to commit a ticular, singular.
fault, to go against the rule. Peculio, s. m. a flock, a herd,
Peccatáccio, s. m. a gross sin.- a sheep-fold, cattle.-Peculio,
Peccato, adj. sinned, done that which a slave or a son
amiss, trespassed.--In che ho holds of his own, under a
peccato io? what am I guilty master or father, distinct
of? what have I done?---Peccá- from either of their flocks.
•to, s. m. sin, trespass, offence, Pecílio, a sum of money.
crime. Eli è peccato che sia Pecunia, s. f. money.
morto, it is a pity that he is Pecuniále, adj. pecuniary, of
dead-Acere poco peccato in or belonging to money.-Pena
una cose, to be a novice at a pecuniale, a fine, or amerce-
thing, to have no great ex-
perience of it.
Peccatric, s. m.
Peccatrice, s. f.
Peccatúzzo, s. m. peccadillo, a
little sin, fault or crime, a
pardonable sin.

a sinner or

Pécchero, s. m. a kind of large
Pecchia, s. f. a bec.
Pecchiare, to suck as bees do.-
Pechire, to drink much.
Péccia, s. f. paunch, belly. A
vulgar word.


Pecunialmente, adv. with mo-
ncy.-Souvenire ad uno pecu
nialemente, to assist one with

Pecuniario, adj. pecuniary.→
Pena pecuniaria, a pecuniary
Pecunióso, adj. pecunious, mo-
nied, full of money.-Pecu-
nióso, covetous, stingy, that
loves money.
Pedaggio, s. m. pedage, toll,


Pedagière, s. m. a toll-gatherer. Pedagiuclo,s.m.a stake or prop made of the trunk of a little


Pecciata, s. f. a kick or blow
given in the belly,
Pece, s. f. tar, pitch-Tutti
siamo mechiati d'una pere, we
are all in the same fault.
Pécora, s. f. a sheep.--Levar le
pe ore dal sole, to take or put
a thing out of one's reach-Pedágra, s. f. for Podagra, the

Pedagoghéssa, a she pedant.
Pedagógo, pedagogue or in-
structor, or teacher of youth,

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