صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

or pierce through. Perforato, adj. perforated, bored. or pierced through. Perforazione, s. f. perforation, a piercing or boring through. Per forza, by force, forcedly. Per furto, by theft, clandestinely.

Fergaména, s. f. parchment. Pérgamo, s. m. pulpit. Pergiurábile, adj. false. Pergiuráre, to perjure, to for


Pergiúro, s. m. perjury, forswearing, taking a false oath. Pérgola, s. f. a vine arbour.— Pérgola, a kind of wintergrapes.-Esser pérgola, to be in company without understanding what they say, to be like a mute. Pergolato, s. m. a vine-arbour. Pergolese, s. f. a kind of grape. Pergoléto, v. Pergolato. Pérgolo, s. m. stage. Peri, s. m. pl. peers, paladins. Obs. Pericardo, s. m. pericardium, a double membrane, which surrounds the whole compass of the heart. Periclitáre, v. Pericolare. Pericolamento, s. m. periclination, hazard, jeopardy, danger. Pericolante, adj. jeopardous, dangerous, in danger. Pericolare, to be in danger or peril-Pericolare, to ruin, to destroy, to undo, to lay waste. ---Pericolare, to be ruined or destroyed, to run into a precipice. Pericolato, adj. lost, ruined, destroyed, undone. Pericolatúre, an attorney. A burlesque word instead Procuratore.


Pericolo, s. m. danger, peril, hazard, risk. Pericolosamente, adv. perilously, dangerously. Pericoloso, adj. perilous, dangerous, hazardous. Perífrasi, s. f. periphrasis, a circumlocution of words. Periglio, s. m. peril, danger, risk, hazard.

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Pel lo méno, adv. at least. Perlóne, s. m. a dunce, a blockhead, a stupid fellow, a silly fool.

Per lo più, adv. for the most part.

Per l'oppósito, adv. over aPer l'oppósito, Sgainst, opposite, on the contrary. Per lungo, adv. long-wise. Perlucénte, adj. through-shining, or glittering./ Perlúra, s. f. the bur of a deer's head.

Permagnénte, v. Permanente. Permaloso, adj. morose, sullen, ill-humoured.

Permanente, adj. permanent, constant, durable, continuing, lasting.

of an ague. Perióstio, s. m. periostium, a Permanenza, s. f. continuance, thin membrane immediately perseverance, duration. wrapping all the bones in Permanére, to persevere, perthe body, some few excepted; | sist, continue. by reason of which membrane, Permanévole, adj. Į durable, and not of their own nature, Permansivo, the bones are supposed to feel, and to have feeling. Perire, to perish, to go to ruin, to be cast away, to decay, to die.

Per ischiva, ex. Aver per ischiva, to loath, to abhor. Per istráforo, adv. secretly, clandestinely.



nent, continuing, remaining, lasting

Per mei, adv. near by, overagainst. Obs. Per mi qui, adv. in this very place. Permésso, adj. permitted, suf


Permetténte, adj. permitting, suffering, giving leave.-Dio permettente, if God pleases. ti-Permettere, to permit, to surfer, to let, to allow, to give leave.-L'onestà non mel permette, it is against my honour.

Per istrázio, adv. in jest. Peritánza, s. f. bashfulness, morousness, timidity, faint


Peritáre, to be ashamed, to be timorous or fearful, to be bashful.

-Mi permetta ch'io le dea da amico, let me tell you as a friend.-Permettere, to suffer, to wink at, to tolerate.-Per bash-minúto, adv. by retail.

Perito, adj. expert, skilful, learned, versed. Peritóso, adj. ashamed, ful, timorous. Perjúro, v. Pergiúro. Perizia, s. f. skill, experience, art, science. Perla, s. f. a pearl. Per l'addietro, adv. for the time past, heretofore. Per la entro, adv. there within. Per la non pensata, adv. suddenly, unaware. Per l'appunto, adv. exactly. Per la qual cosa, adv. there

Perigliosamente, adv. danger-Perláto, adj. of a pearl coously, with danger.

Periglioso, adj. perilous, dan-Per l'avvenire, adv. hereafter, gerous, hazardous. Pericranio, s. m. pericranium, a membrane which infolds the scull, and covers it all, except where the temporal

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for the future. Per lo continuo, adv. continually.

Per lo contráric, adv. contrary-wise, on the contrary.

Permissióne, s. f. permission, allowance, leave, toleration. Permissivamente. adv. permissively, by permission, with leave.

Permissivo, adj. permissible, which can be permitted. Permistióne, s. f. permission, or permixtion, a thorough mingling together.

Per modo che, adv. so that. Permovimento, s. m. an emotion of the mind, the putting the mind into any great concern or passion.

permu- tuity. tation,



Permúta, s. f. Permutaménto, s. m. Permutánza, s. f. changing, alteration, removing. Peruutábile, adj. that be moved or changed. Permutáre, to permute, to exchange, to alter, to remove. Permutativo, adj. permuting, exchanging, altering. Permutato, adj. permuted, exchanged, altered, removed. Permutatóre, he that permutes, exchanges, or alters. Permutatrice, she that permutes, exchanges, or alters. Permutazione, s. f. permutation, exchanging, alteration. Pernice, s. f. partridge. Pernicióso, c. Pernizioso. Perniciótto, s. m. a young partridge. Pernicóne, s. m. a sort of plum. Per niente, for nothing. Pernízie, s. f. hurt, mischief. Pernizioso, adj. pernicious, destructive, mischievous, hurtful.

Perpétuale, adj. perpetual, continual, uninterrupted, never ceasing, everlasting, endless. Perpetualità, s. f. perpetuality, perpetuity. Perpetuaménte, adv. perpePerpetualmente, continually. Perpetuánza, s. f. perpetuity, perpetuality. Obs. Perpetuarsi, to perpetuate one's self, to become perpetual. Perpetuare, to perpetuate, to make perpetual. Perpetuazióne, s. f. perpetuation, the act of making perpetual.

Perno, s. m. pivot, hinge, or
axis.-Perno di pietra da mulino,
the trendle of a mill-stone.-
Perno, a large nail.
Pernottare, to pass the whole
night, to continue or tarry all
night long, to lodge, to lie.-
Lungo'i peculio suo queto per-
notta, he lies all night content-
edly by his treasure.
Per novello, adv. newly, mo-

Pero, s. m. a pear-tree.-Però,
adv. therefore, whereupon.
Per obliquo, adv. obliquely,

Perocchè, adv. because, for.
Per oppósito, Per oppósto,
adv. against, on the contrary.
Per ora, adv. at present, now.
Peroráre, to make an end, or
draw to an end of speaking,
to conclude, close, or wind
up a speech.
Perpendicolare, adj. perpen-
dicular Linea perpendicolare,
a perpendicular line..
Perpendicolarmente, adv. per-
Perpendicolo, s. m. a perpen-
dicular, a level, a plumb-line.
Pérpero, s. m. a kind of coin.
Perpetrare, to perpetrate, to
effect, to perform, to com-
mit a crime.

Perpetuagióne, s. f. perpe


Perpetuità, s. f. perpetuality,

Perpétuo, adj. perpetual, ever-
lasting, endless.
Perpignano, s. m. a kind of
fine cloth.
Perplessamente, adv. perplex-
edly, doubtfully.
Perplessità, s. f. perplexity,
doubtfulness, irresolution,

trouble, anguish of mind. Perplesso, adj. perplexed, confounded, troubled, irresolute, ambiguous.

Per poco, adv. yet, almost.
Per rata, adv. in part.
Perrúcca, v. Parrucca.
Pérsa, s. f. marjoram.

se, adv. by one's self. Persecutóre, à persecutor or


Persecuzióne, s. f. persecution,
Perseguire, to persecute, to op-
press.--Perseguire, to prose-
cute, to pursue, to carry on,
to go on with.-
to effectuate, to put in exe-

Perseguitáre, to persecute, to
oppress, to vex, or trouble.-
Perseguitare, to prosecute, to
pursue, to carry, or go on
with.-Perseguitato, adj. pro-
secuted, pursued.
Perseguitatóre, a persecutor,
an oppressor, a troublesome
man. Perseguitatóre, an ob-


Perseguitatrice, fem. of Perse-
Perseguitazióne, s. f. Persé-
guito, s. m. persecution, op-
pression. Obs.
Perseguitóre, a persecutor, an

Perseguitrice, fem, of Perse-

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Pérsico, v. Pesco. Persistere, to persist, to persevere, to abide or continue in an opinion or demand. Perso, adj. bluish grey.--Perso, adj. lost.

Persóna, s. f. a person, a body, a man, a woman.-Egli è una buona persona, he is a good body.- Persona, any body, somebody. Vedete se c'è personn, see if any body is there.

-Non c'è persona, there is nobody. -T'ersona, life.--Torre la persona ad uno, to take one's life, to kill him.-Campur la persona ad uno, to save one's life. Persona, shape.--E' ben fatto di persona, he is well shaped-Star in petto ed in per ona, to stand stiff in a place like a statue. Persona, a great man. La persona del cavallo, the body of the horse.-In persona, in person, personally. Personiccia, s. f. á great deformed body. Personaggio, s. m. an illustrious man, a great personage. Personaggio, a person represented in a play. Personále, adj. personal. Personalità, s. f. personality, the property of being a distinct person. Personalmente, adv. personally, in person. Personcina, s. f. a little person or body. Perspettiva, s. f. perspective.

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Pertinácia, s. f. pertinacity, pertinacy, stubbornness, obstinacy. Pertinacità, s. f. the same as Pertinacia. Pertinente, adj. pertaining or belonging unto. Pertinenza, s. f. appurtenance or dependency. Per torto, adv. cross-way. Pertrattare, to treat, to manage. Obs. Pertrattato, adj. treated, managed. Obs.

Per traverso, adv. cross-way. Pertugétto, s. m. a little hole. Pertugiare, to bore.Pertugráte, adj. bored. Pertúgio, s. m. a hole. Perturbamento, s. m. perturbation, disorder, trouble of


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Perturbazióne, s. f. perturbation, disquiet, disorder, trouble of mind.

Pertusáre, to bore, to make a hole.

Pertúso, s. m. a hole. Per tutto, adv. every where.Per tutto ció, o Per tutto questo, adv. however, yet, for all that. Pervegnénte, Pervenénte, adj. arriving, or coming to, attaining unto. Pervenimento, s. m. a coming or attaining unto. Pervenire, to arrive, to come, to get, to attain, or reachFervenire a notizia, to come to one's ears or knowledge.Pervenire al suo intento, to attain or get one's aim. Per ventura, adv. by chance, accidentally.

Pervenúto, adj. arrived, come. Perversamente, adv. perversely, frowardly, untowardly. Perversare, v. Imperversare. Perversáto, v. Imperversato. Perversióne, s. f. perversion, depravation.

Perversità, s. f. perversity, perverseness, frowardness, wickedness, malice, depravation, ill nature, crossness. Pervérso, adj. perverse, wicked, froward, untoward, cross grained. Pervertere, to pervert, to Pervertire, S turn upside down, to put in disorder or confusion, to confound.-Pervertere, to pervert, to deprave, to spoil, o debauch, or seduce.

Perúggine, s. m. a wild pear


P'er vicénda, adv. by turns. Pervinca, s. f. perwinkle, or periwinkle, a sort of herb. Perúzza, s. f. a little pear. Pesa, s. f. weight, burden. Obs. Pesante, odj. heavy, weighty, ponderous.unwieldy.-Pesan te, considering, disgressing, examining. Pesanteniente, adv. heavily. Pesantezza, s. f. weigh heavi


Pesánza, s. f. weight,heaviness.
-Pesánza, trouble, vexation,
anguish, sorrow, grief.
Pesáre, to weigh, to be heavy.

Questo mantello mi pesa molto, this cloak lies heavy upon my shoulders.-Pesáre, to weigh. -Fesáre, to be sorry.-Mi pesa molto di non poteria servire, I am sorry that I can't oblige or serve her.-Pesare, to weigh, to ponder, to examine or consider.-Pesáre, to counterbalance, to weigh one against another. Pesatamente, adv. judiciously, cautiously, considerately, demurely.

Pesáto, adj. weighed, v. Pe


Pesatóre, he that weighs. Pesca, s. f. a peach.-Manco male che elle non furon pesche, I am very well off, or I am glad that it is no worse.-'oler le pesche monde, for a man that would have the profit without work. Pesca, s. f. a fishing--Andare alla pesca, to go a fishing.

Pescagióne, s. f. the act of fishing.

Pescája, s. f. a flood-gate, a sluice, a lock in a river. Pescare, to fish.-Pescare, to seek or look for-Pescar per se, to seek one's own advan tage. --Pescar pel proconsolo,

to work in vain.Pescare a fondo, to know a thing per fectly well, to be sure of it.E non sa quel che si peschi, he doth not know what he says. -Pescare, to draw. Questo vascello pesca tropp acqua, this ship draws too much water. Pescatello, s. m. a little fish.Pescato, adj. fished. Pescatóre, a fisherman. Pescatorello, s. m. a poor fisher


Pescatrice, s. f. a fisherwo


Pesce, s. m. fish.-Pesce nuovo, a simpleton, a silly man..Non si può pigliar pesci senza immollarsi, there is no rose without thorns, there is no sweet without some sweat.--Che pesce piglia costui? of what trade is this man?-Pes e argentino, the silver fish.-Pesci, Pisces, a sign in the Zodiack. Pesceduóvo, s. m. an omelet, Pesceduóva, s. f. a kind of pancake made of eggs.

Pescetto, s. m. a little fish.
Peschería, fishery, fishing.
Pescheria, a fish-market.
Peschétta, s. f. a small peach.
Peschiéra, s. f. a fish-pond.
Pesciáccio, s. m. a large ugly
fish.--Pesciáccio, a stupid,
gross fellow.
Pesciajuólo, s. m. a fishmon-




Pesciarello, diminutives
Pesciatello, S
Pescína, s. f. a fish-pond.
Pesciolino, s. m. a small fish.
Pescióne, s. m. a large fish.
Pescivéndolo, s. m. a fishnton-

Pesciuólo, s. m. a small fish.
Pesco, s. m. a peach-tree.
Peso, s. m. weight, load, bur-
den. Peso, weight, what is
put in one of the scales to as-
certain the weight.-Peso,
weight, care, anxiety.-Pe-
sare una cosa a peso d'oro, to sell
a thing very dear.-For buon
peso, to give good weight.-
Far le cose con peso e misura, to
do things with weight and
measure, to go by rule and
compass.- Peso, weight, im-
portance, moment, consider-
ation.—Un uomo di gran peso,
a man of great quality.
Pésolo, adj. hanging down,
Pesolóne, dangling.Elcapo
tronco tenea per le chiome, pesol
con mano a guisa dh lanterna,
and with his hand he held
by the hair, the head hang-
ing down like a lantern.
Pessário, s. m. pessary, any
oblong medicine to be thrust
into the neck of the womb.
Pessarizzáre, to thrust into
the neck of the womb the
pessary. Pessarizzáto, adj.
thrusted into the neck of the
Pessimità, s. f. utmost wicked-
ness, malice, roguery.
Pessio, most wicked, villain-!
ous, infamous, or wretched.
Pesta, s. f. the track, print of
the foot, the footing.-Segui-
tar uno alla pesta, to trace one,
to follow him by the track.
-Pesta di cervo, the strain or
view of a deer.-Pesta di lepre,
the prick of a hare.-Lasciare
uno nelle peste, to leave one in
the lurch. Andar per la pesta,
to go on in the old way, to
do as one was used to do.--


Pesta, slaughter.
Pestamento, s. m. the act of
beating, pounding, or bruis-

Pestáre, to beat, to pound, to
bruise, or bray-Pestáre, to
trample upon, to tread under

the feet.

Pestáta, s. f. v. Pestamento.
Pestáto, adj. beaten, bruised,
pounded, trampled upon.
Pestatojo, s. m. a pestle.
Peste, s. f. pest, plague, pesti-

Pestellino, s. m. a small pes-

Pestéllo, s. m. a pestle.
Pestífero, adj. pestilential,
pestiferous, bringing the

Pestilénte, adj. pestilent, pes-
tiferous, plaguy, destructive,
mischievous, dangerous.
Pestilenza, s. f. the pestilence,
the plague, a disease arising
from an infection in the air.
--Pestilenza, mischief, de-
struction, ruin, calamity.
Pestilenziále, adj. pestilen-
Stial, pesti-

ferous, pestilent.
Pestío, s. m. a stamping or
trampling upon.-Pesto, adj. |
beaten, bruised, pounded.
Pestóne, s. m. a pestle.
Petacciuóla, s. f. plantain, an
herb so called.
Petárdo, s. m. petard.
Petécchie, s. f. pl. small stains
that sometimes come out upon
those that have a malignant

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Petrosello, s. m. a kind of par-

Petrosémolo, s. m. parsley.
Petrosillo, s. m. v. Petrosello.
Petróso, adj. stony, full of
Petruccióla, s. f. dim. of Pietra.
Petrúzza, s. f. a small stone.
Pettabótta, s. f. a breast-piece.
Pettáta, s. f. à shock of a breast
against breast.-Pettáta, a
steepy, hard, or difficult as-


Pettégola, s. f. a strumpet, a
wench, a vile woman, a vain
chattering woman.
to follow
strumpets, to seek for the
conversation of silly women.
Pettiéra, s. f. v. Pettorale.
Pettignone, s. m. the place
about the privy parts where
hair grows.
Pettinagnolo, s. m. a comb-

Pettináre, to comb.-Pettináre,
to scratch, to abuse.-Petti-
nare, to eat quick, and a long
while. Pettinare col pettine e
col cardo, to eat and drink a
great deal.-Pettinare il lino, o
la lana, to comb or card flax


wool.Pettináto, adj. combed, carded. Pettinatóre, s. m. a carder. Péttine, s. m. a comb.---Pettine, the stay of a weaver's loom.


Petitóre, a demander, he who

Petitório, adj. petitory, belong-
ing to a petition or demand.
Petizione, s. f. petition, de-

Peto, s. m. a fart.
adv. most Petonciáno, v. Petronciano.

Petraja, s. f. a heap of stones,
a quarry of stones.
Petrarchévole, adj. after the
manner of Petrarch.
Petrarchevolménte, adv. Pe-
trarch-like, after the man-
ner of Petrarch.
Petrella, a little stone.
Petrelic, s. f. pl. moulds to cast
things in.
Petricciuóla, a small stone.
Petrígno, stony, like a stone.
Petrína, s. f. a small stone.
Petríno, adj. stony, like a
stone, hard as a stone.
Petrólio, s. m. a kind of burn-

Pettinella, s. f. an eel spear.
Pettiniéra, s. f. a comb-case.
Pettirosso, s. m. a robin red-
Petto, s. m. breast.-Petto,
mind, heart.-Sfogare il petto,
to ease one's mind.-Petto, a
man. Avere a petto il bambino,
to suckle a child.-Uomo di
petto, a man of courage.
Avere a pelto, to have a thing
in one's heart.-Pelto a botta,
avant-plate of a corslet fa-
shioned like the back of a
toad. A petto, adv. in com-
parison, to.-Dar di petto ad
uno, to hit upon one, to meet
him-Petto a petto, head to
head.. face to face.
Pettorále, s. m. a poitral or
Lreast-leather.-- --Pettorale,

Piacentería, s. f. adulation, flattery.


Piacentero, s. m. a flatterer, Piacentiéro, a cogger, a soother-up with fair words. Piacenza, s. f. grace, beauty, agreeableness. Obs. Piacere, to please, to be acceptable or agreeable.--Piacére, to be pleased with a thing, to like or love it, to delight, to take pleasure or delight in.-2uesto luogo mi piace molto, I like this place very well.-Piace se a Dio, would to God.-Piacére, s. m. pleasure, joy, delight, satisfaction, content.Prender piacere in qualche cosa, to be pleased with a thing, to love it, to delight or take pleasure in.-Piacere, pleasure, divertisement, pastime, diversion, recreation, sport.—— -Piacere, pleasure, will, humour, fancy.-Vivò contro al mio piacere, I go there against my heart or will.acére, pleasure, favour, kindness, good turn, friendly office, courtesy.Caro voi, fateni questo piacere, pray do ine this favour. Piaceruzzo, s. f. a little favour, service, or kindness. Piacevoláre, v. Piacevoleg giare.

Piacevole, adj. pleasant, goodhumoured, courteous, aflable, grateful, acceptable, agreeable.---Piacevole, facetious, humorous, witty. Applied to poetry, it is the contrary of serious; something between serious and burlesque.

Piacevoleggiare, to jest, to joke, to droll, or banter.Piacevoleggiare, to sooth up, to flatter, to allure, to give fair words.

Piacevoletto, adj. pleasant, agreeable, graceful. Piacevolezza, s. f. pleasantness, good-humour, gracefulness, comeliness, sweetness, gentleness, sweet temper.Fer amor della vostra piacevo

adj. pectoral, good for the breast.-Giudicio pettorale, an empire's decree or sentence. Pettoreggiare, to shock or hit breast against breast. Pettorúto, adj. high-breasted. Petulante, adj. petulant, saucy, wanton, malapert, impudent. Petulánza, s. f. petulancy, sauciness, malapertness, wan


Petúzzo, s. m. dim. of Peto. Peucedano, s. m. hog-fennel, sulphur-wort, maiden-weed. Pévera, s. f. a wooden tunnel. Peveráda, s. f. broth, meatbroth.

Pévere, v. Pepe.

Pévero, s. m. a kind of sauce.
Peziénte, v. Pezzente.
Pezza, s. f. a piece of rag.-
Pezza di tela, a piece of linen
cloth.--Pezza di panno, a piece
of cloth.-Pezzo di formag-
gio, a cheese.-Pezza, a re-
mainder.-Pezza, a stripe.
Pezza, ex. Buona pezza fà, a
good while ago.-Gran pezsa,
buona pezza, pezza fù, adv. a
great while ago. A questa
pezza, at present, now.-Lomo
di pezza, a great man, a man
of great esteem.
Pezzaccio, s. m. a large clum-
sy bit of any thing.
Pezzáme. s. m. a large num-
ber of bits.

Pezzato, adj. dapple.
Pezzendo, er. Andar pezzen-
do, to go a
Pezzénte, a beggar.
Pezzetta, s. f. Pezzettino.
Pezzetto, s. r: a little piece.-
Pezzetta di levante, Spanish
clout, or painted cloaths to
rub womens faces with.
Pezzo, s. m. a piece, or morsel,
a bit.-Pezzo di pane, a piece
of bread.-Tagliare in pezzi, to
cut in pieces.Pezzo, ex.
Buon pezzo fù, a great while
ago. E un pezzo che non l'io
veduto, I have not seen him a
great while.-Pezzo d'asino, a
great ass.-

3.-Pezzo di ribaldo, a great rogue-Levare i pezzi di elcuno, to revile, to slander, to rail, to speak ill, to vilify, to detract.-Pezzo d'artiglieria, a piece of ordnance, a


Pezzolina, v. Pezzetta.
Pezzolino, s. m. a little piece.
Pezzuóla, s. f. a handkerchief.
-Pezzuola, a little piece, or

Pezzólo, s. m. a little bit, or lezza lo farò, because you are
good humoured I'll do it.
Piacente, adj. pleasant, pleas-Piacevolino, v. Piacevoletto.
ing, entertaining, delight-Piacevolménte, adv. pleasant-
ful, affable, courteous.
ly, merrily, in a pleasant
Piacentemente, adv. pleasant-
ly, affably, courteously.-
Piacentemente, willingly, rea-


Piacevolóne, adj. very plea-
sant, agreeable, entertaining.
Piacimento, s. m. pleasure,
delight, satisfaction,
tent.-Piacimento, pleasure,
humour, will.


Piaciúto, adj. pleased, delight


Piága, s. f. a wound, a sore.—

-Piága, wound, trouble, affliction.Biaga antiveduta assai men duele, a trouble which is foreseen is less grievous.-Rinfrescar le piaghe, to renew or revive one's grief.

Piagare, to wound, to hurt. Piagáto, adj. wounded, full of wounds.

Piagentáre, to humour, to say as he saith, to comply or agree with one, in order to make him easy. Obs. Piagenteria, s. f. flattering,. cogging, soothing, complai sance.

Piagentiére, s. m. a flattering
knave, a claw-back, a pick-
thank, one that cogs and
humours one in every thing.

Piagére, o. Piacere. Obs.
Piaggerella, dim. of Piaggia.
Piaggetta, S

Piaggia, s. f. a hill.-Piaggia,
a strand, or high shore.An-
dar piaggia piaggia, to go close
by the shore, or strand side.
-Piaggia, a place.-Andur di
piaggia in piaggia, to go from
place to place, to ramble

Piaggiáre, to go or stand by the strand or shore.-Piag giare, to comply, to humour, to please, to flatter. Piaggiatore, ailatterer,a sooth

er, a cogger.

Piaggióne, s. m. a large strand,

or shore.

Piagnénte, adj. weeping, wail-
ing, whining.
Piagnere, to weep, to cry, or
shed tears.-Pagner di dolcez-
za, to weep or cry for joy.-
Prágnere, to weep, to lament,
to bemoan, or bewail.-Pian-
go la mia sventura, I lament
for my misfortune.-Comin-
ciare a piagnere, to fall a cry-

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