صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

will you have any more of it?
----Chi più chi weno, some more,
some less. Al più, the most,
-dssai più, much more.--
Pat awal, much more.-Pù
testo, rather-Come fò il più,
as I generally do, or for the
most part. Fer lo più, for the
most part.-E' più d'un anno,
it is above a year. Sono più
delle tre, it is past three o'clock.
~Sarà qui fra un mese al più
he will be here in a month at
farthest. Ha più di dieci ani,
he is above ten years old, or
of age. E' più ricco di me, he
is richer than I.-Esser da più,
to exceed or excel, to be su-
perior.-Io sono da più di lui,
I am above him, I am pre-
ferable to him.-Più, many
times.-Prù anni, many years.
-Econosciuto da più signori,
he is acquainted with several
gentlemen-Pù oltre, farther.
-Più presso, nearer.-Più tar-
d, later.-Pio giuso, lower.
---Di più, furthermore, more-
over,besides, again.--Più pres-
to sooner, faster.--Il più pres-
to che patro, as soon as I can.
-Andare tra i più, to die.
Piva, s. f. a pipe, a bag-pipe.
Piviále, s. m. a church-man's

Pivière, s. m. a plover.-P-
viere, the precinct or juris-
diction of a parish.
Plúma, s. f. down, soft fea-
thers-Lieve come una piuma,
light as a feather.-Piuma, a
feather bed. Piuma, hair.--
Fiuma, s. f. bed.--La gola e'l
sanno e l'oxiose piume hanno dal
mond) ogni virtù sbandita, luxu-
ry, laziness, and the slothful
bed, have banished all vir-
tues from the world.
Piumaccétto, s. m. a small pil-
low filled with down, a downy
Piumáccio, s. m. a bolster.
Piumacciuolo, s. m. a little bol-

[blocks in formation]

Piuvico, adj. public. Obs.
Pizzicagnolo, s.


m. a cheese

Pizzicáre, to pinch, to peck.

Plasmáre, to make, to form, or fashion.

Plasmáto, adj. formed, fashion


Sumare uno strumento pizzican- | Plátano, s. m. a plane tree.
do, to twang upon an instru- Platúa, s. f. plain, ground-plot,
ment.-Pizzicare, to itch, to -Platea, pit.
smart.-Pizzicáre, to bite.-Plaudénte, adj. c'apping hands
Il pepe pizzica la lingua, pepper
in teken of applause or joy,
bites the tongue.-Grottare applauding.
dove pizzica, to scratch where it
itches.-Pizzicare di che che si
sia, to savour.— Questa propo-
sizione pizzica d'eresin, that pro-
position savours of heresy.
Egh pizzica un poco di poesia,
he has a little tincture of
smattering of poetry.
Pizzicáta, s. f. a particular
manner of fingering an in-

strument of music.

Pizzicheruólo, s. m. v. Pizzicá-

Pizzico, s. m. a pinch, what
is taken with two fingers.
Pizzico, a pinch, a pinching, a

Pizzicóre, s. m. itching, tickl
ing, itch, smarting.-Non è
pena maggiore che in vecchie mem-
bra il pizzior d'amore, there
cannot be a greater torment,
than for an old man or wo-
man to be in love.
Pizzicótto, s. m. a pinch, a

Placabile, adj. placable, easy
to be pacified or appeased.
Placabilmente, adv.contented-
ly, peaceably, quietly.
Placamento, s. m. an appeas-
ing or pacifying, an atone-

Placáre, to pacify, to appease,
to calm, to quiet, to content
or reconcile.
Placáto, adj. appeased, atoned,
pacified, pleased.—Mar pla-
cato, calm sea.
Placazione, s. f. an appeasing
or atoning.

Placebo, s. m. flattery.
Placidamente, adv. quietly,
greatly, calmly, patiently.
Placidézza, s. f. Į mildness,
Placidita, Sgentleness.
Plácido, adj. pleasant, gentle,
kind, pleasing, quiet, still.

Plaúso, s. m. applause.
Plaustro, s m. a cart, a chariot.
Pléadi, s. f Pleiades, the seven
stars in Taurus's neck.
Plebáglia, s. m. mob, rabble,
the mobility, rascality.
Plebe, s. f. mob, the dregs of
the people, the common sort
of people.

Plebáccio, s. m. a low-born


Plebeaménte, adv. in a very
Plebejaménte, Obs. vulgar,
low, or rascally manner.
Plebejo, Obs. adj.
of the
common sort of people, vul
gar, mean, base.-Un plebeo, a
plebeian, one of the com

Plenariamente, adv. fully.
Plenário, adj. plenary, full-
Indulgenza plenaria, plenary

Plenilunio, s. m. the full of the


Plenipotenziário, s. m. pleni-
Plenitúdine, s. f. plenitude,full-


Pleonásmo, s. m. pleonasm, a
figure in grammar, and in
rhetoric, so called.

Plettro, s. m. a bow, a fiddle-
stick. Poetical.
Plico, s. m. a certain number
of letters enclosed in one


Ploja, s. f. rain. Obs.-La larga
ploja dello Spirito Santo, the
plentiful grace of the Holy

Plorare, to weep, to cry, to
shed tears. Obs.
Ploro, s m. weeping, crying,
tears. Obs.
Plúmbco, adj. of lead.
Plurále, adj. plural, belonging
to many- -Il plural, the
plural number.

Plecido mare, still or calm sea.
-Placido sonno, sweet sleep.
Plaga, s. f. a climate, or comr-Pluralità, s. f. plurality, great-
try, a part or quarter of the er part, or greater number.
world, a space or tract of Pluralmente, adv. in the plural
ground, a coast.
Plasma, s. f. a kind of green


Plusóre, many. Obs.

Pò, s. f. Po, a river in Italy. 's

Po', little.-Un po', a little.
Pocánza, s. f. littleness, small-
ness. Obs.

Póccia, s. f. a pap, or teat.
Pocciare, to suck, to suck the
Puccióne, s. m. augmentative
of Poccia.

Poccioso, adj. flat, plump.
Pochettino, dim. of Pochetto.
Pochetto, dim. of Poco,


Poesia, s. f. poesy, poetry.
Poéta, s. m. a poet.
Poetaccio, s. m. poetaster, a
paltry poet, a pitiful rhymer.
Poetánte, s. m. a sonnetteer.
Poetáre, Poeteggiare, to poet-
ize, to make verses, or play
the poet.

Poetȧstro, s. m. poetaster, a
paltry poet, a pitiful rhymer.
Poetésco, v. Poetico.
Poetessa, poetess, female poet.

Pochézza, s. f. scarceness, scar-Poetevolmente, adv. poetically,

city. fewness. Pochino, s. m. a little. Pochita, s. f. v. Pochezza.


Poco, adv. little.-Parlar poco,
to speak little.--Poco, adj.
few. Pochi uomini, few men.
➡oche donne, few women.-
loche volte, few times, or sel-
dom.-Poco, s. m. little.-
Dutemene un poco, give me a
little of it.-Poco davanti, Poco
f, adv. a little while ago.
Pocofila, an idle woman that
does not love spinning.
Poco anzi,o Poco innanzi, adv.
a little while before.
Pocolino, adv. very little.-
Poco stanie, adv. a little after.
—Poco tempo fù, a little while



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in a poetical manner.
Poética, s. f. the art of poetry.
Poeticaménte, adv. poetically,
after the manner of poets.
Poeticárc, v. Põetare. Obs.
Poético, adj. poetical, poetic,
belonging to a poet or poetry.
Poetino, s. in. poetaster, a pi-
tiful poet, a paltry rhymer.
Poetizzare, to poetize, to make
verses or play the poet.
Poétria, s. f. poetry, the art of
poets, or of making verses.


Poetúzzo, s. m. poetaster, a
paltry poet, a pitiful rhymer.
Poggerello, a little hill, or
Poggia, s. f. starboard, a rope
in a ship so called, the right
side of a ship.
Poggiáre, to steer, to sail, to
ascend, to mount, to go up,
to point.—I wci pensieri sem-
pre poggiano a voi, my thoughts
are always directed to you,
always think of you-Pug
giare,to lean upon.--For gure,
a sea term, to steer to the


Podigra, s. f. the gout.
Podagrico, adj.
Podére, s. m. power, autho-
rity-Podere, a farm, a manor,
an estate. podere,adv.with
all one's might.-Fare a las
cia podere, to do one's worst.
Poderetto, s. f. dim. of Po-
Poderíno, S dere.
Poderosamente, adv. power-
fully, strongly, mightily.
Poderoso, adj. strong, lusty,
powerful, puissant, mighty.
Poderuzzo, s. m. dim. of Po-Poggiolino, s. m. a little, hill
Poggiuola, s. f.or hillock.
Podestá, s. m. a mayor, a go- Poi,adv.then, after, afterwards.
vernor, a magistrate so call- —Poi a pochi giorni, few days
after.-In poi, except.-
oggi in poi, except this day.
Poi, since.-E progollo poi ver o
Tascana andava, gli piacesse d'
essere in sua compagnia, and he
desired of him, that since he
was going towards Tuscany,
he would be pleased to bear
him company.
Poiché, since.-Poichè vi piace
così, since you will have it
so-Poiché, after, since that.
Pola, s. f. a chough, a daw.
Poláre, adj. polar, belonging

to the poles of the world. Polédro, v. Puledro. Poledrúccio, c. Puledruccio. Poleggio, c. Pileggio. Polenta, s. f. chesnut flour, boiled in water, like our English pudding. When made of Turkey corn-flour, it is called Pattona, by the Tus


Poliárca, s. m. a city gover


Poliarchía, s. f. a city govern


Poligamía, s. f. polygamy, Poligono, s. m. polygon, a geometrical figure.---Poligono, blood-wort,swine-grass,knot


Pólio, s. m. a sort of herb
whose leaves appear white in
the morning, of a purple
colour at noon, and blue when
the sun sets; polium.
Pólipo, s. m. polypus, a lump
of spungy flesh, arising in
the hollow of the nostrils.
Polipódio, s. m. polypody, oak-
ferm; an herb so called.
Politezza, v. Pulitezza.
Políre, e. Pulire.
Politica, s. f politics, the art
of government.
Politicamente, adv. politically,

Političástro, s. m. a bad or
silly politician.

Politico, adj. political, belonging to politics or policy.-- Ta politico, s. m. a politician, a statesman,


Poggiato, adj. steered, sailed,
Poggio, s.
cliff, ascent.

m. hill, hillock,

• Podestì, s. f. power, authority,
Podestádi, pl. powers, a name
of the second hierarchy of
Podestería, s. f. the office,
power, authority, or juris-
diction of a Podestà.
Podestéssa, s. f. the wife of the

Poéma, s. f. a poem, a piece

of poetry.
Poemitto, s. m. a little poem.

Polito, v. Pulito.
Politrico, s. m. Venus hair, or
maiden-hair, an herb so call-


cd. Pólizza, s. f. a note, a schedule, a bill, a receipt in writing. Polizzetta, s. f. 7 a little bill Polizzina, s. f. or receipt a Polizzino, s. m. S Polizzotto, s. m. a large bill, or receipt, a schedule. Polla, s. f. a spring of water. Pollájo, s. m. hen's roost, a coop. Calar dal pollajo, to die, to be reduced to want.Scopar pollai, to shift, to-move one's lodgings very often.Star bene a pollajo, to sit at -Tenere i pieli a polajo, to lean one's feet upon a chair, to be more at case. Pollajóne, s. m. augment. of Pollajo.

one's case.-

Pollajuélo, 3. m. a poulterer, a poultry-man.


Polláme, s. m. poultry, fowls.
Pollánca, s. f. a young turkey.
Pollanchétta, s. f. a young

Polláre, to pullulate, to spring
or come up, to bud forth.
Pollastra, fem. of Pollastro.
Pollastrello, s. m. dimin. of

Pollastriére, s. m. a pimp.
Pollastriéra, s. f. a bawd.
Pollastríno, s. m. a young or
little chicken.
Pollástro, s. m. a pullet, a

Polpáccio, s. m. the calf or
brawny part of a man's leg.
Polpacciúto, fat, fleshy.
Polpastréllo, s. m. the pulpous
part of the top of one's
fingers or toes.

Po pétta, s. f. ball of minced


[blocks in formation]

Pollastróne, s. m. a large chick-
en. -Pollastróne, a young
simpleton, a silly gull, a block-Polso, s. m. pulse, the beating
of the arteries.-Folso,strength,
vigour, force.


Pollébro, a good for nothing


Pollería, s. f. a coop.-Follería,
a poultry shop.
Pollézzola, s. f. the top of a
sprout or shoot.
Pollice, s. m. the thumb of
the hand.

Pollina, s. f. hen's dung.
Pollináro, v. Pollajuolo.
Pollino, s. m. hen's louse.
Pollo, s. m. pullet.-Pollo
India, a turkey.-Come i polli
di mercato,un buono ed un cattivo,
like market pullets, one good,
and another bad.-Conoscere
i polli suoi, to know people's
ways.-Essere o stare a polo
pesto, to be very ill.-Pigliare
il pollo senza pestare, to be well
or in good health.--Portar
polli, to be a pimp.
Polloncello, S. m. a young

sprout or shoot.
Pollone, s. m.a sprout or shoot,
bud or sprig.
Pollúto, adj. polluted, defiled.
Polluzione, s. f. pollution.
Polmentário, s. m. a kind of
pot to drink out of,
Polmouária, s. f. lung-wort, or
lady's wild-wort.
Polmoncélo, s. m. dimin. of

Polta, s. f. pap, hasty-pud-

Pultiglia, s. f. a kind of food
made of meal and water,
water-gruel, hasty-pudding,
pap, or the like, batter,
poultice.Foltilia, mud,
slime, gravel mixt with wa-


Poltracchiello, s. m. a colt, a
Poltracchino, Shorse-
colt. Obs.

Poltrácchio, s. m. a colt. Obs.
Poltrire, to be idle, to loiter,
to sit still, to do nothing.
Poltro, adj. idle, lazy, slothful,

a great

Poltronaccio, s. m. a great pol troon,a coward,a cowardly man, an idle man, a lazy fellow. Poltroncióne, s. m. slothful rascal. Poltróne, s. in. a poltroon, a coward, a dastard, an idle or lazy fellow.-Poltrone, a base rascal, a lout, a scoundrel. Poltroneggiare, to be idle, to loiter, to sit still, to loll and wallow in sloth and idleness. Poltronería, s. f. laziness, sloth, slothfulness, cowardice, cowardliness, a cowardly act. Polmóne, s. m. lungs, lights. Poltronesco, adj. idle, lazy, Polmone marino, a kind of sea cowardly, vile. fish, that gives undoubted Poltronia, v. Poltroneria. Obs.] tokens of a storm to come. Poltroniére, v. Poltrone. Polo, s. m. pole -- Polo della ca- | Poltrúccio, s. m. a young colt, lamita, the points of a sea- or horse colt. Obs. compass. Polve, s. f. dust. Polpa, s. f. the fleshy part or Polveráccio, s. m. sheep's dung brawn of any meat, a piece dried. of flesh without bones or fat -Polpa della amb., the ca f or brawny part of a mans leg.

Pólvere, s. f. dust, powder
Gittar polvere negli occhi, to cast
a mist to one s eyes, to blind
him.-Scuotere la polvere, to

shake off one's dust, to maul or bang him, to beat him soundly.Polvere d'archibuso, gun-powder. Polverezzáre, v. Polverizzare. Polveriéra, v. Polverio.-Polveriéra, s. f. the place where gun-powder is made. Polverino, s. m. a powder or sand-box.-Polverino, priming powder.

Polverio, s. m. dust in the air, raised by the wind, a cloud


of dust.
Polverista, a gunpowder-mak-
Polverizzabile, adj. that can be
pulverized or reduced into
powder of dust.
Polverizzaménto, s. m. a pul-
verizing or reducing to pow-
der or dust.
Polverizzare, to pulverize, to
reduce any thing into powder
or dust.

Polverizzáto, adj. pulverized,
reduced into powder or dust.
Polverizzazióne, s. f. pulveriza-
tion, a reducing to powder or
Polverizzévole, adj. that can
be pulverized to powder or

Polveróso, adj. dusty, full of or
covered with dust.

Polverúzza, s. f. very small


Polzella, s. f. a girl, a maid.
Pomário, s. m. an orchard of
Pomáta, s. f. pomado, an oint-
ment of fat pertumed, and
of apples.

Pomáto, adj. full of apples.
Pome, o Mezzo pome, a kiud
of wrestling formerly used in

Pome, s. m. v. Pʊmo.
Pomellato, adj. dapple grey.
Pometo, s. m. an orchard of
Pomfoglie, s. f. pompholyx,
the small sparks of any metal
which fly upwards, and stick
to the roof and walls whilst
it is trying in the work-

Pomice, s. f. pumice stone.
Pomiére, s. m.
an orchard.
Pomifero, adj. fruitful.---Al-
bero pomifero, a fruit-tree.
Pomo, s. m. 2 any sort of fruit
Pome, in general, also
an app'e.-Pomo della spada, o

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della sella, the pommel of the | Ponitore, a planter, he that the common people, the vulgar, the mob, the rabble. Popolésco, adj. popular, popu» `

Ponta, v. Punta. Obs.
Pontáre, to push, to thrust, to
shove.-Pontare i piedi al muro,
to be obstinate.

Ponte, s. m. a bridge.--Al ne-
mico che fugge il ponte d'oro,
make a bridge to the enemy
that flies away.- -Ponte levato-
jo, a draw-bridge.-Ponte, a
scaffo.d.-Tenere in ponte, to
keep one in suspence.-Far
passare uno sotto un ponte di
legno, to beat or bang one-
Ponte Sisto, the name of a
bridge at Rome-Viso di ponte
sisto, a brazen face.
Pontefice, s. m. pontiff, the

hilt of a sword, or of the saddle bow.-Pomo salvatico, a crab.-Fomo d' Adamo, Adam's bit, pomum Adami, so called by an opinion, that a piece of the forbidden apple stuck in his throat.-Pomo cotogno, a quince. Pomo granato, pomegranate.--Pomo,a mond, or a mound, an imperial ensign of a golden globe worn by emperors and kings.Pomo, pl. f. the breasts of young girls. Poetical. Pomóso, v. Pomifero. Pompa, s. f. pomp state or grandeur,pageantry-Pompa, ambition, ostentation, shew. Pompa, pride, haughtiness. -Montare in pompu, to grow proud.-Pompa, pomp, vanity of worldly things. Pompeggiare, to brag or boast, 'óntico, adj. sharp, tart. to vaunt, to live pompously, Pontificá e, adj. pontifical, beto flaunt it. longing to a high-priest,pope, Pompeggiarsi, to set off, to set or great prelate. out, to deck, to adorn, to Pontificalmente, adv. in a pontrim, to embellish one's self. tifical manner, pontifically. Pomposamente, adv. pompous-Pontificáto, s. m. pontificate, ly, magnificently, stately. popedom. Pomposità,s.f.pomp,grandeur, Pontificio, v. Pontificale.


Pompóso, adj. pompous, state-
ly, glorious, magnificent,
Ponderáre, to ponder, to poise,
to weigh.-Ponderare,to coun-
terpoise, to balance, to coun-
terbalance, to countervail.
Ponderare, to ponder, to weigh
in the mind, to consider at-

Ponticello, s. m. a little bridge.
Ponticitá, s. f. sharpness, tart-

ness. Obs.

Pontonájo, s. m. a bridge-
keeper. Obs.
Ponzamento, s. m. the act of
straining and making efforts
in laying in."


Popolézza, s. f. ignobility,
baseness of birth.
Popolino, s. m. the name of

an ancient coin of silver.

Popolo, s. m. people, a great number of people, the whole body of persons who live in a country.

Popolo, the common people.

Reggersi a popolo, to have a popular or democratical government. Far popow, to govern one's self in a popular or tumultuous way.- Popolo, parishioners.-A popol pazzo prete spiralalo, to a rogue, a rogue and a half.-A piea popolo, publicly, before a great many people.-Popolo, the common people--Fr popolo, to raise people, to recruit-Popolo, poplar-tree. Popoloso, adj. populous, peopled, full of people. Poponcino, s. m. a little melon.

Popóne, s. m. melon.
Poppa, s. f. breast, a woman's
breast.--Poppa, breast, pap,
teat.-Puppa, poop, the stern.
Poppaccia, s. f. a contemptu-
ous augmentative of Poppa.
Poppánie, adj. sucking.-Pun
bino poppante, a sucking child.

Ponzáre, to strain or force
one's self, as a woman in la-Poppare, to suck.


Popillo, &. Pupillo. Obs.
Popói, adv. at last, at the

Ponderazione, s. f. ponderosity, Popo!áccio, s. m. the common ponderousness, weightiness, people, the mob, the popuheaviness.


Popoláno, adj.

popular, in

among the people.-Popolino, s. m. a parishioner. Popoláno, adj common, mean, low. Popo áre, to people, to stock with people.

Ponderoso, adj. ponderous
weighty, substantia', massy.
Pondi, s. m. pl. a b oody flux.
Pondo, s. m. pondus, a load,
poise, or weight.--Po do, a
pound weight. Questo è un
affure di gran pondo, this is an
affair of great consequence. Popolarescaménto, adv. popu-
Ponente, s. m. the west.-Po- larly, mean'y, common y.
nénie, the west wind.-b-Popo'arésco, adj, popular.
nente garbino, the south-west Popolarità, s. f. popularity.
wind. Ponente libectio, the Popolarmente, adv. popularly,
west-and-by-south wind.- commonly.

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Poppatéjo, s. m. an instrument
to suck the milk out of a
woman's breast when the
nipple is too short.
Poppatore, he that sucks.
Poppellina, s. f. a little breast.
Poppése, s. f, the shrouds that
belong to the poop of a ship.
Porca, s. f. a sow.- -Porca, a
nasty slut, an impudent jade.
-Porca, a ridge of land lying
between two furrows where
on the corn grows, a balk of


Popolatore, he that peoples.
Popolatrice, feminine of Po-
po atore.

Ponente moestro, the north-Popoláto, adj. peopled, full of
west wind.-Ponente tramon-
tana, the north-west wind.
Ponere, v. Porre.
Poniménto, s. m. a putting-
Fonimento del sole, the sun-set-

Popolazione, s. f. population.
Popolazzo, s. m. the populace,

Porcáccio, s. m. a contemptu-
ous augmentative of Porco.
Porcajo, a swine-herd.
Porcaro, S

Porcastro, s. m. a shot or shote,
a young pig or young porker.
Porcella, s. i. a young sow.
Porcellana, s. f. porcelane, the
earth of which china is made.

-Porcellána, china, taina ware-Porcellana, purs.ain. -Porcellana, the sea snal or Venus shell, the purple fish.

Porcellétta, s. f. a little or
young sow.
Porcelletto, s. m. a little boar

pig, a jacky-pig.
Porcelino, s. m. a shot or
shoce, a young pig --Porcelli
no, the cliceship or sow, an

state of being porous or full!
of holes.

Poroso, adj. porous, full of

Pórpora, s. f. purple-Forpo-
ra,purple cloth.-'orpora, pur-
ple, the dignity of a cardinal. |
Porporáto, adj. clad in pur-

Porporeggiare, to incline to
the purple colour.uesto
fiore porporeggia, this flower
inclines to, or is like purple.
Porporino, adj. a purple co-

Pérporo, s. m. t. Pórpora.

Porcello, s. m. a young porker, ple.
a shote or shot.
Porcellotto, s. m. a little boar
pig, a jacky-pig.
Porchericcio, adj. swiny, be-
longing to swine.
Porchería, s. f. nastiness, fil-
thiness, nasty thing.
Porchetto, s. m. a pig, a small
Porcile, s. m. stye, a hog-stye.
-Porcile, a nasty, lewd place,
a bawdy-house.
Porcino, adj. of or belonging
to a swine.-Carne porema,
hog's flesh.- Porco, a kind
of mushroom about the roots
of oaks.

Porco, s. m. a hog, a swine.-
Pureo, pork, or pork flesh. -
Parco spinoso, a porcupine.-
Aspettare & porco alla quercin, to
wait or watch the opportu-
nity-Porco, a kind of fish.
-Fare l'occhio del porco, to cast
a sheep's eye to one.Porro,
na-ty, dirty, sloven.-Torco,
nasty beast.

Porcóne, s. m. a large hog
Metaph. a nasty fellow.
Ferndo, s. m. porphyry, a kind
of fine reddish marble spotted

with white.
Porgénte, adj. giving, afford.
ing, reaching.
Porgere, to Gifer, to proffer,
to give, to allord, to reach,
to present. Porger ajuto a
qualcheduno, to assist or give
hep to one-Pagere ardine,

to embolden or make bold. -borger preghi, to pray, to besecch.-Parser orecchi, to hearken, to give ear.-Porger gh ecom, to fix one's eyes upon, to look attentively.— Parser le mani, to stretch out one's hands, to lend one's hands. Per temi quel cap le, reach me that hat.-La. cove non è così come la porgono, the thing is not as they represent it to be. Portimento, s. m. the act of reading or giving a thing

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Porráceo, adj. of or like leek
blades, green, greenish.
Porráta, s. f. a leek-soup or

Porre, to put, to lay down,
to set, to place--Porsi
a selere, to sit down.---
Porsi a letto, to go to bed
Porsi in camino, to set out for
a journey-Porre a campo, to
encamp.-Porre ognati, to lay
ambushes.-Porre a cimento,
to put to a trial, to pose, to
hazard.-Porze amore, to set-
tle love upon, to place one's
affection upon.-Forreamerte,
to put to death.-Porre a pe-
ricolo, to endanger, to exi ose,
to put in danger.Torre a
17, to unhorse, to set on foot.
-Pore a ruba, to plunder.
Pure a sbaraglia, to put to
out.--Porre assedio, to be-
siege, to lay siege unto-1
Pure avanti, to set before-
Forre boca, to meddle with.

-Porre le mani add sa aduna, to lay hanus upca onePorre le mani ad or cosa, to meddle with every thing. Furre mente, to set one's mind upen, to mind.-Porre caro, to conceive hatred against.— Purre ordne, to prepare, to set in order.-Purfe orerch'n, to listen to.-Fone, to prescribe, to assign-torre, to land.-Porre, to meddle, to keep company with--lo non mi pono con tali gent, I will have nothing to do with such people.--Porre, to suppose, or grant, to take for granted, to put the case.-Pomum che sia così, put the case that it is so.-Torre, to resolve, to determine, to come to a resolution. Porre, to constitute, to appoint, to establish. -Torre, to impose, to command, to lay, to charge, to injoin, to bid.-Förre silenzio, to command silence.-Porsi con uliri, to go to service. Por mano, to set one's hands upon a thing, to begin it.Forre a bocce, to speak of somebody. For mano ad una botte, to tap a barrel or a pipe.

Porre a seme, to fit land for sowingForre al sole, to ruin, to demolish, to destroy.

-Por la chiocera, to set a hen to brood.

Porrétta, s. f.) a leek. ObsoPorrina, Slete both. Perro, s. m. á leek -Dare un porro ad uno, to put a jest upon one, to laugh at him.Fortar perri a legčaju, to carry water to the sea.-Predicare a' forri, to speak to a wallMangiare il poro dalla coda, to begin by the tail-forro, a

Porre cnione ad uro, to
blame, to charge or tax a
man with any thing.- —Pur]
cura, to take care of.-Porre
da conto, to lay aside.-rre
bulio, to apply one's self, to!
set one's thoughts apon.
Por fine, to make an end.
Por go, lay down.-Torre
in barlo, to banish.—Porr: in_porter.
campo, to lay forth, to repre-
sent, or propose.--Porre in
curla, to set down in writing.
-Pore in figura, to dispose




wart, a little hard knob on the skin. Porta, s. f. a gate, portal.Porta, a door.-Forta, s. m. a

Portabile, adj. portable, that may be borne or carried.-Portable, tolerable.

Portacappe, s. m. v. Portamant in order. Porre in me, telle. Obs. Disk, to pant. Porre, Portatiáschi, s. m. Lamper, or 95, to forget.-Torre in hanaper.

jeuro, to by up safe.-Low! Portamantéilo, s. m. portmanin sore, to establish-Porrenteau. reusita, to set to sale.-- Porre in volta, to put torout.-Form lege, to impose a law. Porosita, s. f. porosity, the Terre la Ota, to lay cue's lite.

to one.

Pors. m. pore.

Portamento, s. m. bearing, carrying, bringing, wearing.

-Portamento, gait, presence, look, mien, manner of going,

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