صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

carriage-Portamento, behaviour, demeanour, comportment, carriage. Portamórso, s. m. the rein of a bridle. Portante, s. m. an amphibious fish found in the Nile; a kind of hippopotamus. Portante, adj. carrying, bearing, bringing, wearing.Cavallo portante, an ambling horse.-Andar di portante, to amble.

creature's young production,
fruit.- Portato, s. m. beha.
viour.-Ad un portato, at one
brood.-Portáto, adj. carried.
Portatóre, porter, a carrier,
bearer.-Portatore, a bearer,
a patient man.
Portatrice, fem. of Portatore.
Portatúra, s. f. a burden.-Por-
tatúra, clothes, apparel, fash-
ion, mode.---Fortatura, be-
haviour, carriage, way of
proceeding.Fortutúra, a
product, a child.
Portavénto, a wind-pipe.
Portélla, s. f. a little gate or
door, postern-door, a wick-

Stare a posa, to be quiet.-Senza alcuna posa, without intermission. Posamento, s. m. ? Posánza, s. f. rest, quiet. Posáre, to lay, put or set down. -Fosare, to rest, to get rest. -Posáre, to rest, to stop, to take breath.-l'osare, to discontinue, to give over. Posáta, s. f. rest, quiet, ease.— Posata, a knife, fork, and spoon. Posataménte, adv. softly, gently, easily, leisurely, without haste. Posatezza, s. f. tranquillity, mildness, quiet, repose.-Posalo, adj. laid, put or set down, rested, discontinued.-Posito, sober, stayed, grave. Posatojo, s. m. a set, a restingadj. portent-place, a stick in a cage, where ous, monstrous, prodigious, the bird rests itself. strange, betokening some Posatúra, s. f. dregs, settling. future good or ill luck. Posca, s. f. a liquor made with Portévole, adj. tolerable. water and vinegar. Porticáto, s. m. a porch. Póscia, adv. after, then, afterPorticciuóla, a little gate or wards. Porticella, door. Pórtico, s. m. portico, a walking place with pillars, a piaz


Porténto, s. m. a prodigy, a
monstrous strange thing, a
sign of some good or ill



Portiéra, s. f. a piece of tapes-
try or any other sort of silk,
hung before a door.-Portie-
ra di carrozza, the door of a

Portiére, s. m. porter, a door-

Portáre, to carry, to bring, to
wear.-Portare, to bear, to
breed, to go with child or
with young.-Portáre, to bear,
to bring forth, to yield, or
produce-Portare, to hold, to
keep.-Portare, to wear.-
Portar parrucca, to wear a wig.
-Portare, to signify.--Che
porta a me, what is that to me.
-Portare, to bear, to suffer,
to endure, or abide.-Portare
affezione, odio, speranza, amore,
to conceive friendship, ha-
tred, hope, love.-lo porto
opinione che non verrà, I am of
opinion that he will not come.
-Portar pena, to suffer for.-
-Portar in palma di mano, to
esteem, to value, to make
much of.-Portar pericolo, to
run in danger.-Portare, to
lead, to guide.-Portare in
pace, to bear patiently.-Pur-
tar la fede in grembo, to be apt
to break one's faith or word.
-Portar ben la voce, to sing
well.-Portar il basto, to be
the drudge.-Portare in collo,
to carry upon one's back.
Portar credenza, to believe.-
Portar, to bear.-Questo vino
non porta acqua, this wine bears
no water.-Portare, to have.
-Portar di peso, to carry any
thing by one's self, at once.
-Porta la fama, it is said, it
is whispered about.-Portare,
to allege.
Portársi, to carry or behave
one's self.
Portáta, s. f. import, value.-Portolano, s. m. a book where
Portáta, the brood or litter of harbours or ports are de-
a beast. -Portáta, service,
course of dishes.---Portáta,
reach, ability, capacity.-
Un uomo di portata, a man of
great capacity or learning.
Portátile, adj. portative, por-
table, that may be carried
from place to place.
Portáto, s. m. that which is
brought forth, a child, any

Portinájo, s. m. an usher, a
Portiniero, Sporter, a

Porto, s. m. haven, a port,
harbour.-Venire a porto, to
come into harbour, to land.
-Condursi a buon porto, o mal
porto, come to a good or bad
end.-Porto, any place of
shelter.-Porto di lettera, post-

Porto, adj. given, presented.
Portoláno, s. m. a porter, a

Posciachè, adv. since, since that.

Poscrái, adv. the day after to-
morrow, to-morrow next.

Posdománe, adv. the day af-
Posdománi, Ster to-mor


Positivamente, adv. positively,
certainly, assuredly.
Positivo, adj. positive.-Leggi
positive, positive laws, that are
neither divine nor natural,
but can be altered.-Positivo,
s. m. the positive, or positive

Positúra, s. f. posture, situa-
tion, disposition.
Posizióne, s. f. position, maxim,
assertion, proposal, proposi

Poso, s. m. pause, rest, quiet.
Pósola, s. f. the crupper of a

Posolatúra, s. f.
Posoliéra, s. f.
Posolino, s. m.



Portolátto, s. m. the first row-
er in a ship or boat.
Portuláno, s. m. v. Portolanc.
Porzioncélla, s. f. a small por-
tion or share.
Porzióne, s. f. portion, share,

Posa, s. f. rest, quiet, pause,
peace.-Far posa, to rest.-

a crupper.

Pospórre, to postpone, to set
behind, to make less account,
to leave or neglect.--Pos-
pósto, adj. postponed, ne-
Possa, s. f. puissance, power,
Possánza, S might, force,
Possedere, to possess, to have,
to enjoy, to be master of.-

Possedere una lingua bene, to be master of a language. Possedimento, s. m. possession, enjoyment.

Posseditóre, possessor, master. Posseditrice, mistress, she that possesses. Possedito, adj. possessed.

packet bolt-Posta, póst.
Fosta, post-house, post-office.
Avviarsi per le poste, to be
going, to be in full gallop for
the other world.-Di pesta,
adv. at once. posta, d bel
la pesta, adv. on purpose, pur-
posely.-Da sua po fa, of Cne's

Possente, adj. powerful, puis-own accord. Ogni uno da sua
sant, mighty, potent, strong, posta, every one by himself.
Postéma, s. f. an imposthume
Possenteménte, adv. puissant- an abscess.-Postéma, a purse
ly, mightily, powerfully.
full of money.
Possessioncella, s. f. a little Postemáto, adj. imposthumed,
grown into an imposthume.
Possessióne, s. f. possession, the Postemazione, s. f. imposthu-
possessing or absolute enjoy- _mation, an imposthume.
ment of any thing.--Pos es- Postemóso, adj. full of impost-
sione, possession, lands, an in-_humnes, imposthumated.
heritance, an estate, a farm.
Possessivo, adj. possessive.-
Pronome possessivo, a possessive

Posto, s. m. post, station, standing-Posto, post, station, place, employment. -Foto, adj. put, set,

Posto che, adv. suppose that,

Posto il caso, supposed.
Posto ciò, this being granted,
or supposed.
Postrémo, adj. last.
Postribolo, s. m." 2 a brothel,
Postribulo, Sor bawdy


Possesso, s. m. possession.
Possessore, possessor.
Possessório, adj. pertaining to
a possession.
Possévole, adj. possible. Obs.
Possibile, adj. possible, likely,
that may be done, or may
be-Farò il possibile per servir-
vi, I'll do whatever lies in my
power to serve you.
Possibilità, s. f.)
Possibilitáde, possibility,


Postergare, to cast or throw
behind one's shoulders or
back-Postergáre, to despise,
to contemn, to neglect, to
cast behind.
Postergato, adj. cast or thrown
behind one's shoulders or
back, despised, contemned,

Póstumo, adj. posthumous,
born after the death of the
father. Fóstumo, published
after the death of the author.
Postúra, s. f. posture, situa-
tion, state of affairs.-Postura,
a secret complot, a fraudu
lent convention.
Postútto, er. Al postutto, adv.
in all, quite, entirely.
Potábile, adj. potable, drink-
able, that may be drunk.
Potagióne, s. f. 2 a pruning
Potaménto, s. m. S or lop-
ping of trees.
Potare, to prune, to lop, to
dress vines.-Fotáre, to cut,
Posteriore, s. m. posteriors, to cut off-Potato, adj. prun-
the part on which we sit.ed, lopped, cut.
Posterire, adj. posterior, that
comes after, latter.
Posterità, s. f. posterity, off-
spring, issue, children.
Postíccia, s. f. fights, the waste
cloths which hang round
about a ship in a fight, to
hinder the men from being
seen by the enemy.

Pósteri, s. m. pl. successors,
posterity, those that succeed


Posta, s. f. posture, situation.
-Posta, planting, or setting.
-Posta, place, station, post
Stare alla posta, to lay in
ambuscade.--Posta, will, plea-
sure.--E in vostra posta di res-
ture o partire, you are at liber-Posticcio, s. m. a nursery of
ty either to stay or to go- young trees-Vino di posticcio,
Fate a vostra posta, do as you a thin wine.-Fostictio, adj.
please. Posta, a rendezvous, borrowed, false. Capelli pos-
assignation, appointment, a ticei, faise hair.-Denti postic
meeting, or meeting-place. ci, set teeth, false teeth.
--Darsi la posia, to make an Postiere, post-master, one that
assignation, to give one a keeps post-horses.--Postieri,
rendezvous-Posta, request, adv. before yesterday. Obs.
instance, entreaty, solicita Postiērla, s. f. postern, a back-
tion.-Fosta, footstep, track, door. Obs.
print of the foot, footing. Postiglione, s. m. postillion.
-Pusta, occasion, opportu-Postilla, s. f. the image that a
nity. Posta, an imposthume, man sees of himself in the
or abscess.Posta, watch, water or looking-glass, or
scout, centinel.-Far la posta any other transparent body.
bd uno, to guard one, to be Obs-Postilla, postil, or short
centinel for one, to watch for note or explication of any
one-Pota, a stake.-Ris book.
bendere alla posta, v. Rispon-Postillare, to make postils or
derc.-Posta, post stage.-Ca-
valli di posta, post-horses.-
Andar per le poste, to ride or
go post.—Naviglio di posta, a

notes upon any book--Pos-
tillato, adj. that has notes or
Postióne, s. m. the back parts,

Potatojo, s. f. a pruner, a

Potatóre, a lopper, a pruner
of trees, a vine-dresser.
Potatúra, s. f. pruning or lop-
ping.Potatúra, twigs or
sprays of trees, branches of
vine cut off.
Potazióne, s. f. pruning or löp,

Potentáto, a potentate, a sove-
reign prince, one that has
great power and authority.
Poténte, adj. potent, power-
ful, mighty.
Potentemente, adv. potently,

Potenza, s. f. potency, power,
might, force, strength.-lo-
tenza, potentiality, potential-
ness, the power of acting
any thing.
Potenziále, adj. potential, hav-
ing a power or possibility of
acting or being-Modo poten
ziale, the potential mood, a
mood in grammar signifying
possibility, or probability.
Potenzialmente, adv. poten-
tially-Fotenzialmente, power-

Potenziato, adj. that has
potential virtue.

dinner. Prándio, s. m. Pránzo,

a dinner.

Pranzáre. to dine. Prasma, s. f. a kind of precious stone of a green colour, which placed near poison will glitter with sparkles like


Prássine, v. Prassio.
Prassino, adj. of a leek-co-


Prassio, o Prássine, s. m. horehound, an herb so called. Pratajuólo, adj. belonging to a field.-Fungo prutujolo, a kind of mushroom.-Gallina pratojuola, a wild hen. Pratello, s. m. a little meadow.


in pl. prati, s. m. anciently prata, o pratora, s. f. Pratolíno, s. m. a kind of mushroom.

Pravaménte, adv. wickedly, lewdly, shrewdly. Pravità, s. f. pravity, corruption of manners, lewdness, wickedness, perversity. Pravo, adj. wicked, lewd, corrupt, depraved, naughty. Prè, s. m. priest. Obs. Preambolåre, to make a preamble, to preface or prologue.

Preámbolo, s. m. preamble, Preámbulo, S preface. Prebénda, s. f. prebend.Prebenda, provision.--Prebénda, that measure of cats which is given to a horse at


Prece, s. f. a prayer, or entreaty.

Precedente, adj. precedent, foregoing, former. Precedenza, s. f. precedence, precedency, the first place. Dar la precedenza ad uno, to give one the precedency. Precédere, to precede, to go first or before.-Precedere, to excel, or surpass. Precessére, ancestor, or forefather.-Processore, predeces sor, he that was before in the place.

Pratería, s. f. meadows, fields. Prática, s. f. practice, usage, custom, way-Prática, prac- Prebendatico, s. m. prebend. tice, use, experience. Prá- Prebendato, adj. that has a tica, converse, intercourse, prebend. familiarity, conversation. Precauzione, s. f. precau Prática, practice, or practi- tion. cal part.--Pratica, practice, intrigue, device, plot, design. -Far pratiche, to carry on secret or clandestine designs. - vostre pratiche mi son molto ben conosciute, I am not ignorant of all your designs.Far a practica, tirar de practica, to act or deal freely Entrar di pratica, to go in freely. Far le pratiche, to lay secret designs, to contrive, to devise, to plot.-Prática, affair, business, matter, design. Scoprire la pratica, to discover one's designs.—Porre in prati-Precottare, to send summons, ca, to put in practice.-P-to subpæna. A law term. gliar pratica, to have access to Precettivo, adj. that contains precepts or rules. Praticabile, adj. practicable.-Precétta, s. m. precept, comPraticabile, easy to be done, feasible. Praticamente, adv. practically, in practice. Praticáre, to practise, to exercise or put into practice.Praticare, to treat, to consult, to manage or handle. Fraticare, to frequent, to converse, to keep company with. Praticáto, adj. practised. Praticello, s.m. a little meadow. Pratichezza, s. f. practice, use, experience.


Potere, to be able, to have a
power to do. Può essere, it
may be.--Non posso, I cannot,
I can't. Voi avete potuto udire,
you might have heard per-
haps.-Uno non può amar sem-
pre la meilema cosa, one can't
love always the same thing.
-Io non la posso con voi,
can't withstand you.-
non può avere quel che vuole, »
abbia quel che può, who can't
have what he would, must
have what he can.
Potére, s. m. power, authori-
ty, might. Potére, posses-
sion, keeping.
Potére, power, interest, credit.
Potestà, s. f. authoritative

Potestà, s. m. v. Podestà.
Potestáti, s. m. pl. a hierarchy
of angels.
Potíssimo, adj. chief, princi-
pal, only, sole, singular.
Poto, s. m. drink. Obs.


Poveraccia, s. f. }


a poor mi-

Poveráglia, s. f. poor people.
Poveramente, adv. poorly,mi-
serably, meanly.
Poveréllo, s. m. a poor per-
Poverella, s. f. son, a beg-
Poverettamente, adv. poorly,

Poverétto, s. m. a poor man
Poverétta, s. f.or woman.
Poverézza, s. f. poverty.
Poverino, s. m.? a poor man
Poverina, s. f. S or woman.
Povero, adj. poor, needy,
wanting. -Povero in canna,
very poor.- -Terra_povera,
barren ground.-Uomo di
povero cuore, a vile man,
a coward, a man of mean

Povertà, s. f. poverty, need,


Pozióne, s. f. potion.
Pozza, s. f. a plash, a slough
full of standing water.
Pozzánghera, . Pozza.
Pozzetta, s. f. dimple, or hol-
low pit in the cheek.
Pózzo, s. m. a well.-Mostrar
la luna nel pozzo, to make one
believe that the moon is
made of green cheese.
Pozzolána, s. f. a kind of sand
used in building.
Prammática, s. f. a pragmati-

cal law, act or sanction. Frándere, to dine, to eat at

any part.

Prático, adj. practised, skilful,
expert, experienced.
Praticóne, s. m. a man of great

Prato, s. m. meadows, fields;|



Precettore, preceptor, tutor,
master, instructor.
Precidere, to cut, to cut off,
to shorten.
Precinto, precinct, compass,
circumference, inclosure.
Precipitamento, s. m. precipi-
tation, ruin.
Precipitante, adj. that preci-
pitates or casts down head-

Precipitánza, 3. f. precipita-
tion, ruin.
Precipitáre, to precipitate, to
throw, to cast down head.
long.-Precipitare, to precipi-
tate, to hurry, to overhasten,
to do in haste.--Frecipitare

Darsi in preda al vizio, to give one's self up to vice.---Dare in preda, to expose, to sacrifice, to deliver up, to give. Predamento, s. m. a preying or pillaging.

g indugi, to hasten, to preci-Preda, s. f. prey, booty, spoil,
pitate, to hurry, to do in pillage, plunder.Darsi in
haste.-Pre ipitarsi, to preci- preda, to addict one's self, to
pitate, or fall headlong down. give or abandon one's self
-Precipitare, to incite, to over.-Darsi in preda al dolore,
spur on, to egg, to stir up. to abandon one's self to grief.
Precipitaménte, adv. with pre-
cipitation, hastily, in haste,
rashly.--Frecipitato, adj. pre-
cipitated, thrown or fallen
headlong into a precipice.
Prec pilato, s. m. precipitate.
Precipitazione, s. f. precipi-
tation, fall, ruin.--Precipita-
zióne, precipitation, too great
haste, rashness.
Precipite, adj. ruinous.
Precipitosamente, adv. with
precipitation, hastily,in haste,
Precipitóso, adj. precipitous,
overhasty,inconsiderate, rash.
Precipiziáre, v. Precipitare.
Precipízio, s. m. a precipice,
a steep, a down-place-Man-
dare in precipizio, to dissipate,
to waste, to ruin, to destroy.
Precipuaménte, adv. princi-
pally, particularly, chiefly,
above all.
Precípuo, adj. chief, principal.
Precisamente, adv. precisely,
succinctly, exactly, determi-
nately, in a few words.
Precisióne, s. f. distinction, pre-

Preciso, adj. precise, concise,
exact, determinate, short.--
Preciso, adv. precisely, exact-
ly, concisely, shortly.
Preclaraménte, adv. excellent-
ly, nobly, bravely.
Preclaro, adj. excellent, sin-
gular, noble, renowned, fa-
mous, brave, gallant.
Preco, s. m. prayer, entreaty,

Precónio, s. m. the publishing
or proclaiming of any thing,
proclamation, manifestation.
Preconizzare, to precognize,
to make a report in the pope's
consistory, that the person
presented to a benefice is
qualified for the same.
Preconoscenza, s. f. foreknow-
Preconescere, to know before-
hand, to foreknow.
Precorrente, adj. forerunning.
Precórrere, to forerun, to go
before, to over-run.-Frecór-¦
rere, to prevent.
Precursore, a forerunner, a
precursor, a messenger sent

dicant friars, or the Dominican friars.

Predicánza, s. f. a sermon. Predicáre, to preach-Predi cáre, to entreat, or beseech.

Predicáre, to preach, to cry up, to praise or extol.-Predicare a' porri, talk to a piece of wood.- --Predicáto, adj. preached, entreated, praised or extolled.-Predicáto, s. m. predicate, the latter part of a logical proposition. Predicatóre, a preacher.-Frati predicatori, the predicant friars, or Dominican friars. Predicatoréllo, an ignorant, silly preacher. Predicatrice, she that preaches, declares or makes known. Predicazione, a preaching, a

Predáre, to prey, to rob, to
forage, to spoil, to prowl, to
pillage, to pill.-Predáto, adj.
pillaged, robbed, preyed.
Predatore, a robber, a pillager,
a plunderer.
Predatrice, s. f. she that robs
or seeketh for prey.
Predecessore, predecessor.
Predélla, s. f. a stool, a foot-
stool. -Poner mano alla pre- Predicere, v. Predire. Obs.
della, to make one's self master Prediciménto, s. m. a predic-
of an estate.Fredél, the, tion, a foretelling things to
reins of a bridle.-Fredella,
a send or range for barrels
in a cellar.-Predella, a close-

Predellíno, s. m. a little stool
or foot-stool.
Predellóne, s. m. a large or
high stool, a foot-stool.
Predestináre, to predestinate.
—Predestináre, to determine,
to resolve, to deliberate, to
destine, to appoint.-Predes-
tinato, adj. predestinated, re-
solved, determined, destined.
Predestinazione, s. f. predes
Predestino, s. m. Stina-


Fredétto, adj. foresaid, fore-
mentioned, foretold, appoint-



Prédica, s. f. a sermon.---
gliare il luogo alla predica, to
prevent.-indare alla predica,
to go to the sermon.
Predicabile, s. m. predicable,
a common word or term which
may be attributed to more
than one thing.
Predicamento, s. m. a preach-
ing, a sermon.-Fredicamento,
prediction, a foretelling.
Predicamento, one of the ten
predicaments in logic, viz.
substance, accident, quantity,
relation, action, passion, the
situation of bodies as to the
place, their duration as to the
time, and their habit or ex-
ternal appearance.
Predicante, a predicant, an
orator.-Frali predicanti, pre-



Predire, to predict, to foretell
things to come.
Predizione, s. f. prediction, a
for e-telling things to come.
Predominante, adj. predomi-
nant, over-ruling, fore-sway-

Predominare, to predominate,
to over-rule, to bear chief
sway or rule.
Predomináto, adj. predominat-
ed, over-ruled.
Predomínio, s. m. predomi
nancy, superiority, domi-
nion, lordship.
Predóne, a robber, a plunderer,
a pillager.

Preeleggere, to choose before.
Preelezione, s. f. pre-election, a
choosing before-hand.
Prefáto, adj. mentioned, fore-
spoken, foresaid.
Prefazio, s. m. preface, a
Prefazióne, s. f. speech pre-
paratory to a discourse or


Prefénda, s. f. v. Prebenda.
Preferénza, s. f. preference, a
choice made of a person or
thing before another.
Preferiménto, s. m. preferment,

Preferire, to prefer, to make
more account of, to esteem,
or set more by.-Preferito,
adj. preferred.
Prefetto, s. m. prefect, a ma-
gistrate among the Romans.
Prefettúra, s. f. prefecture.


Prefiggere, to fix, to limit, to pregiudicativo, prejudicial, to appoint, to limitate. -Prefisso, adj. prefixed, fixed, determined, limited. Pregagióne, s. f. praying, craving, beseeching. Obs.Stare in pregagione, to pray, to beseech.

Pregante, adj. praying, besecching. Pregare, to pray, to beseech, to entreat or beg, to desire. Pregare, to wish.-Vi prego tutte le felicità che desiderate, I wish you all the happiness you can desire. Vi prego ogni bene, I wish you well. Pregaría, v. Pregheria. Pregáto, adj. prayed, beseeched, entreated, desired. Pregatore, a beseecher, a demander, a desirer, a requester. a beggar. Pregévole, adj. of worth, worthy, deserving worth, valuable.

hurtful. Pregiudício, prejudice, Pregiudizio, s. m. ( damage, hurt, harm, detriment, loss. Pregnante, adj. pregnant, being big with child. Pregnézza, s. f. pregnancy, the state of being prégnant or big with child. Pregno, adj. pregnant, big with child.- -Far pregna, to get a woman with child.Pregno, pregnant, full as a bud, seed, or kernel which is ready to sprout.-Aere pregno, a cloudy air.-Io son pregno del suo discorso, I am tired with his discourse.-Occhi pregni di lagrime, eyes full of tears.-La mia mente è pregna di diversi pensieri, my head is full of different thoughts. Prego, s. m. prayer, entreaty, request. Muoviti a' preghi miei, hearken to my prayers. Pregustáre, to taste before. Preláto, s. f. a prelate, a dignified clergyman, a cardinal, bishop, abbot, and the like.

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preme hill, I should wrong myself, and perhaps too, which concerns me most.--Che ciò non vi prema, don't trouble yourself about it. Preméssa, s. f. premise, one of the two first propositions of a syllogism.--Premesso, adj. preferred, sent, or set before. Preméttere, to prefer, to value,

to esteem more.

Premiáre, to remunerate, to recompense, to reward, to make amends, to make up. Premiativo, adj. remunerating, rewarding.. -Premiáto, adj. remunerated, recompensed, rewarded.

Premiatóre, a rewarder, a recompenser. Premiatríce, feminine of 'Premiatore.

Preminénte, adj. pre-eminent, superior.

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Preminenza, s. f. pre-eminence, advantage, preroga tive. Prémio, s. m. guerdon, recompense, reward. Premitúra, s. f. a pressing or squeezing.

Preghería, s. f. a prayer, a request, a desire or entreaty. Preghevole, adj. entreating, suppliant, submissive, hum


Preghiera, s. f.

Preghiero, s. m. Obs.prayer, a supplication.--Preghiera, prayer, entreaty, request, humble suit, desire, petition. Pregiábile, v. Pregevole. Pregiáre, to prize, to value, to esteem.-Pregiare, to estimate, to value, to prize, to rate.— Pregiársi, to boast, to brag, to glory, to pretend to a thing. -Pregiato, adj. prized, valued, esteemed, estimated. Pregiatore, s. m. he that va


Pregiatrice, feminine of Pregia


Prégio, s. m. price, value, esteem, worth, rate.-Tenere in preggio, to prize, to esteem, to value. Pregio, value, price, worth, rate.--Diamante di gran pregio, a diamond of great value.-Vendere a pregio convenevole, to sell at a reasonable


Pregióne, v. Prigione. Obs.
Pregióso, adj. precious, much
esteemed or valued.
Pregiudicante, adj. prejudicial,
Pregiudicare, to prejudice, or
be prejudicial to, to be hurt-
ful or offensive.

Prelatúra, s. f. prelature, pre-
lateship, state or dignity of a
prelate.—Entrare in prelatura,
to commence a prelate.
Prelazione, s. f. prelacy, pre-
lature, prelateship.
Prelibáre, to taste.--Preli-
báre, to treat, to mention,
to touch upon.-Prelibáto, adj.
tasted, mentioned.-Prelibáto,
choice, excellent, exquisite,
rare, singular, special.
Prelimináre, s. m. preliminary,
the first step in a negociation.
Prelúdio, s. m. prelude.
Premática, 'v. Prammatica.
Premeditáre, to premeditate,
to think upon, or contrive
before-hand, to design.-Pre-
meditáto, adj. premeditated,

Premeditazione, s. f. preme-
ditation, a thinking or con-
sidering of a thing before-

Preménte, adj. pressing, earnest.
Prémere, to press, to squeeze.
-Premere, to press, to crowd.
-Premere, to press, to tread
upon.--Prémere, to oppress,
to depress, to humble. Pre-
mere, to concern, or touch, to
import-Farei gran torto a me
medesimo, e forse a lei che mi

Premízia, v. Primizia. Obs.
Premoríre, to die before.
Premostráre, to foreshew, or
demonstrate.. - Premostráto,
adj. foreshewn, demonstrat-

Premúra, s. f. importance, consequence, moment, concernment, concern.-Questo è un negozio di gran premura, this is an affair of the last conse

Premurosamente, adv. ear-
nestly, vehemently.-Miprego
premurosamente che dovessi anda-
rio a vedere, he entreated me
earnestly to go and see him:
Premuróso, adj. important,ma-
terial, main, of great concern
or importance, of great con-
sequence. -Premuto, adj.
pressed, squeezed.
Prenarráre, to tell before-hand.
Prence, s. m. a prince, a hero.
A poetical word.
Prencéssa, fem. of Prence.

Préncipe, v. Príncipe, and all
its derivatives.
Préndere, to take, to lay hold
of.-Préndere, to seize, or
come upon. ———. La febbre mi
prende a quest' ora,
the fever
comes upon me at this hour.

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