صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


gout. Obs.


Pedále, s. m. the stock, the trunk, the stem or main body of a tree.edale d'organo, pedal, the low key of organs. Pedáno, v. Pedale. Pedánte, s. m. a pedagogue, an instructor or teacher of youth, á pedant, a paltry school-master. Pedantería, s. f. pedagogy, pedantry.

Pedantescaménte, adv. pedantically, after a pedantio manner, like a pedant. Pedantésco, adj. pedantic, pedant-like. Pedantúcolo, s. m. a silly pedant, a Pedantúzzo, paltry school-master, a conceited pretender to scholarship. Pedita, s. f. a footstep, a track, the print of the foot, the footing.--Pedála, footsteps, steps, example. Non segue le pedate di suo padre, he does not imitate his father, he does not take after his father, he does not follow the steps of his father. --fedata, footstep, track, sign, mark.-Non se ne vede ne orma, ne pedata, there is not the least sign in the world left. Pedéstre, adj. belonging to a footman or foot-soldier.Soldati pedestri, foot-soldiers, infantry. Pedignone, s. m. chilblains. Pedína, s. f. a pawn at chess. -Pedina, a common or mean


Pedóna, v. Pedina. Pedonággio, s. m. Pedonáglia, s. f. diers.

infantry, foot-sol


the Muse. Poet.

Pegáso, s. m. 2 Pegasus a wing-
Sed horse; a

northern constellation.
Péggio, adj. or adv. worse.
Questo è peggio dell' altro, this
is worse than the other.-
Andar di male in peggio, to
grow worse and worse.--)
peggio, s. m. the worse, or the
worst. Ha preso il peggio, he
has taken the worst.-Aver
la peggio, to be worsted, to
have the worst on't, to be
beaten peggio è, the
worst is.
Peggioraménto, s. m. a grow-
ing worse.
Peggiorare, to make worse.-
Peggiorare, to grow worse and
worse, to decay.
Peggiorativo, adj. that is grow-
ing worse and worse.
Peggiorato, adj. made
grown worse.
Peggióre, adj. worse.—Il peg-
giore, s. m. the worse, or the


Peggiormente, adv. in a worse


Pegnoráre, to seize judicially
a thing.

Pegno, s. m. pawn, pledge. Pegno, pledge, badge, token, mark, proof, testimony.Pegno, son, child-Metter pegno, to lay, to bate-Dar la fede in pegno, to engage one's word.

Pegnoráre, to force one juridically to give a pledge or pawn for the money he has borrowed.

Pégola, s. f. pitch, tar. Pelacáne, s. m. a tanner. Pelacucchino, ex. non te ne darei un pelacucchino, I would not Pedóne, s. m. a foot-soldier.- give you a farthing for it. Pedone, he that travels 2-foot, Pelaghetto, s. m. a little sea. a walker-Pedine, the stock, Pélago, s. m. the sea, the main sea, the ocean.-In alto pela the trunk, the stem or main go, in the main sea.-Mitruovo body of a tree. Pedóto, s. m. a guide, the in un pelago di guai, I find myself in a world of troubles. Pedotto, guider of the ship, a steers-Peláme, s. m. the colour or man, or boatswain.


bird. Pelatína, s. f. scurf, scald on the head-Peláto, adj. bald, *picked, plumed, skiuned, flayed, fleeced.-Testa pelata, a bald head.

Pelatojo, s. m. the place where animals are flead.--Pelatóĵo, s. m. an instrument to flea animals.

Pelláccia, s. f. a thick, bad, or nasty skin.

Pelláme, s. m. a great many skins. Pelle, s. f. skin.-Pelle, appearance, shew, pretence, colour.-Sotto pelle d'amicizia under shew or colour of friendship.--Non capir nella' pelle, to be extremely glad.Pelle, pelle, adv. superficially. -Lasciar la pelle, to lose one's life.-Scampar la pelle, to save Non è altro che one's life.pelle è ossa, he has nothing but skin and bones.-Ognun c'è pel cuoju, e per la pelle, every body is subject to misfor


Pellegrinaggio, s. m. pilgri mage.

Pellegrinánte, adj. wandering up and down, travelling in foreign parts. Pellegrináre, to travel through to go strange countries, abroad into foreign parts, to go in pilgrimage. Pellegrinazione, s. f. pilgrimage.

rudder or

Peduccio,s. m. pig's petty toes, trotters, sheep's-fect.-Leduc cia, a corbel in architecture. -Far peduccio, to back or countenance one, to defend

one's reasons.

Pedúle, s. f. the foot part of a
pair of stockings.
Pegaséo, adj. of or belonging
Pegasus.-Diva Tegasen,

quality of the hair, the hair.
Il lupo el cane sono simil nel
pelame, the wolf and the dog
are like one another in the


Pelapiédi, s. m. a low fellow.
Peláre, to make baid, to pull
out or off the hair.belare,
to exact upon, to skin, to
flea, to fleece.--Feláre, to
pick the feathers of

Pellegrino, s. m. a pilgrim, a
stranger, a traveller.-Felle-
grino, singular, rare.-Pelle
grino, foreign, outlandish, re-
mote, far off-Falcon peliz
grino, haggard, hawk.
Pellicano, s. m. a pelican.
Pelliccia, s. f. a pelisse, a furred


S skinner. Pellicciájo, s. m. furrier, Pellicciére, Pellicciería, the place or street the skins are sold.-A riveder where the skinners live, or ci in pelliccieria, farewell, we shall see one another when dead.-Tutte le volpi alla fine si riveggono in pelliccicria, all rogues at last go to the gal

lows. m. a furred Pelliccióne, s. gown or garment, a furred used by peapetticoat,


Pellicella, s. f. a little skin. a Pellicello, s. m. a little worm

Penalmente, adv. in pain, with punishment.

Penante, adj. afflicted, tormented.

Penati, s. m. pl. the peculiar gods of any house. Penato, adj. afflicted, tormented, damned. Pendaglia, s. f. a hook,atenPendaglio, s. m. ter-hook.


Péndulo, adj. hanging. Peudúto, adj. hanged. Peneráta, s. f. that part of the thread or silk upon the loom which is left without being


Penetrabile, adj. penetrable, that may be penetrated. Penetragióne, s. f. penetration. Penetrále, s. m. recess,the most inward and secret place of a temple or house. Penetraménto, s. m. penetration.

Penetránte, adj. penetrating, that penetrates.-Penetrante, penetrant, piercing, subtle, quick.

Penetránza, v. Penetrazione. Penetráre, to penetrate, to get or pierce into or through.Penetráre, to penetrate, to apPendáglio, belt. prehend, to understand, to Pendénte, s. m. a jewel or find out, to discover, to dive other ornament to hang about or pierce into. women's necks.-Pendenti, s. Penetrativo, adj. penetrative, m. pl. a suit of bed-curtains. penetrating, which easily pe-Pendénte, adj. hanging-netrates, or is of a piercing Pendente, depending, undeci- quality. ded. Stare, o restare in pendente, to be in doubt.-Fendente, depending, subject to. -Pendente, s. m. a steep place, a hill. Pendénza, s. f. bias, declivity. Péndere, to hang, to hang up. -Pendere, to dangle to and fro, to hang danglingly.lendere inverso una delle parti, to incline to. Questo panno pende al rosso, this cloth inclines to red.-Pendere, to hang, to bend on one side.Pendere, to depend or be subject to.-Pendere, to be depending or undecided.--Fendere dalla bocca di qualcheduno, to be attentive to, or to hearken to what one says. Pendévole, v. Pendente. Pendice, s. f. the side of a hill, decline, or declining, the going down, a descent of a hill.-Kicercando del mare ogni pendice, seeking the most remote parts of the sea. Le pendici della città, the utmost bounds of a city, suburbs. Pendío, s. m. steepness, declivity, shelvingness.-A pendio, adv. hanging down.-Pigliare il pendio, to go or run away. Péndolo, s. m. a level, a plumbline.

breeding between the skin and the flesh of those that have the itch. Pellicína, s. f. little skin. Pellicíno, s. m, the corners or ears of a full sack or peck, to take hold of them.-Telli cino, the bag or bottom of a net, where the fish taken are gathered.

Penáre, to tarry, to stay, to put off, to delay, to linger and while out the time.-Ar rivato che fui senza molto penare entrai, as soon as I was arrived, I went in presently.-PePellicola, s. f. pellicle, a lit-nure, to strive, to endeavour, Pellicula, Stle skin, a to take great pains, to toil film, or fragment of a mem- and moil.-Penáre, to suffer, brane. to endure, to be tormented. -Penáre, to torment, to afflict, to trouble, to put to trouble.


Pelo, s. m. hair.-Felo, equali-
ty, rank, quality, condition.
-Lasciar il pelo, o del pelo, to
be a loser. Aver la coda tuc-
cata di mal pelo, to be sharp
and cunning-Non mi morse
mai cane ch'io non avessi del pelo
I was never affronted by
one, but I was revenged on
him.-Rilucere il pelo, to be
fat and jolly.-Uomo tondo di
pelo, a dunce, a thick-sculled
fellow, a blockhead.-Esser
d'un pelo e d'una lana, to be of
the same making, to have
the same vices.-Andare a pe-
lo, to please one, to be plea-
sing or acceptable to him.-
Voi mi andate molto a pelo, 1
like you very well-Cercar il
pel nell' uovo, to seek for a
drunken quarrel. A pelo,
adv. exactly.-Pelo, a little
cleft in a wall.-Pelo, a hair's
breadth.--Tirati in là un
pelo, go a little farther that

Pelosella, s. f. mouse-ear.
Pelosétto, s. m. a little hairy.
Pelóso, adj. hairy, full of hair.
Peltro, s. m. pewter.
Pelúria, s. f. the down.
Peluzzo, s. m. a little hair.
Pena, s. f. pain, punishment.
-Egli ha fatto il male, ed io ne
porto la pena, he has done the
mischief, and I suffer for it.
-Pena, pain, affliction, grief,
sorrow, trouble.--Pena, pains,
trouble, toil, labour.-A gran
pena, with much ado.Ama
la pena, adv. scarce.-Sotto
pena della vita, upon pain of
life.-Non val la pena, it is not
worth the while, or one's

Penáce, adj. that gives pain.
Penále, adj. penal, belonging
to or inflicting punishment.
Penalità, s. f. penalty, a fine
imposed by way of punish-


Penetrato, adj. penetrated.
Penetratore, he that pene-


Penetratrice, femin. of Pene


Pendolone, adv. in a hanging

Penetrazióne, s. f. penetration,
sagacity, quickness of wit.
Penetrévole, adj. penetrative.
Penetróso, adj. the same as
Penetrativo. Obs.
Penisola, s. f. a peninsula.
Peniténte, adj. penitent, sor-
rowful, repenting.
Un peniténte, s. m. Una peni-
ténte, s. f. a penitent.
Penitenza, s. f. penitence, re-
Penitenzia, Spentance.-
Penitenza, penance, punish-
ment.-Penitenza, penitence,
one of the seven sacraments.
Penitenziale, adj. penitential.
I sulmi penitenziali, the pe-
nitential psalms.
Penitenziare, to give a pe-


Penitenziario,? penitentiary, Penitenziére. confessor with ample powers.

Penitenzieria, s. f. penitentiary, penitentiary's court or dignity.

Penitenziúccia, s. f. a little penance.

Penna, s. f. feather.—l'enne, a pen.-Penna, pen, style, way of writing.-Pigliar la penna,

painful. Pensagióne, s. f. I thought, or Pensamento,

reflect upon a thing-In mentre che egli andava sopra questo pensiero, whilst he was think thoughts.ing of this.-Sto sempre sopra questo pensiero, I am always thinking of this.-M' entrò in pensiero di scrivergli, a thought came in my head to write to him. Pensieróso,

Il pensamento della morte, the thoughts of death. Pensante, adj., thinking, cogitabund, full of thoughts. Pensáre, to think, to mind.Pensare, to think, to resolve, to design, to intend.--Che pensate di fare? what do you intend to do?-Pensáre, to think, to believe, to have in one's thoughts, to imagine or suppose.-l'ensure, to think, to reflect, or consider-Dar che pensare ad uno, to put one in his trumps.-Senza pensarci, unthinkingly.

to set pen to paper.-Penna, tormenting,grievous,irksome, pen, writer, author.-Penna, the top, height, or peak of a hill-La pena d'un monte, the top of a mountain.-A penna e calamajo, exactly.-Cavar le penne maestre, to take away from one the best part of what he has.-Penne maestre, the longest feathers of the wings of a bird. Pennacchino, S. m. a little plume or feather. Pennácchio, s. m. a plume or feather, a tuft of feathers. Pennace, adj. full of pain, painful, grievous,tormenting. Obs. Pennajuólo, s. m. penner or pencase. Pennajuólo, a stationer, he that sells pens. Pennáto, s. m. a pruning knife that gardeners use, a bill, a hedging-bill.-Pennáto, adj. feathered, winged, that has feathers or wings.-Pennáto, a flying bird.-lo vidi volare i pennati, cosa incredibile a chi non gla avesse veduti, I saw the birds flying, a wondrous thing to whom had never seen them. Pennecchino, s. m. v. Pennecchio.

Pennécchio, s. m. a distaff-full. Pennelláre, to draw, to limn, to paint with a pencil. Pennelláta, s. f. a stroke of the pencil.

Pennelláto, adj. drawn, limned, or painted with a pencil. Pennelleggiare, to draw, to limn, to paint. Pennellétto, s. m. dim. of Pennellino, Pennelle. Pennéllo, s. m. a pencil-Fatto a pennello, very handsome, extraordinary, extremely well done.

Pennétta, s. f. d little feather or pen.

Penníto, s. m. barley-sugar. Pennoncello, s. m. a little plume or feather.—Fennoncéllo, dim. of Pennone. Pennéne, s. m. a flag, a streamer, a standard, a banner. Pennoniére, the ensign-bearer, an ensign.

Pennóso,adj. feathered,wingPennúto, Sed, full of fea

Pensáta, s. f. thought, thoughts. -Pensáta, thought, meaning, intention.--Per la non pensata, adv. suddenly, upon a sudden.

Pensataménte, adv. advisedly, deliberately, purposely. Pensáto,s.m.thought, thoughts, meaning, intention.-Penséto, adj. thought.

Pensatújo, s. m. abundance of sad thoughts-Mettere nel pensatojo, to put a flea in one's


Pensatore, a thinker. Pensatrice, s. f. a woman that thinks much. Pensévole, adj. worthy to think upon, important. Pensieráccio, s. m. a bad thought, a strange thought. Pensierètto,s.m.alittle thought. Pensiere, 5 m thought, Pensiero,

thoughts, meaning, notion.-Pensieri nojosi, troublesome thoughts. Il pensier della morte, the thought of death.-Non è questo il mio densiero, this is not my meaning.-L'avevo in pen-Pentecoste, s. f. Pentecost, the siere, I had it in my head.- festival of Whitsuntide. Pensiero, thought, thoughts, Pèntere, v. Pentire. Obs. design. Quando fute pensiero di Penticosta, s. f. v. Pentecoste. partrie? when do you intend Obs. to go?-Ho fatto pensiero di mai non vederlo, I have made a resolution ever to see him.

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-Mi venne in pensiere di mandarlo ach amare, it came into my head to send for himFensiero, sorrow, anguish, heaviness, thoughtfulness, melancholy, anxiety, care, vexation. Andare, essere, sture, sopra pensiero, to be thoughtful or cogitabund, to think or

thers. Pennúzza, s. f. a little feather

or pen.

Penosamente, adv. painfully,
cruelly, grievously.
Penóso, adj. troublesome, mo-
lesting, offensive, vexatious,

adj. pensive, thoughtful, cogitabund, in a brown study, sad, full of thoughts.

Pensierúzzo, S. m. a little

Pensile, adj. pensile, hanging.
Pensionário, s. m. a boarder.
Pensioncélla, s. f. dimin. of

Pensióne, s. f. a pension, a
yearly allowance.-Pensione,
a boarding-school, or board-

Pensivo, adj. pensive, thought-
ful, full of thoughts.
Pensóso, adj. pensive, thought-
ful, cogitabund, in a brown
study, full of thought, me
lancholy, sad.
Pentacolo, s. m. pentacle, a bit
of stone, metal, paper, or
other matter on which are
carved written letters or
strange characters, which be-
ing worn hanging to one's
neck, the ignorant vulgar
formerly believed a safeguard
against whitchcrafts, poisons,
and other bad things.
Pentagonále, adj. pentagonal,
pentagonous, having five sides
and five angles.
Pentáfilo, s. m. cinquefoil, or
five-fingered grass.
Pentágono, s. m. a figure of
five sides.

Pentámetro, s. m. pentameter,
a Greek or Latin verse, so

Pentiménto, s. m. repentance.
Pentire, to repent, to be of an-
other mind.-Pentersi, to re-
pent, to be sorry.-Ve ne pen.
tirete, adj. you'll repent it.
Pentito, adj. repented.
Péntola, s. f. a pot, a seething
pot.-Cavar gli occhi alla pen-.
tola, to skim a pot.-Fortare
uno a pentola, to carry some-
body cross-legged upon one's
shoulders. Super quel che si

Bolle in pentola, to know what one is doing. Pentolaccia, s. f.

a bad, Pentoliccio, s. m. large, ugly, ill-shapen pot. Pentolajo, a potter, he that makes or sells pots. Pentoláta, s. f. a blow given by flinging a pot at one.Pentolata, s. f. a pot-full. Pentolino, s. m. a little or small


Péntolo, v. Pentola. Pentúta, s. f. repentance. Obs. Pentúto, adj. repented. Penúltimo, adj. the last but one-La penultima, the penultima.

Penúria, s. f. penury, extreme want of necessaries. Penuriáre, to be in want. Penurióso, adj. penurious. Penzigliánte, adj. hanging, dangling. Obs. Penzigliare, to hang, to danPenzoláre, gle. Pénzolo, s. m. appellation of many grapes or bunches of fruit hanging together on the vine or the tree. Pénzolo, adj. hanging, dangling. Penzolone, adv. hanging and Penzoloni, moving, dinglingdangling.

Peónia, s. f. peony, or piony, an herb so called. Pepajuóla, s. f. a pepper-box. Pepe, s. m. pepper.-Far pepe, to join together all the fingers and the thumb, which in frosty weather is difficult to do. Tu non faresti pepe di luglio, you can't make a hole in the water-Come di pepe, exactly. Peplo, s. m. purslain, an herb so called.

Per, by, through, in.-Andar per acqua, to go by waterCamm nar per i campi, to walk through the fields. Miva per la memoria d'averlo veduto, I have a notion in my head that I have seen him.-Per grind, this way-Fer quinci, that way.-Per, in, through.

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pazna, I am going in the count try-Per altro, however, yet. -Son per dive, I dare say.Per il che io veggio, for what, or as far as I can see-Per anche, not yet.-Per appunto, just now. Pera, s f. a pear.--A peitar la pere quaste, to sit at table too longFere guaste, pears boiled in wine. vuo' questo, o vuo' delle pere, take this, or else you shall have nothing. Per addietro, heretofore. Per antico, anciently. Per avventúra, by chance. Per benchè, though, although. Pérbio, s. m. a pulpit. Obs. Per certo, certainly, for certain.

Percettibile, adj. perceivable, perceptible, that may be perceived.

mase di farmi morire, you did what you could to make me die.-Per me non ictarà cosa che a grado non vi sia, I'll make it my business to please you.Fer, for, to, in order to Per voi muore, he dies for you. -Venzo per sapere come state, 1 come to know how you do.Per, for.-Per l'amor di Dio, for God's sakeler, for, by the means.—Il tutto s'è fatto per le mie mani, every thing has been done by my means. Per, as for. Se ne serva per suo, make use of it as if it was yours. E riputato per il più dotto di Londra, he goes for the most learned in London. Fer lo piu, for the most part. Per tutto, every where.-Aver per vero qualche cosa, to believe a thing to be true.-Per, for, instead.-Pigliare una cosa per un altra, to take one thing for another.-Per, though, although. Fer bella che sia, though she is handsome, although she be ever so handsome.-Per, side.-Egli è mio parente per madre, he is relation on my mother's side. -Per, each-Ci diede un bicchier di vino per uno, he gave us each a glass of wine-Fer giorno, every day, each day. -Per parte, in the name.Per parte, di tutti, in the name of all.-Per me, for my part, as for me.-Per mio avviso, in my opinion. Per cambio, in recompense. Da per se, by him or herself-Per, inTagliar per pezzi, to cut in Perciò, adv. therefore, for pieces.-ler comune, altoge- which reason.-Perció, howther.-Per modo, so, in such a ever, yet. manner. Per modo di, for.-Pérciocchè, because. Per modo di diporto, for sport. Per conseguente, Per modo di parlare, by way of Per conseguenza, speaking.—Per quanto vi è cara by consequence. la vita, for your life sake, if Per converso, adv. contrariyou have any value for your wise. life.-Andar pe fatti suoi, to go about one's business.-Color per mano, to fall in one's way. -Aver per niente, to value nothing, to have no value for.


Percezione, s. f. perception. Perchè? why, for what reason, how came it about?Perchè non siete venuto? why did you not come?-Perché, because.-Perchè sono stato ammalato, because I have been ill-Perchè, for what.-Perchè, that, to the end that.Perchè, though, although.Perchè, if that-Che vi fa egli, perchè sia bella o brutta? what is it to you, if she is handsome or ugly? Il perchè, the reason, the cause, the subject. —Si sa il perchè, is it known upon what account?-- Mi multratta senza dir il perchè, he abuses me without any man

-Mi s'agghiaccia il sangue per le venc, quando ci penso, it chills-Ha per niente la sua vita, he my blood when I think on it. does not value his life.-ManTer,.by, from.--Questo sas-o dur per uno, to send for one. non si potreble muovere per dieci Questro muro sta per cadete, this cavalli, ten horses could not wall is ready to fall.-Non e move this stone.----Non restù morto, ma è per morire, he is per me che la cosa non si facesse, not dead, but he is dying. it was not my fault if the thing Fui per norire, I thought to was not done.--Fer voi non ri- die,-Io sono per andare in cam-Percotitúra, s. f. a stroke, a'

ner of reason.



Percussa, s. f. a stroke, a blow. Percósso, adj. struck, beaten. Percossúra, s. f. v. Percotitu


Per costa, sideways. Per costante, for certain, for granted.

Percotiménto, s. m. a blowing or blow, a stroke. Percotitóre, a striker, a smiter.

Percotitrice, fem. of Percoti


blow, smiting, Percuótere, to beat, to strike. to smite.-Percuotere, to re. flect, or beat back.--Percnútere, to meet, to meet with, to find. Ma andiamo a dare una volto, e potremmo forse percuotere in Ser Ciappelletto, let us walk about, perhaps we shall meet with Mr. Ciappelletto.Percuotere in una secca, to run a-ground, or on shore, to put a. ground.

Percuotiménto, s. m. a blow, a stroke, a smiting, or blowing. Percuotitére, a striker, a smit


Percuotitúra, s. f. a stroke, a
Percussáre, to strike, to smite.

Percussén te, adj. beating, that smites.

Percussióne, s. f. percussion, a
striking or smiting.
Percussivo, adj. beating, strik-
ing, smiting, offending.
Percussóre, a striker, an hired
assassin, a cut-throat, a bravo.
Perdénte, s. m. a loser.
Perdénza, s. f. loss.
Perdere, to lose.--Perder la
vista, to lose one's eyes, or
eye-sight.-Perder la parola, to
lose one's speech.-
(consıtmare in vano) to waste,
to consume, to dissipate, to
squander away.-Peider Poc-
usione, to lose or let slip the
opportunity.-Perdere, tulose,
Perdere la partita, to lose the
game.-Perdere la battaglia, to
lose the day or battle.-Per-
dere la causa, to be cast.-Per-
dersi d'animo to be discouraged,
or disheartened, to despond.
-Perders, to lose one's self,;
to lose one's way.--Perdere di
vista, to lose the sight of
Perdere la vergogna, to become
impudent or dishonest.
Perdézza, s. f. loss, ruin, de-
struction. Obs.

Per diámetro, diametrically
Perdigióne, v. Perdizione.


s. m. a lazy fel

a dunce, a blockhead. Perdiménto, s. m. loss.

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perdita d'una cosa, to lose any Peregrinazióne, si f. peregri

Perditóre, a loser.
Perditrice, femin. of Perditore.
Perdizione, s. m. perdition,
damnation, destruction, ruin.
Perdonamento, s. m. Perdo-
nánza, s. f. pardon, remis-
sion, forgiveness.
Perdonánza, papal indulgences.
Perdonáre, to forgive, to par-
don.—La morte non la perdona
a nessuno, death spares no-
body.--Lei mi perdoni, excuse
or pardon me, sir.-Perdonare,
to spare, to save.
Perdonáto, adj. pardoned, for-



Perdonatóre, a forgiver.
Perdonatrice, she that forgives.
Perdonazióne, s. f. Obs.
Perdóno, s. m.
forgiveness, remission.-Per-
déno, s. m. a church, or any
other place where people get
indulgences by going to pray
in it.

nation, travelling into foreign parts, pilgrimage. Peregrino, a pilgrim.---Peregrino, adj. strange, foreign, rare, scarce, valuable.

Perénne, adj. perennial, perdurable, lasting, durable, con


Perentério, s. m. peremptory. Perentoriaménte, adv. peremp torily.

Per éntro, adv. within, in. Perėto, s. m. an orchard of pear-trees.

Per fermo, adv. firmly, resolutely, constantly, stedfastly. Perfettamente, adv. perfectly, intirely, wholly. Perfettissimamente, adv. very perfectly. Perfetto, adj. perfect, complete, excellent, accomplished.- -Perfetto, perfected, brought to perfection, finished.- -Perfetto, s. m. perfection, perfectness, goodness. Perfezionamento, s. m. the act of bringing to perfection. Perfezionare, to perfect, to make perfect, to bring to perfection, to finish.

Perfezione, perfection, accomplishment, end.

Perficiente, adj. perficient, accomplishing, that brings to perfection. Perfidaménte, adv.perfidiously, basely, treacherously, falsely. Perfidezza, s. f. 2 perfidiousPerfidia,

Perdúcere, to conduct, to lead, to carry, to guide. Perdurábile, adj. perdurable, continuing, lasting very long. Perdurabilità, s. f. perduration, a lasting very long-Perdu-Perfezióne, s. f. perfection.→→ rabilità, obstinacy, wilfulness, stubbornness. Perdurabilmente, adv. perpetually, always, for ever. Perdurare, to continue, to last, to hold out. Perdurevole, adj. perdurable, continuing, lasting very long. Perdúrre, v. Perdúcere. Perdutaménte, adv. licentiously, madly, dissolutely. Perduto, adj. lost.-Passar il tempo perdito, to pass away one's time without doing any thing.--Tenersi, per perduto, to give one's self over for lost Uno perduto della persona, a man that has lost the use of all his limbs, ill formed, a deformed man-E′ dicenuto affatto perduto della mente, he has quite lost his senses.-Sen-Perfidióso, adj. perfidious, trea tinella perduta, a forlorn cen- cherous, base, false; obstinate, tinel.-Perduto, passionately stubborn. in love.

Per eccellenza, adv. excellent-
ly, exquisitely.

Perdimento, damnation, utter Peregrinaggio, s. m. pilgri

Fer diritto, directly.
Pérdita, s. f. loss-Perdita de
tempo, loss of time perdita,
Son perdita, with lossar

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Peregrinare, to travel through strange places, to go abroad into foreign parts, to go in pilgrimage.

ness, baseness, treachery, falsehood.-Perfidia, obstinacy, stubbornness, wilfulness. Perfidiáre, to be obstinate, or stubborn, to be obstinately resolved, to be stiff and firm in a resolution.-Non bisogna perfilarci mai con chi può più di noi, we must never withstand one that is above us.

Perfidiosamente, adv. perfidiously.

Perido, adj. perfidious, treacherous, base, false.-Un Ferhdo, a perfidious, base, or false


Pertiguráre, to compare with. Obs. Perforaménto, s. m. perforation, a boring through. Perforáre, to perforate, to bore 4

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